Best Playwright-dotnet code snippet using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests.A.ShouldWork
Source: BrowserContextTimezoneIdTests.cs
...28{29 public class BrowserContextTimezoneIdTests : BrowserTestEx30 {31 [PlaywrightTest("browsercontext-timezone-id.spec.ts", "should work")]32 public async Task ShouldWork()33 {34 await using var browser = await Playwright[TestConstants.BrowserName].LaunchAsync();35 const string func = "() => new Date(1479579154987).toString()";36 await using (var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "America/Jamaica" }))37 {38 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();39 string result = await page.EvaluateAsync<string>(func);40 Assert.AreEqual(41 "Sat Nov 19 2016 13:12:34 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)",42 result);43 }44 await using (var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "Pacific/Honolulu" }))45 {46 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();47 Assert.AreEqual(48 "Sat Nov 19 2016 08:12:34 GMT-1000 (Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time)",49 await page.EvaluateAsync<string>(func));50 }51 await using (var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "America/Buenos_Aires" }))52 {53 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();54 Assert.AreEqual(55 "Sat Nov 19 2016 15:12:34 GMT-0300 (Argentina Standard Time)",56 await page.EvaluateAsync<string>(func));57 }58 await using (var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "Europe/Berlin" }))59 {60 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();61 Assert.AreEqual(62 "Sat Nov 19 2016 19:12:34 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)",63 await page.EvaluateAsync<string>(func));64 }65 }66 [PlaywrightTest("browsercontext-timezone-id.spec.ts", "should throw for invalid timezone IDs")]67 public async Task ShouldThrowForInvalidTimezoneId()68 {69 await using (var context = await Browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "Foo/Bar" }))70 {71 var exception = await PlaywrightAssert.ThrowsAsync<PlaywrightException>(() => context.NewPageAsync());72 StringAssert.Contains("Invalid timezone ID: Foo/Bar", exception.Message);73 }74 await using (var context = await Browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "Baz/Qux" }))75 {76 var exception = await PlaywrightAssert.ThrowsAsync<PlaywrightException>(() => context.NewPageAsync());77 StringAssert.Contains("Invalid timezone ID: Baz/Qux", exception.Message);78 }79 }80 [PlaywrightTest("browsercontext-timezone-id.spec.ts", "should work for multiple pages sharing same process")]81 public async Task ShouldWorkForMultiplePagesSharingSameProcess()82 {83 await using var context = await Browser.NewContextAsync(new() { TimezoneId = "Europe/Moscow" });84 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();85 await page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);86 await TaskUtils.WhenAll(87 page.WaitForPopupAsync(),88 page.EvaluateAsync("url =>", Server.EmptyPage));89 await TaskUtils.WhenAll(90 page.WaitForPopupAsync(),91 page.EvaluateAsync("url =>", Server.EmptyPage));92 }93 }94}...
Source: PageWaitForResponseTests.cs
...29{30 public class PageWaitForResponseTests : PageTestEx31 {32 [PlaywrightTest("page-wait-for-response.spec.ts", "should work")]33 public async Task ShouldWork()34 {35 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);36 var task = Page.WaitForResponseAsync(Server.Prefix + "/digits/2.png");37 var (response, _) = await TaskUtils.WhenAll(38 task,39 Page.EvaluateAsync<string>(@"() => {40 fetch('/digits/1.png');41 fetch('/digits/2.png');42 fetch('/digits/3.png');43 }")44 );45 Assert.AreEqual(Server.Prefix + "/digits/2.png", response.Url);46 }47 [PlaywrightTest("page-wait-for-response.spec.ts", "should respect timeout")]48 public Task ShouldRespectTimeout()49 {50 return PlaywrightAssert.ThrowsAsync<TimeoutException>(51 () => Page.WaitForResponseAsync(_ => false, new()52 {53 Timeout = 1,54 }));55 }56 [PlaywrightTest("page-wait-for-response.spec.ts", "should respect default timeout")]57 public Task ShouldRespectDefaultTimeout()58 {59 Page.SetDefaultTimeout(1);60 return