How to use GetExecutionContextAsync method of PuppeteerSharp.Frame class

Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Frame.GetExecutionContextAsync


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...288 /// </remarks>289 /// <returns>Task which resolves to script return value</returns>290 public async Task<JSHandle> EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(string script)291 {292 var context = await MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync();293 return await context.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(script);294 }295 /// <summary>296 /// Executes a script in browser context297 /// </summary>298 /// <param name="pageFunction">Script to be evaluated in browser context</param>299 /// <param name="args">Function arguments</param>300 /// <remarks>301 /// If the script, returns a Promise, then the method would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.302 /// <see cref="JSHandle"/> instances can be passed as arguments303 /// </remarks>304 /// <returns>Task which resolves to script return value</returns>305 public async Task<JSHandle> EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(string pageFunction, params object[] args)306 {307 var context = await MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync();308 return await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(pageFunction, args);309 }310 /// <summary>311 /// Adds a function which would be invoked in one of the following scenarios:312 /// - whenever the page is navigated313 /// - whenever the child frame is attached or navigated. In this case, the function is invoked in the context of the newly attached frame314 /// </summary>315 /// <param name="pageFunction">Function to be evaluated in browser context</param>316 /// <param name="args">Arguments to pass to <c>pageFunction</c></param>317 /// <remarks>318 /// The function is invoked after the document was created but before any of its scripts were run. This is useful to amend JavaScript environment, e.g. to seed <c>Math.random</c>.319 /// </remarks>320 /// <example>321 /// An example of overriding the navigator.languages property before the page loads:322 /// <code>323 /// var overrideNavigatorLanguages = @"Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'languages', {324 /// get: function() {325 /// return ['en-US', 'en', 'bn'];326 /// };327 /// });";328 /// await page.EvaluateOnNewDocumentAsync(overrideNavigatorLanguages);329 /// </code>330 /// </example>331 /// <returns>Task</returns>332 public Task EvaluateOnNewDocumentAsync(string pageFunction, params object[] args)333 {334 var source = EvaluationString(pageFunction, args);335 return Client.SendAsync("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", new { source });336 }337 /// <summary>338 /// The method iterates JavaScript heap and finds all the objects with the given prototype.339 /// Shortcut for <c>page.MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync().QueryObjectsAsync(prototypeHandle)</c>.340 /// </summary>341 /// <returns>A task which resolves to a handle to an array of objects with this prototype.</returns>342 /// <param name="prototypeHandle">A handle to the object prototype.</param>343 public async Task<JSHandle> QueryObjectsAsync(JSHandle prototypeHandle)344 {345 var context = await MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync();346 return await context.QueryObjectsAsync(prototypeHandle);347 }348 /// <summary>349 /// Activating request interception enables <see cref="Request.AbortAsync(RequestAbortErrorCode)">request.AbortAsync</see>, 350 /// <see cref="Request.ContinueAsync(Payload)">request.ContinueAsync</see> and <see cref="Request.RespondAsync(ResponseData)">request.RespondAsync</see> methods.351 /// </summary>352 /// <returns>The request interception task.</returns>353 /// <param name="value">Whether to enable request interception..</param>354 public Task SetRequestInterceptionAsync(bool value)355 => _networkManager.SetRequestInterceptionAsync(value);356 /// <summary>357 /// Set offline mode for the page.358 /// </summary>359 /// <returns>Result task</returns>...

