Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.pollBugs
...98 ReproLevel: dashapi.ReproLevelSyz,99 })100 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)101 // After bug update should not get the report again.102 c.client.pollBugs(0)103 // Now close the bug in the first reporting.104 c.client.updateBug(rep.ID, dashapi.BugStatusUpstream, "")105 // Check that bug updates for the first reporting fail now.106 reply, _ = c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{ID: rep.ID, Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen})107 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, false)108 // Report another crash with syz repro for this bug,109 // ensure that we report the new crash in the next reporting.110 crash1.Report = []byte("report2")111 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)112 // Check that we get the report in the second reporting.113 rep2 := c.client.pollBug()114 c.expectNE(rep2.ID, "")115 c.expectNE(rep2.ID, rep.ID)116 want.Type = dashapi.ReportNew117 want.ID = rep2.ID118 want.Report = []byte("report2")119 want.LogLink = rep2.LogLink120 want.ReportLink = rep2.ReportLink121 want.CrashID = rep2.CrashID122 want.ReproSyzLink = rep2.ReproSyzLink123 want.ReproOpts = []byte("some opts")124 want.Link = fmt.Sprintf("", rep2.ID)125 want.CreditEmail = fmt.Sprintf("", rep2.ID)126 want.First = true127 want.Moderation = false128 want.Config = []byte(`{"Index":2}`)129 want.NumCrashes = 3130 c.expectEQ(want, rep2)131 // Check that that we can't upstream the bug in the final reporting.132 reply, _ = c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{133 ID: rep2.ID,134 Status: dashapi.BugStatusUpstream,135 })136 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, false)137}138func TestInvalidBug(t *testing.T) {139 c := NewCtx(t)140 defer c.Close()141 build := testBuild(1)142 c.client.UploadBuild(build)143 crash1 := testCrashWithRepro(build, 1)144 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)145 rep := c.client.pollBug()146 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, "title1")147 reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{148 ID: rep.ID,149 Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,150 ReproLevel: dashapi.ReproLevelC,151 })152 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)153 {154 closed, _ := c.client.ReportingPollClosed([]string{rep.ID, "foobar"})155 c.expectEQ(len(closed), 0)156 }157 // Mark the bug as invalid.158 c.client.updateBug(rep.ID, dashapi.BugStatusInvalid, "")159 {160 closed, _ := c.client.ReportingPollClosed([]string{rep.ID, "foobar"})161 c.expectEQ(len(closed), 1)162 c.expectEQ(closed[0], rep.ID)163 }164 // Now it should not be reported in either reporting.165 c.client.pollBugs(0)166 // Now a similar crash happens again.167 crash2 := &dashapi.Crash{168 BuildID: "build1",169 Title: "title1",170 Log: []byte("log2"),171 Report: []byte("report2"),172 ReproC: []byte("int main() { return 1; }"),173 }174 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)175 // Now it should be reported again.176 rep = c.client.pollBug()177 c.expectNE(rep.ID, "")178 _, dbCrash, dbBuild := c.loadBug(rep.ID)179 want := &dashapi.BugReport{180 Type: dashapi.ReportNew,181 BugStatus: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,182 Namespace: "test1",183 Config: []byte(`{"Index":1}`),184 ID: rep.ID,185 OS: targets.Linux,186 Arch: targets.AMD64,187 VMArch: targets.AMD64,188 First: true,189 Moderation: true,190 Title: "title1 (2)",191 Link: fmt.Sprintf("", rep.ID),192 CreditEmail: fmt.Sprintf("", rep.ID),193 BuildID: "build1",194 BuildTime: timeNow(c.ctx),195 CompilerID: "compiler1",196 KernelRepo: "repo1",197 KernelRepoAlias: "repo1 branch1",198 KernelBranch: "branch1",199 KernelCommit: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111",200 KernelCommitTitle: build.KernelCommitTitle,201 KernelCommitDate: buildCommitDate,202 KernelConfig: []byte("config1"),203 KernelConfigLink: externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig),204 SyzkallerCommit: "syzkaller_commit1",205 Log: []byte("log2"),206 LogLink: externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbCrash.Log),207 Report: []byte("report2"),208 ReportLink: externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashReport, dbCrash.Report),209 ReproC: []byte("int main() { return 1; }"),210 ReproCLink: externalLink(c.ctx, textReproC, dbCrash.ReproC),211 ReproOpts: []uint8{},212 CrashID: rep.CrashID,213 CrashTime: timeNow(c.ctx),214 NumCrashes: 1,215 HappenedOn: []string{"repo1 branch1"},216 }217 c.expectEQ(want, rep)218 c.client.ReportFailedRepro(testCrashID(crash1))219}220func TestReportingQuota(t *testing.T) {221 c := NewCtx(t)222 defer c.Close()223 build := testBuild(1)224 c.client.UploadBuild(build)225 const numReports = 8 // quota is 3 per day226 for i := 0; i < numReports; i++ {227 c.client.ReportCrash(testCrash(build, i))228 }229 for _, reports := range []int{3, 3, 2, 0, 0} {230 c.advanceTime(24 * time.Hour)231 c.client.pollBugs(reports)232 // Out of quota for today, so must get 0 reports.233 c.client.pollBugs(0)234 }235}236// Basic dup scenario: mark one bug as dup of another.237func TestReportingDup(t *testing.T) {238 c := NewCtx(t)239 defer c.Close()240 build := testBuild(1)241 c.client.UploadBuild(build)242 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)243 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)244 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)245 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)246 reports := c.client.pollBugs(2)247 rep1 := reports[0]248 rep2 := reports[1]249 // Dup.250 c.client.updateBug(rep2.ID, dashapi.BugStatusDup, rep1.ID)251 {252 // Both must be reported as open.253 closed, _ := c.client.ReportingPollClosed([]string{rep1.ID, rep2.ID})254 c.expectEQ(len(closed), 0)255 }256 // Undup.257 c.client.updateBug(rep2.ID, dashapi.BugStatusOpen, "")258 // Dup again.259 c.client.updateBug(rep2.ID, dashapi.BugStatusDup, rep1.ID)260 // Dup crash happens again, new bug must not be created.261 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)262 c.client.pollBugs(0)263 // Now close the original bug, and check that new bugs for dup are now created.264 c.client.updateBug(rep1.ID, dashapi.BugStatusInvalid, "")265 {266 // Now both must be reported as closed.267 closed, _ := c.client.ReportingPollClosed([]string{rep1.ID, rep2.ID})268 c.expectEQ(len(closed), 2)269 c.expectEQ(closed[0], rep1.ID)270 c.expectEQ(closed[1], rep2.ID)271 }272 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)273 rep3 := c.client.pollBug()274 c.expectEQ(rep3.Title, crash2.Title+" (2)")275 // Unduping after the canonical bugs was closed must not work276 // (we already created new bug for this report).277 reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{278 ID: rep2.ID,279 Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,280 })281 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, false)282}283// Dup bug onto a closed bug.284// A new crash report must create a new bug.285func TestReportingDupToClosed(t *testing.T) {286 c := NewCtx(t)287 defer c.Close()288 build := testBuild(1)289 c.client.UploadBuild(build)290 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)291 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)292 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)293 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)294 reports := c.client.pollBugs(2)295 c.client.updateBug(reports[0].ID, dashapi.BugStatusInvalid, "")296 c.client.updateBug(reports[1].ID, dashapi.BugStatusDup, reports[0].ID)297 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)298 rep2 := c.client.pollBug()299 c.expectEQ(rep2.Title, crash2.Title+" (2)")300}301// Test that marking dups across reporting levels is not permitted.302func TestReportingDupCrossReporting(t *testing.T) {303 c := NewCtx(t)304 defer c.Close()305 build := testBuild(1)306 c.client.UploadBuild(build)307 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)308 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)309 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)310 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)311 reports := c.client.pollBugs(2)312 rep1 := reports[0]313 rep2 := reports[1]314 // Upstream second bug.315 c.client.updateBug(rep2.ID, dashapi.BugStatusUpstream, "")316 rep3 := c.client.pollBug()317 {318 closed, _ := c.client.ReportingPollClosed([]string{rep1.ID, rep2.ID, rep3.ID})319 c.expectEQ(len(closed), 1)320 c.expectEQ(closed[0], rep2.ID)321 }322 // Duping must fail all ways.323 cmds := []*dashapi.BugUpdate{324 {ID: rep1.ID, DupOf: rep1.ID},325 {ID: rep1.ID, DupOf: rep2.ID},326 {ID: rep2.ID, DupOf: rep1.ID},327 {ID: rep2.ID, DupOf: rep2.ID},328 {ID: rep2.ID, DupOf: rep3.ID},329 {ID: rep3.ID, DupOf: rep1.ID},330 {ID: rep3.ID, DupOf: rep2.ID},331 {ID: rep3.ID, DupOf: rep3.ID},332 }333 for _, cmd := range cmds {334 t.Logf("duping %v -> %v", cmd.ID, cmd.DupOf)335 cmd.Status = dashapi.BugStatusDup336 reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(cmd)337 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, false)338 }339 // Special case of cross-reporting duping:340 cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{341 Status: dashapi.BugStatusDup,342 ID: rep1.ID,343 DupOf: rep3.ID,344 }345 t.Logf("duping %v -> %v", cmd.ID, cmd.DupOf)346 reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(cmd)347 c.expectTrue(reply.OK)348}349// Test that dups can't form a cycle.350// The test builds cycles of length 1..4.351func TestReportingDupCycle(t *testing.T) {352 c := NewCtx(t)353 defer c.Close()354 build := testBuild(1)355 c.client.UploadBuild(build)356 const N = 4357 reps := make([]*dashapi.BugReport, N)358 for i := 0; i < N; i++ {359 t.Logf("*************** %v ***************", i)360 c.client.ReportCrash(testCrash(build, i))361 reps[i] = c.client.pollBug()362 replyError := "Can't dup bug to itself."363 if i != 0 {364 replyError = "Setting this dup would lead to a bug cycle, cycles are not allowed."365 reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{366 Status: dashapi.BugStatusDup,367 ID: reps[i-1].ID,368 DupOf: reps[i].ID,369 })370 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)371 }372 reply, _ := c.client.ReportingUpdate(&dashapi.BugUpdate{373 Status: dashapi.BugStatusDup,374 ID: reps[i].ID,375 DupOf: reps[0].ID,376 })377 c.expectEQ(reply.OK, false)378 c.expectEQ(reply.Error, false)379 c.expectEQ(reply.Text, replyError)380 c.advanceTime(24 * time.Hour)381 }382}383func TestReportingFilter(t *testing.T) {384 c := NewCtx(t)385 defer c.Close()386 build := testBuild(1)387 c.client.UploadBuild(build)388 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)389 crash1.Title = "skip with repro 1"390 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)391 // This does not skip first reporting, because it does not have repro.392 rep1 := c.client.pollBug()393 c.expectEQ(string(rep1.Config), `{"Index":1}`)394 crash1.ReproSyz = []byte("getpid()")395 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)396 // This has repro but was already reported to first reporting,397 // so repro must go to the first reporting as well.398 rep2 := c.client.pollBug()399 c.expectEQ(string(rep2.Config), `{"Index":1}`)400 // Now upstream it and it must go to the second reporting.401 c.client.updateBug(rep1.ID, dashapi.BugStatusUpstream, "")402 rep3 := c.client.pollBug()403 c.expectEQ(string(rep3.Config), `{"Index":2}`)404 // Now report a bug that must go to the second reporting right away.405 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)406 crash2.Title = "skip with repro 2"407 crash2.ReproSyz = []byte("getpid()")408 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)409 rep4 := c.client.pollBug()410 c.expectEQ(string(rep4.Config), `{"Index":2}`)411}412func TestMachineInfo(t *testing.T) {413 c := NewCtx(t)414 defer c.Close()415 build := testBuild(1)416 c.client.UploadBuild(build)417 machineInfo := []byte("info1")418 // Create a crash with machine information and check the returned machine419 // information field is equal.420 crash := &dashapi.Crash{421 BuildID: "build1",422 Title: "title1",423 Maintainers: []string{`"Foo Bar" <>`, ``},424 Log: []byte("log1"),425 Report: []byte("report1"),426 MachineInfo: machineInfo,427 }428 c.client.ReportCrash(crash)429 rep := c.client.pollBug()430 c.expectEQ(machineInfo, rep.MachineInfo)431 // Check that a link to machine information page is created on the dashboard,432 // and the content is correct.433 indexPage, err := c.AuthGET(AccessAdmin, "/test1")434 c.expectOK(err)435 bugLinkRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`<a href="(/bug\?id=[^"]+)">title1</a>`)436 bugLinkSubmatch := bugLinkRegex.FindSubmatch(indexPage)437 c.expectEQ(len(bugLinkSubmatch), 2)438 bugURL := html.UnescapeString(string(bugLinkSubmatch[1]))439 bugPage, err := c.AuthGET(AccessAdmin, bugURL)440 c.expectOK(err)441 infoLinkRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`<a href="(/text\?tag=MachineInfo[^"]+)">info</a>`)442 infoLinkSubmatch := infoLinkRegex.FindSubmatch(bugPage)443 c.expectEQ(len(infoLinkSubmatch), 2)444 infoURL := html.UnescapeString(string(infoLinkSubmatch[1]))445 receivedInfo, err := c.AuthGET(AccessAdmin, infoURL)446 c.expectOK(err)447 c.expectEQ(receivedInfo, machineInfo)448}449func TestAltTitles1(t *testing.T) {450 c := NewCtx(t)451 defer c.Close()452 build := testBuild(1)453 c.client.UploadBuild(build)454 // crash2.AltTitles matches crash1.Title.455 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)456 crash2 := testCrashWithRepro(build, 2)457 crash2.AltTitles = []string{crash1.Title}458 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)459 rep := c.client.pollBug()460 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, crash1.Title)461 c.expectEQ(rep.Log, crash1.Log)462 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)463 rep = c.client.pollBug()464 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, crash1.Title)465 