How to use Configure method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.E class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure


Source:BaseTest.cs Github


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1/​/​ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.2/​/​ Licensed under the MIT License.3using System;4using System.Diagnostics;5using System.IO;6using System.Linq;7using System.Text;8using System.Threading.Tasks;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;10using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;11using Microsoft.Coyote.IO;12using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;13using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting.Strategies;14using Xunit;15using Xunit.Abstractions;16using CoyoteTasks = Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;17namespace Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common18{19 public delegate void TestErrorChecker(string error);20 public abstract class BaseTest21 {22 protected readonly ITestOutputHelper TestOutput;23 public BaseTest(ITestOutputHelper output)24 {25 this.TestOutput = output;26 }27 /​/​/​ <summary>28 /​/​/​ Override to true to run a systematic test under the <see cref="TestingEngine"/​>.29 /​/​/​ By default this value is false.30 /​/​/​ </​summary>31 protected virtual bool IsSystematicTest => false;32 protected void Test(Action test, Configuration configuration = null)33 {34 if (this.IsSystematicTest)35 {36 this.InternalTest(test, configuration);37 }38 else39 {40 this.Run((r) => test(), configuration);41 }42 }43 protected void Test(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration = null)44 {45 if (this.IsSystematicTest)46 {47 this.InternalTest(test, configuration);48 }49 else50 {51 this.Run(test, configuration);52 }53 }54 protected void Test(Func<Task> test, Configuration configuration = null)55 {56 if (this.IsSystematicTest)57 {58 this.InternalTest(test, configuration);59 }60 else61 {62 this.RunAsync(async (r) => await test(), configuration).Wait();63 }64 }65 protected void Test(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration = null)66 {67 if (this.IsSystematicTest)68 {69 this.InternalTest(test, configuration);70 }71 else72 {73 this.RunAsync(test, configuration).Wait();74 }75 }76 protected string TestCoverage(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration)77 {78 var engine = this.InternalTest(test, configuration);79 using var writer = new StringWriter();80 var activityCoverageReporter = new ActivityCoverageReporter(engine.TestReport.CoverageInfo);81 activityCoverageReporter.WriteCoverageText(writer);82 string result = writer.ToString().RemoveNamespaceReferences();83 return result;84 }85 private TestingEngine InternalTest(Delegate test, Configuration configuration)86 {87 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();88 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);89 TestingEngine engine = null;90 try91 {92 engine = RunTest(test, configuration, logger);93 var numErrors = engine.TestReport.NumOfFoundBugs;94 Assert.True(numErrors is 0, GetBugReport(engine));95 }96 catch (Exception ex)97 {98 Assert.False(true, ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);99 }100 finally101 {102 logger.Dispose();103 }104 return engine;105 }106 protected void TestWithError(Action test, Configuration configuration = null, string expectedError = null,107 bool replay = false)108 {109 if (this.IsSystematicTest)110 {111 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); }, replay);112 }113 else114 {115 this.RunWithErrors((r) => test(), configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); });116 }117 }118 protected void TestWithError(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration = null,119 string expectedError = null, bool replay = false)120 {121 if (this.IsSystematicTest)122 {123 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); }, replay);124 }125 else126 {127 this.RunWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); });128 }129 }130 protected void TestWithError(Func<Task> test, Configuration configuration = null, string expectedError = null,131 bool replay = false)132 {133 if (this.IsSystematicTest)134 {135 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); }, replay);136 }137 else138 {139 this.RunWithErrorsAsync(async (r) => await test(), configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); }).Wait();140 }141 }142 protected void TestWithError(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration = null,143 string expectedError = null, bool replay = false)144 {145 if (this.IsSystematicTest)146 {147 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); }, replay);148 }149 else150 {151 this.RunWithErrorsAsync(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckSingleError(e, expectedError); }).Wait();152 }153 }154 protected void TestWithError(Action test, Configuration configuration = null, string[] expectedErrors = null,155 