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...136 /// <seealso cref="EvaluateFunctionAsync{T}(string, object[])"/>137 /// <seealso cref="Page.EvaluateExpressionAsync{T}(string)"/>138 public async Task<JToken> EvaluateExpressionAsync(string script)139 {140 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);141 return await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<JToken>(script).ConfigureAwait(false);142 }143 /// <summary>144 /// Executes a script in browser context145 /// </summary>146 /// <typeparam name="T">The type to deserialize the result to</typeparam>147 /// <param name="script">Script to be evaluated in browser context</param>148 /// <remarks>149 /// If the script, returns a Promise, then the method would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.150 /// </remarks>151 /// <returns>Task which resolves to script return value</returns>152 /// <seealso cref="EvaluateFunctionAsync{T}(string, object[])"/>153 /// <seealso cref="Page.EvaluateExpressionAsync{T}(string)"/>154 public async Task<T> EvaluateExpressionAsync<T>(string script)155 {156 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);157 return await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<T>(script).ConfigureAwait(false);158 }159 /// <summary>160 /// Executes a function in browser context161 /// </summary>162 /// <param name="script">Script to be evaluated in browser context</param>163 /// <param name="args">Arguments to pass to script</param>164 /// <remarks>165 /// If the script, returns a Promise, then the method would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.166 /// <see cref="JSHandle"/> instances can be passed as arguments167 /// </remarks>168 /// <returns>Task which resolves to script return value</returns>169 /// <seealso cref="EvaluateExpressionAsync{T}(string)"/>170 /// <seealso cref="Page.EvaluateFunctionAsync{T}(string, object[])"/>171 public async Task<JToken> EvaluateFunctionAsync(string script, params object[] args)172 {173 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);174 return await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<JToken>(script, args).ConfigureAwait(false);175 }176 /// <summary>177 /// Executes a function in browser context178 /// </summary>179 /// <typeparam name="T">The type to deserialize the result to</typeparam>180 /// <param name="script">Script to be evaluated in browser context</param>181 /// <param name="args">Arguments to pass to script</param>182 /// <remarks>183 /// If the script, returns a Promise, then the method would wait for the promise to resolve and return its value.184 /// <see cref="JSHandle"/> instances can be passed as arguments185 /// </remarks>186 /// <returns>Task which resolves to script return value</returns>187 /// <seealso cref="EvaluateExpressionAsync{T}(string)"/>188 /// <seealso cref="Page.EvaluateFunctionAsync{T}(string, object[])"/>189 public async Task<T> EvaluateFunctionAsync<T>(string script, params object[] args)190 {191 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);192 return await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<T>(script, args).ConfigureAwait(false);193 }194 /// <summary>195 /// Passes an expression to the <see cref="ExecutionContext.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(string)"/>, returns a <see cref="Task"/>, then <see cref="ExecutionContext.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(string)"/> would wait for the <see cref="Task"/> to resolve and return its value.196 /// </summary>197 /// <example>198 /// <code>199 /// var frame = page.MainFrame;200 /// const handle = Page.MainFrame.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("1 + 2");201 /// </code>202 /// </example>203 /// <returns>Resolves to the return value of <paramref name="script"/></returns>204 /// <param name="script">Expression to be evaluated in the <seealso cref="ExecutionContext"/></param>205 public async Task<JSHandle> EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(string script)206 {207 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);208 return await context.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(script).ConfigureAwait(false);209 }210 /// <summary>211 /// Passes a function to the <see cref="ExecutionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync(string, object[])"/>, returns a <see cref="Task"/>, then <see cref="ExecutionContext.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(string, object[])"/> would wait for the <see cref="Task"/> to resolve and return its value.212 /// </summary>213 /// <example>214 /// <code>215 /// var frame = page.MainFrame;216 /// const handle = Page.MainFrame.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync("() => Promise.resolve(self)");217 /// return handle; // Handle for the global object.218 /// </code>219 /// <see cref="JSHandle"/> instances can be passed as arguments to the <see cref="ExecutionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync(string, object[])"/>:220 /// 221 /// const handle = await Page.MainFrame.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document.body");222 /// const resultHandle = await Page.MainFrame.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync("body => body.innerHTML", handle);223 /// return await resultHandle.JsonValueAsync(); // prints body's innerHTML224 /// </example>225 /// <returns>Resolves to the return value of <paramref name="function"/></returns>226 /// <param name="function">Function to be evaluated in the <see cref="ExecutionContext"/></param>227 /// <param name="args">Arguments to pass to <paramref name="function"/></param>228 public async Task<JSHandle> EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(string function, params object[] args)229 {230 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);231 return await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(function, args).ConfigureAwait(false);232 }233 /// <summary>234 /// Gets the <see cref="ExecutionContext"/> associated with the frame.235 /// </summary>236 /// <returns><see cref="ExecutionContext"/> associated with the frame.