c.expectEQ(rep.Log, crash2.Log)466}467func TestAltTitles2(t *testing.T) {468 c := NewCtx(t)469 defer c.Close()470 build := testBuild(1)471 c.client.UploadBuild(build)472 // crash2.Title matches crash1.AltTitles, but reported in opposite order.473 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)474 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)475 crash2.AltTitles = []string{crash1.Title}476 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)477 rep := c.client.pollBug()478 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, crash2.Title)479 c.expectEQ(rep.Log, crash2.Log)480 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)481 c.client.pollBugs(0)482}483func TestAltTitles3(t *testing.T) {484 c := NewCtx(t)485 defer c.Close()486 build := testBuild(1)487 c.client.UploadBuild(build)488 // crash2.AltTitles matches crash1.AltTitles.489 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)490 crash1.AltTitles = []string{"foobar"}491 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)492 crash2.AltTitles = crash1.AltTitles493 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)494 c.client.pollBugs(1)495 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)496 c.client.pollBugs(0)497}498func TestAltTitles4(t *testing.T) {499 c := NewCtx(t)500 defer c.Close()501 build := testBuild(1)502 c.client.UploadBuild(build)503 // crash1.AltTitles matches crash2.AltTitles which matches crash3.AltTitles.504 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)505 crash1.AltTitles = []string{"foobar1"}506 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)507 crash2.AltTitles = []string{"foobar1", "foobar2"}508 crash3 := testCrash(build, 3)509 crash3.AltTitles = []string{"foobar2"}510 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)511 c.client.pollBugs(1)512 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)513 c.client.pollBugs(0)514 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)515 c.client.pollBugs(0)516}517func TestAltTitles5(t *testing.T) {518 c := NewCtx(t)519 defer c.Close()520 build := testBuild(1)521 c.client.UploadBuild(build)522 // Test which of the possible existing bugs we choose for merging.523 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)524 crash1.AltTitles = []string{"foo"}525 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)526 c.client.pollBugs(1)527 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)528 crash2.Title = "bar"529 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)530 c.client.pollBugs(1)531 crash3 := testCrash(build, 3)532 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)533 c.client.pollBugs(1)534 crash3.AltTitles = []string{"bar"}535 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)536 c.client.pollBugs(0)537 crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 10)538 crash.Title = "foo"539 crash.AltTitles = []string{"bar"}540 c.client.ReportCrash(crash)541 rep := c.client.pollBug()542 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, crash2.Title)543 c.expectEQ(rep.Log, crash.Log)544}545func TestAltTitles6(t *testing.T) {546 c := NewCtx(t)547 defer c.Close()548 build := testBuild(1)549 c.client.UploadBuild(build)550 // Test which of the possible existing bugs we choose for merging in presence of closed bugs.551 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)552 crash1.AltTitles = []string{"foo"}553 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)554 rep := c.client.pollBug()555 c.client.updateBug(rep.ID, dashapi.BugStatusInvalid, "")556 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)557 c.client.pollBug()558 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)559 crash2.Title = "bar"560 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)561 rep = c.client.pollBug()562 c.client.updateBug(rep.ID, dashapi.BugStatusInvalid, "")563 c.advanceTime(24 * time.Hour)564 crash3 := testCrash(build, 3)565 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)566 c.client.pollBugs(1)567 crash3.AltTitles = []string{"foo"}568 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)569 c.client.pollBugs(0)570 crash := testCrashWithRepro(build, 10)571 crash.Title = "foo"572 crash.AltTitles = []string{"bar"}573 c.client.ReportCrash(crash)574 rep = c.client.pollBug()575 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, crash1.Title+" (2)")576 c.expectEQ(rep.Log, crash.Log)577}578func TestAltTitles7(t *testing.T) {579 c := NewCtx(t)580 defer c.Close()581 build := testBuild(1)582 c.client.UploadBuild(build)583 // Test that bug merging is stable: if we started merging into a bug, we continue merging into that bug584 // even if a