Best Ginkgo code snippet using ginkgo.Label
Source: serial.go
...156 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to create TidbCluster: %v", tc)157 err = oa.WaitForTidbClusterReady(tc, 30*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)158 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to wait for TidbCluster ready: %v", tc)159 ginkgo.By("Set tikv partition annotation to 1")160 err = setPartitionAnnotation(ns, tc.Name, label.TiKVLabelVal, 1)161 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "set tikv Partition annotation failed")162 ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("Upgrade TidbCluster version to %q", utilimage.TiDBLatest))163 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc, func() error {164 tc.Spec.Version = utilimage.TiDBLatest165 return nil166 })167 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update TidbCluster to upgrade tidb version to %v", utilimage.TiDBLatest)168 ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("wait for tikv-1 pod upgrading to %q", utilimage.TiDBLatest))169 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 10*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {170 tikvPod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Get(context.TODO(), fmt.Sprintf("%s-tikv-1", tc.Name), metav1.GetOptions{})171 if err != nil {172 return false, nil173 }174 if tikvPod.Spec.Containers[0].Image != fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tikv:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatest) {175 return false, nil176 }177 return true, nil178 })179 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to upgrade tikv-1 to %q", utilimage.TiDBLatest)180 ginkgo.By("Wait to see if tikv sts partition annotation remains 1 for 3 min")181 // TODO: explain the purpose of this testing182 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 3*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {183 tikvSts, err := c.AppsV1().StatefulSets(ns).Get(context.TODO(), fmt.Sprintf("%s-tikv", tc.Name), metav1.GetOptions{})184 if err != nil {185 return false, err186 }187 strategy := tikvSts.Spec.UpdateStrategy188 if strategy.RollingUpdate != nil && strategy.RollingUpdate.Partition != nil &&189 *strategy.RollingUpdate.Partition == int32(1) {190 return false, nil191 }192 return true, nil193 })194 framework.ExpectEqual(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout, "tikv sts partition annotation should remain 1 for 3 min")195 ginkgo.By("Set tc annotations to nil")196 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc, func() error {197 tc.Annotations = nil198 return nil199 })200 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to set TidbCluster annotation to nil: %v", tc)201 // TODO: find a more graceful way to check tidbcluster during upgrading202 err = oa.WaitForTidbClusterReady(tc, 30*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)203 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to wait for TidbCluster ready: %v", tc)204 })205 })206 ginkgo.Describe("[Feature: Defaulting and Validating]", func() {207 var ocfg *tests.OperatorConfig208 var oa *tests.OperatorActions209 ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {210 ocfg = &tests.OperatorConfig{211 Namespace: ns,212 ReleaseName: "operator",213 Image: cfg.OperatorImage,214 Tag: cfg.OperatorTag,215 SchedulerImage: "",216 LogLevel: "4",217 ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullIfNotPresent,218 TestMode: true,219 WebhookEnabled: false,220 ValidatingEnabled: true,221 DefaultingEnabled: true,222 SchedulerReplicas: util.IntPtr(0),223 ControllerManagerReplicas: util.IntPtr(0),224 }225 oa = tests.NewOperatorActions(cli, c, asCli, aggrCli, apiExtCli, tests.DefaultPollInterval, ocfg, e2econfig.TestConfig, fw, f)226 ginkgo.By("Installing CRDs")227 oa.CleanCRDOrDie()228 oa.CreateCRDOrDie(ocfg)229 ginkgo.By("Installing tidb-operator")230 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)231 oa.DeployOperatorOrDie(ocfg)232 })233 ginkgo.AfterEach(func() {234 ginkgo.By("Uninstall tidb-operator")235 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)236 ginkgo.By("Uninstalling CRDs")237 oa.CleanCRDOrDie()238 })239 ginkgo.It("should perform defaulting and validating properly", func() {240 ginkgo.By("Deploy a legacy tc")241 legacyTc := &v1alpha1.TidbCluster{242 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{243 Namespace: ns,244 Name: "created-by-helm",245 },246 Spec: v1alpha1.TidbClusterSpec{247 TiDB: &v1alpha1.TiDBSpec{248 Replicas: 1,249 ComponentSpec: v1alpha1.ComponentSpec{250 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tidb:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev),251 },252 },253 TiKV: &v1alpha1.TiKVSpec{254 Replicas: 1,255 ComponentSpec: v1alpha1.ComponentSpec{256 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tikv:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev),257 },258 ResourceRequirements: v1.ResourceRequirements{259 Requests: v1.ResourceList{260 v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10G"),261 },262 },263 },264 PD: &v1alpha1.PDSpec{265 Replicas: 1,266 ComponentSpec: v1alpha1.ComponentSpec{267 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/pd:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev),268 },269 ResourceRequirements: v1.ResourceRequirements{270 Requests: v1.ResourceList{271 v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10G"),272 },273 },274 },275 },276 }277 var err error278 legacyTc, err = cli.PingcapV1alpha1().TidbClusters(ns).Create(context.TODO(), legacyTc, metav1.CreateOptions{})279 // err := genericCli.Create(context.TODO(),context.TODO(), legacyTc)280 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected create tidbcluster without defaulting and validating")281 ginkgo.By("Enable webhook in operator")282 ocfg.WebhookEnabled = true283 oa.UpgradeOperatorOrDie(ocfg)284 // now the webhook enabled285 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, legacyTc, func() error {286 legacyTc.Spec.TiDB.Image = fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tidb:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatest)287 return nil288 })289 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Update legacy TidbCluster should not be influenced by validating")290 framework.ExpectEqual(legacyTc.Spec.TiDB.BaseImage, "", "Update legacy tidbcluster should not be influenced by defaulting")291 ginkgo.By("Update TidbCluster to use webhook")292 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, legacyTc, func() error {293 legacyTc.Spec.TiDB.BaseImage = "pingcap/tidb"294 legacyTc.Spec.TiKV.BaseImage = "pingcap/tikv"295 legacyTc.Spec.PD.BaseImage = "pingcap/pd"296 legacyTc.Spec.PD.Version = pointer.StringPtr(utilimage.TiDBLatest)297 return nil298 })299 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update TidbCluster")300 ginkgo.By("Set empty values to test validating")301 