How to use Close method of lang Package

Best Gauge code snippet using lang.Close


Source:cui_test.go Github


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1package cui2import (3 "fmt"4 "testing"5)6// type Options struct {7// TicketId string `json:"ticket_id"`8// TimeElapsed int `json:"time_elpased_sec"`9// TimeRemaining int `json:"time_remaining_sec"`10// CurrentHumanLang string `json:"current_human_lang"`11// CurrentProgLang string `json:"current_prg_lang"`12// CurrentTaskName string `json:"current_task_name"`13// TaskNames []string `json:"task_names"`14// HumanLangList []HumanLang `json:"human_langs"`15// ProgLangList []ProgLang `json:"prog_langs"`16// ShowSurvey bool `json:"show_survey"`17// ShowHelp bool `json:"show_help"`18// ShowWelcome bool `json:"show_welcome"`19// Sequential bool `json:"sequential"`20// SaveOften bool `json:"save_often"`21// Urls map[string]string `json:"urls"`22// }23// ticket_id: "TICKET_ID",24// time_elapsed_sec: 15,25// time_remaining_sec: 1800,26// current_human_lang: "en",27// current_prg_lang: "c",28// current_task_name: "task1",29// task_names: ["task1", "task2", "task3"],30// human_langs: {31// "en": {"name_in_itself": "English"},32// "cn": {"name_in_itself": "\u4e2d\u6587"},33// },34// prg_langs: {35// "c": {"version": "C", "name": "C"},36// "sql": {"version": "SQL", "name": "SQL"},37// "cpp": {"version": "C++", "name": "C++"},38// },39// show_survey: true,40// show_help: false,41// show_welcome: true,42// sequential: false,43// save_often: true,44// urls: {45// "status": "/chk/status/",46// "get_task": "/c/_get_task/",47// "submit_survey": "/surveys/_ajax_submit_candidate_survey/TICKET_ID/",48// "clock": "/chk/clock/",49// "close": "/c/close/TICKET_ID",50// "verify": "/chk/verify/",51// "save": "/chk/save/",52// "timeout_action": "/chk/timeout_action/",53// "final": "/chk/final/",54// "start_ticket": "/c/_start/"55// },56// }`57func TestOptions(t *testing.T) {58 opts := &Options{59 TicketId: "my-ticket-id",60 TimeElapsed: 15,61 TimeRemaining: 1800,62 CurrentHumanLang: "en",63 CurrentProgLang: "c++",64 CurrentTaskName: "task1",65 TaskNames: []string{"task1", "task2"},66 HumanLangList: map[string]HumanLang{"en": HumanLang{"English"}, "cn": HumanLang{"\u4e2d\u6587"}},67 ProgLangList: map[string]ProgLang{"c": ProgLang{"C", "C"}, "sql": ProgLang{"SQL", "SQL"}, "cpp": ProgLang{"C++", "C++"}},68 ShowSurvey: true,69 ShowHelp: false,70 ShowWelcome: true,71 Sequential: false,72 SaveOften: true,73 Urls: map[string]string{74 "status": "/chk/status/",75 "get_task": "/c/_get_task/",76 "submit_survey": "/surveys/_ajax_submit_candidate_survey/TICKET_ID/",77 "clock": "/chk/clock/",78 "close": "/c/close/TICKET_ID",79 "verify": "/chk/verify/",80 "save": "/chk/save/",81 "timeout_action": "/chk/timeout_action/",82 "final": "/chk/final/",83 "start_ticket": "/c/_start/",84 },85 }86 fmt.Println(opts)87 Render(opts)88}...

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Source:bitextor.go Github


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...7 "path/filepath"8 ""9)10type Zip struct {11 zip io.WriteCloser12 fp io.WriteCloser13}14type XZip struct {15 xzip io.WriteCloser16 fp io.WriteCloser17}18func NewZippedFile(outdir string, name string) (z Zip, err error) {19 var zz Zip20 path := filepath.Join(outdir, name)21 zz.fp, err = os.Create(path)22 // zz.fp, err = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)23 if err != nil {24 return25 }26 gz, _ := gzip.NewWriterLevel(zz.fp, gzip.BestCompression)27 gz.Name = name28 gz.Comment = "Written by giawarc"29 = gz30 z = zz31 return32}33func NewXZipFile(outdir string, name string) (x XZip, err error) {34 var xx XZip35 path := filepath.Join(outdir, name)36 xx.fp, err = os.Create(path)37 // xx.fp, err = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)38 if err != nil {39 return xx, err40 }41 w, err := xz.NewWriter(xx.fp)42 xx.xzip = w43 return xx, err44}45func (z Zip) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {46 return}48func (x XZip) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {49 return x.xzip.Write(buf)50}51func (z Zip) Close() (err error) {52 return z.fp.Close()54}55func (x XZip) Close() (err error) {56 x.xzip.Close()57 return x.fp.Close()58}59func WriteLine(w io.Writer, s string) (err error) {60 if _, err = w.Write([]byte(s)); err != nil {61 return62 }63 _, err = w.Write([]byte("\n"))64 return65}66type BitextorWriter struct {67 mime io.WriteCloser68 lang io.WriteCloser69 url io.WriteCloser70 plain io.WriteCloser71}72func NewBitextorWriter(outdir string, writeLang bool) (tw TextWriter, err error) {73 mime, err := NewXZipFile(outdir, "mime.xz")74 if err != nil {75 return76 }77 var lang io.WriteCloser78 lang = nil79 if writeLang {80 lang, err = NewXZipFile(outdir, "lang.xz")81 if err != nil {82 return 83 }84 }85 url, err := NewXZipFile(outdir, "url.xz")86 if err != nil {87 return88 }89 plain, err := NewXZipFile(outdir, "plain_text.xz")90 if err != nil {91 return92 }93 return BitextorWriter{mime: mime, lang: lang, url: url, plain: plain}, nil94}95func (bw BitextorWriter) WriteText(text *TextRecord) (n int, err error) {96 if err = WriteLine(bw.mime, text.ContentType); err != nil {97 return98 }99 if (bw.lang != nil){100 if err = WriteLine(bw.lang, text.Lang); err != nil {101 return102 }103 }104 if err = WriteLine(bw.url, text.URI); err != nil {105 return106 }107 b64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(text.Text))108 if err = WriteLine(bw.plain, b64); err != nil {109 return110 }111 return112}113func (bw BitextorWriter) Close() (err error) {114 bw.mime.Close()115 if bw.lang != nil {116 bw.lang.Close()117 }118 bw.url.Close()119 bw.plain.Close()120 return121}...

