How to use copyout method of csource Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using csource.copyout


Source:csource.go Github


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...174 argCopyout := len(call.Copyout) != 0175 emitCall := ctx.opts.NetInjection ||176 callName != "syz_emit_ethernet" &&177 callName != "syz_extract_tcp_res"178 // TODO: if we don't emit the call we must also not emit copyin, copyout and fault injection.179 // However, simply skipping whole iteration breaks tests due to unused static functions.180 if emitCall {181 ctx.emitCall(w, call, ci, resCopyout || argCopyout, trace)182 } else if trace {183 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t(void)res;\n")184 }185 // Copyout.186 if resCopyout || argCopyout {187 ctx.copyout(w, call, resCopyout)188 }189 calls = append(calls, w.String())190 }191 return calls, p.Vars192}193func (ctx *context) emitCall(w *bytes.Buffer, call prog.ExecCall, ci int, haveCopyout, trace bool) {194 callName := call.Meta.CallName195 native := ctx.sysTarget.SyscallNumbers && !strings.HasPrefix(callName, "syz_")196 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t")197 if haveCopyout || trace {198 fmt.Fprintf(w, "res = ")199 }200 ctx.emitCallName(w, call, native)201 for ai, arg := range call.Args {202 if native || ai > 0 {203 fmt.Fprintf(w, ", ")204 }205 switch arg := arg.(type) {206 case prog.ExecArgConst:207 if arg.Format != prog.FormatNative && arg.Format != prog.FormatBigEndian {208 panic("sring format in syscall argument")209 }210 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", ctx.constArgToStr(arg, true, native))211 case prog.ExecArgResult:212 if arg.Format != prog.FormatNative && arg.Format != prog.FormatBigEndian {213 panic("sring format in syscall argument")214 }215 val := ctx.resultArgToStr(arg)216 if native && == 4 {217 // syscall accepts args as ellipsis, resources are uint64218 // and take 2 slots without the cast, which would be wrong.219 val = "(intptr_t)" + val220 }221 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", val)222 default:223 panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown arg type: %+v", arg))224 }225 }226 for i := 0; i < call.Meta.MissingArgs; i++ {227 if native || len(call.Args) != 0 {228 fmt.Fprintf(w, ", ")229 }230 fmt.Fprintf(w, "0")231 }232 fmt.Fprintf(w, ");")233 comment := if len(comment) != 0 {235 fmt.Fprintf(w, " /* %s */", comment)236 }237 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")238 if trace {239 cast := ""240 if !native && !strings.HasPrefix(callName, "syz_") {241 // Potentially we casted a function returning int to a function returning intptr_t.242 // So instead of intptr_t -1 we can get 0x00000000ffffffff. Sign extend it to intptr_t.243 cast = "(intptr_t)(int)"244 }245 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tfprintf(stderr, \"### call=%v errno=%%u\\n\", %vres == -1 ? errno : 0);\n", ci, cast)246 }247}248func (ctx *context) emitCallName(w *bytes.Buffer, call prog.ExecCall, native bool) {249 callName := call.Meta.CallName250 if native {251 fmt.Fprintf(w, "syscall(%v%v", ctx.sysTarget.SyscallPrefix, callName)252 } else if strings.HasPrefix(callName, "syz_") {253 fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v(", callName)254 } else {255 args := strings.Repeat(",intptr_t", len(call.Args))256 if args != "" {257 args = args[1:]258 }259 fmt.Fprintf(w, "((intptr_t(*)(%v))CAST(%v))(", args, callName)260 }261}262func (ctx *context) generateCsumInet(w *bytes.Buffer, addr uint64, arg prog.ExecArgCsum, csumSeq int) {263 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tstruct csum_inet csum_%d;\n", csumSeq)264 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tcsum_inet_init(&csum_%d);\n", csumSeq)265 for i, chunk := range arg.Chunks {266 switch chunk.Kind {267 case prog.ExecArgCsumChunkData:268 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(csum_inet_update(&csum_%d, (const uint8*)0x%x, %d));\n",269 csumSeq, chunk.Value, chunk.Size)270 case prog.ExecArgCsumChunkConst:271 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tuint%d csum_%d_chunk_%d = 0x%x;\n",272 chunk.Size*8, csumSeq, i, chunk.Value)273 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tcsum_inet_update(&csum_%d, (const uint8*)&csum_%d_chunk_%d, %d);\n",274 csumSeq, csumSeq, i, chunk.Size)275 default:276 panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown checksum chunk kind %v", chunk.Kind))277 }278 }279 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(*(uint16*)0x%x = csum_inet_digest(&csum_%d));\n",280 addr, csumSeq)281}282func (ctx *context) copyin(w *bytes.Buffer, csumSeq *int, copyin prog.ExecCopyin) {283 switch arg := copyin.Arg.