Best Rod code snippet using rod.HTML
Source: query_test.go
1package rod_test2import (3 "context"4 "errors"5 "testing"6 "time"7 ""8 ""9 ""10 ""11 ""12 ""13)14func TestPageElements(t *testing.T) {15 g := setup(t)16"fixtures/input.html"))17"input")18 list :="input")19 g.Eq("input", list.First().MustDescribe().LocalName)20 g.Eq("submit", list.Last().MustText())21}22func TestPagesQuery(t *testing.T) {23 g := setup(t)24 b := g.browser25 b.MustPage(g.srcFile("fixtures/click.html")).MustWaitLoad()26 pages := b.MustPages()27 g.True(pages.MustFind("button").MustHas("button"))28 g.Panic(func() { rod.Pages{}.MustFind("____") })29 g.True(pages.MustFindByURL("click.html").MustHas("button"))30 g.Panic(func() { rod.Pages{}.MustFindByURL("____") })31 _, err := pages.Find("____")32 g.Err(err)33 g.Eq(err.Error(), "cannot find page")34 g.Panic(func() {35 pages.MustFindByURL("____")36 })37 g.Panic(func() {38, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})39 pages.MustFind("button")40 })41 g.Panic(func() {42, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})43 pages.MustFindByURL("____")44 })45}46func TestPagesOthers(t *testing.T) {47 g := setup(t)48 list := rod.Pages{}49 g.Nil(list.First())50 g.Nil(list.Last())51 list = append(list, &rod.Page{})52 g.NotNil(list.First())53 g.NotNil(list.Last())54}55func TestPageHas(t *testing.T) {56 g := setup(t)57"fixtures/selector.html"))58"body")59 g.True("span"))60 g.False("a"))61 g.True("//span"))62 g.False("//a"))63 g.True("button", "03"))64 g.False("button", "11"))65, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})66 g.Err("//a"))67, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})68 g.Err("button", "03"))69}70func TestElementHas(t *testing.T) {71 g := setup(t)72"fixtures/selector.html"))73 b :="body")74 g.True(b.MustHas("span"))75 g.False(b.MustHas("a"))76 g.True(b.MustHasX("//span"))77 g.False(b.MustHasX("//a"))78 g.True(b.MustHasR("button", "03"))79 g.False(b.MustHasR("button", "11"))80}81func TestSearch(t *testing.T) {82 g := setup(t)83 p :="fixtures/click.html"))84 el := p.MustSearch("click me")85 g.Eq("click me", el.MustText())86 g.True(el.MustClick().MustMatches("[a=ok]"))87 _, err := p.Sleeper(rod.NotFoundSleeper).Search("not-exists")88 g.True(errors.Is(err, &rod.ErrElementNotFound{}))89 g.Eq(err.Error(), "cannot find element")90 // when search result is not ready91 {92, proto.DOMGetSearchResults{}, func(send StubSend) (gson.JSON, error) {93 return gson.New(nil), cdp.ErrCtxNotFound94 })95 p.MustSearch("click me")96 }97 // when node id is zero98 {99, proto.DOMGetSearchResults{}, func(send StubSend) (gson.JSON, error) {100 return gson.New(proto.DOMGetSearchResultsResult{101 NodeIds: []proto.DOMNodeID{0},102 }), nil103 })104 p.MustSearch("click me")105 }106 g.Panic(func() {107, proto.DOMPerformSearch{})108 p.MustSearch("click me")109 })110 g.Panic(func() {111, proto.DOMGetSearchResults{})112 p.MustSearch("click me")113 })114 g.Panic(func() {115, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})116 p.MustSearch("click me")117 })118}119func TestSearchElements(t *testing.T) {120 g := setup(t)121 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))122 {123 res, err := p.Search("button")124 g.E(err)125 c, err := res.All()126 g.E(err)127 g.Len(c, 4)128, proto.DOMGetSearchResults{})129 g.Err(res.All())130, proto.DOMResolveNode{})131 g.Err(res.All())132 }133 { // disable retry134 sleeper := func() utils.Sleeper { return utils.CountSleeper(1) }135 _, err := p.Sleeper(sleeper).Search("not-exists")136 g.Err(err)137 }138}139func TestSearchIframes(t *testing.T) {140 g := setup(t)141 p :="fixtures/click-iframes.html"))142 