How to use ParamInfo method of Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo


Source:Program.cs Github


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...155 {156 var metadata = new TestMetadata(b.Test);157 object target = metadata.InstantiateTest();158 List<string> rowKeys = new List<string>();159 foreach (var comboList in metadata.EnumerateParamCombinations(0, new Stack<ParamInfo>()))160 {161 foreach (var test in metadata.TestMethods)162 {163 string name = test.ApplyParams(target, comboList);164 rowKeys.Add(this.CommitId + "." + b.Test.Name + "." + name);165 }166 }167 Console.WriteLine("Downloading results for test {0}...", b.Name);168 string summaryFile = Path.Combine(this.OutputDir, "summary.csv");169 bool writeHeaders = !File.Exists(summaryFile);170 using (var file = new StreamWriter(summaryFile, true, Encoding.UTF8))171 {172 if (writeHeaders)173 {...

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Source:TestMetadata.cs Github


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...8namespace Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking9{10 internal class TestMetadata11 {12 public readonly List<ParamInfo> TestParams = new List<ParamInfo>();13 public readonly List<TestMethodInfo> TestMethods = new List<TestMethodInfo>();14 public readonly Type TestType;15 public TestMetadata(Type testType)16 {17 this.TestType = testType;18 foreach (PropertyInfo pi in testType.GetProperties())19 {20 var attr = pi.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ParamsAttribute)) as ParamsAttribute;21 if (attr != null)22 {23 this.TestParams.Add(new ParamInfo(pi, attr));24 }25 }26 MethodInfo setupMethod = null;27 foreach (MethodInfo mi in testType.GetMethods())28 {29 var setupattr = mi.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(IterationSetupAttribute)) as IterationSetupAttribute;30 if (setupattr != null)31 {32 setupMethod = mi;33 }34 }35 foreach (MethodInfo mi in testType.GetMethods())36 {37 var attr = mi.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(BenchmarkAttribute)) as BenchmarkAttribute;38 if (attr != null)39 {40 this.TestMethods.Add(new TestMethodInfo(setupMethod, mi));41 }42 }43 }44 public object InstantiateTest()45 {46 var ctors = this.TestType.GetConstructors();47 var target = ctors[0].Invoke(Array.Empty<object>());48 return target;49 }50 public IEnumerable<List<ParamInfo>> EnumerateParamCombinations(int pos, Stack<ParamInfo> combinations)51 {52 if (this.TestParams.Count is 0)53 {54 yield return combinations.ToList();55 }56 else57 {58 var param = this.TestParams[pos++];59 foreach (var value in param.Values)60 {61 combinations.Push(param.WithValue(value));62 if (pos == this.TestParams.Count)63 {64 yield return combinations.ToList();65 }66 else67 {68 foreach (var combo in this.EnumerateParamCombinations(pos, combinations))69 {70 yield return combo; // pass it up the stack.71 }72 }73 combinations.Pop();74 }75 }76 }77 }78 internal class TestMethodInfo79 {80 private Action TestAction;81 private Action SetupAction;82 private readonly MethodInfo SetupMethod;83 private readonly MethodInfo TestMethod;84 public string Name { get; set; }85 public TestMethodInfo(MethodInfo setup, MethodInfo test)86 {87 this.Name = test.Name;88 this.SetupMethod = setup;89 this.TestMethod = test;90 }91 public string ApplyParams(object target, List<ParamInfo> testParams)92 {93 if (this.SetupMethod != null)94 {95 this.SetupAction = (Action)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), target, this.SetupMethod);96 }97 this.TestAction = (Action)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action), target, this.TestMethod);98 string testName = this.Name;99 foreach (var item in testParams)100 {101 testName += string.Format(" {0}={1}", item.Name, item.Value);102 item.SetValue(target);103 }104 return testName;105 }106 public void Setup()107 {108 if (this.SetupAction != null)109 {110 this.SetupAction();111 }112 }113 public void Run()114 {115 this.TestAction();116 }117 }118 internal class ParamInfo119 {120 public string Name;121 public Type ParamType;122 public object[] Values;123 public PropertyInfo Property;124 public object Value;125 public ParamInfo(PropertyInfo pi, ParamsAttribute attr)126 {127 this.Values = attr.Values;128 this.ParamType = pi.PropertyType;129 this.Name = pi.Name;130 this.Property = pi;131 }132 public ParamInfo()133 {134 }135 public void SetValue(object target)136 {137 if (this.Property != null)138 {139 this.Property.SetValue(target, this.Value);140 }141 }142 public ParamInfo WithValue(object value)143 {144 return new ParamInfo()145 {146 Name = this.Name,147 ParamType = this.ParamType,148 Values = this.Values,149 Property = this.Property,150 Value = value151 };152 }153 }154}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var paramInfo = new ParamInfo();12 var param = paramInfo.Param;13 var param2 = paramInfo.Param2;14 }15 }16}17using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;18using System;19using System.Collections.Generic;20using System.Linq;21using System.Text;22using System.Threading.Tasks;23{24 {25 static void Main(string[] args)26 {27 var paramInfo = new ParamInfo();28 var param = paramInfo.Param;29 var param2 = paramInfo.Param2;30 }31 }32}33{34}35{36 "Benchmark": {

