How to use UnrouteAsync method of Microsoft.Playwright.Core.BrowserContext class

Best Playwright-dotnet code snippet using Microsoft.Playwright.Core.BrowserContext.UnrouteAsync


Source:Page.cs Github


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...599 public Task RouteAsync(Regex url, Action<IRoute> handler, PageRouteOptions options = null)600 => RouteAsync(url, null, handler, options);601 public Task RouteAsync(Func<string, bool> url, Action<IRoute> handler, PageRouteOptions options = null)602 => RouteAsync(null, url, handler, options);603 public Task UnrouteAsync(string urlString, Action<IRoute> handler)604 => UnrouteAsync(new Regex(Context.CombineUrlWithBase(urlString).GlobToRegex()), null, handler);605 public Task UnrouteAsync(Regex urlString, Action<IRoute> handler)606 => UnrouteAsync(urlString, null, handler);607 public Task UnrouteAsync(Func<string, bool> urlFunc, Action<IRoute> handler)608 => UnrouteAsync(null, urlFunc, handler);609 public Task WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState? state = default, PageWaitForLoadStateOptions options = default)610 => MainFrame.WaitForLoadStateAsync(state, new() { Timeout = options?.Timeout });611 public Task SetViewportSizeAsync(int width, int height)612 {613 ViewportSize = new() { Width = width, Height = height };614 return _channel.SetViewportSizeAsync(ViewportSize);615 }616 public Task SetCheckedAsync(string selector, bool checkedState, PageSetCheckedOptions options = null)617 => checkedState ?618 MainFrame.CheckAsync(selector, new()619 {620 Position = options?.Position,621 Force = options?.Force,622 NoWaitAfter = options?.NoWaitAfter,623 Strict = options?.Strict,624 Timeout = options?.Timeout,625 Trial = options?.Trial,626 })627 : MainFrame.UncheckAsync(selector, new()628 {629 Position = options?.Position,630 Force = options?.Force,631 NoWaitAfter = options?.NoWaitAfter,632 Timeout = options?.Timeout,633 Trial = options?.Trial,634 Strict = options?.Strict,635 });636 public Task CheckAsync(string selector, PageCheckOptions options = default)637 => MainFrame.CheckAsync(selector, new()638 {639 Position = options?.Position,640 Force = options?.Force,641 NoWaitAfter = options?.NoWaitAfter,642 Strict = options?.Strict,643 Timeout = options?.Timeout,644 Trial = options?.Trial,645 });646 public Task UncheckAsync(string selector, PageUncheckOptions options = default)647 => MainFrame.UncheckAsync(selector, new()648 {649 Position = options?.Position,650 Force = options?.Force,651 NoWaitAfter = options?.NoWaitAfter,652 Timeout = options?.Timeout,653 Trial = options?.Trial,654 Strict = options?.Strict,655 });656 public Task DispatchEventAsync(string selector, string type, object eventInit = default, PageDispatchEventOptions options = default)657 => MainFrame.DispatchEventAsync(selector, type, eventInit, new() { Timeout = options?.Timeout, Strict = options?.Strict });658 public Task<string> GetAttributeAsync(string selector, string name, PageGetAttributeOptions options = default)659 => MainFrame.GetAttributeAsync(selector, name, new()660 {661 Timeout = options?.Timeout,662 Strict = options?.Strict,663 });664 public Task<string> InnerHTMLAsync(string selector, PageInnerHTMLOptions options = default)665 => MainFrame.InnerHTMLAsync(selector, new()666 {667 Timeout = options?.Timeout,668 Strict = options?.Strict,669 });670 public Task<string> InnerTextAsync(string selector, PageInnerTextOptions options = default)671 => MainFrame.InnerTextAsync(selector, new()672 {673 Timeout = options?.Timeout,674 Strict = options?.Strict,675 });676 public Task<string> TextContentAsync(string selector, PageTextContentOptions options = default)677 => MainFrame.TextContentAsync(selector, new()678 {679 Timeout = options?.Timeout,680 Strict = options?.Strict,681 });682 public Task TapAsync(string selector, PageTapOptions options = default)683 => MainFrame.TapAsync(684 selector,685 new()686 {687 Modifiers = options?.Modifiers,688 Position = options?.Position,689 Force = options?.Force,690 NoWaitAfter = options?.NoWaitAfter,691 Timeout = options?.Timeout,692 Trial = options?.Trial,693 Strict = options?.Strict,694 });695 public Task<bool> IsCheckedAsync(string selector, PageIsCheckedOptions options = default)696 => MainFrame.IsCheckedAsync(selector, new()697 {698 Timeout = options?.Timeout,699 Strict = options?.Strict,700 });701 public Task<bool> IsDisabledAsync(string selector, PageIsDisabledOptions options = default)702 => MainFrame.IsDisabledAsync(selector, new()703 {704 Timeout = options?.Timeout,705 Strict = options?.Strict,706 });707 public Task<bool> IsEditableAsync(string selector, PageIsEditableOptions options = default)708 => MainFrame.IsEditableAsync(selector, new()709 {710 Timeout = options?.Timeout,711 Strict = options?.Strict,712 });713 public Task<bool> IsEnabledAsync(string selector, PageIsEnabledOptions options = default)714 => MainFrame.IsEnabledAsync(selector, new()715 {716 Timeout = options?.Timeout,717 Strict = options?.Strict,718 });719#pragma warning disable CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete720 public Task<bool> IsHiddenAsync(string selector, PageIsHiddenOptions options = default)721 => MainFrame.IsHiddenAsync(selector, new()722 {723 Timeout = options?.Timeout,724 Strict = options?.Strict,725 });726 public Task<bool> IsVisibleAsync(string selector, PageIsVisibleOptions options = default)727 => MainFrame.IsVisibleAsync(selector, new()728 {729 Timeout = options?.Timeout,730 Strict = options?.Strict,731 });732#pragma warning restore CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete733 public Task PauseAsync() => Context.Channel.PauseAsync();734 public void SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(float timeout) => DefaultNavigationTimeout = timeout;735 public void SetDefaultTimeout(float timeout) => DefaultTimeout = timeout;736 public Task<string> InputValueAsync(string selector, PageInputValueOptions options = null)737 => MainFrame.InputValueAsync(selector, new()738 {739 Timeout = options?.Timeout,740 Strict = options?.Strict,741 });742 public Task DragAndDropAsync(string source, string target, PageDragAndDropOptions options = null)743 => MainFrame.DragAndDropAsync(source, target, new()744 {745 Force = options?.Force,746 NoWaitAfter = options?.NoWaitAfter,747 Timeout = options?.Timeout,748 Trial = options?.Trial,749 Strict = options?.Strict,750 });751 internal void NotifyPopup(Page page) => Popup?.Invoke(this, page);752 internal void OnFrameNavigated(Frame frame)753 => FrameNavigated?.Invoke(this, frame);754 internal void FireRequest(IRequest request) => Request?.Invoke(this, request);755 internal void FireRequestFailed(IRequest request) => RequestFailed?.Invoke(this, request);756 internal void FireRequestFinished(IRequest request) => RequestFinished?.Invoke(this, request);757 internal void FireResponse(IResponse response) => Response?.Invoke(this, response);758 private Task RouteAsync(Regex urlRegex, Func<string, bool> urlFunc, Action<IRoute> handler, PageRouteOptions options)759 => RouteAsync(new()760 {761 Regex = urlRegex,762 Function = urlFunc,763 Handler = handler,764 Times = options?.Times,765 });766 private Task RouteAsync(RouteSetting setting)767 {768 _routes.Insert(0, setting);769 if (_routes.Count == 1)770 {771 return _channel.SetNetworkInterceptionEnabledAsync(true);772 }773 return Task.CompletedTask;774 }775 private Task UnrouteAsync(Regex urlRegex, Func<string, bool> urlFunc, Action<IRoute> handler = null)776 => UnrouteAsync(new()777 {778 Function = urlFunc,779 Regex = urlRegex,780 Handler = handler,781 });782 private Task UnrouteAsync(RouteSetting setting)783 {784 var newRoutesList = new List<RouteSetting>();785 newRoutesList.AddRange(_routes.Where(r =>786 (setting.Regex != null && !(r.Regex == setting.Regex || (r.Regex.ToString() == setting.Regex.ToString() && r.Regex.Options == setting.Regex.Options))) ||787 (setting.Function != null && r.Function != setting.Function) ||788 (setting.Handler != null && r.Handler != setting.Handler)));789 _routes = newRoutesList;790 if (_routes.Count == 0)791 {792 return DisableInterceptionAsync();793 }794 return Task.CompletedTask;795 }796 internal void OnClose()...