PlaywrightAssert.ThrowsAsync<TimeoutException>(61 () => Page.WaitForResponseAsync(_ => false));62 }63 [PlaywrightTest("page-wait-for-response.spec.ts", "should work with predicate")]64 public async Task ShouldWorkWithPredicate()65 {66 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);67 var task = Page.WaitForResponseAsync(e => e.Url == Server.Prefix + "/digits/2.png");68 var (responseEvent, _) = await TaskUtils.WhenAll(69 task,70 Page.EvaluateAsync<string>(@"() => {71 fetch('/digits/1.png');72 fetch('/digits/2.png');73 fetch('/digits/3.png');74 }")75 );76 Assert.AreEqual(Server.Prefix + "/digits/2.png", responseEvent.Url);77 }78 [PlaywrightTest("page-wait-for-response.spec.ts", "should work with no timeout")]79 public async Task ShouldWorkWithNoTimeout()80 {81 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);82 var task = Page.WaitForResponseAsync(Server.Prefix + "/digits/2.png", new() { Timeout = 0 });83 var (response, _) = await TaskUtils.WhenAll(84 task,85 Page.EvaluateAsync(@"() => setTimeout(() => {86 fetch('/digits/1.png');87 fetch('/digits/2.png');88 fetch('/digits/3.png');89 }, 50)")90 );91 Assert.AreEqual(Server.Prefix + "/digits/2.png", response.Url);92 }93 }...
Source: PageFocusTests.cs
...28{29 public class PageFocusTests : PageTestEx30 {31 [PlaywrightTest("page-focus.spec.ts", "should work")]32 public async Task ShouldWork()33 {34 await Page.SetContentAsync("<div id=d1 tabIndex=0></div>");35 Assert.AreEqual("BODY", await Page.EvaluateAsync<string>("() => document.activeElement.nodeName"));36 await Page.FocusAsync("#d1");37 Assert.AreEqual("d1", await Page.EvaluateAsync<string>("() =>"));38 }39 [PlaywrightTest("page-focus.spec.ts", "should emit focus event")]40 public async Task ShouldEmitFocusEvent()41 {42 await Page.SetContentAsync("<div id=d1 tabIndex=0></div>");43 bool focused = false;44 await Page.ExposeFunctionAsync("focusEvent", () => focused = true);45 await Page.EvaluateAsync("() => d1.addEventListener('focus', focusEvent)");46 await Page.FocusAsync("#d1");...
Source: FrameFrameElementTests.cs
...28{29 public class FrameFrameElementTests : PageTestEx30 {31 [PlaywrightTest("frame-frame-element.spec.ts", "should work")]32 public async Task ShouldWork()33 {34 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);35 var frame1 = await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame1", Server.EmptyPage);36 await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame2", Server.EmptyPage);37 var frame3 = await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame3", Server.EmptyPage);38 var frame1handle1 = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#frame1");39 var frame1handle2 = await frame1.FrameElementAsync();40 var frame3handle1 = await Page.QuerySelectorAsync("#frame3");41 var frame3handle2 = await frame3.FrameElementAsync();42 Assert.True(await frame1handle1.EvaluateAsync<bool>("(a, b) => a === b", frame1handle2));43 Assert.True(await frame3handle1.EvaluateAsync<bool>("(a, b) => a === b", frame3handle2));44 Assert.False(await frame1handle1.EvaluateAsync<bool>("(a, b) => a === b", frame3handle2));45 var windowHandle = await Page.MainFrame.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => window");46 Assert.NotNull(windowHandle);47 }48 [PlaywrightTest("frame-frame-element.spec.ts", "should work with contentFrame")]49 public async Task ShouldWorkWithContentFrame()50 {51 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);52 var frame = await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame1", Server.EmptyPage);53 var handle = await frame.FrameElementAsync();54 var contentFrame = await handle.ContentFrameAsync();55 Assert.AreEqual(contentFrame, frame);56 }57 [PlaywrightTest("frame-frame-element.spec.ts", "should throw when detached")]58 public async Task ShouldThrowWhenDetached()59 {60 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.EmptyPage);61 var frame1 = await FrameUtils.AttachFrameAsync(Page, "frame1", Server.EmptyPage);62 await Page.EvalOnSelectorAsync("#frame1", "e => e.remove()");63 var exception = await PlaywrightAssert.ThrowsAsync<PlaywrightException>(() => frame1.FrameElementAsync());...
