How to use addInlineTableRow method of parser Package

Best Gauge code snippet using parser.addInlineTableRow


Source:specparser.go Github


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...416 result = ParseResult{Ok: true}417 } else if isInState(*state, stepScope) {418 latestScenario := spec.LatestScenario()419 latestStep := latestScenario.LatestStep()420 result = addInlineTableRow(latestStep, token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTable(&spec.DataTable.Table), spec.FileName)421 } else if isInState(*state, contextScope) {422 latestContext := spec.LatestContext()423 result = addInlineTableRow(latestContext, token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTable(&spec.DataTable.Table), spec.FileName)424 } else if isInState(*state, tearDownScope) {425 if len(spec.TearDownSteps) > 0 {426 latestTeardown := spec.LatestTeardown()427 result = addInlineTableRow(latestTeardown, token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTable(&spec.DataTable.Table), spec.FileName)428 } else {429 spec.AddComment(&gauge.Comment{token.LineText, token.LineNo})430 }431 } else {432 /​/​todo validate datatable rows also433 spec.DataTable.Table.AddRowValues(token.Args)434 result = ParseResult{Ok: true}435 }436 retainStates(state, specScope, scenarioScope, stepScope, contextScope, tearDownScope, tableScope, tableSeparatorScope)437 return result438 })439 tagConverter := converterFn(func(token *Token, state *int) bool {440 return (token.Kind == gauge.TagKind)441 }, func(token *Token, spec *gauge.Specification, state *int) ParseResult {442 tags := &gauge.Tags{Values: token.Args}443 if isInState(*state, scenarioScope) {444 if spec.LatestScenario().NTags() != 0 {445 return ParseResult{Ok: false, ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{FileName: spec.FileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: "Tags can be defined only once per scenario", LineText: token.LineText}}}446 }447 spec.LatestScenario().AddTags(tags)448 } else {449 if spec.NTags() != 0 {450 return ParseResult{Ok: false, ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{FileName: spec.FileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: "Tags can be defined only once per specification", LineText: token.LineText}}}451 }452 spec.AddTags(tags)453 }454 return ParseResult{Ok: true}455 })456 converter := []func(*Token, *int, *gauge.Specification) ParseResult{457 specConverter, scenarioConverter, stepConverter, contextConverter, commentConverter, tableHeaderConverter, tableRowConverter, tagConverter, keywordConverter, tearDownConverter, tearDownStepConverter,458 }459 return converter460}461func (parser *SpecParser) validateSpec(specification *gauge.Specification) error {462 if len(specification.Items) == 0 {463 return ParseError{FileName: specification.FileName, LineNo: 1, Message: "Spec does not have any elements"}464 }465 if specification.Heading == nil {466 return ParseError{FileName: specification.FileName, LineNo: 1, Message: "Spec heading not found"}467 }468 if len(strings.TrimSpace(specification.Heading.Value)) < 1 {469 return ParseError{FileName: specification.FileName, LineNo: specification.Heading.LineNo, Message: "Spec heading should have at least one character"}470 }471 dataTable := specification.DataTable.Table472 if dataTable.IsInitialized() && dataTable.GetRowCount() == 0 {473 return ParseError{FileName: specification.FileName, LineNo: dataTable.LineNo, Message: "Data table should have at least 1 data row"}474 }475 if len(specification.Scenarios) == 0 {476 return ParseError{FileName: specification.FileName, LineNo: specification.Heading.LineNo, Message: "Spec should have atleast one scenario"}477 }478 for _, sce := range specification.Scenarios {479 if len(sce.Steps) == 0 {480 return ParseError{FileName: specification.FileName, LineNo: sce.Heading.LineNo, Message: "Scenario should have atleast one step"}481 }482 }483 return nil484}485func CreateStepFromStepRequest(stepReq *gauge_messages.ExecuteStepRequest) *gauge.Step {486 args := createStepArgsFromProtoArguments(stepReq.GetParameters())487 