bool replay = false)156 {157 if (this.IsSystematicTest)158 {159 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); }, replay);160 }161 else162 {163 this.RunWithErrors((r) => test(), configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); });164 }165 }166 protected void TestWithError(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration = null,167 string[] expectedErrors = null, bool replay = false)168 {169 if (this.IsSystematicTest)170 {171 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); }, replay);172 }173 else174 {175 this.RunWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); });176 }177 }178 protected void TestWithError(Func<Task> test, Configuration configuration = null, string[] expectedErrors = null,179 bool replay = false)180 {181 if (this.IsSystematicTest)182 {183 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); }, replay);184 }185 else186 {187 this.RunWithErrorsAsync(async (r) => await test(), configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); }).Wait();188 }189 }190 protected void TestWithError(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration = null,191 string[] expectedErrors = null, bool replay = false)192 {193 if (this.IsSystematicTest)194 {195 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); }, replay);196 }197 else198 {199 this.RunWithErrorsAsync(test, configuration, (e) => { CheckMultipleErrors(e, expectedErrors); }).Wait();200 }201 }202 protected void TestWithError(Action test, TestErrorChecker errorChecker, Configuration configuration = null,203 bool replay = false)204 {205 if (this.IsSystematicTest)206 {207 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, errorChecker, replay);208 }209 else210 {211 this.RunWithErrors((r) => test(), configuration, errorChecker);212 }213 }214 protected void TestWithError(Action<IActorRuntime> test, TestErrorChecker errorChecker, Configuration configuration = null,215 bool replay = false)216 {217 if (this.IsSystematicTest)218 {219 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, errorChecker, replay);220 }221 else222 {223 this.RunWithErrors(test, configuration, errorChecker);224 }225 }226 protected void TestWithError(Func<Task> test, TestErrorChecker errorChecker, Configuration configuration = null,227 bool replay = false)228 {229 if (this.IsSystematicTest)230 {231 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, errorChecker, replay);232 }233 else234 {235 this.RunWithErrorsAsync(async (r) => await test(), configuration, errorChecker).Wait();236 }237 }238 protected void TestWithError(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, TestErrorChecker errorChecker, Configuration configuration = null,239 bool replay = false)240 {241 if (this.IsSystematicTest)242 {243 this.TestWithErrors(test, configuration, errorChecker, replay);244 }245 else246 {247 this.RunWithErrorsAsync(test, configuration, errorChecker).Wait();248 }249 }250 private void TestWithErrors(Delegate test, Configuration configuration, TestErrorChecker errorChecker, bool replay)251 {252 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();253 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);254 try255 {256 var engine = RunTest(test, configuration, logger);257 CheckErrors(engine, errorChecker);258 if (replay)259 {260 configuration.WithReplayStrategy(engine.ReproducibleTrace);261 engine = RunTest(test, configuration, logger);262 string replayError = (engine.Strategy as ReplayStrategy).ErrorText;263 Assert.True(replayError.Length is 0, replayError);264 CheckErrors(engine, errorChecker);265 }266 }267 catch (Exception ex)268 {269 Assert.False(true, ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);270 }271 finally272 {273 logger.Dispose();274 }275 }276 protected void TestWithException<TException>(Action test, Configuration configuration = null, bool replay = false)277 where TException : Exception278 {279 if (this.IsSystematicTest)280 {281 this.InternalTestWithException<TException>(test, configuration, replay);282 }283 else284 {285 this.RunWithException<TException>(test, configuration);286 }287 }288 protected void TestWithException<TException>(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration = null,289 bool replay = false)290 where TException : Exception291 {292 if (this.IsSystematicTest)293 {294 this.InternalTestWithException<TException>(test, configuration, replay);295 }296 else297 {298 this.RunWithException<TException>(test, configuration);299 }300 }301 protected void TestWithException<TException>(Func<Task> test, Configuration configuration = null, bool replay = false)302 where TException : Exception303 {304 if (this.IsSystematicTest)305 {306 this.InternalTestWithException<TException>(test, configuration, replay);307 }308 else309 {310 this.RunWithExceptionAsync<TException>(test, configuration).Wait();311 }312 }313 protected void TestWithException<TException>(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration = null,314 bool replay = false)315 