How to use NewPageAsync method of PuppeteerSharp.BrowserContext class

Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.BrowserContext.NewPageAsync


Source:PuppeteerBrowserBuilder.cs Github


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...355 return await _browserContext.PagesAsync();356 }357 async Task<string> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetFramePage(string iframeSrc)358 {359 using (var multiVideopage = await _browserContext.NewPageAsync())360 {361 await SetPageOptions(multiVideopage);362 await multiVideopage.GoToAsync(iframeSrc, Convert.ToInt32(_puppeteerContext.PageLoadTimeout.TotalMilliseconds), new WaitUntilNavigation[] { WaitUntilNavigation.DOMContentLoaded, WaitUntilNavigation.Load, WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle0, WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle2 });363 var data = await multiVideopage.GetContentAsync();364 return data;365 }366 }367 async Task<string> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetFramePage(Page page, string frameName)368 {369 var googlAdsFrame1 = page.Frames.ToList().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == frameName);370 if (googlAdsFrame1 == null)371 {372 return null;373 }374 return await googlAdsFrame1.GetContentAsync();375 }376 377 async Task<string> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetVideoAdsOnUrl(Page page, string xPath)378 {379 var elementToclick = await page.WaitForXPathAsync(xPath);380 if (elementToclick != null) 381 {382 await elementToclick.ClickAsync();383 return await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("() => navigator.clipboard.readText()");384 }385 _logger.Debug("GetVideoAdsOnUrl: elementToclick is null");386 return null;387 }388 /// <summary>389 /// Returns IpDetails by the specified url390 /// </summary>391 /// <param name="ipFetcherUrl">The ip details provider url.</param>392 /// <returns>The instance of <see cref="IpDetails"></see></returns>393 async Task<IpDetails> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetIpDetails(string ipFetcherUrl)394 {395 IpDetails ipDetails = await GetIpDetailsInternal(ipFetcherUrl);396 return ipDetails ?? new IpDetails397 {398 City = "N/A",399 ContinentName = "N/A",400 CountryCode = "N/A",401 CountryName = "N/A",402 IpAddress = "",403 State = "N/A",404 ContinentCode = "N/A"405 };406 }407 /// <summary>408 /// Returns IpDetails by the specified url and, in case of error, returns the default country code and country name409 /// </summary>410 /// <param name="ipFetcherUrl">The ip details provider url.</param>411 /// <param name="defaultCountryCode">The country code tu return default details.</param>412 /// <returns>The instance of <see cref="IpDetails"></see></returns>413 async Task<IpDetails> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetIpDetails(string ipFetcherUrl, string defaultCountryCode)414 {415 IpDetails ipDetails = await GetIpDetailsInternal(ipFetcherUrl);416 return ipDetails ?? new IpDetails417 {418 City = "N/A",419 ContinentName = "N/A",420 CountryCode = defaultCountryCode,421 CountryName = References.Countries[defaultCountryCode],422 IpAddress = "",423 State = "N/A",424 ContinentCode = "N/A"425 };426 }427 async Task<string> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetPageContent(string stringUrl, params WaitUntilNavigation[] waitUntilNavigations)428 {429 return await GetPageContentInternalAsync(stringUrl, waitUntilNavigations);430 }431 private async Task SetPageOptions(Page page)432 {433 var viewPortOptions = new ViewPortOptions434 { Width = _browserConfig.WindowWidth, Height = _browserConfig.WindowHeight };435 await page.SetViewportAsync(viewPortOptions);436 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_puppeteerContext.ProxyUserName))437 {438 await page.AuthenticateAsync(new Credentials439 {440 Username = _puppeteerContext.ProxyUserName,441 Password = _puppeteerContext.ProxyPwd442 });443 }444 }445 async Task<Page> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetPage(string url, TimeSpan? timeoutPageLoad, params WaitUntilNavigation[] waitUntilNavigations)446 {447 var page = await GoToPageAsync(url, timeoutPageLoad, waitUntilNavigations);448 if (_overridePermissions?.Any() ?? false)449 {450 await page.BrowserContext.OverridePermissionsAsync(page.Url,451 new []452 {453 OverridePermission.ClipboardWrite, OverridePermission.ClipboardRead,454 OverridePermission.AccessibilityEvents, OverridePermission.BackgroundSync,455 OverridePermission.Geolocation, OverridePermission.Microphone, OverridePermission.Notifications,456 OverridePermission.PaymentHandler/*, OverridePermission.Push*/457 });458 }459 return page;460 }461 async Task<string> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetScrolledPage(string url, int