How to use AddDgmlProperties method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject.AddDgmlProperties


Source:ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder.cs Github


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...880 var id = (string)e.Attribute("Id");881 var label = (string)e.Attribute("Label");882 var category = (string)e.Attribute("Category");883 GraphNode node = new GraphNode(id, label, category);884 node.AddDgmlProperties(e);885 result.GetOrCreateNode(node);886 }887 foreach (var e in doc.Root.Element(ns + "Links").Elements(ns + "Link"))888 {889 var srcId = (string)e.Attribute("Source");890 var targetId = (string)e.Attribute("Target");891 var label = (string)e.Attribute("Label");892 var category = (string)e.Attribute("Category");893 var srcNode = result.GetOrCreateNode(srcId);894 var targetNode = result.GetOrCreateNode(targetId);895 XAttribute indexAttr = e.Attribute("index");896 int? index = null;897 if (indexAttr != null)898 {899 index = (int)indexAttr;900 }901 var link = result.GetOrCreateLink(srcNode, targetNode, index, label, category);902 link.AddDgmlProperties(e);903 }904 return result;905 }906 /// <summary>907 /// Merge the given graph so that this graph becomes a superset of both graphs.908 /// </summary>909 /// <param name="other">The new graph to merge into this graph.</param>910 public void Merge(Graph other)911 {912 foreach (var node in other.InternalNodes.Values)913 {914 var newNode = this.GetOrCreateNode(node.Id, node.Label, node.Category);915 newNode.Merge(node);916 }917 foreach (var link in other.InternalLinks.Values)918 {919 var source = this.GetOrCreateNode(link.Source.Id, link.Source.Label, link.Source.Category);920 var target = this.GetOrCreateNode(link.Target.Id, link.Target.Label, link.Target.Category);921 int? index = null;922 if (link.Index.HasValue)923 {924 // ouch, link indexes cannot be compared across Graph instances, we need to assign a new index here.925 string key = string.Format("{0}->{1}({2})", source.Id, target.Id, link.Index.Value);926 string linkId = other.InternalAllocatedLinkIds[key];927 index = this.GetUniqueLinkIndex(source, target, linkId);928 }929 var newLink = this.GetOrCreateLink(source, target, index, link.Label, link.Category);930 newLink.Merge(link);931 }932 }933 }934 /// <summary>935 /// A Node of a Graph.936 /// </summary>937 [DataContract]938 public class GraphObject939 {940 /// <summary>941 /// Optional list of attributes for the node.942 /// </summary>943 [DataMember]944 public Dictionary<string, string> Attributes { get; internal set; }945 /// <summary>946 /// Optional list of attributes that have a multi-part value.947 /// </summary>948 [DataMember]949 public Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> AttributeLists { get; internal set; }950 /// <summary>951 /// Add an attribute to the node.952 /// </summary>953 public void AddAttribute(string name, string value)954 {955 if (this.Attributes is null)956 {957 this.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>();958 }959 this.Attributes[name] = value;960 }961 /// <summary>962 /// Creates a compound attribute value containing a merged list of unique values.963 /// </summary>964 /// <param name="key">The attribute name.</param>965 /// <param name="value">The new value to add to the unique list.</param>966 public int AddListAttribute(string key, string value)967 {968 if (this.AttributeLists is null)969 {970 this.AttributeLists = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();971 }972 if (!this.AttributeLists.TryGetValue(key, out HashSet<string> list))973 {974 list = new HashSet<string>();975 this.AttributeLists[key] = list;976 }977 list.Add(value);978 return list.Count;979 }980 internal void WriteAttributes(TextWriter writer)981 {982 if (this.Attributes != null)983 {984 List<string> names = new List<string>(this.Attributes.Keys);985 names.Sort(StringComparer.Ordinal); // creates a more stable output file (can be handy for expected output during testing).986 foreach (string name in names)987 {988 var value = this.Attributes[name];989 writer.Write(" {0}='{1}'", name, value);990 }991 }992 if (this.AttributeLists != null)993 {994 List<string> names = new List<string>(this.AttributeLists.Keys);995 names.Sort(StringComparer.Ordinal); // creates a more stable output file (can be handy for expected output during testing).996 foreach (string name in names)997 {998 var value = this.AttributeLists[name];999 writer.Write(" {0}='{1}'", name, string.Join(",", value));1000 }1001 }1002 }1003 internal void Merge(GraphObject