where TException : Exception316 {317 if (this.IsSystematicTest)318 {319 this.InternalTestWithException<TException>(test, configuration, replay);320 }321 else322 {323 this.RunWithExceptionAsync<TException>(test, configuration).Wait();324 }325 }326 private void InternalTestWithException<TException>(Delegate test, Configuration configuration = null, bool replay = false)327 where TException : Exception328 {329 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();330 Type exceptionType = typeof(TException);331 Assert.True(exceptionType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)), "Please configure the test correctly. " +332 $"Type '{exceptionType}' is not an exception type.");333 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);334 try335 {336 var engine = RunTest(test, configuration, logger);337 CheckErrors(engine, exceptionType);338 if (replay)339 {340 configuration.SchedulingStrategy = "replay";341 configuration.ScheduleTrace = engine.ReproducibleTrace;342 engine = RunTest(test, configuration, logger);343 string replayError = (engine.Strategy as ReplayStrategy).ErrorText;344 Assert.True(replayError.Length is 0, replayError);345 CheckErrors(engine, exceptionType);346 }347 }348 catch (Exception ex)349 {350 Assert.False(true, ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);351 }352 finally353 {354 logger.Dispose();355 }356 }357 protected void Run(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration = null)358 {359 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();360 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);361 try362 {363 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;364 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);365 runtime.Logger = logger;366 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)367 {368 test(runtime);369 }370 }371 catch (Exception ex)372 {373 Assert.False(true, ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);374 }375 finally376 {377 logger.Dispose();378 }379 }380 protected async Task RunAsync(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration = null, bool handleFailures = true)381 {382 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();383 uint iterations = Math.Max(1, configuration.TestingIterations);384 for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)385 {386 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);387 try388 {389 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;390 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);391 runtime.Logger = logger;392 var errorTask = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();393 if (handleFailures)394 {395 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>396 {397 errorTask.TrySetResult(Unwrap(e));398 };399 }400 /​/​ BUGBUG: but is this actually letting the test complete in the case401 /​/​ of actors which run completely asynchronously?402 await Task.WhenAny(test(runtime), errorTask.Task);403 if (handleFailures && errorTask.Task.IsCompleted)404 {405 Assert.False(true, errorTask.Task.Result.Message);406 }407 }408 catch (Exception ex)409 {410 Exception e = Unwrap(ex);411 Assert.False(true, e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);412 }413 finally414 {415 logger.Dispose();416 }417 }418 }419 private static Exception Unwrap(Exception ex)420 {421 Exception e = ex;422 if (e is AggregateException ae)423 {424 e = ae.InnerException;425 }426 else if (e is ActionExceptionFilterException fe)427 {428 e = fe.InnerException;429 }430 return e;431 }432 private static string ExtractErrorMessage(Exception ex)433 {434 if (ex is ActionExceptionFilterException actionException)435 {436 ex = actionException.InnerException;437 }438 var msg = ex.Message;439 if (ex is AggregateException ae)440 {441 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();442 foreach (var e in ae.InnerExceptions)443 {444 sb.AppendLine(e.Message);445 }446 msg = sb.ToString();447 }448 return msg;449 }450 private void RunWithErrors(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration, TestErrorChecker errorChecker)451 {452 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();453 string errorMessage = string.Empty;454 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);455 try456 {457 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;458 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);459 var errorTask = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();460 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>461 {462 errorTask.TrySetResult(e);463 };464 runtime.Logger = logger;465 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)466 {467 test(runtime);468 if (configuration.TestingIterations is 1)469 {470 Assert.True(errorTask.Task.Wait(GetExceptionTimeout()), "Timeout waiting for error");471 errorMessage = ExtractErrorMessage(errorTask.Task.Result);472 }473 }474 }475 catch (Exception ex)476 {477 errorMessage = ExtractErrorMessage(ex);478 }479 finally480 {481 logger.Dispose();482 }483 