</returns>237 public Task<ExecutionContext> GetExecutionContextAsync() => _contextResolveTaskWrapper.Task;238 /// <summary>239 /// Waits for a selector to be added to the DOM240 /// </summary>241 /// <param name="selector">A selector of an element to wait for</param>242 /// <param name="options">Optional waiting parameters</param>243 /// <returns>A task that resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM</returns>244 /// <seealso cref="WaitForXPathAsync(string, WaitForSelectorOptions)"/>245 /// <seealso cref="Page.WaitForSelectorAsync(string, WaitForSelectorOptions)"/>246 /// <exception cref="WaitTaskTimeoutException">If timeout occurred.</exception>247 public Task<ElementHandle> WaitForSelectorAsync(string selector, WaitForSelectorOptions options = null)248 => WaitForSelectorOrXPathAsync(selector, false, options);249 /// <summary>250 /// Waits for a selector to be added to the DOM251 /// </summary>252 /// <param name="xpath">A xpath selector of an element to wait for</param>253 /// <param name="options">Optional waiting parameters</param>254 /// <returns>A task that resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM</returns>255 /// <example>256 /// <code>257 /// <![CDATA[258 /// var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions());259 /// var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();260 /// string currentURL = null;261 /// page.MainFrame262 /// .WaitForXPathAsync("//img")263 /// .ContinueWith(_ => Console.WriteLine("First URL with image: " + currentURL));264 /// foreach (var current in new[] { "", "", "" })265 /// {266 /// currentURL = current;267 /// await page.GoToAsync(currentURL);268 /// }269 /// await browser.CloseAsync();270 /// ]]>271 /// </code>272 /// </example>273 /// <seealso cref="WaitForSelectorAsync(string, WaitForSelectorOptions)"/>274 /// <seealso cref="Page.WaitForXPathAsync(string, WaitForSelectorOptions)"/>275 /// <exception cref="WaitTaskTimeoutException">If timeout occurred.</exception>276 public Task<ElementHandle> WaitForXPathAsync(string xpath, WaitForSelectorOptions options = null)277 => WaitForSelectorOrXPathAsync(xpath, true, options);278 /// <summary>279 /// Waits for a timeout280 /// </summary>281 /// <param name="milliseconds"></param>282 /// <returns>A task that resolves when after the timeout</returns>283 /// <seealso cref="Page.WaitForTimeoutAsync(int)"/>284 /// <exception cref="WaitTaskTimeoutException">If timeout occurred.</exception>285 public Task WaitForTimeoutAsync(int milliseconds) => Task.Delay(milliseconds);286 /// <summary>287 /// Waits for a function to be evaluated to a truthy value288 /// </summary>289 /// <param name="script">Function to be evaluated in browser context</param>290 /// <param name="options">Optional waiting parameters</param>291 /// <param name="args">Arguments to pass to <c>script</c></param>292 /// <returns>A task that resolves when the <c>script</c> returns a truthy value</returns>293 /// <seealso cref="Page.WaitForFunctionAsync(string, WaitForFunctionOptions, object[])"/>294 /// <exception cref="WaitTaskTimeoutException">If timeout occurred.</exception>295 public Task<JSHandle> WaitForFunctionAsync(string script, WaitForFunctionOptions options, params object[] args)296 => new WaitTask(this, script, false, "function", options.Polling, options.PollingInterval, options.Timeout, args).Task;297 /// <summary>298 /// Waits for an expression to be evaluated to a truthy value299 /// </summary>300 /// <param name="script">Expression to be evaluated in browser context</param>301 /// <param name="options">Optional waiting parameters</param>302 /// <returns>A task that resolves when the <c>script</c> returns a truthy value</returns>303 /// <seealso cref="Page.WaitForExpressionAsync(string, WaitForFunctionOptions)"/>304 /// <exception cref="WaitTaskTimeoutException">If timeout occurred.</exception>305 public Task<JSHandle> WaitForExpressionAsync(string script, WaitForFunctionOptions options)306 => new WaitTask(this, script, true, "function", options.Polling, options.PollingInterval, options.Timeout).Task;307 /// <summary>308 /// Triggers a change and input event once all the provided options have been selected. 309 /// If there's no <![CDATA[<select>]]> element matching selector, the method throws an error.310 /// </summary>311 /// <exception cref="SelectorException">If there's no element matching <paramref name="selector"/></exception>312 /// <param name="selector">A selector to query page for</param>313 /// <param name="values">Values of options to select. If the <![CDATA[<select>]]> has the multiple attribute, 314 /// all values are considered, otherwise only the first one is taken into account.</param>315 /// <returns>Returns an array of option values that have been successfully selected.</returns>316 /// <seealso cref="Page.SelectAsync(string, string[])"/>317 public Task<string[]> SelectAsync(string selector, params string[] values)318 => QuerySelectorAsync(selector).EvaluateFunctionAsync<string[]>(@"(element, values) => {319 if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'select')320 throw new Error('Element is not a <select> element.');321 const options = Array.from(element.options);322 element.value = undefined;323 for (const option of options) {324 option.selected = values.includes(option.value);325 if (option.selected && !element.multiple)326 break;327 }328 element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { 'bubbles': true }));329 element.