el := p.MustSearch("button[onclick]")143 g.Eq("click me", el.MustText())144 g.True(el.MustClick().MustMatches("[a=ok]"))145}146func TestSearchIframesAfterReload(t *testing.T) {147 g := setup(t)148 p :="fixtures/click-iframes.html"))149 frame := p.MustElement("iframe").MustFrame().MustElement("iframe").MustFrame()150 frame.MustReload()151 el := p.MustSearch("button[onclick]")152 g.Eq("click me", el.MustText())153 g.True(el.MustClick().MustMatches("[a=ok]"))154}155func TestPageRace(t *testing.T) {156 g := setup(t)157 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))158 p.Race().Element("button").MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) { g.Eq("01", e.MustText()) }).MustDo()159 g.Eq("01", p.Race().Element("button").MustDo().MustText())160 p.Race().ElementX("//button").MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) { g.Eq("01", e.MustText()) }).MustDo()161 g.Eq("01", p.Race().ElementX("//button").MustDo().MustText())162 p.Race().ElementR("button", "02").MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) { g.Eq("02", e.MustText()) }).MustDo()163 g.Eq("02", p.Race().ElementR("button", "02").MustDo().MustText())164 p.Race().MustElementByJS("() => document.querySelector('button')", nil).165 MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) { g.Eq("01", e.MustText()) }).MustDo()166 g.Eq("01", p.Race().MustElementByJS("() => document.querySelector('button')", nil).MustDo().MustText())167 raceFunc := func(p *rod.Page) (*rod.Element, error) {168 el := p.MustElement("button")169 g.Eq("01", el.MustText())170 return el, nil171 }172 p.Race().ElementFunc(raceFunc).MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) { g.Eq("01", e.MustText()) }).MustDo()173 g.Eq("01", p.Race().ElementFunc(raceFunc).MustDo().MustText())174 el, err := p.Sleeper(func() utils.Sleeper { return utils.CountSleeper(2) }).Race().175 Element("not-exists").MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) {}).176 ElementX("//not-exists").177 ElementR("not-exists", "test").MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) {}).178 Do()179 g.Err(err)180 g.Nil(el)181 el, err = p.Race().MustElementByJS(`() => notExists()`, nil).Do()182 g.Err(err)183 g.Nil(el)184}185func TestPageRaceRetryInHandle(t *testing.T) {186 g := setup(t)187 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))188 p.Race().Element("div").MustHandle(func(e *rod.Element) {189 go func() {190 utils.Sleep(0.5)191 e.MustElement("button").MustEval(`() => this.innerText = '04'`)192 }()193 e.MustElement("button").MustWait("() => this.innerText === '04'")194 }).MustDo()195}196func TestPageElementX(t *testing.T) {197 g := setup(t)198"fixtures/selector.html"))199"body")200 txt :="//div").MustElementX("./button").MustText()201 g.Eq(txt, "02")202}203func TestPageElementsX(t *testing.T) {204 g := setup(t)205"fixtures/selector.html"))206"body")207 list :="//button")208 g.Len(list, 4)209}210func TestElementR(t *testing.T) {211 g := setup(t)212 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))213 el := p.MustElementR("button", `\d1`)214 g.Eq("01", el.MustText())215 el = p.MustElement("div").MustElementR("button", `03`)216 g.Eq("03", el.MustText())217 p ="fixtures/input.html"))218 el = p.MustElementR("input", `submit`)219 g.Eq("submit", el.MustText())220 el = p.MustElementR("input", `placeholder`)221 g.Eq("blur", *el.MustAttribute("id"))222 el = p.MustElementR("option", `/cc/i`)223 g.Eq("CC", el.MustText())224}225func TestElementFromElement(t *testing.T) {226 g := setup(t)227 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))228 el := p.MustElement("div").MustElement("button")229 