How to use newInfoObj method of execution Package

Best K6 code snippet using execution.newInfoObj


Source: execution.go Github


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...113 "iterationInTest": func() interface{} {114 return vuState.GetScenarioGlobalVUIter()115 },116 }117 return newInfoObj(rt, si)118}119// newInstanceInfo returns a goja.Object with property accessors to retrieve120// information about the local instance stats.121func (mi *ModuleInstance) newInstanceInfo() (*goja.Object, error) {122 ctx := mi.GetContext()123 es := lib.GetExecutionState(ctx)124 if es == nil {125 return nil, errors.New("getting instance information in the init context is not supported")126 }127 rt := common.GetRuntime(ctx)128 if rt == nil {129 return nil, errors.New("goja runtime is nil in context")130 }131 ti := map[string]func() interface{}{132 "currentTestRunDuration": func() interface{} {133 return float64(es.GetCurrentTestRunDuration()) / float64(time.Millisecond)134 },135 "iterationsCompleted": func() interface{} {136 return es.GetFullIterationCount()137 },138 "iterationsInterrupted": func() interface{} {139 return es.GetPartialIterationCount()140 },141 "vusActive": func() interface{} {142 return es.GetCurrentlyActiveVUsCount()143 },144 "vusInitialized": func() interface{} {145 return es.GetInitializedVUsCount()146 },147 }148 return newInfoObj(rt, ti)149}150// newVUInfo returns a goja.Object with property accessors to retrieve151// information about the currently executing VU.152func (mi *ModuleInstance) newVUInfo() (*goja.Object, error) {153 ctx := mi.GetContext()154 vuState := lib.GetState(ctx)155 if vuState == nil {156 return nil, errors.New("getting VU information in the init context is not supported")157 }158 rt := common.GetRuntime(ctx)159 if rt == nil {160 return nil, errors.New("goja runtime is nil in context")161 }162 vi := map[string]func() interface{}{163 "idInInstance": func() interface{} { return vuState.VUID },164 "idInTest": func() interface{} { return vuState.VUIDGlobal },165 "iterationInInstance": func() interface{} { return vuState.Iteration },166 "iterationInScenario": func() interface{} {167 return vuState.GetScenarioVUIter()168 },169 }170 return newInfoObj(rt, vi)171}172func newInfoObj(rt *goja.Runtime, props map[string]func() interface{}) (*goja.Object, error) {173 o := rt.NewObject()174 for p, get := range props {175 err := o.DefineAccessorProperty(p, rt.ToValue(get), nil, goja.FLAG_FALSE, goja.FLAG_TRUE)176 if err != nil {177 return nil, err178 }179 }180 return o, nil181}...

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1executionObj := new(execution)2infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()3executionObj := new(execution)4infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()5executionObj := new(execution)6infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()7executionObj := new(execution)8infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()9executionObj := new(execution)10infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()11executionObj := new(execution)12infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()13executionObj := new(execution)14infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()15executionObj := new(execution)16infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()17executionObj := new(execution)18infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()19executionObj := new(execution)20infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()21executionObj := new(execution)22infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()23executionObj := new(execution)24infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()25executionObj := new(execution)26infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()27executionObj := new(execution)28infoObj := executionObj.newInfoObj()29executionObj := new(execution)

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")32}33import (34func main() {35 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")40}41import (42func main() {43 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")44}45import (46func main() {47 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")48}49import (50func main() {51 fmt.Println("Hello,

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1import (2type execution struct {3}4func (e execution) newInfoObj() {5 pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)6 if !ok {7 fmt.Println("No caller information")8 }9 f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)10 fmt.Printf("Function name: %s11", f.Name())12 fmt.Printf("File name: %s13 fmt.Printf("Line number: %d14}15func main() {16 e := execution{}17 e.newInfoObj()18}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type Info struct {3}4func main() {5 fmt.Println("type of t is ", t)6 fmt.Println("type of v is ", v)7 newInfoObj := reflect.New(t).Elem()8 fmt.Println("type of newInfoObj is ", newInfoObj)9 newInfoObj.FieldByName("Name").SetString("Naveen")10 newInfoObj.FieldByName("Age").SetInt(40)11 newInfo := newInfoObj.Interface().(Info)12 fmt.Println("newInfo is ", newInfo)13}14import (15type Info struct {16}17func main() {18 fmt.Println("type of t is ", t)19 fmt.Println("type of v is ", v)20 newInfoObj := reflect.New(t).Elem()21 fmt.Println("type of newInfoObj is ", newInfoObj)22 newInfoObj.FieldByName("Name").SetString("Naveen")23 newInfoObj.FieldByName("Age").SetInt(40)24 newInfo := newInfoObj.Interface().(Info)25 fmt.Println("newInfo is ", newInfo)26}27import (