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))484 {485 Assert.True(false, string.Format("Error not found after all {0} test iterations", configuration.TestingIterations));486 }487 errorChecker(errorMessage);488 }489 private async Task RunWithErrorsAsync(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration, TestErrorChecker errorChecker)490 {491 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();492 string errorMessage = string.Empty;493 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);494 try495 {496 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;497 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);498 var errorCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();499 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>500 {501 errorCompletion.TrySetResult(e);502 };503 runtime.Logger = logger;504 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)505 {506 await test(runtime);507 if (configuration.TestingIterations is 1)508 {509 Assert.True(errorCompletion.Task.Wait(GetExceptionTimeout()), "Timeout waiting for error");510 errorMessage = ExtractErrorMessage(errorCompletion.Task.Result);511 }512 }513 }514 catch (Exception ex)515 {516 errorMessage = ExtractErrorMessage(ex);517 }518 finally519 {520 logger.Dispose();521 }522 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))523 {524 Assert.True(false, string.Format("Error not found after all {0} test iterations", configuration.TestingIterations));525 }526 errorChecker(errorMessage);527 }528 protected void RunWithException<TException>(Action<IActorRuntime> test, Configuration configuration = null)529 {530 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();531 Exception actualException = null;532 Type exceptionType = typeof(TException);533 Assert.True(exceptionType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)), "Please configure the test correctly. " +534 $"Type '{exceptionType}' is not an exception type.");535 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);536 try537 {538 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;539 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);540 var errorCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();541 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>542 {543 errorCompletion.TrySetResult(e);544 };545 runtime.Logger = logger;546 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)547 {548 test(runtime);549 if (configuration.TestingIterations is 1)550 {551 Assert.True(errorCompletion.Task.Wait(GetExceptionTimeout()), "Timeout waiting for error");552 actualException = errorCompletion.Task.Result;553 }554 }555 }556 catch (Exception ex)557 {558 actualException = ex;559 }560 finally561 {562 logger.Dispose();563 }564 if (actualException is null)565 {566 Assert.True(false, string.Format("Error not found after all {0} test iterations", configuration.TestingIterations));567 }568 Assert.True(actualException.GetType() == exceptionType, actualException.Message + "\n" + actualException.StackTrace);569 }570 protected void RunWithException<TException>(Action test, Configuration configuration = null)571 {572 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();573 Exception actualException = null;574 Type exceptionType = typeof(TException);575 Assert.True(exceptionType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)), "Please configure the test correctly. " +576 $"Type '{exceptionType}' is not an exception type.");577 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);578 try579 {580 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;581 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);582 var errorCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();583 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>584 {585 errorCompletion.TrySetResult(e);586 };587 runtime.Logger = logger;588 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)589 {590 test();591 if (configuration.TestingIterations is 1)592 {593 Assert.True(errorCompletion.Task.Wait(GetExceptionTimeout()), "Timeout waiting for error");594 actualException = errorCompletion.Task.Result;595 }596 }597 }598 catch (Exception ex)599 {600 actualException = ex;601 }602 finally603 {604 logger.Dispose();605 }606 if (actualException is null)607 {608 Assert.True(false, string.Format("Error not found after all {0} test iterations", configuration.TestingIterations));609 }610 Assert.True(actualException.GetType() == exceptionType, actualException.Message + "\n" + actualException.StackTrace);611 }612 protected async Task RunWithExceptionAsync<TException>(Func<IActorRuntime, Task> test, Configuration configuration = null)613 {614 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();615 Exception actualException = null;616 Type exceptionType = typeof(TException);617 Assert.True(exceptionType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)), "Please configure the test correctly. " +618 $"Type '{exceptionType}' is not an exception