How to use EventGroup method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.EventGroup class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.EventGroup.EventGroup


Source:IActorRuntime.cs Github


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...45 /// <param name="type">Type of the actor.</param>46 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used during initialization.</param>47 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>48 /// <returns>The result is the actor id.</returns>49 ActorId CreateActor(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null);50 /// <summary>51 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and name, and with the52 /// specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event is given to the <see cref="Actor.InitializeAsync"/>53 /// method on the new actor.54 /// </summary>55 /// <param name="type">Type of the actor.</param>56 /// <param name="name">Optional name used for logging.</param>57 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used during initialization.</param>58 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>59 /// <returns>The result is the actor id.</returns>60 ActorId CreateActor(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null);61 /// <summary>62 /// Creates a new actor of the specified type, using the specified <see cref="ActorId"/>.63 /// This method optionally passes an <see cref="Event"/>. This event is given to the64 /// InitializeAsync method on the new actor.65 /// </summary>66 /// <param name="id">Unbound actor id.</param>67 /// <param name="type">Type of the actor.</param>68 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used during initialization.</param>69 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>70 /// <returns>The result is the actor id.</returns>71 ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null);72 /// <summary>73 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and with the specified74 /// optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event is given to the <see cref="Actor.InitializeAsync"/>75 /// method on the new actor. The method returns only when the actor is initialized and76 /// the <see cref="Event"/> (if any) is handled.77 /// </summary>78 /// <param name="type">Type of the actor.</param>79 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used during initialization.</param>80 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>81 /// <returns>Task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result is the actor id.</returns>82 [Obsolete("Use AwaitableEventGroup<T> instead to coordinate completion of CreateActor operations")]83 Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null);84 /// <summary>85 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and name, and with the86 /// specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event is given to the <see cref="Actor.InitializeAsync"/>87 /// method on the new actor. The method returns only when the actor is88 /// initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any) is handled.89 /// </summary>90 /// <param name="type">Type of the actor.</param>91 /// <param name="name">Optional name used for logging.</param>92 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used during initialization.</param>93 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>94 /// <returns>Task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result is the actor id.</returns>95 [Obsolete("Use AwaitableEventGroup<T> instead to coordinate completion of CreateActor operations")]96 Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null,97 EventGroup eventGroup = null);98 /// <summary>99 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/>, using the specified unbound100 /// actor id, and passes the specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event is given to101 /// the InitializeAsync method on the new actor. The method returns only when102 /// the actor is initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any)103 /// is handled.104 /// </summary>105 /// <param name="id">Unbound actor id.</param>106 /// <param name="type">Type of the actor.</param>107 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used during initialization.</param>108 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>109 /// <returns>Task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result is the actor id.</returns>110 [Obsolete("Use AwaitableEventGroup<T> instead to coordinate completion of CreateActor operations")]111 Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null,112 EventGroup eventGroup = null);113 /// <summary>114 /// Sends an asynchronous <see cref="Event"/> to an actor.115 /// </summary>116 /// <param name="targetId">The id of the target.</param>117 /// <param name="e">The event to send.</param>118 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with this Actor.</param>119 /// <param name="options">Optional configuration of a send operation.</param>120 void SendEvent(ActorId targetId, Event e, EventGroup eventGroup = null, SendOptions options = null);121 /// <summary>122 /// Sends an <see cref="Event"/> to an actor. Returns immediately if the target was already123 /// running. Otherwise blocks until the target handles the event and reaches quiescense.124 /// </summary>125 /// <param name="targetId">The id of the target.</param>126 /// <param name="e">The event to send.</param>127 /// <param name="eventGroup">An optional event group associated with the new Actor.</param>128 /// <param name="options">Optional configuration of a send operation.</param>129 /// <returns>Task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result is true if130 /// the event was handled, false if the event was only enqueued.</returns>131 [Obsolete("Use AwaitableEventGroup<T> instead to coordinate completion of SendEvent operations")]132 Task<bool> SendEventAndExecuteAsync(ActorId targetId, Event e, EventGroup eventGroup = null, SendOptions options = null);133 /// <summary>134 /// Returns the current <see cref="EventGroup"/> of the actor with the specified id. Returns null135 /// if the id is not set, or if the <see cref="ActorId"/> is not associated with this runtime. During136 /// testing, the runtime asserts that the specified actor is currently executing.137 /// </summary>138 /// <param name="currentActorId">The id of the currently executing actor.</param>139 /// <returns>The current EventGroup or null.</returns>140 EventGroup GetCurrentEventGroup(ActorId currentActorId);141 /// <summary>142 /// The old way of setting the <see cref="ICoyoteRuntime.Logger"/> property.143 /// </summary>144 /// <remarks>145 /// The new way is to just set the Logger property to an <see cref="ILogger"/> object.146 /// This method is only here for compatibility and has a minor perf impact as it has to147 /// wrap the writer in an object that implements the <see cref="ILogger"/> interface.148 /// </remarks>149 /// <param name="writer">The writer to use for logging.</param>150 /// <returns>The previously installed logger.</returns>151 [Obsolete("Please set the Logger property directly instead of calling this method.")]152 TextWriter SetLogger(TextWriter writer);153 }154}...

