How to use FileName method of validation Package

Best Gauge code snippet using validation.FileName


Source:validate.go Github


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...57}58func (s StepValidationError) Step() *gauge.Step {59 return s.step60}61func (s StepValidationError) FileName() string {62 return s.fileName63}64func (s StepValidationError) ErrorType() gm.StepValidateResponse_ErrorType {65 return *s.errorType66}67// Error prints a step validation error with filename, line number, error message, step text and suggestion in case of step implementation not found.68func (s StepValidationError) Error() string {69 return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d %s => '%s'", s.fileName, s.step.LineNo, s.message, s.step.GetLineText())70}71func (s StepValidationError) Suggestion() string {72 return s.suggestion73}74// Error prints a spec validation error with filename and error message.75func (s SpecValidationError) Error() string {76 return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", s.fileName, s.message)77}78// NewSpecValidationError generates new spec validation error with error message and filename.79func NewSpecValidationError(m string, f string) SpecValidationError {80 return SpecValidationError{message: m, fileName: f}81}82// NewStepValidationError generates new step validation error with error message, filename and error type.83func NewStepValidationError(s *gauge.Step, m string, f string, e *gm.StepValidateResponse_ErrorType, suggestion string) StepValidationError {84 return StepValidationError{step: s, message: m, fileName: f, errorType: e, suggestion: suggestion}85}86// Validate validates specs and if it has any errors, it exits.87func Validate(args []string) {88 if len(args) == 0 {89 args = append(args, util.GetSpecDirs()...)90 }91 res := ValidateSpecs(args, false)92 if len(res.Errs) > 0 {93 os.Exit(1)94 }95 if res.SpecCollection.Size() < 1 {96 logger.Infof(true, "No specifications found in %s.", strings.Join(args, ", "))97 err := res.Runner.Kill()98 if err != nil {99 logger.Errorf(false, "unable to kill runner: %s", err.Error())100 }101 if res.ParseOk {102 os.Exit(0)103 }104 os.Exit(1)105 }106 err := res.Runner.Kill()107 if err != nil {108 logger.Errorf(false, "unable to kill runner: %s", err.Error())109 }110 if res.ErrMap.HasErrors() {111 os.Exit(1)112 }113 logger.Infof(true, "No errors found.")114}115//TODO : duplicate in execute.go. Need to fix runner init.116func startAPI(debug bool) runner.Runner {117 sc := api.StartAPI(debug)118 select {119 case runner := <-sc.RunnerChan:120 return runner121 case err := <-sc.ErrorChan:122 logger.Fatalf(true, "Failed to start gauge API: %s", err.Error())123 }124 return nil125}126type ValidationResult struct {127 SpecCollection *gauge.SpecCollection128 ErrMap *gauge.BuildErrors129 Runner runner.Runner130 Errs []error131 ParseOk bool132}133// NewValidationResult creates a new Validation result134func NewValidationResult(s *gauge.SpecCollection, errMap *gauge.BuildErrors, r runner.Runner, parseOk bool, e ...error) *ValidationResult {135 return &ValidationResult{SpecCollection: s, ErrMap: errMap, Runner: r, ParseOk: parseOk, Errs: e}136}137// ValidateSpecs parses the specs, creates a new validator and call the runner to get the validation result.138func ValidateSpecs(specsToValidate []string, debug bool) *ValidationResult {139 logger.Debug(true, "Parsing started.")140 conceptDict, res, err := parser.ParseConcepts()141 if err != nil {142 logger.Fatalf(true, "Unable to parse : %s", err.Error())143 }144 errMap := gauge.NewBuildErrors()145 specs, specsFailed := parser.ParseSpecs(specsToValidate, conceptDict, errMap)146 logger.Debug(true, "Parsing completed.")147 r := startAPI(debug)148 validationErrors := NewValidator(specs, r, conceptDict).Validate()149 errMap = getErrMap(errMap, validationErrors)150 specs = parser.GetSpecsForDataTableRows(specs, errMap)151 printValidationFailures(validationErrors)152 showSuggestion(validationErrors)153 if !res.Ok {154 err := r.Kill()155 if err != nil {156 logger.Errorf(true, "unable to kill runner: %s", err.Error())157 }158 return NewValidationResult(nil, nil, nil, false, errors.New("Parsing failed"))159 }160 if specsFailed {161 return NewValidationResult(gauge.NewSpecCollection(specs, false), errMap, r, false)162 }163 return NewValidationResult(gauge.NewSpecCollection(specs, false), errMap, r, true)164}165func getErrMap(errMap *gauge.BuildErrors, validationErrors validationErrors) *gauge.BuildErrors {166 for spec, valErrors := range validationErrors {167 for _, err := range valErrors {168 switch e := err.