Best Mock code snippet using main.errorf
1// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.2//3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5// You may obtain a copy of the License at6//7// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13// limitations under the License.14// +build linux15package peek_test16import (17 "flag"18 "fmt"19 "log"20 "os"21 "os/exec"22 "reflect"23 "regexp"24 "sync"25 "testing"26 ""27 ""28 ""29)30var expectedVarValues = map[string]interface{}{31 `main.Z_bool_false`: false,32 `main.Z_bool_true`: true,33 `main.Z_complex128`: complex128(1.987654321 - 2.987654321i),34 `main.Z_complex64`: complex64(1.54321 + 2.54321i),35 `main.Z_float32`: float32(1.54321),36 `main.Z_float64`: float64(1.987654321),37 `main.Z_int16`: int16(-32321),38 `main.Z_int32`: int32(-1987654321),39 `main.Z_int64`: int64(-9012345678987654321),40 `main.Z_int8`: int8(-121),41 `main.Z_uint16`: uint16(54321),42 `main.Z_uint32`: uint32(3217654321),43 `main.Z_uint64`: uint64(12345678900987654321),44 `main.Z_uint8`: uint8(231),45}46// TODO: the string forms of some types we're testing aren't stable47var expectedVars = map[string]string{48 `main.Z_array`: `[5]int8{-121, 121, 3, 2, 1}`,49 `main.Z_array_empty`: `[0]int8{}`,50 `main.Z_bool_false`: `false`,51 `main.Z_bool_true`: `true`,52 `main.Z_channel`: `(chan int16 0xX)`,53 `main.Z_channel_2`: `(chan int16 0xX)`,54 `main.Z_channel_buffered`: `(chan int16 0xX [6/10])`,55 `main.Z_channel_nil`: `(chan int16 <nil>)`,56 `main.Z_array_of_empties`: `[2]{}{{} {}, ({} 0xX)}`,57 `main.Z_complex128`: `(1.987654321-2.987654321i)`,58 `main.Z_complex64`: `(1.54321+2.54321i)`,59 `main.Z_float32`: `1.54321`,60 `main.Z_float64`: `1.987654321`,61 `main.Z_func_int8_r_int8`: `func(int8, *int8) void @0xX `,62 `main.Z_func_int8_r_pint8`: `func(int8, **int8) void @0xX `,63 `main.Z_func_bar`: `func(*main.FooStruct) void @0xX `,64 `main.Z_func_nil`: `func(int8, *int8) void @0xX `,65 `main.Z_int`: `-21`,66 `main.Z_int16`: `-32321`,67 `main.Z_int32`: `-1987654321`,68 `main.Z_int64`: `-9012345678987654321`,69 `main.Z_int8`: `-121`,70 `main.Z_int_typedef`: `88`,71 `main.Z_interface`: `("*main.FooStruct", 0xX)`,72 `main.Z_interface_nil`: `(<nil>, <nil>)`,73 `main.Z_interface_typed_nil`: `("*main.FooStruct", <nil>)`,74 `main.Z_map`: `map[-21:3.54321]`,75 `main.Z_map_2`: `map[1024:1]`,76 `main.Z_map_3`: `map[1024:1 512:-1]`,77 `main.Z_map_empty`: `map[]`,78 `main.Z_map_nil`: `map[]`,79 `main.Z_pointer`: `0xX`,80 `main.Z_pointer_nil`: `0x0`,81 `main.Z_slice`: `[]uint8{115, 108, 105, 99, 101}`,82 `main.Z_slice_2`: `[]int8{-121, 121}`,83 `main.Z_slice_nil`: `[]uint8{}`,84 `main.Z_string`: `"I'm a string"`,85 `main.Z_struct`: `main.FooStruct {21, "hi"}`,86 `main.Z_uint`: `21`,87 `main.Z_uint16`: `54321`,88 `main.Z_uint32`: `3217654321`,89 `main.Z_uint64`: `12345678900987654321`,90 `main.Z_uint8`: `231`,91 `main.Z_uintptr`: `21`,92 `main.Z_unsafe_pointer`: `0xX`,93 `main.Z_unsafe_pointer_nil`: `0x0`,94}95// expectedEvaluate contains expected results of the debug.Evaluate function.96// A nil value indicates that an error is expected.97var expectedEvaluate = map[string]debug.Value{98 `x`: int16(42),99 `local_array`: debug.Array{42, 42, 5, 8},100 `local_channel`: debug.Channel{42, 42, 42, 0, 0, 2, 0},101 `local_channel_buffered`: debug.Channel{42, 42, 42, 6, 10, 2, 8},102 `local_map`: debug.Map{42, 42, 1},103 `local_map_2`: debug.Map{42, 42, 1},104 `local_map_3`: debug.Map{42, 42, 2},105 `local_map_empty`: debug.Map{42, 42, 0},106 `x + 5`: int16(47),107 `x - 5`: int16(37),108 `x / 5`: int16(8),109 `x % 5`: int16(2),110 `x & 2`: int16(2),111 `x | 1`: int16(43),112 `x ^ 3`: int16(41),113 `5 + x`: int16(47),114 `5 - x`: int16(-37),115 `100 / x`: int16(2),116 `100 % x`: int16(16),117 `2 & x`: int16(2),118 `1 | x`: int16(43),119 `3 ^ x`: int16(41),120 `12`: 12,121 `+42`: 42,122 `23i`: 23i,123 `34.0`: 34.0,124 `34.5`: 34.5,125 `1e5`: 100000.0,126 `0x42`: 66,127 `'c'`: 'c',128 `"de"`: debug.String{2, `de`},129 "`ef`": debug.String{2, `ef`},130 `"de" + "fg"`: debug.String{4, `defg`},131 `/* comment */ -5`: -5,132 `false`: false,133 `true`: true,134 `!false`: true,135 `!true`: false,136 `5 + 5`: 10,137 `true || false`: true,138 `false || false`: false,139 `true && false`: false,140 `true && true`: true,141 `!(5 > 8)`: true,142 `10 + 'a'`: 'k',143 `10 + 10.5`: 20.5,144 `10 + 10.5i`: 10 + 10.5i,145 `'a' + 10.5`: 107.5,146 `'a' + 10.5i`: 97 + 10.5i,147 `10.5 + 20.5i`: 10.5 + 20.5i,148 `10 * 20`: 200,149 `10.0 - 20.5`: -10.5,150 `(6 + 8i) * 4`: 24 + 32i,151 `(6 + 8i) * (1 + 1i)`: -2 + 14i,152 `(6 + 8i) * (6 - 8i)`: complex128(100),153 `(6 + 8i) / (3 + 4i)`: complex128(2),154 `local_array[2]`: int8(3),155 `&local_array[1]`: debug.Pointer{42, 42},156 `local_map[-21]`: float32(3.54321),157 `local_map[+21]`: float32(0),158 `local_map_3[1024]`: int8(1),159 `local_map_3[512]`: int8(-1),160 `local_map_empty[21]`: float32(0),161 `"hello"[2]`: uint8('l'),162 `local_array[1:3][1]`: int8(3),163 `local_array[0:4][2:3][0]`: int8(3),164 `local_array[:]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 5, 8}, 5},165 `local_array[:2]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 5},166 `local_array[2:]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 3, 8}, 3},167 `local_array[1:3]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 4},168 `local_array[:3:4]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 3, 8}, 4},169 `local_array[1:3:4]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 3},170 `local_array[1:][1:][1:]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 2},171 `(&local_array)[:]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 5, 8}, 5},172 `(&local_array)[:2]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 5},173 `(&local_array)[2:]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 3, 8}, 3},174 `(&local_array)[1:3]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 4},175 `(&local_array)[:3:4]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 3, 8}, 4},176 `(&local_array)[1:3:4]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 3},177 `lookup("main.Z_array")`: debug.Array{42, 42, 5, 8},178 `lookup("main.Z_array_empty")`: debug.Array{42, 42, 0, 8},179 `lookup("main.Z_bool_false")`: false,180 `lookup("main.Z_bool_true")`: true,181 `lookup("main.Z_channel")`: debug.Channel{42, 42, 42, 0, 0, 2, 0},182 `lookup("main.Z_channel_buffered")`: debug.Channel{42, 42, 42, 6, 10, 2, 8},183 `lookup("main.Z_channel_nil")`: debug.Channel{42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0},184 `lookup("main.Z_array_of_empties")`: debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 0},185 `lookup("main.Z_complex128")`: complex128(1.987654321 - 2.987654321i),186 `lookup("main.Z_complex64")`: complex64(1.54321 + 2.54321i),187 `lookup("main.Z_float32")`: float32(1.54321),188 `lookup("main.Z_float64")`: float64(1.987654321),189 `lookup("main.Z_func_int8_r_int8")`: debug.Func{42},190 `lookup("main.Z_func_int8_r_pint8")`: debug.Func{42},191 `lookup("main.Z_func_bar")`: debug.Func{42},192 `lookup("main.Z_func_nil")`: debug.Func{0},193 `lookup("main.Z_int")`: -21,194 `lookup("main.Z_int16")`: int16(-32321),195 `lookup("main.Z_int32")`: int32(-1987654321),196 `lookup("main.Z_int64")`: int64(-9012345678987654321),197 `lookup("main.Z_int8")`: int8(-121),198 `lookup("main.Z_int_typedef")`: int16(88),199 `lookup("main.Z_interface")`: debug.Interface{},200 `lookup("main.Z_interface_nil")`: debug.Interface{},201 `lookup("main.Z_interface_typed_nil")`: debug.Interface{},202 `lookup("main.Z_map")`: debug.Map{42, 42, 1},203 `lookup("main.Z_map_2")`: debug.Map{42, 42, 1},204 `lookup("main.Z_map_3")`: debug.Map{42, 42, 2},205 `lookup("main.Z_map_empty")`: debug.Map{42, 42, 0},206 `lookup("main.Z_map_nil")`: debug.Map{42, 42, 0},207 `lookup("main.Z_pointer")`: debug.Pointer{42, 42},208 `lookup("main.Z_pointer_nil")`: debug.Pointer{42, 0},209 `lookup("main.Z_slice")`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 5, 8}, 5},210 `lookup("main.Z_slice_2")`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 5},211 `lookup("main.Z_slice_nil")`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 0, 0, 8}, 0},212 `lookup("main.Z_string")`: debug.String{12, `I'm a string`},213 `lookup("main.Z_struct")`: debug.Struct{[]debug.StructField{{"a", debug.Var{}}, {"b", debug.Var{}}}},214 `lookup("main.Z_uint")`: uint(21),215 `lookup("main.Z_uint16")`: uint16(54321),216 `lookup("main.Z_uint32")`: uint32(3217654321),217 `lookup("main.Z_uint64")`: uint64(12345678900987654321),218 `lookup("main.Z_uint8")`: uint8(231),219 `lookup("main.Z_uintptr")`: uint(21),220 `lookup("main.Z_unsafe_pointer")`: debug.Pointer{0, 42},221 `lookup("main.Z_unsafe_pointer_nil")`: debug.Pointer{0, 0},222 `lookup("main.Z_int") + lookup("main.Z_int")`: -42,223 `lookup("main.Z_int16") < 0`: true,224 `lookup("main.Z_uint32") + lookup("main.Z_uint32")`: uint32(2140341346),225 `lookup("main.Z_bool_true") || lookup("main.Z_bool_false")`: true,226 `lookup("main.Z_bool_true") && lookup("main.Z_bool_false")`: false,227 `lookup("main.Z_bool_false") || lookup("main.Z_bool_false")`: false,228 `!lookup("main.Z_bool_true")`: false,229 `!lookup("main.Z_bool_false")`: true,230 `lookup("main.Z_array")[2]`: int8(3),231 `lookup("main.Z_array")[1:3][1]`: int8(3),232 `lookup("main.Z_array")[0:4][2:3][0]`: int8(3),233 `lookup("main.Z_array_of_empties")[0]`: debug.Struct{},234 `lookup("main.Z_complex128") * 10.0`: complex128(19.87654321 - 29.87654321i),235 `lookup("main.Z_complex64") * 0.1`: complex64(0.154321 + 0.254321i),236 `lookup("main.Z_float32") * 10.0`: float32(15.4321),237 `lookup("main.Z_float64") * 0.1`: float64(0.1987654321),238 `lookup("main.Z_int") + 1`: int(-20),239 `lookup("main.Z_int16") - 10`: int16(-32331),240 `lookup("main.Z_int32") / 10`: int32(-198765432),241 `lookup("main.Z_int64") / 10`: int64(-901234567898765432),242 `lookup("main.Z_int8") + 10`: int8(-111),243 `lookup("main.Z_map")[-21]`: float32(3.54321),244 `lookup("main.Z_map")[+21]`: float32(0),245 `lookup("main.Z_map_empty")[21]`: float32(0),246 `lookup("main.Z_slice")[1]`: uint8(108),247 `lookup("main.Z_slice_2")[1]`: int8(121),248 `lookup("main.Z_slice")[1:5][0:3][1]`: uint8('i'),249 `lookup("main.Z_array")[1:3:4]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 3},250 `(&lookup("main.Z_array"))[1:3:4]`: debug.Slice{debug.Array{42, 42, 2, 8}, 3},251 `lookup("main.Z_string") + "!"`: debug.String{13, `I'm a string!