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Source:EventGroup.cs Github


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...4namespace Microsoft.Coyote.Actors5{6 /// <summary>7 /// An object representing a long running context involving one or more actors.8 /// An `EventGroup` can be provided as an optional argument in CreateActor and SendEvent.9 /// If a null `EventGroup` is passed then the `EventGroup` is inherited from the sender10 /// or target actors (based on which ever one has a <see cref="Actor.CurrentEventGroup"/>).11 /// In this way an `EventGroup` is automatically communicated to all actors involved in12 /// completing some larger operation. Each actor involved can find the `EventGroup` using13 /// their <see cref="Actor.CurrentEventGroup"/> property.14 /// </summary>15 public class EventGroup16 {17 /// <summary>18 /// A special null event group that can be used to stop the <see cref="Actor.CurrentEventGroup"/> from19 /// being passed along when <see cref="Actor.CreateActor(ActorId, Type, string, Event, EventGroup)"/>20 /// or <see cref="Actor.SendEvent(ActorId, Event, EventGroup, SendOptions)"/> is invoked.21 /// </summary>22 public static EventGroup Null = new EventGroup();23 /// <summary>24 /// The unique id of this `EventGroup`, initialized with Guid.Empty.25 /// </summary>26 public Guid Id { get; }27 /// <summary>28 /// An optional friendly name for this `EventGroup`.29 /// </summary>30 public string Name { get; }31 /// <summary>32 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EventGroup"/> class.33 /// </summary>34 /// <param name="id">The id for this `EventGroup` (defaults to Guid.Empty).</param>35 /// <param name="name">An optional friendly name for this `EventGroup`.</param>36 public EventGroup(Guid id = default, string name = null)37 {38 this.Id = id;39 this.Name = name;40 }41 }42}...

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var runtime = Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime.Create();12 runtime.RegisterMonitor(typeof(Monitor1));13 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));14 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor2));15 runtime.Start();16 Console.ReadLine();17 }18 }19 {20 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event1), nameof(Event1Handler))]21 class Init : State { }22 void Event1Handler()23 {24 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Event2());25 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Event3());26 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Event4());27 }28 }29 {30 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event2), nameof(Event2Handler))]31 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event3), nameof(Event3Handler))]32 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event4), nameof(Event4Handler))]33 class Init : State { }34 void Event2Handler()35 {36 Console.WriteLine("Event2");37 }38 void Event3Handler()39 {40 Console.WriteLine("Event3");41 }42 void Event4Handler()43 {44 Console.WriteLine("Event4");45 }46 }47 {48 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event2), nameof(Event2Handler))]49 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event3), nameof(Event3Handler))]50 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event4), nameof(Event4Handler))]51 class Init : State { }52 void Event2Handler()53 {54 Console.WriteLine("Event2");55 }56 void Event3Handler()57 {58 Console.WriteLine("Event3");59 }60 void Event4Handler()61 {62 Console.WriteLine("Event4");63 }64 }65 class Event1 : Event { }66 class Event2 : Event { }67 class Event3 : Event { }68 class Event4 : Event { }69}

