How to use SchedulePulse method of Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.SynchronizedBlock class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse


Source:Monitor.cs Github


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...436 }437 /// <summary>438 /// Notifies a thread in the waiting queue of a change in the locked object's state.439 /// </summary>440 internal void Pulse() => this.SchedulePulse(PulseOperation.Next);441 /// <summary>442 /// Notifies all waiting threads of a change in the object's state.443 /// </summary>444 internal void PulseAll() => this.SchedulePulse(PulseOperation.All);445 /// <summary>446 /// Schedules a pulse operation that will either execute immediately or be scheduled447 /// to execute after the current owner releases the lock. This nondeterministic action448 /// is controlled by the runtime to simulate scenarios where the pulse is delayed by449 /// the operation system.450 /// </summary>451 private void SchedulePulse(PulseOperation pulseOperation)452 {453 var op = this.Resource.Runtime.GetExecutingOperation();454 if (this.Owner != op)455 {456 throw new SystemSynchronizationLockException();457 }458 // Pulse has a delay in the operating system, we can simulate that here459 // by scheduling the pulse operation to be executed nondeterministically.460 this.PulseQueue.Enqueue(pulseOperation);461 if (this.PulseQueue.Count is 1)462 {463 // Create a task for draining the queue. To optimize the testing performance,464 // we create and maintain a single task to perform this role.465 Task.Run(this.DrainPulseQueue);...

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;5{6 public static void Main()7 {8 SynchronizedBlock block = new SynchronizedBlock();9 block.SchedulePulse();10 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");11 }12}13using System;14using System.Threading;15using Microsoft.Coyote;16using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;17{18 public static void Main()19 {20 SynchronizedBlock block = new SynchronizedBlock();21 block.SchedulePulse();22 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");23 }24}25using System;26using System.Threading;27using Microsoft.Coyote;28using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;29{30 public static void Main()31 {32 SynchronizedBlock block = new SynchronizedBlock();33 block.SchedulePulse();34 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");35 }36}37using System;38using System.Threading;39using Microsoft.Coyote;40using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;41{42 public static void Main()43 {44 SynchronizedBlock block = new SynchronizedBlock();45 block.SchedulePulse();46 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");47 }48}49using System;50using System.Threading;51using Microsoft.Coyote;52using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;53{54 public static void Main()55 {56 SynchronizedBlock block = new SynchronizedBlock();57 block.SchedulePulse();58 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");59 }60}61using System;62using System.Threading;63using Microsoft.Coyote;64using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;6{7 {8 public static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 Task.Run(() => MainAsync(args).Wait());11 }12 public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)13 {14 var mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);15 var t = new Thread(() =>16 {17 mre.Set();18 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse();19 });20 t.Start();21 mre.Wait();22 t.Join();23 }24 }25}26C:\Users\user\Desktop\coyote\coyote-test\3.cs(25,13): error : [Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting] Error: The current method is not instrumented for concurrency, but a call to 'Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse()' was detected. [C:\Users\user\Desktop\coyote\coyote-test\coyote-test.csproj]27using System;28using System.Threading.Tasks;29using Microsoft.Coyote;30using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;31using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;32{33 {34 public static void Main(string[] args)35 {36 Task.Run(() => MainAsync(args).Wait());37 }38 public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)39 {

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1using System;2using System.Threading;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 object obj = new object();9 lock (obj)10 {11 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(obj);12 }13 }14 }15}16using System;17using System.Threading;18using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;19{20 {21 static void Main(string[] args)22 {23 object obj = new object();24 lock (obj)25 {26 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulseAll(obj);27 }28 }29 }30}31using System;32using System.Threading;33using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;34{35 {36 static void Main(string[] args)37 {38 object obj = new object();39 lock (obj)40 {41 SynchronizedBlock.ScheduleWait(obj);42 }43 }44 }45}46using System;47using System.Threading;48using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;49{50 {51 static void Main(string[] args)52 {53 object obj = new object();54 lock (obj)55 {56 SynchronizedBlock.ScheduleWait(obj, 1000);57 }58 }59 }60}61using System;62using System.Threading;63using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;64{65 {66 static void Main(string[] args)67 {68 object obj = new object();69 lock (obj)70 {71 SynchronizedBlock.ScheduleWait(obj, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1));72 }73 }74 }75}

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;6{7 {8 public static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 CoyoteRuntime runtime = new CoyoteRuntime();11 runtime.RunAsync(async () =>12 {13 await Task.Run(async () =>14 {15 await Task.Delay(1000);16 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse();17 });18 await Task.Run(async () =>19 {20 await Task.Delay(1000);21 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse();22 });23 await Task.Run(async () =>24 {25 await Task.Delay(1000);26 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse();27 });28 await Task.Run(async () =>29 {30 await Task.Delay(1000);31 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse();32 });33 }).Wait();34 }35 }36}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2using System;3using System.Threading;4{5 {6 public static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 Thread t = new Thread(() =>9 {10 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(typeof(Program), "Test");11 });12 t.Start();13 SynchronizedBlock.Wait(typeof(Program), "Test");14 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");15 }16 }17}18using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;19using System;20using System.Threading;21{22 {23 public static void Main(string[] args)24 {25 Thread t = new Thread(() =>26 {27 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(typeof(Program), "Test");28 });29 t.Start();30 SynchronizedBlock.Wait(typeof(Program), "Test");31 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");32 }33 }34}35using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;36using System;37using System.Threading;38{39 {40 public static void Main(string[] args)41 {42 Thread t = new Thread(() =>43 {44 SynchronizedBlock.Wait(typeof(Program), "Test");45 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");46 });47 t.Start();48 SynchronizedBlock.Pulse(typeof(Program), "Test");49 }50 }51}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2{3 {4 public static void Main()5 {6 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(0, 0);7 }8 }9}10using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;11{12 {13 public static void Main()14 {15 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(0, 0, 0);16 }17 }18}19using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;20{21 {22 public static void Main()23 {24 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(0, 0, 0, 0);25 }26 }27}28using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;29{30 {31 public static void Main()32 {33 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);34 }35 }36}37using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;38{39 {40 public static void Main()41 {42 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);43 }44 }45}46using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;47{48 {49 public static void Main()50 {51 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);52 }53 }54}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2using System.Threading;3{4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 object o = new object();7 lock (o)8 {9 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(o);10 }11 }12}13using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;14using System.Threading;15{16 static void Main(string[] args)17 {18 object o = new object();19 lock (o)20 {21 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulse(o, 1000);22 }23 }24}25using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;26using System.Threading;27{28 static void Main(string[] args)29 {30 object o = new object();31 lock (o)32 {33 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulseAll(o);34 }35 }36}37using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;38using System.Threading;39{40 static void Main(string[] args)41 {42 object o = new object();43 lock (o)44 {45 SynchronizedBlock.SchedulePulseAll(o, 1000);46 }47 }48}49using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;50using System.Threading;51{52 static void Main(string[] args)53 {54 object o = new object();55 lock (o)56 {57 SynchronizedBlock.ScheduleWait(o);58 }59 }60}

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