Best Gauge code snippet using parser.createSpecification
Source: refactor_test.go
1// Copyright 2015 ThoughtWorks, Inc.2// This file is part of Gauge.3// Gauge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify4// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by5// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or6// (at your option) any later version.7// Gauge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,8// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of9// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the10// GNU General Public License for more details.11// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License12// along with Gauge. If not, see <>.13package refactor14import (15 "testing"16 ""17 ""18 . ""19)20func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }21type MySuite struct{}22var _ = Suite(&MySuite{})23func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringOfStepsWithNoArgs(c *C) {24 oldStep := "first step"25 newStep := "second step"26 tokens := []*parser.Token{27 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},28 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 2},29 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3},30 }31 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")32 agent, errs := getRefactorAgent(oldStep, newStep, nil)33 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)34 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, gauge.NewConceptDictionary())35 c.Assert(len(errs), Equals, 0)36 c.Assert(len(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps), Equals, 1)37 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, newStep)38}39func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringOfStepsWithNoArgsAndWithMoreThanOneScenario(c *C) {40 oldStep := "first step"41 newStep := "second step"42 unchanged := "unchanged"43 tokens := []*parser.Token{44 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},45 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 2},46 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3},47 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 5},48 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 20},49 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: unchanged, LineNo: 30},50 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 50},51 }52 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")53 agent, errs := getRefactorAgent(oldStep, newStep, nil)54 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)55 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, gauge.NewConceptDictionary())56 c.Assert(len(errs), Equals, 0)57 c.Assert(len(specs[0].Scenarios), Equals, 2)58 c.Assert(len(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps), Equals, 2)59 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, newStep)60 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[1].Value, Equals, newStep)61 c.Assert(len(specs[0].Scenarios[1].Steps), Equals, 2)62 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[1].Steps[0].Value, Equals, unchanged)63 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[1].Steps[1].Value, Equals, newStep)64}65func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringOfStepsWithNoArgsAndWithMoreThanOneSpec(c *C) {66 oldStep := " first step"67 newStep := "second step"68 tokens := []*parser.Token{69 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},70 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 2},71 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3},72 }73 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")74 tokens = []*parser.Token{75 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 10},76 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 20},77 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 30},78 }79 spec1, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")80 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)81 specs = append(specs, spec1)82 agent, errs := getRefactorAgent(oldStep, newStep, nil)83 specRefactored, _ := agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, gauge.NewConceptDictionary())84 for _, isRefactored := range specRefactored {85 c.Assert(true, Equals, isRefactored)86 }87 c.Assert(len(errs), Equals, 0)88 c.Assert(len(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps), Equals, 1)89 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, newStep)90 c.Assert(len(specs[1].Scenarios[0].Steps), Equals, 1)91 c.Assert(specs[1].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, newStep)92}93func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringOfStepsWithNoArgsInConceptFiles(c *C) {94 oldStep := "first step"95 newStep := "second step"96 unchanged := "unchanged"97 tokens := []*parser.Token{98 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},99 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 20},100 }101 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")102 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep, newStep, nil)103 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)104 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()105 step1 := &gauge.Step{Value: oldStep + "sdsf", IsConcept: true}106 step2 := &gauge.Step{Value: unchanged, IsConcept: true, Items: []gauge.Item{&gauge.Step{Value: oldStep, IsConcept: false}, &gauge.Step{Value: oldStep + "T", IsConcept: false}}}107 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step1.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step1, FileName: "file.cpt"}108 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step2.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step2, FileName: "file.cpt"}109 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)110 c.Assert(dictionary.ConceptsMap[unchanged].ConceptStep.Items[0].(*gauge.Step).Value, Equals, newStep)111 c.Assert(dictionary.ConceptsMap[unchanged].ConceptStep.Items[1].