(type) {169 case StepValidationError:170 errMap.StepErrs[e.step] = e171 case SpecValidationError:172 errMap.SpecErrs[spec] = append(errMap.SpecErrs[spec], err.(SpecValidationError))173 }174 }175 skippedScnInSpec := 0176 for _, scenario := range spec.Scenarios {177 fillScenarioErrors(scenario, errMap, scenario.Steps)178 if _, ok := errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario]; ok {179 skippedScnInSpec++180 }181 }182 if len(spec.Scenarios) > 0 && skippedScnInSpec == len(spec.Scenarios) {183 errMap.SpecErrs[spec] = append(errMap.SpecErrs[spec], errMap.ScenarioErrs[spec.Scenarios[0]]...)184 }185 fillSpecErrors(spec, errMap, append(spec.Contexts, spec.TearDownSteps...))186 }187 return errMap188}189func fillScenarioErrors(scenario *gauge.Scenario, errMap *gauge.BuildErrors, steps []*gauge.Step) {190 for _, step := range steps {191 if step.IsConcept {192 fillScenarioErrors(scenario, errMap, step.ConceptSteps)193 }194 if err, ok := errMap.StepErrs[step]; ok { // nolint195 errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario] = append(errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario], err)196 }197 }198}199func fillSpecErrors(spec *gauge.Specification, errMap *gauge.BuildErrors, steps []*gauge.Step) {200 for _, context := range steps {201 if context.IsConcept {202 fillSpecErrors(spec, errMap, context.ConceptSteps)203 }204 if err, ok := errMap.StepErrs[context]; ok { // nolint205 errMap.SpecErrs[spec] = append(errMap.SpecErrs[spec], err)206 for _, scenario := range spec.Scenarios {207 if _, ok := errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario]; !ok {208 errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario] = append(errMap.ScenarioErrs[scenario], err)209 }210 }211 }212 }213}214func printValidationFailures(validationErrors validationErrors) {215 for _, e := range FilterDuplicates(validationErrors) {216 logger.Errorf(true, "[ValidationError] %s", e.Error())217 }218}219func FilterDuplicates(validationErrors validationErrors) []error {220 filteredErrs := make([]error, 0)221 exists := make(map[string]bool)222 for _, errs := range validationErrors {223 for _, e := range errs {224 var val string225 if vErr, ok := e.(StepValidationError); ok {226 val = vErr.step.Value + vErr.step.FileName + strconv.Itoa(e.(StepValidationError).step.LineNo)227 } else if vErr, ok := e.(SpecValidationError); ok {228 val = vErr.message + vErr.fileName229 } else {230 continue231 }232 if _, ok := exists[val]; !ok {233 exists[val] = true234 filteredErrs = append(filteredErrs, e)235 }236 }237 }238 return filteredErrs239}240type validationErrors map[*gauge.Specification][]error241func NewValidator(s []*gauge.Specification, r runner.Runner, c *gauge.ConceptDictionary) *validator {242 return &validator{specsToExecute: s, runner: r, conceptsDictionary: c}243}244func (v *validator) Validate() validationErrors {245 validationStatus := make(validationErrors)246 logger.Debug(true, "Validation started.")247 specValidator := &SpecValidator{runner: v.runner, conceptsDictionary: v.conceptsDictionary, stepValidationCache: make(map[string]error)}248 for _, spec := range v.specsToExecute {249 specValidator.specification = spec250 validationErrors := specValidator.validate()251 if len(validationErrors) != 0 {252 validationStatus[spec] = validationErrors253 }254 }255 if len(validationStatus) > 0 {256 return validationStatus257 }258 logger.Debug(true, "Validation completed.")259 return nil260}261func (v *SpecValidator) validate() []error {262 queue := &gauge.ItemQueue{Items: v.specification.AllItems()}263 v.specification.Traverse(v, queue)264 return v.validationErrors265}266// Validates a step. If validation result from runner is not valid then it creates a new validation error.267// If the error type is StepValidateResponse_STEP_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_FOUND then gives suggestion with step implementation stub.268func (v *SpecValidator) Step(s *gauge.Step) {269 if s.IsConcept {270 for _, c := range s.ConceptSteps {271 v.Step(c)272 }273 return274 }275 val, ok := v.stepValidationCache[s.Value]276 if !ok {277 err := v.validateStep(s)278 if err != nil {279 v.validationErrors = append(v.validationErrors, err)280 }281 v.stepValidationCache[s.Value] = err282 return283 }284 if val != nil {285 valErr := val.(StepValidationError)286 if s.Parent == nil {287 v.validationErrors = append(v.validationErrors,288 NewStepValidationError(s, valErr.message, v.specification.FileName, valErr.errorType, valErr.suggestion))289 } else {290 cpt := v.conceptsDictionary.Search(s.Parent.Value)291 v.validationErrors = append(v.validationErrors,292 NewStepValidationError(s, valErr.message, cpt.FileName, valErr.errorType, valErr.suggestion))293 }294 }295}296var invalidResponse gm.StepValidateResponse_ErrorType = -1297func (v *SpecValidator) validateStep(s *gauge.Step) error {298 stepValue, err := parser.ExtractStepValueAndParams(s.LineText, s.HasInlineTable)299 if err != nil {300 return nil301 }302 protoStepValue := gauge.ConvertToProtoStepValue(stepValue)303 m := &gm.Message{MessageType: gm.Message_StepValidateRequest,304 StepValidateRequest: &gm.StepValidateRequest{StepText: s.Value, NumberOfParameters: int32(len(s.Args)), StepValue: protoStepValue}}305 r, err := v.runner.ExecuteMessageWithTimeout(m)306 if err != nil {307 return NewStepValidationError(s, err.Error(), v.specification.FileName, &invalidResponse, "")308 }309 if r.GetMessageType() == gm.Message_StepValidateResponse {310 res := r.GetStepValidateResponse()311 if !res.GetIsValid() {312 msg := getMessage(res.GetErrorType().String())313 suggestion := res.GetSuggestion()314 if s.Parent == nil {315 vErr := NewStepValidationError(s, msg, v.specification.FileName, &res.ErrorType, suggestion)316 return vErr317 }318 cpt := v.conceptsDictionary.Search(s.Parent.Value)319 vErr := NewStepValidationError(s, msg, cpt.FileName, &res.ErrorType, suggestion)320 return vErr321 }322 return nil323 }324 return NewStepValidationError(s, "Invalid response from runner for Validation request", v.specification.FileName, &invalidResponse, "")325}326func getMessage(message string) string {327 lower := strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(message, "_", " ", -1))328 return strings.ToUpper(lower[:1]) + lower[1:]329}330func (v *SpecValidator) TearDown(step *gauge.TearDown) {331}332func (v *SpecValidator) Heading(heading *gauge.Heading) {333}334func (v *SpecValidator) Tags(tags *gauge.Tags) {335}336func (v *SpecValidator) Table(dataTable *gauge.Table) {337}338func (v *SpecValidator) Scenario(scenario *gauge.Scenario) {339}340func (v *SpecValidator) Comment(comment *gauge.Comment) {341}342func (v *SpecValidator) DataTable(dataTable *gauge.DataTable) {343}344// Validates data table for the range, if any error found append to the validation errors345func (v *SpecValidator) Specification(specification *gauge.Specification) {346 v.validationErrors = make([]error, 0)347 err := validateDataTableRange(specification.DataTable.Table.GetRowCount())348 if err != nil {349 v.validationErrors = append(v.validationErrors, NewSpecValidationError(err.Error(), specification.FileName))350 }351}352func validateDataTableRange(rowCount int) error {353 if TableRows == "" {354 return nil355 }356 if strings.Contains(TableRows, "-") {357 indexes := strings.Split(TableRows, "-")358 if len(indexes) > 2 {359 return fmt.Errorf("Table rows range '%s' is invalid => Table rows range should be of format rowNumber-rowNumber", TableRows)360 }361 if err := validateTableRow(indexes[0], rowCount); err != nil {362 return err363 }...

