How to use LocalName method of html Package

Best K6 code snippet using html.LocalName


Source:pluginmanager.go Github


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...58 pm.stateLock.Lock()59 pm.initialPluginLoadInProgress = true60 mStates, _ := pm.ReadAllInstalledPluginsFromDisk()61 for _, mState := range mStates {62 pm.state[mState.LocalName] = mState63 }64 pm.initialPluginLoadInProgress = false65 pm.updateDcsLuaIndex()6667 pm.stateLock.Unlock()6869 jsonAPI.RegisterType("install_plugin", InstallPluginRequest{})70 jsonAPI.RegisterApiCall("install_plugin", pm.HandleInstallPluginRequest)7172 jsonAPI.RegisterType("remove_plugin", RemovePluginListRequest{})73 jsonAPI.RegisterApiCall("remove_plugin", pm.HandleRemovePluginRequest)7475 jsonAPI.RegisterType("monitor_plugin_list", MonitorPluginListRequest{})76 jsonAPI.RegisterType("plugin_list", PluginList(nil))77 jsonAPI.RegisterApiCall("monitor_plugin_list", pm.HandleMonitorPluginListRequest)7879 jsonAPI.RegisterType("check_for_plugin_updates", CheckForPluginUpdatesRequest{})80 jsonAPI.RegisterApiCall("check_for_plugin_updates", pm.HandleCheckForPluginUpdatesRequest)8182 jsonAPI.RegisterType("apply_plugin_updates", ApplyPluginUpdatesRequest{})83 jsonAPI.RegisterApiCall("apply_plugin_updates", pm.HandleApplyPluginUpdateRequest)8485 pm.registerPluginCatalogApi()8687 return pm, nil88}8990// PluginState describes the current state of a module definition that has been installed91// or is in the process of being installed, updated or removed.92type PluginState struct {93 LocalName string `json:"localName"` // Name of the on-disk folder94 RemoteURL string `json:"remoteURL"` // remote URL (origin)95 CheckedOutCommitHash string `json:"checkedOutCommitHash"` // the commit hash that is currently checked out (HEAD)96 CheckedOutTags []string `json:"checkedOutTags"` // The tags that point to the current HEAD97 CheckedOutBranch string `json:"checkedOutBranch"` // the checked out branch. Empty if in detached head state.98 CanApplyUpdates bool `json:"canApplyUpdates"` // true if HEAD is a branch and the remote branch differs99 Tags []string `json:"tags"` // available tags that can be checked out100 Branches []string `json:"branches"` // available remote branches that can be checked out101 IsManagedManually bool `json:"isManagedManually"` // if true, this repository will not be touched by the plugin manager102 ProgressMessage string `json:"progressMessage"`103 ProgressState string `json:"progressState"` // "", "working", "error", "success"104 IsLoaded bool `json:"isLoaded"` // true if the plugin was loaded correctly105 LoadError string `json:"loadError"` // if IsLoaded is false, this contains the error description106 ModuleDefinitionName string `json:"moduleDefinitionName"`107}108109type MonitorPluginListRequest struct {110}111type PluginList []PluginState112113func (pm *pluginManager) HandleMonitorPluginListRequest(req *MonitorPluginListRequest, responseCh chan<- interface{}, followupCh <-chan interface{}) {114 subscription := make(chan []PluginState)115 go func() {116 defer close(responseCh)117 for newState := range subscription {118 select {119 case responseCh <- PluginList(newState):120 case _, ok := <-followupCh:121 if !ok {122 pm.stateLock.Lock()123 defer pm.stateLock.Unlock()124 delete(pm.stateSubscriptions, subscription)125 return126 }127 }128129 }130 }()131132 pm.stateLock.Lock()133 pm.stateSubscriptions[subscription] = true134 stateCopy := make([]PluginState, 0, len(pm.state))135 names := make([]string, 0, len(pm.state))136 for name := range pm.state {137 names = append(names, name)138 }139 sort.Strings(names)140 for _, name := range names {141 stateCopy = append(stateCopy, *pm.state[name])142 }143 pm.stateLock.Unlock()144 subscription <- stateCopy145146 <-followupCh // wait for connection to be closed147148}149150type RemovePluginListRequest struct {151 LocalName string152}153154func (pm *pluginManager) HandleRemovePluginRequest(req *RemovePluginListRequest, responseCh chan<- interface{}, followupCh <-chan interface{}) {155 defer