maxScroll, params WaitUntilNavigation[] waitUntilNavigations)462 {463 var pageResult = string.Empty;464 try465 {466 using (var page = await GoToPageAsync(url, null, waitUntilNavigations))467 {468 await ScrollPageSync(page, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));469 pageResult = await page.GetContentAsync();470 }471 }472 catch (Exception ex)473 {474 _logger.Error(ex);475 }476 return pageResult;477 }478 async Task IPuppeteerBrowser.ScrollPageSync(Page page, int maxScroll = 40000, int step = 200)479 {480 await ScrollPageSync(page, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), maxScroll, step);481 }482 /// <summary>483 /// Return state of page permission. Exmp: permissionName=clipboard-read484 /// </summary>485 /// <returns></returns>486 async Task<string> IPuppeteerBrowser.GetPagePermission(Page page, string permissionName)487 {488 return await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>($"name => navigator.permissions.query({permissionName}).then(result => result.state)");489 }490 public async Task ScrollPageSync(Page page, TimeSpan stepDelay, int maxScroll = 40000, int step = 200)491 {492 var height = await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>(@"document.body.scrollHeight");493 var x = 0;494 while (x < height && x <= maxScroll)495 {496 height = await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<int>(@"document.body.scrollHeight");497 x += 200;498 await _delayService.DelayAsync(stepDelay);499 await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync($"window.scrollTo(0, {x});");500 }501 }502 private async Task<Page> GoToPageAsync(string stringUrl, TimeSpan? timeSpan, params WaitUntilNavigation[] waitUntilNavigations)503 {504 var page = await _browserContext.NewPageAsync();505 await page.SetCacheEnabledAsync(_puppeteerContext.PageCacheEnabled);506 await page.SetJavaScriptEnabledAsync(true);507 if (_puppeteerContext.PageEvents)508 {509 page.Error += Page_Error;510 page.PageError += Page_PageError;511 page.Console += Page_Info;512 page.Request += Page_Request;513 }514 if (_puppeteerContext.DialogHandler != null)515 {516 page.Dialog += _puppeteerContext.DialogHandler;517 }518 await SetPageOptions(page);519 var resp = await page.GoToAsync(stringUrl,520 Convert.ToInt32((timeSpan ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)).Milliseconds), waitUntilNavigations);521 LogGoToResponse(stringUrl, resp);522 return page;523 }524 private void Page_PageError(object sender, PageErrorEventArgs e)525 {526 _logger.Error(e.Message);527 }528 private void Page_Request(object sender, RequestEventArgs e)529 {530 _logger.Debug($"{e.Request?.Method}:{e.Request?.ResourceType.ToString()}:{e.Request?.Url}");531 }532 private void LogGoToResponse(string stringUrl, Response resp)533 {534 if (resp != null)535 {536 var respLogEvent = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Info, string.Empty, $"goto response to {stringUrl}");537 respLogEvent.Properties["FromCache"] = resp.FromCache;538 respLogEvent.Properties["Url"] = resp.Url;539 respLogEvent.Properties["RemoteAddress.IP"] = resp.RemoteAddress?.IP;540 respLogEvent.Properties["RemoteAddress.Port"] = resp.RemoteAddress?.Port;541 respLogEvent.Properties["Request.RequestId"] = resp.Request?.RequestId;542 respLogEvent.Properties["Status"] = resp.Status;543 respLogEvent.Properties["Ok"] = resp.Ok;544 respLogEvent.Properties["FromServiceWorker"] = resp.FromServiceWorker;545 if (resp.Headers != null)546 {547 foreach (var header in resp.Headers)548 {549 respLogEvent.Properties[$"Header:{header.Key}"] = header.Value;550 }551 }552 _logger.Log(respLogEvent);553 }554 }555 private void Page_Info(object sender, ConsoleEventArgs e)556 {557 _logger.Info($"{e.Message.Type}: {e.Message.Text}");558 }559 private void Page_Error(object sender, PuppeteerSharp.ErrorEventArgs e)560 {561 _logger.Error(e.Error);562 }563 public void Dispose()564 {565 _logger.Info($"Disposing browser {_browser.Process.Id}");566 _browser?.Dispose();567 }568 private string StripHtmlTags(string input) => RegexStripHtmlTags.Replace(input, string.Empty); 569 private async Task<string> GetPageContentInternalAsync(string stringUrl, params WaitUntilNavigation[] waitUntilNavigations)570 {571 using (var page = await _browserContext.NewPageAsync())572 {573 await SetPageOptions(page);574 var resp = await page.GoToAsync(stringUrl, null, waitUntilNavigations);575 LogGoToResponse(stringUrl, resp);576 return await page.GetContentAsync();577 }578 }579 private async Task<IpDetails> GetIpDetailsInternal(string ipFetcherUrl)580 {581 IpDetails ipDetails = null;582 try583 {584 var ipPageSource = await GetPageContentInternalAsync(ipFetcherUrl, WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle0);585 _logger.Info(ipPageSource);...

