How to use FilterDuplicates method of validation Package

Best Gauge code snippet using validation.FilterDuplicates


Source: resource_snmp.go Github


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1package junos2import (3 "context"4 "fmt"5 "regexp"6 "strconv"7 "strings"8 "​hashicorp/​terraform-plugin-sdk/​v2/​diag"9 "​hashicorp/​terraform-plugin-sdk/​v2/​helper/​schema"10 "​hashicorp/​terraform-plugin-sdk/​v2/​helper/​validation"11)12type snmpOptions struct {13 arp bool14 arpHostNameResolution bool15 filterDuplicates bool16 filterInternalInterfaces bool17 ifCountWithFilterInterfaces bool18 routingInstanceAccess bool19 contact string20 description string21 engineID string22 location string23 filterInterfaces []string24 interFace []string25 routingInstanceAccessList []string26 healthMonitor []map[string]interface{}27}28func resourceSnmp() *schema.Resource {29 return &schema.Resource{30 CreateWithoutTimeout: resourceSnmpCreate,31 ReadWithoutTimeout: resourceSnmpRead,32 UpdateWithoutTimeout: resourceSnmpUpdate,33 DeleteWithoutTimeout: resourceSnmpDelete,34 Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{35 StateContext: resourceSnmpImport,36 },37 Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{38 "clean_on_destroy": {39 Type: schema.TypeBool,40 Optional: true,41 },42 "arp": {43 Type: schema.TypeBool,44 Optional: true,45 },46 "arp_host_name_resolution": {47 Type: schema.TypeBool,48 Optional: true,49 RequiredWith: []string{"arp"},50 },51 "contact": {52 Type: schema.TypeString,53 Optional: true,54 },55 "description": {56 Type: schema.TypeString,57 Optional: true,58 },59 "engine_id": {60 Type: schema.TypeString,61 Optional: true,62 ValidateFunc: validation.StringMatch(regexp.MustCompile(63 `^(use-default-ip-address|use-mac-address|local .+)$`),64 "must have 'use-default-ip-address', 'use-mac-address' or 'local ...'"),65 },66 "filter_duplicates": {67 Type: schema.TypeBool,68 Optional: true,69 },70 "filter_interfaces": {71 Type: schema.TypeSet,72 Optional: true,73 Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},74 },75 "filter_internal_interfaces": {76 Type: schema.TypeBool,77 Optional: true,78 },79 "health_monitor": {80 Type: schema.TypeList,81 Optional: true,82 MaxItems: 1,83 Elem: &schema.Resource{84 Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{85 "falling_threshold": {86 Type: schema.TypeInt,87 Optional: true,88 Default: -1,89 ValidateFunc: validation.IntBetween(0, 100),90 },91 "idp": {92 Type: schema.TypeBool,93 Optional: true,94 },95 "idp_falling_threshold": {96 Type: schema.TypeInt,97 Optional: true,98 RequiredWith: []string{"health_monitor.0.idp"},99 Default: -1,100 ValidateFunc: validation.IntBetween(0, 100),101 },102 "idp_interval": {103 Type: schema.TypeInt,104 Optional: true,105 RequiredWith: []string{"health_monitor.0.idp"},106 ValidateFunc: validation.IntBetween(1, 2147483647),107 },108 "idp_rising_threshold": {109 Type: schema.TypeInt,110 Optional: true,111 RequiredWith: []string{"health_monitor.0.idp"},112 Default: -1,113 ValidateFunc: validation.IntBetween(0, 100),114 },115 "interval": {116 Type: schema.TypeInt,117 Optional: true,118 ValidateFunc: validation.IntBetween(1, 2147483647),119 },120 "rising_threshold": {121 Type: schema.TypeInt,122 Optional: true,123 ValidateFunc: validation.IntBetween(1, 100),124 },125 },126 },127 },128 "if_count_with_filter_interfaces": {129 Type: schema.TypeBool,130 Optional: true,131 },132 "interface": {133 Type: schema.TypeSet,134 Optional: true,135 Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},136 },137 "location": {138 Type: schema.TypeString,139 Optional: true,140 },141 "routing_instance_access": {142 Type: schema.TypeBool,143 Optional: true,144 },145 "routing_instance_access_list": {146 Type: schema.TypeSet,147 Optional: true,148 RequiredWith: []string{"routing_instance_access"},149 Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},150 },151 },152 }153}154func resourceSnmpCreate(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {155 clt := m.(*Client)156 if clt.fakeCreateSetFile != "" {157 if err := setSnmp(d, clt, nil); err != nil {158 return diag.FromErr(err)159 }160 d.SetId("snmp")161 return nil162 }163 junSess, err := clt.startNewSession(ctx)164 if err != nil {165 return diag.FromErr(err)166 }167 defer clt.closeSession(junSess)168 if err := clt.configLock(ctx, junSess); err != nil {169 return diag.FromErr(err)170 }171 var diagWarns diag.Diagnostics172 if err := setSnmp(d, clt, junSess); err != nil {173 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))174 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)175 }176 warns, err := clt.commitConf("create resource junos_snmp", junSess)177 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, warns)178 if err != nil {179 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))180 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)181 }182 d.SetId("snmp")183 return append(diagWarns, resourceSnmpReadWJunSess(d, clt, junSess)...)184}185func resourceSnmpRead(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {186 clt := m.