How to use Wait method of Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.Monitor class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.Monitor.Wait


Source:Monitor.cs Github


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...227 }228 /// <summary>229 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock.230 /// </summary>231 public static bool Wait(object obj)232 {233 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;234 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)235 {236 var block = SynchronizedBlock.Find(obj) ??237 throw new SystemThreading.SynchronizationLockException();238 return block.Wait();239 }240 return SystemThreading.Monitor.Wait(obj);241 }242 /// <summary>243 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock.244 /// If the specified time-out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready queue.245 /// </summary>246 public static bool Wait(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout)247 {248 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;249 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)250 {251 var block = SynchronizedBlock.Find(obj) ??252 throw new SystemThreading.SynchronizationLockException();253 return block.Wait(millisecondsTimeout);254 }255 return SystemThreading.Monitor.Wait(obj, millisecondsTimeout);256 }257 /// <summary>258 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock. If the259 /// specified time-out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready queue. This method also specifies260 /// whether the synchronization domain for the context (if in a synchronized context) is exited before261 /// the wait and reacquired afterward.262 /// </summary>263 public static bool Wait(object obj, int millisecondsTimeout, bool exitContext)264 {265 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;266 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)267 {268 var block = SynchronizedBlock.Find(obj) ??269 throw new SystemThreading.SynchronizationLockException();270 // TODO: implement exitContext.271 return block.Wait(millisecondsTimeout);272 }273 return SystemThreading.Monitor.Wait(obj, millisecondsTimeout, exitContext);274 }275 /// <summary>276 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock.277 /// If the specified time-out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready queue.278 /// </summary>279 public static bool Wait(object obj, TimeSpan timeout)280 {281 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;282 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)283 {284 var block = SynchronizedBlock.Find(obj) ??285 throw new SystemThreading.SynchronizationLockException();286 return block.Wait(timeout);287 }288 return SystemThreading.Monitor.Wait(obj, timeout);289 }290 /// <summary>291 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock.292 /// If the specified time-out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready queue. Optionally293 /// exits the synchronization domain for the synchronized context before the wait and reacquires294 /// the domain afterward.295 /// </summary>296 public static bool Wait(object obj, TimeSpan timeout, bool exitContext)297 {298 var runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;299 if (runtime.SchedulingPolicy is SchedulingPolicy.Interleaving)300 {301 var block = SynchronizedBlock.Find(obj) ??302 throw new SystemThreading.SynchronizationLockException();303 // TODO: implement exitContext.304 return block.Wait(timeout);305 }306 return SystemThreading.Monitor.Wait(obj, timeout, exitContext);307 }308 /// <summary>309 /// Provides a mechanism that synchronizes access to objects.310 /// </summary>311 internal class SynchronizedBlock : IDisposable312 {313 /// <summary>314 /// Cache from synchronized objects to synchronized block instances.315 /// </summary>316 private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<object, Lazy<SynchronizedBlock>> Cache =317 new ConcurrentDictionary<object, Lazy<SynchronizedBlock>>();318 /// <summary>319 /// The object used for synchronization.320 /// </summary>321 protected readonly object SyncObject;322 /// <summary>323 /// True if the lock was taken, else false.324 /// </summary>325 internal bool IsLockTaken;326 /// <summary>327 /// The resource associated with this synchronization object.328 /// </summary>329 private readonly Resource Resource;330 /// <summary>331 /// The current owner of this synchronization object.332 /// </summary>333 private ControlledOperation Owner;334 /// <summary>335 /// Wait