How to use NewManaged method of launcher Package

Best Rod code snippet using launcher.NewManaged


Source:manager.go Github


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...14const (15 // HeaderName for remote launch16 HeaderName = "Rod-Launcher"17)18// MustNewManaged is similar to NewManaged19func MustNewManaged(serviceURL string) *Launcher {20 l, err := NewManaged(serviceURL)21 utils.E(err)22 return l23}24// NewManaged creates a default Launcher instance from launcher.Manager.25// The serviceURL must point to a launcher.Manager. It will send a http request to the serviceURL26// to get the default settings of the Launcher instance. For example if the launcher.Manager running on a27// Linux machine will return different default settings from the one on Mac.28// If Launcher.Leakless is enabled, the remote browser will be killed after the websocket is closed.29func NewManaged(serviceURL string) (*Launcher, error) {30 if serviceURL == "" {31 serviceURL = "ws://"32 }33 u, err := url.Parse(serviceURL)34 if err != nil {35 return nil, err36 }37 l := New()38 l.managed = true39 l.serviceURL = toWS(*u).String()40 l.Flags = nil41 res, err := http.Get(toHTTP(*u).String())42 if err != nil {43 return nil, err44 }45 defer func() { _ = res.Body.Close() }()46 return l, json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(l)47}48// KeepUserDataDir after remote browser is closed. By default launcher.FlagUserDataDir will be removed.49func (l *Launcher) KeepUserDataDir() *Launcher {50 l.mustManaged()51 l.Set(flags.KeepUserDataDir)52 return l53}54// JSON serialization55func (l *Launcher) JSON() []byte {56 return utils.MustToJSONBytes(l)57}58// MustClient for launching browser remotely via the launcher.Manager.59func (l *Launcher) MustClient() *cdp.Client {60 u, h := l.ClientHeader()61 return cdp.MustStartWithURL(l.ctx, u, h)62}63// ClientHeader for launching browser remotely via the launcher.Manager.64func (l *Launcher) ClientHeader() (string, http.Header) {65 l.mustManaged()66 header := http.Header{}67 header.Add(string(HeaderName), utils.MustToJSON(l))68 return l.serviceURL, header69}70func (l *Launcher) mustManaged() {71 if !l.managed {72 panic("Must be used with launcher.NewManaged")73 }74}75var _ http.Handler = &Manager{}76// Manager is used to launch browsers via http server on another machine.77// The reason why we have Manager is after we launcher a browser, we can't dynamicall change its78// CLI arguments, such as "--headless". The Manager allows us to decide what CLI arguments to79// pass to the browser when launch it remotely.80// The work flow looks like:81//82// | Machine X | Machine Y |83// | NewManaged("") -|-> http.ListenAndServe("", launcher.NewManager()) --> launch browser |84//85// 1. X send a http request to Y, Y respond default Launcher settings based the OS of Y.86// 2. X start a websocket connect to Y with the Launcher settings87// 3. Y launches a browser with the Launcher settings X88// 4. Y transparently proxy the websocket connect between X and the launched browser89type Manager struct {90 // Logger for key events91 Logger utils.Logger92 // Defaults should return the default Launcher settings93 Defaults func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) *Launcher94 // BeforeLaunch hook is called right before the launching with the Launcher instance that will be used95 // to launch the browser.96 // Such as use it to filter malicious values of Launcher.UserDataDir, Launcher.Bin, or Launcher.WorkingDir.97 BeforeLaunch func(*Launcher, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 st, err := api.Open(params.DefaultStateInfo(), api.DefaultDialOpts())4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println("Error in opening state", err)6 }7 defer st.Close()8 machine, err := st.Machine("1")9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Println("Error in getting machine", err)11 }12 tools, err := machine.AgentTools()13 if err != nil {14 fmt.Println("Error in getting machine tools", err)15 }16 config, err := machine.EnvironConfig()17 if err != nil {18 fmt.Println("Error in getting machine config", err)19 }20 dataDir, err := utils.DataDir()21 if err != nil {22 fmt.Println("Error in getting data dir", err)23 }24 logDir, err := utils.LogDir()25 if err != nil {26 fmt.Println("Error in getting log dir", err)27 }28 agentDir, err := utils.AgentDir()29 if err != nil {30 fmt.Println("Error in getting agent dir", err)31 }32 tag, err := machine.Tag()33 if err != nil {34 fmt.Println("Error in getting machine tag", err)35 }36 password, err := machine.Password()37 if err != nil {38 fmt.Println("Error in getting machine password", err)39 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 err := chaincode.Start(new(SimpleChaincode))4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Printf("Error starting Simple chaincode: %s", err)6 }7}8import (9func main() {10 err := chaincode.Start(&SimpleChaincode{})11 if err != nil {12 fmt.Printf("Error starting Simple chaincode: %s", err)13 }14}15import (16func main() {17 err := chaincode.Start(&SimpleChaincode{})18 if err != nil {19 fmt.Printf("Error starting Simple chaincode: %s", err)20 }21}22import (23func main() {24 err := chaincode.Start(&SimpleChaincode{})25 if err != nil {26 fmt.Printf("Error starting Simple chaincode: %s", err)27 }28}29import (30func main() {31 err := chaincode.Start(&SimpleChaincode{})32 if err != nil {33 fmt.Printf("Error starting Simple chaincode: %s", err)34 }35}36import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 app.NewManaged(func(a app.App) {5 for e := range a.Events() {6 switch e := a.Filter(e).(type) {7 fmt.Println("Draw Event")8 }9 }10 })11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 stack, err := node.New(&node.Config{4 })5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Println("Error creating node:", err)7 }8 if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {9 fmt.Println("Error starting node:", err)10 }11 backend := eth.New(stack, &eth.Config{})12 if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {13 }); err != nil {14 fmt.Println("Error registering Ethereum service:", err)15 }16 if err := backend.Start(stack.Server()); err != nil {17 fmt.Println("Error starting Ethereum service:", err)18 }19}20import (21func main() {22 stack, err := node.New(&node.Config{23 })24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println("Error creating node:", err)26 }27 if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {28 fmt.Println("Error starting node:", err)29 }30 backend := eth.New(stack, &eth.Config{})31 if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {32 }); err !=

