Best Rod code snippet using proto_test.CSSCreateStyleSheet
Source: definitions_test.go
...267 c := &Client{}268 _, err := proto.CSSCollectClassNames{}.Call(c)269 t.Nil(err)270}271func (t T) CSSCreateStyleSheet() {272 c := &Client{}273 _, err := proto.CSSCreateStyleSheet{}.Call(c)274 t.Nil(err)275}276func (t T) CSSDisable() {277 c := &Client{}278 err := proto.CSSDisable{}.Call(c)279 t.Nil(err)280}281func (t T) CSSEnable() {282 c := &Client{}283 err := proto.CSSEnable{}.Call(c)284 t.Nil(err)285}286func (t T) CSSForcePseudoState() {287 c := &Client{}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 vcl.Application.Initialize()4 vcl.Application.CreateForm()5 vcl.Application.Run()6}7import (8func main() {9 vcl.Application.Initialize()10 vcl.Application.CreateForm()11 vcl.Application.Run()12}13import (14func main() {15 vcl.Application.Initialize()16 vcl.Application.CreateForm()17 vcl.Application.Run()18}19import (20func main() {21 vcl.Application.Initialize()22 vcl.Application.CreateForm()23 vcl.Application.Run()24}25import (26func main() {27 vcl.Application.Initialize()28 vcl.Application.CreateForm()29 vcl.Application.Run()30}31import (32func main() {33 vcl.Application.Initialize()34 vcl.Application.CreateForm()35 vcl.Application.Run()36}37import (38func main() {39 vcl.Application.Initialize()
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 in, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test.pb")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatalln("Error reading file:", err)6 }7 test := &proto_test.Test{}8 if err := proto.Unmarshal(in, test); err != nil {9 log.Fatalln("Failed to parse address book:", err)10 }11 fmt.Println(test)12 test.Css = append(test.Css, &proto_test.CSS{13 Name: proto.String("test"),14 Css: proto.String("test"),15 })16 out, err := proto.Marshal(test)17 if err != nil {18 log.Fatalln("Failed to encode address book:", err)19 }20 if err := ioutil.WriteFile("test.pb", out, 0644); err != nil {21 log.Fatalln("Error writing to file:", err)22 }23}24import (25func main() {26 in, err := ioutil.ReadFile("test.pb")27 if err != nil {28 log.Fatalln("Error reading file:", err)29 }30 test := &proto_test.Test{}31 if err := proto.Unmarshal(in, test); err != nil {32 log.Fatalln("Failed to parse address book:", err)33 }34 fmt.Println(test)35 test.Css = append(test.Css, &proto_test.CSS{36 Name: proto.String("test"),37 Css: proto.String("test"),38 })39 out, err := proto.Marshal(test)40 if err != nil {41 log.Fatalln("Failed to encode address book:", err)42 }43 if err := ioutil.WriteFile("test.pb", out, 0644); err != nil {44 log.Fatalln("Error writing to file:", err)45 }46}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2var (3 ole32, _ = syscall.LoadLibrary("ole32.dll")4 ole32CoInitializeEx, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(ole32, "CoInitializeEx")5 ole32CoUninitialize, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(ole32, "CoUninitialize")6 ole32CoCreateInstance, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(ole32, "CoCreateInstance")7 ole32CoTaskMemFree, _ = syscall.GetProcAddress(ole32, "CoTaskMemFree")8func CoInitializeEx() {9 asm.CoInitializeEx.Call(uintptr(0), uintptr(2))10}11func CoUninitialize() {12 asm.CoUninitialize.Call()13}14func CoCreateInstance(rclsid *syscall.GUID, pUnkOuter, riid *syscall.GUID, ppv *unsafe.Pointer) (err error) {15 r, _, _ := asm.CoCreateInstance.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rclsid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pUnkOuter)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(riid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ppv)))16 if r != 0 {17 err = syscall.Errno(r)18 }19}20func CoTaskMemFree(pv uintptr) {21 asm.CoTaskMemFree.Call(pv)22}23func main() {24 CoInitializeEx()25 defer CoUninitialize()
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func CSSCreateStyleSheet() {3 ole32 := syscall.MustLoadDLL("ole32.dll")4 proc := ole32.MustFindProc("CoInitializeEx")5 proc.Call(uintptr(0), uintptr(0))6 proc = ole32.MustFindProc("CoCreateInstance")