queue of asynchronous operations.336 /// </summary>337 private readonly List<ControlledOperation> WaitQueue;338 /// <summary>339 /// Ready queue of asynchronous operations.340 /// </summary>341 private readonly List<ControlledOperation> ReadyQueue;342 /// <summary>343 /// Queue of nondeterministically buffered pulse operations to be performed after releasing344 /// the lock. This allows modeling delayed pulse operations by the operation system.345 /// </summary>346 private readonly Queue<PulseOperation> PulseQueue;347 /// <summary>348 /// The number of times that the lock has been acquired per owner. The lock can only349 /// be acquired more than one times by the same owner. A count > 1 indicates that the350 /// invocation by the current owner is reentrant.351 /// </summary>352 private readonly Dictionary<ControlledOperation, int> LockCountMap;353 /// <summary>354 /// Used to reference count accesses to this synchronized block355 /// so that it can be removed from the cache.356 /// </summary>357 private int UseCount;358 /// <summary>359 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SynchronizedBlock"/> class.360 /// </summary>361 private SynchronizedBlock(object syncObject)362 {363 if (syncObject is null)364 {365 throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(syncObject));366 }367 this.SyncObject = syncObject;368 this.Resource = new Resource();369 this.WaitQueue = new List<ControlledOperation>();370 this.ReadyQueue = new List<ControlledOperation>();371 this.PulseQueue = new Queue<PulseOperation>();372 this.LockCountMap = new Dictionary<ControlledOperation, int>();373 this.UseCount = 0;374 }375 /// <summary>376 /// Creates a new <see cref="SynchronizedBlock"/> for synchronizing access377 /// to the specified object and enters the lock.378 /// </summary>379 internal static SynchronizedBlock Lock(object syncObject) =>380 Cache.GetOrAdd(syncObject, key => new Lazy<SynchronizedBlock>(381 () => new SynchronizedBlock(key))).Value.EnterLock();382 /// <summary>383 /// Finds the synchronized block associated with the specified synchronization object.384 /// </summary>385 internal static SynchronizedBlock Find(object syncObject) =>386 Cache.TryGetValue(syncObject, out Lazy<SynchronizedBlock> lazyMock) ? lazyMock.Value : null;387 /// <summary>388 /// Determines whether the current thread holds the lock on the sync object.389 /// </summary>390 internal bool IsEntered()391 {392 if (this.Owner != null)393 {394 var op = this.Resource.Runtime.GetExecutingOperation();395 return this.Owner == op;396 }397 return false;398 }399 private SynchronizedBlock EnterLock()400 {401 this.IsLockTaken = true;402 SystemInterlocked.Increment(ref this.UseCount);403 if (this.Owner is null)404 {405 // If this operation is trying to acquire this lock while it is free, then inject a scheduling406 // point to give another enabled operation the chance to race and acquire this lock.407 this.Resource.Runtime.ScheduleNextOperation(default, SchedulingPointType.Acquire);408 }409 if (this.Owner != null)410 {411 var op = this.Resource.Runtime.GetExecutingOperation();412 if (this.Owner == op)413 {414 // The owner is re-entering the lock.415 this.LockCountMap[op]++;416 return this;417 }418 else419 {420 // Another op has the lock right now, so add the executing op421 // to the ready queue and block it.422 this.WaitQueue.Remove(op);423 if (!this.ReadyQueue.Contains(op))424 {425 this.ReadyQueue.Add(op);426 }427 this.Resource.Wait();428 this.LockCountMap.Add(op, 1);429 return this;430 }431 }432 // The executing op acquired the lock and can proceed.433 this.Owner = this.Resource.Runtime.GetExecutingOperation();434 this.LockCountMap.Add(this.Owner, 1);435 return this;436 }437 /// <summary>438 /// Notifies a thread in the waiting queue of a change in the locked object's state.439 /// </summary>440 internal void Pulse() => this.SchedulePulse(PulseOperation.Next);441 /// <summary>442 /// Notifies all waiting threads of a change in the object's state.443 /// </summary>444 internal void PulseAll() => this.SchedulePulse(PulseOperation.All);445 /// <summary>446 /// Schedules a pulse operation that will either execute immediately or be scheduled447 /// to execute after the current owner releases the lock. This nondeterministic action448 /// is controlled by the runtime to simulate scenarios where the pulse is delayed by449 /// the operation system.450 /// </summary>451 private void SchedulePulse(PulseOperation pulseOperation)452 {453 var op = this.Resource.Runtime.GetExecutingOperation();454 