How to use NodeValue method of html Package

Best K6 code snippet using html.NodeValue


Source:htmlparser.go Github


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...52}53/​/​ Root is a structure containing a pointer to an html node, the node value, and an error variable to return an error if one occurred54type Root struct {55 Pointer *html.Node56 NodeValue string57 Error error58}59/​/​ HTMLParse parses the HTML returning a start pointer to the DOM60func HTMLParse(s string) Root {61 r, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(s))62 if err != nil {63 return Root{Error: newError(ErrUnableToParse, "unable to parse the HTML")}64 }65 for r.Type != html.ElementNode {66 switch r.Type {67 case html.DocumentNode:68 r = r.FirstChild69 case html.DoctypeNode:70 r = r.NextSibling71 case html.CommentNode:72 r = r.NextSibling73 }74 }75 return Root{Pointer: r, NodeValue: r.Data}76}77/​/​ Find finds the first occurrence of the given tag name,78/​/​ with or without attribute key and value specified,79/​/​ and returns a struct with a pointer to it80func (r Root) Find(args ...string) Root {81 temp, ok := findOnce(r.Pointer, args, false, false)82 if !ok {83 return Root{Error: newError(ErrElementNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("element `%s` with attributes `%s` not found", args[0], strings.Join(args[1:], " ")))}84 }85 return Root{Pointer: temp, NodeValue: temp.Data}86}87/​/​ FindAll finds all occurrences of the given tag name,88/​/​ with or without key and value specified,89/​/​ and returns an array of structs, each having90/​/​ the respective pointers91func (r Root) FindAll(args ...string) []Root {92 temp := findAllofem(r.Pointer, args, false)93 if len(temp) == 0 {94 return []Root{}95 }96 pointers := make([]Root, 0, len(temp))97 for i := 0; i < len(temp); i++ {98 pointers = append(pointers, Root{Pointer: temp[i], NodeValue: temp[i].Data})99 }100 return pointers101}102/​/​ FindStrict finds the first occurrence of the given tag name103/​/​ only if all the values of the provided attribute are an exact match104func (r Root) FindStrict(args ...string) Root {105 temp, ok := findOnce(r.Pointer, args, false, true)106 if !ok {107 return Root{nil, "", newError(ErrElementNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("element `%s` with attributes `%s` not found", args[0], strings.Join(args[1:], " ")))}108 }109 return Root{Pointer: temp, NodeValue: temp.Data}110}111/​/​ FindAllStrict finds all occurrences of the given tag name112/​/​ only if all the values of the provided attribute are an exact match113func (r Root) FindAllStrict(args ...string) []Root {114 temp := findAllofem(r.Pointer, args, true)115 if len(temp) == 0 {116 return []Root{}117 }118 pointers := make([]Root, 0, len(temp))119 for i := 0; i < len(temp); i++ {120 pointers = append(pointers, Root{Pointer: temp[i], NodeValue: temp[i].Data})121 }122 return pointers123}124/​/​ FindNextSibling finds the next sibling of the pointer in the DOM125/​/​ returning a struct with a pointer to it126func (r Root) FindNextSibling() Root {127 nextSibling := r.Pointer.NextSibling128 if nextSibling == nil {129 return Root{Error: newError(ErrNoNextSibling, "no next sibling found")}130 }131 return Root{Pointer: nextSibling, NodeValue: nextSibling.Data}132}133/​/​ FindPrevSibling finds the previous sibling of the pointer in the DOM134/​/​ returning a struct with a pointer to it135func (r Root) FindPrevSibling() Root {136 prevSibling := r.Pointer.PrevSibling137 if prevSibling == nil {138 return Root{Error: newError(ErrNoPreviousSibling, "no previous sibling found")}139 }140 return Root{Pointer: prevSibling, NodeValue: prevSibling.Data}141}142/​/​ FindNextElementSibling finds the next element sibling of the pointer in the DOM143/​/​ returning a struct with a pointer to it144func (r Root) FindNextElementSibling() Root {145 nextSibling := r.Pointer.NextSibling146 if nextSibling == nil {147 return Root{Error: newError(ErrNoNextElementSibling, "no next element sibling found")}148 }149 if nextSibling.Type == html.ElementNode {150 return Root{Pointer: nextSibling, NodeValue: nextSibling.Data}151 }152 p := Root{Pointer: nextSibling, NodeValue: nextSibling.Data}153 return p.FindNextElementSibling()154}155/​/​ FindPrevElementSibling finds the previous element sibling of the pointer in the DOM156/​/​ returning a struct with a pointer to it157func (r Root) FindPrevElementSibling() Root {158 prevSibling := r.Pointer.PrevSibling159 if prevSibling == nil {160 return Root{Error: newError(ErrNoPreviousElementSibling, "no previous element sibling found")}161 }162 if prevSibling.Type == html.ElementNode {163 return Root{Pointer: prevSibling, NodeValue: prevSibling.Data}164 }165 p := Root{Pointer: prevSibling, NodeValue: prevSibling.Data}166 return p.FindPrevElementSibling()167}168/​/​ Children returns all direct children of this DOME element.169func (r Root) Children() []Root {170 child := r.Pointer.FirstChild171 var children []Root172 for child != nil {173 children = append(children, Root{Pointer: child, NodeValue: child.Data})174 child = child.NextSibling175 }176 return children177}178/​/​ Attrs returns a map containing all attributes179func (r Root) Attrs() map[string]string {180 if r.Pointer.Type != html.ElementNode {181 return nil182 }183 if len(r.Pointer.Attr) == 0 {184 return nil185 }186 return getKeyValue(r.Pointer.Attr)187}...

