How to use FormatTime method of html Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using html.FormatTime


Source:tile.go Github


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1package jma2import (3 "errors"4 "fmt"5 ""6 "math"7 "time"8)9// For the definition of Tile struct, see: .10type Tile struct {11 Zoom uint `validate:"gte=0,lte=18,required"`12 X uint `json:"tile_x" validate:"required"`13 Y uint `json:"tile_y" validate:"required"`14}15func (t Tile) String() string {16 return fmt.Sprintf("{Level: %d, X: %d, Y: %d}", t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)17}18// Geospatial Information Authority(国土地理院)19func (t Tile) ToMapURL(datatype string, ext string) string {20 // For the valid pattern, see: return fmt.Sprintf(""+ext,22 datatype, t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)23}24func (t Tile) ToBorderMapURL(ext string) string {25 return fmt.Sprintf(""+ext,26 t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)27}28// Japan Meteorological Agency(気象庁)29func (t Tile) ToJmaURL(now time.Time, duration time.Duration, ext string) (string, error) {30 if -3*time.Hour < duration && duration < time.Hour {31 return t.toJmaHighresURL(now, duration, ext), nil32 } else if -12*time.Hour < duration && duration < 15*time.Hour {33 return t.toJmaLowresURL(now, duration, ext), nil34 } else {35 return "", errors.New("forecasting is supported from -12hr to 14hr of duration only")36 }37}38func formatTime(time time.Time) string {39 return time.UTC().Format("20060102150405")40}41func (t Tile) toJmaLowresURL(now time.Time, duration time.Duration, ext string) string {42 var after time.Time43 round := now.Round(time.Hour)44 if round.Before(now) {45 now = round46 after = now.Add(duration)47 } else {48 now = round.Add(-1 * time.Hour)49 after = now.Add(duration)50 }51 if duration <= 0 {52 return fmt.Sprintf("",53 formatTime(after), formatTime(after), t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)54 } else {55 return fmt.Sprintf("",56 formatTime(now), formatTime(after), t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)57 }58}59func (t Tile) toJmaHighresURL(now time.Time, duration time.Duration, ext string) string {60 var after time.Time61 round := now.Round(5 * time.Minute)62 if round.Before(now) {63 now = round64 after = now.Add(duration)65 } else {66 now = round.Add(-5 * time.Minute)67 after = now.Add(duration)68 }69 if duration <= 0 {70 return fmt.Sprintf("",71 formatTime(after), formatTime(after), t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)72 } else {73 return fmt.Sprintf("",74 formatTime(now), formatTime(after), t.Zoom, t.X, t.Y)75 }76}77func (t Tile) IsValid() bool {78 err := validate.Struct(t)79 if err != nil {80 // fmt.Printf("Err(s):\n%+v\n", err)81 return false82 }83 return true84}85func tileXYValidation(sl validator.StructLevel) {86 tile := sl.Current().Interface().(Tile)87 if tile.X >= uint(math.Pow(2, float64(tile.Zoom))) {88 sl.ReportError(tile.X, "tile_x", "X", "x_should_be_less_than_2^level", "")89 }90 if tile.Y >= uint(math.Pow(2, float64(tile.Zoom))) {91 sl.ReportError(tile.Y, "tile_y", "Y", "y_should_be_less_than_2^level", "")92 }93}...

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Source:formatutil.go Github


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...15func AddThousandsSeparator(n int64) string {16 p := message.NewPrinter(message.MatchLanguage(defaultLanguage))17 return p.Sprint(n)18}19// FormatTime into hh:mm XM.20func FormatTime(t time.Time) string {21 if t.IsZero() {22 return ""23 }24 return t.Format("3:04 PM")25}26// FormatDate into dd/mm/yyyy.27func FormatDate(t time.Time) string {28 if t.IsZero() {29 return ""30 }31 return t.Format("02/01/2006")32}33// FormatDateTimeInDefaultZone formats a timestamp to "hh:mm XM, dd/mm/yyyy" in the default timezone.34func FormatDateTimeInDefaultZone(t time.Time) string {35 if t.IsZero() {36 return ""37 }38 loc, err := time.LoadLocation(defaultTimeZone)39 if err != nil {40 return ""41 }42 return t.In(loc).Format("3:04 PM, 02/01/2006 MST")43}44// FormatBool to "Yes" or "No".45func FormatBool(b bool) string {46 if b {47 return "Yes"48 }49 return "No"50}51// ParseTemplate based on html.52func ParseTemplate(templateName, templatePath string, data interface{}) (string, error) {53 templateFuncs := template.FuncMap{54 "formatTime": FormatTime,55 "formatDate": FormatDate,56 "formatBool": FormatBool,57 }58 return ParseTemplateWithFuncs(templateName, templatePath, data, templateFuncs)59}60// ParseTemplateWithFuncs parses a html template with the given template funcs.61func ParseTemplateWithFuncs(templateName, templatePath string, data interface{}, templateFuncs template.FuncMap) (string, error) {62 if !strings.HasSuffix(templateName, ".gohtml") {63 templateName += ".gohtml"64 }65 templateFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", templatePath, templateName)66 t, err := template.New(templateName).Funcs(templateFuncs).ParseFiles(templateFile)67 if err != nil {68 return "", err...

