How to use Generator method of Microsoft.Coyote.Random.Generator class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Random.Generator.Generator


Source:CoyoteAsyncQueue.cs Github


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...116 }117 }118 public class TestCoyoteBlockingQueue119 {120 static IEnumerable<int> RandomStream(Generator generator, int streamLength)121 {122 return123 Enumerable124 .Repeat(0, streamLength)125 .Select(x => generator.NextInteger(100));126 }127 static IEnumerable<T> Slice<T>(IEnumerable<T> seq, int from, int to)128 {129 return seq.Take(to).Skip(from);130 }131 static List<List<T>> Chop<T>(IEnumerable<T> seq, int chunks)132 {133 var s = new List<List<T>>();134 var d = (decimal)seq.Count() / chunks;135 var chunk = (int)Math.Round(d, MidpointRounding.ToEven);136 for (int i = 0; i < chunks; i++)137 {138 s.Add(Slice(seq, i * chunk, (i * chunk) + chunk).ToList());139 }140 return s;141 }142 [Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.Test]143 public static async Task Execute_Buffer_TenReadersAndWriters(ICoyoteRuntime runtime)144 {145 Action<string> log = s => runtime.Logger.WriteLine(s);146 var generator = Generator.Create();147 var numConsumerProducer = generator.NextInteger(10) + 1;148 var numConsumers = numConsumerProducer;149 var numProducers = numConsumerProducer;150 log($"Testing Queue with {numConsumerProducer} consumers and producers");151 var queue = new CoyoteAsyncBuffer<int>(1000, runtime.Logger);152 var tasks =153 Chop(RandomStream(generator, 100), numProducers)154 .Select((x, i) => { var t = Task.Run(() => Writer(queue, x, $"Task{i}")); i++; return t; })155 .ToList();156 for (int i = 0; i < numProducers; i++)157 {158 tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Reader(queue, "")));159 }160 await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());161 }162 [Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.Test]163 public static async Task Execute_TenReadersAndWriters(ICoyoteRuntime runtime)164 {165 Action<string> log = s => runtime.Logger.WriteLine(s);166 var generator = Generator.Create();167 var numConsumerProducer = generator.NextInteger(10) + 1;168 var numConsumers = numConsumerProducer;169 var numProducers = numConsumerProducer;170 log($"Testing Queue with {numConsumerProducer} consumers and producers");171 var queue = new CoyoteAsyncQueue<int>(numConsumerProducer, new InterestingEvents());172 var tasks =173 Chop(RandomStream(generator, 100), numProducers)174 .Select((x, i) => { var t = Task.Run(() => Writer(queue, x, $"Task{i}")); i++; return t; })175 .ToList();176 for (int i = 0; i < numProducers; i++)177 {178 tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Reader(queue, "")));179 }180 await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());...

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Source:TaskRandomBooleanTests.cs Github


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...16 public void TestRandomBooleanInSynchronousTask()17 {18 this.TestWithError(async () =>19 {20 Generator generator = Generator.Create();21 SharedEntry entry = new SharedEntry();22 async Task WriteAsync()23 {24 await Task.CompletedTask;25 if (generator.NextBoolean())26 {27 entry.Value = 3;28 }29 else30 {31 entry.Value = 5;32 }33 }34 await WriteAsync();35 AssertSharedEntryValue(entry, 5);36 },37 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(200),38 expectedError: "Value is 3 instead of 5.",39 replay: true);40 }41 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]42 public void TestRandomBooleanInAsynchronousTask()43 {44 this.TestWithError(async () =>45 {46 Generator generator = Generator.Create();47 SharedEntry entry = new SharedEntry();48 async Task WriteWithDelayAsync()49 {50 await Task.Delay(1);51 if (generator.NextBoolean())52 {53 entry.Value = 3;54 }55 else56 {57 entry.Value = 5;58 }59 }60 await WriteWithDelayAsync();61 AssertSharedEntryValue(entry, 5);62 },63 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(200),64 expectedError: "Value is 3 instead of 5.",65 replay: true);66 }67 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]68 public void TestRandomBooleanInParallelTask()69 {70 this.TestWithError(async () =>71 {72 Generator generator = Generator.Create();73 SharedEntry entry = new SharedEntry();74 await Task.Run(() =>75 {76 if (generator.NextBoolean())77 {78 entry.Value = 3;79 }80 else81 {82 entry.Value = 5;83 }84 });85 AssertSharedEntryValue(entry, 5);86 },87 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(200),88 expectedError: "Value is 3 instead of 5.",89 replay: true);90 }91 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]92 public void TestRandomBooleanInParallelSynchronousTask()93 {94 this.TestWithError(async () =>95 {96 Generator generator = Generator.Create();97 SharedEntry entry = new SharedEntry();98 await Task.Run(async () =>99 {100 await Task.CompletedTask;101 if (generator.NextBoolean())102 {103 entry.Value = 3;104 }105 else106 {107 entry.Value = 5;108 }109 });110 AssertSharedEntryValue(entry, 5);111 },112 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(200),113 expectedError: "Value is 3 instead of 5.",114 replay: true);115 }116 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]117 public void TestRandomBooleanInParallelAsynchronousTask()118 {119 this.TestWithError(async () =>120 {121 Generator generator = Generator.Create();122 SharedEntry entry = new SharedEntry();123 await Task.Run(async () =>124 {125 await Task.Delay(1);126 if (generator.NextBoolean())127 {128 entry.Value = 3;129 }130 else131 {132 entry.Value = 5;133 }134 });135 AssertSharedEntryValue(entry, 5);136 },137 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(200),138 expectedError: "Value is 3 instead of 5.",139 replay: true);140 }141 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]142 public void TestRandomBooleanInNestedParallelSynchronousTask()143 {144 this.TestWithError(async () =>145 {146 Generator generator = Generator.Create();147 SharedEntry entry = new SharedEntry();148 await Task.Run(async () =>149 {150 await Task.Run(async () =>151 {152 await Task.CompletedTask;153 if (generator.NextBoolean())154 {155 entry.Value = 3;156 }157 else158 {159 entry.Value = 5;160 }...