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, legacyTc, func() error {302 legacyTc.Spec.TiDB.BaseImage = ""303 legacyTc.Spec.PD.Version = pointer.StringPtr("")304 return nil305 })306 framework.ExpectError(err, "Validating should reject empty mandatory fields")307 ginkgo.By("Deploy a new tc with legacy fields")308 // TODO: explain the purpose of this testing309 newTC := &v1alpha1.TidbCluster{310 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{311 Namespace: ns,312 Name: "newly-created",313 },314 Spec: v1alpha1.TidbClusterSpec{315 TiDB: &v1alpha1.TiDBSpec{316 ComponentSpec: v1alpha1.ComponentSpec{317 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tidb:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatest),318 },319 },320 TiKV: &v1alpha1.TiKVSpec{321 ComponentSpec: v1alpha1.ComponentSpec{322 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tikv:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatest),323 },324 ResourceRequirements: v1.ResourceRequirements{325 Requests: v1.ResourceList{326 v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10G"),327 },328 },329 },330 PD: &v1alpha1.PDSpec{331 ComponentSpec: v1alpha1.ComponentSpec{332 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/pd:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatest),333 },334 ResourceRequirements: v1.ResourceRequirements{335 Requests: v1.ResourceList{336 v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10G"),337 },338 },339 },340 },341 }342 _, err = cli.PingcapV1alpha1().TidbClusters(ns).Create(context.TODO(), newTC, metav1.CreateOptions{})343 framework.ExpectError(err, "Validating should reject legacy fields for newly created cluster")344 ginkgo.By("Deploy a new tc")345 newTC = &v1alpha1.TidbCluster{346 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{347 Namespace: ns,348 Name: "newly-created",349 },350 Spec: v1alpha1.TidbClusterSpec{351 Version: utilimage.TiDBLatest,352 TiDB: &v1alpha1.TiDBSpec{353 Replicas: 1,354 },355 TiKV: &v1alpha1.TiKVSpec{356 Replicas: 1,357 ResourceRequirements: v1.ResourceRequirements{358 Requests: v1.ResourceList{359 v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10G"),360 },361 },362 },363 PD: &v1alpha1.PDSpec{364 Replicas: 1,365 ResourceRequirements: v1.ResourceRequirements{366 Requests: v1.ResourceList{367 v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("10G"),368 },369 },370 },371 },372 }373 newTC, err = cli.PingcapV1alpha1().TidbClusters(ns).Create(context.TODO(), newTC, metav1.CreateOptions{})374 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "required fields should be set by defaulting")375 // don't have to check all fields, just take some to test if defaulting set376 if empty, err := gomega.BeEmpty().Match(newTC.Spec.TiDB.BaseImage); empty {377 log.Failf("Expected tidb.baseImage has default value set, %v", err)378 }379 ginkgo.By("Update tc with invalid instance label value")380 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, newTC, func() error {381 newTC.Labels = map[string]string{382 label.InstanceLabelKey: "some-insane-label-value",383 }384 return nil385 })386 framework.ExpectError(err, "Could not set instance label with value other than cluster name")387 ginkgo.By("Update pd replication config in tc")388 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, newTC, func() error {389 c := v1alpha1.NewPDConfig()390 c.Set("replication.max-replicas", 5)391 newTC.Spec.PD.Config = c392 return nil393 })394 framework.ExpectError(err, "PD replication config is immutable through CR")395 })396 })397 ginkgo.Describe("Canary Deploy TiDB Operator", func() {398 var oa *tests.OperatorActions399 var ocfg *tests.OperatorConfig400 ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {401 ocfg = &tests.OperatorConfig{402 Namespace: ns,403 ReleaseName: "operator",404 Image: cfg.OperatorImage,405 Tag: cfg.OperatorTag,406 ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullIfNotPresent,407 }408 oa = tests.NewOperatorActions(cli, c, asCli, aggrCli, apiExtCli, tests.DefaultPollInterval, ocfg, e2econfig.TestConfig, fw, f)409 ginkgo.By("Installing CRDs")410 oa.CleanCRDOrDie()411 oa.CreateCRDOrDie(ocfg)412 ginkgo.By("Installing tidb-operator")413 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)414 oa.DeployOperatorOrDie(ocfg)415 })416 ginkgo.AfterEach(func() {417 ginkgo.By("Uninstall tidb-operator")418 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)419 ginkgo.By("Uninstalling CRDs")420 oa.CleanCRDOrDie()421 })422 ginkgo.It("Deploy TidbCluster and check the result", func() {423 tcName := "tidbcluster1"424 tc := fixture.GetTidbCluster(ns, tcName, utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev)425 tc.Spec.PD.Replicas = 1426 tc.Spec.TiKV.Replicas = 1427 tc.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 1428 ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("deploy original tc %q", utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev))429 utiltc.MustCreateTCWithComponentsReady(genericCli, oa, tc, 10*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)430 pdPods := utilpod.MustListPods(labels.SelectorFromSet(label.New().Instance(tcName).PD().Labels()).String(), ns, c)431 ginkgo.By("Set --selector=version=old for the default TiDB Operator")432 ocfg.Selector = []string{"version=old"}433 oa.UpgradeOperatorOrDie(ocfg)434 log.Logf("Upgrade operator with --set-string \"selector=version=old\"")435 ginkgo.By("Upgrade TidbCluster 1 version, wait for 2 minutes, check that no rolling update occurs")436 err := controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc, func() error {437 tc.Spec.Version = utilimage.TiDBLatest438 return nil439 })440 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update TidbCluster 1 to upgrade PD version to %v", utilimage.TiDBLatest)441 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 2*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {442 // confirm the TidbCluster 1 PD haven't been changed443 changed, err := utilpod.PodsAreChanged(c, pdPods)()444 if err != nil {445 log.Logf("ERROR: meet error during verify TidbCluster 1 PD pods, err:%v", err)446 return false, err447 }448 if changed {449 return true, nil450 }451 log.Logf("confirm TidbCluster 1 PD pods haven't been changed this time")452 return false, nil453 })454 framework.ExpectEqual(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout, "expect TidbCluster 1 PD haven't been changed for 2 minutes")455 log.Logf("Upgrade TidbCluster 1 to new version, but no rolling update occurs")456 ginkgo.By("Set label version=old to TidbCluster 1, check that PD of TidbCluster 1 has been rolling updated")457 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc, func() error {458 tc.Labels = map[string]string{"version": "old"}459 return nil460 })461 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update TidbCluster 1 to set label version=old")462 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 5*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {463 // confirm the PD Pods have been changed464 changed, err := utilpod.PodsAreChanged(c, pdPods)()465 if err != nil {466 log.Logf("ERROR: meet error during verify PD pods, err:%v", err)467 return false, err468 }469 if changed {470 return true, nil471 }472 log.Logf("PD pods haven't been changed yet")473 return false, nil474 })475 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "expect PD pods have been changed in 5 minutes")476 log.Logf("Upgrade TidbCluster 1 with label version=old and PD pods have been rolling updated.")477 ginkgo.By("Deploy TidbCluster 2 with label version=new")478 tc2Name := "tidbcluster2"479 tc2 := fixture.GetTidbCluster(ns, tc2Name, utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev)480 tc2.Spec.PD.Replicas = 1481 tc2.Spec.TiKV.Replicas = 1482 tc2.