How to use ErrorOnEntry method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.StateMachines.StateInheritanceTests class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.StateMachines.StateInheritanceTests.ErrorOnEntry


Source:StateInheritanceTests.cs Github


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...252 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]253 private class Done : State254 {255 }256 [OnEntry(nameof(ErrorOnEntry))]257 private class Error : State258 {259 }260 private void InitOnEntry()261 {262 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);263 }264 private void DoneOnEntry()265 {266 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");267 }268 private void ErrorOnEntry()269 {270 this.Assert(false, "Test failed!");271 }272 }273 /// <summary>274 /// Test overriding of OnEventGotoState from 2 base classes.275 /// </summary>276 private class M11 : StateMachine277 {278 [Start]279 [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Done))]280 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]281 private class Init : BaseState282 {283 }284 [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]285 private class BaseState : BaseBaseState286 {287 }288 [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]289 private class BaseBaseState : State290 {291 }292 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]293 private class Done : State294 {295 }296 [OnEntry(nameof(ErrorOnEntry))]297 private class Error : State298 {299 }300 private void InitOnEntry()301 {302 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);303 }304 private void DoneOnEntry()305 {306 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");307 }308 private void ErrorOnEntry()309 {310 this.Assert(false, "Test failed!");311 }312 }313 /// <summary>314 /// Test overriding of OnEventGotoState in a State sub class.315 /// </summary>316 private class M12 : StateMachine317 {318 [Start]319 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]320 private class Init : BaseState321 {322 }323 [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Done))]324 private class BaseState : BaseBaseState325 {326 }327 [OnEventGotoState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]328 private class BaseBaseState : State329 {330 }331 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]332 private class Done : State333 {334 }335 [OnEntry(nameof(ErrorOnEntry))]336 private class Error : State337 {338 }339 private void InitOnEntry()340 {341 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);342 }343 private void DoneOnEntry()344 {345 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");346 }347 private void ErrorOnEntry()348 {349 this.Assert(false, "Test failed!");350 }351 }352 /// <summary>353 /// Test inheritance of OnEventPushState.354 /// </summary>355 private class M13 : StateMachine356 {357 [Start]358 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]359 private class Init : BaseState360 {361 }362 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Done))]363 private class BaseState : State364 {365 }366 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]367 private class Done : State368 {369 }370 private void InitOnEntry()371 {372 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);373 }374 private void DoneOnEntry()375 {376 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");377 }378 }379 /// <summary>380 /// Test overriding OnEventPushState.381 /// </summary>382 private class M14 : StateMachine383 {384 [Start]385 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Done))]386 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]387 private class Init : BaseState388 {389 }390 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]391 private class BaseState : State392 {393 }394 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]395 private class Done : State396 {397 }398 [OnEntry(nameof(ErrorOnEntry))]399 private class Error : State400 {401 }402 private void InitOnEntry()403 {404 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);405 }406 private void DoneOnEntry()407 {408 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");409 }410 private void ErrorOnEntry()411 {412 this.Assert(false, "Test failed!");413 }414 }415 /// <summary>416 /// Test overriding OnEventPushState inherited from 2 subclasses.417 /// </summary>418 private class M15 : StateMachine419 {420 [Start]421 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Done))]422 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]423 private class Init : BaseState424 {425 }426 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]427 private class BaseState : BaseBaseState428 {429 }430 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]431 private class BaseBaseState : State432 {433 }434 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]435 private class Done : State436 {437 }438 [OnEntry(nameof(ErrorOnEntry))]439 private class Error : State440 {441 }442 private void InitOnEntry()443 {444 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);445 }446 private void DoneOnEntry()447 {448 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");449 }450 private void ErrorOnEntry()451 {452 this.Assert(false, "Test failed!");453 }454 }455 /// <summary>456 /// Test overriding OnEventPushState in a state subclass.457 /// </summary>458 private class M16 : StateMachine459 {460 [Start]461 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]462 private class Init : BaseState463 {464 }465 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Done))]466 private class BaseState : BaseBaseState467 {468 }469 [OnEventPushState(typeof(UnitEvent), typeof(Error))]470 private class BaseBaseState : State471 {472 }473 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]474 private class Done : State475 {476 }477 [OnEntry(nameof(ErrorOnEntry))]478 private class Error : State479 {480 }481 private void InitOnEntry()482 {483 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);484 }485 private void DoneOnEntry()486 {487 this.Assert(false, "Test passed.");488 }489 private void ErrorOnEntry()490 {491 this.Assert(false, "Test failed!");492 }493 }494 /// <summary>495 /// This class tests that a state can inherit actions from an the class.496 /// </summary>497 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Check))]498 private class M17 : StateMachine499 {500 [Start]501 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]502 private class Init : State503 {...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;8using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices;9using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;10using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.Strategies;11{12 {13 static void Main(string[] args)14 {15 SystematicTestScheduler scheduler = new SystematicTestScheduler();16 scheduler.TestFailed += (sender, e) =>17 {18 Console.WriteLine("Test failed: " + e.TestName);19 };20 scheduler.TestSucceeded += (sender, e) =>21 {22 Console.WriteLine("Test succeeded: " + e.TestName);23 };24 scheduler.TestError += (sender, e) =>25 {26 Console.WriteLine("Test error: " + e.TestName);27 };28 scheduler.TestFinished += (sender, e) =>29 {30 Console.WriteLine("Test finished: " + e.TestName);31 };32 scheduler.TestStarted += (sender, e) =>33 {34 Console.WriteLine("Test started: " + e.TestName);35 };36 scheduler.TestWarning += (sender, e) =>37 {38 Console.WriteLine("Test warning: " + e.TestName);39 };40 scheduler.TestLog += (sender, e) =>41 {42 Console.WriteLine("Test log: " + e.TestName + " " + e.Message);43 };44 SystematicTestingEngine engine = new SystematicTestingEngine(scheduler);45 engine.Configuration.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.DFS;46 engine.Configuration.EnableCycleDetection = true;47 engine.Configuration.EnableDataRaceDetection = true;48 engine.Configuration.EnableHotStateDetection = true;49 engine.Configuration.EnableLiveStateDetection = true;50 engine.Configuration.EnableOperationCanceledException = true;51 engine.Configuration.EnablePCT = true;52 engine.Configuration.EnableStateGraph = true;53 engine.Configuration.EnableTaskDebugging = true;54 engine.Configuration.EnableVerboseTrace = true;55 engine.Configuration.MaxFairSchedulingSteps = 100000;56 engine.Configuration.MaxUnfairSchedulingSteps = 100000;57 engine.Configuration.MaxStepsFromAnyEntryToExit = 100000;58 engine.Configuration.MaxStepsFromAnyEntryToError = 100000;59 engine.Configuration.MaxStepsFromAnyEntryToExitOrError = 100000;