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Source:js.go Github


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1package gotea2const goteaJS = `parcelRequire=function(e,r,n,t){var i="function"==typeof parcelRequire&&parcelRequire,o="function"==typeof require&&require;function u(n,t){if(!r[n]){if(!e[n]){var f="function"==typeof parcelRequire&&parcelRequire;if(!t&&f)return f(n,!0);if(i)return i(n,!0);if(o&&"string"==typeof n)return o(n);var c=new Error("Cannot find module '"+n+"'");throw c.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",c}p.resolve=function(r){return e[n][1][r]||r};var l=r[n]=new u.Module(n);e[n][0].call(l.exports,p,l,l.exports,this)}return r[n].exports;function p(e){return u(p.resolve(e))}}u.isParcelRequire=!0,u.Module=function(e){,this.bundle=u,this.exports={}},u.modules=e,u.cache=r,u.parent=i,u.register=function(r,n){e[r]=[function(e,r){r.exports=n},{}]};for(var f=0;f<n.length;f++)u(n[f]);if(n.length){var c=u(n[n.length-1]);"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=c:"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return c}):t&&(this[t]=c)}return u}({"hAtP":[function(require,module,exports) {3"use strict";var e,t,n="http:/​/​​1999/​xhtml",r="undefined"==typeof document?void 0:document,i=r?r.body||r.createElement("div"):{},a=t=i.hasAttributeNS?function(e,t,n){return e.hasAttributeNS(t,n)}:i.hasAttribute?function(e,t,n){return e.hasAttribute(n)}:function(e,t,n){return null!=e.getAttributeNode(t,n)};function o(t){var n;return!e&&r.createRange&&(e=r.createRange()).selectNode(r.body),e&&e.createContextualFragment?n=e.createContextualFragment(t):(n=r.createElement("body")).innerHTML=t,n.childNodes[0]}function d(e,t){var n=e.nodeName,r=t.nodeName;return n===r||!!(t.actualize&&n.charCodeAt(0)<91&&r.charCodeAt(0)>90)&&n===r.toUpperCase()}function l(e,t){return t&&t!==n?r.createElementNS(t,e):r.createElement(e)}function u(e,t){for(var n=e.firstChild;n;){var r=n.nextSibling;t.appendChild(n),n=r}return t}function f(e,t){var n,r,i,o,d,l=t.attributes;for(n=l.length-1;n>=0;--n)i=(r=l[n]).name,o=r.namespaceURI,d=r.value,o?(i=r.localName||i,e.getAttributeNS(o,i)!==d&&e.setAttributeNS(o,i,d)):e.getAttribute(i)!==d&&e.setAttribute(i,d);for(n=(l=e.attributes).length-1;n>=0;--n)!1!==(r=l[n]).specified&&(,(o=r.namespaceURI)?(i=r.localName||i,a(t,o,i)||e.removeAttributeNS(o,i)):a(t,null,i)||e.removeAttribute(i))}function c(e,t,n){e[n]!==t[n]&&(e[n]=t[n],e[n]?e.setAttribute(n,""):e.removeAttribute(n,""))}var v={OPTION:function(e,t){c(e,t,"selected")},INPUT:function(e,t){c(e,t,"checked"),c(e,t,"disabled"),e.value!==t.value&&(e.value=t.value),a(t,null,"value")||e.removeAttribute("value")},TEXTAREA:function(e,t){var n=t.value;e.value!==n&&(e.value=n);var r=e.firstChild;if(r){var i=r.nodeValue;if(i==n||!n&&i==e.placeholder)return;r.nodeValue=n}},SELECT:function(e,t){if(!a(t,null,"multiple")){for(var n=0,r=t.firstChild;r;){var i=r.nodeName;if(i&&"OPTION"===i.toUpperCase()){if(a(r,null,"selected")){n;break}n++}r=r.nextSibling}e.selectedIndex=n}}},s=1,m=3,p=8;function N(){}function h(e){return}function b(e){return function(t,n,i){if(i||(i={}),"string"==typeof n)if("#document"===t.nodeName||"HTML"===t.nodeName){var a=n;(n=r.createElement("html")).innerHTML=a}else n=o(n);var f,c=i.getNodeKey||h,b=i.onBeforeNodeAdded||N,g=i.onNodeAdded||N,C=i.onBeforeElUpdated||N,A=i.onElUpdated||N,S=i.onBeforeNodeDiscarded||N,T=i.onNodeDiscarded||N,x=i.onBeforeElChildrenUpdated||N,E=!0===i.childrenOnly,y={};function V(e){f?f.push(e):f=[e]}function U(e,t,n){!1!