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Source:BrowserContext.cs Github


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...213 File.WriteAllText(options?.Path, state);214 }215 return state;216 }217 public Task UnrouteAsync(string urlString, Action<IRoute> handler = default)218 => UnrouteAsync(new Regex(CombineUrlWithBase(urlString).GlobToRegex()), null, handler);219 public Task UnrouteAsync(Regex urlRegex, Action<IRoute> handler = default)220 => UnrouteAsync(urlRegex, null, handler);221 public Task UnrouteAsync(Func<string, bool> urlFunc, Action<IRoute> handler = default)222 => UnrouteAsync(null, urlFunc, handler);223 public async Task<T> InnerWaitForEventAsync<T>(PlaywrightEvent<T> playwrightEvent, Func<Task> action = default, Func<T, bool> predicate = default, float? timeout = default)224 {225 if (playwrightEvent == null)226 {227 throw new ArgumentException("Page event is required", nameof(playwrightEvent));228 }229 timeout ??= DefaultTimeout;230 using var waiter = new Waiter(this, $"context.WaitForEventAsync(\"{playwrightEvent.Name}\")");231 waiter.RejectOnTimeout(Convert.ToInt32(timeout), $"Timeout {timeout}ms exceeded while waiting for event \"{playwrightEvent.Name}\"");232 if (playwrightEvent.Name != BrowserContextEvent.Close.Name)233 {234 waiter.RejectOnEvent<IBrowserContext>(this, BrowserContextEvent.Close.Name, new("Context closed"));235 }236 var result = waiter.WaitForEventAsync(this, playwrightEvent.Name, predicate);237 if (action != null)238 {239 await WrapApiBoundaryAsync(() => Task.WhenAll(result, action())).ConfigureAwait(false);240 }241 return await result.ConfigureAwait(false);242 }243 public Task<IPage> WaitForPageAsync(BrowserContextWaitForPageOptions options = default)244 => InnerWaitForEventAsync(BrowserContextEvent.Page, null, options?.Predicate, options?.Timeout);245 public Task<IPage> RunAndWaitForPageAsync(Func<Task> action, BrowserContextRunAndWaitForPageOptions options = default)246 => InnerWaitForEventAsync(BrowserContextEvent.Page, action, options?.Predicate, options?.Timeout);247 public ValueTask DisposeAsync() => new ValueTask(CloseAsync());248 public void SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(float timeout) => DefaultNavigationTimeout = timeout;249 public void SetDefaultTimeout(float timeout) => DefaultTimeout = timeout;250 internal void OnRoute(Route route, IRequest request)251 {252 foreach (var routeHandler in _routes)253 {254 if (255 routeHandler.Regex?.IsMatch(request.Url) == true ||256 routeHandler.Function?.Invoke(request.Url) == true)257 {258 try259 {260 routeHandler.Handle(route);261 }262 finally263 {264 if (!routeHandler.IsActive())265 {266 _routes.Remove(routeHandler);267 if (_routes.Count == 0)268 {269 DisableInterceptionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);270 }271 }272 }273 return;274 }275 }276 route.ContinueAsync().IgnoreException();277 }278 internal async Task DisableInterceptionAsync()279 {280 await Channel.SetNetworkInterceptionEnabledAsync(false).ConfigureAwait(false);281 }282 internal bool UrlMatches(string url, string glob)283 => new Regex(CombineUrlWithBase(glob).GlobToRegex()).Match(url).Success;284 internal string CombineUrlWithBase(string url)285 {286 var baseUrl = Options?.BaseURL;287 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl)288 || (url?.StartsWith("*", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ?? false)289 || !Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))290 {291 return url;292 }293 var mUri = new Uri(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);294 if (!mUri.IsAbsoluteUri)295 {296 return new Uri(new Uri(baseUrl), mUri).ToString();297 }298 return url;299 }300 private Task RouteAsync(Regex urlRegex, Func<string, bool> urlFunc, Action<IRoute> handler, BrowserContextRouteOptions options)301 => RouteAsync(new()302 {303 Regex = urlRegex,304 Function = urlFunc,305 Handler = handler,306 Times = options?.Times,307 });308 private Task RouteAsync(RouteSetting setting)309 {310 _routes.Insert(0, setting);311 if (_routes.Count == 1)312 {313 return Channel.SetNetworkInterceptionEnabledAsync(true);314 }315 return Task.CompletedTask;316 }317 private Task UnrouteAsync(Regex urlRegex, Func<string, bool> urlFunc, Action<IRoute> handler = null)318 => UnrouteAsync(new()319 {320 Function = urlFunc,321 Regex = urlRegex,322 Handler = handler,323 });324 private Task UnrouteAsync(RouteSetting setting)325 {326 var newRoutesList = new List<RouteSetting>();327 newRoutesList.AddRange(_routes.Where(r =>328 (setting.Regex != null && !(r.Regex == setting.Regex || (r.Regex.ToString() == setting.Regex.ToString() && r.Regex.Options == setting.Regex.Options))) ||329 (setting.Function != null && r.Function != setting.Function) ||330 (setting.Handler != null && r.Handler != setting.Handler)));331 _routes = newRoutesList;332 if (_routes.Count == 0)333 {334 return Channel.SetNetworkInterceptionEnabledAsync(false);335 }336 return Task.CompletedTask;337 }338 internal void OnClose()...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Playwright;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();9 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();13 await page.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());14 await page.UnrouteAsync("**/*");15 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync();16 }17 }18}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 public static async Task UnrouteAsyncExample()2 {3 using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();4 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions5 {6 });7 var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();8 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();9 var route = await context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());10 await page.ClickAsync("text=Docs");11 await context.UnrouteAsync(route);12 await page.ClickAsync("text=Docs");13 }14 public static async Task WaitForEventAsyncExample()15 {16 using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();17 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions18 {19 });20 var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();21 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();22 await page.ClickAsync("text=Docs");23 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);24 await page.ClickAsync("text=API");25 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);26 await page.ClickAsync("text=class BrowserContext");27 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);28 await page.ClickAsync("text=WaitForEventAsync");29 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);30 await page.ClickAsync("text=Go to definition");31 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);32 await page.ClickAsync("text=class IEvent");33 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);34 await page.ClickAsync("text=Go to definition");35 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);36 await page.ClickAsync("text=class IEvent");37 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);38 await page.ClickAsync("text=Go to definition");39 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);40 await page.ClickAsync("text=class IEvent");41 await page.WaitForLoadStateAsync(LoadState.DOMContentLoaded);42 await page.ClickAsync("text=