if (this.Owner != op)455 {456 throw new SystemSynchronizationLockException();457 }458 // Pulse has a delay in the operating system, we can simulate that here459 // by scheduling the pulse operation to be executed nondeterministically.460 this.PulseQueue.Enqueue(pulseOperation);461 if (this.PulseQueue.Count is 1)462 {463 // Create a task for draining the queue. To optimize the testing performance,464 // we create and maintain a single task to perform this role.465 Task.Run(this.DrainPulseQueue);466 }467 }468 /// <summary>469 /// Drains the pulse queue, if it contains one or more buffered pulse operations.470 /// </summary>471 private void DrainPulseQueue()472 {473 while (this.PulseQueue.Count > 0)474 {475 // Pulses can happen nondeterministically while other operations execute,476 // which models delays by the OS.477 this.Resource.Runtime.ScheduleNextOperation(default, SchedulingPointType.Default);478 var pulseOperation = this.PulseQueue.Dequeue();479 this.Pulse(pulseOperation);480 if (this.Owner is null)481 {482 this.UnlockNextReady();483 }484 }485 }486 /// <summary>487 /// Invokes the pulse operation.488 /// </summary>489 private void Pulse(PulseOperation pulseOperation)490 {491 if (pulseOperation is PulseOperation.Next)492 {493 if (this.WaitQueue.Count > 0)494 {495 // System.Threading.Monitor has FIFO semantics.496 var waitingOp = this.WaitQueue[0];497 this.WaitQueue.RemoveAt(0);498 this.ReadyQueue.Add(waitingOp);499 IO.Debug.WriteLine("[coyote::debug] Operation '{0}' is pulsed by task '{1}'.",500 waitingOp.Id, SystemTask.CurrentId);501 }502 }503 else504 {505 foreach (var waitingOp in this.WaitQueue)506 {507 this.ReadyQueue.Add(waitingOp);508 IO.Debug.WriteLine("[coyote::debug] Operation '{0}' is pulsed by task '{1}'.",509 waitingOp.Id, SystemTask.CurrentId);510 }511 this.WaitQueue.Clear();512 }513 }514 /// <summary>515 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires516 /// the lock.517 /// </summary>518 internal bool Wait()519 {520 var op = this.Resource.Runtime.GetExecutingOperation();521 if (this.Owner != op)522 {523 throw new SystemSynchronizationLockException();524 }525 this.ReadyQueue.Remove(op);526 if (!this.WaitQueue.Contains(op))527 {528 this.WaitQueue.Add(op);529 }530 this.UnlockNextReady();531 IO.Debug.WriteLine("[coyote::debug] Operation '{0}' with task id '{1}' is waiting.",532 op.Id, SystemTask.CurrentId);533 // Block this operation and schedule the next enabled operation.534 this.Resource.Wait();535 return true;536 }537 /// <summary>538 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires539 /// the lock. If the specified time-out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready540 /// queue.541 /// </summary>542#pragma warning disable CA1801 // Parameter not used543 internal bool Wait(int millisecondsTimeout)544 {545 // TODO: how to implement timeout?546 // This is a bit more tricky to model, one way is to have a loop that checks547 // for controlled random boolean choice, and if it becomes true then it fails548 // the wait. This would be similar to timers in actors, so we want to use a549 // lower probability to not fail very frequently during systematic testing.550 // In the future we might want to introduce a RandomTimeout choice (similar to551 // RandomBoolean and RandomInteger), with the benefit being that the underlying552 // testing strategy will know that this is a timeout and perhaps treat it in a553 // more intelligent manner, but for now piggybacking on the other randoms should554 // work (as long as its not with a high probability).555 return this.Wait();556 }557#pragma warning restore CA1801 // Parameter not used558 /// <summary>559 /// Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires560 /// the lock. If the specified time-out interval elapses, the thread enters the ready561 /// queue.562 /// </summary>563#pragma warning disable CA1801 // Parameter not used564 internal bool Wait(TimeSpan timeout)565 {566 // TODO: how to implement timeout?567 return this.Wait();568 }569#pragma warning restore CA1801 // Parameter not used570 /// <summary>571 /// Assigns the lock to the next operation waiting in the ready queue, if there is one,572 /// following the FIFO semantics of monitor.573 /// </summary>574 private void UnlockNextReady()575 {576 // Preparing to unlock so give up ownership.577 this.Owner = null;578 if (this.ReadyQueue.Count > 0)579 {580 // If there is a operation waiting in the ready queue, then signal it.581 ControlledOperation op = this.ReadyQueue[0];...