`},252 `lookup("main.Z_struct").a`: 21,253 `(&lookup("main.Z_struct")).a`: 21,254 `lookup("main.Z_uint")/10`: uint(2),255 `lookup("main.Z_uint16")/10`: uint16(5432),256 `lookup("main.Z_uint32")/10`: uint32(321765432),257 `lookup("main.Z_uint64")/10`: uint64(1234567890098765432),258 `lookup("main.Z_uint8")/10`: uint8(23),259 `lookup("main.Z_pointer").a`: 21,260 `(*lookup("main.Z_pointer")).a`: 21,261 `(&*lookup("main.Z_pointer")).a`: 21,262 `lookup("main.Z_pointer").b`: debug.String{2, `hi`},263 `(*lookup("main.Z_pointer")).b`: debug.String{2, `hi`},264 `(&*lookup("main.Z_pointer")).b`: debug.String{2, `hi`},265 `lookup("main.Z_map_nil")[32]`: float32(0),266 `&lookup("main.Z_int16")`: debug.Pointer{42, 42},267 `&lookup("main.Z_array")[1]`: debug.Pointer{42, 42},268 `&lookup("main.Z_slice")[1]`: debug.Pointer{42, 42},269 `*&lookup("main.Z_int16")`: int16(-32321),270 `*&*&*&*&lookup("main.Z_int16")`: int16(-32321),271 `lookup("time.Local")`: debug.Pointer{42, 42},272 `5 + false`: nil,273 ``: nil,274 `x + ""`: nil,275 `x / 0`: nil,276 `0 / 0`: nil,277 `'a' / ('a'-'a')`: nil,278 `0.0 / 0.0`: nil,279 `3i / 0.0`: nil,280 `x % 0`: nil,281 `0 % 0`: nil,282 `'a' % ('a'-'a')`: nil,283 `local_array[-2] + 1`: nil,284 `local_array[22] + 1`: nil,285 `local_slice[-2] + 1`: nil,286 `local_slice[22] + 1`: nil,287 `local_string[-2]`: nil,288 `local_string[22]`: nil,289 `"hello"[-2]`: nil,290 `"hello"[22]`: nil,291 `local_pointer_nil.a`: nil,292 `(local_struct).c`: nil,293 `(&local_struct).c`: nil,294 `(*local_pointer).c`: nil,295 `lookup("not a real symbol")`: nil,296 `lookup("x")`: nil,297 `lookup(x)`: nil,298 `lookup(42)`: nil,299}300func isHex(r uint8) bool {301 switch {302 case '0' <= r && r <= '9':303 return true304 case 'a' <= r && r <= 'f':305 return true306 case 'A' <= r && r <= 'F':307 return true308 default:309 return false310 }311}312// structRE is used by matches to remove 'struct ' from type names, which is not313// output by every version of the compiler.314var structRE = regexp.MustCompile("struct *")315// Check s matches the pattern in p.316// An 'X' in p greedily matches one or more hex characters in s.317func matches(p, s string) bool {318 // Remove 'struct' and following spaces from s.319 s = structRE.ReplaceAllString(s, "")320 j := 0321 for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {322 if j == len(s) {323 return false324 }325 c := p[i]326 if c == 'X' {327 if !isHex(s[j]) {328 return false329 }330 for j < len(s) && isHex(s[j]) {331 j++332 }333 continue334 }335 if c != s[j] {336 return false337 }338 j++339 }340 return j == len(s)341}342const (343 proxySrc = ""344 traceeSrc = ""345)346var (347 // Locations of the proxy and tracee executables.348 proxyBinary = "./debugproxy.out"349 traceeBinary = "./tracee.out"350 // Onces that ensure initProxy and initTracee are called at most once.351 proxyOnce sync.Once352 traceeOnce sync.Once353 // Flags for setting the location of the proxy and tracee, so they don't need to be built.354 proxyFlag = flag.String("proxy", "", "Location of debugproxy. If empty, proxy will be built.")355 traceeFlag = flag.String("target", "", "Location of target. If empty, target will be built.")356 // Executables this test has built, which will be removed on completion of the tests.357 filesToRemove []string358)359func TestMain(m *testing.M) {360 flag.Parse()361 x := m.Run()362 for _, f := range filesToRemove {363 os.Remove(f)364 }365 os.Exit(x)366}367func run(name string, args ...string) error {368 cmd := exec.Command(name, args...)369 cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout370 cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr371 return cmd.Run()372}373func initProxy() {374 if *proxyFlag != "" {375 proxyBinary = *proxyFlag376 remote.DebugproxyCmd = proxyBinary377 return378 }379 if err := run("go", "build", "-o", proxyBinary, proxySrc); err != nil {380 log.Fatalf("couldn't build proxy: %v", err)381 }382 filesToRemove = append(filesToRemove, proxyBinary)383 remote.DebugproxyCmd = proxyBinary384}385func initTracee() {386 if *traceeFlag != "" {387 traceeBinary = *traceeFlag388 return389 }390 if err := run("go", "build", "-o", traceeBinary, traceeSrc); err != nil {391 log.Fatalf("couldn't build target: %v", err)392 }393 filesToRemove = append(filesToRemove, traceeBinary)394}395func TestLocalProgram(t *testing.T) {396 t.Skip("Fails looking for runtime.lessstack for some reason")397 traceeOnce.Do(initTracee)398 prog, err := local.New(traceeBinary)399 if err != nil {400 t.Fatal("local.New:", err)401 }402 testProgram(t, prog)403}404func TestRemoteProgram(t *testing.T) {405 t.Skip("Fails looking for runtime.lessstack for some reason")406 traceeOnce.Do(initTracee)407 proxyOnce.Do(initProxy)408 prog, err := remote.New("localhost", traceeBinary)409 if err != nil {410 t.Fatal("remote.New:", err)411 }412 testProgram(t, prog)413}414func testProgram(t *testing.T, prog debug.Program) {415 _, err := prog.Run("some", "arguments")416 if err != nil {417 log.Fatalf("Run: %v", err)418 }419 pcs, err := prog.BreakpointAtFunction("")420 if err != nil {421 log.Fatalf("BreakpointAtFunction: %v", err)422 }423 fmt.Printf("breakpoints set at %x\n", pcs)424 _, err = prog.Resume()425 if err != nil {426 log.Fatalf("Resume: %v", err)427 }428 gs, err := prog.Goroutines()429 if err != nil {430 t.Fatalf("Goroutines(): got error %s", err)431 }432 for _, g := range gs {433 fmt.Println(g)434 for _, f := range g.StackFrames {435 fmt.Println(f)436 }437 }438 frames, err := prog.Frames(100)439 if err != nil {440 log.Fatalf("prog.Frames error: %v", err)441 }442 fmt.Printf("%#v\n", frames)443 if len(frames) == 0 {444 t.Fatalf("no stack frames returned")445 }446 if frames[0].Function != "" {447 t.Errorf("function name: got %s expected", frames[0].Function)448 }449 if len(frames[0].Params) != 2 {450 t.Errorf("got %d parameters, expected 2", len(frames[0].Params))451 } else {452 x := frames[0].Params[0]453 y := frames[0].Params[1]454 if x.Name != "x" {455 x, y = y, x456 }457 if x.Name != "x" {458 t.Errorf("parameter name: got %s expected x", x.Name)459 }460 if y.Name != "y" {461 t.Errorf("parameter name: got %s expected y", y.Name)462 }463 if val, err := prog.Value(x.Var); err != nil {464 t.Errorf("value of x: %s", err)465 } else if val != int16(42) {466 t.Errorf("value of x: got %T(%v) expected int16(42)", val, val)467 }468 if val, err := prog.Value(y.Var); err != nil {469 t.Errorf("value of y: %s", err)470 } else if val != float32(1.5) {471 t.Errorf("value of y: got %T(%v) expected float32(1.5)", val, val)472 }473 }474 varnames, err := prog.Eval(`re:main\.Z_.*`)475 if err != nil {476 log.Fatalf("prog.Eval error: %v", err)477 }478 // Evaluate each of the variables found above, and check they match479 // expectedVars.480 seen := make(map[string]bool)481 for _, v := range varnames {482 val, err := prog.Eval("val:" + v)483 if err != nil {484 log.Fatalf("prog.Eval error for %s: %v", v, err)485 } else {486 fmt.Printf("%s = %v\n", v, val)487 if seen[v] {488 log.Fatalf("repeated variable %s\n", v)489 }490 seen[v] = true491 if len(val) != 1 {492 log.Fatalf("should be one value for %s\n", v)493 }494 expected, ok := expectedVars[v]495 if !ok {496 log.Fatalf("unexpected variable %s\n", v)497 } else {498 if !matches(expected, val[0]) {499 log.Fatalf("expected %s = %s\n", v, expected)500 }501 }502 }503 }504 for v, e := range expectedVars {505 if !seen[v] {506 log.Fatalf("didn't get %s = %s\n", v, e)507 }508 }509 // Remove the breakpoint at err = prog.DeleteBreakpoints(pcs)511 if err != nil {512 log.Fatalf("DeleteBreakpoints: %v", err)513 }514 // Set a breakpoint at line 125, resume, and check we stopped there.515 pcsLine125, err := prog.BreakpointAtLine("testdata/main.go", 125)516 if err != nil {517 t.Fatal("BreakpointAtLine:", err)518 }519 status, err := prog.Resume()520 if err != nil {521 log.Fatalf("Resume: %v", err)522 }523 stoppedAt := func(pcs []uint64) bool {524 for _, pc := range pcs {525 if status.PC == pc {526 return true527 }528 }529 return false530 }531 if !stoppedAt(pcsLine125) {532 t.Errorf("stopped at %X; expected one of %X.", status.PC, pcsLine125)533 }534 for k, v := range expectedEvaluate {535 val, err := prog.Evaluate(k)536 if v == nil {537 if err == nil {538 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %v, expected error", k, val)539 }540 continue541 }542 if err != nil {543 t.Errorf("Evaluate(%s): got error %s, expected %v", k, err, v)544 continue545 }546 typ := reflect.TypeOf(v)547 if typ != reflect.TypeOf(val) && typ != reflect.TypeOf(int(0)) && typ != reflect.TypeOf(uint(0)) {548 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %T(%v)", k, val, val, v, v)549 continue550 }551 // For types with fields like Address, TypeID, etc., we can't know the exact552 // value, so we only test whether those fields are zero or not.553 switch v := v.(type) {554 default:555 if v != val {556 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %T(%v)", k, val, val, v, v)557 }558 case debug.Array:559 val := val.(debug.Array)560 if v.ElementTypeID == 0 && val.ElementTypeID != 0 {561 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero ElementTypeID", k, val)562 }563 if v.ElementTypeID != 0 && val.ElementTypeID == 0 {564 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero ElementTypeID", k, val)565 }566 if v.Address == 0 && val.Address != 0 {567 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Address", k, val)568 }569 if v.Address != 0 && val.Address == 0 {570 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Address", k, val)571 }572 case debug.Slice:573 val := val.(debug.Slice)574 if v.ElementTypeID == 0 && val.ElementTypeID != 0 {575 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero ElementTypeID", k, val)576 }577 if v.ElementTypeID != 0 && val.ElementTypeID == 0 {578 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero ElementTypeID", k, val)579 }580 if v.Address == 0 && val.Address != 0 {581 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Address", k, val)582 }583 if v.Address != 0 && val.Address == 0 {584 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Address", k, val)585 }586 case debug.Map:587 val := val.(debug.Map)588 if v.TypeID == 0 && val.TypeID != 0 {589 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero TypeID", k, val)590 }591 if v.TypeID != 0 && val.TypeID == 0 {592 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero TypeID", k, val)593 }594 if v.Address == 0 && val.Address != 0 {595 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Address", k, val)596 }597 if v.Address != 0 && val.Address == 0 {598 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Address", k, val)599 }600 case debug.Pointer:601 val := val.