Best Ginkgo code snippet using integration_test.FindCaller
Source: profiling_test.go
...17 Caller string18 CumStat float6419}20type ProfileLines []ProfileLine21func (lines ProfileLines) FindCaller(caller string) ProfileLine {22 for _, line := range lines {23 if strings.Contains(line.Caller, caller) {24 return line25 }26 }27 Fail(fmt.Sprintf("Could not find caller %s among profile lines %+v.", caller, lines), 1)28 return ProfileLine{}29}30var PROFILE_RE = regexp.MustCompile(`[\d\.]+[MBms]*\s*[\d\.]+\%\s*[\d\.]+\%\s*([\d\.]+[MBnms]*)\s*[\d\.]+\%\s*(.*)`)31func ParseProfile(binary string, path string) ProfileLines {32 cmd := exec.Command("go", "tool", "pprof", "-cum", "-top", binary, path)33 output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()34 GinkgoWriter.Printf("Profile for: %s\n%s\n", path, string(output))35 ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())36 out := ProfileLines{}37 idx := 038 for _, line := range strings.Split(string(output), "\n") {39 matches := PROFILE_RE.FindStringSubmatch(line)40 if matches == nil {41 continue42 }43 cumStatEntry := matches[1]44 var cumStat float6445 if strings.Contains(cumStatEntry, "MB") {46 var err error47 cumStat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(strings.TrimRight(cumStatEntry, "MB"), 64)48 ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())49 } else {50 duration, err := time.ParseDuration(cumStatEntry)51 ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())52 cumStat = float64(duration.Milliseconds())53 }54 out = append(out, ProfileLine{55 Index: idx,56 Caller: matches[2],57 CumStat: cumStat,58 })59 idx += 160 }61 return out62}63var _ = Describe("Profiling Specs", func() {64 Describe("Measuring code coverage", func() {65 BeforeEach(func() {66 fm.MountFixture("coverage")67 })68 processCoverageProfile := func(path string) string {69 profileOutput, err := exec.Command("go", "tool", "cover", fmt.Sprintf("-func=%s", path)).CombinedOutput()70 ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())71 return string(profileOutput)72 }73 Context("when running a single package in series or in parallel with -cover", func() {74 It("emits the coverage pecentage and generates a cover profile", func() {75 seriesSession := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("coverage"), "--no-color", "-cover")76 Eventually(seriesSession).Should(gexec.Exit(0))77 Ω(seriesSession.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: 80\.0% of statements`))78 seriesCoverage := processCoverageProfile(fm.PathTo("coverage", "coverprofile.out"))79 fm.RemoveFile("coverage", "coverprofile.out")80 parallelSession := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("coverage"), "--no-color", "--procs=2", "-cover")81 Eventually(parallelSession).Should(gexec.Exit(0))82 Ω(parallelSession.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: 80\.0% of statements`))83 parallelCoverage := processCoverageProfile(fm.PathTo("coverage", "coverprofile.out"))84 Ω(parallelCoverage).Should(Equal(seriesCoverage))85 })86 })87 Context("with -coverpkg", func() {88 It("computes coverage of the passed-in additional packages", func() {89 coverPkgFlag := fmt.Sprintf("-coverpkg=%s,%s", fm.PackageNameFor("coverage"), fm.PackageNameFor("coverage/external_coverage"))90 seriesSession := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("coverage"), coverPkgFlag)91 Eventually(seriesSession).Should(gexec.Exit(0))92 Ω(seriesSession.Out).Should(gbytes.Say("coverage: 71.4% of statements in"))93 seriesCoverage := processCoverageProfile(fm.PathTo("coverage", "coverprofile.out"))94 fm.RemoveFile("coverage", "coverprofile.out")95 parallelSession := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("coverage"), "--no-color", "--procs=2", coverPkgFlag)96 Eventually(parallelSession).Should(gexec.Exit(0))97 Ω(parallelSession.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: 71\.4% of statements`))98 parallelCoverage := processCoverageProfile(fm.PathTo("coverage", "coverprofile.out"))99 Ω(parallelCoverage).Should(Equal(seriesCoverage))100 })101 })102 Context("with a custom profile name", func() {103 It("generates cover profiles with the specified name", func() {104 session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("coverage"), "--no-color", "-coverprofile=myprofile.out")105 Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))106 Ω(session.