type.");619 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);620 try621 {622 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;623 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);624 var errorCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();625 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>626 {627 errorCompletion.TrySetResult(e);628 };629 runtime.Logger = logger;630 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)631 {632 await test(runtime);633 if (configuration.TestingIterations is 1)634 {635 Assert.True(errorCompletion.Task.Wait(GetExceptionTimeout()), "Timeout waiting for error");636 actualException = errorCompletion.Task.Result;637 }638 }639 }640 catch (Exception ex)641 {642 actualException = ex;643 }644 finally645 {646 logger.Dispose();647 }648 if (actualException is null)649 {650 Assert.True(false, string.Format("Error not found after all {0} test iterations", configuration.TestingIterations));651 }652 Assert.True(actualException.GetType() == exceptionType, actualException.Message + "\n" + actualException.StackTrace);653 }654 protected async Task RunWithExceptionAsync<TException>(Func<Task> test, Configuration configuration = null)655 {656 configuration ??= GetConfiguration();657 Exception actualException = null;658 Type exceptionType = typeof(TException);659 Assert.True(exceptionType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Exception)), "Please configure the test correctly. " +660 $"Type '{exceptionType}' is not an exception type.");661 ILogger logger = this.GetLogger(configuration);662 try663 {664 configuration.IsMonitoringEnabledInInProduction = true;665 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(configuration);666 var errorCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource<Exception>();667 runtime.OnFailure += (e) =>668 {669 errorCompletion.TrySetResult(e);670 };671 runtime.Logger = logger;672 for (int i = 0; i < configuration.TestingIterations; i++)673 {674 await test();675 if (configuration.TestingIterations is 1)676 {677 Assert.True(errorCompletion.Task.Wait(GetExceptionTimeout()), "Timeout waiting for error");678 actualException = errorCompletion.Task.Result;679 }680 }681 }682 catch (Exception ex)683 {684 actualException = ex;685 }686 finally687 {688 logger.Dispose();689 }690 if (actualException is null)691 {692 Assert.True(false, string.Format("Error not found after all {0} test iterations", configuration.TestingIterations));693 }694 Assert.True(actualException.GetType() == exceptionType, actualException.Message + "\n" + actualException.StackTrace);695 }696 private ILogger GetLogger(Configuration configuration)697 {698 ILogger logger;699 if (configuration.IsVerbose)700 {701 logger = new TestOutputLogger(this.TestOutput, true);702 }703 else704 {705 logger = new NullLogger();706 }707 return logger;708 }709 private static int GetExceptionTimeout(int millisecondsDelay = 5000)710 {711 if (Debugger.IsAttached)712 {713 millisecondsDelay = 500000;714 }715 return millisecondsDelay;716 }717 protected async CoyoteTasks.Task WaitAsync(CoyoteTasks.Task task, int millisecondsDelay = 5000)718 {719 millisecondsDelay = GetExceptionTimeout(millisecondsDelay);720 if (this.IsSystematicTest)721 {722 /​/​ The TestEngine will throw a Deadlock exception if this task can't possibly complete.723 await task;724 }725 else726 {727 await CoyoteTasks.Task.WhenAny(task, CoyoteTasks.Task.Delay(millisecondsDelay));728 }729 if (task.IsFaulted)730 {731 /​/​ unwrap the AggregateException so unit tests can more easily732 /​/​ Assert.Throws to match a more specific inner exception.733 throw task.Exception.InnerException;734 }735 Assert.True(task.IsCompleted);736 }737 protected async CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult> GetResultAsync<TResult>(CoyoteTasks.TaskCompletionSource<TResult> tcs, int millisecondsDelay = 5000)738 {739 return await this.GetResultAsync(tcs.Task, millisecondsDelay);740 }741 protected async CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult> GetResultAsync<TResult>(CoyoteTasks.Task<TResult> task, int millisecondsDelay = 5000)742 {743 millisecondsDelay = GetExceptionTimeout(millisecondsDelay);744 if (this.IsSystematicTest)745 {746 /​/​ The TestEngine will throw a Deadlock exception if this task can't possibly complete.747 await task;748 }749 else750 {751 await CoyoteTasks.Task.WhenAny(task, CoyoteTasks.Task.Delay(millisecondsDelay));752 }753 if (task.IsFaulted)754 {755 /​/​ unwrap the AggregateException so unit tests can more easily756 /​/​ Assert.Throws to match a more specific inner exception.757 throw task.Exception.InnerException;758 }759 Assert.True(task.IsCompleted, string.Format("Task timed out after '{0}' milliseconds", millisecondsDelay));760 return await task;761 }762 private static TestingEngine RunTest(Delegate test, Configuration configuration, ILogger logger)763 {764 var engine = new TestingEngine(configuration, test)765 {766 Logger = logger767 };768 engine.Run();769 