How to use selToElement method of main Package

Best K6 code snippet using main.selToElement


Source:gen_elements.go Github


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...9 "strings"10 "text/​template"11 "​sirupsen/​logrus"12)13/​/​ Generate elements_gen.go. There are two sections of code which need to be generated. The selToElement function and the attribute accessor methods.14/​/​ Thhe first step to generate the selToElement function is parse the TagName constants and Element structs in elements.go using ast.Inspect15/​/​ One of NodeHandlerFunc methods is called for each ast.Node parsed by ast.Inspect16/​/​ The NodeHandlerFunc methods build ElemInfo structs and populate elemInfos in AstInspectState17/​/​ The template later iterates over elemInfos to build the selToElement function18type NodeHandlerFunc func(node ast.Node) NodeHandlerFunc19type AstInspectState struct {20 handler NodeHandlerFunc21 elemName string22 elemInfos map[string]*ElemInfo23}24type ElemInfo struct {25 StructName string26 PrtStructName string27}28/​/​ The attribute accessors are build using function definitions. Each funcion definition has a TemplateType.29/​/​ The number of TemplateArgs varies based on the TenplateType and is documented below.30type TemplateType string31type TemplateArg string32const (33 stringTemplate TemplateType = "typeString"34 urlTemplate TemplateType = "typeUrl"35 boolTemplate TemplateType = "typeBool"36 intTemplate TemplateType = "typeInt"37 constTemplate TemplateType = "typeConst"38 enumTemplate TemplateType = "typeEnum"39 nullableEnumTemplate TemplateType = "typeEnumNullable"40)41/​/​ Some common TemplateArgs42var (43 /​/​ Default return values for urlTemplate functions. Either an empty string or the current URL.44 defaultURLEmpty = []TemplateArg{"\"\""}45 defaultURLCurrent = []TemplateArg{"e.sel.URL"}46 /​/​ Common default return values for intTemplates47 defaultInt0 = []TemplateArg{"0"}48 defaultIntMinus1 = []TemplateArg{"-1"}49 defaultIntPlus1 = []TemplateArg{"1"}50 /​/​ The following are the for various attributes using enumTemplate.51 /​/​ The first item in the list is the default value.52 autocompleteOpts = []TemplateArg{"on", "off"}53 referrerOpts = []TemplateArg{"", "no-referrer", "no-referrer-when-downgrade", "origin", "origin-when-cross-origin", "unsafe-url"}54 preloadOpts = []TemplateArg{"auto", "metadata", "none"}55 btnTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"submit", "button", "menu", "reset"}56 encTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"application/​x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/​form-data", "text/​plain"}57 inputTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"text", "button", "checkbox", "color", "date", "datetime-local", "email", "file", "hidden", "image", "month", "number", "password", "radio", "range", "reset", "search", "submit", "tel", "time", "url", "week"}58 keyTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"RSA", "DSA", "EC"}59 keygenTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"keygen"}60 liTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"", "1", "a", "A", "i", "I", "disc", "square", "circle"}61 httpEquivOpts = []TemplateArg{"content-type", "default-style", "refresh"}62 olistTypeOpts = []TemplateArg{"1", "a", "A", "i", "I"}63 scopeOpts = []TemplateArg{"", "row", "col", "colgroup", "rowgroup"}64 autocapOpts = []TemplateArg{"sentences", "none", "off", "characters", "words"}65 wrapOpts = []TemplateArg{"soft", "hard", "off"}66 kindOpts = []TemplateArg{"subtitle", "captions", "descriptions", "chapters", "metadata"}67 /​/​ These are the values allowed for the crossorigin attribute, used by the nullableEnumTemplates is always goja.Undefined68 crossOriginOpts = []TemplateArg{"anonymous", "use-credentials"}69)70/​/​ Elem is one of the Element struct names from elements.go71/​/​ Method is the go method name to be generated.72/​/​ Attr is the name of the DOM attribute the method will access, usually the Method name but lowercased.73/​/​ TemplateType determines which type of function is generation by the template74/​/​ TemplateArgs is a list of values to be interpolated in the