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { 'bubbles': true }));330 return options.filter(option => option.selected).map(option => option.value);331 }", new[] { values });332 /// <summary>333 /// Queries frame for the selector. If there's no such element within the frame, the method will resolve to <c>null</c>.334 /// </summary>335 /// <param name="selector">Selector to query frame for</param>336 /// <returns>Task which resolves to <see cref="ElementHandle"/> pointing to the frame element</returns>337 /// <seealso cref="Page.QuerySelectorAsync(string)"/>338 public async Task<ElementHandle> QuerySelectorAsync(string selector)339 {340 var document = await GetDocument().ConfigureAwait(false);341 var value = await document.QuerySelectorAsync(selector).ConfigureAwait(false);342 return value;343 }344 /// <summary>345 /// Queries frame for the selector. If no elements match the selector, the return value resolve to <see cref="Array.Empty{T}"/>.346 /// </summary>347 /// <param name="selector">A selector to query frame for</param>348 /// <returns>Task which resolves to ElementHandles pointing to the frame elements</returns>349 /// <seealso cref="Page.QuerySelectorAllAsync(string)"/>350 public async Task<ElementHandle[]> QuerySelectorAllAsync(string selector)351 {352 var document = await GetDocument().ConfigureAwait(false);353 var value = await document.QuerySelectorAllAsync(selector).ConfigureAwait(false);354 return value;355 }356 /// <summary>357 /// Evaluates the XPath expression358 /// </summary>359 /// <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate <see href=""/></param>360 /// <returns>Task which resolves to an array of <see cref="ElementHandle"/></returns>361 /// <seealso cref="Page.XPathAsync(string)"/>362 public async Task<ElementHandle[]> XPathAsync(string expression)363 {364 var document = await GetDocument().ConfigureAwait(false);365 var value = await document.XPathAsync(expression).ConfigureAwait(false);366 return value;367 }368 /// <summary>369 /// Adds a <c><![CDATA[<link rel="stylesheet">]]></c> tag into the page with the desired url or a <c><![CDATA[<link rel="stylesheet">]]></c> tag with the content370 /// </summary>371 /// <param name="options">add style tag options</param>372 /// <returns>Task which resolves to the added tag when the stylesheet's onload fires or when the CSS content was injected into frame</returns>373 /// <seealso cref="Page.AddStyleTagAsync(AddTagOptions)"/>374 /// <seealso cref="Page.AddStyleTagAsync(string)"/>375 public async Task<ElementHandle> AddStyleTag(AddTagOptions options)376 {377 const string addStyleUrl = @"async function addStyleUrl(url) {378 const link = document.createElement('link');379 link.rel = 'stylesheet';380 link.href = url;381 const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {382 link.onload = res;383 link.onerror = rej;384 });385 document.head.appendChild(link);386 await promise;387 return link;388 }";389 const string addStyleContent = @"async function addStyleContent(content) {390 const style = document.createElement('style');391 style.type = 'text/css';392 style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content));393 const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {394 style.onload = res;395 style.onerror = rej;396 });397 document.head.appendChild(style);398 await promise;399 return style;400 }";401 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Url))402 {403 var url = options.Url;404 try405 {406 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);407 return (await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(addStyleUrl, url).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;408 }409 catch (PuppeteerException)410 {411 throw new PuppeteerException($"Loading style from {url} failed");412 }413 }414 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Path))415 {416 var contents = await AsyncFileHelper.ReadAllText(options.Path).ConfigureAwait(false);417 contents += "//# sourceURL=" + options.Path.Replace("\n", string.Empty);418 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);419 return (await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(addStyleContent, contents).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;420 }421 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Content))422 {423 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);424 return (await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(addStyleContent, options.Content).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;425 }426 throw new ArgumentException("Provide options with a `Url`, `Path` or `Content` property");427 }428 /// <summary>429 /// Adds a <c><![CDATA[<script>]]></c> tag into the page with the desired url or content430 /// </summary>431 /// <param name="options">add script tag options</param>432 /// <returns>Task which resolves to the added tag when the script's onload fires or when the script content was injected into frame</returns>433 /// <seealso cref="Page.AddScriptTagAsync(AddTagOptions)"/>434 /// <seealso cref="Page.AddScriptTagAsync(string)"/>435 public async Task<ElementHandle> AddScriptTag(AddTagOptions options)436 {437 const string addScriptUrl = @"async function addScriptUrl(url, type) {438 const script = document.createElement('script');439 script.src = url;440 if(type)441 script.type = type;442 const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {443 script.onload = res;444 script.onerror = rej;445 });446 document.head.appendChild(script);447 await promise;448 return script;449 }";450 const string addScriptContent = @"function addScriptContent(content, type = 'text/javascript') {451 const script = document.createElement('script');452 script.type = type;453 script.text = content;454 let error = null;455 script.onerror = e => error = e;456 document.head.appendChild(script);457 if (error)458 throw error;459 return script;460 }";461 async Task<ElementHandle> AddScriptTagPrivate(string script, string urlOrContent, string type)462 {463 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);464 return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)465 ? await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(script, urlOrContent).ConfigureAwait(false)466 : await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(script, urlOrContent, type).