step := &gauge.Step{Value: stepReq.GetParsedStepText(),488 LineText: stepReq.GetActualStepText()}489 step.AddArgs(args...)490 return step491}492func createStepArgsFromProtoArguments(parameters []*gauge_messages.Parameter) []*gauge.StepArg {493 stepArgs := make([]*gauge.StepArg, 0)494 for _, parameter := range parameters {495 var arg *gauge.StepArg496 switch parameter.GetParameterType() {497 case gauge_messages.Parameter_Static:498 arg = &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.Static, Value: parameter.GetValue(), Name: parameter.GetName()}499 break500 case gauge_messages.Parameter_Dynamic:501 arg = &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.Dynamic, Value: parameter.GetValue(), Name: parameter.GetName()}502 break503 case gauge_messages.Parameter_Special_String:504 arg = &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.SpecialString, Value: parameter.GetValue(), Name: parameter.GetName()}505 break506 case gauge_messages.Parameter_Table:507 arg = &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.TableArg, Table: *(TableFrom(parameter.GetTable())), Name: parameter.GetName()}508 break509 case gauge_messages.Parameter_Special_Table:510 arg = &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.SpecialTable, Table: *(TableFrom(parameter.GetTable())), Name: parameter.GetName()}511 break512 }513 stepArgs = append(stepArgs, arg)514 }515 return stepArgs516}517func converterFn(predicate func(token *Token, state *int) bool, apply func(token *Token, spec *gauge.Specification, state *int) ParseResult) func(*Token, *int, *gauge.Specification) ParseResult {518 return func(token *Token, state *int, spec *gauge.Specification) ParseResult {519 if !predicate(token, state) {520 return ParseResult{Ok: true}521 }522 return apply(token, spec, state)523 }524}525func createStep(spec *gauge.Specification, stepToken *Token) (*gauge.Step, *ParseResult) {526 dataTableLookup := new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTable(&spec.DataTable.Table)527 stepToAdd, parseDetails := CreateStepUsingLookup(stepToken, dataTableLookup, spec.FileName)528 if parseDetails != nil && len(parseDetails.ParseErrors) > 0 {529 return nil, parseDetails530 }531 stepToAdd.Suffix = stepToken.Suffix532 return stepToAdd, parseDetails533}534func CreateStepUsingLookup(stepToken *Token, lookup *gauge.ArgLookup, specFileName string) (*gauge.Step, *ParseResult) {535 stepValue, argsType := extractStepValueAndParameterTypes(stepToken.Value)536 if argsType != nil && len(argsType) != len(stepToken.Args) {537 return nil, &ParseResult{ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{specFileName, stepToken.LineNo, "Step text should not have '{static}' or '{dynamic}' or '{special}'", stepToken.LineText}}, Warnings: nil}538 }539 step := &gauge.Step{LineNo: stepToken.LineNo, Value: stepValue, LineText: strings.TrimSpace(stepToken.LineText)}540 arguments := make([]*gauge.StepArg, 0)541 var warnings []*Warning542 for i, argType := range argsType {543 argument, parseDetails := createStepArg(stepToken.Args[i], argType, stepToken, lookup, specFileName)544 if parseDetails != nil && len(parseDetails.ParseErrors) > 0 {545 return nil, parseDetails546 }547 arguments = append(arguments, argument)548 if parseDetails != nil && parseDetails.Warnings != nil {549 for _, warn := range parseDetails.Warnings {550 warnings = append(warnings, warn)551 }552 }553 }554 step.AddArgs(arguments...)555 return step, &ParseResult{Warnings: warnings}556}557func createConceptStep(spec *gauge.Specification, concept *gauge.Step, originalStep *gauge.Step) {558 stepCopy := concept.GetCopy()559 originalArgs := originalStep.Args560 originalStep.CopyFrom(stepCopy)561 originalStep.Args = originalArgs562 /​/​ set parent of all concept steps to be the current concept (referred as originalStep here)563 /​/​ this is used to fetch from parent's lookup when nested564 for _, conceptStep := range originalStep.ConceptSteps {565 conceptStep.Parent = originalStep566 }567 spec.PopulateConceptLookup(&originalStep.Lookup, concept.Args, originalStep.Args)568}569func