(type) {284 case prog.ExecArgConst:285 if arg.BitfieldOffset == 0 && arg.BitfieldLength == 0 {286 ctx.copyinVal(w, copyin.Addr, arg.Size, ctx.constArgToStr(arg, true, false), arg.Format)287 } else {288 if arg.Format != prog.FormatNative && arg.Format != prog.FormatBigEndian {289 panic("bitfield+string format")290 }291 htobe := ""292 if arg.Format == prog.FormatBigEndian {293 htobe = fmt.Sprintf("htobe%v", arg.Size*8)294 }295 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(STORE_BY_BITMASK(uint%v, %v, 0x%x, %v, %v, %v));\n",296 arg.Size*8, htobe, copyin.Addr, ctx.constArgToStr(arg, false, false),297 arg.BitfieldOffset, arg.BitfieldLength)298 }299 case prog.ExecArgResult:300 ctx.copyinVal(w, copyin.Addr, arg.Size, ctx.resultArgToStr(arg), arg.Format)301 case prog.ExecArgData:302 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(memcpy((void*)0x%x, \"%s\", %v));\n",303 copyin.Addr, toCString(arg.Data, arg.Readable), len(arg.Data))304 case prog.ExecArgCsum:305 switch arg.Kind {306 case prog.ExecArgCsumInet:307 *csumSeq++308 ctx.generateCsumInet(w, copyin.Addr, arg, *csumSeq)309 default:310 panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown csum kind %v", arg.Kind))311 }312 default:313 panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad argument type: %+v", arg))314 }315}316func (ctx *context) copyinVal(w *bytes.Buffer, addr, size uint64, val string, bf prog.BinaryFormat) {317 switch bf {318 case prog.FormatNative, prog.FormatBigEndian:319 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(*(uint%v*)0x%x = %v);\n", size*8, addr, val)320 case prog.FormatStrDec:321 if size != 20 {322 panic("bad strdec size")323 }324 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(sprintf((char*)0x%x, \"%%020llu\", (long long)%v));\n", addr, val)325 case prog.FormatStrHex:326 if size != 18 {327 panic("bad strdec size")328 }329 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(sprintf((char*)0x%x, \"0x%%016llx\", (long long)%v));\n", addr, val)330 case prog.FormatStrOct:331 if size != 23 {332 panic("bad strdec size")333 }334 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNONFAILING(sprintf((char*)0x%x, \"%%023llo\", (long long)%v));\n", addr, val)335 default:336 panic("unknown binary format")337 }338}339func (ctx *context) copyout(w *bytes.Buffer, call prog.ExecCall, resCopyout bool) {340 if ctx.sysTarget.OS == "fuchsia" {341 // On fuchsia we have real system calls that return ZX_OK on success,342 // and libc calls that are casted to function returning intptr_t,343 // as the result int -1 is returned as 0x00000000ffffffff rather than full -1.344 if strings.HasPrefix(call.Meta.CallName, "zx_") {345 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tif (res == ZX_OK)")346 } else {347 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tif ((int)res != -1)")348 }349 } else {350 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tif (res != -1)")351 }352 copyoutMultiple := len(call.Copyout) > 1 || resCopyout && len(call.Copyout) > 0353 if copyoutMultiple {354 fmt.Fprintf(w, " {")355 }356 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")357 if resCopyout {358 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\tr[%v] = res;\n", call.Index)359 }360 for _, copyout := range call.Copyout {361 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\tNONFAILING(r[%v] = *(uint%v*)0x%x);\n",362 copyout.Index, copyout.Size*8, copyout.Addr)363 }364 if copyoutMultiple {365 fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t}\n")366 }367}368func (ctx *context) constArgToStr(arg prog.ExecArgConst, handleBigEndian, native bool) string {369 mask := (uint64(1) << (arg.Size * 8)) - 1370 v := arg.Value & mask371 val := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)372 if v == ^uint64(0)&mask {373 val = "-1"374 } else if v >= 10 {375 val = fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", v)376 }377 if native && arg.Size == 8 {378 // syscall() is variadic, so constant arguments must be explicitly...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 source, err := os.Open("1.go")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 defer source.Close()8 destination, err := os.Create("2.go")9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println(err)11 }12 defer destination.Close()13 nBytes, err := io.Copy(destination, source)14 if err != nil {15 fmt.Println(err)16 }17 fmt.Printf("Copied %d bytes.", nBytes)18}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import*;2{3public static void main(String args[])4{5{6FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream("1.go");7FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream("2.go");8int c;9while((!=-1)10{11out.write(c);12}13in.close();14out.close();15}16catch(IOException e)17{18System.out.println("Exception Occured");19}20}21}22import*;23{24public static void main(String args[])25{26{27FileInputStream in=new FileInputStream("1.go");28FileOutputStream out=new FileOutputStream("2.go");29int c;30while((!