(*gauge.Step).Value, Equals, oldStep+"T")112}113func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringGivesOnlySpecsThatAreRefactored(c *C) {114 oldStep := " first step"115 newStep := "second step"116 tokens := []*parser.Token{117 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},118 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 2},119 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3},120 }121 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")122 tokens = []*parser.Token{123 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 10},124 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 20},125 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: newStep, LineNo: 30},126 }127 spec1, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")128 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)129 specs = append(specs, spec1)130 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep, newStep, nil)131 specRefactored, _ := agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, gauge.NewConceptDictionary())132 c.Assert(true, Equals, specRefactored[specs[0]])133 c.Assert(false, Equals, specRefactored[specs[1]])134}135func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringGivesOnlyThoseConceptFilesWhichAreRefactored(c *C) {136 oldStep := "first step"137 newStep := "second step"138 unchanged := "unchanged"139 tokens := []*parser.Token{140 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},141 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 20},142 }143 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")144 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep, newStep, nil)145 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)146 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()147 step1 := &gauge.Step{Value: oldStep + "sdsf", IsConcept: true}148 step2 := &gauge.Step{Value: unchanged, IsConcept: true, Items: []gauge.Item{&gauge.Step{Value: newStep, IsConcept: false}, &gauge.Step{Value: oldStep + "T", IsConcept: false}}}149 step3 := &gauge.Step{Value: "Concept value", IsConcept: true, Items: []gauge.Item{&gauge.Step{Value: oldStep, IsConcept: false}, &gauge.Step{Value: oldStep + "T", IsConcept: false}}}150 fileName := "file.cpt"151 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step1.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step1, FileName: fileName}152 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step2.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step2, FileName: fileName}153 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step3.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step3, FileName: "e" + fileName}154 _, filesRefactored := agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)155 c.Assert(filesRefactored[fileName], Equals, false)156 c.Assert(filesRefactored["e"+fileName], Equals, true)157}158func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenNumberOfArgumentsAreSame(c *C) {159 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static}"160 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b>"161 newStep := "second step <a> and <b>"162 tokens := []*parser.Token{163 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},164 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},165 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address"}},166 }167 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")168 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)169 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)170 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()171 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)172 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {}")173 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "name")174 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")175}176func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsOrderIsChanged(c *C) {177 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static} and {static}"178 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"179 newStep := "second step <d> and <b> and <c> and <a>"180 tokens := []*parser.Token{181 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},182 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},183 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},184 }185 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")186 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)187 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)188 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()189 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)190 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {} and {}")191 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "id")192 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")193 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "number")194 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[3].Value, Equals, "name")195}196func (s *MySuite) TestCreateOrderGivesMapOfOldArgsAndNewArgs(c *C) {197 step1 := &gauge.Step{Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Name: "a"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "b"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "c"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "d"}}}198 step2 := &gauge.Step{Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Name: "d"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "b"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "c"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "a"}}}199 agent := &rephraseRefactorer{step1, step2, false, nil}200 orderMap := agent.createOrderOfArgs()201 c.Assert(orderMap[0], Equals, 3)202 c.Assert(orderMap[1], Equals, 1)203 c.Assert(orderMap[2], Equals, 2)204}205func (s *MySuite) TestCreateOrderGivesMapOfOldArgsAndNewWhenArgsAreAdded(c *C) {206 step1 := &gauge.Step{Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Name: "a"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "b"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "c"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "d"}}}207 step2 := &gauge.Step{Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Name: "d"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "e"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "b"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "c"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "a"}}}208 agent := &rephraseRefactorer{step1, step2, false, nil}209 orderMap := agent.createOrderOfArgs()210 c.Assert(orderMap[0], Equals, 3)211 c.Assert(orderMap[1], Equals, -1)212 c.Assert(orderMap[2], Equals, 1)213 c.Assert(orderMap[3], Equals, 2)214 c.Assert(orderMap[4], Equals, 0)215}216func (s *MySuite) TestCreateOrderGivesMapOfOldArgsAndNewWhenArgsAreRemoved(c *C) {217 step1 := &gauge.Step{Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Name: "a"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "b"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "c"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "d"}}}218 step2 := &gauge.Step{Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Name: "d"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "b"}, &gauge.StepArg{Name: "c"}}}219 agent := &rephraseRefactorer{step1, step2, false, nil}220 orderMap := agent.createOrderOfArgs()221 c.Assert(orderMap[0], Equals, 3)222 c.Assert(orderMap[1], Equals, 1)223 c.Assert(orderMap[2], Equals, 2)224}225func (s *MySuite) TestCreationOfOrderMapForStep(c *C) {226 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent("Say <greeting> to <name>", "Say <greeting> to <name> \"DD\"", nil)227 orderMap := agent.createOrderOfArgs()228 c.Assert(orderMap[0], Equals, 0)229 c.Assert(orderMap[1], Equals, 1)230 c.Assert(orderMap[2], Equals, -1)231}232func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsIsAddedAtLast(c *C) {233 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static}"234 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c>"235 newStep := "second step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"236 tokens := []*parser.Token{237 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},238 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},239 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number"}},240 }241 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")242 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)243 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)244 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()245 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)246 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {} and {}")247 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "name")248 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")249 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "number")250 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[3].Value, Equals, "d")251}252func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsIsAddedAtFirst(c *C) {253 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static}"254 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c>"255 newStep := "second step <d> and <a> and <b> and <c>"256 tokens := []*parser.Token{257 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},258 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},259 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number"}},260 }261 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")262 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)263 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)264 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()265 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)266 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {} and {}")267 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "d")268 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "name")269 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "address")270 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[3].Value, Equals, "number")271}272func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsIsAddedInMiddle(c *C) {273 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static}"274 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c>"275 newStep := "second step <a> and <d> and <b> and <c>"276 tokens := []*parser.Token{277 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},278 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},279 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number"}},280 }281 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")282 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)283 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)284 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()285 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)286 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {} and {}")287 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "name")288 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "d")289 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "address")290 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[3].Value, Equals, "number")291}292func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsIsRemovedFromLast(c *C) {293 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static} and {static}"294 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"295 newStep := "second step <a> and <b> and <c>"296 tokens := []*parser.Token{297 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},298 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},299 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},300 }301 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")302 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)303 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)304 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()305 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)306 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {}")307 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "name")308 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")309 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "number")310}311func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsIsRemovedFromBegining(c *C) {312 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static} and {static}"313 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"314 newStep := "second step <b> and <c> and <d>"315 tokens := []*parser.Token{316 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},317 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},318 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},319 }320 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")321 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)322 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)323 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()324 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)325 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {}")326 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "address")327 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "number")328 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "id")329}330func (s *MySuite) TestRenamingWhenArgumentsIsRemovedFromMiddle(c *C) {331 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static} and {static}"332 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"333 newStep := "second step <a> and <b> and <d>"334 tokens := []*parser.Token{335 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},336 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},337 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},338 }339 