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 1483 tc2.Labels = map[string]string{"version": "new"}484 err = genericCli.Create(context.TODO(), tc2)485 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected Tidbcluster 2 be created")486 log.Logf("Finished deploying TidbCluster 2 with label version=new")487 ginkgo.By("Wait for 2 minutes and check that no PD Pod is created")488 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 2*time.Minute, func() (created bool, err error) {489 // confirm the Tidbcluster 2 PD Pods don't be created490 pdPods, err = utilpod.ListPods(labels.SelectorFromSet(label.New().Instance(tc2Name).PD().Labels()).String(), ns, c)491 if err != nil {492 log.Logf("ERROR: meet error during get PD pods, err:%v", err)493 return false, nil494 }495 if len(pdPods) != 0 {496 return true, nil497 }498 log.Logf("Tidbcluster 2 PD pods have not been created yet")499 return false, nil500 })501 framework.ExpectEqual(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout, "No PD Pods created for Tidbcluster 2")502 log.Logf("Confirm that no PD Pods created for Tidbcluster 2")503 ginkgo.By("Deploy TiDB Operator 2 with --selector=version=new")504 ocfg2 := &tests.OperatorConfig{505 Namespace: ns + "-canary-deploy",506 ReleaseName: "operator2",507 Image: cfg.OperatorImage,508 Tag: cfg.OperatorTag,509 ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullIfNotPresent,510 Selector: []string{"version=new"},511 //FIXME: AppendReleaseSuffix: true,512 }513 oa.DeployOperatorOrDie(ocfg2)514 log.Logf("Finished deploying TiDB Operator 2 with --selector=version=new")515 ginkgo.By("Check TidbCluster 2 is ready")516 err = oa.WaitForTidbClusterReady(tc2, 10*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)517 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected TiDB cluster2 ready")518 log.Logf("confirm TidbCluster 2 is ready")519 ginkgo.By("Delete the default TiDB Operator")520 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)521 log.Logf("Finished deleting the default Operator")522 ginkgo.By("Upgrade TiDB version of TidbCluster 2")523 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc2, func() error {524 tc2.Spec.Version = utilimage.TiDBLatest525 return nil526 })527 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to update TidbCluster 2 to upgrade tidb version to %v", utilimage.TiDBLatest)528 log.Logf("Finished upgrading TidbCluster 2")529 err = oa.WaitForTidbClusterReady(tc2, 10*time.Minute, 10*time.Second)530 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to wait for TidbCluster %s/%s components ready", ns, tc2.Name)531 ginkgo.By(fmt.Sprintf("wait for TidbCluster 2 pd-0 pod upgrading to %q", utilimage.TiDBLatest))532 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 10*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {533 pdPod, err := c.CoreV1().Pods(ns).Get(context.TODO(), fmt.Sprintf("%s-pd-0", tc2.Name), metav1.GetOptions{})534 if err != nil {535 return false, nil536 }537 if pdPod.Spec.Containers[0].Image != fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/pd:%s", utilimage.TiDBLatest) {538 return false, nil539 }540 return true, nil541 })542 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to upgrade TidbCluster 2 pd-0 to %q", utilimage.TiDBLatest)543 log.Logf("Finished upgrading TidbCluster 2")544 ginkgo.By("Deploy the default TiDB Operator with --selector=version=old")545 ocfg = &tests.OperatorConfig{546 Namespace: ns,547 ReleaseName: "operator",548 Image: cfg.OperatorImage,549 Tag: cfg.OperatorTag,550 ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullIfNotPresent,551 Selector: []string{"version=old"},552 }553 oa.DeployOperatorOrDie(ocfg)554 log.Logf("Finished deploying TiDB Operator 1 with --selector=version=old")555 ginkgo.By("Delete the TiDB Operator 2")556 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg2)557 log.Logf("Finished deleting the Operator 2")558 ginkgo.By("Scale-out TiDB of TidbCluster 1, wait for 5 minuts, check that scale up occurs")559 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc, func() error {560 tc.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 2561 return nil562 })563 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to scale out TidbCluster 1")564 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 5*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {565 tidbStatefulSet, err := c.AppsV1().StatefulSets(ns).Get(context.TODO(), fmt.Sprintf("%s-tidb", tc.Name), metav1.GetOptions{})566 if err != nil {567 return false, nil568 }569 if *tidbStatefulSet.Spec.Replicas != 2 {570 return false, nil571 }572 return true, nil573 })574 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "expect TiDB in tidbcluster 1 to scale out to 2")575 log.Logf("Succeed to scale out TiDB of TidbCluster 1")576 })577 })578 ginkgo.Describe("Upgrade TiDB Operator", func() {579 var (580 operatorVersion string581 oa *tests.OperatorActions582 ocfg *tests.OperatorConfig583 )584 ginkgo.JustBeforeEach(func() {585 // deploy older operator and CRDs586 ocfg = &tests.OperatorConfig{587 Namespace: ns,588 ReleaseName: "operator",589 Tag: operatorVersion,590 Image: fmt.Sprintf("pingcap/tidb-operator:%s", operatorVersion),591 }592 oa = tests.NewOperatorActions(cli, c, asCli, aggrCli, apiExtCli, tests.DefaultPollInterval, ocfg, e2econfig.TestConfig, fw, f)593 ginkgo.By("Installing CRDs")594 oa.CleanCRDOrDie()595 oa.CreateReleasedCRDOrDie(operatorVersion)596 ginkgo.By("Installing TiDB Operator")597 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)598 oa.DeployOperatorOrDie(ocfg)599 })600 ginkgo.JustAfterEach(func() {601 // clean current operator and CRDs602 ginkgo.By("Uninstall tidb-operator")603 oa.CleanOperatorOrDie(ocfg)604 ginkgo.By("Uninstalling CRDs")605 oa.CleanCRDOrDie()606 })607 ginkgo.Context("From latest version", func() {608 ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {609 operatorVersion = OperatorLatestVersion610 })611 ginkgo.It("should not trigger rolling-update", func() {612 tcName := fmt.Sprintf("upgrade-operator-from-%s", strings.ReplaceAll(operatorVersion, ".", "x"))613 tc := fixture.GetTidbCluster(ns, tcName, utilimage.TiDBLatest)614 tc = fixture.AddTiFlashForTidbCluster(tc)615 tc = fixture.AddTiCDCForTidbCluster(tc)616 tc = fixture.AddPumpForTidbCluster(tc)617 tc.Spec.PD.Replicas = 1618 tc.Spec.TiKV.Replicas = 1619 tc.