(debug.Pointer)602 if v.TypeID == 0 && val.TypeID != 0 {603 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero TypeID", k, val)604 }605 if v.TypeID != 0 && val.TypeID == 0 {606 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero TypeID", k, val)607 }608 if v.Address == 0 && val.Address != 0 {609 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Address", k, val)610 }611 if v.Address != 0 && val.Address == 0 {612 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Address", k, val)613 }614 case debug.Channel:615 val := val.(debug.Channel)616 if v.ElementTypeID == 0 && val.ElementTypeID != 0 {617 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero ElementTypeID", k, val)618 }619 if v.ElementTypeID != 0 && val.ElementTypeID == 0 {620 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero ElementTypeID", k, val)621 }622 if v.Address == 0 && val.Address != 0 {623 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Address", k, val)624 }625 if v.Address != 0 && val.Address == 0 {626 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Address", k, val)627 }628 if v.Buffer == 0 && val.Buffer != 0 {629 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Buffer", k, val)630 }631 if v.Buffer != 0 && val.Buffer == 0 {632 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Buffer", k, val)633 }634 case debug.Struct:635 val := val.(debug.Struct)636 if len(v.Fields) != len(val.Fields) {637 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %T(%v)", k, val, val, v, v)638 break639 }640 for i := range v.Fields {641 a := v.Fields[i].Name642 b := val.Fields[i].Name643 if a != b {644 t.Errorf("Evaluate(%s): field name mismatch: %s vs %s", k, a, b)645 break646 }647 }648 case debug.Func:649 val := val.(debug.Func)650 if v.Address == 0 && val.Address != 0 {651 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected zero Address", k, val)652 }653 if v.Address != 0 && val.Address == 0 {654 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %+v, expected non-zero Address", k, val)655 }656 case int:657 // ints in a remote program can be returned as int32 or int64658 switch val := val.(type) {659 case int32:660 if val != int32(v) {661 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %v", k, val, val, v)662 }663 case int64:664 if val != int64(v) {665 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %v", k, val, val, v)666 }667 default:668 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %T(%v)", k, val, val, v, v)669 }670 case uint:671 // uints in a remote program can be returned as uint32 or uint64672 switch val := val.(type) {673 case uint32:674 if val != uint32(v) {675 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %v", k, val, val, v)676 }677 case uint64:678 if val != uint64(v) {679 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %v", k, val, val, v)680 }681 default:682 t.Errorf("got Evaluate(%s) = %T(%v), expected %T(%v)", k, val, val, v, v)683 }684 }685 }686 // Evaluate a struct.687 v := `lookup("main.Z_struct")`688 val, err := prog.Evaluate(v)689 if err != nil {690 t.Fatalf("Evaluate: %s", err)691 }692 s, ok := val.(debug.Struct)693 if !ok {694 t.Fatalf("got Evaluate(%q) = %T(%v), expected debug.Struct", v, val, val)695 }696 // Check the values of its fields.697 if len(s.Fields) != 2 {698 t.Fatalf("got Evaluate(%q) = %+v, expected 2 fields", v, s)699 }700 if v0, err := prog.Value(s.Fields[0].Var); err != nil {701 t.Errorf("Value: %s", err)702 } else if v0 != int32(21) && v0 != int64(21) {703 t.Errorf("Value: got %T(%v), expected 21", v0, v0)704 }705 if v1, err := prog.Value(s.Fields[1].Var); err != nil {706 t.Errorf("Value: %s", err)707 } else if v1 != (debug.String{2, "hi"}) {708 t.Errorf("Value: got %T(%v), expected `hi`", v1, v1)709 }710 // Remove the breakpoint at line 125, set a breakpoint at main.f1 and main.f2,711 // then delete the breakpoint at main.f1. Resume, then check we stopped at712 // main.f2.713 err = prog.DeleteBreakpoints(pcsLine125)714 if err != nil {715 log.Fatalf("DeleteBreakpoints: %v", err)716 }717 pcs1, err := prog.BreakpointAtFunction("main.f1")718 if err != nil {719 log.Fatalf("BreakpointAtFunction: %v", err)720 }721 pcs2, err := prog.BreakpointAtFunction("main.f2")722 if err != nil {723 log.Fatalf("BreakpointAtFunction: %v", err)724 }725 err = prog.DeleteBreakpoints(pcs1)726 if err != nil {727 log.Fatalf("DeleteBreakpoints: %v", err)728 }729 status, err = prog.Resume()730 if err != nil {731 log.Fatalf("Resume: %v", err)732 }733 if !stoppedAt(pcs2) {734 t.Errorf("stopped at %X; expected one of %X.", status.PC, pcs2)735 }736 // Check we get the expected results calling VarByName then Value737 // for the variables in expectedVarValues.738 for name, exp := range expectedVarValues {739 if v, err := prog.VarByName(name); err != nil {740 t.Errorf("VarByName(%s): %s", name, err)741 } else if val, err := prog.Value(v); err != nil {742 t.Errorf("value of %s: %s", name, err)743 } else if val != exp {744 t.Errorf("value of %s: got %T(%v) want %T(%v)", name, val, val, exp, exp)745 }746 }747 // Check some error cases for VarByName and Value.748 if _, err = prog.VarByName("not a real name"); err == nil {749 t.Error("VarByName for invalid name: expected error")750 }751 if _, err = prog.Value(debug.Var{}); err == nil {752 t.Error("value of invalid var: expected error")753 }754 if v, err := prog.VarByName("main.Z_int16"); err != nil {755 t.Error("VarByName(main.Z_int16) error:", err)756 } else {757 v.Address = 0758 // v now has a valid type but a bad address.759 _, err = prog.Value(v)760 if err == nil {761 t.Error("value of invalid location: expected error")762 }763 }764 // checkValue tests that we can get a Var for a variable with the given name,765 // that we can then get the value of that Var, and that calling fn for that766 // value succeeds.767 checkValue := func(name string, fn func(val debug.Value) error) {768 if v, err := prog.VarByName(name); err != nil {769 t.Errorf("VarByName(%s): %s", name, err)770 } else if val, err := prog.Value(v); err != nil {771 t.Errorf("value of %s: %s", name, err)772 } else if err := fn(val); err != nil {773 t.Errorf("value of %s: %s", name, err)774 }775 }776 checkValue("main.Z_uintptr", func(val debug.Value) error {777 if val != uint32(21) && val != uint64(21) {778 // Z_uintptr should be an unsigned integer with size equal to the debugged779 // program's address size.780 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) want 21", val, val)781 }782 return nil783 })784 checkValue("main.Z_int", func(val debug.Value) error {785 if val != int32(-21) && val != int64(-21) {786 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) want -21", val, val)787 }788 return nil789 })790 checkValue("main.Z_uint", func(val debug.Value) error {791 if val != uint32(21) && val != uint64(21) {792 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) want 21", val, val)793 }794 return nil795 })796 checkValue("main.Z_pointer", func(val debug.Value) error {797 if _, ok := val.(debug.Pointer); !ok {798 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Pointer", val, val)799 }800 return nil801 })802 checkValue("main.Z_pointer_nil", func(val debug.Value) error {803 if p, ok := val.(debug.Pointer); !ok {804 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Pointer", val, val)805 } else if p.Address != 0 {806 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected nil pointer", val, val)807 }808 return nil809 })810 checkValue("main.Z_array", func(val debug.Value) error {811 a, ok := val.(debug.Array)812 if !ok {813 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Array", val, val)814 }815 if a.Len() != 5 {816 return fmt.Errorf("got array length %d expected 5", a.Len())817 }818 expected := [5]int8{-121, 121, 3, 2, 1}819 for i := uint64(0); i < 5; i++ {820 if v, err := prog.Value(a.Element(i)); err != nil {821 return fmt.Errorf("reading element %d: %s", i, err)822 } else if v != expected[i] {823 return fmt.Errorf("element %d: got %T(%v) want %T(%d)", i, v, v, expected[i], expected[i])824 }825 }826 return nil827 })828 checkValue("main.Z_slice", func(val debug.Value) error {829 s, ok := val.(debug.Slice)830 if !ok {831 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Slice", val, val)832 }833 if s.Len() != 5 {834 return fmt.Errorf("got slice length %d expected 5", s.Len())835 }836 expected := []uint8{115, 108, 105, 99, 101}837 for i := uint64(0); i < 5; i++ {838 if v, err := prog.Value(s.Element(i)); err != nil {839 return fmt.Errorf("reading element %d: %s", i, err)840 } else if v != expected[i] {841 return fmt.Errorf("element %d: got %T(%v) want %T(%d)", i, v, v, expected[i], expected[i])842 }843 }844 return nil845 })846 checkValue("main.Z_map_empty", func(val debug.Value) error {847 m, ok := val.(debug.Map)848 if !ok {849 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Map", val, val)850 }851 if m.Length != 0 {852 return fmt.Errorf("got map length %d expected 0", m.Length)853 }854 return nil855 })856 checkValue("main.Z_map_nil", func(val debug.Value) error {857 m, ok := val.(debug.Map)858 if !ok {859 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Map", val, val)860 }861 if m.Length != 0 {862 return fmt.Errorf("got map length %d expected 0", m.Length)863 }864 return nil865 })866 checkValue("main.Z_map_3", func(val debug.Value) error {867 m, ok := val.(debug.Map)868 if !ok {869 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Map", val, val)870 }871 if m.Length != 2 {872 return fmt.Errorf("got map length %d expected 2", m.Length)873 }874 keyVar0, valVar0, err := prog.MapElement(m, 0)875 if err != nil {876 return err877 }878 keyVar1, valVar1, err := prog.MapElement(m, 1)879 if err != nil {880 return err881 }882 key0, err := prog.Value(keyVar0)883 if err != nil {884 return err885 }886 key1, err := prog.Value(keyVar1)887 if err != nil {888 return err889 }890 val0, err := prog.Value(valVar0)891 if err != nil {892 return err893 }894 val1, err := prog.Value(valVar1)895 if err != nil {896 return err897 }898 // The map should contain 1024,1 and 512,-1 in some order.899 ok1 := key0 == int16(1024) && val0 == int8(1) && key1 == int16(512) && val1 == int8(-1)900 ok2 := key1 == int16(1024) && val1 == int8(1) && key0 == int16(512) && val0 == int8(-1)901 if !ok1 && !ok2 {902 return fmt.Errorf("got values (%d,%d) and (%d,%d), expected (1024,1) and (512,-1) in some order", key0, val0, key1, val1)903 }904 _, _, err = prog.MapElement(m, 2)905 if err == nil {906 return fmt.Errorf("MapElement: reading at a bad index succeeded, expected error")907 }908 return nil909 })910 checkValue("main.Z_string", func(val debug.Value) error {911 s, ok := val.