(*Client)187 junSess, err := clt.startNewSession(ctx)188 if err != nil {189 return diag.FromErr(err)190 }191 defer clt.closeSession(junSess)192 return resourceSnmpReadWJunSess(d, clt, junSess)193}194func resourceSnmpReadWJunSess(d *schema.ResourceData, clt *Client, junSess *junosSession) diag.Diagnostics {195 mutex.Lock()196 snmpOptions, err := readSnmp(clt, junSess)197 mutex.Unlock()198 if err != nil {199 return diag.FromErr(err)200 }201 fillSnmp(d, snmpOptions)202 return nil203}204func resourceSnmpUpdate(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {205 d.Partial(true)206 clt := m.(*Client)207 if clt.fakeUpdateAlso {208 if err := delSnmp(clt, nil); err != nil {209 return diag.FromErr(err)210 }211 if err := setSnmp(d, clt, nil); err != nil {212 return diag.FromErr(err)213 }214 d.Partial(false)215 return nil216 }217 junSess, err := clt.startNewSession(ctx)218 if err != nil {219 return diag.FromErr(err)220 }221 defer clt.closeSession(junSess)222 if err := clt.configLock(ctx, junSess); err != nil {223 return diag.FromErr(err)224 }225 var diagWarns diag.Diagnostics226 if err := delSnmp(clt, junSess); err != nil {227 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))228 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)229 }230 if err := setSnmp(d, clt, junSess); err != nil {231 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))232 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)233 }234 warns, err := clt.commitConf("update resource junos_snmp", junSess)235 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, warns)236 if err != nil {237 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))238 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)239 }240 d.Partial(false)241 return append(diagWarns, resourceSnmpReadWJunSess(d, clt, junSess)...)242}243func resourceSnmpDelete(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {244 if d.Get("clean_on_destroy").(bool) {245 clt := m.(*Client)246 if clt.fakeDeleteAlso {247 if err := delSnmp(clt, nil); err != nil {248 return diag.FromErr(err)249 }250 return nil251 }252 junSess, err := clt.startNewSession(ctx)253 if err != nil {254 return diag.FromErr(err)255 }256 defer clt.closeSession(junSess)257 if err := clt.configLock(ctx, junSess); err != nil {258 return diag.FromErr(err)259 }260 var diagWarns diag.Diagnostics261 if err := delSnmp(clt, junSess); err != nil {262 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))263 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)264 }265 warns, err := clt.commitConf("delete resource junos_snmp", junSess)266 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, warns)267 if err != nil {268 appendDiagWarns(&diagWarns, clt.configClear(junSess))269 return append(diagWarns, diag.FromErr(err)...)270 }271 }272 return nil273}274func resourceSnmpImport(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, m interface{},275) ([]*schema.ResourceData, error) {276 clt := m.(*Client)277 junSess, err := clt.startNewSession(ctx)278 if err != nil {279 return nil, err280 }281 defer clt.closeSession(junSess)282 result := make([]*schema.ResourceData, 1)283 snmpOptions, err := readSnmp(clt, junSess)284 if err != nil {285 return nil, err286 }287 fillSnmp(d, snmpOptions)288 d.SetId("snmp")289 result[0] = d290 return result, nil291}292func setSnmp(d *schema.ResourceData, clt *Client, junSess *junosSession) error {293 setPrefix := "set snmp "294 configSet := make([]string, 0)295 if d.Get("arp").(bool) {296 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"arp")297 }298 if d.Get("arp_host_name_resolution").(bool) {299 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"arp host-name-resolution")300 }301 if v := d.Get("contact").(string); v != "" {302 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"contact \""+v+"\"")303 }304 if v := d.Get("description").(string); v != "" {305 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"description \""+v+"\"")306 }307 if v := d.Get("engine_id").(string); v != "" {308 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"engine-id "+v)309 }310 if d.Get("filter_duplicates").