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 1620 tc.Spec.TiFlash.Replicas = 1621 ginkgo.By("Deploy original TiDB cluster")622 utiltc.MustCreateTCWithComponentsReady(genericCli, oa, tc, 6*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)623 selector := MustGetLabelSelectorForComponents(tcName, label.DiscoveryLabelVal) // ingore discovery624 pods := utilpod.MustListPods(selector.String(), ns, c)625 ginkgo.By("Upgrade TiDB Operator and CRDs to current version")626 ocfg.Tag = cfg.OperatorTag627 ocfg.Image = cfg.OperatorImage628 oa.ReplaceCRDOrDie(ocfg)629 oa.UpgradeOperatorOrDie(ocfg)630 ginkgo.By("Wait for pods are not changed in 5 minutes")631 err := utilpod.WaitForPodsAreChanged(c, pods, time.Minute*5)632 framework.ExpectEqual(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout, "pods should not change in 5 minutes")633 })634 })635 ginkgo.Context("From prev major version", func() {636 ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {637 operatorVersion = OperatorPrevMajorVersion638 })639 type testCase struct {640 name string641 tls bool642 }643 cases := []testCase{644 {645 name: "should not trigger rolling-update and database work fine",646 tls: false,647 },648 {649 name: "should not trigger rolling-update and database work fine with TLS-enabled",650 tls: true,651 },652 }653 for i := range cases {654 testcase := cases[i]655 ginkgo.It(, func() {656 dbName := "test"657 tables := []string{"test_0", "test_1", "test_2"}658 recordCount := 30659 batchCount := 100660 expectCount := recordCount * batchCount661 bw := blockwriter.New(blockwriter.WithTableNum(len(tables)),662 blockwriter.WithRecordNum(recordCount),663 blockwriter.WithBatchSize(batchCount),664 blockwriter.WithGenTableName(func(nr int) string {665 return tables[nr]666 }))667 tcName := fmt.Sprintf("upgrade-operator-from-%s", strings.ReplaceAll(operatorVersion, ".", "x"))668 tc := fixture.GetTidbCluster(ns, tcName, utilimage.TiDBLatestPrev)669 tc = fixture.AddTiFlashForTidbCluster(tc)670 tc = fixture.AddTiCDCForTidbCluster(tc)671 tc = fixture.AddPumpForTidbCluster(tc)672 tc.Spec.PD.Replicas = 1673 tc.Spec.TiKV.Replicas = 1674 tc.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 1675 tc.Spec.TiFlash.Replicas = 1676 if testcase.tls {677 tc.Spec.TiDB.TLSClient = &v1alpha1.TiDBTLSClient{Enabled: true}678 tc.Spec.TLSCluster = &v1alpha1.TLSCluster{Enabled: true}679 ginkgo.By("Installing tidb CA certificate")680 err := InstallTiDBIssuer(ns, tcName)681 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to install CA certificate")682 ginkgo.By("Installing tidb server and client certificate")683 err = InstallTiDBCertificates(ns, tcName)684 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to install tidb server and client certificate")685 ginkgo.By("Installing tidbInitializer client certificate")686 err = installTiDBInitializerCertificates(ns, tcName)687 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to install tidbInitializer client certificate")688 ginkgo.By("Installing dashboard client certificate")689 err = installPDDashboardCertificates(ns, tcName)690 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to install dashboard client certificate")691 ginkgo.By("Installing tidb components certificates")692 err = InstallTiDBComponentsCertificates(ns, tcName)693 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to install tidb components certificates")694 }695 ginkgo.By("Deploy original TiDB cluster with prev version")696 utiltc.MustCreateTCWithComponentsReady(genericCli, oa, tc, 6*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)697 selector := MustGetLabelSelectorForComponents(tcName, label.DiscoveryLabelVal) // ingore discovery698 pods := utilpod.MustListPods(selector.String(), ns, c)699 dsn, fwcancel, err := utiltidb.PortForwardAndGetTiDBDSN(fw, ns, tcName, "root", "", dbName)700 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to get dsn")701 defer fwcancel()702 db := utildb.NewDatabaseOrDie(dsn)703 defer db.Close()704 ginkgo.By("Prepare data in database")705 err = bw.Write(context.Background(), dsn)706 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to write data")707 ginkgo.By("Create TiFlash replicas for table 0 and ensure it is ready")708 MustCreateTiFlashReplicationForTable(db, dbName, tables[0], expectCount)709 ginkgo.By("Upgrade TiDB Operator and CRDs to current version")710 ocfg.Tag = cfg.OperatorTag711 ocfg.Image = cfg.OperatorImage712 oa.ReplaceCRDOrDie(ocfg)713 oa.UpgradeOperatorOrDie(ocfg)714 ginkgo.By("Wait for pods are not changed in 5 minutes")715 err = utilpod.WaitForPodsAreChanged(c, pods, time.Minute*5)716 framework.ExpectEqual(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout, "pods should not change in 5 minutes")717 ginkgo.By("Ensure records in table 0 have not changed after upgrading TiDB Operator")718 EnsureRecordsNotChangedForTables(db, "tiflash", dbName, tables[0:1], expectCount)719 EnsureRecordsNotChangedForTables(db, "tikv", dbName, tables[0:1], expectCount)720 ginkgo.By("Create TiFlash replicas for table 1 and ensure it is ready")721 MustCreateTiFlashReplicationForTable(db, dbName, tables[1], expectCount)722 ginkgo.By("Update TiDB cluster to latest version")723 err = controller.GuaranteedUpdate(genericCli, tc, func() error {724 tc.Spec.Version = utilimage.TiDBLatest725 return nil726 })727 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to upgrade TidbCluster: %q", tc.Name)728 err = oa.WaitForTidbClusterReady(tc, 7*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)729 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "waiting for cluster %q ready", tcName)730 // reopen db after upgrade731 dsn2, fwcancel2, err := utiltidb.PortForwardAndGetTiDBDSN(fw, ns, tcName, "root", "", dbName)732 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to get dsn")733 defer fwcancel2()734 db2 := utildb.NewDatabaseOrDie(dsn2)735 defer db2.Close()736 ginkgo.By("Ensure records in table 0 and table 1 have not changed after upgrading TiDB Operator")737 EnsureRecordsNotChangedForTables(db2, "tiflash", dbName, tables[0:2], expectCount)738 EnsureRecordsNotChangedForTables(db2, "tikv", dbName, tables[0:2], expectCount)739 ginkgo.By("Create TiFlash replicas for table 2 and ensure it is ready")740 MustCreateTiFlashReplicationForTable(db2, dbName, tables[2], expectCount)741 })742 }743 })744 ginkgo.Context("From v1.1.7", func() {745 ginkgo.BeforeEach(func() {746 operatorVersion = "v1.1.7"747 })748 ginkgo.It("should not change old TidbCluster", func() {749 tcName := fmt.Sprintf("upgrade-operator-from-%s", strings.ReplaceAll(operatorVersion, ".", "x"))750 tc := fixture.GetTidbCluster(ns, tcName, utilimage.TiDBV5x3)751 tc = fixture.AddTiFlashForTidbCluster(tc)752 tc = fixture.AddTiCDCForTidbCluster(tc)753 tc = fixture.AddPumpForTidbCluster(tc)754 tc.Spec.PD.Replicas = 3755 tc.Spec.TiKV.Replicas = 1756 tc.