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;467 }468 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Url))469 {470 var url = options.Url;471 try472 {473 return await AddScriptTagPrivate(addScriptUrl, url, options.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);474 }475 catch (PuppeteerException)476 {477 throw new PuppeteerException($"Loading script from {url} failed");478 }479 }480 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Path))481 {482 var contents = await AsyncFileHelper.ReadAllText(options.Path).ConfigureAwait(false);483 contents += "//# sourceURL=" + options.Path.Replace("\n", string.Empty);484 return await AddScriptTagPrivate(addScriptContent, contents, options.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);485 }486 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Content))487 {488 return await AddScriptTagPrivate(addScriptContent, options.Content, options.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);489 }490 throw new ArgumentException("Provide options with a `Url`, `Path` or `Content` property");491 }492 /// <summary>493 /// Gets the full HTML contents of the page, including the doctype.494 /// </summary>495 /// <returns>Task which resolves to the HTML content.</returns>496 /// <seealso cref="Page.GetContentAsync"/>497 public Task<string> GetContentAsync()498 => EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>(@"() => {499 let retVal = '';500 if (document.doctype)501 retVal = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype);502 if (document.documentElement)503 retVal += document.documentElement.outerHTML;504 return retVal;505 }");506 /// <summary>507 /// Sets the HTML markup to the page508 /// </summary>509 /// <param name="html">HTML markup to assign to the page.</param>510 /// <returns>Task.</returns>511 /// <seealso cref="Page.SetContentAsync(string)"/>512 public Task SetContentAsync(string html)513 => EvaluateFunctionAsync(@"html => {514;515 document.write(html);516 document.close();517 }", html);518 /// <summary>519 /// Returns page's title520 /// </summary>521 /// <returns>page's title</returns>522 /// <seealso cref="Page.GetTitleAsync"/>523 public Task<string> GetTitleAsync() => EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("document.title");524 internal async Task<ElementHandle> WaitForSelectorOrXPathAsync(string selectorOrXPath, bool isXPath, WaitForSelectorOptions options = null)525 {526 options = options ?? new WaitForSelectorOptions();527 const string predicate = @"528 function predicate(selectorOrXPath, isXPath, waitForVisible, waitForHidden) {529 const node = isXPath530 ? document.evaluate(selectorOrXPath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue531 : document.querySelector(selectorOrXPath);532 if (!node)533 return waitForHidden;534 if (!waitForVisible && !waitForHidden)535 return node;536 const element = node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.parentElement : node;537 const style = window.getComputedStyle(element);538 const isVisible = style && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && hasVisibleBoundingBox();539 const success = (waitForVisible === isVisible || waitForHidden === !isVisible);540 return success ? node : null;541 function hasVisibleBoundingBox() {542 const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();543 return !!( || rect.bottom || rect.width || rect.height);544 }545 }";546 var polling = options.Visible || options.Hidden ? WaitForFunctionPollingOption.Raf : WaitForFunctionPollingOption.Mutation;547 var handle = await new WaitTask(548 this,549 predicate,550 false,551 $"{(isXPath ? "XPath" : "selector")} '{selectorOrXPath}'{(options.Hidden ? " to be hidden" : "")}",552 options.Polling,553 options.PollingInterval,554 options.Timeout,555 new object[]556 {557 selectorOrXPath,558 isXPath,559 options.Visible,560 options.Hidden561 }).Task.ConfigureAwait(false);562 return handle as ElementHandle;563 }564 internal void OnLoadingStopped()565 {566 LifecycleEvents.Add("DOMContentLoaded");567 LifecycleEvents.Add("load");568 }569 internal void OnLifecycleEvent(string loaderId, string name)570 {571 if (name == "init")572 {573 LoaderId = loaderId;574 LifecycleEvents.Clear();575 }576 LifecycleEvents.Add(name);577 }578 internal void Navigated(FramePayload framePayload)579 {580 Name = framePayload.Name ?? string.Empty;581 NavigationURL = framePayload.Url;582 Url = framePayload.Url;583 }584 internal void NavigatedWithinDocument(string url) => Url = url;585 internal void SetDefaultContext(ExecutionContext context)586 {587 if (context != null)588 {589 _contextResolveTaskWrapper.SetResult(context);590 foreach (var waitTask in WaitTasks)591 {592 _ = waitTask.Rerun();593 }594 }595 else596 {597 _documentCompletionSource = null;598 _contextResolveTaskWrapper = new TaskCompletionSource<ExecutionContext>();599 }600 }601 internal void Detach()602 {603 while (WaitTasks.Count > 0)604 {605 WaitTasks[0].Terminate(new Exception("waitForFunction failed: frame got detached."));606 }607 Detached = true;608 if (ParentFrame != null)609 {610 ParentFrame.ChildFrames.Remove(this);611 }612 ParentFrame = null;613 }614 #endregion615 #region Private Methods616 private async Task<ElementHandle> GetDocument()617 {618 if (_documentCompletionSource == null)619 {620 _documentCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<ElementHandle>();621 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);622 var document = await context.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document").ConfigureAwait(false);623 _documentCompletionSource.SetResult(document as ElementHandle);624 }625 return await _documentCompletionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);626 }627 #endregion628 }629}...