template.75/​/​ The number of TemplateArgs depends on the template type.76/​/​ stringTemplate: doesn't use any TemplateArgs77/​/​ boolTemplate: doesn't use any TemplateArgs78/​/​ constTemplate: uses 1 Template Arg, the generated function always returns that value79/​/​ intTemplate: needs 1 TemplateArg, used as the default return value (when the attribute was empty).80/​/​ urlTemplate: needs 1 TemplateArg, used as the default, either "defaultURLEmpty" or "defaultURLCurrent"81/​/​ enumTemplate: uses any number or more TemplateArg, the gen'd func always returns one of the values in the TemplateArgs.82/​/​ The first item in the list is used as the default when the attribute was invalid or unset.83/​/​ nullableEnumTemplate: similar to the enumTemplate except the default is goja.Undefined and the return type is goja.Value84var funcDefs = []struct {85 Elem, Method, Attr string86 TemplateType TemplateType87 TemplateArgs []TemplateArg88}{89 {"HrefElement", "Download", "download", stringTemplate, nil},90 {"HrefElement", "ReferrerPolicy", "referrerpolicy", enumTemplate, referrerOpts},91 {"HrefElement", "Rel", "rel", stringTemplate, nil},92 {"HrefElement", "Href", "href", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},93 {"HrefElement", "Target", "target", stringTemplate, nil},94 {"HrefElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},95 {"HrefElement", "AccessKey", "accesskey", stringTemplate, nil},96 {"HrefElement", "HrefLang", "hreflang", stringTemplate, nil},97 {"HrefElement", "ToString", "href", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},98 {"MediaElement", "Autoplay", "autoplay", boolTemplate, nil},99 {"MediaElement", "Controls", "controls", boolTemplate, nil},100 {"MediaElement", "Loop", "loop", boolTemplate, nil},101 {"MediaElement", "Muted", "muted", boolTemplate, nil},102 {"MediaElement", "Preload", "preload", enumTemplate, preloadOpts},103 {"MediaElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},104 {"MediaElement", "CrossOrigin", "crossorigin", nullableEnumTemplate, crossOriginOpts},105 {"MediaElement", "CurrentSrc", "src", stringTemplate, nil},106 {"MediaElement", "DefaultMuted", "muted", boolTemplate, nil},107 {"MediaElement", "MediaGroup", "mediagroup", stringTemplate, nil},108 {"BaseElement", "Href", "href", urlTemplate, defaultURLCurrent},109 {"BaseElement", "Target", "target", stringTemplate, nil},110 {"ButtonElement", "AccessKey", "accesskey", stringTemplate, nil},111 {"ButtonElement", "Autofocus", "autofocus", boolTemplate, nil},112 {"ButtonElement", "Disabled", "disabled", boolTemplate, nil},113 {"ButtonElement", "TabIndex", "tabindex", intTemplate, defaultInt0},114 {"ButtonElement", "Type", "type", enumTemplate, btnTypeOpts},115 {"DataElement", "Value", "value", stringTemplate, nil},116 {"EmbedElement", "Height", "height", stringTemplate, nil},117 {"EmbedElement", "Width", "width", stringTemplate, nil},118 {"EmbedElement", "Src", "src", stringTemplate, nil},119 {"EmbedElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},120 {"FieldSetElement", "Disabled", "disabled", boolTemplate, nil},121 {"FieldSetElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},122 {"FormElement", "Action", "action", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},123 {"FormElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},124 {"FormElement", "Target", "target", stringTemplate, nil},125 {"FormElement", "Enctype", "enctype", enumTemplate, encTypeOpts},126 {"FormElement", "Encoding", "enctype", enumTemplate, encTypeOpts},127 {"FormElement", "AcceptCharset", "accept-charset", stringTemplate, nil},128 {"FormElement", "Autocomplete", "autocomplete", enumTemplate, autocompleteOpts},129 {"FormElement", "NoValidate", "novalidate", boolTemplate, nil},130 {"IFrameElement", "Allowfullscreen", "allowfullscreen", boolTemplate, nil},131 {"IFrameElement", "ReferrerPolicy", "referrerpolicy", enumTemplate, referrerOpts},132 {"IFrameElement", "Height", "height", stringTemplate, nil},133 {"IFrameElement", "Width", "width", stringTemplate, nil},134 {"IFrameElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},135 {"IFrameElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},136 {"ImageElement", "CurrentSrc", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},137 {"ImageElement", "Sizes", "sizes", stringTemplate, nil},138 {"ImageElement", "Srcset", "srcset", stringTemplate, nil},139 {"ImageElement", "Alt", "alt", stringTemplate, nil},140 {"ImageElement", "CrossOrigin", "crossorigin", nullableEnumTemplate, crossOriginOpts},141 {"ImageElement", "Height", "height", intTemplate, defaultInt0},142 {"ImageElement", "Width", "width", intTemplate, defaultInt0},143 {"ImageElement", "IsMap", "ismap", boolTemplate, nil},144 {"ImageElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},145 {"ImageElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},146 {"ImageElement", "UseMap", "usemap", stringTemplate, nil},147 {"ImageElement", "ReferrerPolicy", "referrerpolicy", enumTemplate, referrerOpts},148 {"InputElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},149 {"InputElement", "TabIndex", "tabindex", intTemplate, defaultInt0},150 {"InputElement", "Type", "type", enumTemplate, inputTypeOpts},151 {"InputElement", "Disabled", "disabled", boolTemplate, nil},152 {"InputElement", "Autofocus", "autofocus", boolTemplate, nil},153 {"InputElement", "Required", "required", boolTemplate, nil},154 {"InputElement", "Value", "value", stringTemplate, nil},155 {"InputElement", "Checked", "checked", boolTemplate, nil},156 {"InputElement", "DefaultChecked", "checked", boolTemplate, nil},157 {"InputElement", "Alt", "alt", stringTemplate, nil},158 {"InputElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},159 {"InputElement", "Height", "height", stringTemplate, nil},160 {"InputElement", "Width", "width", stringTemplate, nil},161 {"InputElement", "Accept", "accept", stringTemplate, nil},162 {"InputElement", "Autocomplete", "autocomplete", enumTemplate, autocompleteOpts},163 {"InputElement", "MaxLength", "maxlength", intTemplate, defaultIntMinus1},164 {"InputElement", "Size", "size", intTemplate, defaultInt0},165 {"InputElement", "Pattern", "pattern", stringTemplate, nil},166 {"InputElement", "Placeholder", "placeholder", stringTemplate, nil},167 {"InputElement", "Readonly", "readonly", boolTemplate, nil},168 {"InputElement", "Min", "min", stringTemplate, nil},169 {"InputElement", "Max", "max", stringTemplate, nil},170 {"InputElement", "DefaultValue", "value", stringTemplate, nil},171 {"InputElement", "DirName", "dirname", stringTemplate, nil},172 {"InputElement", "AccessKey", "accesskey", stringTemplate, nil},173 {"InputElement", "Multiple", "multiple", boolTemplate, nil},174 {"InputElement", "Step", "step", stringTemplate, nil},175 {"KeygenElement", "Autofocus", "autofocus", boolTemplate, nil},176 {"KeygenElement", "Challenge", "challenge", stringTemplate, nil},177 {"KeygenElement", "Disabled", "disabled", boolTemplate, nil},178 {"KeygenElement", "Keytype", "keytype", enumTemplate, keyTypeOpts},179 {"KeygenElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},180 {"KeygenElement", "Type", "type", constTemplate, keygenTypeOpts},181 {"LabelElement", "HtmlFor", "for", stringTemplate, nil},182 {"LegendElement", "AccessKey", "accesskey", stringTemplate, nil},183 {"LiElement", "Value", "value", intTemplate, defaultInt0},184 {"LiElement", "Type", "type", enumTemplate, liTypeOpts},185 {"LinkElement", "CrossOrigin", "crossorigin", nullableEnumTemplate, crossOriginOpts},186 {"LinkElement", "ReferrerPolicy", "referrerpolicy", enumTemplate, referrerOpts},187 {"LinkElement", "Href", "href", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},188 {"LinkElement", "Hreflang", "hreflang", stringTemplate, nil},189 {"LinkElement", "Media", "media", stringTemplate, nil},190 {"LinkElement", "Rel", "rel", stringTemplate, nil},191 {"LinkElement", "Target", "target", stringTemplate, nil},192 {"LinkElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},193 {"MapElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},194 {"MetaElement", "Content", "content", stringTemplate, nil},195 {"MetaElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},196 {"MetaElement", "HttpEquiv", "http-equiv", enumTemplate, httpEquivOpts},197 {"MeterElement", "Min", "min", intTemplate, defaultInt0},198 {"MeterElement", "Max", "max", intTemplate, defaultInt0},199 {"MeterElement", "High", "high", intTemplate, defaultInt0},200 {"MeterElement", "Low", "low", intTemplate, defaultInt0},201 {"MeterElement", "Optimum", "optimum", intTemplate, defaultInt0},202 {"ModElement", "Cite", "cite", stringTemplate, nil},203 {"ModElement", "Datetime", "datetime", stringTemplate, nil},204 {"ObjectElement", "Data", "data", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},205 {"ObjectElement", "Height", "height", stringTemplate, nil},206 {"ObjectElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},207 {"ObjectElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},208 {"ObjectElement", "TabIndex", "tabindex", intTemplate, defaultInt0},209 {"ObjectElement", "TypeMustMatch", "typemustmatch", boolTemplate, nil},210 {"ObjectElement", "UseMap", "usemap", stringTemplate, nil},211 {"ObjectElement", "Width", "width", stringTemplate, nil},212 {"OListElement", "Reversed", "reversed", boolTemplate, nil},213 {"OListElement", "Start", "start", intTemplate, defaultInt0},214 {"OListElement", "Type", "type", enumTemplate, olistTypeOpts},215 {"OptGroupElement", "Disabled", "disabled", boolTemplate, nil},216 {"OptGroupElement", "Label", "label", stringTemplate, nil},217 {"OptionElement", "DefaultSelected", "selected", boolTemplate, nil},218 {"OptionElement", "Selected", "selected", boolTemplate, nil},219 {"OutputElement", "HtmlFor", "for", stringTemplate, nil},220 {"OutputElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},221 {"OutputElement", "Type", "type", constTemplate, []TemplateArg{"output"}},222 {"ParamElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},223 {"ParamElement", "Value", "value", stringTemplate, nil},224 {"PreElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},225 {"PreElement", "Value", "value", stringTemplate, nil},226 {"QuoteElement", "Cite", "cite", stringTemplate, nil},227 {"ScriptElement", "CrossOrigin", "crossorigin", stringTemplate, nil},228 {"ScriptElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},229 {"ScriptElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},230 {"ScriptElement", "Charset", "charset", stringTemplate, nil},231 {"ScriptElement", "Async", "async", boolTemplate, nil},232 {"ScriptElement", "Defer", "defer", boolTemplate, nil},233 {"ScriptElement", "NoModule", "nomodule", boolTemplate, nil},234 {"SelectElement", "Autofocus", "autofocus", boolTemplate, nil},235 {"SelectElement", "Disabled", "disabled", boolTemplate, nil},236 {"SelectElement", "Multiple", "multiple", boolTemplate, nil},237 {"SelectElement", "Name", "name", stringTemplate, nil},238 {"SelectElement", "Required", "required", boolTemplate, nil},239 {"SelectElement", "TabIndex", "tabindex", intTemplate, defaultInt0},240 {"SourceElement", "KeySystem", "keysystem", stringTemplate, nil},241 {"SourceElement", "Media", "media", stringTemplate, nil},242 {"SourceElement", "Sizes", "sizes", stringTemplate, nil},243 {"SourceElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},244 {"SourceElement", "Srcset", "srcset", stringTemplate, nil},245 {"SourceElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},246 {"StyleElement", "Media", "media", stringTemplate, nil},247 {"TableElement", "Sortable", "sortable", boolTemplate, nil},248 {"TableCellElement", "ColSpan", "colspan", intTemplate, defaultIntPlus1},249 {"TableCellElement", "RowSpan", "rowspan", intTemplate, defaultIntPlus1},250 {"TableCellElement", "Headers", "headers", stringTemplate, nil},251 {"TableHeaderCellElement", "Abbr", "abbr", stringTemplate, nil},252 {"TableHeaderCellElement", "Scope", "scope", enumTemplate, scopeOpts},253 {"TableHeaderCellElement", "Sorted", "sorted", boolTemplate, nil},254 {"TextAreaElement", "Type", "type", constTemplate, []TemplateArg{"textarea"}},255 {"TextAreaElement", "Value", "value", stringTemplate, nil},256 {"TextAreaElement", "DefaultValue", "value", stringTemplate, nil},257 {"TextAreaElement", "Placeholder", "placeholder", stringTemplate, nil},258 {"TextAreaElement", "Rows", "rows", intTemplate, defaultInt0},259 {"TextAreaElement", "Cols", "cols", intTemplate, defaultInt0},260 {"TextAreaElement", "MaxLength", "maxlength", intTemplate, defaultInt0},261 {"TextAreaElement", "TabIndex", "tabindex", intTemplate, defaultInt0},262 {"TextAreaElement", "AccessKey", "accesskey", stringTemplate, nil},263 {"TextAreaElement", "ReadOnly", "readonly", boolTemplate, nil},264 {"TextAreaElement", "Required", "required", boolTemplate, nil},265 {"TextAreaElement", "Autocomplete", "autocomplete", enumTemplate, autocompleteOpts},266 {"TextAreaElement", "Autocapitalize", "autocapitalize", enumTemplate, autocapOpts},267 {"TextAreaElement", "Wrap", "wrap", enumTemplate, wrapOpts},268 {"TimeElement", "Datetime", "datetime", stringTemplate, nil},269 {"TrackElement", "Kind", "kind", enumTemplate, kindOpts},270 {"TrackElement", "Src", "src", urlTemplate, defaultURLEmpty},271 {"TrackElement", "Srclang", "srclang", stringTemplate, nil},272 {"TrackElement", "Label", "label", stringTemplate, nil},273 {"TrackElement", "Default", "default", boolTemplate, nil},274 {"UListElement", "Type", "type", stringTemplate, nil},275}276func main() {277 fs := token.NewFileSet()278 parsedFile, parseErr := parser.ParseFile(fs, "elements.go", nil, 0)279 if parseErr != nil {280 logrus.WithError(parseErr).Fatal("Could not parse elements.go")281 }282 /​/​ Initialise the AstInspectState283 var collector = &AstInspectState{}284 collector.handler = collector.defaultHandler285 collector.elemInfos = make(map[string]*ElemInfo)286 /​/​ Populate collector.elemInfos287 ast.Inspect(parsedFile, func(n ast.Node) bool {288 if n != nil {289 collector.handler = collector.handler(n)290 }291 return true292 })293 /​/​ elemInfos and funcDefs are now complete and the template can be executed.294 var buf bytes.Buffer295 err := elemFuncsTemplate.Execute(&buf, struct {296 ElemInfos map[string]*ElemInfo297 FuncDefs []struct {298 Elem, Method, Attr string299 TemplateType TemplateType300 TemplateArgs []TemplateArg301 }302 TemplateTypes struct{ String, Url, Enum, Bool, GojaEnum, Int, Const TemplateType }303 }{304 collector.elemInfos,305 funcDefs,306 struct{ String, Url, Enum, Bool, GojaEnum, Int, Const TemplateType }{stringTemplate, urlTemplate, enumTemplate, boolTemplate, nullableEnumTemplate, intTemplate, constTemplate},307 })308 if err != nil {309 logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to execute template")310 }311 src, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes())312 if err != nil {313 logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("format.Source on generated code failed")314 }315 f, err := os.Create("elements_gen.go")316 if err != nil {317 logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to create the file 'elements_gen.go'")318 }319 if _, err = f.Write(src); err != nil {320 logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to write to 'elements_gen.go'")321 }322 err = f.Close()323 if err != nil {324 logrus.WithError(err).Fatal("Unable to close 'elements_gen.go'")325 }326}327var elemFuncsTemplate = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{328 "buildStruct": buildStruct,329 "returnType": returnType,330}).Parse(`/​/​ generated by js/​modules/​k6/​html/​gen/​gen_elements.go directed by js/​modules/​k6/​html/​elements.go; DO NOT EDIT331/​/​ nolint: goconst332package html333import "​dop251/​goja"334func selToElement(sel Selection) goja.Value {335 if sel.sel.Length() == 0 {336 return goja.Undefined()337 }338 elem := Element{sel.sel.Nodes[0], &sel}339 switch elem.node.Data { 340{{- range $elemName, $elemInfo := .ElemInfos }}341 case {{ $elemName }}TagName:342 return sel.rt.ToValue({{ buildStruct $elemInfo }})343{{- end }}344 default:345 return sel.rt.ToValue(elem)346 }347 }348{{ $templateTypes := .TemplateTypes }}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 driver := agouti.ChromeDriver()4 driver.Start()5 page, _ := driver.NewPage()6 page.FindByLink("Gmail").Click()7 page.FindByName("Email").Fill("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 var e = main.selToElement("div")3 println(e)4}5func main() {6 var e = main.selToElement("div")7 println(e)8}9func main() {10 var e = main.selToElement("div")11 println(e)12}13func main() {14 var e = main.selToElement("div")15 println(e)16}17func