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 1757 tc.Spec.TiCDC.Config = nil758 ginkgo.By("Deploy original TiDB cluster")759 utiltc.MustCreateTCWithComponentsReady(genericCli, oa, tc, 10*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)760 selector := MustGetLabelSelectorForComponents(tcName,761 label.DiscoveryLabelVal,762 label.PumpLabelVal,763 label.TiCDCLabelVal, // ingore ticdc because of PR #4494764 )765 pods := utilpod.MustListPods(selector.String(), ns, c)766 ginkgo.By("Upgrade TiDB Operator and CRDs to current version")767 ocfg.Tag = cfg.OperatorTag768 ocfg.Image = cfg.OperatorImage769 oa.ReplaceCRDOrDie(ocfg)770 oa.UpgradeOperatorOrDie(ocfg)771 ginkgo.By("Wait for pods are not changed in 5 minutes")772 err := utilpod.WaitForPodsAreChanged(c, pods, time.Minute*5)773 framework.ExpectEqual(err, wait.ErrWaitTimeout, "pods should not change in 5 minutes")774 })775 /*776 Release: v1.2.0777 new feature in deploy tidbmonitor and upgrade tidb-perator, then tidbmonitor should switch from deployment to statefulset779 */780 ginkgo.It("should migrate tidbmonitor from deployment to sts", func() {781 tcName := "smooth-tidbcluster"782 tc := fixture.GetTidbCluster(ns, tcName, utilimage.TiDBLatest)783 tc.Spec.PD.Replicas = 1784 tc.Spec.TiKV.Replicas = 1785 tc.Spec.TiDB.Replicas = 1786 ginkgo.By("Deploy original TiDB cluster")787 utiltc.MustCreateTCWithComponentsReady(genericCli, oa, tc, 6*time.Minute, 5*time.Second)788 ginkgo.By("Deploy tidb monitor")789 monitorName := "smooth-migrate"790 tc, err := cli.PingcapV1alpha1().TidbClusters(ns).Get(context.TODO(), tcName, metav1.GetOptions{})791 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to get tidbcluster")792 tm := fixture.NewTidbMonitor(monitorName, ns, tc, true, true, true)793 _, err = cli.PingcapV1alpha1().TidbMonitors(ns).Create(context.TODO(), tm, metav1.CreateOptions{})794 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor deployed success")795 err = tests.CheckTidbMonitor(tm, cli, c, fw)796 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor checked success")797 deploymentPvcName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-monitor", monitorName)798 deploymentPvc, err := c.CoreV1().PersistentVolumeClaims(ns).Get(context.TODO(), deploymentPvcName, metav1.GetOptions{})799 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor deployment pvc success")800 oldVolumeName := deploymentPvc.Spec.VolumeName801 ginkgo.By("Upgrade tidb-operator and CRDs to the latest version")802 ocfg.Tag = cfg.OperatorTag803 ocfg.Image = cfg.OperatorImage804 oa.ReplaceCRDOrDie(ocfg)805 oa.UpgradeOperatorOrDie(ocfg)806 err = tests.CheckTidbMonitor(tm, cli, c, fw)807 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor checked success under migration")808 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 3*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {809 tmSet, err := stsGetter.StatefulSets(ns).Get(context.TODO(), monitor.GetMonitorObjectName(tm), metav1.GetOptions{})810 if err != nil {811 log.Logf("ERROR: failed to get statefulset: %s/%s, %v", ns, tmSet, err)812 return false, nil813 }814 return true, nil815 })816 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor sts success")817 err = wait.Poll(5*time.Second, 5*time.Minute, func() (done bool, err error) {818 newStsPvcName := monitor.GetMonitorFirstPVCName(tm.Name)819 log.Logf("tidbmonitor newStsPvcName:%s", newStsPvcName)820 stsPvc, err := c.CoreV1().PersistentVolumeClaims(ns).Get(context.TODO(), newStsPvcName, metav1.GetOptions{})821 if err != nil {822 if errors.IsNotFound(err) {823 log.Logf("tm[%s/%s]'s first sts pvc not found,tag:%s,image:%s", ns, tm.Name, cfg.OperatorTag, cfg.OperatorImage)824 return false, nil825 }826 log.Logf("ERROR: get tidbmonitor sts pvc err:%v", err)827 return false, nil828 }829 if stsPvc.Spec.VolumeName == oldVolumeName {830 return true, nil831 }832 log.Logf("tidbmonitor sts pv unequal to old deployment pv")833 return false, nil834 })835 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor sts use pv of old deployment")836 err = tests.CheckTidbMonitor(tm, cli, c, fw)837 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "Expected tidbmonitor checked success")838 })839 })840 })841})842func setPartitionAnnotation(namespace, tcName, component string, ordinal int) error {843 // add annotation to pause statefulset upgrade process844 output, err := framework.RunKubectl(namespace, "annotate", "tc", tcName, fmt.Sprintf("", component, ordinal), "--overwrite")845 if err != nil {846 return fmt.Errorf("fail to set annotation for [%s/%s], component: %s, partition: %d, err: %v, output: %s", namespace, tcName, component, ordinal, err, output)847 }848 return nil849}850func MustGetLabelSelectorForComponents(tcName string, filterComponents ...string) labels.Selector {851 selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(label.New().Instance(tcName).Labels())852 r, err := labels.NewRequirement(label.ComponentLabelKey, selection.NotIn, filterComponents)853 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to create label requirement")854 return selector.Add(*r)855}856// MustCreateTiFlashReplicationForTable create TiFLash replication and ensure it is ready857func MustCreateTiFlashReplicationForTable(db *utildb.Database, dbName string, table string, expectCount int) {858 err := utildb.CreateTiFlashReplicationAndWaitToComplete(db.TiFlashAction(), dbName, table, 1, time.Minute)859 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to create TiFlash replication for %s", table)860 count, err := utildb.Count(db, "tiflash", dbName, table)861 framework.ExpectNoError(err, "failed to count records in %s by using %s", table, "tiflash")862 framework.ExpectEqual(count, expectCount, "count of records in %s changed by using %s", table, "tiflash")863}864// EnsureRecordsNotChangedForTables ensure records not changed for tables865func EnsureRecordsNotChangedForTables(db *utildb.Database, engine string, dbName string, tables []string, expectCount int) {866 for _, table := range tables {...
Source: label_test.go