close(responseCh)156 pm.stateLock.Lock()157 mState, ok := pm.state[req.LocalName]158 if !ok || mState.IsManagedManually {159 pm.stateLock.Unlock()160 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{161 Message: "plugin is not installed or is manually managed: " + req.LocalName,162 }163 return164 }165166 if mState.ProgressState == "working" {167 pm.stateLock.Unlock()168 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{169 Message: "module definition " + req.LocalName + " is locked by another operation.",170 }171 return172 }173174 mState.ProgressState = "working"175 mState.ProgressMessage = "removing..."176 pm.unloadPlugin(mState)177 pm.notifyStateObservers()178 pm.stateLock.Unlock()179180 err := os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, req.LocalName))181182 pm.stateLock.Lock()183 delete(pm.state, req.LocalName)184 pm.updateDcsLuaIndex()185 pm.notifyStateObservers()186 pm.stateLock.Unlock()187188 if err == nil {189 responseCh <- jsonapi.SuccessResult{}190 } else {191 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{192 Message: err.Error(),193 }194 }195}196197type InstallPluginRequest struct {198 RemoteURL string `json:"remoteURL"`199}200201func localNameFromRemoteURL(url *url.URL) string {202 localName := path.Base(url.Path)203 if strings.Trim(localName, ". /\\") == "" {204 return url.String()205 }206 if localName == ".git" {207 localName = path.Base(url.Path)208 }209 localName = strings.TrimSuffix(localName, ".git")210 return localName211}212213func (pm *pluginManager) HandleInstallPluginRequest(req *InstallPluginRequest, responseCh chan<- interface{}, followupCh <-chan interface{}) {214 pm.stateLock.Lock()215216 // check if plugin is already installed217 for _, state := range pm.state {218 if strings.ToLower(state.RemoteURL) == strings.ToLower(req.RemoteURL) {219 pm.stateLock.Unlock()220 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{221 Message: "plugin is already installed.",222 }223 close(responseCh)224 return225 }226 }227228 // determine local URL from module name229 url, err := url.Parse(req.RemoteURL)230 if err == nil && !(url.Scheme == "http" || url.Scheme == "https" || url.Scheme == "file") {231 err = errors.New("URL must start with https:// or http:// or file://")232 }233 if err != nil {234 pm.stateLock.Unlock()235 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{236 Message: "invalid remote URL: " + req.RemoteURL + ": " + err.Error(),237 }238 close(responseCh)239 return240 }241242 localName := localNameFromRemoteURL(url)243244 // make sure that localName is unique by appending a number if necessary245 suffix := ""246 suffixCnt := 0247 for _, ok := pm.state[localName+suffix]; ok; {248 suffixCnt++249 suffix = strconv.Itoa(suffixCnt)250 }251 localName += suffix252253 pm.state[localName] = &PluginState{254 LocalName: localName,255 ProgressState: "working",256 ProgressMessage: "installing...",257 CheckedOutTags: make([]string, 0),258 Tags: make([]string, 0),259 Branches: make([]string, 0),260 }261 pm.notifyStateObservers()262 pm.stateLock.Unlock()263264 responseCh <- jsonapi.SuccessResult{265 Message: "installing.",266 }267 close(responseCh)268269 err = pm.InstallModuleDefinition(localName, req.RemoteURL)270271 pm.stateLock.Lock()272 defer pm.stateLock.Unlock()273 if err != nil {274 pm.state[localName].ProgressState = "error"275 pm.state[localName].ProgressMessage = err.Error()276 pm.notifyStateObservers()277 }278279 pm.state[localName].ProgressState = "success"280 pm.state[localName].ProgressMessage = "installed."281 pm.notifyStateObservers()282}283284func (pm *pluginManager) ReadSinglePluginStateFromDisk(localName string) (*PluginState, error) {285 repo, err := git.PlainOpen(filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, localName))286 if err != nil {287 return nil, err288 }289 state := &PluginState{290 LocalName: localName,291 CheckedOutTags: make([]string, 0),292 Tags: make([]string, 0),293 Branches: make([]string, 0),294 }295296 // determine remoteURL297 origin, err := repo.Remote(PluginManagerRemoteName)298 if err != nil {299 