Best K6 code snippet using html.AccessKey
...55 name := CloudForm.Name56 types := CloudForm.Types57 addr := CloudForm.Addr58 region := CloudForm.Region59 accesskey := CloudForm.AccessKey60 secretkey := CloudForm.SecretKey61 remark := CloudForm.Remark62 if ok := models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.Create(name, types, addr, region, accesskey, secretkey, remark); ok {63 cloudplatform := models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.GetbyName(name)64 plugin := cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins[types]65 plugin.Init(addr, region, accesskey, secretkey)66 Instances := plugin.GetInstances()67 for _, instance := range Instances {68 if err := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.SyncVmByCloudPlatform(cloudplatform, instance); err == nil {69 json = map[string]interface{}{70 "code": 200,71 "text": "å建æå",72 }73 } else {74 fmt.Println(err)75 json = map[string]interface{}{76 "code": 400,77 "text": "èææºå®ä¾åæ¥å¤±è´¥ï¼è¯·æ£æ¥æ°æ®åºè¿æ¥æ¯å¦å¼å¸¸",78 }79 }80 }81 } else {82 json = map[string]interface{}{83 "code": 400,84 "text": "å建失败",85 }86 }87 } else {88 json = map[string]interface{}{89 "code": 400,90 "text": "å建失败",91 "result": valid.Errors,92 }93 }94 c.Data["json"] = json95 c.ServeJSON()96 } else {97 c.Data["SelectType"] = cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins98 c.TplName = "cloud/CloudPlatform/create.html"99 }100}101func (c *CloudPlatformController) Modify() {102 pk, _ := c.GetInt64("pk")103 if c.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {104 platform := forms.CloudPlatformForm{}105 c.ParseForm(&platform)106 pk, _ := c.GetInt64("Fromid")107 name := platform.Name108 types := platform.Types109 addr := platform.Addr110 region := platform.Region111 accesskey := platform.AccessKey112 secretkey := platform.SecretKey113 remark := platform.Remark114 models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.Modify(pk, name, types, addr, region, accesskey, secretkey, remark)115 json := map[string]interface{}{116 "code": 200,117 "text": "ä¿®æ¹æå",118 }119 c.Data["json"] = json120 c.ServeJSON()121 } else {122 cloudPlatform := models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.GetbyId(pk)123 c.Data["CloudPlatform"] = cloudPlatform124 c.Data["SelectType"] = cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins125 c.TplName = "cloud/CloudPlatform/modify.html"126 }127}128func (c *CloudPlatformController) Disable() {129 if c.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {130 json := map[string]interface{}{131 "code": 400,132 "text": "",133 }134 pk, _ := c.GetInt64("pk")135 if status := models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.GetbyId(pk); status.Status == 0 {136 models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.Disable(pk)137 json = map[string]interface{}{138 "code": 200,139 "text": "ç¦ç¨æå",140 }141 } else if status.Status == 1 {142 json = map[string]interface{}{143 "code": 403,144 "text": "å·²æ¯ç¦ç¨ç¶æï¼æ ééå¤ç¦ç¨",145 }146 }147 c.Data["json"] = json148 c.ServeJSON()149 } else {150 c.TplName = "cloud/CloudPlatform/Getxsrf.html"151 }152}153func (c *CloudPlatformController) Enable() {154 if c.