How to use AddCustomLevel method of ctxerr Package

Best Go-testdeep code snippet using ctxerr.AddCustomLevel


Source:td_grep.go Github


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...186 case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:187 const grepped = "<grepped>"188 if got.Kind() == reflect.Slice && got.IsNil() {189 return deepValueEqual(190 ctx.AddCustomLevel(grepped),191 reflect.New(got.Type()).Elem(),192 g.expectedValue,193 )194 }195 l := got.Len()196 out := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(got.Type().Elem()), 0, l)197 for idx := 0; idx < l; idx++ {198 item := got.Index(idx)199 ok, rErr := g.matchItem(ctx, idx, item)200 if rErr != nil {201 return rErr202 }203 if ok {204 out = reflect.Append(out, item)205 }206 }207 return deepValueEqual(ctx.AddCustomLevel(grepped), out, g.expectedValue)208 }209 return grepBadKind(ctx, got)210}211type tdFirst struct {212 tdGrepBase213}214var _ TestDeep = &tdFirst{}215// summary(First): find the first matching item of a slice or an array216// then compare its content217// input(First): array,slice,ptr(ptr on array/slice)218// First is a smuggler operator. It takes an array, a slice or a219// pointer on array/slice. For each item it applies filter, a220// [TestDeep] operator or a function returning a bool. It takes the221// first item for which the filter matched and compares it to222// expectedValue. The filter matches when it is a:223// - [TestDeep] operator and it matches for the item;224// - function receiving the item and it returns true.225//226// expectedValue can of course be a [TestDeep] operator.227//228// got := []int{-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}229// td.Cmp(t, got, td.First(td.Gt(0), 1)) // succeeds230// td.Cmp(t, got, td.First(func(x int) bool { return x%2 == 0 }, -2)) // succeeds231// td.Cmp(t, got, td.First(func(x int) bool { return x%2 == 0 }, td.Lt(0))) // succeeds232//233// If the input is empty (and/or nil for a slice), an "item not found"234// error is raised before comparing to expectedValue.235//236// var got []int237// td.Cmp(t, got, td.First(td.Gt(0), td.Gt(0))) // fails238// td.Cmp(t, []int{}, td.First(td.Gt(0), td.Gt(0))) // fails239// td.Cmp(t, [0]int{}, td.First(td.Gt(0), td.Gt(0))) // fails240//241// See also [Last] and [Grep].242func First(filter, expectedValue any) TestDeep {243 g := tdFirst{}244 g.initGrepBase(filter, expectedValue)245 return &g246}247func (g *tdFirst) Match(ctx ctxerr.Context, got reflect.Value) *ctxerr.Error {248 if g.err != nil {249 return ctx.CollectError(g.err)250 }251 if rErr := grepResolvePtr(ctx, &got); rErr != nil {252 return rErr253 }254 switch got.Kind() {255 case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:256 for idx, l := 0, got.Len(); idx < l; idx++ {257 item := got.Index(idx)258 ok, rErr := g.matchItem(ctx, idx, item)259 if rErr != nil {260 return rErr261 }262 if ok {263 return deepValueEqual(264 ctx.AddCustomLevel(S("<first#%d>", idx)),265 item,266 g.expectedValue,267 )268 }269 }270 return g.notFound(ctx, got)271 }272 return grepBadKind(ctx, got)273}274func (g *tdFirst) TypeBehind() reflect.Type {275 return g.sliceTypeBehind()276}277type tdLast struct {278 tdGrepBase279}280var _ TestDeep = &tdLast{}281// summary(Last): find the last matching item of a slice or an array282// then compare its content283// input(Last): array,slice,ptr(ptr on array/slice)284// Last is a smuggler operator. It takes an array, a slice or a285// pointer on array/slice. For each item it applies filter, a286// [TestDeep] operator or a function returning a bool. It takes the287// last item for which the filter matched and compares it to288// expectedValue. The filter matches when it is a:289// - [TestDeep] operator and it matches for the item;290// - function receiving the item and it returns true.291//292// expectedValue can of course be a [TestDeep] operator.293//294// got := []int{-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}295// td.Cmp(t, got, td.Last(td.Lt(0), -1)) // succeeds296// td.Cmp(t, got, td.Last(func(x int) bool { return x%2 == 0 }, 2)) // succeeds297// td.Cmp(t, got, td.Last(func(x int) bool { return x%2 == 0 }, td.Gt(0))) // succeeds298//299// If the input is empty (and/or nil for a slice), an "item not found"300// error is raised before comparing to expectedValue.301//302// var got []int303// td.Cmp(t, got, td.Last(td.Gt(0), td.Gt(0))) // fails304// td.Cmp(t, []int{}, td.Last(td.Gt(0), td.Gt(0))) // fails305// td.Cmp(t, [0]int{}, td.Last(td.Gt(0), td.Gt(0))) // fails306//307// See also [First] and [Grep].308func Last(filter, expectedValue any) TestDeep {309 g := tdLast{}310 g.initGrepBase(filter, expectedValue)311 return &g312}313func (g *tdLast) Match(ctx ctxerr.Context, got reflect.Value) *ctxerr.Error {314 if g.err != nil {315 return ctx.CollectError(g.err)316 }317 if rErr := grepResolvePtr(ctx, &got); rErr != nil {318 return rErr319 }320 switch got.Kind() {321 case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:322 for idx := got.Len() - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {323 item := got.Index(idx)324 ok, rErr := g.matchItem(ctx, idx, item)325 if rErr != nil {326 return rErr327 }328 if ok {329 return deepValueEqual(330 ctx.AddCustomLevel(S("<last#%d>", idx)),331 item,332 g.expectedValue,333 )334 }335 }336 return g.notFound(ctx, got)337 }338 return grepBadKind(ctx, got)339}340func (g *tdLast) TypeBehind() reflect.Type {341 return g.sliceTypeBehind()342}...

