How to use SaveDiffResults method of main Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using main.SaveDiffResults


Source:verifier.go Github


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...80 results := make(chan *AnalysisResult)81 go func() {82 for result := range results {83 if result.Diff != nil {84 vrf.SaveDiffResults(result.Diff, result.Prog)85 }86 }87 }()88 for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {89 go func() {90 for {91 prog := vrf.generate()92 results <- &AnalysisResult{93 vrf.TestProgram(prog),94 prog,95 }96 }97 }()98 }99 }()100}101func (vrf *Verifier) GetRunnerTask(kernel int, existing EnvDescr) *rpctype.ExecTask {102 vrf.tasksMutex.Lock()103 defer vrf.tasksMutex.Unlock()104 for {105 for env := existing; env >= AnyEnvironment; env-- {106 if task, ok := vrf.kernelEnvTasks[kernel][env].PopTask(); ok {107 return task.ToRPC()108 }109 }110 vrf.onTaskAdded.Wait()111 }112}113func (vrf *Verifier) PutExecResult(result *ExecResult) {114 c := vrf.taskFactory.GetExecResultChan(result.ExecTaskID)115 c <- result116}117// TestProgram return the results slice if some exec diff was found.118func (vrf *Verifier) TestProgram(prog *prog.Prog) (result []*ExecResult) {119 steps := []EnvDescr{120 NewEnvironment,121 NewEnvironment,122 }123 defer vrf.stats.TotalProgs.Inc()124 for i, env := range steps {125 stepRes, err := vrf.Run(prog, env)126 if err != nil {127 vrf.stats.ExecErrorProgs.Inc()128 return129 }130 vrf.AddCallsExecutionStat(stepRes, prog)131 if stepRes[0].IsEqual(stepRes[1]) {132 if i != 0 {133 vrf.stats.FlakyProgs.Inc()134 }135 return136 }137 if i == len(steps)-1 {138 vrf.stats.MismatchingProgs.Inc()139 return stepRes140 }141 }142 return143}144// Run sends the program for verification to execution queues and return145// result once it's ready.146// In case of time-out, return (nil, error).147func (vrf *Verifier) Run(prog *prog.Prog, env EnvDescr) (result []*ExecResult, err error) {148 totalKernels := len(vrf.kernelEnvTasks)149 result = make([]*ExecResult, totalKernels)150 wg := sync.WaitGroup{}151 wg.Add(totalKernels)152 for i := 0; i < totalKernels; i++ {153 i := i154 q := vrf.kernelEnvTasks[i][env]155 go func() {156 defer wg.Done()157 task := vrf.taskFactory.MakeExecTask(prog)158 defer vrf.taskFactory.DeleteExecTask(task)159 vrf.tasksMutex.Lock()160 q.PushTask(task)161 vrf.onTaskAdded.Signal()162 vrf.tasksMutex.Unlock()163 result[i] = <-task.ExecResultChan164 }()165 }166 wg.Wait()167 for _, item := range result {168 if item == nil {169 err = errors.New("something went wrong and we exit w/o results")170 return nil, err171 }172 if item.Error != nil {173 err = item.Error174 return nil, err175 }176 }177 return result, nil178}179// SetPrintStatAtSIGINT asks Stats object to report verification180// statistics when an os.Interrupt occurs and Exit().181func (vrf *Verifier) SetPrintStatAtSIGINT() error {182 if vrf.stats == nil {183 return errors.New("verifier.stats is nil")184 }185 osSignalChannel := make(chan os.Signal)186 signal.Notify(osSignalChannel, os.Interrupt)187 go func() {188 <-osSignalChannel189 defer os.Exit(0)190 totalExecutionTime := time.Since(vrf.stats.StartTime.Get()).Minutes()191 if !vrf.stats.MismatchesFound() {192 fmt.Fprint(vrf.statsWrite, "No mismatches occurred until syz-verifier was stopped.")193 } else {194 fmt.Fprintf(vrf.statsWrite, "%s", vrf.stats.GetTextDescription(totalExecutionTime))195 }196 }()197 return nil198}199func (vrf *Verifier) startInstances() {200 for poolID, pi := range vrf.pools {201 totalInstances := pi.pool.Count()202 for vmID := 0; vmID < totalInstances; vmID++ {203 go func(pi *poolInfo, poolID, vmID int) {204 for {205 vrf.createAndManageInstance(pi, poolID, vmID)206 }207 }(pi, poolID, vmID)208 }209 }210}211func (vrf *Verifier) createAndManageInstance(pi *poolInfo, poolID, vmID int) {212 inst, err := pi.pool.Create(vmID)213 if err != nil {214 log.Fatalf("failed to create instance: %v", err)215 }216 defer inst.Close()217 defer vrf.srv.cleanup(poolID, vmID)218 fwdAddr, err := inst.Forward(vrf.srv.port)219 if err != nil {220 log.Fatalf("failed to set up port forwarding: %v", err)221 }222 runnerBin, err := inst.Copy(vrf.runnerBin)223 if err != nil {224 log.Fatalf(" failed to copy runner binary: %v", err)225 }226 _, err = inst.Copy(vrf.executorBin)227 if err != nil {228 log.Fatalf("failed to copy executor binary: %v", err)229 }230 cmd := instance.RunnerCmd(runnerBin, fwdAddr,,, poolID, 0, false, vrf.newEnv)231 outc, errc, err := inst.Run(pi.cfg.Timeouts.VMRunningTime, vrf.vmStop, cmd)232 if err != nil {233 log.Fatalf("failed to start runner: %v", err)234 }235 inst.MonitorExecution(outc, errc, pi.Reporter, vm.ExitTimeout)236 log.Logf(0, "reboot the VM in pool %d", poolID)237}238// finalizeCallSet removes the system calls that are not supported from the set239// of enabled system calls and reports the reason to the io.Writer (either240// because the call is not supported by one of the kernels or because the call241// is missing some transitive dependencies). The resulting set of system calls242// will be used to build the prog.ChoiceTable.243func (vrf *Verifier) finalizeCallSet(w io.Writer) {244 for c := range vrf.reasons {245 delete(vrf.calls, c)246 }247 // Find and report to the user all the system calls that need to be248 // disabled due to missing dependencies.249 _, disabled := for c, reason := range disabled {251 vrf.reasons[c] = reason252 delete(vrf.calls, c)253 }254 if len(vrf.calls) == 0 {255 log.Logf(0, "All enabled system calls are missing dependencies or not"+256 " supported by some kernels, exiting syz-verifier.")257 }258 if !vrf.reportReasons {259 return260 }261 fmt.Fprintln(w, "The following calls have been disabled:")262 for c, reason := range vrf.reasons {263 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%v: %v\n", c.Name, reason)264 }265}266// AddCallsExecutionStat ignore all the calls after the first mismatch.267func (vrf *Verifier) AddCallsExecutionStat(results []*ExecResult, program *prog.Prog) {268 rr := CompareResults(results, program)269 for _, cr := range rr.Reports {270 vrf.stats.Calls.IncCallOccurrenceCount(cr.Call)271 }272 for _, cr := range rr.Reports {273 if !cr.Mismatch {274 continue275 }276 vrf.stats.IncCallMismatches(cr.Call)277 for _, state := range cr.States {278 if state0 := cr.States[0]; state0 != state {279 vrf.stats.Calls.AddState(cr.Call, state)280 vrf.stats.Calls.AddState(cr.Call, state0)281 }282 }283 break284 }285}286// SaveDiffResults extract diff and save result on the persistent storage.287func (vrf *Verifier) SaveDiffResults(results []*ExecResult, program *prog.Prog) bool {288 rr := CompareResults(results, program)289 oldest := 0290 var oldestTime time.Time291 for i := 0; i < maxResultReports; i++ {292 info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(vrf.resultsdir, fmt.Sprintf("result-%d", i)))293 if err != nil {294 // There are only i-1 report files so the i-th one295 // can be created.296 oldest = i297 break298 }299 // Otherwise, search for the oldest report file to300 // overwrite as newer result reports are more useful.301 if oldestTime.IsZero() || info.ModTime().Before(oldestTime) {...