(debug.String)912 if !ok {913 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected String", val, val)914 }915 if s.Length != 12 {916 return fmt.Errorf("got string length %d expected 12", s.Length)917 }918 expected := "I'm a string"919 if s.String != expected {920 return fmt.Errorf("got %s expected %s", s.String, expected)921 }922 return nil923 })924 checkValue("main.Z_channel", func(val debug.Value) error {925 c, ok := val.(debug.Channel)926 if !ok {927 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Channel", val, val)928 }929 if c.Buffer == 0 {930 return fmt.Errorf("got buffer address %d expected nonzero", c.Buffer)931 }932 if c.Length != 0 {933 return fmt.Errorf("got length %d expected 0", c.Length)934 }935 if c.Capacity != 0 {936 return fmt.Errorf("got capacity %d expected 0", c.Capacity)937 }938 return nil939 })940 checkValue("main.Z_channel_2", func(val debug.Value) error {941 c, ok := val.(debug.Channel)942 if !ok {943 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Channel", val, val)944 }945 if c.Buffer == 0 {946 return fmt.Errorf("got buffer address %d expected nonzero", c.Buffer)947 }948 if c.Length != 0 {949 return fmt.Errorf("got length %d expected 0", c.Length)950 }951 if c.Capacity != 0 {952 return fmt.Errorf("got capacity %d expected 0", c.Capacity)953 }954 return nil955 })956 checkValue("main.Z_channel_nil", func(val debug.Value) error {957 c, ok := val.(debug.Channel)958 if !ok {959 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Channel", val, val)960 }961 if c.Buffer != 0 {962 return fmt.Errorf("got buffer address %d expected 0", c.Buffer)963 }964 if c.Length != 0 {965 return fmt.Errorf("got length %d expected 0", c.Length)966 }967 if c.Capacity != 0 {968 return fmt.Errorf("got capacity %d expected 0", c.Capacity)969 }970 return nil971 })972 checkValue("main.Z_channel_buffered", func(val debug.Value) error {973 c, ok := val.(debug.Channel)974 if !ok {975 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Channel", val, val)976 }977 if c.Buffer == 0 {978 return fmt.Errorf("got buffer address %d expected nonzero", c.Buffer)979 }980 if c.Length != 6 {981 return fmt.Errorf("got length %d expected 6", c.Length)982 }983 if c.Capacity != 10 {984 return fmt.Errorf("got capacity %d expected 10", c.Capacity)985 }986 if c.Stride != 2 {987 return fmt.Errorf("got stride %d expected 2", c.Stride)988 }989 expected := []int16{8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}990 for i := uint64(0); i < 6; i++ {991 if v, err := prog.Value(c.Element(i)); err != nil {992 return fmt.Errorf("reading element %d: %s", i, err)993 } else if v != expected[i] {994 return fmt.Errorf("element %d: got %T(%v) want %T(%d)", i, v, v, expected[i], expected[i])995 }996 }997 v := c.Element(6)998 if v.Address != 0 {999 return fmt.Errorf("invalid element returned Var with address %d, expected 0", v.Address)1000 }1001 return nil1002 })1003 checkValue("main.Z_func_bar", func(val debug.Value) error {1004 f, ok := val.(debug.Func)1005 if !ok {1006 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Func", val, val)1007 }1008 if f.Address == 0 {1009 return fmt.Errorf("got func address %d expected nonzero", f.Address)1010 }1011 return nil1012 })1013 checkValue("main.Z_func_nil", func(val debug.Value) error {1014 f, ok := val.(debug.Func)1015 if !ok {1016 return fmt.Errorf("got %T(%v) expected Func", val, val)1017 }1018 if f.Address != 0 {1019 return fmt.Errorf("got func address %d expected zero", f.Address)1020 }1021 return nil1022 })1023}...
1package cli2import (3 "fmt"4 "os"5 "reflect"6 "strings"7 "testing"8)9var boolFlagTests = []struct {10 name string11 expected string12}{13 {"help", "--help\t"},14 {"h", "-h\t"},15}16func TestBoolFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {17 for _, test := range boolFlagTests {18 flag := BoolFlag{Name:}19 output := flag.String()20 if output != test.expected {21 t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)22 }23 }24}25var stringFlagTests = []struct {26 name string27 value string28 expected string29}{30 {"help", "", "--help \t"},31 {"h", "", "-h \t"},32 {"h", "", "-h \t"},33 {"test", "Something", "--test \"Something\"\t"},34}35func TestStringFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {36 for _, test := range stringFlagTests {37 flag := StringFlag{Name:, Value: test.value}38 output := flag.String()39 if output != test.expected {40 t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)41 }42 }43}44func TestStringFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {45 os.Clearenv()46 os.Setenv("APP_FOO", "derp")47 for _, test := range stringFlagTests {48 flag := StringFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_FOO"}49 output := flag.String()50 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_FOO]") {51 t.Errorf("%s does not end with [$APP_FOO]", output)52 }53 }54}55var stringSliceFlagTests = []struct {56 name string57 value *StringSlice58 expected string59}{60 {"help", func() *StringSlice {61 s := &StringSlice{}62 s.Set("")63 return s64 }(), "--help [--help option --help option]\t"},65 {"h", func() *StringSlice {66 s := &StringSlice{}67 s.Set("")68 return s69 }(), "-h [-h option -h option]\t"},70 {"h", func() *StringSlice {71 s := &StringSlice{}72 s.Set("")73 return s74 }(), "-h [-h option -h option]\t"},75 {"test", func() *StringSlice {76 s := &StringSlice{}77 s.Set("Something")78 return s79 }(), "--test [--test option --test option]\t"},80}81func TestStringSliceFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {82 for _, test := range stringSliceFlagTests {83 flag := StringSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value}84 output := flag.String()85 if output != test.expected {86 t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)87 }88 }89}90func TestStringSliceFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {91 os.Clearenv()92 os.Setenv("APP_QWWX", "11,4")93 for _, test := range stringSliceFlagTests {94 flag := StringSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_QWWX"}95 output := flag.String()96 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_QWWX]") {97 t.Errorf("%q does not end with [$APP_QWWX]", output)98 }99 }100}101var intFlagTests = []struct {102 name string103 expected string104}{105 {"help", "--help \"0\"\t"},106 {"h", "-h \"0\"\t"},107}108func TestIntFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {109 for _, test := range intFlagTests {110 flag := IntFlag{Name:}111 output := flag.String()112 if output != test.expected {113 t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)114 }115 }116}117func TestIntFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {118 os.Clearenv()119 os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2")120 for _, test := range intFlagTests {121 flag := IntFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}122 output := flag.String()123 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_BAR]") {124 t.Errorf("%s does not end with [$APP_BAR]", output)125 }126 }127}128var durationFlagTests = []struct {129 name string130 expected string131}{132 {"help", "--help \"0\"\t"},133 {"h", "-h \"0\"\t"},134}135func TestDurationFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {136 for _, test := range durationFlagTests {137 flag := DurationFlag{Name:}138 output := flag.String()139 if output != test.expected {140 t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)141 }142 }143}144func TestDurationFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {145 os.Clearenv()146 os.Setenv("APP_BAR", "2h3m6s")147 for _, test := range durationFlagTests {148 flag := DurationFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAR"}149 output := flag.String()150 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_BAR]") {151 t.Errorf("%s does not end with [$APP_BAR]", output)152 }153 }154}155var intSliceFlagTests = []struct {156 name string157 value *IntSlice158 expected string159}{160 {"help", &IntSlice{}, "--help [--help option --help option]\t"},161 {"h", &IntSlice{}, "-h [-h option -h option]\t"},162 {"h", &IntSlice{}, "-h [-h option -h option]\t"},163 {"test", func() *IntSlice {164 i := &IntSlice{}165 i.Set("9")166 return i167 }(), "--test [--test option --test option]\t"},168}169func TestIntSliceFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {170 for _, test := range intSliceFlagTests {171 flag := IntSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value}172 output := flag.String()173 if output != test.expected {174 t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)175 }176 }177}178func TestIntSliceFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {179 os.Clearenv()180 os.Setenv("APP_SMURF", "42,3")181 for _, test := range intSliceFlagTests {182 flag := IntSliceFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, EnvVar: "APP_SMURF"}183 output := flag.String()184 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_SMURF]") {185 t.Errorf("%q does not end with [$APP_SMURF]", output)186 }187 }188}189var float64FlagTests = []struct {190 name string191 expected string192}{193 {"help", "--help \"0\"\t"},194 {"h", "-h \"0\"\t"},195}196func TestFloat64FlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {197 for _, test := range float64FlagTests {198 flag := Float64Flag{Name:}199 output := flag.String()200 if output != test.expected {201 t.Errorf("%s does not match %s", output, test.expected)202 }203 }204}205func TestFloat64FlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {206 os.Clearenv()207 os.Setenv("APP_BAZ", "99.4")208 for _, test := range float64FlagTests {209 flag := Float64Flag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_BAZ"}210 output := flag.String()211 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_BAZ]") {212 t.Errorf("%s does not end with [$APP_BAZ]", output)213 }214 }215}216var genericFlagTests = []struct {217 name string218 value Generic219 expected string220}{221 {"test", &Parser{"abc", "def"}, "--test \"abc,def\"\ttest flag"},222 {"t", &Parser{"abc", "def"}, "-t \"abc,def\"\ttest flag"},223}224func TestGenericFlagHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {225 for _, test := range genericFlagTests {226 flag := GenericFlag{Name:, Value: test.value, Usage: "test flag"}227 output := flag.String()228 if output != test.expected {229 t.Errorf("%q does not match %q", output, test.expected)230 }231 }232}233func TestGenericFlagWithEnvVarHelpOutput(t *testing.T) {234 os.Clearenv()235 os.Setenv("APP_ZAP", "3")236 for _, test := range genericFlagTests {237 flag := GenericFlag{Name:, EnvVar: "APP_ZAP"}238 output := flag.String()239 if !strings.HasSuffix(output, " [$APP_ZAP]") {240 t.Errorf("%s does not end with [$APP_ZAP]", output)241 }242 }243}244func TestParseMultiString(t *testing.T) {245 (&App{246 Flags: []Flag{247 StringFlag{Name: "serve, s"},248 },249 Action: func(ctx *Context) {250 if ctx.String("serve") != "10" {251 t.Errorf("main name not set")252 }253 if ctx.String("s") != "10" {254 t.Errorf("short name not set")255 }256 },257 }).