(bool) {311 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"filter-duplicates")312 }313 for _, v := range sortSetOfString(d.Get("filter_interfaces").(*schema.Set).List()) {314 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"filter-interfaces interfaces \""+v+"\"")315 }316 if d.Get("filter_internal_interfaces").(bool) {317 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"filter-interfaces all-internal-interfaces")318 }319 for _, v := range d.Get("health_monitor").([]interface{}) {320 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor")321 if v != nil {322 hMon := v.(map[string]interface{})323 if v2 := hMon["falling_threshold"].(int); v2 != -1 {324 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor falling-threshold "+strconv.Itoa(v2))325 }326 if hMon["idp"].(bool) {327 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor idp")328 }329 if v2 := hMon["idp_falling_threshold"].(int); v2 != -1 {330 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor idp falling-threshold "+strconv.Itoa(v2))331 }332 if v2 := hMon["idp_interval"].(int); v2 != 0 {333 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor idp interval "+strconv.Itoa(v2))334 }335 if v2 := hMon["idp_rising_threshold"].(int); v2 != -1 {336 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor idp rising-threshold "+strconv.Itoa(v2))337 }338 if v2 := hMon["interval"].(int); v2 != 0 {339 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor interval "+strconv.Itoa(v2))340 }341 if v2 := hMon["rising_threshold"].(int); v2 != 0 {342 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"health-monitor rising-threshold "+strconv.Itoa(v2))343 }344 }345 }346 if d.Get("if_count_with_filter_interfaces").(bool) {347 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"if-count-with-filter-interfaces")348 }349 for _, v := range sortSetOfString(d.Get("interface").(*schema.Set).List()) {350 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"interface "+v)351 }352 if v := d.Get("location").(string); v != "" {353 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"location \""+v+"\"")354 }355 if d.Get("routing_instance_access").(bool) {356 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"routing-instance-access")357 }358 for _, v := range sortSetOfString(d.Get("routing_instance_access_list").(*schema.Set).List()) {359 configSet = append(configSet, setPrefix+"routing-instance-access access-list \""+v+"\"")360 }361 return clt.configSet(configSet, junSess)362}363func delSnmp(clt *Client, junSess *junosSession) error {364 listLinesToDelete := []string{365 "arp",366 "contact",367 "description",368 "engine-id",369 "filter-duplicates",370 "filter-interfaces",371 "health-monitor",372 "if-count-with-filter-interfaces",373 "interface",374 "location",375 "routing-instance-access",376 }377 configSet := make([]string, 0)378 delPrefix := "delete snmp "379 for _, line := range listLinesToDelete {380 configSet = append(configSet,381 delPrefix+line)382 }383 return clt.configSet(configSet, junSess)384}385func readSnmp(clt *Client, junSess *junosSession) (snmpOptions, error) {386 var confRead snmpOptions387 showConfig, err := clt.command(cmdShowConfig+"snmp"+pipeDisplaySetRelative, junSess)388 if err != nil {389 return confRead, err390 }391 if showConfig != emptyW {392 for _, item := range strings.Split(showConfig, "\n") {393 if strings.Contains(item, xmlStartTagConfigOut) {394 continue395 }396 if strings.Contains(item, xmlEndTagConfigOut) {397 break398 }399 itemTrim := strings.TrimPrefix(item, setLS)400 switch {401 case itemTrim == "arp":402 confRead.arp = true403 case itemTrim == "arp host-name-resolution":404 confRead.arp = true405 confRead.arpHostNameResolution = true406 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "contact "):407 = strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "contact "), "\"")408 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "description "):409 confRead.description = strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "description "), "\"")410 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "engine-id "):411 confRead.engineID = strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "engine-id ")412 case itemTrim == "filter-duplicates":413 confRead.filterDuplicates = true414 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "filter-interfaces interfaces "):415 confRead.filterInterfaces = append(confRead.filterInterfaces,416 strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "filter-interfaces interfaces "), "\""))417 case itemTrim == "filter-interfaces all-internal-interfaces":418 confRead.filterInternalInterfaces = true419 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor"):420 