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1import (2type Execution struct {3 newInfoObj() *Info4}5type Info struct {6}7func main() {8 execution := new(Execution)9 info := execution.newInfoObj()10}11func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {12 return new(Info)13}14import (15type Execution struct {16 newInfoObj() *Info17}18type Info struct {19}20func main() {21 execution := new(Execution)22 info := execution.newInfoObj()23}24func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {25 return new(Info)26}27import (28type Execution struct {29 newInfoObj() *Info30}31type Info struct {32}33func main() {34 execution := new(Execution)35 info := execution.newInfoObj()36}37func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {38 return new(Info)39}40import (41type Execution struct {42 newInfoObj() *Info43}44type Info struct {45}46func main() {47 execution := new(Execution)48 info := execution.newInfoObj()49}50func (e *Execution) newInfoObj

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1import (2type Execution struct {3}4func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {5 return &Info{6 }7}8func main() {9 e := &Execution{}10 e.infoObj = e.newInfoObj()11 fmt.Println(e.infoObj)12}13import (14type Execution struct {15}16func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {17 return &Info{18 }19}20func main() {21 e := &Execution{}22 e.infoObj = e.newInfoObj()23 fmt.Println(e.infoObj)24}25import (26type Execution struct {27}28func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {29 return &Info{30 }31}32func main() {33 e := &Execution{}34 e.infoObj = e.newInfoObj()35 fmt.Println(e.infoObj)36}37import (38type Execution struct {39}40func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {41 return &Info{42 }43}44func main() {45 e := &Execution{}46 e.infoObj = e.newInfoObj()47 fmt.Println(e.infoObj)48}49import (50type Execution struct {51}52func (e *Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {53 return &Info{54 }55}56func main() {57 e := &Execution{}58 e.infoObj = e.newInfoObj()59 fmt.Println(e.infoObj)60}

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1Execution execution = new Execution();2Info info = execution.newInfoObj();3System.out.println("Info object value: " + info.getInfo());4import "fmt"5type Info struct {6}7type Execution struct {8}9func (e Execution) newInfoObj() Info {10 return Info{"Hello, I am info object"}11}12func main() {13 execution := Execution{}14 info := execution.newInfoObj()15 fmt.Println("Info object value: ", info.Info)16}17import "fmt"18type Info struct {19}20type Execution struct {21}22func (e Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {23 return &Info{"Hello, I am info object"}24}25func main() {26 execution := Execution{}27 info := execution.newInfoObj()28 fmt.Println("Info object value: ", info.Info)29}30import "fmt"31type Info struct {32}33type Execution struct {34}35func (e Execution) newInfoObj() *Info {36 return &Info{"Hello, I am info object"}37}38func main() {39 execution := Execution{}40 info := execution.newInfoObj()41 fmt.Println("Info object value: ", info.Info)42 fmt.Println("Info object value: ", info.Info)43}

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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 newInfoObj := execution.newInfoObj()5 newInfoObj.setInfo("Hello", "World")6 newInfoObj.getInfo()7 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")12 newInfoObj := execution.newInfoObj()13 newInfoObj.setInfo("Hello", "World")14 newInfoObj.getInfo()15 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")20 newInfoObj := execution.newInfoObj()21 newInfoObj.setInfo("Hello", "World")22 newInfoObj.getInfo()23 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")28 newInfoObj := execution.newInfoObj()29 newInfoObj.setInfo("Hello", "World")30 newInfoObj.getInfo()31 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")36 newInfoObj := execution.newInfoObj()37 newInfoObj.setInfo("Hello", "World")

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1import (2func main() {3 execObj := newInfoObj()4 execObj.start()5 execObj.stop()6 execObj.pause()7 execObj.resume()8}9import (10type execution struct {11}12func (execObj execution) start() {13 fmt.Println("start execution")14}15func (execObj execution) stop() {16 fmt.Println("stop execution")17}18func (execObj execution) pause() {19 fmt.Println("pause execution")20}21func (execObj execution) resume() {22 fmt.Println("resume execution")23}24func newInfoObj() execution {25 execObj := execution{}26}27import (28type student struct {29}30func (s student) display() {31 fmt.Println("student name:", fmt.Println("student age:", s.age)33}34func main() {

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