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {155 json := map[string]interface{}{156 "code": 400,157 "text": "",158 }159 pk, _ := c.GetInt64("pk")160 if status := models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.GetbyId(pk); status.Status == 1 {161 models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.Enable(pk)162 json = map[string]interface{}{163 "code": 200,164 "text": "å¯ç¨æå",165 }166 } else if status.Status == 0 {167 json = map[string]interface{}{168 "code": 403,169 "text": "å·²æ¯å¯ç¨ç¶æï¼æ ééå¤å¯ç¨",170 }171 }172 c.Data["json"] = json173 c.ServeJSON()174 } else {175 c.TplName = "cloud/CloudPlatform/Getxsrf.html"176 }177}178func (c *CloudPlatformController) Delete() {179 if c.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {180 json := map[string]interface{}{181 "code": 400,182 "text": "",183 }184 pk, _ := c.GetInt64("pk")185 if result := models.DefautlCloudPlatformManager.Delete(pk); result {186 json = map[string]interface{}{187 "code": 200,188 "text": "å é¤æå",189 }190 } else if result == false {191 json = map[string]interface{}{192 "code": 400,193 "text": "æ©å·²å é¤ææ°æ®ä¸åå¨",194 }195 }196 c.Data["json"] = json197 c.ServeJSON()198 } else {199 c.TplName = "cloud/CloudPlatform/Getxsrf.html"200 }201}202type VirtualMachinePageController struct {203 layout.LayoutController204}205func (c *VirtualMachinePageController) Index() {206 c.Data["menu"] = "VirtualMachineManager"207 c.Data["expand"] = "CloudManager"208 c.LayoutSections["LayoutScript"] = "cloud/VirtualMachinePage/index-js.html"209 c.TplName = "cloud/VirtualMachinePage/index.html"210}211func (c *VirtualMachinePageController) List() {212 Draw, _ := c.GetInt64("draw")213 Start, _ := c.GetInt64("start")214 Length, _ := c.GetInt64("length")215 ColName := c.GetString("colName")216 ColSort := c.GetString("colSort")217 SearchValue := c.GetString("searchvalue")218 platform, _ := c.GetInt64("platform")219 json := map[string]interface{}{220 "code": 400,221 "text": "",222 }223 Total, TotalFilter, result := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.QueryList(Draw, Start, Length, platform, ColName, ColSort, SearchValue)224 json = map[string]interface{}{225 "code": 200,226 "text": "è·åæå",227 "recordsTotal": Total,228 "recordsFiltered": TotalFilter,229 "result": result,230 }231 c.Data["json"] = json232 c.ServeJSON()233}234type VirtualMachineController struct {235 auth.LoginRequireController236}237func (v *VirtualMachineController) Delete() {238 if v.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {239 json := map[string]interface{}{240 "code": 400,241 "text": "",242 }243 pk, _ := v.GetInt64("pk")244 if err := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.Delete(pk); err == nil {245 json = map[string]interface{}{246 "code": 200,247 "text": "å é¤æå",248 }249 } else {250 json = map[string]interface{}{251 "code": 400,252 "text": "å é¤å¤±è´¥ï¼æ£æ¥æ°æ®åºè¿æ¥æ¯å¦æ£å¸¸",253 }254 }255 v.Data["json"] = json256 v.ServeJSON()257 } else {258 v.TplName = "cloud/VirtualMachine/Getxsrf.html"259 }260}261func (v *VirtualMachineController) Stop() {262 if v.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {263 pk, _ := v.GetInt64("pk")264 json := map[string]interface{}{265 "code": 400,266 "text": "",267 }268 machine := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.GetById(pk)269 addr := machine.CloudPlatform.Addr270 region := machine.CloudPlatform.Region271 accesskey := machine.CloudPlatform.AccessKey272 secretkey := machine.CloudPlatform.SecretKey273 instanceId := machine.InstanceId274 plugin := cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins[machine.CloudPlatform.Types]275 plugin.Init(addr, region, accesskey, secretkey)276 if err := plugin.StopInstance(instanceId); err == nil {277 json = map[string]interface{}{278 "code": 200,279 "text": "å®ä¾å