==S(e)&&(t&&t.removeChild(e),T(e),function e(t,n){if(t.nodeType===s)for(var r=t.firstChild;r;){var i=void 0;n&&(i=c(r))?V(i):(T(r),r.firstChild&&e(r,n)),r=r.nextSibling}}(e,n))}function I(e){g(e);for(var t=e.firstChild;t;){var n=t.nextSibling,r=c(t);if(r){var i=y[r];i&&d(t,i)&&(t.parentNode.replaceChild(i,t),R(i,t))}I(t),t=n}}function R(i,a,o){var l,u=c(a);if(u&&delete y[u],!n.isSameNode||!n.isSameNode(t)){if(!o){if(!1===C(i,a))return;if(e(i,a),A(i),!1===x(i,a))return}if("TEXTAREA"!==i.nodeName){var f,N,h,g,S=a.firstChild,T=i.firstChild;e:for(;S;){for(h=S.nextSibling,f=c(S);T;){if(N=T.nextSibling,S.isSameNode&&S.isSameNode(T)){S=h,T=N;continue e}l=c(T);var E=T.nodeType,w=void 0;if(E===S.nodeType&&(E===s?(f?f!==l&&((g=y[f])?T.nextSibling===g?w=!1:(i.insertBefore(g,T),N=T.nextSibling,l?V(l):U(T,i,!0),T=g):w=!1):l&&(w=!1),(w=!1!==w&&d(T,S))&&R(T,S)):E!==m&&E!=p||(w=!0,T.nodeValue!==S.nodeValue&&(T.nodeValue=S.nodeValue))),w){S=h,T=N;continue e}l?V(l):U(T,i,!0),T=N}if(f&&(g=y[f])&&d(g,S))i.appendChild(g),R(g,S);else{var z=b(S);!1!==z&&(z&&(S=z),S.actualize&&(S=S.actualize(i.ownerDocument||r)),i.appendChild(S),I(S))}S=h,T=N}for(;T;)N=T.nextSibling,(l=c(T))?V(l):U(T,i,!0),T=N}var B=v[i.nodeName];B&&B(i,a)}}!function e(t){if(t.nodeType===s)for(var n=t.firstChild;n;){var r=c(n);r&&(y[r]=n),e(n),n=n.nextSibling}}(t);var w=t,z=w.nodeType,B=n.nodeType;if(!E)if(z===s)B===s?d(t,n)||(T(t),w=u(t,l(n.nodeName,n.namespaceURI))):w=n;else if(z===m||z===p){if(B===z)return w.nodeValue!==n.nodeValue&&(w.nodeValue=n.nodeValue),w;w=n}if(w===n)T(t);else if(R(w,n,E),f)for(var O=0,D=f.length;O<D;O++){var L=y[f[O]];L&&U(L,L.parentNode,!1)}return!E&&w!==t&&t.parentNode&&(w.actualize&&(w=w.actualize(t.ownerDocument||r)),t.parentNode.replaceChild(w,t)),w}}var g=b(f);module.exports=g;4},{}],"PK39":[function(require,module,exports) {5"use strict";var e=require("morphdom"),n=t(e);function t(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}function a(e){if(Array.isArray(e)){for(var n=0,t=Array(e.length);n<e.length;n++)t[n]=e[n];return t}return Array.from(e)}var s=new WebSocket(("https:"===window.location.protocol?"wss:/​/​":"ws:/​/​")"/​server?whence="+document.location.pathname);s.onmessage=function(e){(0,n.default)(document.documentElement,,{childrenOnly:!0})};var r=function(e,n){var t={message:e,args:JSON.parse(n)};console.log("Sending websocket message: ",t),s.send(JSON.stringify(t))};function o(e,n){var t={message:e,args:i(n)};console.log("Sending websocket message: ",t),s.send(JSON.stringify(t))}function c(e,n){var t={message:e,args:document.getElementById(n).value};console.log("Sending websocket message: ",t),s.send(JSON.stringify(t))}window.gotea={sendMessage:r,submitForm:o,sendMessageWithValue:c};var i=function(e){var n=[].concat(a(document.getElementById(e).elements)),t=function(e){return e.multiple?function(e){return[].concat(a(e.children)).map(function(e){return e.selected?e.value:""}).filter(function(e){return e.length>0})}(e):e.value};return n.reduce(function(e,n){switch(n.tagName){case"SELECT":e[]=t(n);break;case"TEXTAREA":e[]=n.value}switch(n.type){case"text":e[]=n.value;break;case"checkbox":e[]=n.checked;break;case"radio":n.checked&&(e[]=n.value)}return e},{})};function u(e){history.pushState({},"",e);var n={message:"CHANGE_ROUTE",args:e};console.log("Sending websocket message: ",n),s.send(JSON.stringify(n))}window.addEventListener("popstate",function(e){var n={message:"CHANGE_ROUTE",args:document.location.pathname};console.log("Sending websocket message: ",n),s.send(JSON.stringify(n))}),document.addEventListener("click",function(e){if("A"​external/​.test( e.preventDefault(),u("href")),!1},!1);6},{"morphdom":"hAtP"}]},{},["PK39"], null)`...