better candidate appears.585 crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)586 crash1.AltTitles = []string{"foo"}587 c.client.ReportCrash(crash1)588 c.client.pollBug()589 // This will be merged into crash1.590 crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)591 crash2.AltTitles = []string{"foo"}592 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)593 c.client.pollBugs(0)594 // Now report a better candidate.595 crash3 := testCrash(build, 3)596 crash3.Title = "aaa"597 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)598 c.client.pollBug()599 crash3.AltTitles = []string{crash2.Title}600 c.client.ReportCrash(crash3)601 c.client.pollBugs(0)602 // Now report crash2 with a repro and ensure that it's still merged into crash1.603 crash2.ReproOpts = []byte("some opts")604 crash2.ReproSyz = []byte("getpid()")605 c.client.ReportCrash(crash2)606 rep := c.client.pollBug()607 c.expectEQ(rep.Title, crash1.Title)608 c.expectEQ(rep.Log, crash2.Log)609}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")4 go pollBugs()5 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)6 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")7}8import (9func main() {10 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")11 go pollBugs()12 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)13 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")14}15import (16func main() {17 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")18 go pollBugs()19 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)20 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")21}22import (23func main() {24 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")25 go pollBugs()26 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)27 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")32 go pollBugs()33 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)34 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")35}36import (37func main() {38 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")39 go pollBugs()40 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)41 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")42}43import (44func main() {45 fmt.Println("Starting the application...")46 go pollBugs()47 time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)48 fmt.Println("Terminating the application...")49}50import (
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type Bug struct {3}4func pollBugs() {5 defer resp.Body.Close()6 body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)7 json.Unmarshal(body, &bugs)8 fmt.Println("Total bugs: ", len(bugs))9 for i := 0; i < len(bugs); i++ {10 fmt.Println("Id: ", bugs[i].Id, " Summary: ", bugs[i].Summary, " Status: ", bugs[i].Status)11 }12}13func main() {14 pollBugs()15}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello World!")4 pollBugs.pollBugs()5}6import (7func pollBugs() {8 fmt.Println("Hello World!")9 bug.pollBug()10}11import "fmt"12func pollBug() {13 fmt.Println("Hello World!")14}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 m := new(main)4 m.pollBugs()5}6import (7func main() {8 m := new(main)9 m.pollBugs()10}11import (12func main() {13 m := new(main)14 m.pollBugs()15}16import (17func main() {18 m := new(main)19 m.pollBugs()20}21import (22func main() {23 m := new(main)24 m.pollBugs()25}26import (27func main() {28 m := new(main)29 m.pollBugs()30}31import (32func main() {33 m := new(main)34 m.pollBugs()35}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 var b = new(bug)5 b.pollBugs()6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")10 var b = new(bug)11 b.pollBugs()12}13package main: unrecognized import path "main" (import path does not begin with hostname)14import (15func main() {16 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")17 var b = new(bug)18 b.pollBugs()19}20import (21type bug struct {22}23func (b *bug) pollBugs() {24 fmt.Println("Polling bugs")25}26import (27func main() {28 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")29 var b = new(bug)30 b.pollBugs()31}32import
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 obj := main{}4 method := reflect.ValueOf(obj).MethodByName("pollBugs")5 method.Call(nil)6}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 m.pollBugs()4 fmt.Println("hello")5}6import (7func main() {8 m.pollBugs()9 fmt.Println("hello")10}11import (12func main() {13 m.PollBugs()14 fmt.Println("hello")15}16import (17func main() {18 m.PollBugs()19 fmt.Println("hello")20}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 bug := NewBug()4 bug.pollBugs()5}6import (7type Bug struct {
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