main() {18 var e = main.selToElement("div")19 println(e)20}21func main() {22 var e = main.selToElement("div")23 println(e)24}25func main() {26 var e = main.selToElement("div")27 println(e)28}29func main() {30 var e = main.selToElement("div")31 println(e)32}33func main() {34 var e = main.selToElement("div")35 println(e)36}37func main() {38 var e = main.selToElement("div")39 println(e)40}41func main() {42 var e = main.selToElement("div")43 println(e)44}45func main() {46 var e = main.selToElement("div")47 println(e)48}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 var mainSel = selToElement("main")3 fmt.Println(mainSel)4}5func main() {6 var mainSel = selToElement("main")7 fmt.Println(mainSel)8}9func main() {10 var mainSel = selToElement("main")11 fmt.Println(mainSel)12}13func main() {14 var mainSel = selToElement("main")15 fmt.Println(mainSel)16}17func main() {18 var mainSel = selToElement("main")19 fmt.Println(mainSel)20}21func main() {22 var mainSel = selToElement("main")23 fmt.Println(mainSel)24}25func main() {26 var mainSel = selToElement("main")27 fmt.Println(mainSel)28}29func main() {30 var mainSel = selToElement("main")31 fmt.Println(mainSel)32}33func main() {34 var mainSel = selToElement("main")35 fmt.Println(mainSel)36}37func main() {38 var mainSel = selToElement("main")39 fmt.Println(mainSel)40}41func main() {42 var mainSel = selToElement("main")43 fmt.Println(mainSel)44}45func main() {46 var mainSel = selToElement("main")47 fmt.Println(mainSel)48}49func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 var a = mainClass{}4 a.selToElement()5}6import (7type mainClass struct {8}9func (m mainClass) selToElement() {10 fmt.Println("selToElement")11 if err != nil {12 log.Fatal(err)13 }14 defer res.Body.Close()15 if res.StatusCode != 200 {16 log.Fatalf("status code error: %d %s", res.StatusCode, res.Status)17 }18 doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(res.Body)19 if err != nil {20 log.Fatal(err)21 }22 doc.Find(".g").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {23 band := s.Find("a").Text()24 title := s.Find("a").Next().Text()25 fmt.Printf("Review %d: %s - %s26 })27}28func (m mainClass) selToHtml() {29 fmt.Println("selToHtml")30 if err != nil {31 log.Fatal(err)32 }33 defer res.Body.Close()34 if res.StatusCode != 200 {35 log.Fatalf("status code error: %d %s", res.StatusCode, res.Status)36 }37 doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(res.Body)38 if err != nil {39 log.Fatal(err)40 }41 doc.Find(".g").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {42 band := s.Find("a").Text()43 title := s.Find("a").Next().Text()44 fmt.Printf("Review %d: %s - %s45 })46}47func (m mainClass) selToText

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 fmt.Println(s[0])5 fmt.Println(s[1])6 fmt.Println(s[2])7 fmt.Println(s[3])8 fmt.Println(s[4])9 fmt.Println(s[5])10 fmt.Println(s[6])11 fmt.Println(s[7])12 fmt.Println(s[8])13 fmt.Println(s[9])14 fmt.Println(s[10])15 fmt.Println(s[11])16 fmt.Println(s[12])17 fmt.Println(s[13])18 fmt.Println(s[14])19 fmt.Println(s[15])20 fmt.Println(s[16])21 fmt.Println(s[17])22 fmt.Println(s[18])23 fmt.Println(s[19])24 fmt.Println(s[20])25 fmt.Println(s[21])26 fmt.Println(s[22])27 fmt.Println(s[23])28 fmt.Println(s[24])29 fmt.Println(s[25])30 fmt.Println(s[26])31 fmt.Println(s[27])32 fmt.Println(s[28])33 fmt.Println(s[29])34 fmt.Println(s[30])35 fmt.Println(s[31])36 fmt.Println(s[32])37 fmt.Println(s[33])38 fmt.Println(s[34])39 fmt.Println(s[35])40 fmt.Println(s[36])41 fmt.Println(s[37])42 fmt.Println(s[38])43 fmt.Println(s[39])44 fmt.Println(s[40])45 fmt.Println(s[41])46 fmt.Println(s[42])47 fmt.Println(s[43])48 fmt.Println(s[44])49 fmt.Println(s[45])50 fmt.Println(s[46])51 fmt.Println(s[47])52 fmt.Println(s[48])53 fmt.Println(s[49])54 fmt.Println(s[50])55 fmt.Println(s[51])56 fmt.Println(s[52])57 fmt.Println(s[53])58 fmt.Println(s[54])59 fmt.Println(s[55])60 fmt.Println(s[56])61 fmt.Println(s[57])62 fmt.Println(s[58])63 fmt.Println(s[59])64 fmt.Println(s[60])65 fmt.Println(s[61])66 fmt.Println(s[62])67 fmt.Println(s[63])68 fmt.Println(s[64])69 fmt.Println(s

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