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Source:RewritingEngine.cs Github


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...279 }280 if (this.Options.IsReplacingAssemblies)281 {282 string targetPath = Path.Combine(this.Options.AssembliesDirectory, assemblyName);283 this.CopyWithRetriesAsync(outputPath, assemblyPath).Wait();284 if (readParams.ReadSymbols)285 {286 string pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(outputPath, "pdb");287 string targetPdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(targetPath, "pdb");288 this.CopyWithRetriesAsync(pdbFile, targetPdbFile).Wait();289 }290 }291 }292 private async Task CopyWithRetriesAsync(string srcFile, string targetFile)293 {294 for (int retries = 10; retries >= 0; retries--)295 {296 try297 {298 File.Copy(srcFile, targetFile, true);299 }300 catch (Exception)301 {302 if (retries is 0)...

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Source:MonitorTests.cs Github


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...23 {24 this.Test(async () =>25 {26 SignalData signal = new SignalData();27 var t1 = Task.Run(signal.Wait);28 var t2 = Task.Run(signal.Signal);29 await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);30 },31 this.GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));32 }33 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]34 public void TestMonitorWithReentrancy1()35 {36 this.Test(() =>37 {38 SignalData signal = new SignalData();39 signal.ReentrantLock();40 },41 this.GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));42 }43 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]44 public void TestMonitorWithReentrancy2()45 {46 this.Test(async () =>47 {48 SignalData signal = new SignalData();49 Task t1 = Task.Run(signal.ReentrantLock);50 Task t2 = Task.Run(signal.DoLock);51 await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);52 },53 this.GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));54 }55 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]56 public void TestMonitorWithReentrancy3()57 {58 this.Test(async () =>59 {60 SignalData signal = new SignalData();61 Task t1 = Task.Run(signal.ReentrantWait);62 Task t2 = Task.Run(signal.Signal);63 await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);64 },65 this.GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));66 }67 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]68 public void TestMonitorWithInvalidSyncObject()69 {70 this.TestWithException<ArgumentNullException>(() =>71 {72 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(null);73 },74 replay: true);75 }76 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]77 public void TestMonitorWithInvalidWaitState()78 {79 this.TestWithException<SynchronizationLockException>(() =>80 {81 SynchronizedBlock monitor;82 using (monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(new object()))83 {84 }85 monitor.Wait();86 },87 replay: true);88 }89 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]90 public void TestMonitorWithInvalidPulseState()91 {92 this.TestWithException<SynchronizationLockException>(() =>93 {94 SynchronizedBlock monitor;95 using (monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(new object()))96 {97 }98 monitor.Pulse();99 },100 replay: true);101 }102 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]103 public void TestMonitorWithInvalidPulseAllState()104 {105 this.TestWithException<SynchronizationLockException>(() =>106 {107 SynchronizedBlock monitor;108 using (monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(new object()))109 {110 }111 monitor.PulseAll();112 },113 replay: true);114 }115 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]116 public void TestMonitorWithInvalidUsage()117 {118 this.TestWithError(async () =>119 {120 try121 {122 var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(new object());123 // We yield to make sure the execution is asynchronous.124 await Task.Yield();125 monitor.Pulse();126 // We do not dispose inside a using statement, because the `SynchronizationLockException`127 // will trigger the disposal, which will fail because an await statement is not allowed128 // inside a synchronized block. The C# compiler normally prevents it when using the lock129 // statement, but we cannot prevent it when directly using the mock.130 monitor.Dispose();131 }132 catch (SynchronizationLockException)133 {134 Specification.Assert(false, "Expected exception thrown.");135 }136 },137 expectedError: "Expected exception thrown.",138 replay: true);139 }140 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]141 public void TestComplexMonitor()142 {143 this.Test(async () =>144 {145 object syncObject = new object();146 bool waiting = false;147 List<string> log = new List<string>();148 Task t1 = Task.Run(() =>149 {150 Monitor.Enter(syncObject);151 log.Add("waiting");152 waiting = true;153 Monitor.Wait(syncObject);154 log.Add("received pulse");155 Monitor.Exit(syncObject);156 });157 Task t2 = Task.Run(async () =>158 {159 while (!waiting)160 {161 await Task.Delay(1);162 }163 Monitor.Enter(syncObject);164 Monitor.Pulse(syncObject);165 log.Add("pulsed");166 Monitor.Exit(syncObject);167 });168 await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);169 string expected = "waiting, pulsed, received pulse";170 string actual = string.Join(", ", log);171 Specification.Assert(expected == actual, "ControlledMonitor out of order, '{0}' instead of '{1}'", actual, expected);172 },173 this.GetConfiguration());174 }175 private class SignalData176 {177 private readonly object SyncObject;178 internal bool Signalled;179 internal SignalData()180 {181 this.SyncObject = new object();182 this.Signalled = false;183 }184 internal void Signal()185 {186 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject);187 this.Signalled = true;188 monitor.Pulse();189 }190 internal void Wait()191 {192 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject);193 while (!this.Signalled)194 {195 bool result = monitor.Wait();196 Assert.True(result, "Wait returned false.");197 }198 }199 internal void ReentrantLock()200 {201 Debug.WriteLine("Entering lock on task {0}.", GetCurrentTaskId());202 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject);203 Debug.WriteLine("Entered lock on task {0}.", GetCurrentTaskId());204 this.DoLock();205 }206 internal void DoLock()207 {208 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject);209 Debug.WriteLine("Re-entered lock from the same task {0}.", GetCurrentTaskId());210 }211 internal void ReentrantWait()212 {213 Debug.WriteLine("Entering lock on task {0}.", GetCurrentTaskId());214 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject);215 Debug.WriteLine("Entered lock on task {0}.", GetCurrentTaskId());216 this.DoWait();217 }218 internal void DoWait()219 {220 using var monitor = SynchronizedBlock.Lock(this.SyncObject);221 Debug.WriteLine("Re-entered lock from the same task {0}.", GetCurrentTaskId());222 Debug.WriteLine("Task {0} is now waiting...", GetCurrentTaskId());223 this.Wait();224 Debug.WriteLine("Task {0} received the signal.", GetCurrentTaskId());225 }226 internal static int GetCurrentTaskId() => Task.CurrentId ?? 0;227 }228 }229}...