state.IsManagedManually = true300 } else {301 if len(origin.Config().URLs) == 1 {302 state.RemoteURL = origin.Config().URLs[0]303 }304 }305306 // determine current HEAD state307 head, err := repo.Head()308 if err != nil {309 return nil, err310 }311 if head.Name().IsBranch() {312 state.CheckedOutBranch = head.Name().Short()313 // check remote tracking branch314 if !state.IsManagedManually {315 ref, err := repo.Reference(plumbing.NewRemoteReferenceName(PluginManagerRemoteName, head.Name().Short()), true)316 if err != nil {317 fmt.Printf("error resolving ref: %v\n", err)318 }319 if err == nil {320 if ref.Hash() != head.Hash() {321 state.CanApplyUpdates = true322 }323 }324 }325 } else {326 state.CheckedOutBranch = ""327 }328 state.CheckedOutCommitHash = head.Hash().String()329330 // list tags331 tags, err := repo.Tags()332 if err != nil {333 return nil, err334 }335 tags.ForEach(func(tag *plumbing.Reference) error {336 //fmt.Printf("tag: %v %v %v\n", tag.Target(), tag.Name(), tag.Hash())337 state.Tags = append(state.Tags, tag.Name().Short())338 if tag.Hash() == head.Hash() {339 state.CheckedOutTags = append(state.CheckedOutTags, tag.Name().Short())340 }341 return nil342 })343344 // list branches345 refIter, err := repo.Branches()346 if err != nil {347 return nil, err348 }349 refIter.ForEach(func(branch *plumbing.Reference) error {350 state.Branches = append(state.Branches, branch.Name().Short())351 return nil352 })353354 // determine remote branches355 refs, err := repo.References()356 refs.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {357 if ref.Name().IsRemote() {358 state.Branches = append(state.Branches, ref.Name().Short())359 }360 return nil361 })362363 type pluginManifest struct {364 ManifestVersion int `json:"manifestVersion"`365 ModuleDefinitionName string `json:"moduleDefinitionName"`366 }367368 // check for manifest369 manifestFilename := filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, localName, "dcs-bios-plugin-manifest.json")370 stat, err := os.Stat(manifestFilename)371 if err == nil && !stat.IsDir() {372 file, err := os.Open(manifestFilename)373 if err == nil {374 defer file.Close()375 dec := json.NewDecoder(file)376 var manifest pluginManifest377 err = dec.Decode(&manifest)378 if err == nil {379 if manifest.ManifestVersion == 1 {380 if manifest.ModuleDefinitionName != "" {381 state.ModuleDefinitionName = manifest.ModuleDefinitionName382 }383 } else {384 state.LoadError = "invalid manifest version"385 }386 }387 }388389 }390391 return state, nil392}393394func (pm *pluginManager) loadPlugin(state *PluginState) {395 if state.ModuleDefinitionName != "" {396 jsonPath := filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, state.LocalName, state.ModuleDefinitionName+".json")397 pm.controlReferenceStore.LoadFile(jsonPath)398 pm.updateDcsLuaIndex()399 }400}401402func (pm *pluginManager) unloadPlugin(state *PluginState) {403 if state.ModuleDefinitionName != "" {404 pm.controlReferenceStore.UnloadModuleDefinition(state.ModuleDefinitionName)405 }406 pm.updateDcsLuaIndex()407 return408}409410// ReadAllInstalledPluginsFromDisk returns a list of currently installed411// module definitions.412func (pm *pluginManager) ReadAllInstalledPluginsFromDisk() ([]*PluginState, error) {413 files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(pm.CheckoutPath)414 if err != nil {415 return nil, err416 }417418 pluginStateList := make([]*PluginState, 0)419 for _, f := range files {420 if !f.IsDir() {421 continue422 }423 state, err := pm.ReadSinglePluginStateFromDisk(f.Name())424 if err != nil {425 return nil, err426 }427 pluginStateList = append(pluginStateList, state)428 pm.loadPlugin(state)429 }430 return pluginStateList, nil431}432433type CheckForPluginUpdatesRequest struct{}434435func (pm *pluginManager) HandleCheckForPluginUpdatesRequest(req *CheckForPluginUpdatesRequest, responseCh chan<- interface{}, followupCh <-chan interface{}) {436 defer close(responseCh)437438 pluginNamesToCheck := make([]string, 0)439 pm.stateLock.Lock()440 for localName, state := range pm.state {441 