How to use OnEventUnhandledAsync method of Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors.ConfigEvent class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors.ConfigEvent.OnEventUnhandledAsync


Source:CoffeeMachine.cs Github


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...380 this.SendEvent(this.Client, new HaltedEvent());381 }382 return base.OnHaltAsync(e);383 }384 protected override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string state)385 {386 this.Log.WriteError("### Unhandled event {0} in state {1}", e.GetType().FullName, state);387 return base.OnEventUnhandledAsync(e, state);388 }389 }390}...

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Source:MockSensors.cs Github


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...229 }230 // Turn off the water.231 this.WaterPump = false;232 }233 protected override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string state)234 {235 this.Log.WriteLine("### Unhandled event {0} in state {1}", e.GetType().FullName, state);236 return base.OnEventUnhandledAsync(e, state);237 }238 }239 /// <summary>240 /// This Actor models is a mock implementation of the coffee grinder in the coffee machine.241 /// This is connected to the hopper containing beans, and the porta filter that stores the ground242 /// coffee before pouring a shot.243 /// </summary>244 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(RegisterClientEvent), nameof(OnRegisterClient))]245 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(ReadPortaFilterCoffeeLevelEvent), nameof(OnReadPortaFilterCoffeeLevel))]246 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(ReadHopperLevelEvent), nameof(OnReadHopperLevel))]247 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(GrinderButtonEvent), nameof(OnGrinderButton))]248 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(GrinderTimerEvent), nameof(MonitorGrinder))]249 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(DumpGrindsButtonEvent), nameof(OnDumpGrindsButton))]250 internal class MockCoffeeGrinder : Actor251 {252 private ActorId Client;253 private bool RunSlowly;254 private double PortaFilterCoffeeLevel;255 private double HopperLevel;256 private bool GrinderButton;257 private TimerInfo GrinderTimer;258 private readonly LogWriter Log = LogWriter.Instance;259 internal class GrinderTimerEvent : TimerElapsedEvent260 {261 }262 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)263 {264 if (initialEvent is ConfigEvent ce)265 {266 this.RunSlowly = ce.RunSlowly;267 }268 // Since this is a mock, we randomly initialize the hopper level to some value269 // between 0 and 100% full.270 this.HopperLevel = this.RandomInteger(100);271 return base.OnInitializeAsync(initialEvent);272 }273 private void OnRegisterClient(Event e)274 {275 this.Client = ((RegisterClientEvent)e).Caller;276 }277 private void OnReadPortaFilterCoffeeLevel()278 {279 if (this.Client != null)280 {281 this.SendEvent(this.Client, new PortaFilterCoffeeLevelEvent(this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel));282 }283 }284 private void OnGrinderButton(Event e)285 {286 var evt = e as GrinderButtonEvent;287 this.GrinderButton = evt.PowerOn;288 this.OnGrinderButtonChanged();289 }290 private void OnReadHopperLevel()291 {292 if (this.Client != null)293 {294 this.SendEvent(this.Client, new HopperLevelEvent(this.HopperLevel));295 }296 }297 private void OnGrinderButtonChanged()298 {299 if (this.GrinderButton)300 {301 this.Monitor<DoorSafetyMonitor>(new BusyEvent());302 // Should never turn on the grinder when there is no coffee to grind.303 if (this.HopperLevel <= 0)304 {305 this.Assert(false, "Please do not turn on grinder if there are no beans in the hopper");306 }307 // Start monitoring the coffee level.308 this.GrinderTimer = this.StartPeriodicTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1), new GrinderTimerEvent());309 }310 else if (this.GrinderTimer != null)311 {312 this.StopTimer(this.GrinderTimer);313 this.GrinderTimer = null;314 }315 }316 private void MonitorGrinder()317 {318 // In each time interval the porta filter fills 10%. When it's full the grinder turns319 // off automatically, unless the hopper is empty in which case grinding does nothing!320 double hopperLevel = this.HopperLevel;321 if (hopperLevel > 0)322 {323 double level = this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel;324 // Note: when running in production mode we run in real time, and it is fun325 // to watch the porta filter filling up. But in test mode this creates too326 // many async events to explore which makes the test slow. So in test mode327 // we short circuit this process and jump straight to the boundary conditions.328 if (!this.RunSlowly && level < 99)329 {330 hopperLevel -= 98 - (int)level;331 level = 99;332 }333 if (level < 100)334 {335 level += 10;336 this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel = level;337 if (this.Client != null)338 {339 this.SendEvent(this.Client, new PortaFilterCoffeeLevelEvent(this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel));340 }341 if (level == 100)342 {343 // Turning off the grinder is automatic.344 this.GrinderButton = false;345 this.OnGrinderButtonChanged();346 }347 }348 // And the hopper level drops by 0.1 percent.349 hopperLevel -= 1;350 this.HopperLevel = hopperLevel;351 }352 if (this.HopperLevel <= 0)353 {354 hopperLevel = 0;355 if (this.Client != null)356 {357 this.SendEvent(this.Client, new HopperEmptyEvent());358 }359 if (this.GrinderTimer != null)360 {361 this.StopTimer(this.GrinderTimer);362 this.GrinderTimer = null;363 }364 }365 }366 protected override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string state)367 {368 this.Log.WriteLine("### Unhandled event {0} in state {1}", e.GetType().FullName, state);369 return base.OnEventUnhandledAsync(e, state);370 }371 private void OnDumpGrindsButton(Event e)372 {373 var evt = e as DumpGrindsButtonEvent;374 if (evt.PowerOn)375 {376 this.Monitor<DoorSafetyMonitor>(new BusyEvent());377 // This is a toggle button, in no time grinds are dumped (just for simplicity).378 this.PortaFilterCoffeeLevel = 0;379 }380 }381 }382}...