if len(confRead.healthMonitor) == 0 {421 confRead.healthMonitor = append(confRead.healthMonitor, map[string]interface{}{422 "falling_threshold": -1,423 "idp": false,424 "idp_falling_threshold": -1,425 "idp_interval": 0,426 "idp_rising_threshold": -1,427 "interval": 0,428 "rising_threshold": 0,429 })430 }431 switch {432 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor falling-threshold "):433 var err error434 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["falling_threshold"], err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(435 itemTrim, "health-monitor falling-threshold "))436 if err != nil {437 return confRead, fmt.Errorf(failedConvAtoiError, itemTrim, err)438 }439 case itemTrim == "health-monitor idp":440 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp"] = true441 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor idp falling-threshold "):442 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp"] = true443 var err error444 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp_falling_threshold"], err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(445 itemTrim, "health-monitor idp falling-threshold "))446 if err != nil {447 return confRead, fmt.Errorf(failedConvAtoiError, itemTrim, err)448 }449 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor idp interval "):450 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp"] = true451 var err error452 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp_interval"], err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(453 itemTrim, "health-monitor idp interval "))454 if err != nil {455 return confRead, fmt.Errorf(failedConvAtoiError, itemTrim, err)456 }457 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor idp rising-threshold "):458 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp"] = true459 var err error460 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["idp_rising_threshold"], err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(461 itemTrim, "health-monitor idp rising-threshold "))462 if err != nil {463 return confRead, fmt.Errorf(failedConvAtoiError, itemTrim, err)464 }465 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor interval "):466 var err error467 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["interval"], err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor interval "))468 if err != nil {469 return confRead, fmt.Errorf(failedConvAtoiError, itemTrim, err)470 }471 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "health-monitor rising-threshold "):472 var err error473 confRead.healthMonitor[0]["rising_threshold"], err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(474 itemTrim, "health-monitor rising-threshold "))475 if err != nil {476 return confRead, fmt.Errorf(failedConvAtoiError, itemTrim, err)477 }478 }479 case itemTrim == "if-count-with-filter-interfaces":480 confRead.ifCountWithFilterInterfaces = true481 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "interface "):482 confRead.interFace = append(confRead.interFace, strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "interface "))483 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "location "):484 confRead.location = strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "location "), "\"")485 case itemTrim == "routing-instance-access":486 confRead.routingInstanceAccess = true487 case strings.HasPrefix(itemTrim, "routing-instance-access access-list "):488 confRead.routingInstanceAccess = true489 confRead.routingInstanceAccessList = append(confRead.routingInstanceAccessList,490 strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(itemTrim, "routing-instance-access access-list "), "\""))491 }492 }493 }494 return confRead, nil495}496func fillSnmp(d *schema.ResourceData, snmpOptions snmpOptions) {497 if tfErr := d.Set("arp", snmpOptions.arp); tfErr != nil {498 panic(tfErr)499 }500 if tfErr := d.Set("arp_host_name_resolution", snmpOptions.arpHostNameResolution); tfErr != nil {501 panic(tfErr)502 }503 if tfErr := d.Set("contact",; tfErr != nil {504 panic(tfErr)505 }506 if tfErr := d.Set("description", snmpOptions.description); tfErr != nil {507 panic(tfErr)508 }509 if tfErr := d.Set("engine_id", snmpOptions.engineID); tfErr != nil {510 panic(tfErr)511 }512 if tfErr := d.Set("filter_duplicates", snmpOptions.filterDuplicates); tfErr != nil {513 panic(tfErr)514 }515 if tfErr := d.Set("filter_interfaces", snmpOptions.filterInterfaces); tfErr != nil {516 panic(tfErr)517 }518 if tfErr := d.Set("filter_internal_interfaces", snmpOptions.filterInternalInterfaces); tfErr != nil {519 panic(tfErr)520 }521 if tfErr := d.Set("health_monitor", snmpOptions.healthMonitor); tfErr != nil {522 panic(tfErr)523 }524 if tfErr := d.Set("if_count_with_filter_interfaces", snmpOptions.ifCountWithFilterInterfaces); tfErr != nil {525 panic(tfErr)526 }527 if tfErr := d.Set("interface", snmpOptions.interFace); tfErr != nil {528 panic(tfErr)529 }530 if tfErr := d.Set("location", snmpOptions.location); tfErr != nil {531 panic(tfErr)532 }533 if tfErr := d.Set("routing_instance_access", snmpOptions.routingInstanceAccess); tfErr != nil {534 panic(tfErr)535 }536 if tfErr := d.Set("routing_instance_access_list", snmpOptions.routingInstanceAccessList); tfErr != nil {537 panic(tfErr)538 }539}...