if state.IsManagedManually { // handle manually managed repositories442 pm.unloadPlugin(state)443 // manual repos: just re-read current state444 newState, err := pm.ReadSinglePluginStateFromDisk(state.LocalName)445 if err != nil {446 state.ProgressState = "error"447 state.ProgressMessage = "failed to read from disk: " + err.Error()448 } else {449 pm.state[state.LocalName] = newState450 pm.loadPlugin(newState)451 }452 continue453 }454455 if state.ProgressState == "working" {456 continue // skip plugins that are already being worked on457 }458 pluginNamesToCheck = append(pluginNamesToCheck, localName)459 state.ProgressState = "working"460 state.ProgressMessage = "wait for update check"461 }462 pm.notifyStateObservers()463 pm.stateLock.Unlock()464465 fetchJobChannel := make(chan string)466 const numConcurrentFetches = 2467 wg := sync.WaitGroup{}468 wg.Add(numConcurrentFetches)469 for i := 0; i < numConcurrentFetches; i++ {470 go func() {471 for localName := range fetchJobChannel {472 pm.stateLock.Lock()473 state := pm.state[localName]474 state.ProgressMessage = "checking for updates"475 pm.notifyStateObservers()476 pm.stateLock.Unlock()477478 err := pm.CheckForUpdates(localName)479 if err == git.NoErrAlreadyUpToDate {480 err = nil481 }482483 pm.stateLock.Lock()484 var newState *PluginState485 if err == nil {486 newState, err = pm.ReadSinglePluginStateFromDisk(localName)487 }488489 if err != nil {490 pm.state[localName].ProgressState = "error"491 pm.state[localName].ProgressMessage = err.Error()492 } else {493 pm.state[localName] = newState494 pm.state[localName].ProgressState = "success"495 }496 pm.notifyStateObservers()497 pm.stateLock.Unlock()498499 }500 }()501502 responseCh <- jsonapi.SuccessResult{503 Message: "started update checks",504 }505 }506507 go func() {508 for _, name := range pluginNamesToCheck {509 fetchJobChannel <- name510 }511 close(fetchJobChannel)512 }()513 wg.Wait()514515}516517func (pm *pluginManager) CheckForUpdates(localName string) error {518 repo, err := git.PlainOpen(filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, localName))519 if err != nil {520 return err521 }522 err = repo.Fetch(&git.FetchOptions{523 RemoteName: PluginManagerRemoteName,524 Tags: git.AllTags,525 })526 if err != nil {527 return err528 }529530 return nil531}532533func (pm *pluginManager) startWorkOnPlugin(localName string, progressMessage string) (state *PluginState, ok bool) {534 pm.stateLock.Lock()535 defer pm.stateLock.Unlock()536 state, ok = pm.state[localName]537 if !ok {538 return nil, false539 }540 if state.ProgressState == "working" {541 return nil, false542 }543 state.ProgressState = "working"544 state.ProgressMessage = progressMessage545 return state, true546}547548func (pm *pluginManager) finishWorkOnPlugin(localName string, progressState, progressMessage string) {549 pm.stateLock.Lock()550 defer pm.stateLock.Unlock()551 state, ok := pm.state[localName]552 if !ok {553 return554 }555 state.ProgressState = progressState556 state.ProgressMessage = progressMessage557 pm.notifyStateObservers()558}559560type ApplyPluginUpdatesRequest struct {561 LocalName string `json:"localName"`562}563564func (pm *pluginManager) HandleApplyPluginUpdateRequest(req *ApplyPluginUpdatesRequest, responseCh chan<- interface{}, followupCh <-chan interface{}) {565 defer close(responseCh)566567 currentState, ok := pm.startWorkOnPlugin(req.LocalName, "applying updates...")568 if !ok {569 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{570 Message: "Plugin does not exist or is already in use.",571 }572 return573 }574575 pm.unloadPlugin(currentState)576 err := pm.ApplyUpdates(currentState.LocalName)577578 if err != nil {579 pm.finishWorkOnPlugin(req.LocalName, "error", err.Error())580 responseCh <- jsonapi.ErrorResult{581 Message: err.Error(),582 }583 }584 newState, err := pm.ReadSinglePluginStateFromDisk(req.LocalName)585586 if err != nil {587 pm.finishWorkOnPlugin(req.LocalName, "error", "error re-reading plugin contents:"+err.Error())588 } else {589 pm.stateLock.Lock()590 pm.state[req.LocalName] = newState591 