How to use EvaluateNull method of NBi.Core.Transformation.Transformer.Native.DateTimeToLastOfMonth class

Best NBi code snippet using NBi.Core.Transformation.Transformer.Native.DateTimeToLastOfMonth.EvaluateNull


Source:DateTimeTransformations.cs Github


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...13 public object Evaluate(object value)14 {15 switch (value)16 {17 case null: return EvaluateNull();18 case DBNull _: return EvaluateNull();19 case DateTime dt: return EvaluateDateTime(dt);20 default: return EvaluateUncasted(value);21 }22 }23 private object EvaluateUncasted(object value)24 {25 if (value as string == "(null)" || (value is string && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value as string)))26 return EvaluateNull();27 var caster = new DateTimeCaster();28 var dateTime = caster.Execute(value);29 return EvaluateDateTime(dateTime);30 }31 protected virtual object EvaluateNull() => null;32 protected abstract object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value);33 }34 class DateTimeToDate : AbstractDateTimeTransformation35 {36 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.Date;37 }38 class DateToAge : AbstractDateTimeTransformation39 {40 protected override object EvaluateNull() => 0;41 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value)42 {43 // Save today's date.44 var today = DateTime.Today;45 // Calculate the age.46 var age = today.Year - value.Year;47 // Go back to the year the person was born in case of a leap year48 return value.AddYears(age) > today ? age-- : age;49 }50 }51 class DateTimeToFirstOfMonth : AbstractDateTimeTransformation52 {53 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => new DateTime(value.Year, value.Month, 1);54 }55 class DateTimeToFirstOfYear : AbstractDateTimeTransformation56 {57 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => new DateTime(value.Year, 1, 1);58 }59 class DateTimeToLastOfMonth : AbstractDateTimeTransformation60 {61 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => new DateTime(value.Year, value.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);62 }63 class DateTimeToLastOfYear : AbstractDateTimeTransformation64 {65 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => new DateTime(value.Year, 12, 31);66 }67 class DateTimeToNextDay : AbstractDateTimeTransformation68 {69 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.AddDays(1);70 }71 class DateTimeToNextMonth : AbstractDateTimeTransformation72 {73 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.AddMonths(1);74 }75 class DateTimeToNextYear : AbstractDateTimeTransformation76 {77 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.AddYears(1);78 }79 class DateTimeToPreviousDay : AbstractDateTimeTransformation80 {81 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.AddDays(-1);82 }83 class DateTimeToPreviousMonth : AbstractDateTimeTransformation84 {85 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.AddMonths(-1);86 }87 class DateTimeToPreviousYear : AbstractDateTimeTransformation88 {89 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value.AddYears(-1);90 }91 class DateTimeToClip : AbstractDateTimeTransformation92 {93 public IScalarResolver<DateTime> Min { get; }94 public IScalarResolver<DateTime> Max { get; }95 public DateTimeToClip(IScalarResolver<DateTime> min, IScalarResolver<DateTime> max)96 => (Min, Max) = (min, max);97 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value)98 => (value < Min.Execute()) ? Min.Execute() : (value > Max.Execute()) ? Max.Execute() : value;99 }100 class DateTimeToSetTime : AbstractDateTimeTransformation101 {102 public IScalarResolver<string> Instant { get; }103 public DateTimeToSetTime(IScalarResolver<string> instant)104 => Instant = instant;105 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value)106 {107 var time = TimeSpan.Parse(Instant.Execute());108 return new DateTime(value.Year, value.Month, value.Day, time.Hours, time.Minutes, time.Seconds);109 }110 }111 class NullToDate : AbstractDateTimeTransformation112 {113 public IScalarResolver<DateTime> Default { get; }114 public NullToDate(IScalarResolver<DateTime> dt)115 => Default = dt;116 protected override object EvaluateNull() => Default.Execute();117 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value) => value;118 }119 class DateTimeToFloorHour : AbstractDateTimeTransformation120 {121 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value)122 => value.AddTicks(-1 * (value.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerHour));123 }124 class DateTimeToCeilingHour : AbstractDateTimeTransformation125 {126 protected override object EvaluateDateTime(DateTime value)127 => value.AddTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerHour - (value.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerHour == 0 ? TimeSpan.TicksPerHour : value.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerHour));128 }129 class DateTimeToFloorMinute : AbstractDateTimeTransformation130 {...

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