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Source:Browser.cs Github


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...15 /// An example of using a <see cref="Browser"/> to create a <see cref="Page"/>:16 /// <code>17 /// <![CDATA[18 /// var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions());19 /// var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();20 /// await page.GoToAsync("");21 /// await browser.CloseAsync();22 /// ]]>23 /// </code>24 /// An example of disconnecting from and reconnecting to a <see cref="Browser"/>:25 /// <code>26 /// <![CDATA[27 /// var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions());28 /// var browserWSEndpoint = browser.WebSocketEndpoint;29 /// browser.Disconnect();30 /// var browser2 = await Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(new ConnectOptions { BrowserWSEndpoint = browserWSEndpoint });31 /// await browser2.CloseAsync();32 /// ]]>33 /// </code>34 /// </example>35 public class Browser : IDisposable36 {37 /// <summary>38 /// Time in milliseconds for chromium process to exit gracefully.39 /// </summary>40 private const int CloseTimeout = 5000;41 /// <summary>42 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Browser"/> class.43 /// </summary>44 /// <param name="connection">The connection</param>45 /// <param name="contextIds">The context ids></param>46 /// <param name="ignoreHTTPSErrors">The option to ignoreHTTPSErrors</param>47 /// <param name="defaultViewport">Default viewport</param>48 /// <param name="chromiumProcess">The Chromium process</param>49 public Browser(50 Connection connection,51 string[] contextIds,52 bool ignoreHTTPSErrors,53 ViewPortOptions defaultViewport,54 ChromiumProcess chromiumProcess)55 {56 Connection = connection;57 IgnoreHTTPSErrors = ignoreHTTPSErrors;58 DefaultViewport = defaultViewport;59 TargetsMap = new Dictionary<string, Target>();60 ScreenshotTaskQueue = new TaskQueue();61 DefaultContext = new BrowserContext(Connection, this, null);62 _contexts = contextIds.ToDictionary(keySelector: contextId => contextId,63 elementSelector: contextId => new BrowserContext(Connection, this, contextId));64 Connection.Closed += (object sender, EventArgs e) => Disconnected?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());65 Connection.MessageReceived += Connect_MessageReceived;66 _chromiumProcess = chromiumProcess;67 _logger = Connection.LoggerFactory.CreateLogger<Browser>();68 }69 #region Private members70 internal readonly Dictionary<string, Target> TargetsMap;71 private readonly Dictionary<string, BrowserContext> _contexts;72 private readonly ILogger<Browser> _logger;73 private readonly ChromiumProcess _chromiumProcess;74 private Task _closeTask;75 #endregion76 #region Properties77 /// <summary>78 /// 79 /// </summary>80 public event EventHandler Closed;81 /// <summary>82 /// Raised when puppeteer gets disconnected from the Chromium instance. This might happen because one of the following83 /// - Chromium is closed or crashed84 /// - <see cref="Disconnect"/> method was called85 /// </summary>86 public event EventHandler Disconnected;87 /// <summary>88 /// Raised when the url of a target changes89 /// </summary>90 public event EventHandler<TargetChangedArgs> TargetChanged;91 /// <summary>92 /// Raised when a target is created, for example when a new page is opened by <c></c> <see href=""/> or <see cref="NewPageAsync"/>.93 /// </summary>94 public event EventHandler<TargetChangedArgs> TargetCreated;95 /// <summary>96 /// Raised when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed97 /// </summary>98 public event EventHandler<TargetChangedArgs> TargetDestroyed;99 /// <summary>100 /// Gets the Browser websocket url101 /// </summary>102 /// <remarks>103 /// Browser websocket endpoint which can be used as an argument to <see cref="Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(ConnectOptions, ILoggerFactory)"/>.104 /// The format is <c>ws://${host}:${port}/devtools/browser/[id]</c>105 /// You can find the <c>webSocketDebuggerUrl</c> from <c>http://${host}:${port}/json/version</c>.106 /// Learn more about the devtools protocol <see href=""/> 107 /// and the browser endpoint <see href=""/>108 /// </remarks>109 public string WebSocketEndpoint => Connection.Url;110 /// <summary>111 /// Gets the spawned browser process. Returns <c>null</c> if the browser instance was created with <see cref="Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(ConnectOptions, ILoggerFactory)"/> method.112 /// </summary>113 public Process Process => _chromiumProcess?.Process;114 /// <summary>115 /// Gets or Sets whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation116 /// </summary>117 public bool IgnoreHTTPSErrors { get; set; }118 /// <summary>119 /// Gets a value indicating if the browser is closed120 /// </summary>121 public bool IsClosed => _closeTask != null && _closeTask.IsCompleted && _closeTask.Exception != null;122 /// <summary>123 /// Returns the default browser context. The default browser context can not be closed.124 /// </summary>125 /// <value>The default context.</value>126 public BrowserContext DefaultContext { get; }127 internal TaskQueue ScreenshotTaskQueue { get; set; }128 internal Connection Connection { get; }129 internal ViewPortOptions DefaultViewport { get; }130 #endregion131 #region Public Methods132 /// <summary>133 /// Creates a new page134 /// </summary>135 /// <returns>Task which resolves to a new <see cref="Page"/> object</returns>136 public Task<Page> NewPageAsync() => DefaultContext.NewPageAsync();137 /// <summary>138 /// Returns An Array of all active targets139 /// </summary>140 /// <returns>An Array of all active targets</returns>141 public Target[] Targets() => TargetsMap.Values.Where(target => target.IsInitialized).ToArray();142 /// <summary>143 /// A target associated with the browser.144 /// </summary>145 public Target Target => Targets().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Type == TargetType.Browser);146 /// <summary>147 /// Creates a new incognito browser context. This won't share cookies/cache with other browser contexts.148 /// </summary>149 /// <returns>Task which resolves to a new <see cref="BrowserContext"/> object</returns>150 /// <example>151 /// <code>152 /// <![CDATA[153 /// using(var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions()))154 /// {155 /// // Create a new incognito browser context.156 /// var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();157 /// // Create a new page in a pristine context.158 /// var page = await context.NewPageAsync();159 /// // Do stuff160 /// await page.GoToAsync("");161 /// }162 /// ]]>163 /// </code>164 /// </example>165 public async Task<BrowserContext> CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync()166 {167 var response = await Connection.SendAsync<CreateBrowserContextResponse>("Target.createBrowserContext", new { }).ConfigureAwait(false);168 var context = new BrowserContext(Connection, this, response.BrowserContextId);169 _contexts[response.BrowserContextId] = context;170 return context;171 }172 /// <summary>...

