How to use Attr method of html Package

Best K6 code snippet using html.Attr


Source:escape_test.go Github


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...110 `<a href="/​search?q={{"'a<b'"}}">`,111 `<a href="/​search?q=%27a%3cb%27">`,112 },113 {114 "multipleAttrs",115 "<a b=1 c={{.H}}>",116 "<a b=1 c=&lt;Hello&gt;>",117 },118 {119 "urlStartRel",120 `<a href='{{"/​foo/​bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,121 `<a href='/​foo/​bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,122 },123 {124 "urlStartAbsOk",125 `<a href='{{"http:/​/​​foo/​bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,126 `<a href='http:/​/​​foo/​bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,127 },128 {129 "protocolRelativeURLStart",130 `<a href='{{"/​/​​foo/​bar?a=b&c=d"}}'>`,131 `<a href='/​/​​foo/​bar?a=b&amp;c=d'>`,132 },133 {134 "pathRelativeURLStart",135 `<a href="{{"/​javascript:80/​foo/​bar"}}">`,136 `<a href="/​javascript:80/​foo/​bar">`,137 },138 {139 "dangerousURLStart",140 `<a href='{{"javascript:alert(%22pwned%22)"}}'>`,141 `<a href='#ZgotmplZ'>`,142 },143 {144 "dangerousURLStart2",145 `<a href=' {{"javascript:alert(%22pwned%22)"}}'>`,146 `<a href=' #ZgotmplZ'>`,147 },148 {149 "nonHierURL",150 `<a href={{"mailto:Muhammed \"The Greatest\" Ali <>"}}>`,151 `<a>`,152 },153 {154 "urlPath",155 `<a href='http:/​/​{{"javascript:80"}}/​foo'>`,156 `<a href='http:/​/​javascript:80/​foo'>`,157 },158 {159 "urlQuery",160 `<a href='/​search?q={{.H}}'>`,161 `<a href='/​search?q=%3cHello%3e'>`,162 },163 {164 "urlFragment",165 `<a href='/​faq#{{.H}}'>`,166 `<a href='/​faq#%3cHello%3e'>`,167 },168 {169 "urlBranch",170 `<a href="{{if .F}}/​foo?a=b{{else}}/​bar{{end}}">`,171 `<a href="/​bar">`,172 },173 {174 "urlBranchConflictMoot",175 `<a href="{{if .T}}/​foo?a={{else}}/​bar#{{end}}{{.C}}">`,176 `<a href="/​foo?a=%3cCincinatti%3e">`,177 },178 {179 "jsStrValue",180 "<button onclick='alert({{.H}})'>",181 `<button onclick='alert(&#34;\u003cHello\u003e&#34;)'>`,182 },183 {184 "jsNumericValue",185 "<button onclick='alert({{.N}})'>",186 `<button onclick='alert( 42 )'>`,187 },188 {189 "jsBoolValue",190 "<button onclick='alert({{.T}})'>",191 `<button onclick='alert( true )'>`,192 },193 {194 "jsNilValue",195 "<button onclick='alert(typeof{{.Z}})'>",196 `<button onclick='alert(typeof null )'>`,197 },198 {199 "jsObjValue",200 "<button onclick='alert({{.A}})'>",201 `<button onclick='alert([&#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;,&#34;\u003cb\u003e&#34;])'>`,202 },203 {204 "jsObjValueScript",205 "<script>alert({{.A}})</​script>",206 `<script>alert(["\u003ca\u003e","\u003cb\u003e"])</​script>`,207 },208 {209 "jsObjValueNotOverEscaped",210 "<button onclick='alert({{.A | html}})'>",211 `<button onclick='alert([&#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;,&#34;\u003cb\u003e&#34;])'>`,212 },213 {214 "jsStr",215 "<button onclick='alert(&quot;{{.H}}&quot;)'>",216 `<button onclick='alert(&quot;\x3cHello\x3e&quot;)'>`,217 },218 {219 "badMarshaler",220 `<button onclick='alert(1/​{{.B}}in numbers)'>`,221 `<button onclick='alert(1/​ /​* json: error calling MarshalJSON for type *template.badMarshaler: invalid character &#39;f&#39; looking for beginning of object key string */​null in numbers)'>`,222 },223 {224 "jsMarshaler",225 `<button onclick='alert({{.M}})'>`,226 `<button onclick='alert({&#34;\u003cfoo\u003e&#34;:&#34;O&#39;Reilly&#34;})'>`,227 },228 {229 "jsStrNotUnderEscaped",230 "<button onclick='alert({{.C | urlquery}})'>",231 /​/​ URL escaped, then quoted for JS.232 `<button onclick='alert(&#34;%3CCincinatti%3E&#34;)'>`,233 },234 {235 "jsRe",236 `<button onclick='alert(/​{{"foo+bar"}}/​.test(""))'>`,237 `<button onclick='alert(/​foo\x2bbar/​.test(""))'>`,238 },239 {240 "jsReBlank",241 `<script>alert(/​{{""}}/​.test(""));</​script>`,242 `<script>alert(/​(?:)/​.test(""));</​script>`,243 },244 {245 "jsReAmbigOk",246 `<script>{{if true}}var x = 1{{end}}</​script>`,247 /​/​ The {if} ends in an ambiguous jsCtx but there is248 /​/​ no slash following so we shouldn't care.249 `<script>var x = 1</​script>`,250 },251 {252 "styleBidiKeywordPassed",253 `<p style="dir: {{"ltr"}}">`,254 `<p style="dir: ltr">`,255 },256 {257 "styleBidiPropNamePassed",258 `<p style="border-{{"left"}}: 0; border-{{"right"}}: 1in">`,259 `<p style="border-left: 0; border-right: 1in">`,260 },261 {262 "styleExpressionBlocked",263 `<p style="width: {{"expression(alert(1337))"}}">`,264 `<p style="width: ZgotmplZ">`,265 },266 {267 "styleTagSelectorPassed",268 `<style>{{"p"}} { color: pink }</​style>`,269 `<style>p { color: pink }</​style>`,270 },271 {272 "styleIDPassed",273 `<style>p{{"#my-ID"}} { font: Arial }</​style>`,274 `<style>p#my-ID { font: Arial }</​style>`,275 },276 {277 "styleClassPassed",278 `<style>p{{".my_class"}} { font: Arial }</​style>`,279 `<style>p.my_class { font: Arial }</​style>`,280 },281 {282 "styleQuantityPassed",283 `<a style="left: {{"2em"}}; top: {{0}}">`,284 `<a style="left: 2em; top: 0">`,285 },286 {287 "stylePctPassed",288 `<table style=width:{{"100%"}}>`,289 `<table style=width:100%>`,290 },291 {292 "styleColorPassed",293 `<p style="color: {{"#8ff"}}; background: {{"#000"}}">`,294 `<p style="color: #8ff; background: #000">`,295 },296 {297 "styleObfuscatedExpressionBlocked",298 `<p style="width: {{" e\\78preS\x00Sio/​**/​n(alert(1337))"}}">`,299 `<p style="width: ZgotmplZ">`,300 },301 {302 "styleMozBindingBlocked",303 `<p style="{{"-moz-binding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,304 `<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,305 },306 {307 "styleObfuscatedMozBindingBlocked",308 `<p style="{{" -mo\\7a-B\x00I/​**/​nding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,309 `<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,310 },311 {312 "styleFontNameString",313 `<p style='font-family: "{{"Times New Roman"}}"'>`,314 `<p style='font-family: "Times New Roman"'>`,315 },316 {317 "styleFontNameString",318 `<p style='font-family: "{{"Times New Roman"}}", "{{"sans-serif"}}"'>`,319 `<p style='font-family: "Times New Roman", "sans-serif"'>`,320 },321 {322 "styleFontNameUnquoted",323 `<p style='font-family: {{"Times New Roman"}}'>`,324 `<p style='font-family: Times New Roman'>`,325 },326 {327 "styleURLQueryEncoded",328 `<p style="background: url(/​img?name={{"O'Reilly Animal(1)<2>.png"}})">`,329 `<p style="background: url(/​img?name=O%27Reilly%20Animal%281%29%3c2%3e.png)">`,330 },331 {332 "styleQuotedURLQueryEncoded",333 `<p style="background: url('/​img?name={{"O'Reilly Animal(1)<2>.png"}}')">`,334 `<p style="background: url('/​img?name=O%27Reilly%20Animal%281%29%3c2%3e.png')">`,335 },336 {337 "styleStrQueryEncoded",338 `<p style="background: '/​img?name={{"O'Reilly Animal(1)<2>.png"}}'">`,339 `<p style="background: '/​img?name=O%27Reilly%20Animal%281%29%3c2%3e.png'">`,340 },341 {342 "styleURLBadProtocolBlocked",343 `<a style="background: url('{{"javascript:alert(1337)"}}')">`,344 `<a style="background: url('#ZgotmplZ')">`,345 },346 {347 "styleStrBadProtocolBlocked",348 `<a style="background: '{{"vbscript:alert(1337)"}}'">`,349 `<a style="background: '#ZgotmplZ'">`,350 },351 {352 "styleStrEncodedProtocolEncoded",353 `<a style="background: '{{"javascript\\3a alert(1337)"}}'">`,354 /​/​ The CSS string 'javascript\\3a alert(1337)' does not contains a colon.355 `<a style="background: 'javascript\\3a alert\28 1337\29 '">`,356 },357 {358 "styleURLGoodProtocolPassed",359 `<a style="background: url('{{"http:/​/​​O'Reilly Animals(1)<2>;{}.html"}}')">`,360 `<a style="background: url('http:/​/​​O%27Reilly%20Animals%281%29%3c2%3e;%7b%7d.html')">`,361 },362 {363 "styleStrGoodProtocolPassed",364 `<a style="background: '{{"http:/​/​​O'Reilly Animals(1)<2>;{}.html"}}'">`,365 `<a style="background: 'http\3a\2f\\2fO\27Reilly Animals\28 1\29\3c 2\3e\3b\7b\7d.html'">`,366 },367 {368 "styleURLEncodedForHTMLInAttr",369 `<a style="background: url('{{"/​search?img=foo&size=icon"}}')">`,370 `<a style="background: url('/​search?img=foo&amp;size=icon')">`,371 },372 {373 "styleURLNotEncodedForHTMLInCdata",374 `<style>body { background: url('{{"/​search?img=foo&size=icon"}}') }</​style>`,375 `<style>body { background: url('/​search?img=foo&size=icon') }</​style>`,376 },377 {378 "styleURLMixedCase",379 `<p style="background: URL(#{{.H}})">`,380 `<p style="background: URL(#%3cHello%3e)">`,381 },382 {383 "stylePropertyPairPassed",384 `<a style='{{"color: red"}}'>`,385 `<a style='color: red'>`,386 },387 {388 "styleStrSpecialsEncoded",389 `<a style="font-family: '{{"/​**/​'\";:/​/​ \\"}}', &quot;{{"/​**/​'\";:/​/​ \\"}}&quot;">`,390 `<a style="font-family: '\2f**\2f\27\22\3b\3a\2f\2f \\', &quot;\2f**\2f\27\22\3b\3a\2f\2f \\&quot;">`,391 },392 {393 "styleURLSpecialsEncoded",394 `<a style="border-image: url({{"/​**/​'\";:/​/​ \\"}}), url(&quot;{{"/​**/​'\";:/​/​ \\"}}&quot;), url('{{"/​**/​'\";:/​/​ \\"}}'), 'http:/​/​​?q={{"/​**/​'\";:/​/​ \\"}}''">`,395 `<a style="border-image: url(/​**/​%27%22;:/​/​%20%5c), url(&quot;/​**/​%27%22;:/​/​%20%5c&quot;), url('/​**/​%27%22;:/​/​%20%5c'), 'http:/​/​​?q=%2f%2a%2a%2f%27%22%3b%3a%2f%2f%20%5c''">`,396 },397 {398 "HTML comment",399 "<b>Hello, <!