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Source:error_test.go Github


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...75 Line: 23,76 },77 Origin: &ctxerr.Error{78 Context: ctxerr.Context{79 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(12).AddField("Field").AddCustomLevel("<All#1/2>"),80 },81 Message: "origin error message",82 Summary: ctxerr.NewSummary("42"),83 Location: location.Location{84 File: "file2.go",85 Func: "SubOperator",86 Line: 236,87 },88 },89 }90 test.EqualStr(t, err.Error(),91 `DATA[12].Field: error message92 66693Originates from following error:94 DATA[12].Field<All#1/2>: origin error message95 4296 [under operator SubOperator at file2.go:236]97[under operator Operator at file.go:23]`)98 test.EqualStr(t, err.GotString(), "")99 test.EqualStr(t, err.ExpectedString(), "")100 test.EqualStr(t, err.SummaryString(), "666")101 err = ctxerr.Error{102 Context: ctxerr.Context{103 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(12).AddField("Field"),104 },105 Message: "error message",106 Summary: ctxerr.NewSummary("666"),107 Location: location.Location{108 File: "file.go",109 Func: "Operator",110 Line: 23,111 },112 Origin: &ctxerr.Error{113 Context: ctxerr.Context{114 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(12).AddField("Field").AddCustomLevel("<All#1/2>"),115 },116 Message: "origin error message",117 Summary: ctxerr.NewSummary("42"),118 Location: location.Location{119 File: "file2.go",120 Func: "SubOperator",121 Line: 236,122 },123 },124 // Next error at same location125 Next: &ctxerr.Error{126 Context: ctxerr.Context{127 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(13).AddField("Field"),128 },129 Message: "error message",130 Summary: ctxerr.NewSummary("888"),131 Location: location.Location{132 File: "file.go",133 Func: "Operator",134 Line: 23,135 },136 },137 }138 test.EqualStr(t, err.Error(),139 `DATA[12].Field: error message140 666141Originates from following error:142 DATA[12].Field<All#1/2>: origin error message143 42144 [under operator SubOperator at file2.go:236]145DATA[13].Field: error message146 888147[under operator Operator at file.go:23]`)148 err = ctxerr.Error{149 Context: ctxerr.Context{Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(12).AddField("Field")},150 Message: "error message",151 Summary: ctxerr.NewSummary("666"),152 Location: location.Location{153 File: "file.go",154 Func: "Operator",155 Line: 23,156 },157 Origin: &ctxerr.Error{158 Context: ctxerr.Context{159 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(12).AddField("Field").AddCustomLevel("<All#1/2>"),160 },161 Message: "origin error message",162 Summary: ctxerr.NewSummary("42"),163 Location: location.Location{164 File: "file2.go",165 Func: "SubOperator",166 Line: 236,167 },168 },169 // Next error at different location170 Next: &ctxerr.Error{171 Context: ctxerr.Context{172 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddArrayIndex(13).AddField("Field"),173 },...

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Source:path_test.go Github


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...143 AddPtr(3).144 AddFunctionCall("FUNC").145 AddArrayIndex(42).146 AddMapKey("key").147 AddCustomLevel("→panic"),148 Expected: `FUNC(***(*DATA).field1)[42]["key"]→panic`,149 },150 {151 Path: ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").152 AddPtr(2).153 AddField("field1").154 AddPtr(3).155 AddFunctionCall("FUNC").156 AddPtr(2).157 AddArrayIndex(42).158 AddMapKey("key").159 AddCustomLevel("→panic"),160 Expected: `(**FUNC(***(*DATA).field1))[42]["key"]→panic`,161 },162 } {163 test.EqualStr(t,164 testCase.Path.String(), testCase.Expected,165 "test case #%d", i)166 }167 var nilPath ctxerr.Path168 for i, newPath := range []ctxerr.Path{169 nilPath.Copy(),170 nilPath.AddField("foo"),171 nilPath.AddArrayIndex(42),172 nilPath.AddMapKey("bar"),173 nilPath.AddPtr(12),174 nilPath.AddFunctionCall("zip"),175 nilPath.AddCustomLevel("custom"),176 } {177 if newPath != nil {178 t.Errorf("at #%d, got=%p expected=nil", i, newPath)179 }180 }181}182func TestEqual(t *testing.T) {183 path := ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").184 AddPtr(2).185 AddField("field1")186 test.EqualInt(t, path.Len(), 2)187 test.IsTrue(t, path.Equal(ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddPtr(1).AddPtr(1).AddField("field1")))188 test.IsFalse(t, path.Equal(ctxerr.NewPath("DATA")))189 test.IsFalse(t, path.Equal(ctxerr.NewPath("DATA").AddPtr(2).AddField("field2")))...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 h := fasthttpadaptor.NewFastHTTPHandlerFunc(handler)4 log.Fatal(fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", h))5}6func handler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctx := ctxerr.New()4 ctx.AddCustomLevel("debug", 5)5 ctx.SetLevel("debug")6 ctx.SetFormatter(&logrus.TextFormatter{})7 ctx.SetOutput(os.Stdout)8 ctx.Debug("This is a debug message")9}