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();2var browser = await playwright.Firefox.LaunchAsync();3var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();4var page = await context.NewPageAsync();5await context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());6await browser.CloseAsync();7var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();8var browser = await playwright.Firefox.LaunchAsync();9var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();10var page = await context.NewPageAsync();11await context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());12await browser.CloseAsync();13var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();14var browser = await playwright.Firefox.LaunchAsync();15var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();16var page = await context.NewPageAsync();17await context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());18await browser.CloseAsync();19var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();20var browser = await playwright.Firefox.LaunchAsync();21var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();22var page = await context.NewPageAsync();23await context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());24await browser.CloseAsync();25var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();26var browser = await playwright.Firefox.LaunchAsync();

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1var browser = await Playwright.CreateAsync().Chromium.LaunchAsync();2var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();3await browser.CloseAsync();4var browser = await Playwright.CreateAsync().Chromium.LaunchAsync();5var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();6var page = await context.NewPageAsync();7var eventTask = context.WaitForEventAsync(PageEvent.Popup);8var popup = (IPage)await eventTask;9await popup.CloseAsync();10await browser.CloseAsync();11var browser = await Playwright.CreateAsync().Chromium.LaunchAsync();12var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();13var page = await context.NewPageAsync();14var eventTask = context.WaitForEventAsync(PageEvent.Popup);15var popup = (IPage)await eventTask;16await popup.CloseAsync();17await browser.CloseAsync();18var browser = await Playwright.CreateAsync().Chromium.LaunchAsync();19var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();20var page = await context.NewPageAsync();21var eventTask = context.WaitForEventAsync(PageEvent.Popup);22var popup = (IPage)await eventTask;23await popup.CloseAsync();24await browser.CloseAsync();25var browser = await Playwright.CreateAsync().Chromium.LaunchAsync();26var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();27var page = await context.NewPageAsync();28var eventTask = context.WaitForEventAsync(PageEvent.Popup);29var popup = (IPage)await eventTask;30await popup.CloseAsync();31await browser.CloseAsync();32var browser = await Playwright.CreateAsync().Chromium.LaunchAsync();