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Source:UCFullPageScreenShot.cs Github


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...147 //if (saveHis)148 //{149 // browserContext = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();150 //}151 var page = await browserContext.NewPageAsync();152 await page.SetUserAgentAsync(_userAgent);153 await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions154 {155 Width = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width,156 Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height157 });158 159 if (!changeCountry.Contains("请选择") && _CountryModels.Any())160 {161 OnShowTooltipInfo("初始化首页内容,开始切换国家");162 //var zips =[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);163 //var zip = zips.OrderBy(m => Guid.NewGuid()).First(); 164 await page.GoToAsync("");165 var pagetitle = await page.GetTitleAsync();...

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Source:VkBrwUserFactory.cs Github


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...30 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);31 LaunchOptions browserOptions = new LaunchOptions {Headless = false, Args = new string[] {"--lang=ru"}};32 Browser brw = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(browserOptions);33 BrowserContext userContext = await brw.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();34 Page userPage = await userContext.NewPageAsync();35 await userPage.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions36 {37 Width = 1024,38 Height = 76839 });40 await userPage.SetUserAgentAsync("Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 74.0.3723.0 Safari / 537.36");41 user.Communitites = await GetCommunities(userContext, userPage, user);42 bool successParse = long.TryParse(user.ProfileLink.Split('/').LastOrDefault()?.Substring(2), out long parseResult);43 user.UserId = successParse ? parseResult : default;44 await userPage.CloseAsync();45 await userContext.CloseAsync();46 return user;47 }48 public async Task<List<VkBrwCommunity>> GetCommunities(BrowserContext userContext, Page userPage, VkBrwUser user)49 {50 List<VkBrwCommunity> nwPages = new List<VkBrwCommunity>();51 await userPage.GoToAsync(user.ProfileLink);52 ElementHandle userIsLoaded = await userPage.WaitForSelectorAsync("#page_info_wrap.page_info_wrap");53 ElementHandle[] hiddenProfileBlock = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("h5.profile_deleted_text");54 if (hiddenProfileBlock.Length == 0)55 {56 ElementHandle idolsLoaded = await userPage.WaitForSelectorAsync("#profile_idols");57 // Интересные страницы58 ElementHandle[] noteworthyPagesBlock = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("#profile_idols.module.clear.page_list_module._module");59 if (noteworthyPagesBlock.Length == 1)60 {61 ElementHandle noteworthyPages = noteworthyPagesBlock.First();62 ElementHandle[] noteworthyPagesHeaderBlock = await noteworthyPages.QuerySelectorAllAsync("a.module_header");63 if (noteworthyPagesHeaderBlock.Length == 1)64 {65 ClickOptions clickOptions = new ClickOptions { Delay = new Random().Next(30, 100) };66 ElementHandle noteworthyPagesLinkElement = noteworthyPagesHeaderBlock.First();67 await noteworthyPagesLinkElement.ClickAsync(clickOptions);68 ElementHandle noteworthyPagesIsOpened = await userPage.WaitForSelectorAsync("#fans_rowsidols.fans_rows.fans_idols");69 ElementHandle[] closeBlock = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("div.box_x_button");70 if (closeBlock.Length == 1)71 {72 ElementHandle[] pagesCountBlock = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("span.ui_box_header_cnt");73 if (pagesCountBlock.Length == 1)74 {75 ElementHandle pagesTotalCountElement = pagesCountBlock.First();76 string pagesTotalCountValue = await pagesTotalCountElement.