return engine;770 }771 private static void CheckSingleError(string actual, string expected)772 {773 var a = actual.RemoveNonDeterministicValues();774 var b = expected.RemoveNonDeterministicValues();775 Assert.Equal(b, a);776 }777 private static void CheckMultipleErrors(string actual, string[] expectedErrors)778 {779 var stripped = actual.RemoveNonDeterministicValues();780 try781 {782 Assert.Contains(expectedErrors, (e) => e.RemoveNonDeterministicValues() == stripped);783 }784 catch (Exception)785 {786 throw new Exception("Actual string was not in the expected list: " + actual);787 }788 }789 private static void CheckErrors(TestingEngine engine, TestErrorChecker errorChecker)790 {791 Assert.True(engine.TestReport.NumOfFoundBugs > 0, "Expected bugs to be found, but we found none");792 foreach (var bugReport in engine.TestReport.BugReports)793 {794 errorChecker(bugReport);795 }796 }797 private static void CheckErrors(TestingEngine engine, Type exceptionType)798 {799 Assert.Equal(1, engine.TestReport.NumOfFoundBugs);800 Assert.Contains(exceptionType.FullName,801 engine.TestReport.BugReports.First().Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }).FirstOrDefault());802 }803 /​/​/​ <summary>804 /​/​/​ Throw an exception of the specified type.805 /​/​/​ </​summary>806 /​/​/​ <typeparam name="T">The type of the exception.</​typeparam>807 protected static void ThrowException<T>()808 where T : Exception, new() =>809 throw new T();810 protected static Configuration GetConfiguration()811 {812 return Configuration.Create().WithTelemetryEnabled(false);813 }814 protected static string GetBugReport(TestingEngine engine)815 {816 string report = string.Empty;817 foreach (var bug in engine.TestReport.BugReports)818 {819 report += bug + "\n";820 }821 return report;822 }823 }824}...

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Source:ActorTaskDelayTests.cs Github


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...67 {68 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)69 {70 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);71 await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);72 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);73 }74#pragma warning disable CA1822 /​/​ Mark members as static75 private void IgnoreUnitEvent()76#pragma warning restore CA1822 /​/​ Mark members as static77 {78 }79 }80 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]81 public void TestDelayWithOtherSynchronizationContextInActor()82 {83 this.Test(r =>84 {85 r.CreateActor(typeof(A2));86 },87 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));88 }89 private class M2 : StateMachine90 {91 [Start]92 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]93 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(UnitEvent))]94 private class Init : State95 {96 }97 private async Task InitOnEntry()98 {99 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);100 await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);101 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);102 }103 }104 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]105 public void TestDelayWithOtherSynchronizationContextInStateMachine()106 {107 this.Test(r =>108 {109 r.CreateActor(typeof(M2));110 },111 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));112 }113 private class A3 : Actor114 {115 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)116 {117 Task[] tasks = new Task[2];118 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)119 {120 tasks[i] = this.DelayedRandomAsync();121 }122 await Task.WhenAll(tasks);123 }124 private async Task DelayedRandomAsync()125 {126 await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);127 this.RandomBoolean();128 }129 }130 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]131 public void TestDelayLoopWithOtherSynchronizationContextInActor()132 {133 this.Test(r =>134 {135 r.CreateActor(typeof(A3));136 },137 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));138 }139 private class M3 : StateMachine140 {141 [Start]142 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]143 private class Init : State144 {145 }146 private async Task InitOnEntry()147 {148 Task[] tasks = new Task[2];149 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)150 {151 tasks[i] = this.DelayedRandomAsync();152 }153 await Task.WhenAll(tasks);154 }155 private async Task DelayedRandomAsync()156 {157 await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);158 this.RandomBoolean();159 }160 }161 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]162 public void TestDelayLoopWithOtherSynchronizationContextInStateMachine()163 {164 this.Test(r =>165 {166 r.CreateActor(typeof(M3));167 },168 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100));169 }170 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(IgnoreUnitEvent))]171 private class A4 : Actor172 {173 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)174 {175 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);176 