-- name of world -->{{.C}}</​b>",400 "<b>Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;</​b>",401 },402 {403 "HTML comment not first < in text node.",404 "<<!-- -->!--",405 "&lt;!--",406 },407 {408 "HTML normalization 1",409 "a < b",410 "a &lt; b",411 },412 {413 "HTML normalization 2",414 "a << b",415 "a &lt;&lt; b",416 },417 {418 "HTML normalization 3",419 "a<<!-- --><!-- -->b",420 "a&lt;b",421 },422 {423 "HTML doctype not normalized",424 "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello, World!",425 "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello, World!",426 },427 {428 "HTML doctype not case-insensitive",429 "<!doCtYPE htMl>Hello, World!",430 "<!doCtYPE htMl>Hello, World!",431 },432 {433 "No doctype injection",434 `<!{{"DOCTYPE"}}`,435 "&lt;!DOCTYPE",436 },437 {438 "Split HTML comment",439 "<b>Hello, <!-- name of {{if .T}}city -->{{.C}}{{else}}world -->{{.W}}{{end}}</​b>",440 "<b>Hello, &lt;Cincinatti&gt;</​b>",441 },442 {443 "JS line comment",444 "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break/​/​ foo not a label\n" +445 "foo({{.T}});}</​script>",446 "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break\n" +447 "foo( true );}</​script>",448 },449 {450 "JS multiline block comment",451 "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break/​* foo not a label\n" +452 " */​foo({{.T}});}</​script>",453 /​/​ Newline separates break from call. If newline454 /​/​ removed, then break will consume label leaving455 /​/​ code invalid.456 "<script>for (;;) { if (c()) break\n" +457 "foo( true );}</​script>",458 },459 {460 "JS single-line block comment",461 "<script>for (;;) {\n" +462 "if (c()) break/​* foo a label */​foo;" +463 "x({{.T}});}</​script>",464 /​/​ Newline separates break from call. If newline465 /​/​ removed, then break will consume label leaving466 /​/​ code invalid.467 "<script>for (;;) {\n" +468 "if (c()) break foo;" +469 "x( true );}</​script>",470 },471 {472 "JS block comment flush with mathematical division",473 "<script>var a/​*b*/​/​c\nd</​script>",474 "<script>var a /​c\nd</​script>",475 },476 {477 "JS mixed comments",478 "<script>var a/​*b*/​/​/​c\nd</​script>",479 "<script>var a \nd</​script>",480 },481 {482 "CSS comments",483 "<style>p/​/​ paragraph\n" +484 `{border: 1px/​* color */​{{"#00f"}}}</​style>`,485 "<style>p\n" +486 "{border: 1px #00f}</​style>",487 },488 {489 "JS attr block comment",490 `<a onclick="f(&quot;&quot;); /​* alert({{.H}}) */​">`,491 /​/​ Attribute comment tests should pass if the comments492 /​/​ are successfully elided.493 `<a onclick="f(&quot;&quot;); /​* alert() */​">`,494 },495 {496 "JS attr line comment",497 `<a onclick="/​/​ alert({{.G}})">`,498 `<a onclick="/​/​ alert()">`,499 },500 {501 "CSS attr block comment",502 `<a style="/​* color: {{.H}} */​">`,503 `<a style="/​* color: */​">`,504 },505 {506 "CSS attr line comment",507 `<a style="/​/​ color: {{.G}}">`,508 `<a style="/​/​ color: ">`,509 },510 {511 "HTML substitution commented out",512 "<p><!-- {{.H}} --></​p>",513 "<p></​p>",514 },515 {516 "Comment ends flush with start",517 "<!--{{.}}--><script>/​*{{.}}*/​/​/​{{.}}\n</​script><style>/​*{{.}}*/​/​/​{{.}}\n</​style><a onclick='/​*{{.}}*/​/​/​{{.}}' style='/​*{{.}}*/​/​/​{{.}}'>",518 "<script> \n</​script><style> \n</​style><a onclick='/​**/​/​/​' style='/​**/​/​/​'>",519 },520 {521 "typed HTML in text",522 `{{.W}}`,523 `&iexcl;<b class="foo">Hello</​b>, <textarea>O'World</​textarea>!`,524 },525 {526 "typed HTML in attribute",527 `<div title="{{.W}}">`,528 `<div title="&iexcl;Hello, O&#39;World!">`,529 },530 {531 "typed HTML in script",532 `<button onclick="alert({{.W}})">`,533 `<button onclick="alert(&#34;\u0026iexcl;\u003cb class=\&#34;foo\&#34;\u003eHello\u003c/​b\u003e, \u003ctextarea\u003eO&#39;World\u003c/​textarea\u003e!&#34;)">`,534 },535 {536 "typed HTML in RCDATA",537 `<textarea>{{.W}}</​textarea>`,538 `<textarea>&iexcl;&lt;b class=&#34;foo&#34;&gt;Hello&lt;/​b&gt;, &lt;textarea&gt;O&#39;World&lt;/​textarea&gt;!</​textarea>`,539 },540 {541 "range in textarea",542 "<textarea>{{range .A}}{{.}}{{end}}</​textarea>",543 "<textarea>&lt;a&gt;&lt;b&gt;</​textarea>",544 },545 {546 "No tag injection",547 `{{"10$"}}<{{"script src,​pwnd.js"}}...`,548 `10$&lt;script src,​pwnd.js...`,549 },550 {551 "No comment injection",552 `<{{"!--"}}`,553 `&lt;!--`,554 },555 {556 "No RCDATA end tag injection",557 `<textarea><{{"/​textarea "}}...</​textarea>`,558 `<textarea>&lt;/​textarea ...</​textarea>`,559 },560 {561 "optional attrs",562 `<img class="{{"iconClass"}}"` +563 `{{if .T}} id="{{"<iconId>"}}"{{end}}` +564 /​/​ Double quotes inside if/​else.565 ` src=` +566 `{{if .T}}"?{{"<iconPath>"}}"` +567 `{{else}}"images/​cleardot.gif"{{end}}` +568 /​/​ Missing space before title, but it is not a569 /​/​ part of the src attribute.570 `{{if .T}}title="{{"<title>"}}"{{end}}` +571 /​/​ Quotes outside if/​else.572 ` alt="` +573 `{{if .T}}{{"<alt>"}}` +574 `{{else}}{{if .F}}{{"<title>"}}{{end}}` +575 `{{end}}"` +576 `>`,577 `<img class="iconClass" id="&lt;iconId&gt;" src="?%3ciconPath%3e"title="&lt;title&gt;" alt="&lt;alt&gt;">`,578 },579 {580 "conditional valueless attr name",581 `<input{{if .T}} checked{{end}} name=n>`,582 `<input checked name=n>`,583 },584 {585 "conditional dynamic valueless attr name 1",586 `<input{{if .T}} {{"checked"}}{{end}} name=n>`,587 `<input checked name=n>`,588 },589 {590 "conditional dynamic valueless attr name 2",591 `<input {{if .T}}{{"checked"}} {{end}}name=n>`,592 `<input checked name=n>`,593 },594 {595 "dynamic attribute name",596 `<img on{{"load"}}="alert({{"loaded"}})">`,597 /​/​ Treated as JS since quotes are inserted.598 `<img onload="alert(&#34;loaded&#34;)">`,599 },600 {601 "bad dynamic attribute name 1",602 /​/​ Allow checked, selected, disabled, but not JS or603 /​/​ CSS attributes.604 `<input {{"onchange"}}="{{"doEvil()"}}">`,605 `<input ZgotmplZ="doEvil()">`,606 },607 {608 "bad dynamic attribute name 2",609 `<div {{"sTyle"}}="{{"color: expression(alert(1337))"}}">`,610 `<div ZgotmplZ="color: expression(alert(1337))">`,611 },612 {613 "bad dynamic attribute name 3",614 /​/​ Allow title or alt, but not a URL.615 `<img {{"src"}}="{{"javascript:doEvil()"}}">`,616 `<img ZgotmplZ="javascript:doEvil()">`,617 },618 {619 "bad dynamic attribute name 4",620 /​/​ Structure preservation requires values to associate621 /​/​ with a consistent attribute.622 `<input checked {{""}}="Whose value am I?">`,623 `<input checked ZgotmplZ="Whose value am I?">`,624 },625 {626 "dynamic element name",627 `<h{{3}}><table><t{{"head"}}>...</​h{{3}}>`,628 `<h3><table><thead>...</​h3>`,629 },630 {631 "bad dynamic element name",632 /​/​ Dynamic element names are typically used to switch633 /​/​ between (thead, tfoot, tbody), (ul, ol), (th, td),634 /​/​ and other replaceable sets.635 /​/​ We do not currently easily support (ul, ol).636 /​/​ If we do change to support that, this test should637 /​/​ catch failures to filter out special tag names which638 /​/​ would violate the structure preservation property --639 /​/​ if any special tag name could be substituted, then640 /​/​ the content could be raw text/​RCDATA for some inputs641 /​/​ and regular HTML content for others.642 `<{{"script"}}>{{"doEvil()"}}</​{{"script"}}>`,643 `&lt;script>doEvil()&lt;/​script>`,644 },645 }646 for _, test := range tests {647 tmpl := New( tmpl = Must(tmpl.Parse(test.input))649 /​/​ Check for bug 6459: Tree field was not set in Parse.650 if tmpl.Tree != tmpl.text.Tree {651 t.Errorf("%s: tree not set properly", continue653 }654 b := new(bytes.Buffer)655 if err := tmpl.Execute(b, data); err != nil {656 t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed: %s",, err)657 continue658 }659 if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {660 t.Errorf("%s: escaped output: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)661 continue662 }663 b.Reset()664 if err := tmpl.Execute(b, pdata); err != nil {665 t.Errorf("%s: template execution failed for pointer: %s",, err)666 continue667 }668 if w, g := test.output, b.String(); w != g {669 t.Errorf("%s: escaped output for pointer: want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q",, w, g)670 continue671 }672 if tmpl.Tree != tmpl.text.Tree {673 t.Errorf("%s: tree mismatch", continue675 }676 }677}678func TestEscapeSet(t *testing.T) {679 type dataItem struct {680 Children []*dataItem681 X string682 }683 data := dataItem{684 Children: []*dataItem{685 {X: "foo"},686 {X: "<bar>"},687 {688 Children: []*dataItem{689 {X: "baz"},690 },691 },692 },693 }694 tests := []struct {695 inputs map[string]string696 want string697 }{698 /​/​ The trivial set.699 {700 map[string]string{701 "main": ``,702 },703 ``,704 },705 /​/​ A template called in the start context.706 {707 map[string]string{708 "main": `Hello, {{template "helper"}}!