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("('span', span => span.innerText)");77 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesTotalCountValue))78 {79 bool pagesTotalCountReceived = int.TryParse(pagesTotalCountValue, out int pagesTotalCount);80 if (pagesTotalCountReceived && pagesTotalCount > 0)81 {82 ElementHandle[] pagesVisibleElements = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("div.fans_idol_row.inl_bl");83 if (pagesVisibleElements.Length < pagesTotalCount)84 {85 PressOptions pressOptions = new PressOptions { Delay = new Random().Next(20, 40)};86 await userPage.FocusAsync("input");87 await userPage.Keyboard.PressAsync("Tab", pressOptions);88 int visiblePagesCounter = pagesVisibleElements.Length;89 while (visiblePagesCounter < pagesTotalCount)90 {91 await userPage.Keyboard.PressAsync("PageDown", pressOptions);92 await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(250, 350));93 await userPage.Keyboard.PressAsync("PageDown", pressOptions);94 await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(250, 350));95 await userPage.Keyboard.PressAsync("PageDown", pressOptions);96 await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(250, 350));97 await userPage.Keyboard.PressAsync("PageDown", pressOptions);98 await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(250, 350));99 ElementHandle[] newPagesVisibleElements = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("div.fans_idol_row.inl_bl");100 if (newPagesVisibleElements.Length == visiblePagesCounter)101 {102 break;103 }104 visiblePagesCounter = newPagesVisibleElements.Length;105 }106 }107 ElementHandle[] nwPagesElements = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("div.fans_idol_info");108 foreach (var element in nwPagesElements)109 {110 VkBrwCommunity community = await GetCommunityAsync(element, userContext);111 if (community != null)112 {113 nwPages.Add(community);114 community.Users.Add(user);115 }116 }117 }118 }119 }120 ElementHandle closeButtonElement = closeBlock.First();121 await closeButtonElement.ClickAsync(clickOptions);122 }123 }124 }125 }126 else127 {128 user.HiddenProfile = true;129 ElementHandle[] pageNameElements = await userPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync("h2.page_name");130 if (pageNameElements.Length == 1)131 {132 var pageElement = pageNameElements.First();133 user.PageName = await pageElement.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("('h2', h2 => h2.innerText)");134 }135 }136 return nwPages;137 }138 private async Task<VkBrwCommunity> GetCommunityAsync(ElementHandle communityElement, BrowserContext userContext)139 {140 ElementHandle communityNameElement = await communityElement.QuerySelectorAsync("div.fans_idol_name");141 if (communityNameElement != null)142 {143 VkBrwCommunity nwPage = new VkBrwCommunity();144 ////await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync(@"() => {145 //// Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('li'))146 //// .find(l => l.querySelector('span').innerText === 'fire').querySelector('INPUT').click();147 ////}");148 // equals to $eval('a', a => a.innerText)149 nwPage.Name = await communityNameElement.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("('a', a => a.innerText)");150 ElementHandle communityLinkElement = await communityElement.QuerySelectorAsync("a.fans_idol_lnk");151 nwPage.CommunityUrl = await communityLinkElement.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("('a', a => a.href)");152 ElementHandle communityStatusElement = await communityElement.QuerySelectorAsync("div.fans_idol_status");153 nwPage.Status = await communityStatusElement.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("('div', div => div.innerText)");154 ElementHandle communitySizeElement = await communityElement.QuerySelectorAsync("div.fans_idol_size");155 nwPage.Size = await communitySizeElement.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("('div', div => div.innerText)");156 if (!nwPage.CommunityUrl.Contains("event"))157 {158 await GetCommunityDetailsAsync(userContext, nwPage);159 }160 return nwPage;161 }162 else163 {164 return null;165 }166 }167 private async Task GetCommunityDetailsAsync(BrowserContext browserContext, VkBrwCommunity community)168 {169 Page communityPage = await browserContext.NewPageAsync();170 ////groupPage.EvaluateFunctionAsync($"() =>'{groupUrl}')").GetAwaiter().GetResult();171 ////Target newWindowTarget = browser.WaitForTargetAsync(target => target.Url == "").Result;172 ////Page newPage = newWindowTarget.PageAsync().Result;173 try174 {175 await communityPage.GoToAsync(community.CommunityUrl);176 }177 catch (NavigationException)178 {179 return;180 }181 WaitForSelectorOptions waitSelectorOptions = new WaitForSelectorOptions { Timeout = 10000 };182 ElementHandle communityLoadedElement = await communityPage.WaitForSelectorAsync("div#page_wrap.scroll_fix_wrap._page_wrap", waitSelectorOptions);183 if (communityLoadedElement != null)...