extractStepValueAndParameterTypes(stepTokenValue string) (string, []string) {570 argsType := make([]string, 0)571 r := regexp.MustCompile("{(dynamic|static|special)}")572 /​*573 enter {dynamic} and {static}574 returns575 [576 ["{dynamic}","dynamic"]577 ["{static}","static"]578 ]579 */​580 args := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(stepTokenValue, -1)581 if args == nil {582 return stepTokenValue, nil583 }584 for _, arg := range args {585 /​/​arg[1] extracts the first group586 argsType = append(argsType, arg[1])587 }588 return r.ReplaceAllString(stepTokenValue, gauge.ParameterPlaceholder), argsType589}590func createStepArg(argValue string, typeOfArg string, token *Token, lookup *gauge.ArgLookup, fileName string) (*gauge.StepArg, *ParseResult) {591 if typeOfArg == "special" {592 resolvedArgValue, err := newSpecialTypeResolver().resolve(argValue)593 if err != nil {594 switch err.(type) {595 case invalidSpecialParamError:596 return treatArgAsDynamic(argValue, token, lookup, fileName)597 default:598 return nil, &ParseResult{ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{FileName: fileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Dynamic parameter <%s> could not be resolved", argValue), LineText: token.LineText}}}599 }600 }601 return resolvedArgValue, nil602 } else if typeOfArg == "static" {603 return &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.Static, Value: argValue}, nil604 } else {605 return validateDynamicArg(argValue, token, lookup, fileName)606 }607}608func treatArgAsDynamic(argValue string, token *Token, lookup *gauge.ArgLookup, fileName string) (*gauge.StepArg, *ParseResult) {609 parseRes := &ParseResult{Warnings: []*Warning{&Warning{FileName: fileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Could not resolve special param type <%s>. Treating it as dynamic param.", argValue)}}}610 stepArg, result := validateDynamicArg(argValue, token, lookup, fileName)611 if result != nil {612 if len(result.ParseErrors) > 0 {613 parseRes.ParseErrors = result.ParseErrors614 }615 if result.Warnings != nil {616 for _, warn := range result.Warnings {617 parseRes.Warnings = append(parseRes.Warnings, warn)618 }619 }620 }621 return stepArg, parseRes622}623func validateDynamicArg(argValue string, token *Token, lookup *gauge.ArgLookup, fileName string) (*gauge.StepArg, *ParseResult) {624 if !isConceptHeader(lookup) && !lookup.ContainsArg(argValue) {625 return nil, &ParseResult{ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{FileName: fileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Dynamic parameter <%s> could not be resolved", argValue), LineText: token.LineText}}}626 }627 stepArgument := &gauge.StepArg{ArgType: gauge.Dynamic, Value: argValue, Name: argValue}628 return stepArgument, nil629}630/​/​Step value is modified when inline table is found to account for the new parameter by appending {}631/​/​todo validate headers for dynamic632func addInlineTableHeader(step *gauge.Step, token *Token) {633 step.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", step.Value, gauge.ParameterPlaceholder)634 step.HasInlineTable = true635 step.AddInlineTableHeaders(token.Args)636}637func addInlineTableRow(step *gauge.Step, token *Token, argLookup *gauge.ArgLookup, fileName string) ParseResult {638 dynamicArgMatcher := regexp.MustCompile("^<(.*)>$")639 tableValues := make([]gauge.TableCell, 0)640 warnings := make([]*Warning, 0)641 for _, tableValue := range token.Args {642 if dynamicArgMatcher.MatchString(tableValue) {643 match := dynamicArgMatcher.FindAllStringSubmatch(tableValue, -1)644 param := match[0][1]645 if !argLookup.ContainsArg(param) {646 tableValues = append(tableValues, gauge.TableCell{Value: tableValue, CellType: gauge.Static})647 warnings = append(warnings, &Warning{FileName: fileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Dynamic param <%s> could not be resolved, Treating it as static param", param)})648 } else {649 tableValues = append(tableValues, gauge.TableCell{Value: param, CellType: gauge.Dynamic})650 }651 } else {...