`,709 /​/​ Not a valid top level HTML template.710 /​/​ "<b" is not a full tag.711 "helper": `{{"<World>"}}`,712 },713 `Hello, &lt;World&gt;!`,714 },715 /​/​ A template called in a context other than the start.716 {717 map[string]string{718 "main": `<a onclick='a = {{template "helper"}};'>`,719 /​/​ Not a valid top level HTML template.720 /​/​ "<b" is not a full tag.721 "helper": `{{"<a>"}}<b`,722 },723 `<a onclick='a = &#34;\u003ca\u003e&#34;<b;'>`,724 },725 /​/​ A recursive template that ends in its start context.726 {727 map[string]string{728 "main": `{{range .Children}}{{template "main" .}}{{else}}{{.X}} {{end}}`,729 },730 `foo &lt;bar&gt; baz `,731 },732 /​/​ A recursive helper template that ends in its start context.733 {734 map[string]string{735 "main": `{{template "helper" .}}`,736 "helper": `{{if .Children}}<ul>{{range .Children}}<li>{{template "main" .}}</​li>{{end}}</​ul>{{else}}{{.X}}{{end}}`,737 },738 `<ul><li>foo</​li><li>&lt;bar&gt;</​li><li><ul><li>baz</​li></​ul></​li></​ul>`,739 },740 /​/​ Co-recursive templates that end in its start context.741 {742 map[string]string{743 "main": `<blockquote>{{range .Children}}{{template "helper" .}}{{end}}</​blockquote>`,744 "helper": `{{if .Children}}{{template "main" .}}{{else}}{{.X}}<br>{{end}}`,745 },746 `<blockquote>foo<br>&lt;bar&gt;<br><blockquote>baz<br></​blockquote></​blockquote>`,747 },748 /​/​ A template that is called in two different contexts.749 {750 map[string]string{751 "main": `<button onclick="title='{{template "helper"}}'; ...">{{template "helper"}}</​button>`,752 "helper": `{{11}} of {{"<100>"}}`,753 },754 `<button onclick="title='11 of \x3c100\x3e'; ...">11 of &lt;100&gt;</​button>`,755 },756 /​/​ A non-recursive template that ends in a different context.757 /​/​ helper starts in jsCtxRegexp and ends in jsCtxDivOp.758 {759 map[string]string{760 "main": `<script>var x={{template "helper"}}/​{{"42"}};</​script>`,761 "helper": "{{126}}",762 },763 `<script>var x= 126 /​"42";</​script>`,764 },765 /​/​ A recursive template that ends in a similar context.766 {767 map[string]string{768 "main": `<script>var x=[{{template "countdown" 4}}];</​script>`,769 "countdown": `{{.}}{{if .}},{{template "countdown" . | pred}}{{end}}`,770 },771 `<script>var x=[ 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 ];</​script>`,772 },773 /​/​ A recursive template that ends in a different context.774 /​*775 {776 map[string]string{777 "main": `<a href="/​foo{{template "helper" .}}">`,778 "helper": `{{if .Children}}{{range .Children}}{{template "helper" .}}{{end}}{{else}}?x={{.X}}{{end}}`,779 },780 `<a href="/​foo?x=foo?x=%3cbar%3e?x=baz">`,781 },782 */​783 }784 /​/​ pred is a template function that returns the predecessor of a785 /​/​ natural number for testing recursive templates.786 fns := FuncMap{"pred": func(a ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {787 if len(a) == 1 {788 if i, _ := a[0].(int); i > 0 {789 return i - 1, nil790 }791 }792 return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined pred(%v)", a)793 }}794 for _, test := range tests {795 source := ""796 for name, body := range test.inputs {797 source += fmt.Sprintf("{{define %q}}%s{{end}} ", name, body)798 }799 tmpl, err := New("root").Funcs(fns).Parse(source)800 if err != nil {801 t.Errorf("error parsing %q: %v", source, err)802 continue803 }804 var b bytes.Buffer805 if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "main", data); err != nil {806 t.Errorf("%q executing %v", err.Error(), tmpl.Lookup("main"))807 continue808 }809 if got := b.String(); test.want != got {810 t.Errorf("want\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.want, got)811 }812 }813}814func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {815 tests := []struct {816 input string817 err string818 }{819 /​/​ Non-error cases.820 {821 "{{if .Cond}}<a>{{else}}<b>{{end}}",822 "",823 },824 {825 "{{if .Cond}}<a>{{end}}",826 "",827 },828 {829 "{{if .Cond}}{{else}}<b>{{end}}",830 "",831 },832 {833 "{{with .Cond}}<div>{{end}}",834 "",835 },836 {837 "{{range .Items}}<a>{{end}}",838 "",839 },840 {841 "<a href='/​foo?{{range .Items}}&{{.K}}={{.V}}{{end}}'>",842 "",843 },844 /​/​ Error cases.845 {846 "{{if .Cond}}<a{{end}}",847 "z:1:5: {{if}} branches",848 },849 {850 "{{if .Cond}}\n{{else}}\n<a{{end}}",851 "z:1:5: {{if}} branches",852 },853 {854 /​/​ Missing quote in the else branch.855 `{{if .Cond}}<a href="foo">{{else}}<a href="bar>{{end}}`,856 "z:1:5: {{if}} branches",857 },858 {859 /​/​ Different kind of attribute: href implies a URL.860 "<a {{if .Cond}}href='{{else}}title='{{end}}{{.X}}'>",861 "z:1:8: {{if}} branches",862 },863 {864 "\n{{with .X}}<a{{end}}",865 "z:2:7: {{with}} branches",866 },867 {868 "\n{{with .X}}<a>{{else}}<a{{end}}",869 "z:2:7: {{with}} branches",870 },871 {872 "{{range .Items}}<a{{end}}",873 `z:1: on range loop re-entry: "<" in attribute name: "<a"`,874 },875 {876 "\n{{range .Items}} x='<a{{end}}",877 "z:2:8: on range loop re-entry: {{range}} branches",878 },879 {880 "<a b=1 c={{.H}}",881 "z: ends in a non-text context: {stateAttr delimSpaceOrTagEnd",882 },883 {884 "<script>foo();",885 "z: ends in a non-text context: {stateJS",886 },887 {888 `<a href="{{if .F}}/​foo?a={{else}}/​bar/​{{end}}{{.H}}">`,889 "z:1:47: {{.H}} appears in an ambiguous URL context",890 },891 {892 `<a onclick="alert('Hello \`,893 `unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "Hello \\"`,894 },895 {896 `<a onclick='alert("Hello\, World\`,897 `unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "Hello\\, World\\"`,898 },899 {900 `<a onclick='alert(/​x+\`,901 `unfinished escape sequence in JS string: "x+\\"`,902 },903 {904 `<a onclick="/​foo[\]/​`,905 `unfinished JS regexp charset: "foo[\\]/​"`,906 },907 {908 /​/​ It is ambiguous whether 1.5 should be 1\.5 or 1.5.909 /​/​ Either `var x = 1/​- 1.5 /​i.test(x)`910 /​/​ where `i.test(x)` is a method call of reference i,911 /​/​ or `/​-1\.5/​i.test(x)` which is a method call on a912 /​/​ case insensitive regular expression.913 `<script>{{if false}}var x = 1{{end}}/​-{{"1.5"}}/​i.test(x)</​script>`,914 `'/​' could start a division or regexp: "/​-"`,915 },916 {917 `{{template "foo"}}`,918 "z:1:11: no such template \"foo\"",919 },920 {921 `<div{{template "y"}}>` +922 /​/​ Illegal starting in stateTag but not in stateText.923 `{{define "y"}} foo<b{{end}}`,924 `"<" in attribute name: " foo<b"`,925 },926 {927 `<script>reverseList = [{{template "t"}}]</​script>` +928 /​/​ Missing " after recursive call.929 `{{define "t"}}{{if .Tail}}{{template "t" .Tail}}{{end}}{{.Head}}",{{end}}`,930 `: cannot compute output context for template t$htmltemplate_stateJS_elementScript`,931 },932 {933 `<input type=button value=onclick=>`,934 `html/​template:z: "=" in unquoted attr: "onclick="`,935 },936 {937 `<input type=button value= onclick=>`,938 `html/​template:z: "=" in unquoted attr: "onclick="`,939 },940 {941 `<input type=button value= 1+1=2>`,942 `html/​template:z: "=" in unquoted attr: "1+1=2"`,943 },944 {945 "<a class=`foo>",946 "html/​template:z: \"`\" in unquoted attr: \"`foo\"",947 },948 {949 `<a style=font:'Arial'>`,950 `html/​template:z: "'" in unquoted attr: "font:'Arial'"`,951 },952 {953 `<a=foo>`,954 `: expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got "=foo>"`,955 },956 }957 for _, test := range tests {958 buf := new(bytes.Buffer)959 tmpl, err := New("z").Parse(test.input)960 if err != nil {961 t.Errorf("input=%q: unexpected parse error %s\n", test.input, err)962 continue963 }964 err = tmpl.Execute(buf, nil)965 var got string966 if err != nil {967 got = err.Error()968 }969 if test.err == "" {970 if got != "" {971 t.Errorf("input=%q: unexpected error %q", test.input, got)972 }973 continue974 }975 if !strings.Contains(got, test.err) {976 t.Errorf("input=%q: error\n\t%q\ndoes not contain expected string\n\t%q", test.input, got, test.err)977 continue978 }979 /​/​ Check that we get the same error if we call Execute again.980 if err := tmpl.Execute(buf, nil); err == nil || err.Error() != got {981 t.Errorf("input=%q: unexpected error on second call %q", test.input, err)982 }983 }984}985func TestEscapeText(t *testing.T) {986 tests := []struct {987 input string988 output context989 }{990 {991 ``,992 context{},993 },994 {995 `Hello, World!