How to use Take method of Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer.BoundedBuffer class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer.BoundedBuffer.Take


Source:Program.cs Github


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...96 private static void Reader(BoundedBuffer buffer, int iterations)97 {98 for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)99 {100 object x = buffer.Take();101 }102 }103 private static void Writer(BoundedBuffer buffer, int iterations)104 {105 for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)106 {107 buffer.Put("hello " + i);108 }109 }110 [Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.Test]111 public static void TestBoundedBufferNoDeadlock()112 {113 CheckRewritten();114 BoundedBuffer buffer = new BoundedBuffer(1, true);...

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Source:BoundedBuffer.cs Github


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...10 private readonly object SyncObject = new object();11 private readonly object[] Buffer;12 private readonly bool PulseAll;13 private int PutAt;14 private int TakeAt;15 private int Occupied;16 public BoundedBuffer(int bufferSize, bool pulseAll = false)17 {18 this.PulseAll = pulseAll;19 this.Buffer = new object[bufferSize];20 }21 public void Put(object x)22 {23 lock (this.SyncObject)24 {25 while (this.Occupied == this.Buffer.Length)26 {27 Monitor.Wait(this.SyncObject);28 }29 ++this.Occupied;30 this.PutAt %= this.Buffer.Length;31 this.Buffer[this.PutAt++] = x;32 this.Pulse();33 }34 }35 public object Take()36 {37 object result = null;38 lock (this.SyncObject)39 {40 while (this.Occupied == 0)41 {42 Monitor.Wait(this.SyncObject);43 }44 --this.Occupied;45 this.TakeAt %= this.Buffer.Length;46 result = this.Buffer[this.TakeAt++];47 this.Pulse();48 }49 return result;50 }51 private void Pulse()52 {53 if (this.PulseAll)54 {55 Monitor.PulseAll(this.SyncObject);56 }57 else58 {59 Monitor.Pulse(this.SyncObject);60 }...

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;5{6 {7 private readonly T[] buffer;8 private int head;9 private int tail;10 private int count;11 public BoundedBuffer(int capacity)12 {13 this.buffer = new T[capacity];14 this.head = 0;15 this.tail = 0;16 this.count = 0;17 }18 public void Put(T item)19 {20 this.buffer[this.tail] = item;21 this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % this.buffer.Length;22 this.count++;23 }24 public T Take()25 {26 T item = this.buffer[this.head];27 this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.buffer.Length;28 this.count--;29 return item;30 }31 }32}33using System;34using System.Threading.Tasks;35using Microsoft.Coyote;36using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;37{38 {39 private static void Producer(BoundedBuffer<int> buffer, int count)40 {41 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)42 {43 buffer.Put(i);44 }45 }46 private static void Consumer(BoundedBuffer<int> buffer, int count)47 {48 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)49 {50 int item = buffer.Take();51 }52 }53 public static void Run()54 {55 BoundedBuffer<int> buffer = new BoundedBuffer<int>(10);56 Task.Run(() => Producer(buffer, 1000));57 Task.Run(() => Consumer(buffer, 1000));58 }59 }60}61using System;62using System.Threading.Tasks;63using Microsoft.Coyote;64using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;65{66 {67 private static void Producer(BoundedBuffer<int> buffer, int count)68 {69 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

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1{2 using System;3 using System.Threading;4 using Microsoft.Coyote;5 using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;6 using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;7 {8 private int[] buffer;9 private int inBuf;10 private int outBuf;11 private int count;12 public BoundedBuffer(int size)13 {14 buffer = new int[size];15 inBuf = 0;16 outBuf = 0;17 count = 0;18 }19 public void Put(int value)20 {21 if (count == buffer.Length)22 {23 throw new Exception("Buffer is full");24 }25 buffer[inBuf] = value;26 inBuf = (inBuf + 1) % buffer.Length;27 count++;28 }29 public int Take()30 {31 if (count == 0)32 {33 throw new Exception("Buffer is empty");34 }35 int value = buffer[outBuf];36 outBuf = (outBuf + 1) % buffer.Length;37 count--;38 return value;39 }40 }41 {42 private BoundedBuffer buffer;43 private int count;44 public Producer(BoundedBuffer buffer, int count)45 {46 this.buffer = buffer;47 this.count = count;48 }49 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Produce))]50 private class Init : State { }51 private void Produce()52 {53 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)54 {55 buffer.Put(i);56 }57 }58 }59 {60 private BoundedBuffer buffer;61 private int count;62 public Consumer(BoundedBuffer buffer, int count)63 {64 this.buffer = buffer;65 this.count = count;66 }67 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Consume))]68 private class Init : State { }69 private void Consume()70 {71 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)72 {73 buffer.Take();74 }75 }76 }77 {78 public static void Main()79 {80 Runtime runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();81 runtime.RegisterMonitor(typeof(Monitor));82 runtime.Start();