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10"})258}259func TestParseDestinationString(t *testing.T) {260 var dest string261 a := App{262 Flags: []Flag{263 StringFlag{264 Name: "dest",265 Destination: &dest,266 },267 },268 Action: func(ctx *Context) {269 if dest != "10" {270 t.Errorf("expected destination String 10")271 }272 },273 }274 a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest", "10"})275}276func TestParseMultiStringFromEnv(t *testing.T) {277 os.Clearenv()278 os.Setenv("APP_COUNT", "20")279 (&App{280 Flags: []Flag{281 StringFlag{Name: "count, c", EnvVar: "APP_COUNT"},282 },283 Action: func(ctx *Context) {284 if ctx.String("count") != "20" {285 t.Errorf("main name not set")286 }287 if ctx.String("c") != "20" {288 t.Errorf("short name not set")289 }290 },291 }).Run([]string{"run"})292}293func TestParseMultiStringFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {294 os.Clearenv()295 os.Setenv("APP_COUNT", "20")296 (&App{297 Flags: []Flag{298 StringFlag{Name: "count, c", EnvVar: "COMPAT_COUNT,APP_COUNT"},299 },300 Action: func(ctx *Context) {301 if ctx.String("count") != "20" {302 t.Errorf("main name not set")303 }304 if ctx.String("c") != "20" {305 t.Errorf("short name not set")306 }307 },308 }).Run([]string{"run"})309}310func TestParseMultiStringSlice(t *testing.T) {311 (&App{312 Flags: []Flag{313 StringSliceFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &StringSlice{}},314 },315 Action: func(ctx *Context) {316 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("serve"), []string{"10", "20"}) {317 t.Errorf("main name not set")318 }319 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("s"), []string{"10", "20"}) {320 t.Errorf("short name not set")321 }322 },323 }).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10", "-s", "20"})324}325func TestParseMultiStringSliceFromEnv(t *testing.T) {326 os.Clearenv()327 os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")328 (&App{329 Flags: []Flag{330 StringSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &StringSlice{}, EnvVar: "APP_INTERVALS"},331 },332 Action: func(ctx *Context) {333 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("intervals"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {334 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")335 }336 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("i"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {337 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")338 }339 },340 }).Run([]string{"run"})341}342func TestParseMultiStringSliceFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {343 os.Clearenv()344 os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")345 (&App{346 Flags: []Flag{347 StringSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &StringSlice{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_INTERVALS,APP_INTERVALS"},348 },349 Action: func(ctx *Context) {350 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("intervals"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {351 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")352 }353 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.StringSlice("i"), []string{"20", "30", "40"}) {354 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")355 }356 },357 }).Run([]string{"run"})358}359func TestParseMultiInt(t *testing.T) {360 a := App{361 Flags: []Flag{362 IntFlag{Name: "serve, s"},363 },364 Action: func(ctx *Context) {365 if ctx.Int("serve") != 10 {366 t.Errorf("main name not set")367 }368 if ctx.Int("s") != 10 {369 t.Errorf("short name not set")370 }371 },372 }373 a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10"})374}375func TestParseDestinationInt(t *testing.T) {376 var dest int377 a := App{378 Flags: []Flag{379 IntFlag{380 Name: "dest",381 Destination: &dest,382 },383 },384 Action: func(ctx *Context) {385 if dest != 10 {386 t.Errorf("expected destination Int 10")387 }388 },389 }390 a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest", "10"})391}392func TestParseMultiIntFromEnv(t *testing.T) {393 os.Clearenv()394 os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "10")395 a := App{396 Flags: []Flag{397 IntFlag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},398 },399 Action: func(ctx *Context) {400 if ctx.Int("timeout") != 10 {401 t.Errorf("main name not set")402 }403 if ctx.Int("t") != 10 {404 t.Errorf("short name not set")405 }406 },407 }408 a.Run([]string{"run"})409}410func TestParseMultiIntFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {411 os.Clearenv()412 os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "10")413 a := App{414 Flags: []Flag{415 IntFlag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "COMPAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},416 },417 Action: func(ctx *Context) {418 if ctx.Int("timeout") != 10 {419 t.Errorf("main name not set")420 }421 if ctx.Int("t") != 10 {422 t.Errorf("short name not set")423 }424 },425 }426 a.Run([]string{"run"})427}428func TestParseMultiIntSlice(t *testing.T) {429 (&App{430 Flags: []Flag{431 IntSliceFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &IntSlice{}},432 },433 Action: func(ctx *Context) {434 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("serve"), []int{10, 20}) {435 t.Errorf("main name not set")436 }437 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("s"), []int{10, 20}) {438 t.Errorf("short name not set")439 }440 },441 }).Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10", "-s", "20"})442}443func TestParseMultiIntSliceFromEnv(t *testing.T) {444 os.Clearenv()445 os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")446 (&App{447 Flags: []Flag{448 IntSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &IntSlice{}, EnvVar: "APP_INTERVALS"},449 },450 Action: func(ctx *Context) {451 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("intervals"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {452 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")453 }454 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("i"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {455 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")456 }457 },458 }).Run([]string{"run"})459}460func TestParseMultiIntSliceFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {461 os.Clearenv()462 os.Setenv("APP_INTERVALS", "20,30,40")463 (&App{464 Flags: []Flag{465 IntSliceFlag{Name: "intervals, i", Value: &IntSlice{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_INTERVALS,APP_INTERVALS"},466 },467 Action: func(ctx *Context) {468 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("intervals"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {469 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")470 }471 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.IntSlice("i"), []int{20, 30, 40}) {472 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")473 }474 },475 }).Run([]string{"run"})476}477func TestParseMultiFloat64(t *testing.T) {478 a := App{479 Flags: []Flag{480 Float64Flag{Name: "serve, s"},481 },482 Action: func(ctx *Context) {483 if ctx.Float64("serve") != 10.2 {484 t.Errorf("main name not set")485 }486 if ctx.Float64("s") != 10.2 {487 t.Errorf("short name not set")488 }489 },490 }491 a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10.2"})492}493func TestParseDestinationFloat64(t *testing.T) {494 var dest float64495 a := App{496 Flags: []Flag{497 Float64Flag{498 Name: "dest",499 Destination: &dest,500 },501 },502 Action: func(ctx *Context) {503 if dest != 10.2 {504 t.Errorf("expected destination Float64 10.2")505 }506 },507 }508 a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest", "10.2"})509}510func TestParseMultiFloat64FromEnv(t *testing.T) {511 os.Clearenv()512 os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "15.5")513 a := App{514 Flags: []Flag{515 Float64Flag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},516 },517 Action: func(ctx *Context) {518 if ctx.Float64("timeout") != 15.5 {519 t.Errorf("main name not set")520 }521 if ctx.Float64("t") != 15.5 {522 t.Errorf("short name not set")523 }524 },525 }526 a.Run([]string{"run"})527}528func TestParseMultiFloat64FromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {529 os.Clearenv()530 os.Setenv("APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", "15.5")531 a := App{532 Flags: []Flag{533 Float64Flag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "COMPAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,APP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS"},534 },535 Action: func(ctx *Context) {536 if ctx.Float64("timeout") != 15.5 {537 t.Errorf("main name not set")538 }539 if ctx.Float64("t") != 15.5 {540 t.Errorf("short name not set")541 }542 },543 }544 a.Run([]string{"run"})545}546func TestParseMultiBool(t *testing.T) {547 a := App{548 Flags: []Flag{549 BoolFlag{Name: "serve, s"},550 },551 Action: func(ctx *Context) {552 if ctx.Bool("serve") != true {553 t.Errorf("main name not set")554 }555 if ctx.Bool("s") != true {556 t.Errorf("short name not set")557 }558 },559 }560 a.Run([]string{"run", "--serve"})561}562func TestParseDestinationBool(t *testing.T) {563 var dest bool564 a := App{565 Flags: []Flag{566 BoolFlag{567 Name: "dest",568 Destination: &dest,569 },570 },571 Action: func(ctx *Context) {572 if dest != true {573 t.Errorf("expected destination Bool true")574 }575 },576 }577 a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest"})578}579func TestParseMultiBoolFromEnv(t *testing.T) {580 os.Clearenv()581 os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "1")582 a := App{583 Flags: []Flag{584 BoolFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "APP_DEBUG"},585 },586 Action: func(ctx *Context) {587 if ctx.Bool("debug") != true {588 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")589 }590 if ctx.Bool("d") != true {591 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")592 }593 },594 }595 a.Run([]string{"run"})596}597func TestParseMultiBoolFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {598 os.Clearenv()599 os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "1")600 a := App{601 Flags: []Flag{602 BoolFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "COMPAT_DEBUG,APP_DEBUG"},603 },604 Action: func(ctx *Context) {605 if ctx.Bool("debug") != true {606 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")607 }608 if ctx.Bool("d") != true {609 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")610 }611 },612 }613 a.Run([]string{"run"})614}615func TestParseMultiBoolT(t *testing.T) {616 a := App{617 Flags: []Flag{618 BoolTFlag{Name: "serve, s"},619 },620 Action: func(ctx *Context) {621 if ctx.BoolT("serve") != true {622 t.Errorf("main name not set")623 }624 if ctx.BoolT("s") != true {625 t.Errorf("short name not set")626 }627 },628 }629 a.Run([]string{"run", "--serve"})630}631func TestParseDestinationBoolT(t *testing.T) {632 var dest bool633 a := App{634 Flags: []Flag{635 BoolTFlag{636 Name: "dest",637 Destination: &dest,638 },639 },640 Action: func(ctx *Context) {641 if dest != true {642 t.Errorf("expected destination BoolT true")643 }644 },645 }646 a.Run([]string{"run", "--dest"})647}648func TestParseMultiBoolTFromEnv(t *testing.T) {649 os.Clearenv()650 os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "0")651 a := App{652 Flags: []Flag{653 BoolTFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "APP_DEBUG"},654 },655 Action: func(ctx *Context) {656 if ctx.BoolT("debug") != false {657 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")658 }659 if ctx.BoolT("d") != false {660 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")661 }662 },663 }664 a.Run([]string{"run"})665}666func TestParseMultiBoolTFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {667 os.Clearenv()668 os.Setenv("APP_DEBUG", "0")669 a := App{670 Flags: []Flag{671 BoolTFlag{Name: "debug, d", EnvVar: "COMPAT_DEBUG,APP_DEBUG"},672 },673 Action: func(ctx *Context) {674 if ctx.BoolT("debug") != false {675 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")676 }677 if ctx.BoolT("d") != false {678 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")679 }680 },681 }682 a.Run([]string{"run"})683}684type Parser [2]string685func (p *Parser) Set(value string) error {686 parts := strings.Split(value, ",")687 if len(parts) != 2 {688 return fmt.Errorf("invalid format")689 }690 (*p)[0] = parts[0]691 (*p)[1] = parts[1]692 return nil693}694func (p *Parser) String() string {695 return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", p[0], p[1])696}697func TestParseGeneric(t *testing.T) {698 a := App{699 Flags: []Flag{700 GenericFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Parser{}},701 },702 Action: func(ctx *Context) {703 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("serve"), &Parser{"10", "20"}) {704 t.Errorf("main name not set")705 }706 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("s"), &Parser{"10", "20"}) {707 t.Errorf("short name not set")708 }709 },710 }711 a.Run([]string{"run", "-s", "10,20"})712}713func TestParseGenericFromEnv(t *testing.T) {714 os.Clearenv()715 os.Setenv("APP_SERVE", "20,30")716 a := App{717 Flags: []Flag{718 GenericFlag{Name: "serve, s", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "APP_SERVE"},719 },720 Action: func(ctx *Context) {721 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("serve"), &Parser{"20", "30"}) {722 t.Errorf("main name not set from env")723 }724 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("s"), &Parser{"20", "30"}) {725 t.Errorf("short name not set from env")726 }727 },728 }729 a.Run([]string{"run"})730}731func TestParseGenericFromEnvCascade(t *testing.T) {732 os.Clearenv()733 os.Setenv("APP_FOO", "99,2000")734 a := App{735 Flags: []Flag{736 GenericFlag{Name: "foos", Value: &Parser{}, EnvVar: "COMPAT_FOO,APP_FOO"},737 },738 Action: func(ctx *Context) {739 if !reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.Generic("foos"), &Parser{"99", "2000"}) {740 t.Errorf("value not set from env")741 }742 },743 }744 a.Run([]string{"run"})745}...
1// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.4package loader_test5import (6 "fmt"7 "go/build"8 "reflect"9 "sort"10 "strings"11 "sync"12 "testing"13 ""14 ""15)16// TestFromArgs checks that conf.FromArgs populates conf correctly.17// It does no I/O.18func TestFromArgs(t *testing.T) {19 type result struct {20 Err string21 Rest []string22 ImportPkgs map[string]bool23 CreatePkgs []loader.PkgSpec24 }25 for _, test := range []struct {26 args []string27 tests bool28 want result29 }{30 // Mix of existing and non-existent packages.31 {32 args: []string{"nosuchpkg", "errors"},33 want: result{34 ImportPkgs: map[string]bool{"errors": false, "nosuchpkg": false},35 },36 },37 // Same, with -test flag.38 {39 args: []string{"nosuchpkg", "errors"},40 tests: true,41 want: result{42 ImportPkgs: map[string]bool{"errors": true, "nosuchpkg": true},43 },44 },45 // Surplus arguments.46 {47 args: []string{"fmt", "errors", "--", "surplus"},48 want: result{49 Rest: []string{"surplus"},50 ImportPkgs: map[string]bool{"errors": false, "fmt": false},51 },52 },53 // Ad hoc package specified as *.go files.54 {55 args: []string{"foo.go", "bar.go"},56 want: result{CreatePkgs: []loader.PkgSpec{{57 Filenames: []string{"foo.go", "bar.go"},58 }}},59 },60 // Mixture of *.go and import paths.61 {62 args: []string{"foo.go", "fmt"},63 want: result{64 Err: "named files must be .go files: fmt",65 },66 },67 } {68 var conf loader.Config69 rest, err := conf.FromArgs(test.args, test.tests)70 got := result{71 Rest: rest,72 ImportPkgs: conf.ImportPkgs,73 CreatePkgs: conf.CreatePkgs,74 }75 if err != nil {76 got.Err = err.Error()77 }78 if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {79 t.Errorf("FromArgs(%q) = %+v, want %+v", test.args, got, test.want)80 }81 }82}83func TestLoad_NoInitialPackages(t *testing.T) {84 var conf loader.Config85 const wantErr = "no initial packages were loaded"86 prog, err := conf.Load()87 if err == nil {88 t.Errorf("Load succeeded unexpectedly, want %q", wantErr)89 } else if err.Error() != wantErr {90 t.Errorf("Load failed with wrong error %q, want %q", err, wantErr)91 }92 if prog != nil {93 t.Errorf("Load unexpectedly returned a Program")94 }95}96func TestLoad_MissingInitialPackage(t *testing.T) {97 var conf loader.Config98 conf.Import("nosuchpkg")99 conf.Import("errors")100 const wantErr = "couldn't load packages due to errors: nosuchpkg"101 prog, err := conf.Load()102 if err == nil {103 t.Errorf("Load succeeded unexpectedly, want %q", wantErr)104 } else if err.Error() != wantErr {105 t.Errorf("Load failed with wrong error %q, want %q", err, wantErr)106 }107 if prog != nil {108 t.Errorf("Load unexpectedly returned a Program")109 }110}111func TestLoad_MissingInitialPackage_AllowErrors(t *testing.T) {112 var conf loader.Config113 conf.AllowErrors = true114 conf.Import("nosuchpkg")115 conf.ImportWithTests("errors")116 prog, err := conf.Load()117 if err != nil {118 t.Errorf("Load failed unexpectedly: %v", err)119 }120 if prog == nil {121 t.Fatalf("Load returned a nil Program")122 }123 if got, want := created(prog), "errors_test"; got != want {124 t.Errorf("Created = %s, want %s", got, want)125 }126 if got, want := imported(prog), "errors"; got != want {127 t.Errorf("Imported = %s, want %s", got, want)128 }129}130func TestCreateUnnamedPackage(t *testing.T) {131 var conf loader.Config132 conf.CreateFromFilenames("")133 prog, err := conf.Load()134 if err != nil {135 t.Fatalf("Load failed: %v", err)136 }137 if got, want := fmt.Sprint(prog.InitialPackages()), "[(unnamed)]"; got != want {138 t.Errorf("InitialPackages = %s, want %s", got, want)139 }140}141func TestLoad_MissingFileInCreatedPackage(t *testing.T) {142 var conf loader.Config143 conf.CreateFromFilenames("", "missing.go")144 const wantErr = "couldn't load packages due to errors: (unnamed)"145 prog, err := conf.Load()146 if prog != nil {147 t.Errorf("Load unexpectedly returned a Program")148 }149 if err == nil {150 t.Fatalf("Load succeeded unexpectedly, want %q", wantErr)151 }152 if err.Error() != wantErr {153 t.Fatalf("Load failed with wrong error %q, want %q", err, wantErr)154 }155}156func TestLoad_MissingFileInCreatedPackage_AllowErrors(t *testing.T) {157 conf := loader.Config{AllowErrors: true}158 conf.CreateFromFilenames("", "missing.go")159 prog, err := conf.Load()160 if err != nil {161 t.Errorf("Load failed: %v", err)162 }163 if got, want := fmt.Sprint(prog.InitialPackages()), "[(unnamed)]"; got != want {164 t.Fatalf("InitialPackages = %s, want %s", got, want)165 }166}167func TestLoad_ParseError(t *testing.T) {168 var conf loader.Config169 conf.CreateFromFilenames("badpkg", "testdata/badpkgdecl.go")170 const wantErr = "couldn't load packages due to errors: badpkg"171 prog, err := conf.Load()172 if prog != nil {173 t.Errorf("Load unexpectedly returned a Program")174 }175 if err == nil {176 t.Fatalf("Load succeeded unexpectedly, want %q", wantErr)177 }178 if err.Error() != wantErr {179 t.Fatalf("Load failed with wrong error %q, want %q", err, wantErr)180 }181}182func TestLoad_ParseError_AllowErrors(t *testing.T) {183 var conf loader.Config184 conf.AllowErrors = true185 conf.CreateFromFilenames("badpkg", "testdata/badpkgdecl.go")186 prog, err := conf.Load()187 if err != nil {188 t.Errorf("Load failed unexpectedly: %v", err)189 }190 if prog == nil {191 t.Fatalf("Load returned a nil Program")192 }193 if got, want := created(prog), "badpkg"; got != want {194 t.Errorf("Created = %s, want %s", got, want)195 }196 badpkg := prog.Created[0]197 if len(badpkg.Files) != 1 {198 t.Errorf("badpkg has %d files, want 1", len(badpkg.Files))199 }200 wantErr := "testdata/badpkgdecl.go:1:34: expected 'package', found 'EOF'"201 if !hasError(badpkg.Errors, wantErr) {202 t.Errorf("badpkg.Errors = %v, want %s", badpkg.Errors, wantErr)203 }204}205func TestLoad_FromSource_Success(t *testing.T) {206 var conf loader.Config207 conf.CreateFromFilenames("P", "testdata/a.go", "testdata/b.go")208 prog, err := conf.Load()209 if err != nil {210 t.Errorf("Load failed unexpectedly: %v", err)211 }212 if prog == nil {213 t.Fatalf("Load returned a nil Program")214 }215 if got, want := created(prog), "P"; got != want {216 t.Errorf("Created = %s, want %s", got, want)217 }218}219func TestLoad_FromImports_Success(t *testing.T) {220 var conf loader.Config221 conf.ImportWithTests("fmt")222 conf.ImportWithTests("errors")223 prog, err := conf.Load()224 if err != nil {225 t.Errorf("Load failed unexpectedly: %v", err)226 }227 if prog == nil {228 t.Fatalf("Load returned a nil Program")229 }230 if got, want := created(prog), "errors_test fmt_test"; got != want {231 t.Errorf("Created = %q, want %s", got, want)232 }233 if got, want := imported(prog), "errors