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: 80\.0% of statements`))107 Ω(fm.PathTo("coverage", "myprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())108 Ω(fm.PathTo("coverage", "coverprofile.out")).ShouldNot(BeAnExistingFile())109 })110 })111 Context("when multiple suites are tested", func() {112 BeforeEach(func() {113 fm.MountFixture("combined_coverage")114 })115 It("generates a single cover profile", func() {116 session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage"), "--no-color", "--cover", "-r", "--procs=2", "--covermode=atomic")117 Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))118 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())119 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "first_package/coverprofile.out")).ShouldNot(BeAnExistingFile())120 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "second_package/coverprofile.out")).ShouldNot(BeAnExistingFile())121 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "third_package/coverprofile.out")).ShouldNot(BeAnExistingFile())122 Ω(session.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: 80\.0% of statements`))123 Ω(session.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: 100\.0% of statements`))124 Ω(session.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`coverage: \[no statements\]`))125 By("ensuring there is only one 'mode:' line")126 re := regexp.MustCompile(`mode: atomic`)127 content := fm.ContentOf("combined_coverage", "coverprofile.out")128 matches := re.FindAllStringIndex(content, -1)129 Ω(len(matches)).Should(Equal(1))130 By("emitting a composite coverage score")131 Ω(session.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`composite coverage: 90\.0% of statements`))132 })133 Context("when -keep-separate-coverprofiles is set", func() {134 It("generates separate coverprofiles", Label("slow"), func() {135 session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage"), "--no-color", "--cover", "-r", "--procs=2", "--keep-separate-coverprofiles")136 Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))137 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "coverprofile.out")).ShouldNot(BeAnExistingFile())138 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "first_package/coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())139 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "second_package/coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())140 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "third_package/coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())141 })142 })143 })144 Context("when -output-dir is set", func() {145 BeforeEach(func() {146 fm.MountFixture("combined_coverage")147 })148 It("puts the cover profile in -output-dir", func() {149 session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage"), "--no-color", "--cover", "-r", "--procs=2", "--output-dir=./output")150 Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))151 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "output/coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())152 By("emitting a composite coverage score")153 Ω(session.Out).Should(gbytes.Say(`composite coverage: 90\.0% of statements`))154 })155 Context("when -keep-separate-coverprofiles is set", func() {156 It("puts namespaced coverprofiels in the -output-dir", func() {157 session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage"), "--no-color", "--cover", "-r", "--procs=2", "--output-dir=./output", "--keep-separate-coverprofiles")158 Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))159 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "output/coverprofile.out")).ShouldNot(BeAnExistingFile())160 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "output/first_package_coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())161 Ω(fm.PathTo("combined_coverage", "output/second_package_coverprofile.out")).Should(BeAnExistingFile())162 })163 })164 })165 })166 Describe("measuring cpu, memory, block, and mutex profiles", func() {167 BeforeEach(func() {168 fm.MountFixture("profile")169 })170 DescribeTable("profile behavior",171 func(pathToBinary func(string) string, pathToProfile func(string, string) string, args ...string) {172 args = append([]string{"--no-color", "-r", "--cpuprofile=cpu.out", "--memprofile=mem.out", "--blockprofile=block.out", "--mutexprofile=mutex.out"}, args...)173 