await AsyncProvider.DelayAsync(10);177 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);178 }179#pragma warning disable CA1822 /​/​ Mark members as static180 private void IgnoreUnitEvent()181#pragma warning restore CA1822 /​/​ Mark members as static182 {183 }184 }185 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]186 public void TestUncontrolledDelayInActor()187 {188 this.TestWithError(r =>189 {190 r.CreateActor(typeof(A4));191 },192 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100),193 errorChecker: (e) =>194 {195 Assert.StartsWith($"Method '{ExpectedMethodName}' returned an uncontrolled task", e);196 });197 }198 private class M4 : StateMachine199 {200 [Start]201 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]202 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(UnitEvent))]203 private class Init : State204 {205 }206 private async Task InitOnEntry()207 {208 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);209 await AsyncProvider.DelayAsync(10);210 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);211 }212 }213 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]214 public void TestUncontrolledDelayInStateMachine()215 {216 this.TestWithError(r =>217 {218 r.CreateActor(typeof(M4));219 },220 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100),221 errorChecker: (e) =>222 {223 Assert.StartsWith($"Method '{ExpectedMethodName}' returned an uncontrolled task", e);224 });225 }226 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(UnitEvent), nameof(IgnoreUnitEvent))]227 private class A5 : Actor228 {229 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)230 {231 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);232 await AsyncProvider.DelayAsync(10).ConfigureAwait(false);233 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);234 }235#pragma warning disable CA1822 /​/​ Mark members as static236 private void IgnoreUnitEvent()237#pragma warning restore CA1822 /​/​ Mark members as static238 {239 }240 }241 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]242 public void TestUncontrolledDelayWithOtherSynchronizationContextInActor()243 {244 this.TestWithError(r =>245 {246 r.CreateActor(typeof(A5));247 },248 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100),249 errorChecker: (e) =>250 {251 Assert.StartsWith($"Method '{ExpectedMethodName}' returned an uncontrolled task", e);252 });253 }254 private class M5 : StateMachine255 {256 [Start]257 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]258 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(UnitEvent))]259 private class Init : State260 {261 }262 private async Task InitOnEntry()263 {264 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);265 await AsyncProvider.DelayAsync(10).ConfigureAwait(false);266 this.SendEvent(this.Id, UnitEvent.Instance);267 }268 }269 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]270 public void TestUncontrolledDelayWithOtherSynchronizationContextInStateMachine()271 {272 this.TestWithError(r =>273 {274 r.CreateActor(typeof(M5));275 },276 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100),277 errorChecker: (e) =>278 {279 Assert.StartsWith($"Method '{ExpectedMethodName}' returned an uncontrolled task", e);280 });281 }282 private class A6 : Actor283 {284 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)285 {286 Task[] tasks = new Task[2];287 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)288 {289 tasks[i] = this.DelayedRandomAsync();290 }291 await Task.WhenAll(tasks);292 }293 private async Task DelayedRandomAsync()294 {295 await AsyncProvider.DelayAsync(10).ConfigureAwait(false);296 this.RandomBoolean();297 }298 }299 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]300 public void TestUncontrolledDelayLoopWithOtherSynchronizationContextInActor()301 {302 this.TestWithError(r =>303 {304 r.CreateActor(typeof(A6));305 },306 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100),307 errorChecker: (e) =>308 {309 Assert.StartsWith($"Method '{ExpectedMethodName}' returned an uncontrolled task", e);310 });311 }312 private class M6 : StateMachine313 {314 [Start]315 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]316 private class Init : State317 {318 }319 private async Task InitOnEntry()320 {321 Task[] tasks = new Task[2];322 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)323 {324 tasks[i] = this.DelayedRandomAsync();325 }326 await Task.WhenAll(tasks);327 }328 private async Task DelayedRandomAsync()329 {330 await AsyncProvider.DelayAsync(10).ConfigureAwait(false);331 this.RandomBoolean();332 }333 }334 [Fact(Timeout = 5000)]335 public void TestUncontrolledDelayLoopWithOtherSynchronizationContextInStateMachine()336 {337 this.TestWithError(r =>338 {339 r.CreateActor(typeof(M6));340 },341 configuration: GetConfiguration().WithTestingIterations(100),342 errorChecker: (e) =>343 {344 Assert.StartsWith($"Method '{ExpectedMethodName}' returned an uncontrolled task", e);...