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Source:convert.go Github


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...210 if latestScenario.DataTable.IsInitialized() {211 tables = append(tables, &latestScenario.DataTable.Table)212 }213 latestStep := latestScenario.LatestStep()214 result = addInlineTableRow(latestStep, token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTables(tables...), spec.FileName)215 } else if isInState(*state, contextScope) {216 latestContext := spec.LatestContext()217 result = addInlineTableRow(latestContext, token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTables(&spec.DataTable.Table), spec.FileName)218 } else if isInState(*state, tearDownScope) {219 if len(spec.TearDownSteps) > 0 {220 latestTeardown := spec.LatestTeardown()221 result = addInlineTableRow(latestTeardown, token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTables(&spec.DataTable.Table), spec.FileName)222 } else {223 spec.AddComment(&gauge.Comment{Value: token.LineText, LineNo: token.LineNo})224 }225 } else {226 t := spec.DataTable227 if isInState(*state, scenarioScope) && env.AllowScenarioDatatable() {228 t = spec.LatestScenario().DataTable229 }230 tableValues, warnings, err := validateTableRows(token, new(gauge.ArgLookup).FromDataTables(&t.Table), spec.FileName)231 if len(err) > 0 {232 result = ParseResult{Ok: false, Warnings: warnings, ParseErrors: err}233 } else {234 t.Table.AddRowValues(tableValues)235 result = ParseResult{Ok: true, Warnings: warnings}236 }237 }238 retainStates(state, specScope, scenarioScope, stepScope, contextScope, tearDownScope, tableScope, tableSeparatorScope)239 return result240 })241 tagConverter := converterFn(func(token *Token, state *int) bool {242 return (token.Kind == gauge.TagKind)243 }, func(token *Token, spec *gauge.Specification, state *int) ParseResult {244 tags := &gauge.Tags{RawValues: [][]string{token.Args}}245 if isInState(*state, scenarioScope) {246 if isInState(*state, tagsScope) {247 spec.LatestScenario().Tags.Add(tags.RawValues[0])248 } else {249 if spec.LatestScenario().NTags() != 0 {250 return ParseResult{Ok: false, ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{FileName: spec.FileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: "Tags can be defined only once per scenario", LineText: token.LineText}}}251 }252 spec.LatestScenario().AddTags(tags)253 }254 } else {255 if isInState(*state, tagsScope) {256 spec.Tags.Add(tags.RawValues[0])257 } else {258 if spec.NTags() != 0 {259 return ParseResult{Ok: false, ParseErrors: []ParseError{ParseError{FileName: spec.FileName, LineNo: token.LineNo, Message: "Tags can be defined only once per specification", LineText: token.LineText}}}260 }261 spec.AddTags(tags)262 }263 }264 addStates(state, tagsScope)265 return ParseResult{Ok: true}266 })267 converter := []func(*Token, *int, *gauge.Specification) ParseResult{268 specConverter, scenarioConverter, stepConverter, contextConverter, commentConverter, tableHeaderConverter, tableRowConverter, tagConverter, keywordConverter, tearDownConverter, tearDownStepConverter,269 }270 return converter271}272func converterFn(predicate func(token *Token, state *int) bool, apply func(token *Token, spec *gauge.Specification, state *int) ParseResult) func(*Token, *int, *gauge.Specification) ParseResult {273 return func(token *Token, state *int, spec *gauge.Specification) ParseResult {274 if !predicate(token, state) {275 return ParseResult{Ok: true}276 }277 return apply(token, spec, state)278 }279}280/​/​Step value is modified when inline table is found to account for the new parameter by appending {}281/​/​todo validate headers for dynamic282func addInlineTableHeader(step *gauge.Step, token *Token) {283 step.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", step.Value, gauge.ParameterPlaceholder)284 step.HasInlineTable = true285 step.AddInlineTableHeaders(token.Args)286}287func addInlineTableRow(step *gauge.Step, token *Token, argLookup *gauge.ArgLookup, fileName string) ParseResult {288 tableValues, warnings, err := validateTableRows(token, argLookup, fileName)289 if len(err) > 0 {290 return ParseResult{Ok: false, Warnings: warnings, ParseErrors: err}291 }292 step.AddInlineTableRow(tableValues)293 return ParseResult{Ok: true, Warnings: warnings}294}295func validateTableRows(token *Token, argLookup *gauge.ArgLookup, fileName string) ([]gauge.TableCell, []*Warning, []ParseError) {296 dynamicArgMatcher := regexp.MustCompile("^<(.*)>$")297 specialArgMatcher := regexp.MustCompile("^<(file:.*)>$")298 tableValues := make([]gauge.TableCell, 0)299 warnings := make([]*Warning, 0)300 error := make([]ParseError, 0)301 for _, tableValue := range token.Args {...