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 Console.WriteLine(ParamInfo.GetParamInfo("param1"));8 Console.WriteLine(ParamInfo.GetParamInfo("param2"));9 }10 }11}12 Console.WriteLine(ParamInfo.GetParamInfo("param1"))13 Console.WriteLine(ParamInfo.GetParamInfo("param2"))14using System;15using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;16{17 {18 static void Main(string[] args)19 {20 Console.WriteLine(ParamInfo.GetParamInfo<int>("param1"));21 Console.WriteLine(ParamInfo.GetParamInfo<double>("param2"));22 }23 }24}

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;3{4 {5 private static void Main()6 {7 ParamInfo paramInfo = new ParamInfo();8 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param1", 10);9 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param2", 20);10 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param3", 30);11 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param4", 40);12 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param5", 50);13 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param6", 60);14 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param7", 70);15 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param8", 80);16 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param9", 90);17 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param10", 100);18 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param11", 110);19 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param12", 120);20 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param13", 130);21 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param14", 140);22 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param15", 150);23 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param16", 160);24 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param17", 170);25 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param18", 180);26 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param19", 190);27 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param20", 200);28 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param21", 210);29 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param22", 220);30 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param23", 230);31 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param24", 240);32 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param25", 250);33 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param26", 260);34 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param27", 270);35 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param28", 280);36 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param29", 290);37 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param30", 300);38 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param31", 310);39 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param32", 320);40 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param33", 330);41 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param34", 340);42 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param35", 350);43 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param36", 360);44 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param37", 370);45 paramInfo.ParamInfo("param38", 380

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;3{4 {5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 var paramInfo = new ParamInfo();8 var param = paramInfo.GetParamValue("Param1");9 Console.WriteLine("Param1 value: {0}", param);10 }11 }12}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4using System.Threading;5{6 public static void Main()7 {8 int param1 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param1");9 int param2 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param2");10 int param3 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param3");11 int param4 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param4");12 int param5 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param5");13 int param6 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param6");14 int param7 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param7");15 int param8 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param8");16 int param9 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param9");17 int param10 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param10");18 int param11 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param11");19 int param12 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param12");20 int param13 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param13");21 int param14 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param14");22 int param15 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param15");23 int param16 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param16");24 int param17 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param17");25 int param18 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param18");26 int param19 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param19");27 int param20 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param20");28 int param21 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param21");29 int param22 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param22");30 int param23 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param23");31 int param24 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param24");32 int param25 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param25");33 int param26 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param26");34 int param27 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param27");35 int param28 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param28");36 int param29 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param29");37 int param30 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param30");38 int param31 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param31");39 int param32 = ParamInfo.GetParam<int>("param32");

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;2public static int Main()3{4 var param = ParamInfo.Get("param1");5 Console.WriteLine("param1=" + param);6 return 0;7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1int NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");2string NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");3bool NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");4double NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");5float NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");6long NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");7short NameOfParam = Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking.ParamInfo.ParamInfo("NameOfParam");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Benchmarking;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 int param1 = int.Parse(ParamInfo.ParamInfo("param1"));12 int param2 = int.Parse(ParamInfo.ParamInfo("param2"));13 int res = param1 + param2;14 Console.WriteLine("Result is {0}", res);15 Console.ReadLine();16 }17 }18}19int param1 = int.Parse(ParamInfo.ParamInfo("param1"));20int param2 = int.Parse(ParamInfo.ParamInfo("param2"));

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Most used method in ParamInfo

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