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Source:MemoryLeakTests.cs Github


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...74 {75 private int[] Buffer;76 private SetupEvent Setup;77 [Start]78 [OnEntry(nameof(Configure))]79 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(E), nameof(Act))]80 private class Init : State81 {82 }83 private void Configure(Event e)84 {85 this.Setup = (SetupEvent)e;86 this.Buffer = new int[10000];87 this.Buffer[this.Buffer.Length - 1] = 1;88 this.Setup.Add(this.Buffer);89 }90 private void Act(Event e)91 {92 var sender = (e as E).Id;93 var send = new E(this.Id);94 this.Setup.Add(send.Buffer);95 this.SendEvent(sender, new E(this.Id));96 if (this.Setup.HaltTest)97 {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1{2 static void Main(string[] args)3 {4 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();5 }6}7{8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();11 }12}13{14 static void Main(string[] args)15 {16 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();17 }18}19{20 static void Main(string[] args)21 {22 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();23 }24}25{26 static void Main(string[] args)27 {28 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();29 }30}31{32 static void Main(string[] args)33 {34 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();35 }36}37{38 static void Main(string[] args)39 {40 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();41 }42}43{44 static void Main(string[] args)45 {46 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();47 }48}49{50 static void Main(string[] args)51 {52 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();53 }54}55{56 static void Main(string[] args)57 {58 Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();59 }60}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests;3{4{5public static void Main(string[] args)6{7E.Configure();8}9}10}11using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;12using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests;13{14{15public static void Main(string[] args)16{17Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure();18}19}20}21Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Tests.E.Configure() method

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Using AI Code Generation


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1public class E {2 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {3 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));4 }5}6public class E {7 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {8 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));9 }10}11public class E {12 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {13 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));14 }15}16public class E {17 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {18 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));19 }20}21public class E {22 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {23 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));24 }25}26public class E {27 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {28 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));29 }30}31public class E {32 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {33 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));34 }35}36public class E {37 public static void Configure(ActorRuntime runtime, ActorId id, string name, int value) {38 runtime.SendEvent(id, new ConfigureEvent(name, value));39 }40}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1{2 static void Main(string[] args)3 {4 CoyoteRuntime.Configure();5 }6}7{8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 CoyoteRuntime.Configure(new ActorRuntimeConfiguration11 {12 LogWriter = new TextWriterLogWriter(Console.Out)13 });14 }15}16{17 static void Main(string[] args)18 {19 CoyoteRuntime.Configure(new ActorRuntimeConfiguration20 {21 Scheduler = new CustomActorScheduler()22 });23 }24}25{26 static void Main(string[] args)27 {28 CoyoteRuntime.Configure(new ActorRuntimeConfiguration29 {30 ActorIdProvider = new CustomActorIdProvider()31 });32 }33}34{35 static void Main(string[] args)36 {37 CoyoteRuntime.Configure(new ActorRuntimeConfiguration38 {39 RandomGenerator = new CustomRandomNumberGenerator()40 });41 }42}

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