How to use canBackquote method of internal Package

Best Go-testdeep code snippet using internal.canBackquote


Source:go118_export.go Github


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1// export by go1.18 && !go1.193// +build go1.18,!go1.194package strconv5import (6 q "strconv"7 "go/constant"8 "reflect"9 ""10)11func init() {12 igop.RegisterPackage(&igop.Package{13 Name: "strconv",14 Path: "strconv",15 Deps: map[string]string{16 "errors": "errors",17 "internal/bytealg": "bytealg",18 "math": "math",19 "math/bits": "bits",20 "unicode/utf8": "utf8",21 },22 Interfaces: map[string]reflect.Type{},23 NamedTypes: map[string]reflect.Type{24 "NumError": reflect.TypeOf((*q.NumError)(nil)).Elem(),25 },26 AliasTypes: map[string]reflect.Type{},27 Vars: map[string]reflect.Value{28 "ErrRange": reflect.ValueOf(&q.ErrRange),29 "ErrSyntax": reflect.ValueOf(&q.ErrSyntax),30 },31 Funcs: map[string]reflect.Value{32 "AppendBool": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendBool),33 "AppendFloat": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendFloat),34 "AppendInt": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendInt),35 "AppendQuote": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuote),36 "AppendQuoteRune": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteRune),37 "AppendQuoteRuneToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII),38 "AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic),39 "AppendQuoteToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteToASCII),40 "AppendQuoteToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteToGraphic),41 "AppendUint": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendUint),42 "Atoi": reflect.ValueOf(q.Atoi),43 "CanBackquote": reflect.ValueOf(q.CanBackquote),44 "FormatBool": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatBool),45 "FormatComplex": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatComplex),46 "FormatFloat": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatFloat),47 "FormatInt": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatInt),48 "FormatUint": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatUint),49 "IsGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.IsGraphic),50 "IsPrint": reflect.ValueOf(q.IsPrint),51 "Itoa": reflect.ValueOf(q.Itoa),52 "ParseBool": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseBool),53 "ParseComplex": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseComplex),54 "ParseFloat": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseFloat),55 "ParseInt": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseInt),56 "ParseUint": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseUint),57 "Quote": reflect.ValueOf(q.Quote),58 "QuoteRune": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteRune),59 "QuoteRuneToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteRuneToASCII),60 "QuoteRuneToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteRuneToGraphic),61 "QuoteToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteToASCII),62 "QuoteToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteToGraphic),63 "QuotedPrefix": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuotedPrefix),64 "Unquote": reflect.ValueOf(q.Unquote),65 "UnquoteChar": reflect.ValueOf(q.UnquoteChar),66 },67 TypedConsts: map[string]igop.TypedConst{},68 UntypedConsts: map[string]igop.UntypedConst{69 "IntSize": {"untyped int", constant.MakeInt64(int64(q.IntSize))},70 },71 })72}...

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Source:go114_export.go Github