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")340 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)341 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)342 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()343 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)344 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {}")345 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "name")346 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")347 c.Assert(specs[0].Scenarios[0].Steps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "id")348}349func (s *MySuite) TestGenerateNewStepNameGivesLineTextWithActualParamNames(c *C) {350 args := []string{"name", "address", "id"}351 newStep := "second step <a> and <b> and <d>"352 orderMap := make(map[int]int)353 orderMap[0] = 1354 orderMap[1] = 2355 orderMap[2] = 0356 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(newStep, newStep, nil)357 linetext := agent.generateNewStepName(args, orderMap)358 c.Assert(linetext, Equals, "second step <address> and <id> and <name>")359}360func (s *MySuite) TestGenerateNewStepNameWhenParametersAreAdded(c *C) {361 args := []string{"name", "address"}362 newStep := "changed step <a> and <b> and \"id\""363 orderMap := make(map[int]int)364 orderMap[0] = 1365 orderMap[1] = 0366 orderMap[2] = -1367 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(newStep, newStep, nil)368 linetext := agent.generateNewStepName(args, orderMap)369 c.Assert(linetext, Equals, "changed step <address> and <name> and \"id\"")370}371func (s *MySuite) TestGenerateNewStepNameWhenParametersAreRemoved(c *C) {372 args := []string{"name", "address", "desc"}373 newStep := "changed step <b> and \"id\""374 orderMap := make(map[int]int)375 orderMap[0] = 1376 orderMap[1] = -1377 orderMap[2] = -1378 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(newStep, newStep, nil)379 linetext := agent.generateNewStepName(args, orderMap)380 c.Assert(linetext, Equals, "changed step <address> and \"id\"")381}382func (s *MySuite) TestGenerateNewStepNameWhenParametersAreUnchanged(c *C) {383 args := []string{"a"}384 newStep := "make comment <a>"385 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent("Comment <a>", newStep, nil)386 linetext := agent.generateNewStepName(args, agent.createOrderOfArgs())387 c.Assert(linetext, Equals, "make comment <a>")388}389func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringInContextStep(c *C) {390 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static} and {static}"391 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"392 newStep := "second step <d> and <b> and <c> and <a>"393 tokens := []*parser.Token{394 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},395 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},396 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},397 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep + " sdf", LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},398 }399 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")400 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)401 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)402 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()403 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)404 c.Assert(specs[0].Contexts[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {} and {}")405 c.Assert(specs[0].Contexts[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "id")406 c.Assert(specs[0].Contexts[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")407 c.Assert(specs[0].Contexts[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "number")408 c.Assert(specs[0].Contexts[0].Args[3].Value, Equals, "name")409}410func (s *MySuite) TestRefactoringInTearDownStep(c *C) {411 oldStep := "first step {static} and {static} and {static} and {static}"412 oldStep1 := "first step <a> and <b> and <c> and <d>"413 newStep := "second step <d> and <b> and <c> and <a>"414 tokens := []*parser.Token{415 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},416 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep + "sdf", LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},417 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading 1", LineNo: 2},418 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep + " sdf", LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},419 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TearDownKind, Value: "____", LineNo: 3},420 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: oldStep, LineNo: 3, Args: []string{"name", "address", "number", "id"}},421 }422 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")423 agent, _ := getRefactorAgent(oldStep1, newStep, nil)424 specs := append(make([]*gauge.Specification, 0), spec)425 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()426 agent.rephraseInSpecsAndConcepts(&specs, dictionary)427 c.Assert(specs[0].TearDownSteps[0].Value, Equals, "second step {} and {} and {} and {}")428 c.Assert(specs[0].TearDownSteps[0].Args[0].Value, Equals, "id")429 c.Assert(specs[0].TearDownSteps[0].Args[1].Value, Equals, "address")430 c.Assert(specs[0].TearDownSteps[0].Args[2].Value, Equals, "number")431 c.Assert(specs[0].TearDownSteps[0].Args[3].Value, Equals, "name")432}...
Source: formatter_test.go
1// Copyright 2015 ThoughtWorks, Inc.2// This file is part of Gauge.3// Gauge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify4// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by5// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or6// (at your option) any later version.7// Gauge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,8// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of9// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the10// GNU General Public License for more details.11// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License12// along with Gauge. If not, see <>.13package formatter14import (15 "testing"16 ""17 ""18 . ""19)20func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }21type MySuite struct{}22var _ = Suite(&MySuite{})23func (s *MySuite) TestFormatSpecification(c *C) {24 tokens := []*parser.Token{25 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},26 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 2},27 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 3, LineText: "Example step"},28 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Step with inline table", LineNo: 3, LineText: "Step with inline table "},29 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}},30 