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;2{3 public static void Main()4 {5 object o = new object();6 Monitor.Enter(o);7 Monitor.Wait(o);8 Monitor.Exit(o);9 }10}11using System.Threading;12{13 public static void Main()14 {15 object o = new object();16 Monitor.Enter(o);17 Monitor.Wait(o);18 Monitor.Exit(o);19 }20}211.cs(7,9): error CS0117: 'Monitor' does not contain a definition for 'Wait'22using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;23{24 public static void Main()25 {26 object o = new object();27 Monitor m = new Monitor(o);28 m.Enter();29 m.Wait();30 m.Exit();31 }32}33using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;34{35 public static void Main()36 {37 object o = new object();38 Monitor m = new Monitor(o);39 m.Enter();40 m.Wait();41 m.Exit();42 }43}

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 Monitor.Enter("lock");9 Monitor.Wait("lock");10 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");11 Monitor.Exit("lock");12 }13 }14}15using System;16using System.Threading;17using System.Threading.Tasks;18{19 {20 static void Main(string[] args)21 {22 Monitor.Enter("lock");23 Monitor.Wait("lock");24 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");25 Monitor.Exit("lock");26 }27 }28}29.locals init (object V_0)30IL_0007: call void [mscorlib]System.Threading.Monitor::Enter(object)31IL_000d: call void Microsoft.Coyote.Rewriting.Types.Threading.Monitor::Wait(object)32IL_0017: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)33IL_001d: call void [mscorlib]System.Threading.Monitor::Exit(object)34.locals init (object V_0)35IL_0007: call void [mscorlib]System.Threading.Monitor::Enter(object)36IL_000d: call void [mscorlib]System.Threading.Monitor::Wait(object)

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1{2 static void Main(string[] args)3 {4 Program p = new Program();5 p.Run();6 }7 public void Run()8 {9 var t1 = new Thread(() =>10 {11 lock (this)12 {13 Monitor.Wait(this);14 }15 });16 t1.Start();17 var t2 = new Thread(() =>18 {19 lock (this)20 {21 Monitor.Pulse(this);22 }23 });24 t2.Start();25 }26}27{28 static void Main(string[] args)29 {30 Program p = new Program();31 p.Run();32 }33 public void Run()34 {35 var t1 = new Thread(() =>36 {37 lock (this)38 {39 System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(this);40 }41 });42 t1.Start();43 var t2 = new Thread(() =>44 {45 lock (this)46 {47 System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(this);48 }49 });50 t2.Start();51 }52}

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