`,996 context{},997 },998 {999 /​/​ An orphaned "<" is OK.1000 `I <3 Ponies!`,1001 context{},1002 },1003 {1004 `<a`,1005 context{state: stateTag},1006 },1007 {1008 `<a `,1009 context{state: stateTag},1010 },1011 {1012 `<a>`,1013 context{state: stateText},1014 },1015 {1016 `<a href`,1017 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1018 },1019 {1020 `<a on`,1021 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrScript},1022 },1023 {1024 `<a href `,1025 context{state: stateAfterName, attr: attrURL},1026 },1027 {1028 `<a style = `,1029 context{state: stateBeforeValue, attr: attrStyle},1030 },1031 {1032 `<a href=`,1033 context{state: stateBeforeValue, attr: attrURL},1034 },1035 {1036 `<a href=x`,1037 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1038 },1039 {1040 `<a href=x `,1041 context{state: stateTag},1042 },1043 {1044 `<a href=>`,1045 context{state: stateText},1046 },1047 {1048 `<a href=x>`,1049 context{state: stateText},1050 },1051 {1052 `<a href ='`,1053 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrURL},1054 },1055 {1056 `<a href=''`,1057 context{state: stateTag},1058 },1059 {1060 `<a href= "`,1061 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrURL},1062 },1063 {1064 `<a href=""`,1065 context{state: stateTag},1066 },1067 {1068 `<a title="`,1069 context{state: stateAttr, delim: delimDoubleQuote},1070 },1071 {1072 `<a HREF='http:`,1073 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1074 },1075 {1076 `<a Href='/​`,1077 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1078 },1079 {1080 `<a href='"`,1081 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1082 },1083 {1084 `<a href="'`,1085 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1086 },1087 {1088 `<a href='&apos;`,1089 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSingleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1090 },1091 {1092 `<a href="&quot;`,1093 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1094 },1095 {1096 `<a href="&#34;`,1097 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1098 },1099 {1100 `<a href=&quot;`,1101 context{state: stateURL, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrURL},1102 },1103 {1104 `<img alt="1">`,1105 context{state: stateText},1106 },1107 {1108 `<img alt="1>"`,1109 context{state: stateTag},1110 },1111 {1112 `<img alt="1>">`,1113 context{state: stateText},1114 },1115 {1116 `<input checked type="checkbox"`,1117 context{state: stateTag},1118 },1119 {1120 `<a onclick="`,1121 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1122 },1123 {1124 `<a onclick="/​/​foo`,1125 context{state: stateJSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1126 },1127 {1128 "<a onclick='/​/​\n",1129 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrScript},1130 },1131 {1132 "<a onclick='/​/​\r\n",1133 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrScript},1134 },1135 {1136 "<a onclick='/​/​\u2028",1137 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrScript},1138 },1139 {1140 `<a onclick="/​*`,1141 context{state: stateJSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1142 },1143 {1144 `<a onclick="/​*/​`,1145 context{state: stateJSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1146 },1147 {1148 `<a onclick="/​**/​`,1149 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1150 },1151 {1152 `<a onkeypress="&quot;`,1153 context{state: stateJSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1154 },1155 {1156 `<a onclick='&quot;foo&quot;`,1157 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSingleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1158 },1159 {1160 `<a onclick=&#39;foo&#39;`,1161 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1162 },1163 {1164 `<a onclick=&#39;foo`,1165 context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimSpaceOrTagEnd, attr: attrScript},1166 },1167 {1168 `<a onclick="&quot;foo'`,1169 context{state: stateJSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1170 },1171 {1172 `<a onclick="'foo&quot;`,1173 context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1174 },1175 {1176 `<A ONCLICK="'`,1177 context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1178 },1179 {1180 `<a onclick="/​`,1181 context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1182 },1183 {1184 `<a onclick="'foo'`,1185 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1186 },1187 {1188 `<a onclick="'foo\'`,1189 context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1190 },1191 {1192 `<a onclick="'foo\'`,1193 context{state: stateJSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1194 },1195 {1196 `<a onclick="/​foo/​`,1197 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1198 },1199 {1200 `<script>/​foo/​ /​=`,1201 context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},1202 },1203 {1204 `<a onclick="1 /​foo`,1205 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1206 },1207 {1208 `<a onclick="1 /​*c*/​ /​foo`,1209 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1210 },1211 {1212 `<a onclick="/​foo[/​]`,1213 context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1214 },1215 {1216 `<a onclick="/​foo\/​`,1217 context{state: stateJSRegexp, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1218 },1219 {1220 `<a onclick="/​foo/​`,1221 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, attr: attrScript},1222 },1223 {1224 `<input checked style="`,1225 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1226 },1227 {1228 `<a style="/​/​`,1229 context{state: stateCSSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1230 },1231 {1232 `<a style="/​/​</​script>`,1233 context{state: stateCSSLineCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1234 },1235 {1236 "<a style='/​/​\n",1237 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1238 },1239 {1240 "<a style='/​/​\r",1241 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1242 },1243 {1244 `<a style="/​*`,1245 context{state: stateCSSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1246 },1247 {1248 `<a style="/​*/​`,1249 context{state: stateCSSBlockCmt, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1250 },1251 {1252 `<a style="/​**/​`,1253 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1254 },1255 {1256 `<a style="background: '`,1257 context{state: stateCSSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1258 },1259 {1260 `<a style="background: &quot;`,1261 context{state: stateCSSDqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1262 },1263 {1264 `<a style="background: '/​foo?img=`,1265 context{state: stateCSSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartQueryOrFrag, attr: attrStyle},1266 },1267 {1268 `<a style="background: '/​`,1269 context{state: stateCSSSqStr, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrStyle},1270 },1271 {1272 `<a style="background: url(&#x22;/​`,1273 context{state: stateCSSDqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrStyle},1274 },1275 {1276 `<a style="background: url('/​`,1277 context{state: stateCSSSqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrStyle},1278 },1279 {1280 `<a style="background: url('/​)`,1281 context{state: stateCSSSqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrStyle},1282 },1283 {1284 `<a style="background: url('/​ `,1285 context{state: stateCSSSqURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrStyle},1286 },1287 {1288 `<a style="background: url(/​`,1289 context{state: stateCSSURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartPreQuery, attr: attrStyle},1290 },1291 {1292 `<a style="background: url( `,1293 context{state: stateCSSURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1294 },1295 {1296 `<a style="background: url( /​image?name=`,1297 context{state: stateCSSURL, delim: delimDoubleQuote, urlPart: urlPartQueryOrFrag, attr: attrStyle},1298 },1299 {1300 `<a style="background: url(x)`,1301 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1302 },1303 {1304 `<a style="background: url('x'`,1305 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1306 },1307 {1308 `<a style="background: url( x `,1309 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1310 },1311 {1312 `<!