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"<1>", "foo"}},31 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}},32 }33 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")34 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)35 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,36 `Spec Heading37============38Scenario Heading39----------------40* Example step41* Step with inline table`+" "+`42 |id |name|43 |---|----|44 |<1>|foo |45 |2 |bar |46`)47}48func (s *MySuite) TestFormatTable(c *C) {49 cell1 := gauge.TableCell{"john", gauge.Static}50 cell2 := gauge.TableCell{"doe", gauge.Static}51 headers := []string{"name1", "name2"}52 cols := [][]gauge.TableCell{{cell1}, {cell2}}53 table := gauge.NewTable(headers, cols, 10)54 got := FormatTable(table)55 want := `56 |name1|name2|57 |-----|-----|58 |john |doe |59`60 c.Assert(got, Equals, want)61}62func (s *MySuite) TestFormatConcepts(c *C) {63 dictionary := gauge.NewConceptDictionary()64 step1 := &gauge.Step{Value: "sdsf", LineText: "sdsf", IsConcept: true, LineNo: 1, PreComments: []*gauge.Comment{&gauge.Comment{Value: "COMMENT", LineNo: 1}}}65 step2 := &gauge.Step{Value: "dsfdsfdsf", LineText: "dsfdsfdsf", IsConcept: true, LineNo: 2, Items: []gauge.Item{&gauge.Step{Value: "sfd", LineText: "sfd", IsConcept: false}, &gauge.Step{Value: "sdfsdf" + "T", LineText: "sdfsdf" + "T", IsConcept: false}}}66 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step1.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step1, FileName: "file.cpt"}67 dictionary.ConceptsMap[step2.Value] = &gauge.Concept{ConceptStep: step2, FileName: "file.cpt"}68 formatted := FormatConcepts(dictionary)69 c.Assert(formatted["file.cpt"], Equals, `COMMENT70# sdsf71# dsfdsfdsf72* sdfsdfT73`)74}75func (s *MySuite) TestFormatSpecificationWithTags(c *C) {76 tokens := []*parser.Token{77 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},78 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TagKind, Args: []string{"tag1", "tag2"}, LineNo: 2},79 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 3},80 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TagKind, Args: []string{"tag3", "tag4"}, LineNo: 4},81 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 5, LineText: "Example step"},82 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading1", LineNo: 6},83 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TagKind, Args: []string{"tag3", "tag4"}, LineNo: 7},84 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 8, LineText: "Example step"},85 }86 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")87 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)88 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,89 `My Spec Heading90===============91tags: tag1, tag292Scenario Heading93----------------94tags: tag3, tag495* Example step96Scenario Heading197-----------------98tags: tag3, tag499* Example step100`)101}102func (s *MySuite) TestFormatSpecificationWithTeardownSteps(c *C) {103 tokens := []*parser.Token{104 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},105 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TagKind, Args: []string{"tag1", "tag2"}, LineNo: 2},106 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 3},107 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TagKind, Args: []string{"tag3", "tag4"}, LineNo: 4},108 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 5, LineText: "Example step"},109 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading1", LineNo: 6},110 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TagKind, Args: []string{"tag3", "tag4"}, LineNo: 7},111 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 8, LineText: "Example step"},112 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TearDownKind, Value: "____", LineNo: 9},113 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step1", LineNo: 10, LineText: "Example step1"},114 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step2", LineNo: 11, LineText: "Example step2"},115 }116 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")117 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)118 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,119 `My Spec Heading120===============121tags: tag1, tag2122Scenario Heading123----------------124tags: tag3, tag4125* Example step126Scenario Heading1127-----------------128tags: tag3, tag4129* Example step130____131* Example step1132* Example step2133`)134}135func (s *MySuite) TestFormatStep(c *C) {136 step := &gauge.Step{Value: "my step with {}, {}, {} and {}", Args: []*gauge.StepArg{&gauge.StepArg{Value: "static \"foo\"", ArgType: gauge.Static},137 &gauge.StepArg{Value: "dynamic \"foo\"", ArgType: gauge.Dynamic},138 &gauge.StepArg{Name: "file:user\".txt", ArgType: gauge.SpecialString},139 &gauge.StepArg{Name: "table :hell\".csv", ArgType: gauge.SpecialTable}}}140 formatted := FormatStep(step)141 c.Assert(formatted, Equals, `* my step with "static \"foo\"", <dynamic \"foo\">, <file:user\".txt> and <table :hell\".csv>142`)143}144func (s *MySuite) TestFormattingWithTableAsAComment(c *C) {145 tokens := []*parser.Token{146 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},147 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 3},148 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}, LineText: " |id|name|"},149 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "foo"}, LineText: " |1|foo|"},150 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}, LineText: "|2|bar|"},151 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 5, LineText: "Example step"},152 }153 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")154 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)155 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,156 `My Spec Heading157===============158Scenario Heading159----------------160 |id|name|161 |1|foo|162|2|bar|163* Example step164`)165}166func (s *MySuite) TestFormatSpecificationWithTableContainingDynamicParameters(c *C) {167 tokens := []*parser.Token{168 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},169 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "foo"}},170 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "f"}},171 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 2},172 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 3, LineText: "Example step"},173 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Step with inline table", LineNo: 3, LineText: "Step with inline table "},174 