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Source:conversion.go Github


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...17func soupToNode(children []soup.Root) []Node {18 nodes := []Node{}19 for _, c := range children {20 var el NodeElement21 tag := c.NodeValue22 var children []Node23 if c.Children() != nil {24 children = soupToNode(c.Children())25 }26 attrs := make(map[string]string)27 if c.Attrs() != nil {28 for k, v := range c.Attrs() {29 attrs[k] = v30 }31 }32 if tag != "" {33 if !strings.Contains(c.HTML(), "<") {34 if strings.TrimSpace(c.NodeValue) != "" {35 var val string36 if len(nodes) == 0 && string(c.NodeValue[0]) == " " {37 val = c.NodeValue[1:] /​/​ Usually formatters add an extra " ".38 } else {39 val = c.NodeValue40 }41 nodes = append(nodes, val)42 continue43 }44 } else {45 el.Tag = tag46 }47 }48 if attrs != nil {49 el.Attrs = attrs50 }51 if children != nil {52 el.Children = children53 }...

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {9 fmt.Println(link)10 }11}12func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {14 for _, a := range n.Attr {15 if a.Key == "href" {16 links = append(links, a.Val)17 }18 }19 }20 if n.FirstChild != nil {21 links = visit(links, n.FirstChild)22 }23 if n.NextSibling != nil {24 links = visit(links, n.NextSibling)25 }26}

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 forEachNode(doc, startElement, endElement)8}9func forEachNode(n *html.Node, pre, post func(n *html.Node)) {10 if pre != nil {11 pre(n)12 }13 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {14 forEachNode(c, pre, post)15 }16 if post != nil {17 post(n)18 }19}20func startElement(n *html.Node) {21 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {22 fmt.Printf("startElement: %s\n", n.Data)23 }24}25func endElement(n *html.Node) {26 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {27 fmt.Printf("endElement: %s\n", n.Data)28 }29}