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Source:FailoverDriver.cs Github


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...120 this.SendEvent(this.CoffeeGrinderId, HaltEvent.Instance);121 this.RaiseHaltEvent();122 }123 }124 protected override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string state)125 {126 this.Log.WriteLine("### Unhandled event {0} in state {1}", e.GetType().FullName, state);127 return base.OnEventUnhandledAsync(e, state);128 }129 }130}...

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;6{7 {8 public override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, ActorId id)9 {10 Console.WriteLine("Unhandled event {0} received by actor {1}", e, id);11 return Task.CompletedTask;12 }13 }14 {15 public ConfigureCoffeeMachine(int beanCapacity, int waterCapacity)16 {17 this.BeanCapacity = beanCapacity;18 this.WaterCapacity = waterCapacity;19 }20 public int BeanCapacity { get; private set; }21 public int WaterCapacity { get; private set; }22 }23 {24 public ConfigureCoffeeMachineResponse(bool success)25 {26 this.Success = success;27 }28 public bool Success { get; private set; }29 }30 {31 public BrewCoffee(int beanAmount, int waterAmount)32 {33 this.BeanAmount = beanAmount;34 this.WaterAmount = waterAmount;35 }36 public int BeanAmount { get; private set; }37 public int WaterAmount { get; private set; }38 }39 {40 public BrewCoffeeResponse(bool success)41 {42 this.Success = success;43 }44 public bool Success { get; private set; }45 }46 {47 }48 {49 public GetStatusResponse(int beanAmount, int waterAmount)50 {51 this.BeanAmount = beanAmount;52 this.WaterAmount = waterAmount;53 }54 public int BeanAmount { get; private set; }55 public int WaterAmount { get; private set; }56 }57}58using System;59using System.Threading.Tasks;60using Microsoft.Coyote;61using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;62using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;6{7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 Console.WriteLine("Starting the coffee machine...");11 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();12 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(ConfigEvent));13 Console.WriteLine("Coffee machine started.");14 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");15 Console.ReadKey();16 }17 }18}19using System;20using System.Threading.Tasks;21using Microsoft.Coyote;22using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;23using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;24{25 {26 static void Main(string[] args)27 {28 Console.WriteLine("Starting the coffee machine...");29 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();30 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(ConfigEvent));31 Console.WriteLine("Coffee machine started.");32 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");33 Console.ReadKey();34 }35 }36}37using System;38using System.Threading.Tasks;39using Microsoft.Coyote;40using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;41using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;42{43 {44 static void Main(string[] args)45 {46 Console.WriteLine("Starting the coffee machine...");47 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();48 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(ConfigEvent));49 Console.WriteLine("Coffee machine started.");50 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");51 Console.ReadKey();52 }53 }54}

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1{2 {3 public string Config { get; set; }4 public ConfigEvent(string config)5 {6 this.Config = config;7 }8 public override string ToString()9 {10 return this.Config;11 }12 }13 {14 public string Config { get; set; }15 public ConfiguredEvent(string config)16 {17 this.Config = config;18 }19 public override string ToString()20 {21 return this.Config;22 }23 }24 {25 private string Config { get; set; }26 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)27 {28 this.Config = (initialEvent as ConfigEvent).Config;29 return Task.CompletedTask;30 }31 protected override async Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string op)32 {33 if (e is ConfigEvent configEvent)34 {35 this.Config = configEvent.Config;36 await this.SendEventAsync(this.Id, new ConfiguredEvent(this.Config));37 }38 {39 await base.OnEventUnhandledAsync(e, op);40 }41 }42 }43}44{45 {46 public string Config { get; set; }47 public ConfigEvent(string config)48 {49 this.Config = config;50 }51 public override string ToString()52 {53 return this.Config;54 }55 }56 {57 public string Config { get; set; }58 public ConfiguredEvent(string config)59 {60 this.Config = config;61 }62 public override string ToString()63 {64 return this.Config;65 }66 }67 {68 private string Config { get; set; }69 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)70 {71 this.Config = (initialEvent as ConfigEvent).Config;72 return Task.CompletedTask;73 }74 protected override async Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string op)75 {76 if (e is ConfigEvent configEvent)