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}},175 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "<foo>"}},176 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}},177 }178 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")179 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)180 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,181 `Spec Heading182============183 |id|foo|184 |--|---|185 |1 |f |186Scenario Heading187----------------188* Example step189* Step with inline table `+`190 |id|name |191 |--|-----|192 |1 |<foo>|193 |2 |bar |194`)195}196func (s *MySuite) TestFormatShouldRetainNewlines(c *C) {197 tokens := []*parser.Token{198 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},199 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 2},200 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 3},201 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 4},202 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}, LineText: " |id|name|"},203 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "foo"}, LineText: " |1|foo|"},204 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}, LineText: "|2|bar|"},205 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 8, LineText: "Example step"},206 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}},207 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "<foo>"}},208 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}},209 }210 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")211 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)212 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,213 `My Spec Heading214===============215Scenario Heading216----------------217 |id|name|218 |1|foo|219|2|bar|220* Example step `+`221 |id|name |222 |--|-----|223 |1 |<foo>|224 |2 |bar |225`)226}227func (s *MySuite) TestFormatShouldRetainNewlinesBetweenSteps(c *C) {228 tokens := []*parser.Token{229 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},230 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 4},231 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 6, LineText: "Example step", Suffix: "\n\n"},232 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 9, LineText: "Example step", Suffix: "\n\n"},233 }234 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")235 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)236 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,237 `My Spec Heading238===============239Scenario Heading240----------------241* Example step242* Example step243`)244}245func (s *MySuite) TestFormatShouldStripDuplicateNewlinesBeforeInlineTable(c *C) {246 tokens := []*parser.Token{247 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},248 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 2},249 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 3},250 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 4},251 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}, LineText: " |id|name|"},252 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "foo"}, LineText: " |1|foo|"},253 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}, LineText: "|2|bar|"},254 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 8, LineText: "Example step\n\n"},255 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}},256 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "<foo>"}},257 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}},258 }259 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")260 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)261 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,262 `My Spec Heading263===============264Scenario Heading265----------------266 |id|name|267 |1|foo|268|2|bar|269* Example step `+`270 |id|name |271 |--|-----|272 |1 |<foo>|273 |2 |bar |274`)275}276func (s *MySuite) TestFormatShouldStripDuplicateNewlinesBeforeInlineTableInTeardown(c *C) {277 tokens := []*parser.Token{278 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.SpecKind, Value: "My Spec Heading", LineNo: 1},279 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 2},280 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 3},281 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.ScenarioKind, Value: "Scenario Heading", LineNo: 4},282 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}, LineText: " |id|name|"},283 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "foo"}, LineText: " |1|foo|"},284 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}, LineText: "|2|bar|"},285 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 8, LineText: "Example step\n\n"},286 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}},287 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "<foo>"}},288 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}},289 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 10},290 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TearDownKind, Value: "____", LineNo: 9},291 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.CommentKind, Value: "\n", LineNo: 10},292 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.StepKind, Value: "Example step", LineNo: 8, LineText: "Example step\n\n\n"},293 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableHeader, Args: []string{"id", "name"}},294 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"1", "<foo>"}},295 &parser.Token{Kind: gauge.TableRow, Args: []string{"2", "bar"}},296 }297 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).CreateSpecification(tokens, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")298 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)299 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,300 `My Spec Heading301===============302Scenario Heading303----------------304 |id|name|305 |1|foo|306|2|bar|307* Example step `+`308 |id|name |309 |--|-----|310 |1 |<foo>|311 |2 |bar |312____313* Example step `+`314 |id|name |315 |--|-----|316 |1 |<foo>|317 |2 |bar |318`)319}320func (s *MySuite) TestFormatShouldNotAddExtraNewLinesBeforeDataTable(c *C) {321 spec, _ := new(parser.SpecParser).Parse(`Specification Heading322=====================323 |Word |Vowel Count|324 |------|-----------|325 |Gauge |3 |326 |Mingle|2 |327 |Snap |1 |328 |GoCD |1 |329 |Rhythm|0 |330`, gauge.NewConceptDictionary(), "")331 formatted := FormatSpecification(spec)332 c.Assert(formatted, Equals,333 `Specification Heading334=====================335 |Word |Vowel Count|336 |------|-----------|337 |Gauge |3 |338 |Mingle|2 |339 |Snap |1 |340 |GoCD |1 |341 |Rhythm|0 |342`)343}...
