How to use setTimeout method of experimental Package

Best K6 code snippet using experimental.setTimeout


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...527 //528 // This CDP parameter is experimental.529 ReplMode bool `json:"replMode,omitempty"`530 // The Content Security Policy (CSP) for the target might block 'unsafe-eval'531 // which includes eval(), Function(), setTimeout() and setInterval()532 // when called with non-callable arguments. This flag bypasses CSP for this533 // evaluation and allows unsafe-eval. Defaults to true.534 //535 // This CDP parameter is experimental.536 AllowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP bool `json:"allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP,omitempty"`537 // An alternative way to specify the execution context to evaluate in.538 // Compared to contextId that may be reused across processes, this is guaranteed to be539 // system-unique, so it can be used to prevent accidental evaluation of the expression540 // in context different than intended (e.g. as a result of navigation across process541 // boundaries).542 // This is mutually exclusive with `contextId`.543 //544 // This CDP parameter is experimental.545 UniqueContextID string `json:"uniqueContextId,omitempty"`546}547// NewEvaluate constructs a new Evaluate struct instance, with548// all (but only) the required parameters. Optional parameters549// may be added using the builder-like methods below.550//551// NewEvaluate(expression string) *Evaluate {553 return &Evaluate{554 Expression: expression,555 }556}557// SetObjectGroup adds or modifies the value of the optional558// parameter `objectGroup` in the Evaluate CDP command.559//560// Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.561func (t *Evaluate) SetObjectGroup(v string) *Evaluate {562 t.ObjectGroup = v563 return t564}565// SetIncludeCommandLineAPI adds or modifies the value of the optional566// parameter `includeCommandLineAPI` in the Evaluate CDP command.567//568// Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation.569func (t *Evaluate) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(v bool) *Evaluate {570 t.IncludeCommandLineAPI = v571 return t572}573// SetSilent adds or modifies the value of the optional574// parameter `silent` in the Evaluate CDP command.575//576// In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause577// execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state.578func (t *Evaluate) SetSilent(v bool) *Evaluate {579 t.Silent = v580 return t581}582// SetContextID adds or modifies the value of the optional583// parameter `contextId` in the Evaluate CDP command.584//585// Specifies in which execution context to perform evaluation. If the parameter is omitted the586// evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.587// This is mutually exclusive with `uniqueContextId`, which offers an588// alternative way to identify the execution context that is more reliable589// in a multi-process environment.590func (t *Evaluate) SetContextID(v int64) *Evaluate {591 t.ContextID = v592 return t593}594// SetReturnByValue adds or modifies the value of the optional595// parameter `returnByValue` in the Evaluate CDP command.596//597// Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.598func (t *Evaluate) SetReturnByValue(v bool) *Evaluate {599 t.ReturnByValue = v600 return t601}602// SetGeneratePreview adds or modifies the value of the optional603// parameter `generatePreview` in the Evaluate CDP command.604//605// Whether preview should be generated for the result.606//607// This CDP parameter is experimental.608func (t *Evaluate) SetGeneratePreview(v bool) *Evaluate {609 t.GeneratePreview = v610 return t611}612// SetUserGesture adds or modifies the value of the optional613// parameter `userGesture` in the Evaluate CDP command.614//615// Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI.616func (t *Evaluate) SetUserGesture(v bool) *Evaluate {617 t.UserGesture = v618 return t619}620// SetAwaitPromise adds or modifies the value of the