g.Eq("02", el.MustText())230}231func TestElementsFromElement(t *testing.T) {232 g := setup(t)233 p :="fixtures/input.html"))234 el := p.MustElement("form")235 list := p.MustElement("form").MustElements("option")236 g.Len(list, 4)237 g.Eq("B", list[1].MustText())238, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})239 g.Err(el.Elements("input"))240}241func TestElementParent(t *testing.T) {242 g := setup(t)243 p :="fixtures/input.html"))244 el := p.MustElement("input").MustParent()245 g.Eq("FORM", el.MustEval(`() => this.tagName`).String())246}247func TestElementParents(t *testing.T) {248 g := setup(t)249 p :="fixtures/input.html"))250 g.Len(p.MustElement("option").MustParents("*"), 4)251 g.Len(p.MustElement("option").MustParents("form"), 1)252}253func TestElementSiblings(t *testing.T) {254 g := setup(t)255 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))256 el := p.MustElement("div")257 a := el.MustPrevious()258 b := el.MustNext()259 g.Eq(a.MustText(), "01")260 g.Eq(b.MustText(), "04")261}262func TestElementFromElementX(t *testing.T) {263 g := setup(t)264 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))265 el := p.MustElement("div").MustElementX("./button")266 g.Eq("02", el.MustText())267}268func TestElementsFromElementsX(t *testing.T) {269 g := setup(t)270 p :="fixtures/selector.html"))271 list := p.MustElement("div").MustElementsX("./button")272 g.Len(list, 2)273}274func TestElementTracing(t *testing.T) {275 g := setup(t)276 g.browser.Trace(true)277 g.browser.Logger(utils.LoggerQuiet)278 defer func() {279 g.browser.Trace(defaults.Trace)280 g.browser.Logger(rod.DefaultLogger)281 }()282 p :="fixtures/click.html"))283 g.Eq(`rod.element("code") html`, p.MustElement("html").MustElement("code").MustText())284}285func TestPageElementByJS(t *testing.T) {286 g := setup(t)287 p :="fixtures/click.html"))288 g.Eq(p.MustElementByJS(`() => document.querySelector('button')`).MustText(), "click me")289 _, err := p.ElementByJS(rod.Eval(`() => 1`))290 g.Is(err, &rod.ErrExpectElement{})291 g.Eq(err.Error(), "expect js to return an element, but got: {\"type\":\"number\",\"value\":1,\"description\":\"1\"}")292}293func TestPageElementsByJS(t *testing.T) {294 g := setup(t)295 p :="fixtures/selector.html")).MustWaitLoad()296 g.Len(p.MustElementsByJS("() => document.querySelectorAll('button')"), 4)297 _, err := p.ElementsByJS(rod.Eval(`() => [1]`))298 g.Is(err, &rod.ErrExpectElements{})299 g.Eq(err.Error(), "expect js to return an array of elements, but got: {\"type\":\"number\",\"value\":1,\"description\":\"1\"}")300 _, err = p.ElementsByJS(rod.Eval(`() => 1`))301 g.Eq(err.Error(), "expect js to return an array of elements, but got: {\"type\":\"number\",\"value\":1,\"description\":\"1\"}")302 _, err = p.ElementsByJS(rod.Eval(`() => foo()`))303 g.Err(err)304, proto.RuntimeGetProperties{})305 _, err = p.ElementsByJS(rod.Eval(`() => [document.body]`))306 g.Err(err)307, proto.RuntimeCallFunctionOn{})308 g.Err(p.Elements("button"))309}310func TestPageElementTimeout(t *testing.T) {311 g := setup(t)312 page := start := time.Now()314 _, err := page.Timeout(300 * time.Millisecond).Element("not-exists")315 g.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded)316 g.Gte(time.Since(start), 300*time.Millisecond)317}318func TestPageElementMaxRetry(t *testing.T) {319 g := setup(t)320 page := s := func() utils.Sleeper { return utils.CountSleeper(5) }322 _, err := page.Sleeper(s).Element("not-exists")323 g.Is(err, &utils.ErrMaxSleepCount{})324}325func TestElementsOthers(t *testing.T) {326 g := setup(t)327 list := rod.Elements{}328 g.Nil(list.First())329 g.Nil(list.Last())330}...