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1import (2func main() {3 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("INFO", "INFO", 1)4 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("WARNING", "WARNING", 2)5 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("ERROR", "ERROR", 3)6 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("FATAL", "FATAL", 4)7 fmt.Println("INFO:", ctxerr.INFO)8 fmt.Println("WARNING:", ctxerr.WARNING)9 fmt.Println("ERROR:", ctxerr.ERROR)10 fmt.Println("FATAL:", ctxerr.FATAL)11}12import (13func main() {14 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("INFO", "INFO", 1)15 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("WARNING", "WARNING", 2)16 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("ERROR", "ERROR", 3)17 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("FATAL", "FATAL", 4)18 fmt.Println("INFO:", ctxerr.INFO)19 fmt.Println("WARNING:", ctxerr.WARNING)20 fmt.Println("ERROR:", ctxerr.ERROR)21 fmt.Println("FATAL:", ctxerr.FATAL)22}23import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 err := errors.New("some error")4 cErr := ctxerr.New("some context", err)5 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level1", "some more context")6 fmt.Println(cErr.Error())7}8import (9func main() {10 err := errors.New("some error")11 cErr := ctxerr.New("some context", err)12 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level1", "some more context")13 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level2", "some more context")14 fmt.Println(cErr.Error())15}16import (17func main() {18 err := errors.New("some error")19 cErr := ctxerr.New("some context", err)20 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level1", "some more context")21 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level2", "some more context")22 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level3", "some more context")23 fmt.Println(cErr.Error())24}25import (26func main() {27 err := errors.New("some error")28 cErr := ctxerr.New("some context", err)29 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level1", "some more context")30 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level2", "some more context")31 cErr.AddCustomLevel("level3", "some more context")32 cErr.AddCustomLevel("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("CUSTOM", 5)4 err := ctxerr.New("CUSTOM", "This is a custom error")5 fmt.Println(err)6}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 customLevel := ctxerr.NewCustomLevel("CUSTOMLEVEL", 5)4 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel(customLevel)5 err := ctxerr.NewError("Error message", "Error code", ctxerr.CUSTOMLEVEL)6 fmt.Println(err.Level)7 fmt.Println(err.Message)8 fmt.Println(err.Code)9 fmt.Println(err.LevelName)10}11import (12func main() {13 customLevel1 := ctxerr.NewCustomLevel("CUSTOMLEVEL1", 5)14 customLevel2 := ctxerr.NewCustomLevel("CUSTOMLEVEL2", 6)15 customLevel3 := ctxerr.NewCustomLevel("CUSTOMLEVEL3", 7)16 customLevel4 := ctxerr.NewCustomLevel("CUSTOMLEVEL4", 8)17 customLevel5 := ctxerr.NewCustomLevel("CUSTOMLEVEL5", 9)18 ctxerr.AddCustomLevels(customLevel1, customLevel2, customLevel3, customLevel4, customLevel5)19 err := ctxerr.NewError("Error message", "Error code", ctxerr.CUSTOMLEVEL4)20 fmt.Println(err.Level)21 fmt.Println(err.Message)22 fmt.Println(err.Code)23 fmt.Println(err.LevelName)24}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("test", 2)3 err := ctxerr.New("error", ctxerr.Level("test"))4 if ctxerr.Level("test").Check(err) {5 fmt.Println("error is of level \"test\"")6 }7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("custom1", 100)4 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("custom2", 200)5 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("custom3", 300)6 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("custom4", 400)7 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("custom5", 500)8 ctxerr.AddCustomLevel("custom6", 600)9 err1 := ctxerr.New("error1", "Custom Error1", 100)10 err2 := ctxerr.New("error2", "Custom Error2", 200, err1)11 err3 := ctxerr.New("error3", "Custom Error3", 300, err2, map[string]string{"key1": "value1"})12 err4 := ctxerr.New("error4", "Custom Error4", 400, err3, map[string]string{"key2": "value2"}, true)13 err5 := ctxerr.New("error5", "Custom Error5", 500, err4, map[string]string{"key3": "value3"}, true, "custom1")14 err6 := ctxerr.New("error6", "Custom Error6", 600, err5, map[string]string{"key4": "value4"}, true, "custom2", "Custom Message6")15 fmt.Println(err6)16}

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