optional621// parameter `awaitPromise` in the Evaluate CDP command.622//623// Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is624// resolved.625func (t *Evaluate) SetAwaitPromise(v bool) *Evaluate {626 t.AwaitPromise = v627 return t628}629// SetThrowOnSideEffect adds or modifies the value of the optional630// parameter `throwOnSideEffect` in the Evaluate CDP command.631//632// Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation.633// This implies `disableBreaks` below.634//635// This CDP parameter is experimental.636func (t *Evaluate) SetThrowOnSideEffect(v bool) *Evaluate {637 t.ThrowOnSideEffect = v638 return t639}640// SetTimeout adds or modifies the value of the optional641// parameter `timeout` in the Evaluate CDP command.642//643// Terminate execution after timing out (number of milliseconds).644//645// This CDP parameter is experimental.646func (t *Evaluate) SetTimeout(v float64) *Evaluate {647 t.Timeout = v648 return t649}650// SetDisableBreaks adds or modifies the value of the optional651// parameter `disableBreaks` in the Evaluate CDP command.652//653// Disable breakpoints during execution.654//655// This CDP parameter is experimental.656func (t *Evaluate) SetDisableBreaks(v bool) *Evaluate {657 t.DisableBreaks = v658 return t659}660// SetReplMode adds or modifies the value of the optional661// parameter `replMode` in the Evaluate CDP command.662//663// Setting this flag to true enables `let` re-declaration and top-level `await`.664// Note that `let` variables can only be re-declared if they originate from665// `replMode` themselves.666//667// This CDP parameter is experimental.668func (t *Evaluate) SetReplMode(v bool) *Evaluate {669 t.ReplMode = v670 return t671}672// SetAllowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP adds or modifies the value of the optional673// parameter `allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP` in the Evaluate CDP command.674//675// The Content Security Policy (CSP) for the target might block 'unsafe-eval'676// which includes eval(), Function(), setTimeout() and setInterval()677// when called with non-callable arguments. This flag bypasses CSP for this678// evaluation and allows unsafe-eval. Defaults to true.679//680// This CDP parameter is experimental.681func (t *Evaluate) SetAllowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP(v bool) *Evaluate {682 t.AllowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP = v683 return t684}685// SetUniqueContextID adds or modifies the value of the optional686// parameter `uniqueContextId` in the Evaluate CDP command.687//688// An alternative way to specify the execution context to evaluate in.689// Compared to contextId that may be reused across processes, this is guaranteed to be690// system-unique, so it can be used to prevent accidental evaluation of the expression...

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1package rdap2import (3 "bytes"4 "context"5 "crypto/tls"6 "encoding/json"7 "encoding/pem"8 "fmt"9 "io"10 "io/ioutil"11 "net"12 "net/http"13 "net/url"14 "os"15 "strconv"16 "strings"17 "time"18 ""19 ""20 ""21 ""22 kingpin ""23)24var (25 version = "OpenRDAP v0.0.1"26 usageText = version + `27( rdap [OPTIONS] DOMAIN|IP|ASN|ENTITY|NAMESERVER|RDAP-URL29 e.g. rdap example.cz30 rdap rdap 2001:db8::32 rdap AS285633 rdap rdap -f registrant -f administrative -f billing rdap --json rdap -s -t help37Options:38 -h, --help Show help message.39 -v, --verbose Print verbose messages on STDERR.40 -T, --timeout=SECS Timeout after SECS seconds (default: 30).41 -k, --insecure Disable SSL certificate verification.42 -e, --experimental Enable some experimental options:43 - Use the bootstrap service - Enable object tag support45Authentication options:46 -P, --p12=cert.p12[:password] Use client certificate & private key (PKCS#12 format)47or:48 -C, --cert=cert.pem Use client certificate (PEM format)49 -K, --key=cert.key Use client private key (PEM format)50Output Options:51 --text Output RDAP, plain text "tree" format (default).52 -w, --whois Output WHOIS style (domain queries only).53 -j, --json Output JSON, pretty-printed format.54 -r, --raw Output the raw server response.55Advanced options (query):56 -s --server=URL RDAP server to query.57 -t --type=TYPE RDAP query type. Normally auto-detected. The types are:58 - ip59 - domain60 - autnum61 - nameserver62 - entity63 - help64 - url65 - domain-search66 - domain-search-by-nameserver67 - domain-search-by-nameserver-ip68 - nameserver-search69 - nameserver-search-by-ip70 - entity-search71 - entity-search-by-handle72 The servers for domain, ip, autnum, url queries can be73 determined automatically. Otherwise, the RDAP server74 (--server=URL) must be specified.75Advanced options (bootstrapping):76 --cache-dir=DIR Bootstrap cache directory to use. Specify empty string77 to disable bootstrap caching. The directory is created78 automatically as needed. (default: $HOME/.openrdap).79 --bs-url=URL Bootstrap service URL (default: --bs-ttl=SECS Bootstrap cache time in seconds (default: 3600)81Advanced options (experiments):82 --exp=test_rdap_net Use the bootstrap service --exp=object_tag Enable object tag support84 (draft-hollenbeck-regext-rdap-object-tag)85`86)87const (88 experimentalBootstrapURL = ""89)90// CLIOptions specifies options for the command line client.91type CLIOptions struct {92 // Sandbox mode disables the --cache-dir option, to prevent arbitrary writes to93 // the file system.94 //95 // This is used for Sandbox bool97}98// RunCLI runs the OpenRDAP command line client.99//100// |args| are the command line arguments to use (normally os.Args[1:]).101// |stdout| and |stderr| are the io.Writers for STDOUT/STDERR.102// |options| specifies extra options.103//104// Returns the program exit code.105func RunCLI(args []string, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer, options CLIOptions) int {106 // For duration timer (in --verbose output).107 start := time.Now()108 // Setup command line arguments parser.109 app := kingpin.New("rdap", "RDAP command-line client")110 app.HelpFlag.Short('h')111 app.UsageTemplate(usageText)112 app.UsageWriter(stdout)113 app.ErrorWriter(stderr)114 // Instead of letting kingpin call os.Exit(), flag if it requests to exit115 // here.116 //117 // This lets the function be called in libraries/tests without exiting them.118 terminate := false119 app.Terminate(func(int) {120 terminate = true121 })122 // Command line options.123 verboseFlag := app.Flag("verbose", "").Short('v').Bool()124 timeoutFlag := app.Flag("timeout", "").Short('T').Default("30").Uint16()125 insecureFlag := app.Flag("insecure", "").Short('k').Bool()126 queryType := app.Flag("type", "").Short('t').String()127 fetchRolesFlag := app.Flag("fetch", "").Short('f').Strings()128 serverFlag := app.Flag("server", "").Short('s').String()129 experimentalFlag := app.Flag("experimental", "").Short('e').Bool()130 experimentsFlag := app.Flag("exp", "").Strings()131 cacheDirFlag := app.Flag("cache-dir", "").Default("default").String()132 bootstrapURLFlag := app.Flag("bs-url", "").Default("default").String()133 bootstrapTimeoutFlag := app.Flag("bs-ttl", "").Default("3600").Uint32()134 clientP12FilenameAndPassword := app.Flag("p12", "").Short('P').String()135 clientCertFilename := app.Flag("cert", "").Short('C').String()136 clientKeyFilename := app.Flag("key", "").Short('K').String()137 outputFormatText := app.Flag("text", "").Bool()138 outputFormatWhois := app.Flag("whois", "").Short('w').Bool()139 outputFormatJSON := app.Flag("json", "").Short('j').Bool()140 outputFormatRaw := app.Flag("raw", "").Short('r').Bool()141 // Command line query (any remaining non-option arguments).142 queryArgs := app.Arg("", "").Strings()143 // Parse command line arguments.144 // The help messages for -h/--help are printed directly by app.Parse().145 _, err := app.Parse(args)146 if err != nil {147 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s\n\n%s", err, usageText))148 return 1149 } else if terminate {150 // Occurs when kingpin prints the --help message.151 return 1152 }153 var verbose func(text string)154 if *verboseFlag {155 verbose = func(text string) {156 fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "# %s\n", text)157 }158 } else {159 verbose = func(text string) {160 }161 }162 verbose(version)163 verbose("")164 verbose("rdap: Configuring query...")165 // Supported experimental options.166 experiments := map[string]bool{167 "test_rdap_net": false,168 "object_tag": false,169 "sandbox": false,170 }171 // Enable experimental options.172 for _, e := range *experimentsFlag {173 if _, ok := experiments[e]; ok {174 experiments[e] = true175 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Enabled experiment '%s'", e))176 } else {177 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Error: unknown experiment '%s'", e))178 return 1179 }180 }181 // Enable the -e selection of experiments?182 if *experimentalFlag {183 verbose("rdap: Enabled -e/--experiments: test_rdap_net, object_tag")184 experiments["test_rdap_net"] = true185 experiments["object_tag"] = true186 }187 // Forced sandbox mode?188 if experiments["sandbox"] {189 options.Sandbox = true190 }191 // Exactly one argument is required (i.e. the domain/ip/url/etc), unless192 // we're making a help query.193 if *queryType != "help" && len(*queryArgs) == 0 {194 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s\n\n%s", "Query object required, e.g. rdap", usageText))195 return 1196 }197 // Grab the query text.198 queryText := ""199 if len(*queryArgs) > 0 {200 queryText = (*queryArgs)[0]201 }202 // Construct the request.203 var req *Request204 switch *queryType {205 case "":206 req = NewAutoRequest(queryText)207 case "help":208 req = NewHelpRequest()209 case "domain", "dns":210 req = NewDomainRequest(queryText)211 case "autnum", "as", "asn":212 autnum := strings.ToUpper(queryText)213 autnum = strings.TrimPrefix(autnum, "AS")214 result, err := strconv.ParseUint(autnum, 10, 32)215 if err != nil {216 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid ASN '%s'", queryText))217 return 1218 }219 req = NewAutnumRequest(uint32(result))220 case "ip":221 ip := net.ParseIP(queryText)222 if ip == nil {223 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid IP '%s'", queryText))224 return 1225 }226 req = NewIPRequest(ip)227 case "nameserver", "ns":228 req = NewNameserverRequest(queryText)229 case "entity":230 req = NewEntityRequest(queryText)231 case "url":232 fullURL, err := url.Parse(queryText)233 if err != nil {234 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse URL '%s': %s", queryText, err))235 return 1236 }237 req = NewRawRequest(fullURL)238 case "entity-search":239 req = NewRequest(EntitySearchRequest, queryText)240 case "entity-search-by-handle":241 req = NewRequest(EntitySearchByHandleRequest, queryText)242 case "domain-search":243 req = NewRequest(DomainSearchRequest, queryText)244 case "domain-search-by-nameserver":245 req = NewRequest(DomainSearchByNameserverRequest, queryText)246 case "domain-search-by-nameserver-ip":247 req = NewRequest(DomainSearchByNameserverIPRequest, queryText)248 case "nameserver-search":249 req = NewRequest(NameserverSearchRequest, queryText)250 case "nameserver-search-by-ip":251 req = NewRequest(NameserverSearchByNameserverIPRequest, queryText)252 default:253 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Unknown query type '%s'", *queryType))254 return 1255 }256 // Determine the server.257 if req.Server != nil {258 if *serverFlag != "" {259 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("--server option cannot be used with query type %s", req.Type))260 return 1261 }262 }263 // Server URL specified (--server)?264 if *serverFlag != "" {265 serverURL, err := url.Parse(*serverFlag)266 if err != nil {267 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("--server error: %s", err))268 return 1269 }270 if serverURL.Scheme == "" {271 serverURL.Scheme = "http"272 }273 req = req.WithServer(serverURL)274 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Using server '%s'", serverURL))275 }276 // Custom TLS config.277 tlsConfig := &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: *insecureFlag}278 bs := &bootstrap.Client{}279 // Custom bootstrap cache type/directory?280 if *cacheDirFlag == "" {281 // Disk cache disabled, use memory cache.282 bs.Cache = cache.NewMemoryCache()283 verbose("rdap: Using in-memory cache")284 } else {285 dc := cache.NewDiskCache()286 if *cacheDirFlag != "default" {287 if !options.Sandbox {288 dc.Dir = *cacheDirFlag289 } else {290 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Ignored --cache-dir option (sandbox mode enabled)"))291 }292 }293 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Using disk cache (%s)", dc.Dir))294 created, err := dc.InitDir()295 if created {296 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Cache dir %s mkdir'ed", dc.Dir))297 } else if err != nil {298 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error making cache dir %s", dc.Dir))299 return 1300 }301 bs.Cache = dc302 }303 // Use experimental bootstrap service URL?304 if experiments["test_rdap_net"] && *bootstrapURLFlag == "default" {305 *bootstrapURLFlag = experimentalBootstrapURL306 verbose("rdap: Using bootstrap service (test_rdap_net experiment)")307 }308 // Custom bootstrap service URL?309 if *bootstrapURLFlag != "default" {310 baseURL, err := url.Parse(*bootstrapURLFlag)311 if err != nil {312 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Bootstrap URL error: %s", err))313 return 1314 }315 bs.BaseURL = baseURL316 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Bootstrap URL set to '%s'", baseURL))317 } else {318 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Bootstrap URL is default '%s'", bootstrap.DefaultBaseURL))319 }320 // Custom bootstrap cache timeout?321 if bootstrapTimeoutFlag != nil {322 bs.Cache.SetTimeout(time.Duration(*bootstrapTimeoutFlag) * time.Second)323 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Bootstrap cache TTL set to %d seconds", *bootstrapTimeoutFlag))324 }325 var clientCert tls.Certificate326 if *clientCertFilename != "" || *clientKeyFilename != "" {327 if *clientP12FilenameAndPassword != "" {328 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error: Can't use both --cert/--key and --p12 together"))329 return 1330 } else if *clientCertFilename == "" || *clientKeyFilename == "" {331 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error: --cert and --key must be used together"))332 return 1333 } else if options.Sandbox {334 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Ignored --cert and --key options (sandbox mode enabled)"))335 } else {336 var err error337 clientCert, err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(*clientCertFilename, *clientKeyFilename)338 if err != nil {339 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error: cannot load client certificate/key: %s", err))340 return 1341 }342 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Loaded client certificate from '%s'", *clientCertFilename))343 tlsConfig.Certificates = append(tlsConfig.Certificates, clientCert)344 }345 } else if *clientP12FilenameAndPassword != "" {346 // Split the filename and optional password.347 // [0] is the filename, [1] is the optional password.348 var p12FilenameAndPassword []string = strings.SplitAfterN(*clientP12FilenameAndPassword, ":", 2)349 p12FilenameAndPassword[0] = strings.TrimSuffix(p12FilenameAndPassword[0], ":")350 // Use a blank password if none was specified.351 if len(p12FilenameAndPassword) == 1 {352 p12FilenameAndPassword = append(p12FilenameAndPassword, "")353 }354 var p12 []byte355 var err error356 // Load the file from disk, or the sandbox.357 if options.Sandbox {358 p12, err = sandbox.LoadFile(p12FilenameAndPassword[0])359 } else {360 p12, err = ioutil.ReadFile(p12FilenameAndPassword[0])361 }362 // Check the file was read correctly.363 if err != nil {364 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error: cannot load client certificate: %s", err))365 return 1366 }367 // Convert P12 to PEM blocks.368 var blocks []*pem.Block369 blocks, err = pkcs12.ToPEM(p12, p12FilenameAndPassword[1])370 if err != nil {371 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error: cannot read client certificate: %s", err))372 return 1373 }374 // Build single concatenated PEM block.375 var pemData []byte376 for _, b := range blocks {377 pemData = append(pemData, pem.EncodeToMemory(b)...)378 }379 clientCert, err = tls.X509KeyPair(pemData, pemData)380 if err != nil {381 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Error: cannot read client certificate: %s", err))382 return 1383 }384 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Loaded client certificate from '%s'", p12FilenameAndPassword[0]))385 tlsConfig.Certificates = append(tlsConfig.Certificates, clientCert)386 }387 // Custom HTTP client. Used to disable TLS certificate verification.388 transport := &http.Transport{389 TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,390 }391 // Setup http.RoundTripper for http clients392 bs.HTTP = &http.Client{393 Transport: transport,394 }395 httpClient := &http.Client{396 Transport: transport,397 }398 client := &Client{399 HTTP: httpClient,400 Bootstrap: bs,401 Verbose: verbose,402 UserAgent: version,403 ServiceProviderExperiment: experiments["object_tag"],404 }405 if *insecureFlag {406 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: SSL certificate validation disabled"))407 }408 // Set the request timeout.409 ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(*timeoutFlag)*time.Second)410 defer cancelFunc()411 req = req.WithContext(ctx)412 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Timeout is %d seconds", *timeoutFlag))413 // Run the request.414 var resp *Response415 resp, err = client.Do(req)416 verbose("")417 verbose(fmt.Sprintf("rdap: Finished in %s", time.Since(start)))418 if err != nil {419 printError(stderr, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %s", err))420 return 1421 }422 // Insert a blank line to seperate verbose messages/proper output.423 if *verboseFlag {424 fmt.Fprintln(stderr, "")425 }426 // Output formatting.427 if !(*outputFormatText || *outputFormatWhois || *outputFormatJSON || *outputFormatRaw) {428 *outputFormatText = true429 }430 // Print the response out in text format?431 if *outputFormatText {432 printer := &Printer{433 Writer: stdout,434 BriefLinks: true,435 }436 printer.Print(resp.Object)437 }438 // Print the raw response out?439 if *outputFormatRaw {440 fmt.Printf("%s", resp.HTTP[0].Body)441 }442 // Print the response, JSON pretty-printed?443 if *outputFormatJSON {444 var out bytes.Buffer445 json.Indent(&out, resp.HTTP[0].Body, "", " ")446 out.WriteTo(os.Stdout)447 }448 // Print WHOIS style response out?449 if *outputFormatWhois {450 w := resp.ToWhoisStyleResponse()451 for _, key := range w.KeyDisplayOrder {452 for _, value := range w.Data[key] {453 fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%s: %s\n", key, safePrint(value))454 }455 }456 }457 _ = fetchRolesFlag458 return 0459}460func safePrint(v string) string {461 removeBadChars := func(r rune) rune {462 switch {463 case r == '\000':464 return -1465 case r == '\n':466 return ' '467 default:468 return r469 }470 }471 return strings.Map(removeBadChars, v)472}473func printError(stderr io.Writer, text string) {474 fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "# %s\n", text)475}...

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...30// Exports returns the exports of the experimental module31func (mi *ModuleInstance) Exports() modules.Exports {32 return modules.Exports{33 Named: map[string]interface{}{34 "setTimeout": mi.setTimeout,35 },36 }37}38func (mi *ModuleInstance) setTimeout(f goja.Callable, t float64) {39 if f == nil {40 common.Throw(, errors.New("setTimeout requires a function as first argument"))41 }42 // TODO maybe really return something to use with `clearTimeout43 // TODO support arguments ... maybe44 runOnLoop := go func() {46 timer := time.NewTimer(time.Duration(t * float64(time.Millisecond)))47 select {48 case <-timer.C:49 runOnLoop(func() error {50 _, err := f(goja.Undefined())51 return err52 })53 case < // TODO log something?...