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FormatTime - 副本.go

Source:FormatTime - 副本.go Github


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...9 参考:10 */13type FormatTime struct {14 time.Time15}16//这个是在进行json输出的时候会自动做处理17func (t FormatTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {18 fmt.Println("FormatTime MarshalJSON()")19 formatted := fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", t.Format(constant.TimeFormat))20 return []byte(formatted), nil21}22//这里有个疑问,为什么这里必须要定义为Value()和Scan()这样名称的方法?23func (t FormatTime) Value() (driver.Value, error) {24 fmt.Println("FormatTime Value()")25 var zeroTime time.Time26 if t.Time.UnixNano() == zeroTime.UnixNano() {27 return nil, nil28 }29 return t.Time, nil30}31func (t *FormatTime) Scan(v interface{}) error {32 fmt.Println("FormatTime Scan()")33 value, ok := v.(time.Time)34 //value := time.Unix(v.(int64), 0)35 if ok {36 *t = FormatTime{Time: value}37 return nil38 }39 return fmt.Errorf("can not convert %v to timestamp", v)40}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("<p>hello world</p>"))4 fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString("&lt;p&gt;hello world&lt;/p&gt;"))5 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(time.Now()))6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("<p>hello world</p>"))10 fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString("&lt;p&gt;hello world&lt;/p&gt;"))11 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(time.Now()))12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("<p>hello world</p>"))16 fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString("&lt;p&gt;hello world&lt;/p&gt;"))17 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(time.Now()))18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("<p>hello world</p>"))22 fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString("&lt;p&gt;hello world&lt;/p&gt;"))23 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(time.Now()))24}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("<script>alert('xss')</script>"))4}5import (6func main() {7 t, err := template.New("foo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}`)8 if err != nil {9 panic(err)10 }11 err = t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", "<script>alert('xss')</script>")12 if err != nil {13 panic(err)14 }15}16import (17func main() {18 t, err := template.New("foo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}`)19 if err != nil {20 panic(err)21 }22 err = t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", "<script>alert('xss')</script>")23 if err != nil {24 panic(err)25 }26}27import (28func main() {29 t, err := template.New("foo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}`)30 if err != nil {31 panic(err)32 }33 err = t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", "<script>alert('xss')</script>")34 if err != nil {35 panic(err)36 }37}38import (39func main() {40 t, err := template.New("foo").Parse(`{{define "T"}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}`)41 if err != nil {42 panic(err)43 }44 err = t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", "<script>alert('xss')</script>")45 if err != nil {46 panic(err)47 }48}49import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("Hello, playground"))4 fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString("Hello, playground"))5}6import (7func main() {8 t := template.New("foo")9 t, _ = t.Parse("{{define `T`}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}")10 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", template.HTML("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))11}12import (13func main() {14 t := template.New("foo")15 t, _ = t.Parse("{{define `T`}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}")16 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", template.JS("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))17}18import (19func main() {20 t := template.New("foo")21 t, _ = t.Parse("{{define `T`}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}")22 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", template.URL("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))23}24import (25func main() {26 t := template.New("foo")27 t, _ = t.Parse("{{define `T`}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}")28 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", template.HTMLEscapeString("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))29}30import (31func main() {32 t := template.New("foo")33 t, _ = t.Parse("{{define `T`}}Hello, {{.}}!{{end}}")34 t.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T", template.HTMLEscape("<script>alert('you have

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Print("Time is ")4 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(time.Now()))5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Print("Time is ")9 fmt.Println(html.EscapeString("<html>"))10}11import (12func main() {13 fmt.Print("Time is ")14 fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString("&lt;html&gt;"))15}16import (17func main() {18 t, _ := template.New("foo").Parse("{{.}}")19 t.Execute(os.Stdout, "<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>")20}21import (22func main() {23 t, _ := template.New("foo").Parse("{{.}}")24 t.Execute(os.Stdout, template.HTML("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))25}26import (27func main() {28 t, _ := template.New("foo").Parse("{{.}}")29 t.Execute(os.Stdout, template.JS("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))30}31import (32func main() {33 t, _ := template.New("foo").Parse("{{.}}")34 t.Execute(os.Stdout, template.URL("<script>alert('you have been pwned')</script>"))35}36import (37func main() {38 t, _ := template.New("foo").Parse

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 var x = html.FormatTime(1000000000)4 fmt.Println(x)5}6import (7func main() {8 var x = html.FormatTime(1000000000, "2006-01-02 15:04:05")9 fmt.Println(x)10}11import (12func main() {13 var x = html.FormatTime(1000000000, "2006-01-02 15:04:05", "UTC")14 fmt.Println(x)15}16import (17func main() {18 var x = html.FormatTime(1000000000, "2006-01-02 15:04:05", "UTC", "IST")19 fmt.Println(x)20}21import (22func main() {23 var x = html.FormatTime(1000000000, "2006-01-02 15:04:05", "UTC", "IST", "Africa/Johannesburg")24 fmt.Println(x)25}26import (27func main() {28 var x = html.FormatTime(1000000000, "2006-01-02 15:04:05", "UTC", "IST", "Africa/Johannesburg", "Asia/Kolkata")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(123456789))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(123456789000))8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(123456789000000))12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(html.FormatTime(1234567890000000000))16}17import (

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