Source: BrowserContextDeviceTests.cs
...29 public class BrowserContextDeviceTests : BrowserTestEx30 {31 [PlaywrightTest("browsercontext-device.spec.ts", "should work")]32 [Skip(SkipAttribute.Targets.Firefox)]33 public async Task ShouldWork()34 {35 await using var context = await Browser.NewContextAsync(Playwright.Devices["iPhone 6"]);36 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();37 await page.GotoAsync(Server.Prefix + "/mobile.html");38 Assert.AreEqual(375, await page.EvaluateAsync<int>("window.innerWidth"));39 StringAssert.Contains("iPhone", await page.EvaluateAsync<string>("navigator.userAgent"));40 }41 [PlaywrightTest("browsercontext-device.spec.ts", "should support clicking")]42 [Skip(SkipAttribute.Targets.Firefox)]43 public async Task ShouldSupportClicking()44 {45 await using var context = await Browser.NewContextAsync(Playwright.Devices["iPhone 6"]);46 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();47 await page.GotoAsync(Server.Prefix + "/input/button.html");...
Source: LocatorClickTests.cs
...27{28 public class LocatorClickTests : PageTestEx29 {30 [PlaywrightTest("locator-click.spec.ts", "should work")]31 public async Task ShouldWork()32 {33 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.Prefix + "/input/button.html");34 var button = Page.Locator("button");35 await button.ClickAsync();36 Assert.AreEqual("Clicked", await Page.EvaluateAsync<string>("() => window['result']"));37 }38 [PlaywrightTest("locator-click.spec.ts", "should work with Node removed")]39 public async Task ShouldWorkWithNodeRemoved()40 {41 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.Prefix + "/input/button.html");42 await Page.EvaluateAsync("() => delete window['Node']");43 var button = Page.Locator("button");44 await button.ClickAsync();45 Assert.AreEqual("Clicked", await Page.EvaluateAsync<string>("() => window['result']"));46 }47 [PlaywrightTest("locator-click.spec.ts", "should work for TextNodes")]48 public async Task ShouldWorkForTextNodes()49 {50 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.Prefix + "/input/button.html");51 var buttonTextNode = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => document.querySelector('button').firstChild");52 await buttonTextNode.AsElement().ClickAsync();53 Assert.AreEqual("Clicked", await Page.EvaluateAsync<string>("() => window['result']"));54 }55 [PlaywrightTest("locator-click.spec.ts", "should double click the button")]56 public async Task ShouldDoubleClickTheButton()57 {58 await Page.GotoAsync(Server.Prefix + "/input/button.html");59 await Page.EvaluateAsync(@"() =>60{61 window['double'] = false;62 const button = document.querySelector('button');...
Source: JSHandleAsElementTests.cs
...28{29 public class JSHandleAsElementTests : PageTestEx30 {31 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-as-element.spec.ts", "should work")]32 public async Task ShouldWork()33 {34 var aHandle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => document.body");35 var element = aHandle as IElementHandle;36 Assert.NotNull(element);37 }38 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-as-element.spec.ts", "should return null for non-elements")]39 public async Task ShouldReturnNullForNonElements()40 {41 var aHandle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => 2");42 var element = aHandle as IElementHandle;43 Assert.Null(element);44 }45 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-as-element.spec.ts", "should return ElementHandle for TextNodes")]46 public async Task ShouldReturnElementHandleForTextNodes()47 {48 await Page.SetContentAsync("<div>ee!</div>");49 var aHandle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => document.querySelector('div').firstChild");50 var element = aHandle as IElementHandle;51 Assert.NotNull(element);52 Assert.True(await Page.EvaluateAsync<bool>("e => e.nodeType === HTMLElement.TEXT_NODE", element));53 }54 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-as-element.spec.ts", "should work with nullified Node")]55 public async Task ShouldWorkWithNullifiedNode()56 {57 await Page.SetContentAsync("<section>test</section>");58 await Page.EvaluateAsync("() => delete Node");59 var handle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => document.querySelector('section')");60 var element = handle as IElementHandle;61 Assert.NotNull(element);62 }63 }64}...