pm.loadPlugin(newState)592 pm.stateLock.Unlock()593594 pm.finishWorkOnPlugin(req.LocalName, "success", "updates applied")595 }596 responseCh <- jsonapi.SuccessResult{}597}598599func (pm *pluginManager) ApplyUpdates(localName string) error {600 repo, err := git.PlainOpen(filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, localName))601 if err != nil {602 return err603 }604605 // determine current HEAD state606 head, err := repo.Head()607 if err != nil {608 return err609 }610 if !head.Name().IsBranch() {611 return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Module definition %s is not on a branch.", localName))612 }613 // check remote tracking branch614 ref, err := repo.Reference(plumbing.NewRemoteReferenceName(PluginManagerRemoteName, head.Name().Short()), true)615 if err != nil {616 return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("error resolving ref: %v\n", err))617 }618 if ref.Hash() == head.Hash() {619 return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Module definition %s is already up-to-date.", localName))620 }621 wt, err := repo.Worktree()622 if err != nil {623 return err624 }625626 err = wt.Reset(&git.ResetOptions{627 Commit: ref.Hash(),628 Mode: git.HardReset,629 })630631 if err != nil {632 return err633 }634 return nil635}636637// notifyStateObservers sends a copy of the current state638// to each observer. The caller of this function has to hold the639// stateLock.640func (pm *pluginManager) notifyStateObservers() {641 pluginStateList := make([]PluginState, 0, len(pm.state))642 names := make([]string, 0, len(pm.state))643 for name := range pm.state {644 names = append(names, name)645 }646 sort.Strings(names)647 for _, name := range names {648 pluginStateList = append(pluginStateList, *pm.state[name])649 }650 for sub, _ := range pm.stateSubscriptions {651 select {652 case sub <- pluginStateList:653 case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond):654 fmt.Printf("PluginManager: notifyStateObservers(): failed to send state to subscriber\n")655 }656657 }658}659660// InstallModuleDefinition installs a module definition.661func (pm *pluginManager) InstallModuleDefinition(localName string, repoURL string) error {662 clonePath := filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, localName)663 _, err := os.Stat(clonePath)664 if err == nil {665 return errors.New("module definition already installed, folder exists: " + clonePath)666 }667 _, err = git.PlainClone(clonePath, false, &git.CloneOptions{668 URL: repoURL,669 SingleBranch: false,670 RemoteName: PluginManagerRemoteName,671 })672 if err != nil {673 return err674 }675676 pluginState, err := pm.ReadSinglePluginStateFromDisk(localName)677 if err != nil {678 return errors.New("InstallModuleDefinition(): failed to read state after clone: " + err.Error())679 }680681 pm.stateLock.Lock()682 pm.state[localName] = pluginState683 pm.loadPlugin(pluginState)684 pm.notifyStateObservers()685 pm.stateLock.Unlock()686687 return nil688}689690type DcsLuaIndexEntry struct {691 PluginDir string `json:"pluginDir"`692 LuaFile string `json:"luaFile"`693}694695// updateDcsLuaIndex writes a list of all installed plugins696// to CheckoutPath\dcs-lua-index.json697// the caller has to hold the stateLock.698func (pm *pluginManager) updateDcsLuaIndex() {699 if pm.initialPluginLoadInProgress {700 return701 }702703 indexFilename := filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, "dcs-lua-index.json")704 index := make([]DcsLuaIndexEntry, 0)705706 for _, pluginState := range pm.state {707 if pluginState.ModuleDefinitionName != "" {708 index = append(index, DcsLuaIndexEntry{709 PluginDir: filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, pluginState.LocalName) + string(os.PathSeparator),710 LuaFile: filepath.Join(pm.CheckoutPath, pluginState.LocalName, pluginState.ModuleDefinitionName+".lua"),711 })712 }713 }714715 file, _ := os.Create(indexFilename)716 enc := json.NewEncoder(file)717 enc.SetEscapeHTML(false)718 enc.SetIndent("", " ")719 enc.Encode(index)720 file.Close()721722} ...

