How to use NetworkGetCookies method of proto_test Package

Best Rod code snippet using proto_test.NetworkGetCookies


Source: definitions_test.go Github


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...1447 c := &Client{}1448 _, err := proto.NetworkGetCertificate{}.Call(c)1449 t.Nil(err)1450}1451func (t T) NetworkGetCookies() {1452 c := &Client{}1453 _, err := proto.NetworkGetCookies{}.Call(c)1454 t.Nil(err)1455}1456func (t T) NetworkGetResponseBody() {1457 c := &Client{}1458 _, err := proto.NetworkGetResponseBody{}.Call(c)1459 t.Nil(err)1460}1461func (t T) NetworkGetRequestPostData() {1462 c := &Client{}1463 _, err := proto.NetworkGetRequestPostData{}.Call(c)1464 t.Nil(err)1465}1466func (t T) NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception() {1467 c := &Client{}...

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1import (2func main() {3 ctxt, cancel := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())4 defer cancel()5 err := chromedp.Run(ctxt,6 network.Enable(),7 network.SetCookie("foo", "bar"),8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 fmt.Printf("%+v12}13[{Name:foo Value:bar Path:/ Expires:0 Size:5 HttpOnly:false Secure:false Session:false SameSite:Default Priority:Medium SourceScheme:SourceSchemeUnset SourcePort:0}]

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1import (2func main() {3 debugger := godet.Connect("localhost:9222", false)4 debugger.Command("Network.enable", nil)5 cookies, _ := debugger.NetworkGetCookies()6 fmt.Println(cookies)7}8[{"name":"_ga","value":"GA1.2.1234567890.1234567890","domain":"","path":"/","expires":1234567890,"size":26,"httpOnly":false,"secure":false,"session":false},{"name":"_gat","value":"1","domain":"","path":"/","expires":1234567890,"size":18,"httpOnly":false,"secure":false,"session":false},{"name":"_gid","value":"GA1.2.1234567890.1234567890","domain":"","path":"/","expires":1234567890,"size":26,"httpOnly":false,"secure":false,"session":false}]9import (10func main() {11 debugger := godet.Connect("localhost:9222", false)12 debugger.Command("Network.enable", nil)13 debugger.NetworkSetCookie("cookie_name", "cookie_value", "", "/", 0, false, false, false)14 cookies, _ := debugger.NetworkGetCookies()15 fmt.Println(cookies)16}17[{"name":"cookie_name","value":"cookie_value","domain":"","path":"/","expires":

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1import (2func main() {3 browser := godet.NewBrowser()4 err := browser.Connect()5 if err != nil {6 panic(err)7 }8 browser.WaitLoad()9 cookies, err := browser.NetworkGetCookies()10 if err != nil {11 panic(err)12 }

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1import (2func main() {3 conn, err := rpcc.Dial("localhost:9222")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 c := cdp.NewClient(conn)8 ctx, cancel := cdp.NewContext(context.Background())9 defer cancel()10 if err := network.Enable().Do(ctx, c); err != nil {11 log.Fatal(err)12 }13 if err != nil {14 log.Fatal(err)15 }16 for _, cookie := range cookies {17 fmt.Printf("%s=%s18 }19 if err := conn.Close(); err != nil {20 log.Fatal(err)21 }22}23import (24func main() {25 conn, err := rpcc.Dial("localhost:9222")26 if err != nil {27 log.Fatal(err)28 }29 c := cdp.NewClient(conn)30 ctx, cancel := cdp.NewContext(context.Background())31 defer cancel()32 if err := network.Enable().Do(ctx, c); err != nil {

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1func main() {2 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()3 proto.NetworkGetCookies()4}5func main() {6 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()7 proto.NetworkGetResponseBody()8}9func main() {10 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()11 proto.NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception()12}13func main() {14 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()15 proto.NetworkGetRequestPostData()16}17func main() {18 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()19 proto.NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception()20}21func main() {22 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()23 proto.PageCaptureScreenshot()24}25func main() {26 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()27 proto.PageCaptureScreenshot()28}29func main() {30 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()31 proto.PageCaptureScreenshot()32}33func main() {34 proto := proto_test.NewProto_test()35 proto.PageCaptureScreenshot()36}

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1func GetCookies(url string) string {2 c, err = proto_test.NetworkGetCookies(url)3 if err != nil {4 errStr = err.Error()5 } else {6 }7}8func SetCookies(url string, cookies string) string {9 c, err = proto_test.NetworkSetCookies(url, cookies)10 if err != nil {11 errStr = err.Error()12 }13}14func ClearCookies() string {15 c, err = proto_test.NetworkClearBrowserCookies()16 if err != nil {17 errStr = err.Error()18 }19}20func EnableDisableCache(enable bool) string {21 c, err = proto_test.NetworkSetCacheDisabled(enable)22 if err != nil {23 errStr = err.Error()24 }25}26func SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers string) string {27 c, err = proto_test.NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers

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