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Source:bilang.go Github


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...6 "os"7 "path/filepath"8)9type BiLangWriterList struct {10 mime io.WriteCloser11 url io.WriteCloser12 plain io.WriteCloser13}14type BiLangWriter struct {15 outdir string16 ws map[string]BiLangWriterList17}18func NewBiLangWriter(outdir string, writeLang bool) (tw TextWriter, err error) {19 bw := BiLangWriter{outdir: outdir, ws: make(map[string]BiLangWriterList)}20 return &bw, nil21}22func (bw BiLangWriter) WriteText(text *TextRecord) (n int, err error) {23 if len(text.Lang) == 0 {24 err = errors.New("Invalid empty language")25 return26 }27 ws, ok :=[text.Lang]28 if !ok {29 outsubdir := filepath.Join(bw.outdir, text.Lang)30 err = os.MkdirAll(outsubdir, os.ModePerm)31 if err != nil {32 return33 }34 mime, err := NewZippedFile(outsubdir, "mime.gz")35 if err != nil {36 return 0, err37 }38 url, err := NewZippedFile(outsubdir, "url.gz")39 if err != nil {40 mime.Close()41 return 0, err42 }43 plain, err := NewZippedFile(outsubdir, "plain_text.gz")44 if err != nil {45 mime.Close()46 url.Close()47 return 0, err48 }49 ws = BiLangWriterList{mime: mime, url: url, plain: plain}50[text.Lang] = ws51 }52 if err = WriteLine(ws.mime, text.ContentType); err != nil {53 return54 }55 if err = WriteLine(ws.url, text.URI); err != nil {56 return57 }58 b64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(text.Text))59 if err = WriteLine(ws.plain, b64); err != nil {60 return61 }62 return63}64func (bw BiLangWriter) Close() (err error) {65 for _, ws := range {66 ws.mime.Close()67 ws.url.Close()68 ws.plain.Close()69 }70 return71}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 f, err := os.Open("1.go")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println(err)6 }7 defer f.Close()8 io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)9}10import (11func main() {12 f, err := os.Open("1.go")13 if err != nil {14 fmt.Println(err)15 }16 defer func() {17 if err := f.Close(); err != nil {18 fmt.Println(err)19 }20 }()21 io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)22}23import (24func main() {25 f, err := os.Open("1.go")26 if err != nil {27 fmt.Println(err)28 }29 defer f.Close()30 io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)31}32import (33func main() {34 f, err := os.Open("1.go")35 if err != nil {36 fmt.Println(err)37 }38 defer f.Close()39 io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)40}41import (42func main() {43 f, err := os.Open("1.go")44 if err != nil {45 fmt.Println(err)46 }47 defer f.Close()48 io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)49}50import (51func main() {52 f, err := os.Open("1.go")53 if err != nil {54 fmt.Println(err)55 }56 defer f.Close()57 io.Copy(os.Stdout, f)58}59import (60func main() {61 f, err := os.Open("1.go")62 if err != nil {63 fmt.Println(err)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2type lang struct {3}4func (l *lang) Close() {5fmt.Println("Closing",}7func main() {8l := lang{"Go"}9l.Close()10}11import "fmt"12type lang struct {13}14func (l lang) Close() {15fmt.Println("Closing",}17func main() {18l := lang{"Go"}19l.Close()20}21import "fmt"22type lang struct {23}24func (l lang) Close() {25fmt.Println("Closing",}27func main() {28l := lang{"Go"}29l.Close()30}31import "fmt"32type lang struct {33}34func (l *lang) Close() {35fmt.Println("Closing",}37func main() {38l := lang{"Go"}39l.Close()40}41import "fmt"42type lang struct {43}44func (l *lang) Close() {45fmt.Println("Closing",}47func main() {48l := lang{"Go"}49l.Close()50}51import "fmt"52type lang struct {53}54func (l *lang) Close() {55fmt.Println("Closing",}57func main() {58l := lang{"Go"}59l.Close()60}61import "fmt"62type lang struct {63}64func (l *lang) Close() {65fmt.Println("Closing",}67func main() {68l := lang{"Go"}69l.Close()70}71import "fmt"72type lang struct {73}74func (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 file, err := os.Create("test.txt")4 if err != nil {5 panic(err)6 }7 defer file.Close()8 _, err = file.Write([]byte("Hello World!"))9 if err != nil {10 panic(err)11 }12}13import (14func main() {15 file, err := os.Create("test.txt")16 if err != nil {17 panic(err)18 }19 defer file.Close()20 _, err = io.WriteString(file, "Hello World!")21 if err != nil {22 panic(err)23 }24}25import (26func main() {27 file, err := os.Create("test.txt")28 if err != nil {29 panic(err)30 }31 defer file.Close()32 writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)33 _, err = writer.WriteString("Hello World!")34 if err != nil {35 panic(err)36 }37 writer.Flush()38}39import (40func main() {41 file, err := os.Create("test.txt")42 if err != nil {43 panic(err)44 }45 defer file.Close()46 _, err = ioutil.WriteFile("test.txt", []byte("Hello World!"), 0644)47 if err != nil {48 panic(err)49 }50}51import (52func main() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1func main() {2 var lang = new(Lang)3 lang.Close()4}5func main() {6 var lang = new(Lang)7 lang.Close()8}9func main() {10 var lang = new(Lang)11 lang.Close()12}13func main() {14 var lang = new(Lang)15 lang.Close()16}17func main() {18 var lang = new(Lang)19 lang.Close()20}21func main() {22 var lang = new(Lang)23 lang.Close()24}25func main() {26 var lang = new(Lang)27 lang.Close()28}29func main() {30 var lang = new(Lang)31 lang.Close()32}33func main() {34 var lang = new(Lang)35 lang.Close()36}37func main() {38 var lang = new(Lang)39 lang.Close()40}41func main() {42 var lang = new(Lang)43 lang.Close()44}45func main() {46 var lang = new(Lang)47 lang.Close()48}49func main() {50 var lang = new(Lang)51 lang.Close()52}53func main() {54 var lang = new(Lang)55 lang.Close()56}57func main() {58 var lang = new(Lang)59 lang.Close()60}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 file, err := os.Open("1.txt")4 if err != nil {5 fmt.Println("Error in file opening")6 }7 defer file.Close()8 fmt.Println("File opened successfully")9}10import (11func main() {12 file, err := os.Open("1.txt")13 if err != nil {14 fmt.Println("Error in file opening")15 }16 defer file.Close()17 fmt.Println("File opened successfully")18}19import (20func main() {21 file, err := os.Open("1.txt")22 if err != nil {23 fmt.Println("Error in file opening")24 }25 defer file.Close()26 fmt.Println("File opened successfully")27}28import (29func main() {30 file, err := os.Open("1.txt")31 if err != nil {32 fmt.Println("Error in file opening")33 }34 defer file.Close()35 fmt.Println("File opened successfully")36}37import (38func main() {39 file, err := os.Open("1.txt")40 if err != nil {41 fmt.Println("Error in file opening")42 }43 defer file.Close()44 fmt.Println("File opened successfully")45}46import (47func main() {48 file, err := os.Open("1.txt")49 if err != nil {50 fmt.Println("Error in file opening")51 }52 defer file.Close()53 fmt.Println("File opened successfully")54}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "lang.*";2import "io.*";3import "os.*";4import "fmt.*";5func main() {6 file, err := os.Open("test.txt")7 if err != nil {8 fmt.Println(err)9 }10 defer file.Close()11 fmt.Println("Successfully opened file")12}13import "lang.*";14import "io.*";15import "os.*";16import "fmt.*";17func main() {18 file, err := os.Open("test.txt")19 if err != nil {20 fmt.Println(err)21 }22 defer io.Close(file)23 fmt.Println("Successfully opened file")24}25import "lang.*";26import "io.*";27import "os.*";28import "fmt.*";29func main() {30 file, err := os.Open("test.txt")31 if err != nil {32 fmt.Println(err)33 }34 defer io.Close(file)35 fmt.Println("Successfully opened file")36}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import*;2{3public static void main(String[] args)4{5{6File f = new File("D:\\java\\1.txt");7FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(f);8fout.write("Hello");9fout.close();10}11catch(Exception e)12{13System.out.println(e);14}15}16}17FileReader fin = new FileReader(f);18int i=0;19while((!=-1)20{21System.out.print((char)i);22}23fin.close();24FileReader fin = new FileReader(f);25int i=0;26while((!=-1)27{28System.out.print((char)i);29}30fin.close();31FileReader fin = new FileReader(f);32int i=0;33while((!=-1)34{35System.out.print((char)i);36}37fin.close();

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