other)1004 {1005 if (other.Attributes != null)1006 {1007 foreach (var key in other.Attributes.Keys)1008 {1009 this.AddAttribute(key, other.Attributes[key]);1010 }1011 }1012 if (other.AttributeLists != null)1013 {1014 foreach (var key in other.AttributeLists.Keys)1015 {1016 foreach (var value in other.AttributeLists[key])1017 {1018 this.AddListAttribute(key, value);1019 }1020 }1021 }1022 }1023 }1024 /// <summary>1025 /// A Node of a Graph.1026 /// </summary>1027 [DataContract]1028 public class GraphNode : GraphObject1029 {1030 /// <summary>1031 /// The unique Id of the Node within the Graph.1032 /// </summary>1033 [DataMember]1034 public string Id { get; internal set; }1035 /// <summary>1036 /// An optional display label for the node (does not need to be unique).1037 /// </summary>1038 [DataMember]1039 public string Label { get; internal set; }1040 /// <summary>1041 /// An optional category for the node.1042 /// </summary>1043 [DataMember]1044 public string Category { get; internal set; }1045 /// <summary>1046 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphNode"/> class.1047 /// </summary>1048 public GraphNode(string id, string label, string category)1049 {1050 this.Id = id;1051 this.Label = label;1052 this.Category = category;1053 }1054 /// <summary>1055 /// Add additional properties from XML element.1056 /// </summary>1057 /// <param name="e">An XML element representing the graph node in DGML format.</param>1058 public void AddDgmlProperties(XElement e)1059 {1060 foreach (XAttribute a in e.Attributes())1061 {1062 switch (a.Name.LocalName)1063 {1064 case "Id":1065 case "Label":1066 case "Category":1067 break;1068 default:1069 this.AddAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value);1070 break;1071 }1072 }1073 }1074 }1075 /// <summary>1076 /// A Link represents a directed graph connection between two Nodes.1077 /// </summary>1078 [DataContract]1079 public class GraphLink : GraphObject1080 {1081 /// <summary>1082 /// An optional display label for the link.1083 /// </summary>1084 [DataMember]1085 public string Label { get; internal set; }1086 /// <summary>1087 /// An optional category for the link.1088 /// The special category "Contains" is reserved for building groups.1089 /// </summary>1090 [DataMember]1091 public string Category { get; internal set; }1092 /// <summary>1093 /// The source end of the link.1094 /// </summary>1095 [DataMember]1096 public GraphNode Source { get; internal set; }1097 /// <summary>1098 /// The target end of the link.1099 /// </summary>1100 [DataMember]1101 public GraphNode Target { get; internal set; }1102 /// <summary>1103 /// The optional link index.1104 /// </summary>1105 [DataMember]1106 public int? Index { get; internal set; }1107 /// <summary>1108 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GraphLink"/> class.1109 /// </summary>1110 public GraphLink(GraphNode source, GraphNode target, string label, string category)1111 {1112 this.Source = source;1113 this.Target = target;1114 this.Label = label;1115 this.Category = category;1116 }1117 /// <summary>1118 /// Add additional properties from XML element.1119 /// </summary>1120 /// <param name="e">An XML element representing the graph node in DGML format.</param>1121 public void AddDgmlProperties(XElement e)1122 {1123 foreach (XAttribute a in e.Attributes())1124 {1125 switch (a.Name.LocalName)1126 {1127 case "Source":1128 case "Target":1129 case "Label":1130 case "Category":1131 break;1132 default:1133 this.AddAttribute(a.Name.LocalName, a.Value);1134 break;1135 }...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;8using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.Strategies;10using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;11using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;12using System.IO;13using System.Xml;14using System.Xml.Linq;15using System.Xml.Serialization;16{17 {18 static void Main(string[] args)19 {20 GraphObject graphObject = new GraphObject();21 graphObject.AddNode("1");22 graphObject.AddEdge("1", "2");23 graphObject.AddEdge("2", "3");24 graphObject.AddEdge("3", "4");25 graphObject.AddEdge("4", "5");26 graphObject.AddEdge("5", "6");27 graphObject.AddEdge("6", "7");28 graphObject.AddEdge("7", "8");29 graphObject.AddEdge("8", "9");30 graphObject.AddEdge("9", "10");31 graphObject.AddEdge("10", "11");32 graphObject.AddEdge("11", "12");33 graphObject.AddEdge("12", "13");34 graphObject.AddEdge("13", "14");35 graphObject.AddEdge("14", "15");36 graphObject.AddEdge("15", "16");37 graphObject.AddEdge("16", "17");