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 p = proto_test.New()3}4func main() {5 p = proto_test.New()6 p.CSSGetStyleSheetText(1, 1)7}8func main() {9 p = proto_test.New()10}11func main() {12 p = proto_test.New()13}14func main() {15 p = proto_test.New()16 p.CSSGetSupportedCSSProperties(1)17}18func main() {19 p = proto_test.New()20 p.CSSGetSupportedSystemFontFamilyNames(1)21}22func main() {23 p = proto_test.New()24 p.CSSGetMediaQueries(1)25}26func main() {27 p = proto_test.New()28 p.CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode(1, 1)29}30func main() {31 p = proto_test.New()32 p.CSSGetInlineStylesForNode(1, 1)33}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func CSSCreateStyleSheet() (err error) {3 dll, err := syscall.LoadDLL("C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\\\golang\\sys\\windows\\DLL\\TestDll.dll")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println("Error loading DLL:", err)6 }7 proc, err := dll.FindProc("CSSCreateStyleSheet")8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println("Error finding function:", err)10 }11 ret, _, err := proc.Call()12 if err != nil {13 fmt.Println("Error calling function:", err)14 }15 fmt.Println("Return value:", ret)16}17func main() {18 err := CSSCreateStyleSheet()19 if err != nil {20 fmt.Println("Error:", err)21 }22}23extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int CSSCreateStyleSheet(int n, char* p) {24 printf("The value of n is: %d25", n);26 printf("The value of p is: %s27", p);28 return 0;29}30import (31func CSSCreateStyleSheet(n int, p string) (err error) {32 dll, err := syscall.LoadDLL("C:\\Users\\user\\go\\src\\\\golang\\sys\\windows\\DLL\\TestDll.dll")33 if err != nil {34 fmt.Println("Error loading DLL:", err)35 }36 proc, err := dll.FindProc("CSSCreateStyleSheet")37 if err != nil {38 fmt.Println("Error finding function
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 var (4 ole32 := syscall.MustLoadDLL("ole32.dll")5 CLSIDFromString, _ := ole32.FindProc("CLSIDFromString")6 CLSIDFromString.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("{1C1EF7C0-9E01-4C9F-B6C0-6C8E8F1F6E3F}"))), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&clsid)))7 IIDFromString, _ := ole32.FindProc("IIDFromString")8 IIDFromString.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("{1C1EF7C0-9E01-4C9F-B6C0-6C8E8F1F6E3F}"))), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&iid)))9 CoCreateInstance, _ := ole32.FindProc("CoCreateInstance")10 CoCreateInstance.Call(clsid, 0, 1, iid, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&pdisp)))11 vtbl := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(pdisp))12 method := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(vtbl + 3*unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))13 _, _, _ = syscall.Syscall(method, 4, pdisp, 0, 0, 0)14 fmt.Println("Done")15}16import (17func main() {18 var (19 ole32 := syscall.MustLoadDLL("ole32.dll")20 CLSIDFromString, _ := ole32.FindProc("CLSIDFromString")21 CLSIDFromString.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("{1C1EF7C0-9E01-4C9F-B6C0-6C8E8F1F6E3
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2var (3func main() {4 fmt.Println("Hello World")5 lib, err := syscall.LoadLibrary(libPath)6 if err != nil {7 fmt.Println("Error loading library: ", err.Error())8 }9 defer syscall.FreeLibrary(lib)10 proc, err := syscall.GetProcAddress(lib, "CSSCreateStyleSheet")11 if err != nil {12 fmt.Println("Error getting function address: ", err.Error())13 }14 r, _, err := syscall.Syscall(proc, 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("C:\\Users\\smita\\Desktop\\CSSEngine\\CSSEngine\\CSSEngine\\bin\\Debug\\test.css"))), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr("C:\\Users\\smita\\Desktop\\CSSEngine\\CSSEngine\\CSSEngine\\bin\\Debug\\test.css"))), 0)15 if err != 0 {16 fmt.Println("Error calling function: ", err.Error())17 }18 fmt.Println("Result: ", r)19}20import (21var (
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