1/*2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more3 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.06 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at8 *9 * *11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and15 * limitations under the License.16 */17package label18import (19 "net/http"20 ""21 ""22)23var _ = ginkgo.Describe("Test label", func() {24 ginkgo.Context("test label", func() {25 ginkgo.It("config route", func() {26 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{27 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),28 Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1",29 Method: http.MethodPut,30 Body: `{31 "name": "route1",32 "uri": "/hello",33 "labels": {34 "build":"16",35 "env":"production",36 "version":"v2"37 },38 "upstream": {39 "type": "roundrobin",40 "nodes": [{41 "host": "` + base.UpstreamIp + `",42 "port": 1980,43 "weight": 144 }]45 }46 }`,47 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},48 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,49 })50 })51 ginkgo.It("create consumer", func() {52 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{53 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),54 Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/c1",55 Method: http.MethodPut,56 Body: `{57 "username": "c1",58 "plugins": {59 "key-auth": {60 "key": "auth-one"61 }62 },63 "labels": {64 "build":"16",65 "env":"production",66 "version":"v3"67 },68 "desc": "test description"69 }`,70 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},71 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,72 })73 })74 ginkgo.It("create upstream", func() {75 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{76 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),77 Method: http.MethodPut,78 Path: "/apisix/admin/upstreams/u1",79 Body: `{80 "nodes": [{81 "host": "` + base.UpstreamIp + `",82 "port": 1980,83 "weight": 184 }],85 "labels": {86 "build":"17",87 "env":"production",88 "version":"v2"89 },90 "type": "roundrobin"91 }`,92 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},93 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,94 })95 })96 ginkgo.It("create service", func() {97 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{98 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),99 Method: http.MethodPost,100 Path: "/apisix/admin/services",101 Body: `{102 "id": "s1",103 "plugins": {104 "limit-count": {105 "count": 2,106 "time_window": 60,107 "rejected_code": 503,108 "key": "remote_addr"109 }110 },111 "upstream": {112 "type": "roundrobin",113 "nodes": [{114 "host": "",115 "port": 80,116 "weight": 1117 }]118 },119 "labels": {120 "build":"16",121 "env":"production",122 "version":"v2",123 "extra": "test"124 }125 }`,126 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},127 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,128 })129 })130 ginkgo.It("create plugin_config", func() {131 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{132 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),133 Method: http.MethodPut,134 Path: "/apisix/admin/plugin_configs/1",135 Body: `{136 "plugins": {137 "response-rewrite": {138 "headers": {139 "X-VERSION":"22.0"140 }141 }142 },143 "labels": {144 "version": "v2",145 "build": "17",146 "extra": "test"147 }148 }`,149 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},150 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,151 })152 })153 ginkgo.It("get route label", func() {154 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{155 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),156 Method: http.MethodGet,157 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},158 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/route",159 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,160 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"env\":\"production\"},{\"version\":\"v2\"}",161 Sleep: base.SleepTime,162 })163 })164 ginkgo.It("get consumer label", func() {165 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{166 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),167 Method: http.MethodGet,168 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},169 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/consumer",170 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,171 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"env\":\"production\"},{\"version\":\"v3\"}",172 })173 })174 ginkgo.It("get upstream label", func() {175 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{176 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),177 Method: http.MethodGet,178 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},179 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/upstream",180 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,181 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"17\"},{\"env\":\"production\"},{\"version\":\"v2\"}",182 })183 })184 ginkgo.It("get service label", func() {185 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{186 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),187 Method: http.MethodGet,188 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},189 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/service",190 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,191 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"env\":\"production\"},{\"extra\":\"test\"},{\"version\":\"v2\"}",192 })193 })194 ginkgo.It("get plugin_config label", func() {195 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{196 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),197 Method: http.MethodGet,198 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},199 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/plugin_config",200 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,201 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"17\"},{\"extra\":\"test\"},{\"version\":\"v2\"}",202 })203 })204 ginkgo.It("update plugin_config", func() {205 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{206 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),207 Method: http.MethodPut,208 Path: "/apisix/admin/plugin_configs/1",209 Body: `{210 "plugins": {211 "response-rewrite": {212 "headers": {213 "X-VERSION":"22.0"214 }215 }216 },217 "labels": {218 "version": "v3",219 "build": "16",220 "extra": "test"221 }222 }`,223 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},224 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,225 })226 })227 ginkgo.It("get plugin_config label again to verify update", func() {228 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{229 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),230 Method: http.MethodGet,231 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},232 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/plugin_config",233 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,234 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"extra\":\"test\"},{\"version\":\"v3\"}",235 Sleep: base.SleepTime,236 })237 })238 ginkgo.It("get all label", func() {239 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{240 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),241 Method: http.MethodGet,242 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},243 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",244 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,245 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"build\":\"17\"},{\"env\":\"production\"},{\"extra\":\"test\"},{\"version\":\"v2\"},{\"version\":\"v3\"}",246 })247 })248 ginkgo.It("get label with page", func() {249 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{250 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),251 Method: http.MethodGet,252 Query: "page=1&page_size=1",253 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},254 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",255 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,256 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"}",257 })258 })259 ginkgo.It("get label with page", func() {260 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{261 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),262 Method: http.MethodGet,263 Query: "page=3&page_size=1",264 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},265 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",266 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,267 ExpectBody: "{\"env\":\"production\"}",268 })269 })270 ginkgo.It("get labels (key = build)", func() {271 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{272 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),273 Method: http.MethodGet,274 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},275 Query: "label=build",276 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",277 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,278 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"build\":\"17\"}",279 })280 })281 ginkgo.It("get labels with the same key (key = build)", func() {282 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{283 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),284 Method: http.MethodGet,285 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},286 Query: "label=build:16,build:17",287 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",288 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,289 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"build\":\"17\"}",290 })291 })292 ginkgo.It("get labels (key = build) with page", func() {293 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{294 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),295 Method: http.MethodGet,296 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},297 Query: "label=build&page=2&page_size=1",298 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",299 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,300 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"17\"}",301 })302 })303 ginkgo.It("get labels with same key (key = build) and page", func() {304 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{305 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),306 Method: http.MethodGet,307 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},308 Query: "label=build:16,build:17&page=1&page_size=2",309 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",310 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,311 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"build\":\"17\"}",312 })313 })314 ginkgo.It("get labels with same key (key = build) and page", func() {315 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{316 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),317 Method: http.MethodGet,318 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},319 Query: "label=build:16,build:17&page=2&page_size=1",320 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",321 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,322 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"17\"}",323 })324 })325 ginkgo.It("get labels (key = build && env = production)", func() {326 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{327 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),328 Method: http.MethodGet,329 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},330 Query: "label=build,env:production",331 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",332 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,333 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"build\":\"17\"},{\"env\":\"production\"}",334 })335 })336 ginkgo.It("get labels (build=16 | 17 and env = production)", func() {337 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{338 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),339 Method: http.MethodGet,340 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},341 Query: "label=build:16,build:17,env:production",342 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",343 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,344 ExpectBody: "{\"build\":\"16\"},{\"build\":\"17\"},{\"env\":\"production\"}",345 })346 })347 ginkgo.It("get labels (key = build && env = production) with page", func() {348 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{349 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),350 Method: http.MethodGet,351 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},352 Query: "label=build,env:production&page=3&page_size=1",353 Path: "/apisix/admin/labels/all",354 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,355 ExpectBody: "{\"env\":\"production\"}",356 })357 })358 ginkgo.It("delete route", func() {359 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{360 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),361 Method: http.MethodDelete,362 Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1",363 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},364 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,365 })366 })367 ginkgo.It("delete consumer", func() {368 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{369 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),370 Method: http.MethodDelete,371 Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/c1",372 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},373 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,374 })375 })376 ginkgo.It("delete service", func() {377 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{378 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),379 Method: http.MethodDelete,380 Path: "/apisix/admin/services/s1",381 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},382 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,383 })384 })385 ginkgo.It("delete upstream", func() {386 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{387 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),388 Method: http.MethodDelete,389 Path: "/apisix/admin/upstreams/u1",390 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},391 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,392 })393 })394 ginkgo.It("delete plugin_config", func() {395 base.RunTestCase(base.HttpTestCase{396 Object: base.ManagerApiExpect(),397 Method: http.MethodDelete,398 Path: "/apisix/admin/plugin_configs/1",399 Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": base.GetToken()},400 ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,401 })402 })403 })404})...