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type launcher struct {3}4func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {5 fmt.Println("New Managed")6}7func main() {8 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}9 l.NewManaged()10}11import "fmt"12type launcher struct {13}14func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {15 fmt.Println("New Managed")16}17func main() {18 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}19 l.NewManaged()20}21import "fmt"22type launcher struct {23}24func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {25 fmt.Println("New Managed")26}27func main() {28 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}29 l.NewManaged()30}31import "fmt"32type launcher struct {33}34func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {35 fmt.Println("New Managed")36}37func main() {38 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}39 l.NewManaged()40}41import "fmt"42type launcher struct {43}44func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {45 fmt.Println("New Managed")46}47func main() {48 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}49 l.NewManaged()50}51import "fmt"52type launcher struct {53}54func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {55 fmt.Println("New Managed")56}57func main() {58 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}59 l.NewManaged()60}61import "fmt"62type launcher struct {63}64func (l *launcher) NewManaged() {65 fmt.Println("New Managed")66}67func main() {68 l := launcher{name: "launcher"}69 l.NewManaged()70}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ui.Main(func() {4 w := win.NewManaged("Hello World", 200, 100, true)5 b := ui.NewButton("Hello")6 w.SetChild(b)7 b.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) {8 w.Destroy()9 })10 w.Show()11 })12}13import (14func main() {15 ui.Main(func() {16 w := win.NewManaged("Hello World", 200, 100, true)17 b := ui.NewButton("Hello")18 w.SetChild(b)19 b.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) {20 w.Destroy()21 })22 w.Show()23 })24}25import (26func main() {27 ui.Main(func() {28 w := win.NewManaged("Hello World", 200, 100, true)29 b := ui.NewButton("Hello")30 w.SetChild(b)31 b.OnClicked(func(*ui.Button) {32 w.Destroy()33 })34 w.Show()35 })36}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Creating a new managed object")4 managed := launcher.NewManaged()5 fmt.Println("Managed object created")6 fmt.Println("Calling managed object's method")7 managed.Method()8 fmt.Println("Managed object's method returned")9}10import (11type Launcher struct {12}13func NewLauncher() *Launcher {14 fmt.Println("Creating a new launcher object")15 return &Launcher{}16}17func (l *Launcher) Launch() *Managed {18 fmt.Println("Launching a new managed object")19 return &Managed{}20}21import (22type Managed struct {23}24func NewManaged() *Managed {25 fmt.Println("Creating a new managed object")26 return &Managed{}27}28func (m *Managed) Method() {29 fmt.Println("Managed object's method called")30}31The launcher package is imported into the launcher package. The launcher

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 l := launcher.NewManaged()4 l.Launch("notepad.exe")5 l.Wait()6 l.Launch("notepad.exe")7 l.Wait()8 fmt.Println("done")9}10import (11func main() {12 l := launcher.NewManaged()13 l.Launch("notepad.exe")14 l.Launch("notepad.exe")15 exitCode := l.WaitAll()16 fmt.Println("done", exitCode)17}18import (19func main() {20 l := launcher.NewManaged()21 l.Launch("not

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello World")4 launcher := NewLauncher()5 managed := launcher.NewManaged()6 pid := managed.GetPID()7 exitCode := managed.GetExitCode()8 exitCode = managed.GetExitCode()9 running := managed.IsRunning()10 exitCode = managed.Wait(time.Second * 5)11 managed.Kill()12 exitCode = managed.Wait(time.Second * 5)13 running = managed.IsRunning()14 pid = managed.GetPID()15 exitCode = managed.GetExitCode()16 managed.Destroy()17 launcher.Destroy()18 os.Exit(0)19}

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