=-1)31{32out.write(c);33}34in.close();35out.close();36}37catch(IOException e)38{39System.out.println("Exception Occured");40}41}42}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")4 fmt.Scan(&a)5 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)6}7import "fmt"8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")10 fmt.Scan(&a)11 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)12}13import "fmt"14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")16 fmt.Scan(&a)17 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)18}19import "fmt"20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")22 fmt.Scan(&a)23 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")28 fmt.Scan(&a)29 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)30}31import "fmt"32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")34 fmt.Scan(&a)35 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)36}37import "fmt"38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")40 fmt.Scan(&a)41 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)42}43import "fmt"44func main() {45 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")46 fmt.Scan(&a)47 fmt.Println("You entered:", a)48}49import "fmt"50func main() {51 fmt.Println("Enter a number:")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 src, err := os.Open("1.go")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 defer src.Close()9 dst, err := os.Create("2.go")10 if err != nil {11 fmt.Println(err)12 os.Exit(1)13 }14 defer dst.Close()15 _, err = io.Copy(dst, src)16 if err != nil {17 fmt.Println(err)18 os.Exit(1)19 }20}21import (22func main() {23 src, err := os.Open("1.go")24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println(err)26 os.Exit(1)27 }28 defer src.Close()29 dst, err := os.Create("2.go")30 if err != nil {31 fmt.Println(err)32 os.Exit(1)33 }34 defer dst.Close()35 _, err = io.Copy(dst, src)36 if err != nil {37 fmt.Println(err)38 os.Exit(1)39 }40}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import*;2{3public static void main(String args[])throws IOException4{5csource a=new csource();6a.copyout("file1.txt","file2.txt");7}8}9import*;10{11public static void main(String args[])throws IOException12{13csource a=new csource();14a.copyin("file1.txt","file2.txt");15}16}17import*;18{19public static void main(String args[])throws IOException20{21csource a=new csource();22a.copyin("file1.txt","file2.txt");23}24}25import*;26{27public static void main(String args[])throws IOException28{29csource a=new csource();30a.copyin("file1.txt","file2.txt");31}32}33import*;34{35public static void main(String args[])throws IOException36{37csource a=new csource();38a.copyin("file1.txt","file2.txt");39}40}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 file, err := os.Open("1.go")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 defer file.Close()8 newfile, err := os.Create("2.go")9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println(err)11 }12 defer newfile.Close()13 io.Copy(newfile, file)14}15import (16func main() {17 file, err := os.Open("1.go")18 if err != nil {19 fmt.Println(err)20 }21 defer file.Close()22 newfile, err := os.Create("3.go")23 if err != nil {24 fmt.Println(err)25 }26 defer newfile.Close()27 io.Copy(newfile, file)28}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1int main()2{3CProjectManagerList *pmList = new CProjectManagerList();4CProjectManager *pm = pmList->getProjectManager(0);5CProjectList *pList = pm->getProjectList();6CProject *p = pList->getProject(0);7CFileList *fList = p->getFileList();8CFile *f = fList->getFile(0);9CFunctionList *funcList = f->getFunctionList();10CFunction *func = funcList->getFunction(0);11CSource *src = func->getSource();12CFileList *fList = new CFileList();13CFile *f = fList->getFile(0);14CFunctionList *funcList = f->getFunctionList();15CFunction *func = funcList->getFunction(0);16CSource *src = func->getSource();17char *s = src->copyOut();18CFile *f = new CFile();19CFunctionList *funcList = f->getFunctionList();20CFunction *func = funcList->getFunction(0);21CSource *src = func->getSource();22char *s = src->copyOut();23CFunction *func = new CFunction();24CSource *src = func->getSource();25char *s = src->copyOut();26CSource *src = new CSource();27char *s = src->copyOut();28return 0;29}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import*;2import java.util.*;3{4public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException5{6csource c=new csource();7c.copyout("2.txt");8}9}10import*;11import java.util.*;12{13public void copyout(String s) throws IOException14{15FileInputStream f=new FileInputStream(s);16int i;17while((!=-1)18{19System.out.print((char)i);20}21f.close();22}23}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1void main()2{3csource c;4ofstream fout;"2.cpp");6if(!fout)7{8cout<<"Error opening output file";9exit(1);10}11c.copyout(fout);12fout.close();13}14void main()15{16ifstream fin;17ofstream fout;"1.txt");19if(!fin)20{21cout<<"Error opening input file";22exit(1);23}"2.txt");25if(!fout)26{27cout<<"Error opening output file";28exit(1);29}30char ch;31while(!fin.eof())32{33fin.get(ch);34if(!fin.eof())35fout.put(ch);36}37fin.close();38fout.close();39}

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