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1// export by go1.14,!go1.153package strconv4import (5 q "strconv"6 "go/constant"7 "reflect"8 ""9)10func init() {11 igop.RegisterPackage(&igop.Package{12 Name: "strconv",13 Path: "strconv",14 Deps: map[string]string{15 "errors": "errors",16 "internal/bytealg": "bytealg",17 "math": "math",18 "math/bits": "bits",19 "unicode/utf8": "utf8",20 },21 Interfaces: map[string]reflect.Type{},22 NamedTypes: map[string]reflect.Type{23 "NumError": reflect.TypeOf((*q.NumError)(nil)).Elem(),24 },25 AliasTypes: map[string]reflect.Type{},26 Vars: map[string]reflect.Value{27 "ErrRange": reflect.ValueOf(&q.ErrRange),28 "ErrSyntax": reflect.ValueOf(&q.ErrSyntax),29 },30 Funcs: map[string]reflect.Value{31 "AppendBool": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendBool),32 "AppendFloat": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendFloat),33 "AppendInt": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendInt),34 "AppendQuote": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuote),35 "AppendQuoteRune": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteRune),36 "AppendQuoteRuneToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII),37 "AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic),38 "AppendQuoteToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteToASCII),39 "AppendQuoteToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendQuoteToGraphic),40 "AppendUint": reflect.ValueOf(q.AppendUint),41 "Atoi": reflect.ValueOf(q.Atoi),42 "CanBackquote": reflect.ValueOf(q.CanBackquote),43 "FormatBool": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatBool),44 "FormatFloat": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatFloat),45 "FormatInt": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatInt),46 "FormatUint": reflect.ValueOf(q.FormatUint),47 "IsGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.IsGraphic),48 "IsPrint": reflect.ValueOf(q.IsPrint),49 "Itoa": reflect.ValueOf(q.Itoa),50 "ParseBool": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseBool),51 "ParseFloat": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseFloat),52 "ParseInt": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseInt),53 "ParseUint": reflect.ValueOf(q.ParseUint),54 "Quote": reflect.ValueOf(q.Quote),55 "QuoteRune": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteRune),56 "QuoteRuneToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteRuneToASCII),57 "QuoteRuneToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteRuneToGraphic),58 "QuoteToASCII": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteToASCII),59 "QuoteToGraphic": reflect.ValueOf(q.QuoteToGraphic),60 "Unquote": reflect.ValueOf(q.Unquote),61 "UnquoteChar": reflect.ValueOf(q.UnquoteChar),62 },63 TypedConsts: map[string]igop.TypedConst{},64 UntypedConsts: map[string]igop.UntypedConst{65 "IntSize": {"untyped int", constant.MakeInt64(int64(q.IntSize))},66 },67 })68}...

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Source:response.go Github


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...10 "net/http/httputil"11 "testing"12 "unicode/utf8"13)14// canBackquote is the same as strconv.CanBackquote but works on15// []byte and accepts '\n' and '\r'.16func canBackquote(b []byte) bool {17 for len(b) > 0 {18 r, wid := utf8.DecodeRune(b)19 b = b[wid:]20 if wid > 1 {21 if r == '\ufeff' {22 return false // BOMs are invisible and should not be quoted.23 }24 continue // All other multibyte runes are correctly encoded and assumed printable.25 }26 if r == utf8.RuneError {27 return false28 }29 if (r < ' ' && r != '\t' && r != '\n' && r != '\r') || r == '`' || r == '\u007F' {30 return false31 }32 }33 return true34}35func replaceCrLf(b []byte) []byte {36 return bytes.ReplaceAll(b, []byte("\r\n"), []byte("\n"))37}38func backquote(b []byte) ([]byte, bool) {39 // if there is as many \r\n as \n, replace all occurrences by \n40 // so we can conveniently print the buffer inside `…`.41 crnl := bytes.Count(b, []byte("\r\n"))42 cr := bytes.Count(b, []byte("\r"))43 if crnl != 0 {44 nl := bytes.Count(b, []byte("\n"))45 if crnl != nl || crnl != cr {46 return nil, false47 }48 return replaceCrLf(b), true49 }50 return b, cr == 051}52// DumpResponse logs "resp" using Logf method of "t".53//54// It tries to produce a result as readable as possible first using55// backquotes then falling back to double-quotes.56func DumpResponse(t testing.TB, resp *http.Response) {57 t.Helper()58 const label = "Received response:\n"59 b, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)60 if canBackquote(b) {61 bodyPos := bytes.Index(b, []byte("\r\n\r\n"))62 if body, ok := backquote(b[bodyPos+4:]); ok {63 headers := replaceCrLf(b[:bodyPos])64 t.Logf(label+"`%s\n\n%s`", headers, body)65 return66 }67 }68 t.Logf(label+"%q", b)69}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fset := token.NewFileSet()4 f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "1.go", nil, 0)5 if err != nil {6 fmt.Println(err)7 }8 ast.Print(fset, f)9}10import (11func main() {12 fset := token.NewFileSet()13 f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "1.go", nil, 0)14 if err != nil {15 fmt.Println(err)16 }17 ast.Print(fset, f)18}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fset := token.NewFileSet()4 f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "1.go", nil, parser.ParseComments)5 if err != nil {6 log.Fatal(err)7 }8 pkg := types.NewPackage("main", "main")9 info := &types.Info{10 Defs: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),11 }12 conf := types.Config{Importer: importerFor(fset, pkg, info)}13 _, err = conf.Check("main", fset, []*ast.File{f}, info)14 if err != nil {15 log.Fatal(err)16 }17 ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {18 if v, ok := n.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {19 if v.Kind == token.STRING {20 fmt.Println("String: ", v.Value)21 fmt.Println("Can backquote: ", ast.CanBackquote(v.Value))22 }23 }24 })25}26import "fmt"27func main() {28 fmt.Println("Hello World")29 fmt.Println("Hello\tWorld")30 fmt.Println("Hello31 fmt.Println("Hello\rWorld")32 fmt.Println("Hello\vWorld")33 fmt.Println("Hello