³é请æ±å·²åé",280 }281 } else if err != nil {282 json = map[string]interface{}{283 "code": 400,284 "text": "å®ä¾å
³é请æ±åé失败ï¼è¯·æ£æ¥äºå¹³å°è¿æ¥æ¯å¦æ£å¸¸æapi认è¯æ¯å¦æ£ç¡®",285 }286 }287 v.Data["json"] = json288 v.ServeJSON()289 } else {290 v.TplName = "cloud/VirtualMachine/Getxsrf.html"291 }292}293func (v *VirtualMachineController) Start() {294 if v.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {295 pk, _ := v.GetInt64("pk")296 json := map[string]interface{}{297 "code": 400,298 "text": "",299 }300 machine := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.GetById(pk)301 addr := machine.CloudPlatform.Addr302 region := machine.CloudPlatform.Region303 accesskey := machine.CloudPlatform.AccessKey304 secretkey := machine.CloudPlatform.SecretKey305 instanceId := machine.InstanceId306 plugin := cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins[machine.CloudPlatform.Types]307 plugin.Init(addr, region, accesskey, secretkey)308 if err := plugin.StartInstance(instanceId); err == nil {309 json = map[string]interface{}{310 "code": 200,311 "text": "å®ä¾å¯å¨è¯·æ±å·²åé",312 }313 } else if err != nil {314 json = map[string]interface{}{315 "code": 400,316 "text": "å®ä¾å¯å¨è¯·æ±åéåé失败ï¼è¯·æ£æ¥äºå¹³å°è¿æ¥æ¯å¦æ£å¸¸æapi认è¯æ¯å¦æ£ç¡®",317 }318 }319 v.Data["json"] = json320 v.ServeJSON()321 } else {322 v.TplName = "cloud/VirtualMachine/Getxsrf.html"323 }324}325func (v *VirtualMachineController) Reboot() {326 if v.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {327 pk, _ := v.GetInt64("pk")328 json := map[string]interface{}{329 "code": 400,330 "text": "",331 }332 machine := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.GetById(pk)333 addr := machine.CloudPlatform.Addr334 region := machine.CloudPlatform.Region335 accesskey := machine.CloudPlatform.AccessKey336 secretkey := machine.CloudPlatform.SecretKey337 instanceId := machine.InstanceId338 plugin := cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins[machine.CloudPlatform.Types]339 plugin.Init(addr, region, accesskey, secretkey)340 if err := plugin.RestartInstance(instanceId); err == nil {341 json = map[string]interface{}{342 "code": 200,343 "text": "å®ä¾éå¯è¯·æ±å·²åé",344 }345 } else if err != nil {346 json = map[string]interface{}{347 "code": 400,348 "text": "å®ä¾éå¯è¯·æ±åéåé失败ï¼è¯·æ£æ¥äºå¹³å°è¿æ¥æ¯å¦æ£å¸¸æapi认è¯æ¯å¦æ£ç¡®",349 }350 }351 v.Data["json"] = json352 v.ServeJSON()353 } else {354 v.TplName = "cloud/VirtualMachine/Getxsrf.html"355 }356}357func (v *VirtualMachineController) Terminate() {358 if v.Ctx.Input.IsPost() {359 pk, _ := v.GetInt64("pk")360 json := map[string]interface{}{361 "code": 400,362 "text": "",363 }364 machine := models.DefaultVirtualMachineManager.GetById(pk)365 addr := machine.CloudPlatform.Addr366 region := machine.CloudPlatform.Region367 accesskey := machine.CloudPlatform.AccessKey368 secretkey := machine.CloudPlatform.SecretKey369 instanceId := machine.InstanceId370 plugin := cloud.DefaultCloudManager.Plugins[machine.CloudPlatform.Types]371 plugin.Init(addr, region, accesskey, secretkey)372 if err := plugin.TerminateInstance(instanceId); err == nil {373 json = map[string]interface{}{374 "code": 200,375 "text": "å®ä¾éæ¯è¯·æ±å·²åé",376 }377 } else if err != nil {378 json = map[string]interface{}{379 "code": 400,380 "text": "å®ä¾éæ¯è¯·æ±åéåé失败ï¼è¯·æ£æ¥äºå¹³å°è¿æ¥æ¯å¦æ£å¸¸æapi认è¯æ¯å¦æ£ç¡®",381 }...