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Source:schema.go Github


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1// This file is part of Arduino Lint.2//3// Copyright 2020 ARDUINO SA ( This software is released under the GNU General Public License, either6// version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.7// This license covers the main part of Arduino Lint.8// The terms of this license can be found at:9// You can be released from the requirements of the above licenses by purchasing12// a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory if you want to13// modify or otherwise use the software for commercial activities involving the14// Arduino software without disclosing the source code of your own applications.15// To purchase a commercial license, send an email to Package schema contains code for working with JSON schema.17package schema18import (19 "bytes"20 "encoding/json"21 "fmt"22 "io"23 "io/ioutil"24 "path"25 ""26 ""27 ""28)29// dataLoaderType is the signature of the function that returns the byte encoded data associated with the given file name.30type dataLoaderType func(filename string) ([]byte, error)31// Schema is the type of the compiled JSON schema object.32type Schema struct {33 Compiled *jsonschema.Schema34 dataLoader dataLoaderType // Function to load the schema data.35}36// ValidationResult is the type of the result of the validation of the instance document against the JSON schema.37type ValidationResult struct {38 Result *jsonschema.ValidationError39 dataLoader dataLoaderType // Function used to load the JSON schema data.40}41// Compile compiles the schema files specified by the filename arguments and returns the compiled schema.42func Compile(schemaFilename string, referencedSchemaFilenames []string, dataLoader dataLoaderType) Schema {43 compiler := jsonschema.NewCompiler()44 // Define a custom schema loader for the binary encoded schema.45 compiler.LoadURL = func(schemaFilename string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {46 schemaData, err := dataLoader(schemaFilename)47 if err != nil {48 return nil, err49 }50 return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(schemaData)), nil51 }52 // Load the referenced schemas.53 for _, referencedSchemaFilename := range referencedSchemaFilenames {54 if err := loadReferencedSchema(compiler, referencedSchemaFilename, dataLoader); err != nil {55 panic(err)56 }57 }58 // Compile the schema.59 compiledSchema, err := compiler.Compile(schemaFilename)60 if err != nil {61 panic(err)62 }63 return Schema{64 Compiled: compiledSchema,65 dataLoader: dataLoader,66 }67}68// Validate validates an instance against a JSON schema and returns nil if it was success, or the69// jsonschema.ValidationError object otherwise.70func Validate(instanceInterface map[string]interface{}, schemaObject Schema) ValidationResult {71 validationError := schemaObject.Compiled.ValidateInterface(instanceInterface)72 validationResult := ValidationResult{73 Result: nil,74 dataLoader: schemaObject.dataLoader,75 }76 if validationError != nil {77 result, ok := validationError.