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "1.go", nil, 0)4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 for _, s := range f.Imports {8 fmt.Println(s.Path.Value)9 }10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(bytealg.CanBackquote("Hello"))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(bytealg.CanBackquote("Hello"))8}9Recommended Posts: Golang | io.CopyN() Method10Golang | io.Copy() Method11Golang | io.CopyBuffer() Method12Golang | io.WriteString() Method13Golang | io.ReadAtLeast() Method14Golang | io.ReadFull() Method15Golang | io.ReadFrom() Method16Golang | io.ReadCloser() Method17Golang | io.PipeWriter() Method18Golang | io.PipeReader() Method19Golang | io.Pipe() Method20Golang | io.MultiWriter() Method21Golang | io.MultiReader() Method22Golang | io.LimitReader() Method23Golang | io.Discard() Method24Golang | io.EOF() Method25Golang | io.ErrUnexpectedEOF() Method26Golang | io.ErrShortBuffer() Method27Golang | io.ErrShortWrite() Method28Golang | io.ErrClosedPipe() Method29Golang | io.ErrNoProgress() Method30Golang | io.ErrUnexpectedEOF() Method31Golang | io.ErrShortBuffer() Method32Golang | io.ErrShortWrite() Method33Golang | io.ErrClosedPipe() Method34Golang | io.ErrNoProgress() Method35Golang | io.EOF() Method36Golang | io.NopCloser() Method37Golang | io.NewSectionReader() Method38Golang | io.NewSectionWriter() Method39Golang | io.NewWriteCloser() Method40Golang | io.NewReadCloser() Method41Golang | io.NewReadWriter() Method42Golang | io.NewWriter() Method43Golang | io.NewWriterSize() Method44Golang | io.NewWriterN() Method45Golang | io.NewWriterBuffer() Method46Golang | io.NewWriterAt() Method47Golang | io.NewWriterAtBuffer() Method