-- foo`,1313 context{state: stateHTMLCmt},1314 },1315 {1316 `<!-->`,1317 context{state: stateHTMLCmt},1318 },1319 {1320 `<!--->`,1321 context{state: stateHTMLCmt},1322 },1323 {1324 `<!-- foo -->`,1325 context{state: stateText},1326 },1327 {1328 `<script`,1329 context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},1330 },1331 {1332 `<script `,1333 context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},1334 },1335 {1336 `<script src="foo.js" `,1337 context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},1338 },1339 {1340 `<script src='foo.js' `,1341 context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},1342 },1343 {1344 `<script type=text/​javascript `,1345 context{state: stateTag, element: elementScript},1346 },1347 {1348 `<script>foo`,1349 context{state: stateJS, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, element: elementScript},1350 },1351 {1352 `<script>foo</​script>`,1353 context{state: stateText},1354 },1355 {1356 `<script>foo</​script><!--`,1357 context{state: stateHTMLCmt},1358 },1359 {1360 `<script>document.write("<p>foo</​p>");`,1361 context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},1362 },1363 {1364 `<script>document.write("<p>foo<\/​script>");`,1365 context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},1366 },1367 {1368 `<script>document.write("<script>alert(1)</​script>");`,1369 context{state: stateText},1370 },1371 {1372 `<Script>`,1373 context{state: stateJS, element: elementScript},1374 },1375 {1376 `<SCRIPT>foo`,1377 context{state: stateJS, jsCtx: jsCtxDivOp, element: elementScript},1378 },1379 {1380 `<textarea>value`,1381 context{state: stateRCDATA, element: elementTextarea},1382 },1383 {1384 `<textarea>value</​TEXTAREA>`,1385 context{state: stateText},1386 },1387 {1388 `<textarea name=html><b`,1389 context{state: stateRCDATA, element: elementTextarea},1390 },1391 {1392 `<title>value`,1393 context{state: stateRCDATA, element: elementTitle},1394 },1395 {1396 `<style>value`,1397 context{state: stateCSS, element: elementStyle},1398 },1399 {1400 `<a xlink:href`,1401 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1402 },1403 {1404 `<a xmlns`,1405 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1406 },1407 {1408 `<a xmlns:foo`,1409 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1410 },1411 {1412 `<a xmlnsxyz`,1413 context{state: stateAttrName},1414 },1415 {1416 `<a data-url`,1417 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1418 },1419 {1420 `<a data-iconUri`,1421 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1422 },1423 {1424 `<a data-urlItem`,1425 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1426 },1427 {1428 `<a g:`,1429 context{state: stateAttrName},1430 },1431 {1432 `<a g:url`,1433 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1434 },1435 {1436 `<a g:iconUri`,1437 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1438 },1439 {1440 `<a g:urlItem`,1441 context{state: stateAttrName, attr: attrURL},1442 },1443 {1444 `<a g:value`,1445 context{state: stateAttrName},1446 },1447 {1448 `<a svg:style='`,1449 context{state: stateCSS, delim: delimSingleQuote, attr: attrStyle},1450 },1451 {1452 `<svg:font-face`,1453 context{state: stateTag},1454 },1455 {1456 `<svg:a svg:onclick="`,1457 context{state: stateJS, delim: delimDoubleQuote, attr: attrScript},1458 },1459 {1460 `<svg:a svg:onclick="x()">`,1461 context{},1462 },1463 }1464 for _, test := range tests {1465 b, e := []byte(test.input), newEscaper(nil)1466 c := e.escapeText(context{}, &parse.TextNode{NodeType: parse.NodeText, Text: b})1467 if !test.output.eq(c) {1468 t.Errorf("input %q: want context\n\t%v\ngot\n\t%v", test.input, test.output, c)1469 continue1470 }1471 if test.input != string(b) {1472 t.Errorf("input %q: text node was modified: want %q got %q", test.input, test.input, b)1473 continue1474 }1475 }1476}1477func TestEnsurePipelineContains(t *testing.T) {1478 tests := []struct {1479 input, output string1480 ids []string1481 }{1482 {1483 "{{.X}}",1484 ".X",1485 []string{},1486 },1487 {1488 "{{.X | html}}",1489 ".X | html",1490 []string{},1491 },1492 {1493 "{{.X}}",1494 ".X | html",1495 []string{"html"},1496 },1497 {1498 "{{.X | html}}",1499 ".X | html | urlquery",1500 []string{"urlquery"},1501 },1502 {1503 "{{.X | html | urlquery}}",1504 ".X | html | urlquery",1505 []string{"urlquery"},1506 },1507 {1508 "{{.X | html | urlquery}}",1509 ".X | html | urlquery",1510 []string{"html", "urlquery"},1511 },1512 {1513 "{{.X | html | urlquery}}",1514 ".X | html | urlquery",1515 []string{"html"},1516 },1517 {1518 "{{.X | urlquery}}",1519 ".X | html | urlquery",1520 []string{"html", "urlquery"},1521 },1522 {1523 "{{.X | html | print}}",1524 ".X | urlquery | html | print",1525 []string{"urlquery", "html"},1526 },1527 {1528 "{{($).X | html | print}}",1529 "($).X | urlquery | html | print",1530 []string{"urlquery", "html"},1531 },1532 {1533 "{{.X | print 2 | .f 3}}",1534 ".X | print 2 | .f 3 | urlquery | html",1535 []string{"urlquery", "html"},1536 },1537 {1538 "{{.X | html | print 2 | .f 3}}",1539 ".X | urlquery | html | print 2 | .f 3",1540 []string{"urlquery", "html"},1541 },1542 {1543 /​/​ covering issue 108011544 "{{.X | js.x }}",1545 ".X | js.x | urlquery | html",1546 []string{"urlquery", "html"},1547 },1548 {1549 /​/​ covering issue 108011550 "{{.X | (print 12 | js).x }}",1551 ".X | (print 12 | js).x | urlquery | html",1552 []string{"urlquery", "html"},1553 },1554 }1555 for i, test := range tests {1556 tmpl := template.Must(template.New("test").Parse(test.input))1557 action, ok := (tmpl.Tree.Root.Nodes[0].(*parse.ActionNode))1558 if !ok {1559 t.Errorf("#%d: First node is not an action: %s", i, test.input)1560 continue1561 }1562 pipe := action.Pipe1563 ensurePipelineContains(pipe, test.ids)1564 got := pipe.String()1565 if got != test.output {1566 t.Errorf("#%d: %s, %v: want\n\t%s\ngot\n\t%s", i, test.input, test.ids, test.output, got)1567 }1568 }1569}1570func TestEscapeMalformedPipelines(t *testing.T) {1571 tests := []string{1572 "{{ 0 | $ }}",1573 "{{ 0 | $ | urlquery }}",1574 "{{ 0 | $ | urlquery | html }}",1575 "{{ 0 | (nil) }}",1576 "{{ 0 | (nil) | html }}",1577 "{{ 0 | (nil) | html | urlquery }}",1578 }1579 for _, test := range tests {1580 var b bytes.Buffer1581 tmpl, err := New("test").Parse(test)1582 if err != nil {1583 t.Errorf("failed to parse set: %q", err)1584 }1585 err = tmpl.Execute(&b, nil)1586 if err == nil {1587 t.Errorf("Expected error for %q", test)1588 }1589 }1590}1591func TestEscapeErrorsNotIgnorable(t *testing.T) {1592 var b bytes.Buffer1593 tmpl, _ := New("dangerous").Parse("<a")1594 err := tmpl.Execute(&b, nil)1595 if err == nil {1596 t.Errorf("Expected error")1597 } else if b.Len() != 0 {1598 t.Errorf("Emitted output despite escaping failure")1599 }1600}1601func TestEscapeSetErrorsNotIgnorable(t *testing.T) {1602 var b bytes.Buffer1603 tmpl, err := New("root").Parse(`{{define "t"}}<a{{end}}`)1604 if err != nil {1605 t.Errorf("failed to parse set: %q", err)1606 }1607 err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "t", nil)1608 if err == nil {1609 t.Errorf("Expected error")1610 } else if b.Len() != 0 {1611 t.Errorf("Emitted output despite escaping failure")1612 }1613}1614func TestRedundantFuncs(t *testing.T) {1615 inputs := []interface{}{1616 "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f" +1617 "\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f" +1618 ` !"#$%&'()*+,-./​` +1619 `0123456789:;<=>?` +1620 `@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO` +1621 `PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_` +1622 "`abcdefghijklmno" +1623 "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f" +1624 "\u00A0\u0100\u2028\u2029\ufeff\ufdec\ufffd\uffff\U0001D11E" +1625 "&amp;%22\\",1626 CSS(`a[href =~ "/​/​"]#foo`),1627 HTML(`Hello, <b>World</​b> &amp;tc!`),1628 HTMLAttr(` dir="ltr"`),1629 JS(`c && alert("Hello, World!");`),1630 JSStr(`Hello, World & O'Reilly\x21`),1631 URL(`greeting=H%69&addressee=(World)`),1632 }1633 for n0, m := range redundantFuncs {1634 f0 := funcMap[n0].(func(...interface{}) string)1635 for n1 := range m {1636 f1 := funcMap[n1].(func(...interface{}) string)1637 for _, input := range inputs {1638 want := f0(input)1639 if got := f1(want); want != got {1640 t.Errorf("%s %s with %T %q: want\n\t%q,\ngot\n\t%q", n0, n1, input, input, want, got)1641 }1642 }...