Using AI Code Generation
1var parser = new Parser();2var specification = parser.createSpecification("1.go");3var parser = new Parser();4var specification = parser.createSpecification("2.go");5var parser = new Parser();6var specification = parser.createSpecification("3.go");7var parser = new Parser();8var specification = parser.createSpecification("4.go");9var parser = new Parser();10var specification = parser.createSpecification("5.go");11var parser = new Parser();12var specification = parser.createSpecification("6.go");13var parser = new Parser();14var specification = parser.createSpecification("7.go");15var parser = new Parser();16var specification = parser.createSpecification("8.go");17var parser = new Parser();18var specification = parser.createSpecification("9.go");19var parser = new Parser();20var specification = parser.createSpecification("10.go");21var parser = new Parser();22var specification = parser.createSpecification("11.go");23var parser = new Parser();24var specification = parser.createSpecification("12.go");25var parser = new Parser();26var specification = parser.createSpecification("13.go");27var parser = new Parser();28var specification = parser.createSpecification("14.go");29var parser = new Parser();30var specification = parser.createSpecification("15.go");
Using AI Code Generation
1import "fmt"2func main() {3 p := parser{}4 p.createSpecification("name", "string")5 p.createSpecification("age", "int")6 p.createSpecification("height", "float")7 p.createSpecification("married", "bool")8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 p := parser{}12 p.createSpecification("name", "string")13 p.createSpecification("age", "int")14 p.createSpecification("height", "float")15 p.createSpecification("married", "bool")16}17import "fmt"18func main() {19 p := parser{}20 p.createSpecification("name", "string")21 p.createSpecification("age", "int")22 p.createSpecification("height", "float")23 p.createSpecification("married", "bool")24}25import "fmt"26func main() {27 p := parser{}28 p.createSpecification("name", "string")29 p.createSpecification("age", "int")30 p.createSpecification("height", "float")31 p.createSpecification("married", "bool")32}33import "fmt"34func main() {35 p := parser{}36 p.createSpecification("name", "string")37 p.createSpecification("age", "int")38 p.createSpecification("height", "float")39 p.createSpecification("married", "bool")40}41import "fmt"42func main() {43 p := parser{}44 p.createSpecification("name", "string")45 p.createSpecification("age", "int")46 p.createSpecification("height", "float")47 p.createSpecification("married", "bool")48}49import "fmt"50func main() {51 p := parser{}52 p.createSpecification("name", "string")53 p.createSpecification("age", "int")54 p.createSpecification("height", "float")
Using AI Code Generation
1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")4 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)5 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")10 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)11 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")16 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)17 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")22 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)23 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")28 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)29 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)30}31import (32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")34 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)35 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")40 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)41 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)42}43import (44func main() {45 fmt.Println("Enter the specification")46 fmt.Scanf("%s", &specification)47 parser.CreateSpecification(specification)48}
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