1package site2import (3 "html/template"4 "log"5 "strings"6 ""7 swaggerFiles ""8 ginSwagger ""9 ""10 ""11 ""12)13var engine *Engine14var siteCache = make(map[string]string)15var siteUniqueCache = make(map[string]*domain.Site)16var mainSite *domain.Site17func init() {18 engine = &Engine{19 engine: gin.Default(),20 }21 // ç«ç¹ä¸ä¸æåå¤22 engine.engine.Use(siteContext())23 // åå
¥æ§å¶ - 认è¯24 engine.engine.Use(authentication())25 // åå
¥æ§å¶ - å¸å·ç¶æ26 engine.engine.Use(account())27 // åå
¥æ§å¶ - é´æ28 engine.engine.Use(authorization())29 // å è½½ç½é¡µæ¨¡æ¿30 engine.engine.SetFuncMap(funcMapForRender())31 engine.engine.LoadHTMLGlob("templates/*")32 engine.engine.GET("/swagger/*any", ginSwagger.WrapHandler(swaggerFiles.Handler, ginSwagger.URL("/swagger/doc.json")))33 // å 载主ç«ç¹ä¿¡æ¯34 site, err := domain.LoadSiteByHost(config.GetContext().SiteConfig.Domain)35 if err != nil {36 panic("Main Site Load Error: " + err.Error())37 }38 mainSite = site39}40// RemoveSiteCache æ¸
é¤SiteCache41func RemoveSiteCache(host string) {42 if v, ok := siteCache[host]; ok {43 delete(siteUniqueCache, v)44 }45}46// Engine ç«ç¹å¼æ47type Engine struct {48 engine *gin.Engine49}50// Context ç«ç¹ä¸ä¸æ51type Context struct {52 Host string53 RequestURI string54 UserAgent string55 ClientIP string56 Site *domain.Site57 MainSite *domain.Site58 Session *domain.Session59}60// GetRequestHandler ç«ç¹è¯·æ±å¤çå¨61type GetRequestHandler func(c *gin.Context, siteCtx *Context)62// RequestHandler ç«ç¹è¯·æ±å¤çå¨63type RequestHandler func(c *gin.Context, siteCtx *Context) (interface{}, error)64// PageRequestHandler ç«ç¹è¯·æ±å¤çå¨65type PageRequestHandler func(c *gin.Context, siteCtx *Context) (string, interface{}, error)66// GET GET67func (r *Engine) GET(relativePath string, handler RequestHandler) {68 r.engine.GET(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {69 withContext(c, handler)70 })71}72// GenericGET GenericGET73func (r *Engine) GenericGET(relativePath string, handler GetRequestHandler) {74 r.engine.GET(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {75 siteContext, _ := c.Get("siteContext")76 siteCtx := siteContext.(Context)77 handler(c, &siteCtx)78 })79}80// GETPage GETPage81func (r *Engine) GETPage(relativePath string, handler PageRequestHandler) {82 r.engine.GET(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {83 siteContext, _ := c.Get("siteContext")84 siteCtx := siteContext.(Context)85 tplPath, model, err := handler(c, &siteCtx)86 if err != nil {87 c.HTML(500, "site_500.html", gin.H{"Message": err.Error()})88 c.Abort()89 return90 }91 if m, ok := model.(gin.H); ok {92 m["SiteContext"] = &siteCtx93 }94 if len(tplPath) != 0 {95 c.HTML(200, tplPath, model)96 }97 onlineState <- &siteCtx98 })99}100// POST POST101func (r *Engine) POST(relativePath string, handler RequestHandler) {102 r.engine.POST(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {103 withContext(c, handler)104 })105}106// PUT PUT107func (r *Engine) PUT(relativePath string, handler RequestHandler) {108 r.engine.PUT(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {109 withContext(c, handler)110 })111}112// DELETE DELETE113func (r *Engine) DELETE(relativePath string, handler RequestHandler) {114 r.engine.DELETE(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {115 withContext(c, handler)116 })117}118// PATCH PATCH119func (r *Engine) PATCH(relativePath string, handler RequestHandler) {120 r.engine.PATCH(relativePath, func(c *gin.Context) {121 withContext(c, handler)122 })123}124// Run å¯å¨å¼æ125func (r *Engine) Run(addr ...string) (err error) {126 return r.engine.Run(addr...)127}128func withContext(c *gin.Context, handler RequestHandler) {129 siteContext, _ := c.Get("siteContext")130 siteCtx := siteContext.(Context)131 obj, err := handler(c, &siteCtx)132 if err != nil {133 c.AbortWithStatusJSON(500, gin.H{"Code": "50000", "Message": err.Error()})134 return135 }136 c.JSON(200, gin.H{137 "Code": "20000",138 "Message": "Success",139 "Data": obj,140 })141 onlineState <- &siteCtx142}143// DefaultEngine é»è®¤ç«ç¹å¼æ144func DefaultEngine() *Engine {145 return engine146}147func authentication() gin.HandlerFunc {148 return func(c *gin.Context) {149 siteContext, _ := c.Get("siteContext")150 site := siteContext.