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Starting")4 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)5 fmt.Println("Ending")6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Starting")10 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)11 fmt.Println("Ending")12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Starting")16 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)17 fmt.Println("Ending")18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Starting")22 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)23 fmt.Println("Ending")24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Starting")28 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)29 fmt.Println("Ending")30}31import (32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Starting")34 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)35 fmt.Println("Ending")36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Starting")40 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)41 fmt.Println("Ending")42}43import (44func main() {45 fmt.Println("Starting")46 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)47 fmt.Println("Ending")48}49import (50func main() {51 fmt.Println("Starting")52 time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

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1import "fmt"2import "time"3func main() {4 fmt.Println("Welcome to the playground!")5 fmt.Println("The time is", time.Now())6 fmt.Println("This prints after 2 seconds")7 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)8}9import "fmt"10import "time"11func main() {12 fmt.Println("Welcome to the playground!")13 fmt.Println("The time is", time.Now())14 for {15 fmt.Println("This prints after 2 seconds")16 time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)17 }18}

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1import (2func main() {3 ch := make(chan bool)4 exp := js.Global().Get("experimental")5 exp.Call("setTimeout", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {6 fmt.Println("Hello World")7 }), 5000)8}9import (10func main() {11 ch := make(chan bool)12 exp := js.Global().Get("experimental")13 exp.Call("setInterval", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {14 fmt.Println("Hello World")15 }), 5000)16}17import (18func main() {19 ch := make(chan bool)20 exp := js.Global().Get("experimental")21 exp.Call("setTimeout", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {22 fmt.Println("Hello World")23 }), 5000)24 exp.Call("clearTimeout", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {25 fmt.Println("Timeout cleared")26 }), 5000)27}28import (29func main() {30 ch := make(chan bool)31 exp := js.Global().Get("experimental")32 exp.Call("setInterval", js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {33 fmt.Println("Hello World")34 }), 5000)

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("start")4 time.Sleep(time.Second*5)5 fmt.Println("end")6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("start")10 go func() {11 time.Sleep(time.Second*5)12 fmt.Println("end")13 }()14 time.Sleep(time.Second*6)15}16import (17func main() {18 fmt.Println("start")19 go func() {20 time.Sleep(time.Second*5)21 fmt.Println("end")22 }()23 time.Sleep(time.Second*6)24}

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1import "dart:html";2import "dart:async";3void main() {4 var button = querySelector('button');5 button.onClick.listen((e) {6 setTimeout(() {7 print('Hello, world!');8 }, 5000);9 });10}11import "dart:html";12import "dart:async";13void main() {14 var button = querySelector('button');15 button.onClick.listen((e) {16 var timer = setTimeout(() {17 print('Hello, world!');18 }, 5000);19 clearTimeout(timer);20 });21}22import "dart:html";23import "dart:async";24void main() {25 var button = querySelector('button');26 button.onClick.listen((e) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {2 console.log('Hi');3}, 1000);4timer.start();5var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {6 console.log('Hi');7}, 1000);8timer.start();9var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {10 console.log('Hi');11}, 1000);12timer.start();13var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {14 console.log('Hi');15}, 1000);16timer.start();17var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {18 console.log('Hi');19}, 1000);20timer.start();21var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {22 console.log('Hi');23}, 1000);24timer.start();25var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {26 console.log('Hi');27}, 1000);28timer.start();29var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {30 console.log('Hi');31}, 1000);32timer.start();33var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {34 console.log('Hi');35}, 1000);36timer.start();37var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {38 console.log('Hi');39}, 1000);40timer.start();41var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {42 console.log('Hi');43}, 1000);44timer.start();45var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {46 console.log('Hi');47}, 1000);48timer.start();49var timer = new experimental.setTimeout(function() {50 console.log('Hi');51}, 100

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 w := js.Global()4 d := w.Get("document")5 b := d.Get("body")6 div := d.Call("createElement", "div")7 div.Set("innerHTML", "Hello World")8 b.Call("appendChild", div)9 f := js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {10 div.Set("innerHTML", "Hello World after 3 seconds")11 })12 w.Call("setTimeout", f, 3000)13 fmt.Scanln()14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1setTimeout(function() {2 console.log("Hello, World!");3}, 1000);4setInterval(function() {5 console.log("Hello, World!");6}, 1000);7var timer = setTimeout(function() {8 console.log("Hello, World!");9}, 1000);10clearTimeout(timer);11var timer = setInterval(function() {12 console.log("Hello, World!");13}, 1000);14clearInterval(timer);15setTimeout(function() {16 console.log("Hello, World!");17}, 1000, function() {18 console.log("This is a callback function!");19});20setInterval(function() {21 console.log("Hello, World!");22}, 1000, function() {23 console.log("This is a callback function!");24});25setTimeout(function() {26 console.log("Hello, World!");27}, 1000, function

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