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Source: validate.go Github


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...208 }209 }210}211func printValidationFailures(validationErrors validationErrors) {212 for _, e := range FilterDuplicates(validationErrors) {213 logger.Errorf(true, "[ValidationError] %s", e.Error())214 }215}216func FilterDuplicates(validationErrors validationErrors) []error {217 filteredErrs := make([]error, 0)218 exists := make(map[string]bool)219 for _, errs := range validationErrors {220 for _, e := range errs {221 var val string222 if vErr, ok := e.(StepValidationError); ok {223 val = vErr.step.Value + vErr.step.FileName + strconv.Itoa(e.(StepValidationError).step.LineNo)224 } else if vErr, ok := e.(SpecValidationError); ok {225 val = vErr.message + vErr.fileName226 } else {227 continue228 }229 if _, ok := exists[val]; !ok {230 exists[val] = true...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}3 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)4 fmt.Println(output)5}6func main() {7 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}8 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)9 fmt.Println(output)10}11func main() {12 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}13 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)14 fmt.Println(output)15}16func main() {17 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}18 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)19 fmt.Println(output)20}21func main() {22 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}23 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)24 fmt.Println(output)25}26func main() {27 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}28 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)29 fmt.Println(output)30}31func main() {32 input = []string{"hello", "world", "hello", "world", "hello", "world"}33 output = validation.FilterDuplicates(input)34 fmt.Println(output)35}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 var arr = []string{"a", "b", "a", "c", "c", "d", "d"}4 fmt.Println("Original array: ", arr)5 var filteredArr = validation.FilterDuplicates(arr)6 fmt.Println("Filtered array: ", filteredArr)7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 var arr = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10}4 var result = validation.FilterDuplicates(arr)5 fmt.Println(result)6}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 v := validation.Validation{}4 var mySlice = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6}5 fmt.Println(v.FilterDuplicates(mySlice))6}7func FilterDuplicates(mySlice []int) []int {8 uniqueMap := make(map[int]bool)9 uniqueSlice := []int{}10 for _, v := range mySlice {11 if _, ok := uniqueMap[v]; !ok {12 uniqueSlice = append(uniqueSlice, v)13 }14 }15}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 var arr1 = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}4 var arr2 = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}5 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates(arr1, arr2))6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println(validation.IsPalindrome(str))10}11import (12func main() {13 fmt.Println(validation.IsAnagram(str1, str2))14}15import (16func main() {17 fmt.Println(validation.IsPrime(num))18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println(validation.IsLeapYear(year))22}23import (24func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "d", "b"}))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "d", "b"}))8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "d", "b"}))12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "d", "b"}))16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "d", "b"}))20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println(validation.FilterDuplicates([]string{"a", "b", "c", "a", "d", "b"}))24}25import (

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