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1import (2func main() {3 dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()4 diffs := dmp.DiffMain(a, b, false)5 fmt.Println(dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))6}7import (8func main() {9 dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()10 diffs := dmp.DiffMain(a, b, false)11 fmt.Println(dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))12}13import (14func main() {15 dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()16 diffs := dmp.DiffMain(a, b, false)17 fmt.Println(dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))18}19import (20func main() {21 dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()22 diffs := dmp.DiffMain(a, b, false)23 fmt.Println(dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))24}25import (26func main() {27 dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()28 diffs := dmp.DiffMain(a, b, false)29 fmt.Println(dmp.DiffPrettyText(diffs))30}31import (32func main() {33 dmp := diffmatchpatch.New()

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1import (2func main() {3 diffResults := new(DiffResults)4 diffResult := new(DiffResult)5 diffResults.DiffResult = append(diffResults.DiffResult, diffResult)6 diffResult = new(DiffResult)7 diffResults.DiffResult = append(diffResults.DiffResult, diffResult)8 diffResult = new(DiffResult)9 diffResults.DiffResult = append(diffResults.DiffResult, diffResult)10 diffResult = new(DiffResult)11 diffResults.DiffResult = append(diffResults.DiffResult, diffResult)12 diffResult = new(DiffResult)

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1func main() {2 diff := diff_match_patch.New()3 diff.SaveDiffResults(diff.DiffMain("Hello World", "Hello World!", false))4}5func main() {6 diff := diff_match_patch.New()7 fmt.Println(diff.DiffResultsToDelta(diff.DiffMain("Hello World", "Hello World!", false)))8}9func main() {10 diff := diff_match_patch.New()11 fmt.Println(diff.DiffResultsToText(diff.DiffMain("Hello World", "Hello World!", false)))12}13func main() {14 diff := diff_match_patch.New()15 fmt.Println(diff

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1import (2func main() {3 type A struct {4 }5 type B struct {6 }7 type C struct {8 }9 type D struct {10 }11 a := A{Name: "Prashant", Age: 20}12 b := B{Name: "Surya", Age: 20}13 c := C{Name: "Prashant", Age: 20}14 d := D{Name: "Surya", Age: 20}15 diff.SaveDiffResults(reflect.TypeOf(a), reflect.TypeOf(b), reflect.ValueOf(a), reflect.ValueOf(b))16 diff.SaveDiffResults(reflect.TypeOf(c), reflect.TypeOf(d), reflect.ValueOf(c), reflect.ValueOf(d))17}18import (19func main() {20 type A struct {21 }22 type B struct {23 }24 type C struct {25 }26 type D struct {27 }28 a := A{Name: "Prashant", Age: 20}29 b := B{Name: "Surya", Age: 20}30 c := C{Name: "Prashant", Age: 20}31 d := D{Name: "Surya", Age: 20}32 diff.SaveDiffResults(reflect.TypeOf(a), reflect.TypeOf(b), reflect.ValueOf(a), reflect.ValueOf(b))33 diff.SaveDiffResults(reflect.TypeOf(c), reflect.TypeOf(d), reflect.Value

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1diffResults, _ := mainObj.GetDiffResults()2mainObj.SaveDiffResults("diffResults.txt", "C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\diffTool\\", diffResults)3diffResults, _ := mainObj.GetDiffResults()4mainObj.SaveDiffResults("diffResults.txt", "C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\diffTool\\", diffResults)5diffResults, _ := mainObj.GetDiffResults()6mainObj.SaveDiffResults("diffResults.txt", "C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\diffTool\\", diffResults)7diffResults, _ := mainObj.GetDiffResults()8mainObj.SaveDiffResults("diffResults.txt", "C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\diffTool\\", diffResults)9diffResults, _ := mainObj.GetDiffResults()10mainObj.SaveDiffResults("diffResults.txt", "C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\diffTool\\", diffResults)

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