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1using Microsoft.Playwright;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();9 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var context = await browser.NewContextAsync(new BrowserContextOptions13 {14 });15 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();16 var route = await context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());17 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be unrouted");18 var url = Console.ReadLine();19 await context.UnrouteAsync(url);20 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be routed");21 url = Console.ReadLine();22 await context.RouteAsync(url, route => route.ContinueAsync());23 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be unrouted");24 url = Console.ReadLine();25 await context.UnrouteAsync(url);26 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be routed");27 url = Console.ReadLine();28 await context.RouteAsync(url, route => route.ContinueAsync());29 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be unrouted");30 url = Console.ReadLine();31 await context.UnrouteAsync(url);32 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be routed");33 url = Console.ReadLine();34 await context.RouteAsync(url, route => route.ContinueAsync());35 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be unrouted");36 url = Console.ReadLine();37 await context.UnrouteAsync(url);38 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be routed");39 url = Console.ReadLine();40 await context.RouteAsync(url, route => route.ContinueAsync());41 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be unrouted");42 url = Console.ReadLine();43 await context.UnrouteAsync(url);44 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be routed");45 url = Console.ReadLine();46 await context.RouteAsync(url, route => route.ContinueAsync());47 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be unrouted");48 url = Console.ReadLine();49 await context.UnrouteAsync(url);50 Console.WriteLine("Please enter the url to be routed");51 url = Console.ReadLine();52 await context.RouteAsync(url

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Playwright;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();9 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();13 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();14 var routeTask = context.RouteAsync("**/*", route => route.ContinueAsync());15 var route = await routeTask;16 await context.UnrouteAsync(route);17 await browser.CloseAsync();18 }19 }20}21using System;22using System.Threading.Tasks;23using Microsoft.Playwright;24{25 {26 static async Task Main(string[] args)27 {28 var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();29 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions30 {31 });32 var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();33 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();34 var requestTask = page.WaitForRequestAsync("**/*");35 var request = await requestTask;36 Console.WriteLine(request.Url);37 await browser.CloseAsync();38 }39 }40}41using System;42using System.Threading.Tasks;43using Microsoft.Playwright;44{45 {46 static async Task Main(string[] args)47 {48 var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();49 await using var browser = await playwright.Chromium.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions50 {51 });52 var context = await browser.NewContextAsync();53 var page = await context.NewPageAsync();54 var responseTask = page.WaitForResponseAsync("**/*");

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Playwright tutorial

LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.


  1. What is Playwright : Playwright is comparatively new but has gained good popularity. Get to know some history of the Playwright with some interesting facts connected with it.
  2. How To Install Playwright : Learn in detail about what basic configuration and dependencies are required for installing Playwright and run a test. Get a step-by-step direction for installing the Playwright automation framework.
  3. Playwright Futuristic Features: Launched in 2020, Playwright gained huge popularity quickly because of some obliging features such as Playwright Test Generator and Inspector, Playwright Reporter, Playwright auto-waiting mechanism and etc. Read up on those features to master Playwright testing.
  4. What is Component Testing: Component testing in Playwright is a unique feature that allows a tester to test a single component of a web application without integrating them with other elements. Learn how to perform Component testing on the Playwright automation framework.
  5. Inputs And Buttons In Playwright: Every website has Input boxes and buttons; learn about testing inputs and buttons with different scenarios and examples.
  6. Functions and Selectors in Playwright: Learn how to launch the Chromium browser with Playwright. Also, gain a better understanding of some important functions like “BrowserContext,” which allows you to run multiple browser sessions, and “newPage” which interacts with a page.
  7. Handling Alerts and Dropdowns in Playwright : Playwright interact with different types of alerts and pop-ups, such as simple, confirmation, and prompt, and different types of dropdowns, such as single selector and multi-selector get your hands-on with handling alerts and dropdown in Playright testing.
  8. Playwright vs Puppeteer: Get to know about the difference between two testing frameworks and how they are different than one another, which browsers they support, and what features they provide.
  9. Run Playwright Tests on LambdaTest: Playwright testing with LambdaTest leverages test performance to the utmost. You can run multiple Playwright tests in Parallel with the LammbdaTest test cloud. Get a step-by-step guide to run your Playwright test on the LambdaTest platform.
  10. Playwright Python Tutorial: Playwright automation framework support all major languages such as Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, .NET and etc. However, there are various advantages to Python end-to-end testing with Playwright because of its versatile utility. Get the hang of Playwright python testing with this chapter.
  11. Playwright End To End Testing Tutorial: Get your hands on with Playwright end-to-end testing and learn to use some exciting features such as TraceViewer, Debugging, Networking, Component testing, Visual testing, and many more.
  12. Playwright Video Tutorial: Watch the video tutorials on Playwright testing from experts and get a consecutive in-depth explanation of Playwright automation testing.

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