How to use GetCoverageFromCoverProfile method of internal Package

Best Ginkgo code snippet using internal.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile


Source:profiles_and_reports.go Github


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...38 err := MergeAndCleanupCoverProfiles(coverProfiles, dst)39 if err != nil {40 return messages, err41 }42 coverage, err := GetCoverageFromCoverProfile(dst)43 if err != nil {44 return messages, err45 }46 if coverage == 0 {47 messages = append(messages, "composite coverage: [no statements]")48 } else {49 messages = append(messages, fmt.Sprintf("composite coverage: %.1f%% of statements", coverage))50 }51 }52 // copy binaries if need be53 for _, suite := range suitesWithProfiles {54 if goFlagsConfig.BinaryMustBePreserved() && cliConfig.OutputDir != "" {55 src := suite.PathToCompiledTest56 dst := filepath.Join(cliConfig.OutputDir, suite.NamespacedName()+".test")57 if suite.Precompiled {58 if err := CopyFile(src, dst); err != nil {59 return messages, err60 }61 } else {62 if err := os.Rename(src, dst); err != nil {63 return messages, err64 }65 }66 }67 }68 type reportFormat struct {69 ReportName string70 GenerateFunc func(types.Report, string) error71 MergeFunc func([]string, string) ([]string, error)72 }73 reportFormats := []reportFormat{}74 if reporterConfig.JSONReport != "" {75 reportFormats = append(reportFormats, reportFormat{ReportName: reporterConfig.JSONReport, GenerateFunc: reporters.GenerateJSONReport, MergeFunc: reporters.MergeAndCleanupJSONReports})76 }77 if reporterConfig.JUnitReport != "" {78 reportFormats = append(reportFormats, reportFormat{ReportName: reporterConfig.JUnitReport, GenerateFunc: reporters.GenerateJUnitReport, MergeFunc: reporters.MergeAndCleanupJUnitReports})79 }80 if reporterConfig.TeamcityReport != "" {81 reportFormats = append(reportFormats, reportFormat{ReportName: reporterConfig.TeamcityReport, GenerateFunc: reporters.GenerateTeamcityReport, MergeFunc: reporters.MergeAndCleanupTeamcityReports})82 }83 // Generate reports for suites that failed to run84 reportableSuites := suites.ThatAreGinkgoSuites()85 for _, suite := range reportableSuites.WithState(TestSuiteStateFailedToCompile, TestSuiteStateFailedDueToTimeout, TestSuiteStateSkippedDueToPriorFailures, TestSuiteStateSkippedDueToEmptyCompilation) {86 report := types.Report{87 SuitePath: suite.AbsPath(),88 SuiteConfig: suiteConfig,89 SuiteSucceeded: false,90 }91 switch suite.State {92 case TestSuiteStateFailedToCompile:93 report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, suite.CompilationError.Error())94 case TestSuiteStateFailedDueToTimeout:95 report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, TIMEOUT_ELAPSED_FAILURE_REASON)96 case TestSuiteStateSkippedDueToPriorFailures:97 report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, PRIOR_FAILURES_FAILURE_REASON)98 case TestSuiteStateSkippedDueToEmptyCompilation:99 report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons = append(report.SpecialSuiteFailureReasons, EMPTY_SKIP_FAILURE_REASON)100 report.SuiteSucceeded = true101 }102 for _, format := range reportFormats {103 format.GenerateFunc(report, AbsPathForGeneratedAsset(format.ReportName, suite, cliConfig, 0))104 }105 }106 // Merge reports unless we've been asked to keep them separate107 if !cliConfig.KeepSeparateReports {108 for _, format := range reportFormats {109 reports := []string{}110 for _, suite := range reportableSuites {111 reports = append(reports, AbsPathForGeneratedAsset(format.ReportName, suite, cliConfig, 0))112 }113 dst := format.ReportName114 if cliConfig.OutputDir != "" {115 dst = filepath.Join(cliConfig.OutputDir, format.ReportName)116 }117 mergeMessages, err := format.MergeFunc(reports, dst)118 messages = append(messages, mergeMessages...)119 if err != nil {120 return messages, err121 }122 }123 }124 return messages, nil125}126//loads each profile, combines them, deletes them, stores them in destination127func MergeAndCleanupCoverProfiles(profiles []string, destination string) error {128 combined := &bytes.Buffer{}129 modeRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^mode: .*\n`)130 for i, profile := range profiles {131 contents, err := os.ReadFile(profile)132 if err != nil {133 return fmt.Errorf("Unable to read coverage file %s:\n%s", profile, err.Error())134 }135 os.Remove(profile)136 // remove the cover mode line from every file137 // except the first one138 if i > 0 {139 contents = modeRegex.ReplaceAll(contents, []byte{})140 }141 _, err = combined.Write(contents)142 // Add a newline to the end of every file if missing.143 if err == nil && len(contents) > 0 && contents[len(contents)-1] != '\n' {144 _, err = combined.Write([]byte("\n"))145 }146 if err != nil {147 return fmt.Errorf("Unable to append to coverprofile:\n%s", err.Error())148 }149 }150 err := os.WriteFile(destination, combined.Bytes(), 0666)151 if err != nil {152 return fmt.Errorf("Unable to create combined cover profile:\n%s", err.Error())153 }154 return nil155}156func GetCoverageFromCoverProfile(profile string) (float64, error) {157 cmd := exec.Command("go", "tool", "cover", "-func", profile)158 output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()159 if err != nil {160 return 0, fmt.Errorf("Could not process Coverprofile %s: %s", profile, err.Error())161 }162 re := regexp.MustCompile(`total:\s*\(statements\)\s*(\d*\.\d*)\%`)163 matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(output))164 if matches == nil {165 return 0, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse Coverprofile to compute coverage percentage")166 }167 coverageString := matches[1]168 coverage, err := strconv.ParseFloat(coverageString, 64)169 if err != nil {170 return 0, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse Coverprofile to compute coverage percentage: %s", err.Error())...