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Source:sanitize.go Github


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...35 "strings"36 "​x/​net/​html"37)38var (39 dataAttribute = regexp.MustCompile("^data-.+")40 dataAttributeXMLPrefix = regexp.MustCompile("^xml.+")41 dataAttributeInvalidChars = regexp.MustCompile("[A-Z;]+")42)43/​/​ Sanitize takes a string that contains a HTML fragment or document and applies44/​/​ the given policy whitelist.45/​/​46/​/​ It returns a HTML string that has been sanitized by the policy or an empty47/​/​ string if an error has occurred (most likely as a consequence of extremely48/​/​ malformed input)49func (p *Policy) Sanitize(s string) string {50 if strings.TrimSpace(s) == "" {51 return s52 }53 return p.sanitize(strings.NewReader(s)).String()54}55/​/​ SanitizeBytes takes a []byte that contains a HTML fragment or document and applies56/​/​ the given policy whitelist.57/​/​58/​/​ It returns a []byte containing the HTML that has been sanitized by the policy59/​/​ or an empty []byte if an error has occurred (most likely as a consequence of60/​/​ extremely malformed input)61func (p *Policy) SanitizeBytes(b []byte) []byte {62 if len(bytes.TrimSpace(b)) == 0 {63 return b64 }65 return p.sanitize(bytes.NewReader(b)).Bytes()66}67/​/​ SanitizeReader takes an io.Reader that contains a HTML fragment or document68/​/​ and applies the given policy whitelist.69/​/​70/​/​ It returns a bytes.Buffer containing the HTML that has been sanitized by the71/​/​ policy. Errors during sanitization will merely return an empty result.72func (p *Policy) SanitizeReader(r io.Reader) *bytes.Buffer {73 return p.sanitize(r)74}75/​/​ Performs the actual sanitization process.76func (p *Policy) sanitize(r io.Reader) *bytes.Buffer {77 /​/​ It is possible that the developer has created the policy via:78 /​/​ p := bluemonday.Policy{}79 /​/​ rather than:80 /​/​ p := bluemonday.NewPolicy()81 /​/​ If this is the case, and if they haven't yet triggered an action that82 /​/​ would initiliaze the maps, then we need to do that.83 p.init()84 var (85 buff bytes.Buffer86 skipElementContent bool87 skippingElementsCount int6488 skipClosingTag bool89 closingTagToSkipStack []string90 mostRecentlyStartedToken string91 )92 tokenizer := html.NewTokenizer(r)93 for {94 if tokenizer.Next() == html.ErrorToken {95 err := tokenizer.Err()96 if err == io.EOF {97 /​/​ End of input means end of processing98 return &buff99 }100 /​/​ Raw tokenizer error101 return &bytes.Buffer{}102 }103 token := tokenizer.Token()104 switch token.Type {105 case html.DoctypeToken:106 /​/​ DocType is not handled as there is no safe parsing mechanism107 /​/​ provided by​x/​net/​html for the content, and this can108 /​/​ be misused to insert HTML tags that are not then sanitized109 /​/​110 /​/​ One might wish to recursively sanitize here using the same policy111 /​/​ but I will need to do some further testing before considering112 /​/​ this.113 case html.CommentToken:114 /​/​ Comments are ignored by default115 case html.StartTagToken:116 mostRecentlyStartedToken = token.Data117 aps, ok := p.elsAndAttrs[token.Data]118 if !ok {119 if _, ok := p.setOfElementsToSkipContent[token.Data]; ok {120 skipElementContent = true121 skippingElementsCount++122 }123 if p.addSpaces {124 buff.WriteString(" ")125 }126 break127 }128 if len(token.Attr) != 0 {129 token.Attr = p.sanitizeAttrs(token.Data, token.Attr, aps)130 }131 if len(token.Attr) == 0 {132 if !p.allowNoAttrs(token.Data) {133 skipClosingTag = true134 closingTagToSkipStack = append(closingTagToSkipStack, token.Data)135 if p.addSpaces {136 buff.WriteString(" ")137 }138 break139 }140 }141 if !skipElementContent {142 buff.WriteString(token.String())143 }144 case html.EndTagToken:145 if mostRecentlyStartedToken == token.Data {146 mostRecentlyStartedToken = ""147 }148 if skipClosingTag && closingTagToSkipStack[len(closingTagToSkipStack)-1] == token.Data {149 closingTagToSkipStack = closingTagToSkipStack[:len(closingTagToSkipStack)-1]150 if len(closingTagToSkipStack) == 0 {151 skipClosingTag = false152 }153 if p.addSpaces {154 buff.WriteString(" ")155 }156 break157 }158 if _, ok := p.elsAndAttrs[token.Data]; !ok {159 if _, ok := p.setOfElementsToSkipContent[token.Data]; ok {160 skippingElementsCount--161 if skippingElementsCount == 0 {162 skipElementContent = false163 }164 }165 if p.addSpaces {166 buff.WriteString(" ")167 }168 break169 }170 if !skipElementContent {171 buff.WriteString(token.String())172 }173 case html.SelfClosingTagToken:174 aps, ok := p.elsAndAttrs[token.Data]175 if !ok {176 if p.addSpaces {177 buff.WriteString(" ")178 }179 break180 }181 if len(token.Attr) != 0 {182 token.Attr = p.sanitizeAttrs(token.Data, token.Attr, aps)183 }184 if len(token.Attr) == 0 && !p.allowNoAttrs(token.Data) {185 if p.addSpaces {186 buff.WriteString(" ")187 }188 break189 }190 if !skipElementContent {191 buff.WriteString(token.String())192 }193 case html.TextToken:194 if !skipElementContent {195 switch mostRecentlyStartedToken {196 case "script":197 /​/​ not encouraged, but if a policy allows JavaScript we198 /​/​ should not HTML escape it as that would break the output199 buff.WriteString(token.Data)200 case "style":201 /​/​ not encouraged, but if a policy allows CSS styles we202 /​/​ should not HTML escape it as that would break the output203 buff.WriteString(token.Data)204 default:205 /​/​ HTML escape the text206 buff.WriteString(token.String())207 }208 }209 default:210 /​/​ A token that didn't exist in the html package when we wrote this211 return &bytes.Buffer{}212 }213 }214}215/​/​ sanitizeAttrs takes a set of element attribute policies and the global216/​/​ attribute policies and applies them to the []html.Attribute returning a set217/​/​ of html.Attributes that match the policies218func (p *Policy) sanitizeAttrs(219 elementName string,220 attrs []html.Attribute,221 aps map[string]attrPolicy,222) []html.Attribute {223 if len(attrs) == 0 {224 return attrs225 }226 /​/​ Builds a new attribute slice based on the whether the attribute has been227 /​/​ whitelisted explicitly or globally.228 cleanAttrs := []html.Attribute{}229 for _, htmlAttr := range attrs {230 if p.allowDataAttributes {231 /​/​ If we see a data attribute, let it through.232 if isDataAttribute(htmlAttr.Key) {233 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, htmlAttr)234 continue235 }236 }237 /​/​ Is there an element specific attribute policy that applies?238 if ap, ok := aps[htmlAttr.Key]; ok {239 if ap.regexp != nil {240 if ap.regexp.MatchString(htmlAttr.Val) {241 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, htmlAttr)242 continue243 }244 } else {245 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, htmlAttr)246 continue247 }248 }249 /​/​ Is there a global attribute policy that applies?250 if ap, ok := p.globalAttrs[htmlAttr.Key]; ok {251 if ap.regexp != nil {252 if ap.regexp.MatchString(htmlAttr.Val) {253 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, htmlAttr)254 }255 } else {256 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, htmlAttr)257 }258 }259 }260 if len(cleanAttrs) == 0 {261 /​/​ If nothing was allowed, let's get out of here262 return cleanAttrs263 }264 /​/​ cleanAttrs now contains the attributes that are permitted265 if linkable(elementName) {266 if p.requireParseableURLs {267 /​/​ Ensure URLs are parseable:268 /​/​ - a.href269 /​/​ - area.href270 /​/​ - link.href271 /​/​ - blockquote.cite272 /​/​ - q.cite273 /​/​ - img.src274 /​/​ - script.src275 tmpAttrs := []html.Attribute{}276 for _, htmlAttr := range cleanAttrs {277 switch elementName {278 case "a", "area", "link":279 if htmlAttr.Key == "href" {280 if u, ok := p.validURL(htmlAttr.Val); ok {281 htmlAttr.Val = u282 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)283 }284 break285 }286 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)287 case "blockquote", "q":288 if htmlAttr.Key == "cite" {289 if u, ok := p.validURL(htmlAttr.Val); ok {290 htmlAttr.Val = u291 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)292 }293 break294 }295 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)296 case "img", "script":297 if htmlAttr.Key == "src" {298 if u, ok := p.validURL(htmlAttr.Val); ok {299 htmlAttr.Val = u300 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)301 }302 break303 }304 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)305 default:306 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)307 }308 }309 cleanAttrs = tmpAttrs310 }311 if (p.requireNoFollow ||312 p.requireNoFollowFullyQualifiedLinks ||313 p.addTargetBlankToFullyQualifiedLinks) &&314 len(cleanAttrs) > 0 {315 /​/​ Add rel="nofollow" if a "href" exists316 switch elementName {317 case "a", "area", "link":318 var hrefFound bool319 var externalLink bool320 for _, htmlAttr := range cleanAttrs {321 if htmlAttr.Key == "href" {322 hrefFound = true323 u, err := url.Parse(htmlAttr.Val)324 if err != nil {325 continue326 }327 if u.Host != "" {328 externalLink = true329 }330 continue331 }332 }333 if hrefFound {334 var (335 noFollowFound bool336 targetBlankFound bool337 )338 addNoFollow := (p.requireNoFollow ||339 externalLink && p.requireNoFollowFullyQualifiedLinks)340 addTargetBlank := (externalLink &&341 p.addTargetBlankToFullyQualifiedLinks)342 tmpAttrs := []html.Attribute{}343 for _, htmlAttr := range cleanAttrs {344 var appended bool345 if htmlAttr.Key == "rel" && addNoFollow {346 if strings.Contains(htmlAttr.Val, "nofollow") {347 noFollowFound = true348 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)349 appended = true350 } else {351 htmlAttr.Val += " nofollow"352 noFollowFound = true353 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)354 appended = true355 }356 }357 if elementName == "a" && htmlAttr.Key == "target" {358 if htmlAttr.Val == "_blank" {359 targetBlankFound = true360 }361 if addTargetBlank && !targetBlankFound {362 htmlAttr.Val = "_blank"363 targetBlankFound = true364 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)365 appended = true366 }367 }368 if !appended {369 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)370 }371 }372 if noFollowFound || targetBlankFound {373 cleanAttrs = tmpAttrs374 }375 if addNoFollow && !noFollowFound {376 rel := html.Attribute{}377 rel.Key = "rel"378 rel.Val = "nofollow"379 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, rel)380 }381 if elementName == "a" && addTargetBlank && !targetBlankFound {382 rel := html.Attribute{}383 rel.Key = "target"384 rel.Val = "_blank"385 targetBlankFound = true386 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, rel)387 }388 if targetBlankFound {389 /​/​ target="_blank" has a security risk that allows the390 /​/​ opened window/​tab to issue JavaScript calls against391 /​/​ window.opener, which in effect allow the destination392 /​/​ of the link to control the source:393 /​/​ https:/​/​​ben/​the-targetblank-vulnerability-by-example394 /​/​395 /​/​ To mitigate this risk, we need to add a specific rel396 /​/​ attribute if it is not already present.397 /​/​ rel="noopener"398 /​/​399 /​/​ Unfortunately this is processing the rel twice (we400 /​/​ already looked at it earlier ^^) as we cannot be sure401 /​/​ of the ordering of the href and rel, and whether we402 /​/​ have fully satisfied that we need to do this. This403 /​/​ double processing only happens *if* target="_blank"404 /​/​ is true.405 var noOpenerAdded bool406 tmpAttrs := []html.Attribute{}407 for _, htmlAttr := range cleanAttrs {408 var appended bool409 if htmlAttr.Key == "rel" {410 if strings.Contains(htmlAttr.Val, "noopener") {411 noOpenerAdded = true412 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)413 } else {414 htmlAttr.Val += " noopener"415 noOpenerAdded = true416 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)417 }418 appended = true419 }420 if !appended {421 tmpAttrs = append(tmpAttrs, htmlAttr)422 }423 }424 if noOpenerAdded {425 cleanAttrs = tmpAttrs426 } else {427 /​/​ rel attr was not found, or else noopener would428 /​/​ have been added already429 rel := html.Attribute{}430 rel.Key = "rel"431 rel.Val = "noopener"432 cleanAttrs = append(cleanAttrs, rel)433 }434 }435 }436 default:437 }438 }439 }440 return cleanAttrs441}442func (p *Policy) allowNoAttrs(elementName string) bool {443 _, ok := p.setOfElementsAllowedWithoutAttrs[elementName]444 return ok445}446func (p *Policy) validURL(rawurl string) (string, bool) {447 if p.requireParseableURLs {448 /​/​ URLs are valid if when space is trimmed the URL is valid449 rawurl = strings.TrimSpace(rawurl)450 /​/​ URLs cannot contain whitespace, unless it is a data-uri451 if (strings.Contains(rawurl, " ") ||452 strings.Contains(rawurl, "\t") ||453 strings.Contains(rawurl, "\n")) &&454 !strings.HasPrefix(rawurl, `data:`) {455 return "", false456 }457 /​/​ URLs are valid if they parse458 u, err := url.Parse(rawurl)459 if err != nil {460 return "", false461 }462 if u.Scheme != "" {463 urlPolicy, ok := p.allowURLSchemes[u.Scheme]464 if !ok {465 return "", false466 }467 if urlPolicy == nil || urlPolicy(u) == true {468 return u.String(), true469 }470 return "", false471 }472 if p.allowRelativeURLs {473 if u.String() != "" {474 return u.String(), true475 }476 }477 return "", false478 }479 return rawurl, true480}481func linkable(elementName string) bool {482 switch elementName {483 case "a", "area", "blockquote", "img", "link", "script":484 return true485 default:486 return false487 }488}489func isDataAttribute(val string) bool {490 if !dataAttribute.MatchString(val) {491 return false492 }493 rest := strings.Split(val, "data-")494 if len(rest) == 1 {495 return false496 }497 /​/​ data-xml* is invalid.498 if dataAttributeXMLPrefix.MatchString(rest[1]) {499 return false500 }501 /​/​ no uppercase or semi-colons allowed.502 if dataAttributeInvalidChars.MatchString(rest[1]) {503 return false504 }505 return true506}...