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1import (2func main() {3 f := excelize.NewFile()4 index := f.NewSheet("Sheet2")5 f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A2", "Hello world.")6 f.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "B2", 100)7 f.SetActiveSheet(index)8 if err := f.SaveAs("Book1.xlsx"); err != nil {9 fmt.Println(err)10 }11}12import (13func main() {14 f, err := excelize.OpenFile("Book1.xlsx")15 if err != nil {16 fmt.Println(err)17 }18 rows, err := f.GetRows("Sheet1")19 for _, row := range rows {20 for _, colCell := range row {21 fmt.Print(colCell, "\t")22 }23 fmt.Println()24 }25}26import (27func main() {28 f, err := excelize.OpenFile("Book1.xlsx")29 if err != nil {30 fmt.Println(err)31 }32 cell, err := f.GetCellValue("Sheet1", "B2")33 if err != nil {34 fmt.Println(err)35 }36 fmt.Println(cell)37 index := f.GetSheetIndex("Sheet2")38 fmt.Println(index)39 rows, err := f.GetRows("Sheet1")40 for _, row := range rows {41 for _, colCell := range row {42 fmt.Print(colCell, "\t")43 }44 fmt.Println()45 }46 rows, err = f.GetRows("Sheet2")47 for _, row := range rows {

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1import (2func main() {3 customMapping := bleve.NewIndexMapping()4 customAnalyzer := custom.Analyzer{5 TokenFilters: []string{6 },7 }8 customFieldMapping := bleve.NewTextFieldMapping()9 customDocumentMapping := bleve.NewDocumentMapping()10 customDocumentMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("name", customFieldMapping)11 customMapping.AddDocumentMapping("custom", customDocumentMapping)12 index, err := bleve.New("example.bleve", customMapping)13 if err != nil {14 panic(err)15 }16 index.Index("1", map[string]interface{}{17 })18 query := bleve.NewMatchQuery("John")19 search := bleve.NewSearchRequest(query)20 searchResults, err := index.Search(search)21 if err != nil {22 panic(err)23 }24 fmt.Println(searchResults)25}26import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")4}5import "fmt"6func main() {7 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")8}9import "fmt"10func main() {11 fmt.Println("Hello, world.")12}13func main() {14 for i := 1; i < 4; i++ {15 copyFile(strconv.Itoa(i) + ".go", strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ".go")16 }17}18func copyFile(src, dst string) (err error) {19 in, err := os.Open(src)20 if err != nil {21 }22 defer in.Close()23 out, err := os.Create(dst)24 if err != nil {25 }26 defer func() {27 cerr := out.Close()28 if err == nil {29 }30 }()31 if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {32 }33 err = out.Sync()34}35main.copyFile(0x7fff5fbff8e0, 0x5, 0x7fff5fbff8f4, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0)36main.main()