(Context)151 var accessKey string152 accessKey = c.Query("accessKey")153 if len(accessKey) == 0 {154 accessKey = c.GetHeader("Authorization")155 if len(accessKey) == 0 {156 ak, err := c.Cookie("accessKey")157 if err != nil {158 onUnauthorized(c, &site)159 return160 }161 accessKey = ak162 }163 }164 session, err := domain.LoadSession(accessKey)165 if err != nil {166 onUnauthorized(c, &site)167 return168 }169 site.Session = session170 c.Set("siteContext", site)171 c.Next()172 }173}174var genricAPI = []string{175 "/common",176 "/active/",177 "/active.html",178 "/api/v1/site/accounts/sessions",179 "/api/v1/site/accounts/active",180 "/logout.html",181}182func account() gin.HandlerFunc {183 return func(c *gin.Context) {184 for _, v := range genricAPI {185 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, v) == 0 {186 c.Next()187 return188 }189 }190 siteContext, _ := c.Get("siteContext")191 site := siteContext.(Context)192 if site.Session != nil && !site.Session.Active {193 c.Redirect(302, "/active.html")194 c.Abort()195 }196 c.Next()197 }198}199func authorization() gin.HandlerFunc {200 return func(c *gin.Context) {201 siteContext, _ := c.Get("siteContext")202 site := siteContext.(Context)203 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, "/pages/site/admin") == 0 {204 if site.Session == nil || site.Session.UserID != site.Site.User.ID.Hex() {205 c.HTML(403, "site_403.html", gin.H{})206 c.Abort()207 return208 }209 c.Next()210 return211 }212 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, "/api/v1/site/admin") == 0 {213 if site.Session == nil || site.Session.UserID != site.Site.User.ID.Hex() {214 c.AbortWithStatusJSON(403, gin.H{"Code": 40300, "Message": "Forbidden"})215 return216 }217 c.Next()218 return219 }220 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, "/pages/admin") == 0 {221 if site.Session == nil || site.Session.Name != "tivizi" {222 c.HTML(403, "site_403.html", gin.H{})223 c.Abort()224 return225 }226 c.Next()227 return228 }229 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, "/api/v1/admin") == 0 {230 if site.Session == nil || site.Session.Name != "tivizi" {231 c.AbortWithStatusJSON(403, gin.H{"Code": 40300, "Message": "Forbidden"})232 return233 }234 c.Next()235 return236 }237 c.Next()238 }239}240func siteContext() gin.HandlerFunc {241 return func(c *gin.Context) {242 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, "/api/v1/admin") == 0 ||243 strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, "/common") == 0 {244 ctx := Context{245 Host: c.Request.Host,246 Site: nil,247 }248 c.Set("siteContext", ctx)249 c.Next()250 return251 }252 host := c.Request.Host253 if site := siteFromHost(host); site != nil {254 log.Println("Cache Hit: ", host)255 c.Set("siteContext", newSiteContext(c, site))256 return257 }258 site, err := domain.LoadSiteByHost(c.Request.Host)259 if err != nil {260 c.HTML(404, "site_404.html", gin.H{"Host": c.Request.Host})261 c.Abort()262 return263 }264 siteUniqueCache[site.ID.Hex()] = site265 siteCache[host] = site.ID.Hex()266 c.Set("siteContext", newSiteContext(c, site))267 c.Next()268 }269}270func siteFromHost(host string) *domain.Site {271 if v, ok := siteUniqueCache[siteCache[host]]; ok {272 return v273 }274 return nil275}276func newSiteContext(c *gin.Context, site *domain.Site) Context {277 return Context{278 Host: c.Request.Host,279 Site: site,280 MainSite: mainSite,281 RequestURI: c.Request.RequestURI,282 UserAgent: c.Request.UserAgent(),283 ClientIP: c.ClientIP(),284 }285}286var openURI = []string{287 "/common/",288 "/open/",289 "/pages/public",290 "/login",291 "/register",292 "/threads",293 "/bbs",294 "/api/v1/site/account/sessions",295 "/api/v1/common/",296 "/swagger/",297 "/profile/",298 "/active/",299 "/favicon.ico",300 "/.well-known/pki-validation/",301}302var openPostURI = []string{303 "/api/v1/site/accounts",304}305func onUnauthorized(c *gin.Context, site *Context) {306 if c.Request.RequestURI == "/" {307 return308 }309 for _, v := range openURI {310 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, v) == 0 {311 return312 }313 }314 if c.Request.Method == "POST" {315 for _, v := range openPostURI {316 if strings.Index(c.Request.RequestURI, v) == 0 {317 return318 }319 }320 }321 if strings.Index(c.GetHeader("Accept"), "html") != -1 {322 c.HTML(401, "site_401.html", site)323 c.Abort()324 return325 }326 c.AbortWithStatusJSON(401, gin.H{327 "Message": "Unauthorized",328 "Code": "40100",329 })330}331func funcMapForRender() template.FuncMap {332 return template.FuncMap{333 "rwctx": RenderPageWithContext,334 "intelliTime": IntelliTime,335 "rwface": RenderFace,336 "rwubb": RenderUBB,337 "bbs": ThreadContent,338 "site": FromID,339 "region": base.SimpleRegion,340 "intelliDuration": IntelliDuration,341 }342}...
...11 accesskey_file string12 config_file string13 )14 flag.StringVar(®ion_id, "r", "cn-hangzhou", "Region ID / é¿éäºå°åID [请åè:]")15 flag.StringVar(&accesskey_file, "a", "/etc/AccessKey.csv", "File path of `AccessKey.csv` / `AccessKey.csv`æä»¶è·¯å¾ [è·å`AccessKey.csv`, 请åè:]")16 flag.StringVar(&config_file, "c", "/etc/Config.csv", "File path of `Config.csv` / `Config.csv`æ件路å¾")17 flag.Parse()18 accesskey := internal.GetAccessKey(accesskey_file)19 client, err := alidns.NewClientWithAccessKey(region_id, accesskey.ID, accesskey.Secret)20 if err != nil {21 log.Panicln(err.Error())22 }23 ipv4_addr, ipv6_addr := internal.GetInterfaceAddrs()24 config := internal.GetConfig(config_file)25 internal.UpdateRecord(client, config, ipv4_addr, ipv6_addr)26}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {4 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))5 })6 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))7}8import (9func main() {10 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {11 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))12 })13 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))14}15import (16func main() {17 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {18 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))19 })20 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))21}22import (23func main() {24 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {25 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))26 })27 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))28}29import (30func main() {31 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {32 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))33 })34 log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))35}36import (37func main() {38 http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {39 fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %q", html.EscapeString(r.URL.Path))40 })
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatal(err)5 }6 defer resp.Body.Close()7 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)8 if err != nil {9 log.Fatal(err)10 }11 fmt.Println(doc.FirstChild.Data)12}13import (14func main() {15 if err != nil {16 log.Fatal(err)17 }18 defer resp.Body.Close()19 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)20 if err != nil {21 log.Fatal(err)22 }23 fmt.Println(doc.FirstChild.Data)24}25import (26func main() {27 if err != nil {28 log.Fatal(err)29 }30 defer resp.Body.Close()31 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)32 if err != nil {33 log.Fatal(err)34 }35 fmt.Println(doc.FirstChild.Data)36}37import (38func main() {39 if err != nil {40 log.Fatal(err)41 }42 defer resp.Body.Close()43 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)44 if err != nil {45 log.Fatal(err)46 }47 fmt.Println(doc.FirstChild.Data)48}49import (50func main() {51 if err != nil {52 log.Fatal(err)53 }54 defer resp.Body.Close()55 doc, err := html.Parse(resp.Body)56 if err != nil {57 log.Fatal(err)