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4{5 {6 private static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();9 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));10 runtime.Wait();11 }12 }13 {14 private EventGroup eg;15 protected override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)16 {17 eg = new EventGroup();18 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event1));19 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event2));20 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event3));21 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event4));22 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event5));23 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event6));24 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event7));25 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event8));26 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event9));27 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event10));28 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event11));29 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event12));30 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event13));31 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event14));32 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event15));33 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event16));34 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event17));35 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event18));36 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event19));37 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event20));38 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event21));39 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event22));40 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event23));41 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event24));42 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event25));43 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event26));44 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event27));45 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event28));46 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event29));47 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event30));48 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event31));49 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event32));50 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event33));51 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event34));52 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event35));53 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event36));54 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event37));55 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event38));56 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event39));57 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event40));58 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event41));59 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event42));60 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event43));61 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event44));62 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event45));63 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event46));64 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event47));65 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event48));66 eg.SubscribeEvent(typeof(Event49));

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;6{7 {8 public static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 var config = Configuration.Create();11 config.MaxSchedulingSteps = 100;12 Runtime runtime = Runtime.Create(config);13 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));14 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor2));15 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor3));16 runtime.Run();17 }18 }19 {20 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)21 {22 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E1());23 return Task.CompletedTask;24 }25 }26 {27 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)28 {29 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E2());30 return Task.CompletedTask;31 }32 }33 {34 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)35 {36 await EventGroup.WaitAllAsync(this, new E1(), new E2());37 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E3());38 }39 }40 {41 }42 {43 }44 {45 }46}47using System;48using System.Threading.Tasks;49using Microsoft.Coyote;50using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;51using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;52{53 {54 public static void Main(string[] args)55 {56 var config = Configuration.Create();57 config.MaxSchedulingSteps = 100;58 Runtime runtime = Runtime.Create(config);59 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));60 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor2));61 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor3));62 runtime.Run();63 }64 }65 {66 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)67 {68 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E1());69 return Task.CompletedTask;70 }71 }72 {73 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;5{6 {7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();10 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor), new MyEvent());11 }12 }13 {14 }15 {16 private EventGroup group;17 protected override async Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)18 {19 = new EventGroup();20;21 += this.OnWaitCompleted;22 await;23 }24 private void OnWaitCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)25 {26 }27 }28}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5{6 {7 public static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();10 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Test));11 }12 }13 {14 {15 public int Value;16 }17 {18 public int Value;19 }20 {21 public int Value;22 }23 {24 public int Value;25 }26 {27 public int Value;28 }29 {30 public int Value;31 }32 {33 public int Value;34 }35 {36 public int Value;37 }38 {39 public int Value;40 }41 {42 public int Value;43 }44 {45 public int Value;46 }47 {48 public int Value;49 }50 {51 public int Value;52 }53 {54 public int Value;55 }56 {57 public int Value;58 }59 {60 public int Value;61 }62 {63 public int Value;64 }65 {66 public int Value;67 }68 {69 public int Value;70 }71 {72 public int Value;73 }74 {75 public int Value;76 }77 {78 public int Value;79 }80 {81 public int Value;82 }83 {84 public int Value;85 }86 {87 public int Value;88 }