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...272 [PuppeteerTest("evaluation.spec.ts", "Page.evaluate", "should throw a nice error after a navigation")]273 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]274 public async Task ShouldThrowANiceErrorAfterANavigation()275 {276 var executionContext = await Page.MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync();277 await Task.WhenAll(278 Page.WaitForNavigationAsync(),279 executionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync("() => window.location.reload()")280 );281 var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<EvaluationFailedException>(() =>282 {283 return executionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync("() => null");284 });285 Assert.Contains("navigation", ex.Message);286 }287 [PuppeteerTest("evaluation.spec.ts", "Page.evaluate", "should not throw an error when evaluation does a navigation")]288 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]289 public async Task ShouldNotThrowAnErrorWhenEvaluationDoesANavigation()290 {...

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...232 }"));233 [Fact]234 public async Task ShouldThrowANiceErrorAfterANavigation()235 {236 var executionContext = await Page.MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync();237 await Task.WhenAll(238 Page.WaitForNavigationAsync(),239 executionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync("() => window.location.reload()")240 );241 var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<EvaluationFailedException>(() =>242 {243 return executionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync("() => null");244 });245 Assert.Contains("navigation", ex.Message);246 }247 [Fact]248 public async Task ShouldNotThrowAnErrorWhenEvaluationDoesANavigation()249 {250 await Page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.ServerUrl + "/one-style.html");...