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 forEachNode(doc, startElement, endElement)8}9func startElement(n *html.Node) {10 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {11 fmt.Printf("<%s>\n", n.Data)12 }13}14func endElement(n *html.Node) {15 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {16 fmt.Printf("</​%s>\n", n.Data)17 }18}19func forEachNode(n *html.Node, pre, post func(n *html.Node)) {20 if pre != nil {21 pre(n)22 }23 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {24 forEachNode(c, pre, post)25 }26 if post != nil {27 post(n)28 }29}30import (31func main() {32 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)33 if err != nil {34 log.Fatal(err)35 }36 forEachNode(doc, startElement, endElement)37}38func startElement(n *html.Node) {39 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {40 fmt.Printf("<%s>\n", n.Data)41 }42}43func endElement(n *html.Node) {44 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {45 fmt.Printf("</​%s>\n", n.Data)46 }47}48func forEachNode(n *html.Node, pre, post func(n *html.Node)) {49 if pre != nil {50 pre(n)51 }52 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {53 forEachNode(c, pre, post)54 }55 if post != nil {56 post(n)57 }58}59import (

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatal(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 var f func(*html.Node)12 f = func(n *html.Node) {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {14 fmt.Println(n.Data)15 }16 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {17 f(c)18 }19 }20 f(doc)21}

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)8 for {9 tt := z.Next()10 switch {11 t := z.Token()12 if !isAnchor {13 }14 for _, a := range t.Attr {15 if a.Key != "href" {16 }17 fmt.Println(a.Val)18 }19 }20 }21}22import (23func main() {24 if err != nil {25 fmt.Println(err)26 }27 defer resp.Body.Close()28 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)29 if err != nil {30 fmt.Println(err)31 }32 forEachNode(doc, startElement, endElement)33}34func forEachNode(n *html.Node, pre, post func(n *html.Node)) {35 if pre != nil {36 pre(n)37 }38 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {39 forEachNode(c, pre, post)40 }41 if post != nil {42 post(n)43 }44}45func startElement(n *html.Node) {46 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {47 fmt.Printf("%*s<%s>\n", depth*2, "", n.Data)48 }49}50func endElement(n *html.Node) {51 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {52 fmt.Printf("%*s</​%s>\n", depth*2, "", n.Data)53 }54}

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 forEachNode(doc, startElement, endElement)9}10func forEachNode(n *html.Node, pre, post func(n *html.Node)) {11 if pre != nil {12 pre(n)13 }14 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {15 forEachNode(c, pre, post)16 }17 if post != nil {18 post(n)19 }20}21func startElement(n *html.Node) {22 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {23 fmt.Printf("Element: %s24 }25}26func endElement(n *html.Node) {27 if n.Type == html.TextNode {28 fmt.Printf("Text: %s29 }30}

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {9 fmt.Println(link)10 }11}12func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {14 for _, a := range n.Attr {15 if a.Key == "href" {16 links = append(links, a.Val)17 }18 }19 }20 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {21 links = visit(links, c)22 }23}24import (25func main() {26 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)27 if err != nil {28 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v29 os.Exit(1)30 }31 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {32 fmt.Println(link)33 }34}35func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {36 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {37 for _, a := range n.Attr {38 if a.Key == "href" {39 links = append(links, a.Val)40 }41 }42 }43 if n.Type == html.TextNode {44 fmt.Printf("%s45 }46 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {47 links = visit(links, c)48 }49}50import (51func main() {52 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)53 if err != nil {54 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(s))4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(NodeValue(doc))8}9func NodeValue(n *html.Node) string {10 if n.Type == html.TextNode {11 }12 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {13 ret += NodeValue(c)14 }15}

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1import (2func main() {3 resp, _ := http.Get(url)4 z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)5 defer resp.Body.Close()6 for {7 tt := z.Next()8 switch {9 t := z.Token()10 if isAnchor {11 for _, a := range t.Attr {12 if a.Key == "href" {13 link, _ := resp.Request.URL.Parse(a.Val)14 fmt.Println(link)15 }16 }17 }18 t := z.Token()19 if strings.TrimSpace(t.Data) != "" {20 fmt.Printf("%s21 }22 }23 }24}

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