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println(canBackquote("hello"))4}5func canBackquote(s string) bool {6 for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {7 if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c == '_' {8 }9 }10}11import "fmt"12func main() {13 fmt.Println(CanBackquote("hello"))14}15func CanBackquote(s string) bool {16 for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {17 if 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' || c == '_' {18 }19 }20}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import "strings"3func main() {4 fmt.Println(strings.CanBackquote("Hello"))5}6import "fmt"7import "strings"8func main() {9 fmt.Println(strings.CanBackquote("Hello"))10}11Go | strings.Repeat()12Go | strings.Index()13Go | strings.IndexAny()14Go | strings.IndexRune()15Go | strings.IndexByte()16Go | strings.Contains()17Go | strings.ContainsAny()18Go | strings.ContainsRune()19Go | strings.ContainsFunc()20Go | strings.Count()21Go | strings.HasPrefix()22Go | strings.HasSuffix()23Go | strings.Join()24Go | strings.NewReader()25Go | strings.Fields()26Go | strings.FieldsFunc()27Go | strings.Map()28Go | strings.Trim()29Go | strings.TrimFunc()30Go | strings.TrimLeftFunc()31Go | strings.TrimRightFunc()32Go | strings.TrimPrefix()33Go | strings.TrimSuffix()34Go | strings.Replace()35Go | strings.ReplaceAll()36Go | strings.Split()37Go | strings.SplitAfter()38Go | strings.SplitN()39Go | strings.SplitAfterN()40Go | strings.Title()41Go | strings.ToLower()42Go | strings.ToUpper()43Go | strings.ToTitle()44Go | strings.ToTitleSpecial()45Go | strings.EqualFold()46Go | strings.Compare()47Go | strings.Reader()48Go | strings.LastIndex()49Go | strings.LastIndexAny()50Go | strings.LastIndexByte()51Go | strings.LastIndexFunc()52Go | strings.IndexFunc()53Go | strings.Builder.WriteRune()54Go | strings.Builder.WriteByte()55Go | strings.Builder.WriteByte()56Go | strings.Builder.Write()57Go | strings.Builder.WriteRune()58Go | strings.Builder.WriteByte()59Go | strings.Builder.WriteTo()60Go | strings.Builder.Reset()61Go | strings.Builder.Len()62Go | strings.Builder.Cap()63Go | strings.Builder.String()64Go | strings.Builder.Grow()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import "strings"3func main() {4 fmt.Println(strings.CanBackquote("Hello"))5}6Go | strings.FieldsFunc()7Go | strings.IndexAny()8Go | strings.ReplaceAll()9Go | strings.Title()10Go | strings.TrimFunc()11Go | strings.Repeat()12Go | strings.IndexRune()13Go | strings.Count()14Go | strings.IndexByte()15Go | strings.TrimPrefix()16Go | strings.ToLower()17Go | strings.SplitAfter()18Go | strings.SplitAfterN()19Go | strings.ToUpper()20Go | strings.SplitN()21Go | strings.Split()22Go | strings.TrimRightFunc()23Go | strings.TrimRight()24Go | strings.TrimLeftFunc()25Go | strings.TrimLeft()26Go | strings.Trim()27Go | strings.TrimSuffix()28Go | strings.TrimSpace()29Go | strings.HasSuffix()30Go | strings.HasPrefix()31Go | strings.ContainsAny()32Go | strings.ContainsRune()33Go | strings.Contains()34Go | strings.Compare()35Go | strings.EqualFold()36Go | strings.NewReader()37Go | strings.LastIndexAny()38Go | strings.LastIndexByte()39Go | strings.LastIndexFunc()40Go | strings.LastIndex()41Go | strings.Map()42Go | strings.NewReplacer()43Go | strings.Replace()44Go | strings.FieldsFunc()45Go | strings.IndexAny()46Go | strings.ReplaceAll()47Go | strings.Title()48Go | strings.TrimFunc()49Go | strings.Repeat()50Go | strings.IndexRune()51Go | strings.Count()52Go | strings.IndexByte()53Go | strings.TrimPrefix()54Go | strings.ToLower()55Go | strings.SplitAfter()56Go | strings.SplitAfterN()57Go | strings.ToUpper()58Go | strings.SplitN()59Go | strings.Split()60Go | strings.TrimRightFunc()61Go | strings.TrimRight()62Go | strings.TrimLeftFunc()63Go | strings.TrimLeft()64Go | strings.Trim()65Go | strings.TrimSuffix()66Go | strings.TrimSpace()67Go | strings.HasSuffix()68Go | strings.HasPrefix()69Go | strings.ContainsAny()70Go | strings.ContainsRune()71Go | strings.Contains()72Go | strings.Compare()73Go | strings.EqualFold()74Go | strings.NewReader()75Go | strings.LastIndexAny()76Go | strings.LastIndexByte()77Go | strings.LastIndexFunc()78Go | strings.LastIndex()79Go | strings.Map()80Go | strings.NewReplacer()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(internal.CanBackquote("test"))4}5import "fmt"6func CanBackquote(s string) bool {7 return canBackquote(s)8}9func canBackquote(s string) bool {10 fmt.Println("canBackquote")11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import ""3func main() {4 fmt.Println("Hello World")5 fmt.Println("can backquote? ",canBackquote.CanBackquote("hello"))6}

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