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Source:Generator.cs Github


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...13 /// <remarks>14 /// See <see href="/coyote/concepts/non-determinism" >Program non-determinism</see>15 /// for more information.16 /// </remarks>17 public class Generator18 {19 /// <summary>20 /// The runtime associated with this random value generator.21 /// </summary>22 internal readonly CoyoteRuntime Runtime;23 /// <summary>24 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Generator"/> class.25 /// </summary>26 private Generator()27 {28 this.Runtime = CoyoteRuntime.Current;29 }30 /// <summary>31 /// Creates a new pseudo-random value generator.32 /// </summary>33 /// <returns>The pseudo-random value generator.</returns>34 public static Generator Create() => new Generator();35 /// <summary>36 /// Returns a random boolean, that can be controlled during testing.37 /// </summary>38 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]39 public bool NextBoolean() => this.Runtime.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(2, null, null);40 /// <summary>41 /// Returns a random boolean, that can be controlled during testing.42 /// </summary>43 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]44 public bool NextBoolean(int maxValue) => this.Runtime.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(maxValue, null, null);45 /// <summary>46 /// Returns a random integer, that can be controlled during testing.47 /// </summary>48 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 int i = 0;12 while (i < 10)13 {14 Console.WriteLine(Generator.Next());15 i++;16 }17 Console.ReadLine();18 }19 }20}21C# | Random.Next() Method22C# | Random.NextDouble() Method23C# | Random.NextBytes() Method24C# | Random.Next(int) Method25C# | Random.Next(int, int) Method26C# | Random.NextDouble() Method27C# | Random.NextBytes() Method28C# | Random.Next(int) Method29C# | Random.Next(int, int) Method30C# | Random.Next() Method31C# | Random.NextDouble() Method32C# | Random.NextBytes() Method33C# | Random.Next(int) Method34C# | Random.Next(int, int) Method35C# | Random.NextDouble() Method36C# | Random.NextBytes() Method37C# | Random.Next(int) Method38C# | Random.Next(int, int) Method39C# | Random.Next() Method40C# | Random.NextDouble() Method41C# | Random.NextBytes() Method42C# | Random.Next(int) Method43C# | Random.Next(int, int) Method44C# | Random.NextDouble() Method45C# | Random.NextBytes() Method46C# | Random.Next(int) Method47C# | Random.Next(int, int) Method48C# | Random.Next()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7{8 {9 public static async Task Main(string[] args)10 {11 var configuration = Configuration.Create().WithTestingIterations(100);12 var result = await TestingEngine.TestAsync(configuration, () => {13 var actorId = ActorId.CreateRandom();14 ActorRuntime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor), actorId);15 ActorRuntime.SendEvent(actorId, new MyEvent());16 });17 }18 }19 {20 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(MyEvent), nameof(TestMethod))]21 private class Init : State { }22 private void TestMethod()23 {24 var random = Generator.Create();25 var randomValue = random.Next(0, 100);26 if (randomValue == 0)27 {28 this.RaiseEvent(new MyEvent());29 }30 }31 }32 public class MyEvent : Event { }33}34dotnet test --logger "console;verbosity=detailed" --blame-crash