session := startGinkgo(fm.PathTo("profile"), args...)174 Eventually(session).Should(gexec.Exit(0))175 // Verify that the binaries have been preserved and the profiles were generated176 for _, pkg := range []string{"slow_memory_hog", "block_contest", "lock_contest"} {177 Ω(pathToBinary(pkg)).Should(BeAnExistingFile())178 for _, profile := range []string{"cpu.out", "mem.out", "block.out", "mutex.out"} {179 Ω(pathToProfile(pkg, profile)).Should(BeAnExistingFile())180 }181 }182 cpuProfile := ParseProfile(pathToBinary("slow_memory_hog"), pathToProfile("slow_memory_hog", "cpu.out"))183 // The CPUProfile for the slow_memory_hog test should list the slow_memory_hog.SomethingExpensive functions as one of the most time-consuming functions184 // we can't assert on time as that will vary from machine to machine, however we _can_ assert that the slow_memory_hog.SomethingExpensive185 // function has a low index186 Ω(cpuProfile.FindCaller("slow_memory_hog.SomethingExpensive").Index).Should(BeNumerically("<=", 10))187 memProfile := ParseProfile(pathToBinary("slow_memory_hog"), pathToProfile("slow_memory_hog", "mem.out"))188 // The MemProifle for the slow_memory_hog test should list the slow_memory_hog.SomethingExpensive functions as one of the most memory-consuming functions189 // Assrting on the amount of memory consumed should be stable across tests as the function always builds a large array of this size190 Ω(memProfile.FindCaller("slow_memory_hog.SomethingExpensive").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 200))191 blockProfile := ParseProfile(pathToBinary("block_contest"), pathToProfile("block_contest", "block.out"))192 // The BlockProfile for the block_contest test should list two channel-reading functions:193 // block_contest.ReadTheChannel is called 10 times and takes ~5ms per call194 // block_contest.SlowReadTheChannel is called once and teakes ~500ms per call195 // Asserting that both times are within a range should be stable across tests196 // Note: these numbers are adjusted slightly to tolerate variance during test runs197 Ω(blockProfile.FindCaller("block_contest.ReadTheChannel").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 45))198 Ω(blockProfile.FindCaller("block_contest.ReadTheChannel").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically("<", 500))199 Ω(blockProfile.FindCaller("block_contest.SlowReadTheChannel").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 450))200 mutexProfile := ParseProfile(pathToBinary("lock_contest"), pathToProfile("lock_contest", "mutex.out"))201 // The MutexProfile for the lock_contest test should list two functions that wait on a lock.202 // Unfortunately go doesn't seem to capture the names of the functions - so they're listed here as203 // lock_contest_test.glob..func1.1 is called 10 times and takes ~5ms per call204 // lock_contest_test.glob..func2.1 is called once and teakes ~500ms per call205 // Asserting that both times are within a range should be stable across tests. The function names should be as well206 // but that might become a source of failure in the future207 // Note: these numbers are adjusted slightly to tolerate variance during test runs208 Ω(mutexProfile.FindCaller("lock_contest_test.glob..func1.1").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 45))209 Ω(mutexProfile.FindCaller("lock_contest_test.glob..func1.1").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically("<", 500))210 Ω(mutexProfile.FindCaller("lock_contest_test.glob..func2.1").CumStat).Should(BeNumerically(">=", 450))211 },212 Entry("when running in series",213 func(pkg string) string { return fm.PathTo("profile", pkg+"/"+pkg+".test") },214 func(pkg string, profile string) string { return fm.PathTo("profile", pkg+"/"+profile) },215 ),216 Entry("when running in parallel",217 func(pkg string) string { return fm.PathTo("profile", pkg+"/"+pkg+".test") },218 func(pkg string, profile string) string { return fm.PathTo("profile", pkg+"/"+profile) },219 "--procs=3",220 ),221 Entry("when --output-dir is set", Label("slow"),222 func(pkg string) string { return fm.PathTo("profile", "profiles/"+pkg+".test") },223 func(pkg string, profile string) string { return fm.PathTo("profile", "profiles/"+pkg+"_"+profile) },224 "--procs=3", "--output-dir=./profiles",...