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Source:BrowserContextTests.cs Github


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...43 public async Task ShouldCloseAllBelongingTargetsOnceClosingContext()44 {45 Assert.Single((await Browser.PagesAsync()));46 var context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();47 await context.NewPageAsync();48 Assert.Equal(2, (await Browser.PagesAsync()).Length);49 Assert.Single((await context.PagesAsync()));50 await context.CloseAsync();51 Assert.Single((await Browser.PagesAsync()));52 }53 [PuppeteerTest("browsercontext.spec.ts", "BrowserContext", " should use parent tab context")]54 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]55 public async Task WindowOpenShouldUseParentTabContext()56 {57 var context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();58 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();59 await page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);60 var popupTargetCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<Target>();61 Browser.TargetCreated += (_, e) => popupTargetCompletion.SetResult(e.Target);62 await Task.WhenAll(63 popupTargetCompletion.Task,64 page.EvaluateFunctionAsync("url =>", TestConstants.EmptyPage)65 );66 var popupTarget = await popupTargetCompletion.Task;67 Assert.Same(context, popupTarget.BrowserContext);68 await context.CloseAsync();69 }70 [PuppeteerTest("browsercontext.spec.ts", "BrowserContext", "should fire target events")]71 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]72 public async Task ShouldFireTargetEvents()73 {74 var context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();75 var events = new List<string>();76 context.TargetCreated += (_, e) => events.Add("CREATED: " + e.Target.Url);77 context.TargetChanged += (_, e) => events.Add("CHANGED: " + e.Target.Url);78 context.TargetDestroyed += (_, e) => events.Add("DESTROYED: " + e.Target.Url);79 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();80 await page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);81 await page.CloseAsync();82 Assert.Equal(new[] {83 $"CREATED: {TestConstants.AboutBlank}",84 $"CHANGED: {TestConstants.EmptyPage}",85 $"DESTROYED: {TestConstants.EmptyPage}"86 }, events);87 await context.CloseAsync();88 }89 [PuppeteerTest("browsercontext.spec.ts", "BrowserContext", "should isolate local storage and cookies")]90 [PuppeteerFact]91 public async Task ShouldIsolateLocalStorageAndCookies()92 {93 // Create two incognito contexts.94 var context1 = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();95 var context2 = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();96 Assert.Empty(context1.Targets());97 Assert.Empty(context2.Targets());98 // Create a page in first incognito context.99 var page1 = await context1.NewPageAsync();100 await page1.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);101 await page1.EvaluateExpressionAsync(@"{102 localStorage.setItem('name', 'page1');103 document.cookie = 'name=page1';104 }");105 Assert.Single(context1.Targets());106 Assert.Empty(context2.Targets());107 // Create a page in second incognito context.108 var page2 = await context2.NewPageAsync();109 await page2.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);110 await page2.EvaluateExpressionAsync(@"{111 localStorage.setItem('name', 'page2');112 document.cookie = 'name=page2';113 }");114 Assert.Single(context1.Targets());115 Assert.Equal(page1.Target, context1.Targets()[0]);116 Assert.Single(context2.Targets());117 Assert.Equal(page2.Target, context2.Targets()[0]);118 // Make sure pages don't share localstorage or cookies.119 Assert.Equal("page1", await page1.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("localStorage.getItem('name')"));120 Assert.Equal("name=page1", await page1.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("document.cookie"));121 Assert.Equal("page2", await page2.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("localStorage.getItem('name')"));122 Assert.Equal("name=page2", await page2.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>("document.cookie"));123 // Cleanup contexts.124 await Task.WhenAll(context1.CloseAsync(), context2.CloseAsync());125 Assert.Single(Browser.BrowserContexts());126 }127 [PuppeteerTest("browsercontext.spec.ts", "BrowserContext", "should work across sessions")]128 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]129 public async Task ShouldWorkAcrossSessions()130 {131 Assert.Single(Browser.BrowserContexts());132 var context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();133 Assert.Equal(2, Browser.BrowserContexts().Length);134 var remoteBrowser = await Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(new ConnectOptions135 {136 BrowserWSEndpoint = Browser.WebSocketEndpoint137 });138 var contexts = remoteBrowser.BrowserContexts();139 Assert.Equal(2, contexts.Length);140 remoteBrowser.Disconnect();141 await context.CloseAsync();142 }143 [PuppeteerTest("browsercontext.spec.ts", "BrowserContext", "should wait for target")]144 [SkipBrowserFact(skipFirefox: true)]145 public async Task ShouldWaitForTarget()146 {147 var context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();148 var targetPromise = context.WaitForTargetAsync((target) => target.Url == TestConstants.EmptyPage);149 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();150 await page.GoToAsync(TestConstants.EmptyPage);151 var promiseTarget = await targetPromise;152 var targetPage = await promiseTarget.PageAsync();153 Assert.Equal(targetPage, page);154 await context.CloseAsync();155 }156 [PuppeteerTest("browsercontext.spec.ts", "BrowserContext", "should timeout waiting for non existant target")]157 [PuppeteerFact]158 public async Task ShouldTimeoutWaitingForNonExistantTarget()159 {160 var context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();161 await Assert.ThrowsAsync<TimeoutException>(()162 => context.WaitForTargetAsync((target) => target.Url == TestConstants.EmptyPage, new WaitForOptions { Timeout = 1 }));163 await context.CloseAsync();...