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...47 {48 WaitTasks[0].Terminate(new Exception("waitForFunction failed: frame got detached."));49 }50 }51 internal Task<ExecutionContext> GetExecutionContextAsync()52 {53 if (_detached)54 {55 throw new PuppeteerException($"Execution Context is not available in detached frame \"{Frame.Url}\"(are you trying to evaluate?)");56 }57 return _contextResolveTaskWrapper.Task;58 }59 internal async Task<JSHandle> EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(string script)60 {61 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);62 return await context.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync(script).ConfigureAwait(false);63 }64 internal async Task<JSHandle> EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(string script, params object[] args)65 {66 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);67 return await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(script, args).ConfigureAwait(false);68 }69 internal async Task<T> EvaluateExpressionAsync<T>(string script)70 {71 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);72 return await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<T>(script).ConfigureAwait(false);73 }74 internal async Task<JToken> EvaluateExpressionAsync(string script)75 {76 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);77 return await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync(script).ConfigureAwait(false);78 }79 internal async Task<T> EvaluateFunctionAsync<T>(string script, params object[] args)80 {81 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);82 return await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<T>(script, args).ConfigureAwait(false);83 }84 internal async Task<JToken> EvaluateFunctionAsync(string script, params object[] args)85 {86 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);87 return await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync(script, args).ConfigureAwait(false);88 }89 internal Task<string> GetContentAsync() => EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>(@"() => {90 let retVal = '';91 if (document.doctype)92 retVal = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.doctype);93 if (document.documentElement)94 retVal += document.documentElement.outerHTML;95 return retVal;96 }");97 internal async Task SetContentAsync(string html, NavigationOptions options = null)98 {99 var waitUntil = options?.WaitUntil ?? new[] { WaitUntilNavigation.Load };100 var timeout = options?.Timeout ?? _timeoutSettings.NavigationTimeout;101 // We rely upon the fact that will reset frame lifecycle with "init"102 // lifecycle event. @see await EvaluateFunctionAsync(@"html => {104;105 document.write(html);106 document.close();107 }", html).ConfigureAwait(false);108 using (var watcher = new LifecycleWatcher(_frameManager, Frame, waitUntil, timeout))109 {110 var watcherTask = await Task.WhenAny(111 watcher.TimeoutOrTerminationTask,112 watcher.LifecycleTask).ConfigureAwait(false);113 await watcherTask.ConfigureAwait(false);114 }115 }116 internal async Task<ElementHandle> AddScriptTagAsync(AddTagOptions options)117 {118 const string addScriptUrl = @"async function addScriptUrl(url, type) {119 const script = document.createElement('script');120 script.src = url;121 if(type)122 script.type = type;123 const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {124 script.onload = res;125 script.onerror = rej;126 });127 document.head.appendChild(script);128 await promise;129 return script;130 }";131 const string addScriptContent = @"function addScriptContent(content, type = 'text/javascript') {132 const script = document.createElement('script');133 script.type = type;134 script.text = content;135 let error = null;136 script.onerror = e => error = e;137 document.head.appendChild(script);138 if (error)139 throw error;140 return script;141 }";142 async Task<ElementHandle> AddScriptTagPrivate(string script, string urlOrContent, string type)143 {144 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);145 return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)146 ? await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(script, urlOrContent).ConfigureAwait(false)147 : await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(script, urlOrContent, type).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;148 }149 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Url))150 {151 var url = options.Url;152 try153 {154 return await AddScriptTagPrivate(addScriptUrl, url, options.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);155 }156 catch (PuppeteerException)157 {158 throw new PuppeteerException($"Loading script from {url} failed");159 }160 }161 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Path))162 {163 var contents = await AsyncFileHelper.ReadAllText(options.Path).ConfigureAwait(false);164 contents += "//# sourceURL=" + options.Path.Replace("\n", string.Empty);165 return await AddScriptTagPrivate(addScriptContent, contents, options.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);166 }167 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Content))168 {169 return await AddScriptTagPrivate(addScriptContent, options.Content, options.Type).ConfigureAwait(false);170 }171 throw new ArgumentException("Provide options with a `Url`, `Path` or `Content` property");172 }173 internal async Task<ElementHandle> AddStyleTagAsync(AddTagOptions options)174 {175 const string addStyleUrl = @"async function addStyleUrl(url) {176 const link = document.createElement('link');177 link.rel = 'stylesheet';178 link.href = url;179 const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {180 link.onload = res;181 link.onerror = rej;182 });183 document.head.appendChild(link);184 await promise;185 return link;186 }";187 const string addStyleContent = @"async function addStyleContent(content) {188 const style = document.createElement('style');189 style.type = 'text/css';190 style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content));191 const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {192 style.onload = res;193 style.onerror = rej;194 });195 document.head.appendChild(style);196 await promise;197 return style;198 }";199 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Url))200 {201 var url = options.Url;202 try203 {204 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);205 return (await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(addStyleUrl, url).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;206 }207 catch (PuppeteerException)208 {209 throw new PuppeteerException($"Loading style from {url} failed");210 }211 }212 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Path))213 {214 var contents = await AsyncFileHelper.ReadAllText(options.Path).ConfigureAwait(false);215 contents += "//# sourceURL=" + options.Path.Replace("\n", string.Empty);216 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);217 return (await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(addStyleContent, contents).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;218 }219 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Content))220 {221 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);222 return (await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(addStyleContent, options.Content).ConfigureAwait(false)) as ElementHandle;223 }224 throw new ArgumentException("Provide options with a `Url`, `Path` or `Content` property");225 }226 internal Task<ElementHandle> WaitForSelectorAsync(string selector, WaitForSelectorOptions options = null)227 => WaitForSelectorOrXPathAsync(selector, false, options);228 internal Task<ElementHandle> WaitForXPathAsync(string xpath, WaitForSelectorOptions options = null)229 => WaitForSelectorOrXPathAsync(xpath, true, options);230 internal Task<JSHandle> WaitForFunctionAsync(string script, WaitForFunctionOptions options, params object[] args)231 => new WaitTask(232 this,233 script,234 false,235 "function",236 options.Polling,237 options.PollingInterval,238 options.Timeout ?? _timeoutSettings.Timeout,239 args).Task;240 internal Task<JSHandle> WaitForExpressionAsync(string script, WaitForFunctionOptions options)241 => new WaitTask(242 this,243 script,244 true,245 "function",246 options.Polling,247 options.PollingInterval,248 options.Timeout ?? _timeoutSettings.Timeout).Task;249 internal Task<string> GetTitleAsync() => EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("document.title");250 private async Task<ElementHandle> GetDocument()251 {252 if (_documentCompletionSource == null)253 {254 _documentCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<ElementHandle>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);255 var context = await GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);256 var document = await context.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document").ConfigureAwait(false);257 _documentCompletionSource.TrySetResult(document as ElementHandle);258 }259 return await _documentCompletionSource.Task.ConfigureAwait(false);260 }261 private async Task<ElementHandle> WaitForSelectorOrXPathAsync(string selectorOrXPath, bool isXPath, WaitForSelectorOptions options = null)262 {263 options = options ?? new WaitForSelectorOptions();264 var timeout = options.Timeout ?? _timeoutSettings.Timeout;265 const string predicate = @"266 function predicate(selectorOrXPath, isXPath, waitForVisible, waitForHidden) {267 const node = isXPath268 ? document.evaluate(selectorOrXPath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue269 : document.querySelector(selectorOrXPath);...