Source: JSHandleJsonValueTests.cs
...30{31 public class JSHandleJsonValueTests : PageTestEx32 {33 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-json-value.spec.ts", "should work")]34 public async Task ShouldWork()35 {36 var aHandle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => ({ foo: 'bar'})");37 var json = await aHandle.JsonValueAsync<JsonElement>();38 Assert.AreEqual("bar", json.GetProperty("foo").GetString());39 }40 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-json-value.spec.ts", "should work with dates")]41 public async Task ShouldWorkWithDates()42 {43 var dateHandle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("() => new Date('2017-09-26T00:00:00.000Z')");44 var json = await dateHandle.JsonValueAsync<DateTime>();45 Assert.AreEqual(2017, json.Year);46 }47 [PlaywrightTest("jshandle-json-value.spec.ts", "should throw for circular objects")]48 public async Task ShouldThrowForCircularObjects()49 {50 var windowHandle = await Page.EvaluateHandleAsync("window");51 var exception = await PlaywrightAssert.ThrowsAsync<PlaywrightException>(() => windowHandle.JsonValueAsync<object>());52 StringAssert.Contains("Argument is a circular structure", exception.Message);53 }54 }55}...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;2var a = new A();3a.ShouldWork();4using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;5var a = new A();6a.ShouldWork();7using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;8var a = new A();9a.ShouldWork();10using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;11var a = new A();12a.ShouldWork();13using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;14var a = new A();15a.ShouldWork();16using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;17var a = new A();18a.ShouldWork();19using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;20var a = new A();21a.ShouldWork();22using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;23var a = new A();24a.ShouldWork();25using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;26var a = new A();27a.ShouldWork();28using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;29var a = new A();30a.ShouldWork();31using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;32var a = new A();33a.ShouldWork();34using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;35var a = new A();36a.ShouldWork();37using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;38var a = new A();39a.ShouldWork();
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 {3 public void ShouldWork()4 {5 var a = new A();6 a.ShouldWork();7 }8 }9}10{11 {12 public void ShouldWork()13 {14 var a = new A();15 a.ShouldWork();16 }17 }18}19{20 {21 public void ShouldWork()22 {23 var a = new A();24 a.ShouldWork();25 }26 }27}28{29 {30 public void ShouldWork()31 {32 var a = new A();33 a.ShouldWork();34 }35 }36}37{38 {39 public void ShouldWork()40 {41 var a = new A();42 a.ShouldWork();43 }44 }45}46{47 {48 public void ShouldWork()49 {50 var a = new A();51 a.ShouldWork();52 }53 }54}55{56 {57 public void ShouldWork()58 {59 var a = new A();60 a.ShouldWork();61 }62 }63}64{65 {66 public void ShouldWork()67 {68 var a = new A();69 a.ShouldWork();70 }71 }72}73{
Using AI Code Generation
1using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;2{3 static void Main(string[] args)4 {5 A a = new A();6 }7}8using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;9{10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 A a = new A();13 }14}15I am not using Playwright tests as a reference. I am trying to use the Playwright nuget package. I am trying to use the method ShouldWork() of class A of Microsoft.Play
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 {3 public void ShouldWork()4 {5 var a = new A();6 a.ShouldWork();7 }8 }9}10{11 {12 public void ShouldWork()13 {14 var a = new A();15 a.ShouldWork();16 }17 }18}19var a = new A();20The type or namespace name 'A' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)21using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests;22using Microsoft.Playwright.Tests.A;23{24 public Form1()25 {26 InitializeComponent();27 var stringList = new List<string>() { "Hello", "World" };28 var buttonList = new List<Button>();29 foreach (var item in stringList)30 {31 }32 }33}
Microsoft.Playwright.PlaywrightException : unable to verify the first certificate Using Playwright C# While connecting Moon
Playwright in Docker not working: Microsoft.Playwright.PlaywrightException: Executable doesn't exist
Access to Sibling element in Playwright
Is there any way to use cookies&caches to skip the login process with C# and Playwright?
Microsoft.Playwright.PlaywrightException : unable to verify the first certificate Using Playwright C# While connecting Moon
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Add tasks to WhenAny asynchronously
I hit the same issue recently.
This is the question/solution I posted for the Playwright team along with the resolution.
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