How to use MetricsEmulation method of devices Package

Best Rod code snippet using devices.MetricsEmulation


Source: utils_test.go Github


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...5 ""6)7func TestErr(t *testing.T) {8 as := got.New(t)9 v := devices.IPad.MetricsEmulation()10 touch := devices.IPad.TouchEmulation()11 as.Eq(768, v.Width)12 as.Eq(1024, v.Height)13 as.Eq(2, v.DeviceScaleFactor)14 as.Eq(0, v.ScreenOrientation.Angle)15 as.True(v.Mobile)16 as.True(touch.Enabled)17 v = devices.LaptopWithMDPIScreen.Landescape().MetricsEmulation()18 touch = devices.LaptopWithMDPIScreen.TouchEmulation()19 as.Eq(1280, v.Width)20 as.Eq(90, v.ScreenOrientation.Angle)21 as.False(v.Mobile)22 as.False(touch.Enabled)23 u := devices.IPad.UserAgentEmulation()24 as.Eq("Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.34 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A5341f Safari/604.1", u.UserAgent)25 as.Nil(devices.Clear.MetricsEmulation())26 as.False(devices.Clear.TouchEmulation().Enabled)27 as.Nil(devices.Clear.UserAgentEmulation())28}...

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1import (2func main() {3 if len(os.Args) != 2 {4 fmt.Println("Usage: go run 2.go <vmname>")5 os.Exit(1)6 }7 ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())8 defer cancel()9 if err != nil {10 log.Fatal(err)11 }12 c, err := govmomi.NewClient(ctx, u, true)13 if err != nil {14 log.Fatal(err)15 }16 f := find.NewFinder(c.Client, true)17 dc, err := f.DefaultDatacenter(ctx)18 if err != nil {19 log.Fatal(err)20 }21 f.SetDatacenter(dc)22 vm, err := f.VirtualMachine(ctx, vmname)23 if err != nil {24 log.Fatal(err)25 }26 err = vm.Properties(ctx, vm.Reference(), []string{"name", "config", "summary", "runtime", "guest", "datastore", "network", "parent", "resourcePool", "guest", "config.hardware.device"}, &mvm)27 if err != nil {28 log.Fatal(err)29 }30 for _, device := range mvm.Config.Hardware.Device {31 devices = append(devices, device)32 }33 for _, device := range devices {34 if c, ok := device.(types.BaseVirtualEthernetCard); ok {35 card = c.GetVirtualEthernetCard()36 }37 }38 if card == nil {39 log.Fatal("no ethernet card found")40 }41 for _, device := range devices {42 if d, ok := device.(types.BaseVirtualMachineNetworkShaperInfo); ok {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 err := shim.Start(new(SmartContract))4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Printf("Error starting Smart Contract: %s", err)6 }7}8type SmartContract struct {9}10func (s *SmartContract) Init(APIstub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {11 return shim.Success(nil)12}13func (s *SmartContract) Invoke(APIstub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {14 function, args := APIstub.GetFunctionAndParameters()15 if function == "MetricsEmulation" {16 return s.MetricsEmulation(APIstub, args)17 }18 return shim.Error("Invalid Smart Contract function name.")19}20func (s *SmartContract) MetricsEmulation(APIstub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) peer.Response {21 if len(args) != 2 {22 return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 2")23 }24 deviceAsBytes, _ := APIstub.GetState(args[0])25 if deviceAsBytes != nil {26 return shim.Error("Device already exists")27 }28 deviceObject := &Device{DeviceName: args[0], DeviceType: args[1], DeviceLocation: args[2]}29 deviceAsBytes, _ = json.Marshal(deviceObject)30 APIstub.PutState(args[0], deviceAsBytes)31 return shim.Success(nil)32}33type Device struct {34}35The code above is the code for the chaincode, which is written in Go. The code has a main function which is used to start the chaincode. The main function calls the shim.Start() function to start the chaincode. The shim.Start() function calls the Init() and Invoke() functions. The Init() function is used to initialize the chaincode, which is not used in this example. The Invoke() function is used to invoke the chaincode, which is used to call the

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