(*jsonschema.ValidationError)78 if !ok {79 panic(validationError)80 }81 validationResult.Result = result82 }83 if validationResult.Result == nil {84 logrus.Debug("Schema validation of instance document passed")85 } else {86 logrus.Debug("Schema validation of instance document failed:")87 logValidationError(validationResult)88 logrus.Trace("-----------------------------------------------")89 }90 return validationResult91}92// loadReferencedSchema adds a schema that is referenced by the parent schema to the compiler object.93func loadReferencedSchema(compiler *jsonschema.Compiler, schemaFilename string, dataLoader dataLoaderType) error {94 // Get the $id value from the schema to use as the `url` argument for the `compiler.AddResource()` call.95 id, err := schemaID(schemaFilename, dataLoader)96 if err != nil {97 return err98 }99 schemaData, err := dataLoader(schemaFilename)100 if err != nil {101 return err102 }103 return compiler.AddResource(id, bytes.NewReader(schemaData))104}105// schemaID returns the value of the schema's $id key.106func schemaID(schemaFilename string, dataLoader dataLoaderType) (string, error) {107 schemaInterface := unmarshalJSONFile(schemaFilename, dataLoader)108 id, ok := schemaInterface.(map[string]interface{})["$id"].(string)109 if !ok {110 return "", fmt.Errorf("Schema %s is missing an $id keyword", schemaFilename)111 }112 return id, nil113}114// unmarshalJSONFile returns the data from a JSON file.115func unmarshalJSONFile(filename string, dataLoader dataLoaderType) interface{} {116 data, err := dataLoader(filename)117 if err != nil {118 panic(err)119 }120 var dataInterface interface{}121 if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &dataInterface); err != nil {122 panic(err)123 }124 return dataInterface125}126// logValidationError logs the schema validation error data.127func logValidationError(validationError ValidationResult) {128 logrus.Trace("--------Schema validation failure cause--------")129 logrus.Tracef("Error message: %s", validationError.Result.Error())130 logrus.Tracef("Instance pointer: %v", validationError.Result.InstancePtr)131 logrus.Tracef("Schema URL: %s", validationError.Result.SchemaURL)132 logrus.Tracef("Schema pointer: %s", validationError.Result.SchemaPtr)133 logrus.Tracef("Schema pointer value: %v", validationErrorSchemaPointerValue(validationError))134 logrus.Tracef("Failure context: %v", validationError.Result.Context)135 logrus.Tracef("Failure context type: %T", validationError.Result.Context)136 // Recursively log all causes.137 for _, validationErrorCause := range validationError.Result.Causes {138 logValidationError(139 ValidationResult{140 Result: validationErrorCause,141 dataLoader: validationError.dataLoader,142 },143 )144 }145}146// validationErrorSchemaPointerValue returns the object identified by the validation error's schema JSON pointer.147func validationErrorSchemaPointerValue(validationError ValidationResult) interface{} {148 return schemaPointerValue(validationError.Result.SchemaURL, validationError.Result.SchemaPtr, validationError.dataLoader)149}150// schemaPointerValue returns the object identified by the given JSON pointer from the schema file.151func schemaPointerValue(schemaURL, schemaPointer string, dataLoader dataLoaderType) interface{} {152 return jsonPointerValue(schemaPointer, path.Base(schemaURL), dataLoader)153}154// jsonPointerValue returns the object identified by the given JSON pointer from the JSON file.155func jsonPointerValue(jsonPointer string, fileName string, dataLoader dataLoaderType) interface{} {156 jsonReference, err := gojsonreference.NewJsonReference(jsonPointer)157 if err != nil {158 panic(err)159 }160 jsonInterface := unmarshalJSONFile(fileName, dataLoader)161 jsonPointerValue, _, err := jsonReference.GetPointer().Get(jsonInterface)162 if err != nil {163 panic(err)164 }165 return jsonPointerValue166}...