fmt"; got != want {234 t.Errorf("Imported = %s, want %s", got, want)235 }236 // Check set of transitive packages.237 // There are >30 and the set may grow over time, so only check a few.238 want := map[string]bool{239 "strings": true,240 "time": true,241 "runtime": true,242 "testing": true,243 "unicode": true,244 }245 for _, path := range all(prog) {246 delete(want, path)247 }248 if len(want) > 0 {249 t.Errorf("AllPackages is missing these keys: %q", keys(want))250 }251}252func TestLoad_MissingIndirectImport(t *testing.T) {253 pkgs := map[string]string{254 "a": `package a; import _ "b"`,255 "b": `package b; import _ "c"`,256 }257 conf := loader.Config{Build: fakeContext(pkgs)}258 conf.Import("a")259 const wantErr = "couldn't load packages due to errors: b"260 prog, err := conf.Load()261 if err == nil {262 t.Errorf("Load succeeded unexpectedly, want %q", wantErr)263 } else if err.Error() != wantErr {264 t.Errorf("Load failed with wrong error %q, want %q", err, wantErr)265 }266 if prog != nil {267 t.Errorf("Load unexpectedly returned a Program")268 }269}270func TestLoad_BadDependency_AllowErrors(t *testing.T) {271 for _, test := range []struct {272 descr string273 pkgs map[string]string274 wantPkgs string275 }{276 {277 descr: "missing dependency",278 pkgs: map[string]string{279 "a": `package a; import _ "b"`,280 "b": `package b; import _ "c"`,281 },282 wantPkgs: "a b",283 },284 {285 descr: "bad package decl in dependency",286 pkgs: map[string]string{287 "a": `package a; import _ "b"`,288 "b": `package b; import _ "c"`,289 "c": `package`,290 },291 wantPkgs: "a b",292 },293 {294 descr: "parse error in dependency",295 pkgs: map[string]string{296 "a": `package a; import _ "b"`,297 "b": `package b; import _ "c"`,298 "c": `package c; var x = `,299 },300 wantPkgs: "a b c",301 },302 } {303 conf := loader.Config{304 AllowErrors: true,305 Build: fakeContext(test.pkgs),306 }307 conf.Import("a")308 prog, err := conf.Load()309 if err != nil {310 t.Errorf("%s: Load failed unexpectedly: %v", test.descr, err)311 }312 if prog == nil {313 t.Fatalf("%s: Load returned a nil Program", test.descr)314 }315 if got, want := imported(prog), "a"; got != want {316 t.Errorf("%s: Imported = %s, want %s", test.descr, got, want)317 }318 if got := all(prog); strings.Join(got, " ") != test.wantPkgs {319 t.Errorf("%s: AllPackages = %s, want %s", test.descr, got, test.wantPkgs)320 }321 }322}323func TestCwd(t *testing.T) {324 ctxt := fakeContext(map[string]string{"one/two/three": `package three`})325 for _, test := range []struct {326 cwd, arg, want string327 }{328 {cwd: "/go/src/one", arg: "./two/three", want: "one/two/three"},329 {cwd: "/go/src/one", arg: "../one/two/three", want: "one/two/three"},330 {cwd: "/go/src/one", arg: "one/two/three", want: "one/two/three"},331 {cwd: "/go/src/one/two/three", arg: ".", want: "one/two/three"},332 {cwd: "/go/src/one", arg: "two/three", want: ""},333 } {334 conf := loader.Config{335 Cwd: test.cwd,336 Build: ctxt,337 }338 conf.Import(test.arg)339 var got string340 prog, err := conf.Load()341 if prog != nil {342 got = imported(prog)343 }344 if got != test.want {345 t.Errorf("Load(%s) from %s: Imported = %s, want %s",346 test.arg, test.cwd, got, test.want)347 if err != nil {348 t.Errorf("Load failed: %v", err)349 }350 }351 }352}353// TODO(adonovan): more Load tests:354//355// failures:356// - to parse package decl of *_test.go files357// - to parse package decl of external *_test.go files358// - to parse whole of *_test.go files359// - to parse whole of external *_test.go files360// - to open a *.go file during import scanning361// - to import from binary362// features:363// - InitialPackages364// - PackageCreated hook365// - TypeCheckFuncBodies hook366func TestTransitivelyErrorFreeFlag(t *testing.T) {367 // Create an minimal custom build.Context368 // that fakes the following packages:369 //370 // a --> b --> c! c has an error371 // \ d and e are transitively error-free.372 // e --> d373 //374 // Each package [a-e] consists of one file, x.go.375 pkgs := map[string]string{376 "a": `package a; import (_ "b"; _ "e")`,377 "b": `package b; import _ "c"`,378 "c": `package c; func f() { _ = int(false) }`, // type error within function body379 "d": `package d;`,380 "e": `package e; import _ "d"`,381 }382 conf := loader.Config{383 AllowErrors: true,384 Build: fakeContext(pkgs),385 }386 conf.Import("a")387 prog, err := conf.Load()388 if err != nil {389 t.Errorf("Load failed: %s", err)390 }391 if prog == nil {392 t.Fatalf("Load returned nil *Program")393 }394 for pkg, info := range prog.AllPackages {395 var wantErr, wantTEF bool396 switch pkg.Path() {397 case "a", "b":398 case "c":399 wantErr = true400 case "d", "e":401 wantTEF = true402 default:403 t.Errorf("unexpected package: %q", pkg.Path())404 continue405 }406 if (info.Errors != nil) != wantErr {407 if wantErr {408 t.Errorf("Package %q.Error = nil, want error", pkg.Path())409 } else {410 t.Errorf("Package %q has unexpected Errors: %v",411 pkg.Path(), info.Errors)412 }413 }414 if info.TransitivelyErrorFree != wantTEF {415 t.Errorf("Package %q.TransitivelyErrorFree=%t, want %t",416 pkg.Path(), info.TransitivelyErrorFree, wantTEF)417 }418 }419}420// Test that syntax (scan/parse), type, and loader errors are recorded421// (in PackageInfo.Errors) and reported (via Config.TypeChecker.Error).422func TestErrorReporting(t *testing.T) {423 pkgs := map[string]string{424 "a": `package a; import (_ "b"; _ "c"); var x int = false`,425 "b": `package b; 'syntax error!`,426 }427 conf := loader.Config{428 AllowErrors: true,429 Build: fakeContext(pkgs),430 }431 var mu sync.Mutex432 var allErrors []error433 conf.TypeChecker.Error = func(err error) {434 mu.Lock()435 allErrors = append(allErrors, err)436 mu.Unlock()437 }438 conf.Import("a")439 prog, err := conf.Load()440 if err != nil {441 t.Errorf("Load failed: %s", err)442 }443 if prog == nil {444 t.Fatalf("Load returned nil *Program")445 }446 // TODO(adonovan): test keys of ImportMap.447 // Check errors recorded in each PackageInfo.448 for pkg, info := range prog.AllPackages {449 switch pkg.Path() {450 case "a":451 if !hasError(info.Errors, "cannot convert false") {452 t.Errorf("a.Errors = %v, want bool conversion (type) error", info.Errors)453 }454 if !hasError(info.Errors, "could not import c") {455 t.Errorf("a.Errors = %v, want import (loader) error", info.Errors)456 }457 case "b":458 if !hasError(info.Errors, "rune literal not terminated") {459 t.Errorf("b.Errors = %v, want unterminated literal (syntax) error", info.Errors)460 }461 }462 }463 // Check errors reported via error handler.464 if !hasError(allErrors, "cannot convert false") ||465 !hasError(allErrors, "rune literal not terminated") ||466 !hasError(allErrors, "could not import c") {467 t.Errorf("allErrors = %v, want syntax, type and loader errors", allErrors)468 }469}470func TestCycles(t *testing.T) {471 for _, test := range []struct {472 descr string473 ctxt *build.Context474 wantErr string475 }{476 {477 "self-cycle",478 fakeContext(map[string]string{479 "main": `package main; import _ "selfcycle"`,480 "selfcycle": `package selfcycle; import _ "selfcycle"`,481 }),482 `import cycle: selfcycle -> selfcycle`,483 },484 {485 "three-package cycle",486 fakeContext(map[string]string{487 "main": `package main; import _ "a"`,488 "a": `package a; import _ "b"`,489 "b": `package b; import _ "c"`,490 "c": `package c; import _ "a"`,491 }),492 `import cycle: c -> a -> b -> c`,493 },494 {495 "self-cycle in dependency of test file",496 buildutil.FakeContext(map[string]map[string]string{497 "main": {498 "main.go": `package main`,499 "main_test.go": `package main; import _ "a"`,500 },501 "a": {502 "a.go": `package a; import _ "a"`,503 },504 }),505 `import cycle: a -> a`,506 },507 // TODO(adonovan): fix: these fail508 // {509 // "two-package cycle in dependency of test file",510 // buildutil.FakeContext(map[string]map[string]string{511 // "main": {512 // "main.go": `package main`,513 // "main_test.go": `package main; import _ "a"`,514 // },515 // "a": {516 // "a.go": `package a; import _ "main"`,517 // },518 // }),519 // `import cycle: main -> a -> main`,520 // },521 // {522 // "self-cycle in augmented package",523 // buildutil.FakeContext(map[string]map[string]string{524 // "main": {525 // "main.go": `package main`,526 // "main_test.go": `package main; import _ "main"`,527 // },528 // }),529 // `import cycle: main -> main`,530 // },531 } {532 conf := loader.Config{533 AllowErrors: true,534 Build: test.ctxt,535 }536 var mu sync.Mutex537 var allErrors []error538 conf.TypeChecker.Error = func(err error) {539 mu.Lock()540 allErrors = append(allErrors, err)541 mu.Unlock()542 }543 conf.ImportWithTests("main")544 prog, err := conf.Load()545 if err != nil {546 t.Errorf("%s: Load failed: %s", test.descr, err)547 }548 if prog == nil {549 t.Fatalf("%s: Load returned nil *Program", test.descr)550 }551 if !hasError(allErrors, test.wantErr) {552 t.Errorf("%s: Load() errors = %q, want %q",553 test.descr, allErrors, test.wantErr)554 }555 }556 // TODO(adonovan):557 // - Test that in a legal test cycle, none of the symbols558 // defined by augmentation are visible via import.559}560// ---- utilities ----561// Simplifying wrapper around buildutil.FakeContext for single-file packages.562func fakeContext(pkgs map[string]string) *build.Context {563 pkgs2 := make(map[string]map[string]string)564 for path, content := range pkgs {565 pkgs2[path] = map[string]string{"x.go": content}566 }567 return buildutil.FakeContext(pkgs2)568}569func hasError(errors []error, substr string) bool {570 for _, err := range errors {571 if strings.Contains(err.Error(), substr) {572 return true573 }574 }575 return false576}577func keys(m map[string]bool) (keys []string) {578 for key := range m {579 keys = append(keys, key)580 }581 sort.Strings(keys)582 return583}584// Returns all loaded packages.585func all(prog *loader.Program) []string {586 var pkgs []string587 for _, info := range prog.AllPackages {588 pkgs = append(pkgs, info.Pkg.Path())589 }590 sort.Strings(pkgs)591 return pkgs592}593// Returns initially imported packages, as a string.594func imported(prog *loader.Program) string {595 var pkgs []string596 for _, info := range prog.Imported {597 pkgs = append(pkgs, info.Pkg.Path())598 }599 sort.Strings(pkgs)600 return strings.Join(pkgs, " ")601}602// Returns initially created packages, as a string.603func created(prog *loader.Program) string {604 var pkgs []string605 for _, info := range prog.Created {606 pkgs = append(pkgs, info.Pkg.Path())607 }608 return strings.Join(pkgs, " ")609}...