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...75 /​/​ directive, comment, and special element body.76 stateText state = iota77 /​/​ stateTag occurs before an HTML attribute or the end of a tag.78 stateTag79 /​/​ stateAttrName occurs inside an attribute name.80 /​/​ It occurs between the ^'s in ` ^name^ = value`.81 stateAttrName82 /​/​ stateAfterName occurs after an attr name has ended but before any83 /​/​ equals sign. It occurs between the ^'s in ` name^ ^= value`.84 stateAfterName85 /​/​ stateBeforeValue occurs after the equals sign but before the value.86 /​/​ It occurs between the ^'s in ` name =^ ^value`.87 stateBeforeValue88 /​/​ stateHTMLCmt occurs inside an <!-- HTML comment -->.89 stateHTMLCmt90 /​/​ stateRCDATA occurs inside an RCDATA element (<textarea> or <title>)91 /​/​ as described at http:/​/​​TR/​html5/​syntax.html#elements-092 stateRCDATA93 /​/​ stateAttr occurs inside an HTML attribute whose content is text.94 stateAttr95 /​/​ stateURL occurs inside an HTML attribute whose content is a URL.96 stateURL97 /​/​ stateJS occurs inside an event handler or script element.98 stateJS99 /​/​ stateJSDqStr occurs inside a JavaScript double quoted string.100 stateJSDqStr101 /​/​ stateJSSqStr occurs inside a JavaScript single quoted string.102 stateJSSqStr103 /​/​ stateJSRegexp occurs inside a JavaScript regexp literal.104 stateJSRegexp105 /​/​ stateJSBlockCmt occurs inside a JavaScript /​* block comment */​.106 stateJSBlockCmt107 /​/​ stateJSLineCmt occurs inside a JavaScript /​/​ line comment.108 stateJSLineCmt109 /​/​ stateCSS occurs inside a <style> element or style attribute.110 stateCSS111 /​/​ stateCSSDqStr occurs inside a CSS double quoted string.112 stateCSSDqStr113 /​/​ stateCSSSqStr occurs inside a CSS single quoted string.114 stateCSSSqStr115 /​/​ stateCSSDqURL occurs inside a CSS double quoted url("...").116 stateCSSDqURL117 /​/​ stateCSSSqURL occurs inside a CSS single quoted url('...').118 stateCSSSqURL119 /​/​ stateCSSURL occurs inside a CSS unquoted url(...).120 stateCSSURL121 /​/​ stateCSSBlockCmt occurs inside a CSS /​* block comment */​.122 stateCSSBlockCmt123 /​/​ stateCSSLineCmt occurs inside a CSS /​/​ line comment.124 stateCSSLineCmt125 /​/​ stateError is an infectious error state outside any valid126 /​/​ HTML/​CSS/​JS construct.127 stateError128)129var stateNames = [...]string{130 stateText: "stateText",131 stateTag: "stateTag",132 stateAttrName: "stateAttrName",133 stateAfterName: "stateAfterName",134 stateBeforeValue: "stateBeforeValue",135 stateHTMLCmt: "stateHTMLCmt",136 stateRCDATA: "stateRCDATA",137 stateAttr: "stateAttr",138 stateURL: "stateURL",139 stateJS: "stateJS",140 stateJSDqStr: "stateJSDqStr",141 stateJSSqStr: "stateJSSqStr",142 stateJSRegexp: "stateJSRegexp",143 stateJSBlockCmt: "stateJSBlockCmt",144 stateJSLineCmt: "stateJSLineCmt",145 stateCSS: "stateCSS",146 stateCSSDqStr: "stateCSSDqStr",147 stateCSSSqStr: "stateCSSSqStr",148 stateCSSDqURL: "stateCSSDqURL",149 stateCSSSqURL: "stateCSSSqURL",150 stateCSSURL: "stateCSSURL",151 stateCSSBlockCmt: "stateCSSBlockCmt",152 stateCSSLineCmt: "stateCSSLineCmt",153 stateError: "stateError",154}155func (s state) String() string {156 if int(s) < len(stateNames) {157 return stateNames[s]158 }159 return fmt.Sprintf("illegal state %d", int(s))160}161/​/​ isComment is true for any state that contains content meant for template162/​/​ authors & maintainers, not for end-users or machines.163func isComment(s state) bool {164 switch s {165 case stateHTMLCmt, stateJSBlockCmt, stateJSLineCmt, stateCSSBlockCmt, stateCSSLineCmt:166 return true167 }168 return false169}170/​/​ isInTag return whether s occurs solely inside an HTML tag.171func isInTag(s state) bool {172 switch s {173 case stateTag, stateAttrName, stateAfterName, stateBeforeValue, stateAttr:174 return true175 }176 return false177}178/​/​ delim is the delimiter that will end the current HTML attribute.179type delim uint8180const (181 /​/​ delimNone occurs outside any attribute.182 delimNone delim = iota183 /​/​ delimDoubleQuote occurs when a double quote (") closes the attribute.184 delimDoubleQuote185 /​/​ delimSingleQuote occurs when a single quote (') closes the attribute.186 delimSingleQuote187 /​/​ delimSpaceOrTagEnd occurs when a space or right angle bracket (>)188 /​/​ closes the attribute.189 delimSpaceOrTagEnd190)191var delimNames = [...]string{192 delimNone: "delimNone",193 delimDoubleQuote: "delimDoubleQuote",194 delimSingleQuote: "delimSingleQuote",195 delimSpaceOrTagEnd: "delimSpaceOrTagEnd",196}197func (d delim) String() string {198 if int(d) < len(delimNames) {199 return delimNames[d]200 }201 return fmt.Sprintf("illegal delim %d", int(d))202}203/​/​ urlPart identifies a part in an RFC 3986 hierarchical URL to allow different204/​/​ encoding strategies.205type urlPart uint8206const (207 /​/​ urlPartNone occurs when not in a URL, or possibly at the start:208 /​/​ ^ in "^http:/​/​auth/​path?k=v#frag".209 urlPartNone urlPart = iota210 /​/​ urlPartPreQuery occurs in the scheme, authority, or path; between the211 /​/​ ^s in "h^ttp:/​/​auth/​path^?k=v#frag".212 urlPartPreQuery213 /​/​ urlPartQueryOrFrag occurs in the query portion between the ^s in214 /​/​ "http:/​/​auth/​path?^k=v#frag^".215 urlPartQueryOrFrag216 /​/​ urlPartUnknown occurs due to joining of contexts both before and217 /​/​ after the query separator.218 urlPartUnknown219)220var urlPartNames = [...]string{221 urlPartNone: "urlPartNone",222 urlPartPreQuery: "urlPartPreQuery",223 urlPartQueryOrFrag: "urlPartQueryOrFrag",224 urlPartUnknown: "urlPartUnknown",225}226func (u urlPart) String() string {227 if int(u) < len(urlPartNames) {228 return urlPartNames[u]229 }230 return fmt.Sprintf("illegal urlPart %d", int(u))231}232/​/​ jsCtx determines whether a '/​' starts a regular expression literal or a233/​/​ division operator.234type jsCtx uint8235const (236 /​/​ jsCtxRegexp occurs where a '/​' would start a regexp literal.237 jsCtxRegexp jsCtx = iota238 /​/​ jsCtxDivOp occurs where a '/​' would start a division operator.239 jsCtxDivOp240 /​/​ jsCtxUnknown occurs where a '/​' is ambiguous due to context joining.241 jsCtxUnknown242)243func (c jsCtx) String() string {244 switch c {245 case jsCtxRegexp:246 return "jsCtxRegexp"247 case jsCtxDivOp:248 return "jsCtxDivOp"249 case jsCtxUnknown:250 return "jsCtxUnknown"251 }252 return fmt.Sprintf("illegal jsCtx %d", int(c))253}254/​/​ element identifies the HTML element when inside a start tag or special body.255/​/​ Certain HTML element (for example <script> and <style>) have bodies that are256/​/​ treated differently from stateText so the element type is necessary to257/​/​ transition into the correct context at the end of a tag and to identify the258/​/​ end delimiter for the body.259type element uint8260const (261 /​/​ elementNone occurs outside a special tag or special element body.262 elementNone element = iota263 /​/​ elementScript corresponds to the raw text <script> element.264 elementScript265 /​/​ elementStyle corresponds to the raw text <style> element.266 elementStyle267 /​/​ elementTextarea corresponds to the RCDATA <textarea> element.268 elementTextarea269 /​/​ elementTitle corresponds to the RCDATA <title> element.270 elementTitle271)272var elementNames = [...]string{273 elementNone: "elementNone",274 elementScript: "elementScript",275 elementStyle: "elementStyle",276 elementTextarea: "elementTextarea",277 elementTitle: "elementTitle",278}279func (e element) String() string {280 if int(e) < len(elementNames) {281 return elementNames[e]282 }283 return fmt.Sprintf("illegal element %d", int(e))284}285/​/​ attr identifies the current HTML attribute when inside the attribute,286/​/​ that is, starting from stateAttrName until stateTag/​stateText (exclusive).287type attr uint8288const (289 /​/​ attrNone corresponds to a normal attribute or no attribute.290 attrNone attr = iota291 /​/​ attrScript corresponds to an event handler attribute.292 attrScript293 /​/​ attrStyle corresponds to the style attribute whose value is CSS.294 attrStyle295 /​/​ attrURL corresponds to an attribute whose value is a URL.296 attrURL297)298var attrNames = [...]string{299 attrNone: "attrNone",300 attrScript: "attrScript",...