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Source:smtp.go Github


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1package smtp2import (3 "context"4 "crypto/rand"5 "crypto/tls"6 "encoding/hex"7 "fmt"8 "net"9 gosmtp "net/smtp"10 "net/url"11 "strconv"12 "time"13 ""14 ""15 ""16 ""17 ""18 ""19 ""20 ""21)22func init() {23 bus.Register(Service{})24}25type Service struct{}26func (s Service) Name() string {27 return "SMTP"28}29func (s Service) Category() string {30 return "email"31}32func (s Service) Enabled() bool {33 return env.Config.Email.Mailgun.APIKey == ""34}35func (s Service) Init() {36 bus.AddListener(sendMail)37}38func sendMail(ctx context.Context, c *cmd.SendMail) {39 if c.Props == nil {40 c.Props = dto.Props{}41 }42 for _, to := range c.To {43 if to.Address == "" {44 return45 }46 u, err := url.Parse(web.BaseURL(ctx))47 localname := "localhost"48 if err == nil {49 localname = u.Hostname()50 }51 if !email.CanSendTo(to.Address) {52 log.Warnf(ctx, "Skipping email to '@{Name} <@{Address}>'.", dto.Props{53 "Name": to.Name,54 "Address": to.Address,55 })56 return57 }58 log.Debugf(ctx, "Sending email to @{Address} with template @{TemplateName} and params @{Props}.", dto.Props{59 "Address": to.Address,60 "TemplateName": c.TemplateName,61 "Props": to.Props,62 })63 message := email.RenderMessage(c.TemplateName, c.Props.Merge(to.Props))64 b := builder{}65 b.Set("From", dto.NewRecipient(c.From, email.NoReply, dto.Props{}).String())66 b.Set("Reply-To", email.NoReply)67 b.Set("To", to.String())68 b.Set("Subject", message.Subject)69 b.Set("MIME-version", "1.0")70 b.Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\"")71 b.Set("Date", time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123Z))72 b.Set("Message-ID", generateMessageID(localname))73 b.Body(message.Body)74 smtpConfig := env.Config.Email.SMTP75 servername := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", smtpConfig.Host, smtpConfig.Port)76 auth := authenticate(smtpConfig.Username, smtpConfig.Password, smtpConfig.Host)77 err = Send(localname, servername, auth, email.NoReply, []string{to.Address}, b.Bytes())78 if err != nil {79 panic(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to send email with template %s", c.TemplateName))80 }81 log.Debug(ctx, "Email sent.")82 }83}84var Send = func(localName, serverAddress string, a gosmtp.Auth, from string, to []string, msg []byte) error {85 host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(serverAddress)86 c, err := gosmtp.Dial(serverAddress)87 if err != nil {88 return err89 }90 defer c.Close()91 if err = c.Hello(localName); err != nil {92 return err93 }94 if ok, _ := c.Extension("STARTTLS"); ok {95 config := &tls.Config{ServerName: host}96 if err = c.StartTLS(config); err != nil {97 return err98 }99 }100 if a != nil {101 if ok, _ := c.Extension("AUTH"); !ok {102 return errors.New("smtp: server doesn't support AUTH")103 }104 if err = c.Auth(a); err != nil {105 return err106 }107 }108 if err = c.Mail(from); err != nil {109 return err110 }111 for _, addr := range to {112 if err = c.Rcpt(addr); err != nil {113 return err114 }115 }116 w, err := c.Data()117 if err != nil {118 return err119 }120 _, err = w.Write(msg)121 if err != nil {122 return err123 }124 err = w.Close()125 if err != nil {126 return err127 }128 return c.Quit()129}130func generateMessageID(localName string) string {131 timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano(), 10)132 buf := make([]byte, 16)133 _, err := rand.Read(buf)134 if err != nil {135 panic(err)136 }137 randStr := hex.EncodeToString(buf)138 messageID := fmt.Sprintf("<%s.%s@%s>", randStr, timestamp, localName)139 return messageID140}141func authenticate(username string, password string, host string) gosmtp.Auth {142 if username == "" && password == "" {143 return nil144 }145 return AgnosticAuth("", username, password, host)146}147type builder struct {148 content string149}150func (b *builder) Set(key, value string) {151 b.content += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", key, value)152}153func (b *builder) Body(body string) {154 b.content += "\r\n" + body155}156func (b *builder) Bytes() []byte {157 return []byte(b.content)158}...