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1import (2var (3 coverprofile = flag.String("coverprofile", "", "path to the coverprofile file")4func main() {5 flag.Parse()6 if *coverprofile == "" {7 log.Fatal("coverprofile file path is not specified")8 }9 coverage, err := testingutil.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile(*coverprofile)10 if err != nil {11 log.Fatal(err)12 }13 fmt.Println("coverage: ", coverage)14}15import (16var (17 coverprofile = flag.String("coverprofile", "", "path to the coverprofile file")18func main() {19 flag.Parse()20 if *coverprofile == "" {21 log.Fatal("coverprofile file path is not specified")22 }23 coverage, err := testingutil.GetCovPercentage(*coverprofile)24 if err != nil {25 log.Fatal(err)26 }27 fmt.Println("coverage: ", coverage)28}29import (

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1import (2func main() {3 wd, err := os.Getwd()4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 absPath, err := filepath.Abs(wd)8 if err != nil {9 fmt.Println(err)10 }11 wdName := filepath.Base(absPath)12 parentPath := filepath.Dir(absPath)13 parentName := filepath.Base(parentPath)14 coverprofilePath := filepath.Join(parentPath, parentName+"-coverprofile.txt")15 coverage, err := GetCoverageFromCoverProfile(coverprofilePath)16 if err != nil {17 fmt.Println(err)18 }19 fmt.Println(coverage)20}21func GetCoverageFromCoverProfile(coverprofilePath string) (float64, error) {22 coverprofileFile, err := os.Open(coverprofilePath)23 if err != nil {24 }25 defer coverprofileFile.Close()26 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(coverprofileFile)27 for scanner.Scan() {28 line := scanner.Text()29 split := strings.Split(line, " ")30 if split[0] != "mode:" {31 currentStatements, err := strconv.Atoi(split[1])32 if err != nil {33 }34 currentCoveredStatements, err := strconv.Atoi(split[2])

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 cover.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile("cover.out")4 fmt.Println("Hello world!")5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println("Hello world!")9}10import (11func main() {12 fmt.Println("Hello world!")13}14import (15func main() {16 fmt.Println("Hello world!")17}18import (19func main() {20 fmt.Println("Hello world!")21}22import (23func main() {24 fmt.Println("Hello world!")25}26import (27func main() {28 fmt.Println("Hello world!")29}30import (31func main() {32 fmt.Println("Hello world!")33}34import (35func main() {36 fmt.Println("Hello world!")37}38import (39func main() {40 fmt.Println("Hello world!")41}42import (43func main() {44 fmt.Println("Hello world!")45}46import (47func main() {48 fmt.Println("Hello world!")49}50import (51func main() {52 fmt.Println("Hello world!")53}54import (55func main() {56 fmt.Println("Hello world!")57}58import (59func main() {60 fmt.Println("Hello world!")61}62import (63func main() {64 fmt.Println("Hello world!")65}66import (67func main() {68 fmt.Println("Hello world!")69}70import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 coverprofile := coverage.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile("test.out")4 for _, v := range coverprofile {5 fmt.Println(v)6 }7}8import (9func main() {10 coverprofile := coverage.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile("test.out")11 for _, v := range coverprofile {12 fmt.Println(v)13 }14}15import (16func main() {17 coverprofile := coverage.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile("test.out")18 for _, v := range coverprofile {19 fmt.Println(v)20 }21}22import (23func main() {24 coverprofile := coverage.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile("test.out")25 for _, v := range coverprofile {26 fmt.Println(v)27 }28}29import (30func main() {31 coverprofile := coverage.GetCoverageFromCoverProfile("test.out")32 for _, v := range coverprofile {33 fmt.Println(v)34 }

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