Source: use_gorod.go
...104 headElement := page.MustElement("head")105 // prevent execution of tracking such as google analytics, gtm, or facebook106 // let's start by scanning the head section107 for _, s := range headElement.MustElements("script") {108 if strings.Contains(s.MustHTML(), "") {109 s.MustRemove()110 }111 }112 bodyElement := page.MustElement("body")113 bodyElement.MustElement("noscript").MustRemove()114 err = addScriptTagToBody(page, jsInjection)115 //err = page.AddScriptTag("", jsInjection) // this one adding script tag on head section116 if err != nil {117 _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "")118 return119 }120 wait()121 page.MustWaitIdle().MustElement("")122 htmlRootElement, err2 := bodyElement.Parent()123 if err2 != nil {124 _, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "")125 return126 }127 htmlResult := htmlRootElement.MustHTML()128 //_ = ioutil.WriteFile("rendered.html", []byte(htmlResult), os.ModePerm)129 _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, htmlResult)130}
Source: rendering.go
1// Package rendering provides a function to render HTML to images or HTML after JS execution.2// It uses the Chrome Debug Protocol through the rod package. It will download a headless3// Chrome version if needed that matches the current platform.4//5// If the environment variable SND_DEBUG=1 it will start the chrome instances6// in non-headless mode.7package rendering8import (9 "bytes"10 "errors"11 "image"12 _ "image/png"13 "net/url"14 "os"15 ""16 ""17 ""18)19var browser *rod.Browser20func init() {21 if os.Getenv("SND_DEBUG") == "1" {22 l := launcher.New().23 Headless(false).24 Devtools(true)25 browser = rod.New().ControlURL(l.MustLaunch()).MustConnect()26 } else {27 browser = rod.New().MustConnect()28 }29}30func screenshotPage(page *rod.Page, width int) (image.Image, error) {31 imageData, err := page.MustSetViewport(width, 10000, 1.0, false).MustElement("body").Screenshot(proto.PageCaptureScreenshotFormatPng, 100)32 if err != nil {33 return nil, err34 }35 img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewBuffer(imageData))36 if err != nil {37 return nil, err38 }39 if img.Bounds().Max.Y >= 9500 {40 return nil, errors.New("too large")41 }42 return img, nil43}44// RenderHTML renders the element #content into an image.45func RenderHTML(html string, width int) (image.Image, error) {46 page := browser.MustPage("data:text/html," + url.PathEscape(html))47 page.MustWaitLoad().MustWaitIdle()48 defer page.Close()49 return screenshotPage(page, width)50}51// RenderURL opens the URL and renders the element #content into an image.52func RenderURL(url string, width int) (image.Image, error) {53 page := browser.MustPage(url)54 page.MustWaitLoad().MustWaitIdle()55 defer page.Close()56 return screenshotPage(page, width)57}58// ExtractHTML opens the URL, lets the page executes and returns the HTML.59func ExtractHTML(url string, selector string) (string, error) {60 page := browser.MustPage(url)61 page.MustWaitLoad().MustWaitIdle()62 defer page.Close()63 sel, err := page.Element(selector)64 if err != nil {65 return "", err66 }67 return sel.HTML()68}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()4 page := browser.MustPage("")5 page.MustWaitLoad()6 html := page.MustHTML()7 fmt.Println(html)8 title := page.MustTitle()9 fmt.Println(title)10 url := page.MustInfo().URL11 fmt.Println(url)12 cookies := page.MustCookies()13 fmt.Println(cookies)14 cookies2 := page.MustCookies()15 fmt.Println(cookies2)16 cookies3 := page.MustCookies()17 fmt.Println(cookies3)18 cookies4 := page.MustCookies()19 fmt.Println(cookies4)20 cookies5 := page.MustCookies()21 fmt.Println(cookies5)22 cookies6 := page.MustCookies()23 fmt.Println(cookies6)24 cookies7 := page.MustCookies()25 fmt.Println(cookies7)26 cookies8 := page.MustCookies()27 fmt.Println(cookies8)28 cookies9 := page.MustCookies()29 fmt.Println(cookies9)30 cookies10 := page.MustCookies()31 fmt.Println(cookies10)32 cookies11 := page.MustCookies()33 fmt.Println(cookies11)34 cookies12 := page.MustCookies()35 fmt.Println(cookies12)36 cookies13 := page.MustCookies()37 fmt.Println(cookies13)38 cookies14 := page.MustCookies()39 fmt.Println(cookies14)