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks1: %v6 os.Exit(1)7 }8 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {9 fmt.Println(link)10 }11}12func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {14 for _, a := range n.Attr {15 if a.Key == "href" {16 links = append(links, a.Val)17 }18 }19 }20 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {21 links = visit(links, c)22 }23}24import (25func main() {26 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)27 if err != nil {28 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "findlinks2: %v29 os.Exit(1)30 }31 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {32 fmt.Println(link)33 }34}35func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {36 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {37 for _, a := range n.Attr {38 if a.Key == "href" {39 links = append(links, a.Val)40 }41 }42 }43 if n.FirstChild != nil {44 links = visit(links, n.FirstChild)45 }46 if n.NextSibling != nil {47 links = visit(links, n.NextSibling)48 }49}

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1import (2func main() {3 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 visitNode(doc)8}9func visitNode(n *html.Node) {10 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {11 fmt.Printf("%s ", n.Data)12 for _, a := range n.Attr {13 fmt.Printf("%s=\"%s\" ", a.Key, a.Val)14 }15 fmt.Printf("16 }17 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {18 visitNode(c)19 }20}21import (22func main() {23 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)24 if err != nil {25 log.Fatal(err)26 }27 visitNode(doc)28}29func visitNode(n *html.Node) {30 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {31 fmt.Printf("%s ", n.Data)32 for _, a := range n.Attr {33 fmt.Printf("%s=\"%s\" ", a.Key, a.Val)34 }35 fmt.Printf("36 }37 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {38 visitNode(c)39 }40}41import (42func main() {43 doc, err := html.Parse(os.Stdin)44 if err != nil {45 log.Fatal(err)46 }47 visitNode(doc)48}49func visitNode(n *html.Node) {50 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {51 fmt.Printf("%s ", n.Data)52 for _, a := range n.Attr {53 fmt.Printf("%s=\"%s\" ", a.Key, a.Val)54 }55 fmt.Printf("56 }57 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {58 visitNode(c)59 }60}61import (

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatalln(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatalln(err)10 }11 var f func(*html.Node)12 f = func(n *html.Node) {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {14 for _, a := range n.Attr {15 if a.Key == "href" {16 fmt.Println(a.Val)17 }18 }19 }20 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {21 f(c)22 }23 }24 f(doc)25}

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1import (2func main() {3 z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)4 for {5 tt := z.Next()6 switch {7 t := z.Token()8 if isAnchor {9 for _, a := range t.Attr {10 if a.Key == "href" {11 fmt.Printf("Link: %s12 }13 }14 }15 }16 }17}18import (19func main() {20 z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)21 for {22 tt := z.Next()23 switch {24 t := z.Token()25 if isAnchor {26 for _, a := range t.Attr {27 if a.Key == "href" {28 fmt.Printf("Link: %s29 }30 }31 }32 }33 }34}35import (36func main() {37 z := html.NewTokenizer(resp.Body)38 for {39 tt := z.Next()40 switch {41 t := z.Token()42 if isAnchor {43 for _, a := range t.Attr {44 if a.Key == "href" {45 fmt.Printf("Link: %s

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println("Error in getting the response from the server")5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println("Error in parsing the response body")10 }11 visitNode(doc)12}13func visitNode(n *html.Node) {14 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {15 fmt.Printf("%s ", n.Data)16 }17 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {18 visitNode(c)19 }20}21import (22func main() {23 if err != nil {24 fmt.Println("Error in getting the response from the server")25 }26 defer resp.Body.Close()27 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)28 if err != nil {29 fmt.Println("Error in parsing the response body")30 }31 visitNode(doc)32}33func visitNode(n *html.Node) {34 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {35 fmt.Printf("%s ", n.Data)36 }37 for _, a := range n.Attr {38 fmt.Printf("%s=%q ", a.Key, a.Val)39 }40 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {41 visitNode(c)42 }43}44import (45func main() {46 if err != nil {47 fmt.Println("Error in getting the response from the server")48 }49 defer resp.Body.Close()50 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)51 if err != nil {52 fmt.Println("Error in parsing the response body")53 }54 visitNode(doc)55}56func visitNode(n *html.Node) {57 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {58 fmt.Printf("%s ", n.Data

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println("Error reading response. ", err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println("Error parsing HTML. ", err)10 }11 var f func(*html.Node)12 f = func(n *html.Node) {13 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {14 for _, a := range n.Attr {15 if a.Key == "href" {16 fmt.Println(a.Val)17 }18 }19 }20 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {21 f(c)22 }23 }24 f(doc)25}

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println(err)10 }11 for _, a := range visit(nil, doc) {12 fmt.Println(a)13 }14}15func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {16 if n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" {17 for _, a := range n.Attr {18 if a.Key == "href" {19 links = append(links, a.Val)20 }21 }22 }23 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {24 links = visit(links, c)25 }26}

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatal(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 for _, link := range visit(nil, doc) {12 fmt.Println(link)13 }14}15func visit(links []string, n *html.Node) []string {16 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {17 for _, a := range n.Attr {18 if a.Key == "href" {19 links = append(links, a.Val)20 }21 }22 }23 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {24 links = visit(links, c)25 }26}

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1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatal(err)5 }6 htmlData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)7 if err != nil {8 log.Fatal(err)9 }10 htmlString := string(htmlData)11 doc, err := html.Parse(strings.NewReader(htmlString))12 if err != nil {13 log.Fatal(err)14 }15 Attr(doc)16}17func Attr(n *html.Node) {18 if n.Type == html.ElementNode {19 for _, a := range n.Attr {20 fmt.Printf("Attribute Name: %s, Value: %s\n", a.Key, a.Val)21 }22 }23 for c := n.FirstChild; c != nil; c = c.NextSibling {24 Attr(c)25 }26}

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1import (2func getAttrValue(n *html.Node, attr string) string {3 for _, a := range n.Attr {4 if a.Key == attr {5 }6 }7}8func getAttrValue2(n *html.Node, attr string) string {9 for _, a := range n.Attr {10 if a.Key == attr {11 }12 }13}14func getAttrValue3(n *html.Node, attr string) string {15 for _, a := range n.Attr {16 if a.Key == attr {17 }18 }19}20func getAttrValue4(n *html.Node, attr string) string {21 for _, a := range n.Attr {22 if a.Key == attr {23 }24 }25}26func getAttrValue5(n *html.Node, attr string) string {27 for _, a := range n.Attr {28 if a.Key == attr {29 }30 }31}32func getAttrValue6(n *html.Node, attr string) string {33 for _, a := range n.Attr {34 if a.Key == attr {35 }36 }37}38func getAttrValue7(n *html.Node, attr string) string {39 for _, a := range n.Attr {40 if a.Key == attr {41 }42 }43}44func getAttrValue8(n *html.Node, attr string) string {45 for _, a := range n.Attr {46 if a.Key == attr {

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