1package texttokenize2import (3 "testing"4)5func TestParseTokenize(t *testing.T) {6 fields := NewTokenize()7 fields.LoadFile("./testdata/valuefields.html")8 fields.SetIgnoreEmptyLine(false)9 fields.Parse("#main_test1 .descriptionText p")10 val := fields.Get("oпиÑание")11 if val != "" {12 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)13 }14 val = fields.Get("ÑвеÑ")15 if val != "ÐелÑнÑй, белÑй" {16 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)17 }18 val = fields.Get("болÑÑой ÑекÑÑ")19 if val != "line 1\r\n\r\nline 2\r\n\r\nline 3"{20 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)21 }22}23func TestParseTokenizeMultiline(t *testing.T) {24 fields := NewTokenize()25 fields.LoadFile("./testdata/valuefields.html")26// fields.SetIgnoreEmptyLine(true) // default value "true"27 fields.Parse("#main_test2 .descriptionText p")28 val := fields.Get("опиÑание")29 if val != "ÐекоÑаÑÐ¸Ð²Ð½Ð°Ñ ÑкаÑÑлка" {30 t.Errorf("Error get field multi-line, %q", val)31 }32 val = fields.Get("ÑвеÑ")33 if val != "ÐелÑнÑй, белÑй" {34 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)35 }36 val = fields.Get("болÑÑой ÑекÑÑ")37 if val != "line 1\r\nline 2\r\nline 3"{38 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)39 }40}41func TestParseTokenize_MultiParse(t *testing.T) {42 fields := NewTokenize()43 fields.LoadFile("./testdata/valuefields.html")44 fields.Parse("#main_test3 .shortText p")45 fields.Parse("#main_test3 .shortText2")46 val := fields.Get("main material")47 if val != "100% polyester" {48 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)49 }50 val = fields.Get("material 2")51 if val != "110% cotton" {52 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)53 }54}55func TestParseBR(t *testing.T) {56 fields := NewTokenize()57 fields.LoadFile("./testdata/valuefields.html")58 fields.Parse("#main_test4 p")59 val := fields.Get("опиÑание")60 if val != "" {61 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)62 }63 val = fields.Get("ÑвеÑ")64 if val != "Синий" {65 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)66 }67 val = fields.Get("пÑоизводиÑелÑ")68 if val != "ÐÑеÑнам" {69 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)70 }71 val = fields.Get("Ñелиз! ÑÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð° ÑоваÑа")72 if val != "- не доÑÑÑпен Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ°Ð·Ð° по ÐоÑкве\r\n- ÑолÑко по полной пÑедоплаÑе\r\n- по 1 паÑе в ÑÑки\r\n- акÑии на даннÑй ÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑаÑпÑоÑÑÑанÑÑÑÑÑ" {73 t.Errorf("Error get field, %q", val)74 }75}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 err := errors.New("Error")4 fmt.Println(err)5 err = fmt.Errorf("Error %s", err)6 fmt.Println(err)7}8import (9func main() {10 err := log.Errorf("Error")11 fmt.Println(err)12}13import (14func main() {15 err := log.Printf("Error")16 fmt.Println(err)17}18import (19func main() {20 err := log.Fatalf("Error")21 fmt.Println(err)22}23import (24func main() {25 err := log.Panicf("Error")26 fmt.Println(err)27}28import (29func main() {30 err := log.Panicln("Error")31 fmt.Println(err)32}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type Error struct {3}4func (e *Error) Error() string {5}6func main() {7 err := &Error{msg: "error msg"}8 fmt.Errorf("error: %v", err)9}10import (11func main() {12 _, err := net.Dial("tcp", "
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3fmt.Errorf("error message")4}5import (6func main() {7fmt.Errorf("error message")8}9import (10func main() {11fmt.Errorf("error message")12}13import (14func main() {15fmt.Errorf("error message")16}17import (18func main() {19fmt.Errorf("error message")20}21import (22func main() {23fmt.Errorf("error message")24}25import (26func main() {27fmt.Errorf("error message")28}29import (30func main() {31fmt.Errorf("error message")32}33import (34func main() {35fmt.Errorf("error message")36}37import (38func main() {39fmt.Errorf("error message")40}41import (42func main() {43fmt.Errorf("error message")44}45import (46func main() {47fmt.Errorf("error message")48}
Using AI Code Generation
1func main() {2 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")3}4import "fmt"5func main() {6 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")7}8import "fmt"9func main() {10 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")11}12import "fmt"13func main() {14 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")15}16import "fmt"17func main() {18 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")19}20import "fmt"21func main() {22 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")23}24import "fmt"25func main() {26 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")27}28import "fmt"29func main() {30 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")31}32import "fmt"33func main() {34 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")35}36import "fmt"37func main() {38 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")39}40import "fmt"41func main() {42 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")43}44import "fmt"45func main() {46 fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", "Some error")47}
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3fmt.Errorf("This is an error")4}5./1.go:6: cannot use "This is an error" (type untyped string) as type error in argument to fmt.Errorf6import "fmt"7func main() {8fmt.Errorf("This is an error")9}10./2.go:6: cannot use "This is an error" (type untyped string) as type error in argument to fmt.Errorf11import "fmt"12func main() {13fmt.Errorf("This is an error")14}15./3.go:6: cannot use "This is an error" (type untyped string) as type error in argument to fmt.Errorf
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 if _, err := os.Stat("test.txt"); err == nil {4 fmt.Println("File Exists")5 } else {6 fmt.Println("File Does Not Exist")7 }8 _, err := os.Create("test.txt")9 if err != nil {10 fmt.Printf("Error Creating File: %v11 } else {12 fmt.Println("File Created")13 }14 _, err = ioutil.ReadFile("test.txt")15 if err != nil {16 fmt.Printf("Error Reading File: %v17 } else {18 fmt.Println("File Read")19 }20 err = ioutil.WriteFile("test.txt", []byte("Hello World"), 0644)21 if err != nil {22 fmt.Printf("Error Writing File: %v23 } else {24 fmt.Println("File Written")25 }26 err = os.Remove("test.txt")27 if err != nil {28 fmt.Printf("Error Deleting File: %v29 } else {30 fmt.Println("File Deleted")31 }32}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 log.Printf("This is a log message")5 log.Printf("This is a log message")6 log.Printf("This is a log message")7 log.Fatalf("This is a fatal message")8 log.Printf("This is a log message")9}10import (11func main() {12 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")13 err := fmt.Errorf("This is an error message")14 log.Printf("This is a log message")15 log.Printf("This is a log message")16 log.Printf("This is a log message")17 log.Fatalf("This is a fatal message")18 log.Printf("This is a log message")19 log.Println(err)20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")24 err := fmt.Errorf("This is an error message")25 log.Printf("This is a log message")26 log.Printf("This is a log message")27 log.Printf("This is a log message")28 log.Fatalln("This is a fatal message")29 log.Printf("This is a log message")30 log.Println(err)31}32import (33func main() {34 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")35 err := fmt.Errorf("This is an error message")36 log.Printf("This is a log message")37 log.Printf("This is a log message")38 log.Printf("This is a log message")39 log.Fatalln("This is a fatal message")40 log.Printf("This is a log message")41 log.Println(err)42 log.Println("This is a log message")43}44import (45func main() {46 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")47 err := fmt.Errorf("This is an error message")48 log.Printf("This is a log message")49 log.Printf("This is a log message")50 log.Printf("This is a log message")51 log.Fatalln("This is a fatal message")52 log.Printf("This is a log message")53 log.Println(err)54 log.Println("This is a log
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Errorf("This is an error")4}5Errorf() method of main class6func errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error7The errorf() method accepts the following parameters:8import (9func main() {10 fmt.Errorf("This is an error")11}12Errorf() method of fmt package13func errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error14The errorf() method accepts the following parameters:15import (16func main() {17 fmt.Errorf("This is an error")18}19Errorf() method of errors package20func errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error21The errorf() method accepts the following parameters:22import (23func main() {24 fmt.Errorf("This is an error")25}26Errorf() method
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3}4import (5func main() {6}7import (8func main() {9}10import (11func main() {12}13import (14func main() {15}16import (17func main() {18}19import (20func main() {21 log.Fatalf("this is an
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