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;5using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices;6using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Runtime;7using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies;8using Xunit;9using Xunit.Abstractions;10{11 {12 public StateInheritanceTests(ITestOutputHelper output)13 : base(output)14 {15 }16 {17 }18 {19 }20 {21 }22 {23 }24 {25 }26 {27 }28 {29 }30 {31 }32 {33 }34 {35 }36 {37 }38 {39 }40 {41 }42 {43 }44 {45 }46 {47 }48 {49 }50 {51 }52 {53 }54 {55 }56 {57 }58 {59 }60 {61 }62 {63 }64 {65 }66 {67 }68 {69 }70 {71 }72 {73 }74 {75 }76 {77 }78 {79 }

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.StateMachines;2using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices;3using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Coverage;4using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies;5using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies.DPOR;6using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies.RaceDetection;7using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule;8using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default;9using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies;10using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.DPOR;11using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection;12using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.DataRace;13using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.MutexRace;14using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.TimedRace;15using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.TimedWaitRace;16using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.TimerRace;17using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.WaitRace;18using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldRace;19using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace;20using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace.YieldWaitRaceWithMutex;21using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace.YieldWaitRaceWithTimers;22using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace.YieldWaitRaceWithWait;23using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace.YieldWaitRaceWithYield;24using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace.YieldWaitRaceWithYieldWait;25using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RaceDetection.YieldWaitRace.YieldWaitRaceWithYieldWaitWithMutex;

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Actors;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Actors.BugFinding;8using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Actors.StateMachines;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Events;10using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.TestingServices;11using Xunit;12using Xunit.Abstractions;13{14 {15 public StateInheritanceTests(ITestOutputHelper output)16 : base(output)17 {18 }19 {20 public ActorId Id;21 public E(ActorId id)22 {23 this.Id = id;24 }25 }26 {27 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]28 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E), nameof(HandleE))]29 {30 }31 private void InitOnEntry()32 {33 this.Assert(false, "InitOnEntry");34 }35 private void HandleE()36 {37 this.Assert(false, "HandleE");38 }39 }40 {41 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]42 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E), nameof(HandleE))]43 {44 }45 private void InitOnEntry()46 {47 this.Assert(false, "InitOnEntry");48 }49 private void HandleE()50 {51 this.Assert(false, "HandleE");52 }53 }54 {55 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]56 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E), nameof(HandleE))]57 {58 }59 private void InitOnEntry()60 {61 this.Assert(false, "InitOnEntry");62 }63 private void HandleE()64 {65 this.Assert(false, "HandleE");66 }67 }68 {69 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]70 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E), nameof(HandleE))]

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;3using System;4using System.Collections.Generic;5using System.Linq;6using System.Text;7using System.Threading.Tasks;8{9 {10 public static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();13 ErrorOnEntry();14 }15 public static void ErrorOnEntry()16 {17 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();18 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(A));19 }20 }21 {22 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Entry))]23 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Exit))]24 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Entry2))]25 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Exit2))]26 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Entry3))]27 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(Exit3))]28 {29 }30 void Entry()31 {32 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Init>();33 }34 void Exit()35 {36 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Init>();37 }38 void Entry2()39 {40 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Init>();41 }42 void Exit2()43 {44 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Init>();45 }46 void Entry3()47 {48 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Init>();49 }50 void Exit3()51 {52 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Init>();53 }54 }55}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.TestingServices;4using System;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Xunit;7using Xunit.Abstractions;8{9 {10 private readonly ITestOutputHelper output;11 public StateInheritanceTests(ITestOutputHelper output)12 {13 this.output = output;14 }15 private class E1 : Event { }16 private class E2 : Event { }17 private class E3 : Event { }18 private class E4 : Event { }19 private class E5 : Event { }20 private class E6 : Event { }21 private class E7 : Event { }22 private class E8 : Event { }23 private class E9 : Event { }24 private class E10 : Event { }25 private class E11 : Event { }26 private class E12 : Event { }27 private class E13 : Event { }28 private class E14 : Event { }29 private class E15 : Event { }30 private class E16 : Event { }31 private class E17 : Event { }32 private class E18 : Event { }33 private class E19 : Event { }34 private class E20 : Event { }35 private class E21 : Event { }36 private class E22 : Event { }37 private class E23 : Event { }38 private class E24 : Event { }39 private class E25 : Event { }40 private class E26 : Event { }41 private class E27 : Event { }42 private class E28 : Event { }43 private class E29 : Event { }44 private class E30 : Event { }45 private class E31 : Event { }46 private class E32 : Event { }47 private class E33 : Event { }48 private class E34 : Event { }49 private class E35 : Event { }50 private class E36 : Event { }51 private class E37 : Event { }52 private class E38 : Event { }53 private class E39 : Event { }54 private class E40 : Event { }55 private class E41 : Event { }56 private class E42 : Event { }57 private class E43 : Event { }

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