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Source:BrowserContext.cs Github


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...6namespace PuppeteerSharp7{8 /// <summary>9 /// BrowserContexts provide a way to operate multiple independent browser sessions. When a browser is launched, it has10 /// a single <see cref="BrowserContext"/> used by default. The method <see cref="Browser.NewPageAsync"/> creates a <see cref="Page"/> in the default <see cref="BrowserContext"/>11 /// </summary>12 public class BrowserContext13 {14 private readonly Connection _connection;15 private readonly string _id;16 internal BrowserContext(Connection connection, Browser browser, string contextId)17 {18 _connection = connection;19 Browser = browser;20 _id = contextId;21 }22 /// <summary>23 /// Raised when the url of a target changes24 /// </summary>25 public event EventHandler<TargetChangedArgs> TargetChanged;26 /// <summary>27 /// Raised when a target is created, for example when a new page is opened by <c></c> <see href=""/> or <see cref="NewPageAsync"/>.28 /// </summary>29 public event EventHandler<TargetChangedArgs> TargetCreated;30 /// <summary>31 /// Raised when a target is destroyed, for example when a page is closed32 /// </summary>33 public event EventHandler<TargetChangedArgs> TargetDestroyed;34 /// <summary>35 /// Returns whether BrowserContext is incognito36 /// The default browser context is the only non-incognito browser context37 /// </summary>38 /// <remarks>39 /// The default browser context cannot be closed40 /// </remarks>41 public bool IsIncognito => _id != null;42 /// <summary>43 /// Gets the browser this browser context belongs to44 /// </summary>45 public Browser Browser { get; }46 /// <summary>47 /// Gets an array of all active targets inside the browser context 48 /// </summary>49 /// <returns>An array of all active targets inside the browser context</returns>50 public Target[] Targets() => Array.FindAll(Browser.Targets(), target => target.BrowserContext == this);51 /// <summary>52 /// This searches for a target in this specific browser context.53 /// <example>54 /// <code>55 /// <![CDATA[56 /// await page.EvaluateAsync("() =>'')");57 /// var newWindowTarget = await browserContext.WaitForTargetAsync((target) => target.Url == "");58 /// ]]>59 /// </code>60 /// </example>61 /// </summary>62 /// <param name="predicate">A function to be run for every target</param>63 /// <param name="options">options</param>64 /// <returns>Resolves to the first target found that matches the predicate function.</returns>65 public Task<Target> WaitForTargetAsync(Func<Target, bool> predicate, WaitForOptions options = null)66 => Browser.WaitForTargetAsync((target) => target.BrowserContext == this && predicate(target), options);67 /// <summary>68 /// An array of all pages inside the browser context.69 /// </summary>70 /// <returns>Task which resolves to an array of all open pages. 71 /// Non visible pages, such as <c>"background_page"</c>, will not be listed here. 72 /// You can find them using <see cref="Target.PageAsync"/>.</returns>73 public async Task<Page[]> PagesAsync()74 => (await Task.WhenAll(75 Targets().Where(t => t.Type == TargetType.Page).Select(t => t.PageAsync())).ConfigureAwait(false)76 ).Where(p => p != null).ToArray();77 /// <summary>78 /// Creates a new page79 /// </summary>80 /// <returns>Task which resolves to a new <see cref="Page"/> object</returns>81 public Task<Page> NewPageAsync() => Browser.CreatePageInContextAsync(_id);82 /// <summary>83 /// Closes the browser context. All the targets that belong to the browser context will be closed84 /// </summary>85 /// <returns>Task</returns>86 public Task CloseAsync()87 {88 if (_id == null)89 {90 throw new PuppeteerException("Non-incognito profiles cannot be closed!");91 }92 return Browser.DisposeContextAsync(_id);93 }94 /// <summary>95 /// Overrides the browser context permissions....