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 fmt.Println("Error")5 }6 doc.Find(".title_wrapper").Each(func(index int, item *goquery.Selection) {7 title := item.Find("h1").Text()8 fmt.Println("Movie title: ", title)9 })10}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2type html struct {3}4func main() {5 if err != nil {6 log.Fatal(err)7 }8 defer response.Body.Close()9 contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)10 if err != nil {11 log.Fatal(err)12 }13 fmt.Printf("%s14", string(contents))15 json.Unmarshal(contents, &h)16 fmt.Println(h.AccessKey)17}18{"ip":"
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(stringutil.Reverse("!oG ,olleH"))4 fmt.Println(stringutil.MyName)5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println(icomefromalaska.BearName)9}10import (11func main() {12 fmt.Println(stringutil.Reverse("!oG ,olleH"))13 fmt.Println(stringutil.MyName)14}15import (16func main() {17 fmt.Println(icomefromalaska.BearName)18}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 doc := js.Global.Get("document")4 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))5}6import (7func main() {8 doc := js.Global.Get("document")9 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))10}11import (12func main() {13 doc := js.Global.Get("document")14 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))15}16import (17func main() {18 doc := js.Global.Get("document")19 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))20}21import (22func main() {23 doc := js.Global.Get("document")24 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))25}26import (27func main() {28 doc := js.Global.Get("document")29 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))30}31import (32func main() {33 doc := js.Global.Get("document")34 fmt.Println(doc.Get("body").Get("firstChild").Get("textContent"))35}36import (37func main() {38 doc := js.Global.Get("document")39 fmt.Println(doc.Get
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 doc := html.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader("<a href='foo'>foo</a>"))5 for {6 tt := doc.Next()7 if tt == html.ErrorToken {8 }9 token := doc.Token()10 if tt == html.StartTagToken && token.Data == "a" {11 for _, a := range token.Attr {12 if a.Key == "href" {13 fmt.Println(a.Val)14 }15 }16 }17 }18}19import "fmt"20import ""21func main() {22 doc := html.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader("<a href='foo'>foo</a>"))23 for {24 tt := doc.Next()25 if tt == html.ErrorToken {26 }27 token := doc.Token()28 if tt == html.StartTagToken && token.Data == "a" {29 for _, a := range token.Attr {30 if a.Key == "href" {31 fmt.Println(a.Val)32 }33 }34 }35 }36}37import "fmt"38import ""39func main() {40 doc := html.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader("<a href='foo'>foo</a>"))41 for {42 tt := doc.Next()43 if tt == html.ErrorToken {44 }45 token := doc.Token()46 if tt == html.StartTagToken && token.Data == "a" {47 for _, a := range token.Attr {48 if a.Key == "href" {49 fmt.Println(a.Val)50 }51 }52 }53 }54}55import "fmt"56import ""57func main() {58 doc := html.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader("<a href='foo'>foo</a>"))59 for {60 tt := doc.Next()61 if tt == html.ErrorToken {62 }
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 xlsx, err := xlsx.OpenFile("Book1.xlsx")5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Println(err)7 }8 fmt.Println(cell.String())9}10import "fmt"11import ""12func main() {13 file := xlsx.NewFile()14 sheet, err := file.AddSheet("Sheet1")15 if err != nil {16 fmt.Println(err)17 }18 row := sheet.AddRow()19 cell := row.AddCell()20 err = file.Save("Book1.xlsx")21 if err != nil {22 fmt.Println(err)23 }24}25import "fmt"26import ""27func main() {28 file := xlsx.NewFile()29 sheet, err := file.AddSheet("Sheet1")30 if err != nil {31 fmt.Println(err)32 }33 row := sheet.AddRow()34 cell := row.AddCell()35 err = file.Save("Book1.xlsx")36 if err != nil {37 fmt.Println(err)38 }39}40import "fmt"41import ""42func main() {
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 if err != nil {4 log.Fatal(err)5 }6 doc.Find(".entry-content").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {7 title := s.Find("a").Text()8 link, _ := s.Find("a").Attr("href")9 fmt.Printf("Review %d: %s - %s10 })11}
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