Using AI Code Generation
1func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {2 caller := FindCaller()3 fmt.Println(caller)4}5func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {6 caller := FindCaller()7 fmt.Println(caller)8}9func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {10 caller := FindCaller()11 fmt.Println(caller)12}13func FindCaller() string {14 _, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)15}16The solution is to create a package for the FindCaller() method and then import the package in the files you want to use the method in. Here is the code for the new package:17import (18func FindCaller() string {19 _, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)20}21Then, you can import the findcaller package in your files and call the FindCaller() method:22import (23func main() {24 caller := findcaller.FindCaller()25 fmt.Println(caller)26}27import (28func main() {29 caller := findcaller.FindCaller()30 fmt.Println(caller)31}32import (
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fileName := integration_test.FindCaller()4 fmt.Println(fileName)5 file := xlsx.NewFile()6 sheet, err := file.AddSheet("Sheet1")7 if err != nil {8 fmt.Printf(err.Error())9 }10 row := sheet.AddRow()11 cell := row.AddCell()12 err = file.Save(fileName + ".xlsx")13 if err != nil {14 fmt.Printf(err.Error())15 }16 xlFile, err := excelize.OpenFile(fileName + ".xlsx")17 if err != nil {18 fmt.Println(err)19 }20 cell, err = xlFile.GetCellValue("Sheet1", "A1")21 if err != nil {22 fmt.Println(err)23 }24 fmt.Println(cell)25 rows, err := xlFile.GetRows("Sheet1")26 for _, row := range rows {27 for _, colCell := range row {28 fmt.Print(colCell, "\t")29 }30 fmt.Println()31 }32 err = os.Remove(fileName + ".xlsx")33 if err != nil {34 log.Fatal(err)35 }36}37import (38func main() {39 fileName := integration_test.FindCaller()40 fmt.Println(fileName)41 file := xlsx.NewFile()42 sheet, err := file.AddSheet("Sheet1")43 if err != nil {44 fmt.Printf(err.Error())45 }46 row := sheet.AddRow()47 cell := row.AddCell()48 err = file.Save(fileName + ".xlsx")
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(integration_test.FindCaller())4}5import (6func FindCaller() string {7 pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)8 if !ok {9 return "runtime.Caller() failed"10 }11 f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)12 file = strings.TrimPrefix(file, "/home/username/go/src/")13 return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d %s", file, line, f.Name())14}
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello World")4 integration_test.FindCaller()5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println("Hello World")9 integration_test.FindCaller()10}11import (12func FindCaller() {13 pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)14 if ok {15 fmt.Printf("Caller is %v16", runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name())17 fmt.Printf("File is %v18 fmt.Printf("Line is %v19 }20}
Using AI Code Generation
1import "testing"2func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {3 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {4 t.Helper()5 t.Log("TestFindCaller")6 t.Log(FindCaller(t))7 })8}9import "testing"10func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {11 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {12 t.Helper()13 t.Log("TestFindCaller")14 t.Log(FindCaller(t))15 })16}17import "testing"18func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {19 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {20 t.Helper()21 t.Log("TestFindCaller")22 t.Log(FindCaller(t))23 })24}25import "testing"26func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {27 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {28 t.Helper()29 t.Log("TestFindCaller")30 t.Log(FindCaller(t))31 })32}33import "testing"34func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {35 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {36 t.Helper()37 t.Log("TestFindCaller")38 t.Log(FindCaller(t))39 })40}41import "testing"42func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {43 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {44 t.Helper()45 t.Log("TestFindCaller")46 t.Log(FindCaller(t))47 })48}49import "testing"50func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {51 t.Run("FindCaller Test", func(t *testing.T) {52 t.Helper()53 t.Log("TestFindCaller")54 t.Log(FindCaller(t))55 })
Using AI Code Generation
1func TestFindCaller(t *testing.T) {2 caller := integration_test.FindCaller()3 if caller != "integration_test" {4 t.Error("Expected caller to be integration_test but got ", caller)5 }6}7--- PASS: TestFindCaller (0.00s)8--- PASS: TestFindCaller (0.00s)9--- PASS: TestFindCaller (0.00s)10--- PASS: TestFindCaller (
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 integration_test.FindCaller()5}6import (7func FindCaller() {8 _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(0)9 if ok {10 fmt.Println(file, line)11 }12}13Your name to display (optional):14Your name to display (optional):15Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 integration_test.FindCaller()5}6import (7func main() {8 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")9 integration_test.FindCaller()10}
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