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;5{6 {7 private static async Task Main(string[] args)8 {9 var boundedBuffer = new BoundedBuffer(5);10 boundedBuffer.Put(1);11 boundedBuffer.Put(2);12 boundedBuffer.Put(3);13 boundedBuffer.Put(4);14 boundedBuffer.Put(5);15 var task1 = Task.Run(() => boundedBuffer.Take());16 var task2 = Task.Run(() => boundedBuffer.Take());17 var task3 = Task.Run(() => boundedBuffer.Take());18 var task4 = Task.Run(() => boundedBuffer.Take());19 var task5 = Task.Run(() => boundedBuffer.Take());20 Console.WriteLine(await task1);21 Console.WriteLine(await task2);22 Console.WriteLine(await task3);23 Console.WriteLine(await task4);24 Console.WriteLine(await task5);25 }26 }27}28public int Take()29{30 if (this.count == 0)31 {32 throw new InvalidOperationException("The buffer is empty.");33 }34 var item = this.buffer[this.head];35 this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.buffer.Length;36 this.count--;37 return item;38}39 at Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer.BoundedBuffer.Take() in C:\Users\user\source\repos\coyote\Source\Samples

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 var buffer = new BoundedBuffer<int>(10);9 Task.Run(() => {10 while (true)11 {12 Console.WriteLine("Take: " + buffer.Take());13 }14 });15 Task.Run(() => {16 for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)17 {18 buffer.Put(i);19 Console.WriteLine("Put: " + i);20 }21 });22 Console.Read();23 }24 }25}

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7{8 {9 public static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 BoundedBuffer<int> boundedBuffer = new BoundedBuffer<int>(5);12 boundedBuffer.Put(1);13 boundedBuffer.Put(2);14 boundedBuffer.Put(3);15 boundedBuffer.Put(4);16 boundedBuffer.Put(5);17 boundedBuffer.Put(6);18 boundedBuffer.Put(7);19 boundedBuffer.Put(8);20 boundedBuffer.Put(9);21 boundedBuffer.Put(10);22 boundedBuffer.Put(11);23 boundedBuffer.Put(12);24 boundedBuffer.Put(13);25 boundedBuffer.Put(14);26 boundedBuffer.Put(15);27 boundedBuffer.Put(16);28 boundedBuffer.Put(17);29 boundedBuffer.Put(18);30 boundedBuffer.Put(19);31 boundedBuffer.Put(20);32 boundedBuffer.Put(21);33 boundedBuffer.Put(22);34 boundedBuffer.Put(23);35 boundedBuffer.Put(24);36 boundedBuffer.Put(25);37 boundedBuffer.Put(26);38 boundedBuffer.Put(27);39 boundedBuffer.Put(28);40 boundedBuffer.Put(29);41 boundedBuffer.Put(30);42 boundedBuffer.Put(31);43 boundedBuffer.Put(32);44 boundedBuffer.Put(33);45 boundedBuffer.Put(34);46 boundedBuffer.Put(35);47 boundedBuffer.Put(36);48 boundedBuffer.Put(37);49 boundedBuffer.Put(38);50 boundedBuffer.Put(39);51 boundedBuffer.Put(40);52 boundedBuffer.Put(41);53 boundedBuffer.Put(42);54 boundedBuffer.Put(43);55 boundedBuffer.Put(44);56 boundedBuffer.Put(45);57 boundedBuffer.Put(46);58 boundedBuffer.Put(47);59 boundedBuffer.Put(48);60 boundedBuffer.Put(49);61 boundedBuffer.Put(50);62 boundedBuffer.Put(51);63 boundedBuffer.Put(52);64 boundedBuffer.Put(53);65 boundedBuffer.Put(54);66 boundedBuffer.Put(55);67 boundedBuffer.Put(56);68 boundedBuffer.Put(57);69 boundedBuffer.Put(58);70 boundedBuffer.Put(59);

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 var boundedBuffer = new BoundedBuffer(10);9 boundedBuffer.Put(10);10 boundedBuffer.Put(20);11 boundedBuffer.Put(30);12 boundedBuffer.Put(40);13 boundedBuffer.Put(50);14 boundedBuffer.Put(60);15 boundedBuffer.Put(70);16 boundedBuffer.Put(80);17 boundedBuffer.Put(90);18 boundedBuffer.Put(100);19 var item1 = boundedBuffer.Take();20 var item2 = boundedBuffer.Take();21 var item3 = boundedBuffer.Take();22 var item4 = boundedBuffer.Take();23 var item5 = boundedBuffer.Take();24 var item6 = boundedBuffer.Take();25 var item7 = boundedBuffer.Take();26 var item8 = boundedBuffer.Take();27 var item9 = boundedBuffer.Take();28 var item10 = boundedBuffer.Take();29 }30 }31}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Samples.BoundedBuffer;2using Microsoft.Coyote;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using System;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6{7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();11 var boundedBuffer = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(BoundedBuffer));12 runtime.SendEvent(boundedBuffer, new PutEvent("1"));13 runtime.SendEvent(boundedBuffer, new PutEvent("2"));14 runtime.SendEvent(boundedBuffer, new PutEvent("3"));15 runtime.SendEvent(boundedBuffer, new PutEvent("4"));16 runtime.SendEvent(boundedBuffer, new PutEvent("5"));

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