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Source:VkBrwCommunity.cs Github


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...34 {35 Headless = false36 });37 BrowserContext userContext = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();38 Page communityPage = await userContext.NewPageAsync();39 await communityPage.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions40 {41 Height = 768,42 Width = 102443 });44 string ver = await browser.GetVersionAsync();45 string userAgent = await browser.GetUserAgentAsync();46 await communityPage.SetUserAgentAsync("Mozilla / 5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 74.0.3723.0 Safari / 537.36");47 48 await communityPage.GoToAsync(CommunityUrl);49 ElementHandle followersLoaded = await communityPage.WaitForSelectorAsync("#public_followers");50 }51 }52}...

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Source:PuppeteerPageBaseTest.cs Github


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...13 {14 Headless = true15 });16 Context = await Browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();17 Page = await Context.NewPageAsync();18 await SetUp();19 }20 public async Task DisposeAsync()21 {22 await TearDown();23 await Page.CloseAsync();24 await Browser.CloseAsync();25 }26 protected virtual async Task SetUp()27 {28 await Task.CompletedTask;29 }30 protected virtual async Task TearDown()31 {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);9 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();13 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();14 }15 }16}17using System;18using System.Threading.Tasks;19using PuppeteerSharp;20{21 {22 static async Task Main(string[] args)23 {24 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);25 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions26 {27 });28 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();29 }30 }31}32using System;33using System.Threading.Tasks;34using PuppeteerSharp;35{36 {37 static async Task Main(string[] args)38 {39 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);40 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions41 {42 });43 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();44 var newPage = await page.NewPageAsync();45 }46 }47}48using System;49using System.Threading.Tasks;50using PuppeteerSharp;51{52 {53 static async Task Main(string[] args)54 {55 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);56 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions57 {58 });59 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions9 {10 });11 var browserContext = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();12 var page = await browserContext.NewPageAsync();13 await page.ScreenshotAsync("google.png");14 await browser.CloseAsync();15 }16 }17}

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions9 {10 });11 var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();12 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();13 await page.ScreenshotAsync("example.png");14 await browser.CloseAsync();15 }16 }17}18Related posts: PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.NewPageAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.Pages Property PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.Target Property PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.Targets Property PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.TargetsChanged Event PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.TargetsRemoved Event PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.TargetsAdded Event PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.Page Property PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.Page Event PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.CloseAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetDefaultNavigationTimeoutAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetDefaultTimeoutAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetExtraHTTPHeadersAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetOfflineAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetRequestInterceptionAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetUserAgentAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp – BrowserContext.SetViewportAsync() Method PuppeteerSharp

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 MainAsync(args).Wait();9 }10 static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)11 {12 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);13 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false }))14 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())15 {16 await Task.Delay(5000);17 }18 }19 }20}21using System;22using System.Threading.Tasks;23using PuppeteerSharp;24{25 {26 static void Main(string[] args)27 {28 MainAsync(args).Wait();29 }30 static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)31 {32 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);33 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false }))34 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())35 {36 await Task.Delay(5000);37 }38 }39 }40}41using System;42using System.Threading.Tasks;43using PuppeteerSharp;44{45 {46 static void Main(string[] args)47 {48 MainAsync(args).Wait();49 }50 static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)51 {52 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);53 using (var browser = await Puppeteer

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 {9 Args = new[] { "--no-sandbox" }10 };11 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))12 {13 var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();14 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();15 await page.ScreenshotAsync("google.png");16 }17 }18 }19}20using System;21using System.Threading.Tasks;22using PuppeteerSharp;23{24 {25 static async Task Main(string[] args)26 {27 {28 Args = new[] { "--no-sandbox" }29 };30 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))31 {32 var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();33 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();34 await page.ScreenshotAsync("google.png");35 await page.GoToAsync("

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");9 NewPageAsyncExample obj = new NewPageAsyncExample();10 obj.NewPageAsyncDemo().Wait();11 }12 public async Task NewPageAsyncDemo()13 {14 var options = new LaunchOptions { Headless = false };15 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))16 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())17 {

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();9 }10 static async Task MainAsync()11 {12 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false });13 var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();14 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();15 Console.ReadLine();16 }17 }18}19public Task<Page> OpenPageInNewWindowAsync(string url, bool waitForLoad = true, bool noWaitAfter = false, bool waitForNavigations = true)20using System;21using System.Threading.Tasks;22using PuppeteerSharp;23{24 {25 static void Main(string[] args)26 {27 MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();28 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4using PuppeteerSharp.Media;5{6 {7 static async Task Main(string[] args)8 {9 {10 };11 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))12 {13 var context = await browser.CreateIncognitoBrowserContextAsync();14 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();15 }16 }17 }18}

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