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1using Microsoft.Coyote;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors.Interfaces;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6{7 {8 private readonly IActorRuntime _runtime;9 private readonly IActorId _coffeeMachineActor;10 private readonly IActorId _coffeeMachineActor2;11 public CoffeeMachine(IActorRuntime runtime, IActorId coffeeMachineActor, IActorId coffeeMachineActor2)12 {13 _runtime = runtime;14 _coffeeMachineActor = coffeeMachineActor;15 _coffeeMachineActor2 = coffeeMachineActor2;16 }17 protected override Task OnEventAsync(Event e)18 {19 switch (e)20 {21 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor, new ConfigEvent());22 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor2, new ConfigEvent());23 break;24 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor, new StartEvent());25 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor2, new StartEvent());26 break;27 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor, new StopEvent());28 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor2, new StopEvent());29 break;30 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor, new MakeCoffeeEvent());31 _runtime.SendEvent(_coffeeMachineActor2, new MakeCoffeeEvent());32 break;33 }34 return Task.CompletedTask;35 }36 }37}38using Microsoft.Coyote;39using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;40using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;41using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors.Interfaces;42using System.Threading.Tasks;43{44 {45 private readonly IActorRuntime _runtime;46 private readonly IActorId _coffeeMachineActor;47 private readonly IActorId _coffeeMachineActor2;48 public CoffeeMachine(IActorRuntime runtime, IActorId coffeeMachineActor, IActorId coffeeMachineActor2)49 {

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7{8 {9 {10 }11 private State state;12 private TaskCompletionSource<bool> brewingTaskCompletionSource;13 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(TurnOn), nameof(TurnOnHandler))]14 private class Init : State { }15 private void TurnOnHandler()16 {17 this.state = State.Idle;18 }19 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(TurnOff), nameof(TurnOffHandler))]20 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(BrewCoffee), nameof(BrewCoffeeHandler))]21 private class Idle : State { }22 private void TurnOffHandler()23 {24 this.state = State.Off;25 }26 private void BrewCoffeeHandler()27 {28 this.state = State.Brewing;29 this.brewingTaskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();30 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new CoffeeBrewed());31 }32 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(CoffeeBrewed), nameof(CoffeeBrewedHandler))]33 private class Brewing : State { }34 private void CoffeeBrewedHandler()35 {36 this.state = State.WaitingForUser;37 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new UserInputReceived());38 }39 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UserInputReceived), nameof(UserInputReceivedHandler))]40 private class WaitingForUser : State { }41 private void UserInputReceivedHandler()42 {43 this.state = State.Idle;44 this.brewingTaskCompletionSource.SetResult(true);45 }46 public Task<bool> BrewCoffeeAsync()47 {48 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new BrewCoffee());49 return this.brewingTaskCompletionSource.Task;50 }51 }52}53using Microsoft.Coyote;54using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;55using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;56using System;57using System.Threading.Tasks;58{

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;6{7 {8 public string Config { get; private set; }9 public ConfigEvent(string config)10 {11 this.Config = config;12 }13 public override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, ActorId target)14 {15 if (e is ConfigEvent)16 {17 var configEvent = e as ConfigEvent;18 Console.WriteLine("Received configuration: {0}", configEvent.Config);19 }20 return Task.CompletedTask;21 }22 }23}24using System;25using System.Threading.Tasks;26using Microsoft.Coyote;27using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;28using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;29{30 {31 public string Config { get; private set; }32 public ConfigEvent(string config)33 {34 this.Config = config;35 }36 public override Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, ActorId target)37 {38 if (e is ConfigEvent)39 {40 var configEvent = e as ConfigEvent;41 Console.WriteLine("Received configuration: {0}", configEvent.Config);42 }43 return Task.CompletedTask;44 }45 }46}47using System;48using System.Threading.Tasks;49using Microsoft.Coyote;50using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;51using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.CoffeeMachineActors;52{53 {54 public string Config { get; private set; }55 public ConfigEvent(string config)56 {57 this.Config = config;58 }59 }60 {61 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initial

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