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)4 ginkgo.RunSpecs(ginkgo.NewDefaultSuite(), "1 Suite")5}6import (7var _ = ginkgo.Describe("1", func() {8 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)9 ginkgo.RunSpecs(ginkgo.NewDefaultSuite(), "1 Suite")10})11import (12var _ = ginkgo.Describe("1", func() {13 gomega.RegisterFailHandler(ginkgo.Fail)14 ginkgo.RunSpecs(ginkgo.NewDefaultSuite(), "1 Suite")15})16Your name to display (optional):17Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2var _ = ginkgo.Describe("My First Test", func() {3 ginkgo.It("should work", func() {4 gomega.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(1))5 })6})7import (8var _ = ginkgo.Describe("My First Test", func() {9 ginkgo.It("should work", func() {10 gomega.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(1))11 })12})13import (14var _ = ginkgo.Describe("My First Test", func() {15 ginkgo.It("should work", func() {16 gomega.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(1))17 })18})19import (20var _ = ginkgo.Describe("My First Test", func() {21 ginkgo.It("should work", func() {22 gomega.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(1))23 })24})25import (26var _ = ginkgo.Describe("My First Test", func() {27 ginkgo.It("should work", func() {28 gomega.Expect(1).To(gomega.Equal(1))29 })30})31import (32var _ = ginkgo.Describe("My First Test", func() {
Using AI Code Generation
1ginkgo.Label("1st Test")2Expect(1).To(Equal(1))3ginkgo.Label("2nd Test")4Expect(1).To(Equal(1))5ginkgo.Label("3rd Test")6Expect(1).To(Equal(1))7ginkgo.Label("4th Test")8Expect(1).To(Equal(1))9ginkgo.Label("5th Test")10Expect(1).To(Equal(1))11ginkgo.Label("6th Test")12Expect(1).To(Equal(1))13ginkgo.Label("7th Test")14Expect(1).To(Equal(1))15ginkgo.Label("8th Test")16Expect(1).To(Equal(1))17ginkgo.Label("9th Test")18Expect(1).To(Equal(1))19ginkgo.Label("10th Test")20Expect(1).To(Equal(1))21ginkgo.Label("11th Test")22Expect(1).To(Equal(1))23ginkgo.Label("12th Test")24Expect(1).To(Equal(1))25ginkgo.Label("13th Test")26Expect(1).To(Equal(1))27ginkgo.Label("14th Test")28Expect(1).To(Equal(1
Using AI Code Generation
1var _ = Describe("My First Test", func() {2 It("should be true", func() {3 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())4 })5})6var _ = Describe("My Second Test", func() {7 It("should be true", func() {8 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())9 })10})11var _ = Describe("My Third Test", func() {12 It("should be true", func() {13 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())14 })15})16var _ = Describe("My Fourth Test", func() {17 It("should be true", func() {18 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())19 })20})21var _ = Describe("My Fifth Test", func() {22 It("should be true", func() {23 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())24 })25})26var _ = Describe("My Sixth Test", func() {27 It("should be true", func() {28 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())29 })30})31var _ = Describe("My Seventh Test", func() {32 It("should be true", func() {33 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())34 })35})36var _ = Describe("My Eighth Test", func() {37 It("should be true", func() {38 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())39 })40})41var _ = Describe("My Ninth Test", func() {42 It("should be true", func() {43 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue())44 })45})46var _ = Describe("My Tenth Test", func() {47 It("should be true", func() {48 Expect(true).Should(BeTrue
Using AI Code Generation
1func Test1(t *testing.T) {2 g := ginkgo.GinkgoT(t)3 g.Label("Test1")4 g.By("Step 1")5 g.By("Step 2")6 g.By("Step 3")7}8func Test2(t *testing.T) {9 g := ginkgo.GinkgoT(t)10 g.Label("Test2")11 g.By("Step 1")12 g.By("Step 2")13 g.By("Step 3")14}
Using AI Code Generation
1ginkgo.Label("Test Case 1")2ginkgo.It("should do something", func() {3 gomega.Expect(1).Should(gomega.BeEquivalentTo(1))4})5ginkgo.Label("Test Case 2")6ginkgo.It("should do something", func() {7 gomega.Expect(1).Should(gomega.BeEquivalentTo(1))8})9ginkgo.Label("Test Case 3")10ginkgo.It("should do something", func() {11 gomega.Expect(1).Should(gomega.BeEquivalentTo(1))12})13ginkgo.Label("Test Case 4")14ginkgo.It("should do something", func() {15 gomega.Expect(1).Should(gomega.BeEquivalentTo(1))16})17ginkgo.Label("Test Case 5")18ginkgo.It("should do something", func() {19 gomega.Expect(1).Should(gomega.BeEquivalentTo(1))20})21ginkgo.Label("Test Case 6")22ginkgo.It("should do something", func() {23 gomega.Expect(1).Should(gomega.BeEquivalentTo(1))24})25ginkgo.Label("Test Case 7")26ginkgo.It("
Using AI Code Generation
1import ""2func main() {3 ginkgo.Label("Example of using Label method")4}5import ""6func main() {7 ginkgo.By("Example of using By method")8}9import ""10func main() {11 ginkgo.Describe("Example of using Describe method", func() {12 ginkgo.It("Example of using It method", func() {13 })14 })15}16import ""17func main() {18 ginkgo.BeforeSuite(func() {19 })20}
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