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Source:file_input.go Github


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...12 "video": "file_type/random.file_format",13}14// GenerateFileURLInput .....15type GenerateFileURLInput struct {16 FileName string `json:"file_name" query:"file_name"`17 FileFormat string `json:"file_format" query:"file_format"`18 FileType string `json:"file_type" query:"file_type"`19}20// Validate ......21func (i *GenerateFileURLInput) Validate() error {22 return validation.ValidateStruct(i,23 validation.Field(&i.FileFormat, validation.Required),24 validation.Field(&i.FileType, validation.Required),25 )26}27// AsURI ......28func (i *GenerateFileURLInput) AsURI() string {29 i.preprocessParams()30 randomString := uuid.New().String()31 randomString = strings.Replace(randomString, "-", "", -1)32 uri := filePathPatternMapping[i.FileType]33 uri = strings.Replace(uri, "file_type", i.FileType, -1)34 uri = strings.Replace(uri, "file_name", i.FileName, -1)35 uri = strings.Replace(uri, "random", randomString, -1)36 uri = strings.Replace(uri, "file_format", i.FileFormat, -1)37 return uri38}39func (i *GenerateFileURLInput) preprocessParams() {40 var fileName, fileFormat, fileType string41 fileType = strings.TrimSpace(i.FileType)42 fileType = strings.ToLower(fileType)43 i.FileType = fileType44 pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`/[^a-zA-Z0-9._]+/`)45 fileName = strings.ToLower(i.FileName)46 fileName = strings.TrimLeft(fileName, " ")47 fileName = strings.TrimRight(fileName, " ")48 fileName = strings.Replace(fileName, " ", "_", -1)49 fileName = pattern.ReplaceAllString(fileName, "")50 if fileName != "" {51 fileFormat = filepath.Ext(fileName)52 }53 i.FileName = fileName54 if fileFormat == "" {55 fileFormat = i.FileFormat56 }57 fileFormat = strings.TrimSpace(fileFormat)58 fileFormat = strings.ToLower(fileFormat)59 i.FileFormat = fileFormat60}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 v := validation.Validation{}4 v.FileName("test.txt")5 fmt.Println(v.HasErrors())6 fmt.Println(v.Errors)7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Enter file name")4 fmt.Scanln(&fileName)5 validate := validation.NewValidation()6 fileName = validate.FileName(fileName)7 fmt.Println(fileName)8}9import (10type Validation struct{}11func NewValidation() *Validation {12 return &Validation{}13}14func (v *Validation) FileName(fileName string) string {15 reg, _ := regexp.Compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt"))4 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file"))5 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file."))6 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file."))7 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file..txt"))8 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt."))9 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt"))10 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt"))11 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt."))12 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt.txt"))13 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt"))14 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt"))15 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt"))16 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt"))17 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("file.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt.txt"))18 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("test.txt"))4}5import "regexp"6func FileName(name string) bool {7 return regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9_\-\.]+$`).MatchString(name)8}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2import "myProject/Validation"3func main() {4 fmt.Println("Enter File Name")5 fmt.Scanf("%s", &file)6 valid := Validation.New()7 valid.FileName(file)8}9import "fmt"10import "regexp"11type Validation struct {12}13func New() *Validation {14 return &Validation{}15}16func (v *Validation) FileName(file string) {17 valid = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$`).MatchString(file)18 if valid == true {19 fmt.Println("Valid File Name")20 } else {21 fmt.Println("Invalid File Name")22 }23}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println(validation.FileName("test.txt"))4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println(validation.IsFloat("123.45"))8}9import (10func main() {11 fmt.Println(validation.IsInt("123"))12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println(validation.IsLowerCase("test"))16}17import (18func main() {19 fmt.Println(validation.IsUpperCase("TEST"))20}21import (22func main() {23 fmt.Println(validation.IsString("test"))24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println(validation.IsNumber("123"))28}29import (30func main() {31 fmt.Println(validation.IsAlphaNumeric("test123"))32}33import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main(){2 f.Validate()3}4func main(){5 f.Validate()6}7func main(){8 f.Validate()9}10func main(){11 f.Validate()12}13func main(){14 f.Validate()15}16func main(){17 f.Validate()18}19func main(){20 f.Validate()21}22func main(){23 f.Validate()24}25func main(){26 f.Validate()27}28func main(){29 f.Validate()30}31func main(){32 f.Validate()33}34func main(){35 f.Validate()36}37func main(){38 f.Validate()39}40func main(){41 f.Validate()42}

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