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Source:main.go Github


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1package main2import (3 "fmt"4 "html/template"5 "os"6 "os/exec"7 "sync"8 "time"9 ""10 ""11)12func main() {13 paths := os.Args[1:]14 if len(paths) == 0 {15 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "expecting path(s) to scan")16 os.Exit(2)17 }18 if err := run(paths); err != nil {19 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "failed to start up: ", err)20 os.Exit(1)21 }22}23const (24 // ScanDelay is how long we wait for file access to be quiescent before25 // initiating a scan.26 ScanDelay = 2 * time.Second27)28// timers map filenames to callbacks that actually perform a scan. The idea is29// to wait for 2s of quiescence before initiating the scan, in case the file is30// in the process of being modified.31var timers struct {32 lock sync.Mutex33 t map[string]*time.Timer34}35// run is the primary runtime function36func run(paths []string) error {37 timers.t = make(map[string]*time.Timer)38 var err error39 if successTpl, err = template.New("success").Parse(successTplT); err != nil {40 return err41 }42 if errorTpl, err = template.New("error").Parse(errorTplT); err != nil {43 return err44 }45 watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()46 if err != nil {47 return err48 }49 for _, path := range paths {50 if err = watcher.Add(path); err != nil {51 return err52 }53 }54 go func() {55 if err := <-watcher.Errors; err != nil {56 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "fsnotify error: ", err)57 os.Exit(1)58 }59 }()60 for ev := range watcher.Events {61 localName := ev.Name // don't close over the loop var62 timers.lock.Lock()63 if tmr, already := timers.t[localName]; already {64 // cancel existing timer65 tmr.Stop()66 }67 // start new timer waiting for file access to be quiescent68 timers.t[localName] = time.AfterFunc(ScanDelay, func() {69 scan(localName)70 timers.lock.Lock()71 delete(timers.t, localName)72 timers.lock.Unlock()73 })74 timers.lock.Unlock()75 }76 return nil77}78// scan a file and report the result via dialog.79func scan(name string) {80 jvars := map[string]string{81 "CLAMSCAN_FNAME": name,82 }83 // fsnotify will trigger on removed files, symlinks, directories etc.84 // so filter out those cases85 st, err := os.Lstat(name)86 switch {87 case os.IsNotExist(err):88 journal.Send(fmt.Sprintf("not executing clamscan on %q "+89 "as it was removed", name), journal.PriDebug, jvars)90 return91 case !st.Mode().IsRegular():92 journal.Send(fmt.Sprintf("not executing clamscan on %q "+93 "as it is mode %v", name, st.Mode()),94 journal.PriDebug, jvars)95 return96 }97 jvars["CLAMSCAN_FILESIZE"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", st.Size())98 journal.Send(fmt.Sprintf("executing clamscan on %q "+99 "(%d bytes)", name, st.Size()),100 journal.PriDebug, jvars)101 clam := exec.Command("clamdscan", name)102 clamOP, err := clam.CombinedOutput()103 status := "success"104 priority := journal.PriNotice105 if err != nil {106 status = err.Error()107 priority = journal.PriAlert108 }109 jvars["CLAMSCAN_STATUS"] = status110 jvars["CLAMSCAN_OUTPUT"] = string(clamOP)111 journal.Send(fmt.Sprintf("clamscan executed on %q with status: %s",112 name, status), priority, jvars)113 dialog(clamOP, err)114}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {9 fmt.Println(link)10 }11}12func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {14 links = append(links, n.Data)15 }16 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {17 links = visit(links, c)18 }19}20import (21func main() {22 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)23 if err != nil {24 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v25 os.Exit(1)26 }27 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {28 fmt.Println(link)29 }30}31func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {32 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {33 for _, a := range n.Attr {34 if a.Key == "href" {35 links = append(links, a.Val)36 }37 }38 }39 