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1import (2func main() {3 input, err := os.Open("input.html")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 defer input.Close()8 output, err := os.Open("output.html")9 if err != nil {10 log.Fatal(err)11 }12 defer output.Close()13 inputData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(input)14 if err != nil {15 log.Fatal(err)16 }17 outputData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(output)18 if err != nil {19 log.Fatal(err)20 }21 m := minify.New()22 m.AddFunc("text/​html", html.Minify)23 minifiedInput, err := m.Bytes("text/​html", inputData)24 if err != nil {25 log.Fatal(err)26 }27 minifiedOutput, err := m.Bytes("text/​html", outputData)28 if err != nil {29 log.Fatal(err)30 }31 fmt.Println(string(minifiedInput))32 fmt.Println(string(minifiedOutput))33 inputParser := parser{minifiedInput}34 outputParser := parser{minifiedOutput}35 inputInlineTableRow := inputParser.findInlineTableRow()36 outputInlineTableRow := outputParser.findInlineTableRow()37 fmt.Println(string(inputInlineTableRow))38 fmt.Println(string(outputInlineTableRow))39 outputParser.addInlineTableRow(inputInlineTableRow)40 fmt.Println(string(outputParser.minifiedFile))41}42import (

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1import (2func main() {3 f, err := os.Open("input.html")4 if err != nil {5 log.Fatal(err)6 }7 defer f.Close()8 b := parse.NewInputBuf(f)9 p := html.NewParser(b)10 for {11 tt, data := p.Next()12 if tt == html.ErrorToken {13 } else if tt == html.StartTagToken {14 if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("table")) {15 }16 }17 }18 for {19 tt, data := p.Next()20 if tt == html.ErrorToken {21 } else if tt == html.StartTagToken {22 if bytes.Equal(data, []byte("tr")) {23 }24 }25 }26 p.AddInlineTableRow([]byte("<tr><td>4</​td><td>5</​td><td>6</​td></​tr>"))27 for {28 tt, data := p.Next()29 if tt == html.ErrorToken {30 } else if tt == html.TextToken {31 fmt.Print(string(data))32 } else if tt == html.StartTagToken {33 fmt.Print("<", string(data), ">")34 } else if tt == html.EndTagToken {35 fmt.Print("</​", string(data), ">")36 }37 }38}39import (40func main() {41 f, err := os.Open("input.html")42 if err != nil {43 log.Fatal(err)44 }45 defer f.Close()46 b := parse.NewInputBuf(f)47 p := html.NewParser(b)

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1import (2func main() {3 md := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte("Hello World!"))4 fmt.Println(string(md))5}6import (7func main() {8 md := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte("Hello World!"))9 fmt.Println(string(md))10}11import (12func main() {13 md := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte("Hello World!"))14 fmt.Println(string(md))15}16import (17func main() {18 md := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte("Hello World!"))19 fmt.Println(string(md))20}21import (22func main() {23 md := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte("Hello World!"))24 fmt.Println(string(md))25}26import (27func main() {28 md := blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte("Hello World!"))29 fmt.Println(string(md))30}31import (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "​tdewolff/​parse/​v2"2import "​tdewolff/​parse/​v2/​html"3func main() {4 p := html.NewParser(strings.NewReader(`5 for {6 tok, data := p.Next()7 switch tok {8 name, hasAttr := p.TagName()9 if hasAttr {10 fmt.Println("StartTagToken:", name)11 for {12 key, val, more := p.TagAttr()13 if !more {14 }15 fmt.Println(" Attr:", string(key), string(val))16 }17 }18 fmt.Println("TextToken:", string(data))19 name, _ := p.TagName()20 fmt.Println("EndTagToken:", name)21 }22 }23}24import "​tdewolff/​parse/​v2"25import "​tdewolff/​parse/​v2/​html"26func main() {27 p := html.NewParser(strings.NewReader(`

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