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;7{8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 Run();11 }12 static void Run()13 {14 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();15 runtime.RegisterMonitor(typeof(Monitor));16 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));17 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor2));18 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor3));19 runtime.Start();20 }21}22{23 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor1Event), nameof(Actor1Handler))]24 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor2Event), nameof(Actor2Handler))]25 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor3Event), nameof(Actor3Handler))]26 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(Actor1Event), typeof(Actor2Event), typeof(Actor3Event))]27 class Init : State { }28 void Actor1Handler()29 {30 Console.WriteLine("Actor1Event received");31 }32 void Actor2Handler()33 {34 Console.WriteLine("Actor2Event received");35 }36 void Actor3Handler()37 {38 Console.WriteLine("Actor3Event received");39 }40}41{42 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]43 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor2Event), nameof(HandleActor2Event))]44 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor3Event), nameof(HandleActor3Event))]45 [IgnoreEvents(typeof(Actor2Event), typeof(Actor3Event))]46 class Init : State { }47 void InitOnEntry()48 {49 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Actor2Event());50 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Actor3Event());51 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<WaitForEvents>();52 }53 void HandleActor2Event()54 {55 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Actor2Event());56 }57 void HandleActor3Event()58 {59 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new Actor3Event());60 }61 [OnEntry(nameof(WaitForEventsOnEntry))]62 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor2Event), nameof(HandleActor2Event))]63 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Actor3Event), nameof(HandleActor3Event))]

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3{4 {5 public static void Main()6 {7 var eventGroup = new EventGroup();8 eventGroup.AddEvent(new Event());

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;8using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies;10using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.Scheduling;11using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration;12using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies;13using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Bounded;14using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded;15using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics;16using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.DPOR;17using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.FIFO;18using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.LIFO;19using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.Random;20using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.Random.RandomWalk;21using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.Random.RandomWalk.RandomWalkStrategies;22using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.Random.RandomWalk.RandomWalkStrategies.Bounded;23using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.Random.RandomWalk.RandomWalkStrategies.Unbounded;24using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.BugFinding.Strategies.StateExploration.Strategies.Unbounded.ExplorationHeuristics.Random.RandomWalk.RandomWalkStrategies.Unbounded.RandomWalkExplorationHeuristics;

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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;4{5 {6 public static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 RuntimeEnvironment.Setup();9 RuntimeEnvironment.StartExecution();10 var m = new MachineId(typeof(M));11 RuntimeEnvironment.CreateActor(m, null);12 RuntimeEnvironment.StopExecution();13 }14 }15 {16 [OnEntry(nameof(InitOnEntry))]17 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(EventGroupResult), nameof(EventGroupResultAction))]18 class Init : MachineState { }19 void InitOnEntry()20 {21 var e1 = new E1();22 var e2 = new E2();23 var e3 = new E3();24 this.SendEvent(this.Id, e1);25 this.SendEvent(this.Id, e2);26 this.SendEvent(this.Id, e3);27 var eg = new EventGroup(e1, e2, e3);28 this.Wait(eg);29 }30 void EventGroupResultAction()31 {32 this.RaiseGotoStateEvent<Done>();33 }34 [OnEntry(nameof(DoneOnEntry))]35 class Done : MachineState { }36 void DoneOnEntry()37 {38 this.RaiseHaltEvent();39 }40 }41 public class E1 : Event { }42 public class E2 : Event { }43 public class E3 : Event { }44}45using System;46using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;47using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;48{49 {50 public static void Main(string[] args)51 {52 RuntimeEnvironment.Setup();53 RuntimeEnvironment.StartExecution();54 var m = new MachineId(typeof(M));55 RuntimeEnvironment.CreateActor(m, null);56 RuntimeEnvironment.StopExecution();57 }58 }

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 static void Main(string[] args)6 {7 var eg = new EventGroup();8 var t = Task.Run(() =>9 {10 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)11 {12 eg.Add(new Event());13 Console.WriteLine("Sent event " + i);14 }15 });16 eg.WaitAll();17 Console.WriteLine("All events received");18 }19}

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