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Source:WaitTask.cs Github


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...139 {140 var runCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref _runCount);141 JSHandle success = null;142 Exception exception = null;143 var context = await _frame.GetExecutionContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);144 try145 {146 success = await context.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync(WaitForPredicatePageFunction,147 new object[] { _predicateBody, _pollingInterval ?? (object)_polling, _timeout }.Concat(_args).ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);148 }149 catch (Exception ex)150 {151 exception = ex;152 }153 if (_terminated || runCount != _runCount)154 {155 if (success != null)156 {157 await success.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);...

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Source:ExecutionContextTests.cs Github


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...14 {15 await Page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);16 await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame1", TestConstants.EmptyPage);17 Assert.Equal(2, Page.Frames.Length);18 var context1 = await Page.MainFrame.GetExecutionContextAsync();19 var context2 = await Page.FirstChildFrame().GetExecutionContextAsync();20 Assert.NotNull(context1);21 Assert.NotNull(context2);22 Assert.NotEqual(context1, context2);23 Assert.Equal(Page.MainFrame, context1.Frame);24 Assert.Equal(Page.FirstChildFrame(), context2.Frame);25 await Task.WhenAll(26 context1.EvaluateExpressionAsync("window.a = 1"),27 context2.EvaluateExpressionAsync("window.a = 2")28 );29 var a1 = context1.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("window.a");30 var a2 = context2.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("window.a");31 await Task.WhenAll(a1, a2);32 Assert.Equal(1, a1.Result);33 Assert.Equal(2, a2.Result);...

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Source:ContextTests.cs Github


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...14 {15 await Page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);16 await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame1", TestConstants.EmptyPage);17 Assert.Equal(2, Page.Frames.Length);18 var context1 = await Page.Frames[0].GetExecutionContextAsync();19 var context2 = await Page.Frames[1].GetExecutionContextAsync();20 Assert.NotNull(context1);21 Assert.NotNull(context2);22 Assert.NotEqual(context1, context2);23 await Task.WhenAll(24 context1.EvaluateExpressionAsync("window.a = 1"),25 context2.EvaluateExpressionAsync("window.a = 2")26 );27 var a1 = context1.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("window.a");28 var a2 = context2.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("window.a");29 await Task.WhenAll(a1, a2);30 Assert.Equal(1, a1.Result);31 Assert.Equal(2, a2.Result);32 }33 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);9 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();13 var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();14 var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("() => { return \"Hello world!\"; }");15 Console.WriteLine(result);16 await browser.CloseAsync();17 }18 }19}

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1var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();2var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();3var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();4var context = await elementHandle.GetExecutionContextAsync();5var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();6var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();7var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();8var context = await elementHandle.GetExecutionContextAsync();9var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();10var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();11var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();12var context = await elementHandle.GetExecutionContextAsync();13var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();14var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();15var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();16var context = await elementHandle.GetExecutionContextAsync();17var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();18var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();19var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();20var context = await elementHandle.GetExecutionContextAsync();21var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();22var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();23var context = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();

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1var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();2var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();3var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();4var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");5var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();6var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();7var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();8var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");9var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();10var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();11var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();12var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");13var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();14var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();15var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();16var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");17var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();18var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();19var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();20var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");21var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();22var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();23var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();24var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");

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1var executionContext = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();2var result = await executionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");3var executionContext = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();4var result = await executionContext.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 7 * 3");5var executionContext = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();6var result = await executionContext.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("7 * 3");7var executionContext = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();8var result = await executionContext.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("7 * 3");9var executionContext = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();10var result = await executionContext.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync("() => document.body");11var executionContext = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();12var result = await executionContext.EvaluateFunctionHandleAsync("() => document.body");13var executionContext = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();14var result = await executionContext.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document.body");15var executionContext = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();16var result = await executionContext.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document.body");17var executionContext = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();18var result = await executionContext.EvaluateAsync("() => 7 * 3");

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1var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();2var frame = page.MainFrame;3var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();4var result = await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("document.body.childElementCount");5Console.WriteLine(result);6var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();7var frame = page.MainFrame;8var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();9var result = await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("document.body.childElementCount");10Console.WriteLine(result);11var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();12var frame = page.MainFrame;13var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();14var result = await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("document.body.childElementCount");15Console.WriteLine(result);16var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();17var frame = page.MainFrame;18var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();19var result = await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("document.body.childElementCount");20Console.WriteLine(result);21var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();22var frame = page.MainFrame;23var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();24var result = await context.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("document.body.childElementCount");25Console.WriteLine(result);26var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();

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1var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();2var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();3var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");4var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();5var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();6var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");7var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();8var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();9var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");10var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();11var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();12var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");13var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();14var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();15var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");16var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();17var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();18var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");19var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();20var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();21var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("() => 8 * 7");22var frame = await page.GetMainFrameAsync();23var context = await frame.GetExecutionContextAsync();24var result = await context.EvaluateFunctionAsync<int>("()

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var options = new LaunchOptions { Headless = true };9 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))10 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())11 {12 var executionContext = await page.GetExecutionContextAsync();13 var result = await executionContext.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>("1+1");14 Console.WriteLine(result);15 }16 }17 }18}

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