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {40 links = visit(links, c)41 }42}43import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {9 fmt.Println(link)10 }11}12func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {14 links = append(links, n.Data)15 }16 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {17 links = visit(links, c)18 }19}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {9 fmt.Println(link)10 }11}12func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {14 links = append(links, n.Data)15 }16 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {17 links = visit(links, c)18 }19}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html>"))4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(doc.Data)8}9import (10func main() {11 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html id='id'>"))12 if err != nil {13 fmt.Println(err)14 }15 fmt.Println(doc.Attr[0].Key, doc.Attr[0].Val)16}17import (18func main() {19 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html><body><p>hello</p></body></html>"))20 if err != nil {21 fmt.Println(err)22 }23 fmt.Println(node.Data)24}25import (26func main() {27 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html><body><p>hello</p></body></html>"))28 if err != nil {29 fmt.Println(err)30 }31 fmt.Println(node.Data)32}33import (34func main() {35 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html><body><p>hello</p></body></html>"))36 if err != nil {37 fmt.Println(err)38 }39 fmt.Println(node.Data)40}41import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html><head><title>My Title</title></head><body><h1>My Title</h1></body></html>"))4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(doc.FirstChild.FirstChild.Data)8}9Recommended Posts: HTML | DOM - getElementsByTagName()10HTML | DOM - getAttribute()11HTML | DOM - getAttributeNode()12HTML | DOM - getAttributeNodeNS()13HTML | DOM - getAttributeNS()14HTML | DOM - getElementsByClassName()15HTML | DOM - getElementsByTagNameNS()16HTML | DOM - getElementsByTagName()17HTML | DOM - hasAttribute()18HTML | DOM - hasAttributeNS()19HTML | DOM - hasAttributes()20HTML | DOM - hasChildNodes()21HTML | DOM - insertBefore()22HTML | DOM - isDefaultNamespace()23HTML | DOM - isEqualNode()24HTML | DOM - isSameNode()25HTML | DOM - isSupported()26HTML | DOM - normalize()27HTML | DOM - removeAttribute()28HTML | DOM - removeAttributeNode()29HTML | DOM - removeAttributeNS()30HTML | DOM - removeChild()31HTML | DOM - replaceChild()32HTML | DOM - setAttribute()33HTML | DOM - setAttributeNode()34HTML | DOM - setAttributeNodeNS()35HTML | DOM - setAttributeNS()36HTML | DOM - setNodeValue()37HTML | DOM - setPrefix()38HTML | DOM - setUserData()39HTML | DOM - setXmlVersion()40HTML | DOM - splitText()41HTML | DOM - supports()42HTML | DOM - swapNode()43HTML | DOM - toLowerCase()44HTML | DOM - toUpperCase()45HTML | DOM - toString()46HTML | DOM - toXmlString()47HTML | DOM - transformNode()48HTML | DOM - transformNodeToObject()49HTML | DOM - uniqueID()50HTML | DOM - unselectable()51HTML | DOM - updateSettings()52HTML | DOM - validate()53HTML | DOM - xml()54HTML | DOM - xmlEncoding()55HTML | DOM - xmlStandalone()56HTML | DOM - xmlVersion()57HTML | DOM - doctype()58HTML | DOM - documentElement()59HTML | DOM - documentMode()60HTML | DOM - documentURI()61HTML | DOM - documentURIObject()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader("<html><head><title>My Title</title></head></html>"))4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 fmt.Println(doc.FirstChild.Data)8}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 if f, err = os.Open("test.html"); err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 defer f.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(f)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println(err)10 }11 var f1 func(*html.Node)12 f1 = func(n *html.Node) {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {14 fmt.Println(n.Data)15 }16 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {17 f1(c)18 }19 }20 f1(doc)21}

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