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()4 page.MustElement("input[name=q]").MustInput("rod").MustPress("Enter")5 html := page.MustHTML(true)6 println(html)7}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(page.MustHTML())4}5page.MustHTML()6page.MustHTML()7page.MustHTML()8func (p *Page) HTML() (html string, err error) {9 return p.Eval(`document.documentElement.outerHTML`).String()10}11func (p *Page) MustHTML() (html string) {12 return p.MustEval(`document.documentElement.outerHTML`).String()13}14page.MustHTML()15page.MustHTML()
Using AI Code Generation
1func (r *rod) HTML() string {2}3func (r *rod) SetHTML(html string) {4}5func (r *rod) Get() string {6}7func (r *rod) Set(html string) {8}9func (r *rod) HTML() string {10}11func (r *rod) SetHTML(html string) {12}13func (r *rod) Get() string {14}15func (r *rod) Set(html string) {16}17func (r *rod) HTML() string {18}19func (r *rod) SetHTML(html string) {20}21func (r *rod) Get() string {22}23func (r *rod) Set(html string) {24}25func (r *rod) HTML() string {26}27func (r *rod) SetHTML(html string) {28}29func (r *rod) Get() string {30}31func (r *rod) Set(html string) {32}33func (r *rod) HTML() string {34}35func (r *rod) SetHTML(html string) {36}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()4 fmt.Println(page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML())5}6import (7func main() {8 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()9 fmt.Println(page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustText())10}11import (12func main() {13 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()14 fmt.Println(page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHas("img"))15}16import (17func main() {18 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()19 fmt.Println(page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHasX("img"))20}21import (22func main() {23 browser := rod.New().MustConnect()
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 r := rod.New().MustConnect()3 defer r.MustClose()4 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()5}6func main() {7 r := rod.New().MustConnect()8 defer r.MustClose()9 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()10}11func main() {12 r := rod.New().MustConnect()13 defer r.MustClose()14 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()15}16func main() {17 r := rod.New().MustConnect()18 defer r.MustClose()19 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()20}21func main() {22 r := rod.New().MustConnect()23 defer r.MustClose()24 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()25}26func main() {27 r := rod.New().MustConnect()28 defer r.MustClose()29 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()30}31func main() {32 r := rod.New().MustConnect()33 defer r.MustClose()34 page.MustElement("#hplogo").MustWaitVisible().MustHTML()35}36func main() {37 r := rod.New().MustConnect()38 defer r.MustClose()
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type rod struct {3}4func (r rod) HTML() string {5 return fmt.Sprintf("<div style='color: %s;'>%d</div>", r.color, r.length)6}7func main() {8 r := rod{length: 10, color: "red"}9 fmt.Println(r.HTML())10}11import (12type rod struct {13}14func (r rod) HTML() string {15 return fmt.Sprintf("<div style='color: %s;'>%d</div>", r.color, r.length)16}17func main() {18 r := rod{length: 10, color: "red"}19 fmt.Println(r.HTML())20}21import (22type rod struct {23}24func (r rod) HTML() string {25 return fmt.Sprintf("<div style='color: %s;'>%d</div>", r.color, r.length)26}27func main() {28 r := rod{length: 10, color: "red"}29 fmt.Println(r.HTML())30}31import (32type rod struct {33}34func (r rod) HTML() string {35 return fmt.Sprintf("<div style='color: %s;'>%d</div>", r.color, r.length)36}37func main() {38 r := rod{length: 10, color: "red"}39 fmt.Println(r.HTML())40}41import (42type rod struct {43}44func (r rod) HTML() string {45 return fmt.Sprintf("<div style='color: %s;'>%d</div>", r.color, r.length)46}47func main() {48 r := rod{length: 10, color: "red"}49 fmt.Println(r.HTML())50}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 s = html.EscapeString(s)4 fmt.Println(s)5}6import (7func main() {8 s = html.UnescapeString(s)9 fmt.Println(s)10}11import (12func main() {13 s = html.EscapeString(s)14 fmt.Println(s)15}16import (17func main() {18 s = html.UnescapeString(s)19 fmt.Println(s)20}21import (22func main() {23 s = html.EscapeString(s)24 fmt.Println(s)25}
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