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");8 int x = Generator.Next();9 Console.WriteLine(x);10 }11 }12}13using System;14using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;15{16 {17 static void Main(string[] args)18 {19 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");20 int x = Generator.Next();21 Console.WriteLine(x);22 }23 }24}25using System;26using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;27{28 {29 static void Main(string[] args)30 {31 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");32 int x = Generator.Next();33 Console.WriteLine(x);34 }35 }36}37using System;38using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;39{40 {41 static void Main(string[] args)42 {43 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");44 int x = Generator.Next();45 Console.WriteLine(x);46 }47 }48}49using System;50using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;51{52 {53 static void Main(string[] args)54 {55 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");56 int x = Generator.Next();57 Console.WriteLine(x);58 }59 }60}61using System;62using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;63{64 {65 static void Main(string[] args)66 {67 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");68 int x = Generator.Next();69 Console.WriteLine(x);70 }71 }72}73using System;74using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;75{76 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;2Generator generator = new Generator();3int i = generator.Next(1, 10);4Console.WriteLine(i);5using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;6Generator generator = new Generator();7int i = generator.Next(1, 10);8Console.WriteLine(i);9using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;10Generator generator = new Generator();11int i = generator.Next(1, 10);12Console.WriteLine(i);13using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;14Generator generator = new Generator();15int i = generator.Next(1, 10);16Console.WriteLine(i);17using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;18Generator generator = new Generator();19int i = generator.Next(1, 10);20Console.WriteLine(i);21using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;22Generator generator = new Generator();23int i = generator.Next(1, 10);24Console.WriteLine(i);25using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;26Generator generator = new Generator();27int i = generator.Next(1, 10);28Console.WriteLine(i);29using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;30Generator generator = new Generator();31int i = generator.Next(1, 10);32Console.WriteLine(i);33using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;34Generator generator = new Generator();35int i = generator.Next(1, 10);36Console.WriteLine(i);37using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;38Generator generator = new Generator();39int i = generator.Next(1

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;3{4 static void Main(string[] args)5 {6 var gen = Generator.Create();7 var val = gen.Next(0, 100);8 Console.WriteLine(val);9 }10}11using Microsoft.Coyote;12using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;13{14 static void Main(string[] args)15 {16 var gen = Generator.Create();17 var val = gen.Next(0, 100);18 Console.WriteLine(val);19 }20}21using Microsoft.Coyote;22using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;23{24 static void Main(string[] args)25 {26 var gen = Generator.Create();27 var val = gen.Next(0, 100);28 Console.WriteLine(val);29 }30}31using Microsoft.Coyote;32using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;33{34 static void Main(string[] args)35 {36 var gen = Generator.Create();37 var val = gen.Next(0, 100);38 Console.WriteLine(val);39 }40}41using Microsoft.Coyote;42using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;43{44 static void Main(string[] args)45 {46 var gen = Generator.Create();47 var val = gen.Next(0, 100);48 Console.WriteLine(val);49 }50}51using Microsoft.Coyote;52using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;53{54 static void Main(string[] args)55 {56 var gen = Generator.Create();57 var val = gen.Next(0, 100);58 Console.WriteLine(val);59 }60}61using Microsoft.Coyote;62using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;63{64 static void Main(string[] args)65 {66 var gen = Generator.Create();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;2using System;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 var random = Generator.CreateRandomNumberGenerator();8 var i = random.Next();9 var j = random.Next(100);10 var k = random.Next(10, 20);11 var d = random.NextDouble();12 var b = random.NextBool();13 var by = random.NextByte();14 var byArray = random.NextBytes(10);15 var f = random.NextFloat();16 var f2 = random.NextFloat(100);17 var f3 = random.NextFloat(10, 20);18 var l = random.NextLong();19 var s = random.NextShort();20 var str = random.NextString(10);21 var str2 = random.NextString(10, true);22 var str3 = random.NextString(10, false, true);23 var str4 = random.NextString(10, false, false, true);24 var str5 = random.NextString(10, false, true, true);25 var str6 = random.NextString(10, true, true, true);26 }27 }28}29using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;30using System;31{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;2using System;3{4 static void Main()5 {6 int RandomNumber = Generator.GenerateInteger(1, 10);7 Console.WriteLine($"Random number is {RandomNumber}");8 }9}10using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;11using System;12{13 static void Main()14 {15 int RandomNumber = Generator.GenerateInteger(1, 10);16 Console.WriteLine($"Random number is {RandomNumber}");17 }18}19using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;20using System;21{22 static void Main()23 {24 int RandomNumber = Generator.GenerateInteger(1, 10);25 Console.WriteLine($"Random number is {RandomNumber}");26 }27}28using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;29using System;30{31 static void Main()32 {33 int RandomNumber = Generator.GenerateInteger(1, 10);34 Console.WriteLine($"Random number is {RandomNumber}");35 }36}37using Microsoft.Coyote.Random;38using System;39{40 static void Main()41 {42 int RandomNumber = Generator.GenerateInteger(1, 10);43 Console.WriteLine($"Random number is {RandomNumber}");44 }45}

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Most used method in Generator

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