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 GraphObject graph = new GraphObject();12 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name", "Value");13 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name1", "Value1");14 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name2", "Value2");15 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name3", "Value3");16 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name4", "Value4");17 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name5", "Value5");18 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name6", "Value6");19 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name7", "Value7");20 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name8", "Value8");21 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name9", "Value9");22 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name10", "Value10");23 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name11", "Value11");24 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name12", "Value12");25 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name13", "Value13");26 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name14", "Value14");27 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name15", "Value15");28 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name16", "Value16");29 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name17", "Value17");30 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name18", "Value18");31 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name19", "Value19");32 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name20", "Value20");33 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name21", "Value21");34 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name22", "Value22");35 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name23", "Value23");36 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name24", "Value24");37 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name25", "Value25");38 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name26", "Value26");39 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name27", "Value27");40 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Name28", "Value28");

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 GraphObject graphObj = new GraphObject();12 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("Name", "Value");13 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("Name1", "Value1");14 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("Name2", "Value2");15 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("Name3", "Value3");16 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("Name4", "Value4");17 foreach (var item in graphObj.DgmlProperties)18 {19 Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value);20 }21 }22 }23}

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;8using Microsoft.Coyote;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;10{11 {12 static void Main(string[] args)13 {14 GraphObject graph = new GraphObject();15 graph.AddDgmlProperties("Test", "Test");16 Console.WriteLine("Done");17 Console.ReadLine();18 }19 }20}

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 public void AddDgmlProperties(string str)10 {11 Console.WriteLine(str);12 }13 }14}15using System;16using System.Collections.Generic;17using System.Linq;18using System.Text;19using System.Threading.Tasks;20{21 {22 static void Main(string[] args)23 {24 GraphObject g = new GraphObject();25 g.AddDgmlProperties("hello");26 }27 }28}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;2using System;3using System.Collections.Generic;4using System.Linq;5using System.Text;6using System.Threading.Tasks;7{8 {9 public static void Main()10 {11 var graphObj = new GraphObject();12 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("MyProperty", "MyValue");13 }14 }15}16public void AddDgmlProperties(string key, string value)17using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;18using System;19{20 {21 public static void Main()22 {23 var graphObj = new GraphObject();24 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("MyProperty", "MyValue");25 }26 }27}28using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;29using System;30{31 {32 public static void Main()33 {34 var graphObj = new GraphObject();35 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("MyProperty", "MyValue");36 graphObj.AddDgmlProperties("MyProperty2", "MyValue2");37 }38 }39}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using System.Xml.Linq;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 string path = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Microsoft.Coyote\coverage\coverage.dgml";12 Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject obj = new Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject();13 obj.AddDgmlProperties(path);14 }15 }16}17using System;18using System.Collections.Generic;19using System.Linq;20using System.Text;21using System.Threading.Tasks;22using System.Xml.Linq;23{24 {25 static void Main(string[] args)26 {27 string path = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Microsoft.Coyote\coverage\coverage.dgml";28 Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject obj = new Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject();29 obj.AddDgmlProperties(path);30 }31 }32}33using System;34using System.Collections.Generic;35using System.Linq;36using System.Text;37using System.Threading.Tasks;38using System.Xml.Linq;39{40 {41 static void Main(string[] args)42 {43 string path = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Microsoft.Coyote\coverage\coverage.dgml";44 Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject obj = new Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.GraphObject();45 obj.AddDgmlProperties(path);46 }47 }48}49using System;50using System.Collections.Generic;51using System.Linq;52using System.Text;53using System.Threading.Tasks;54using System.Xml.Linq;55{56 {57 static void Main(string[] args)58 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;7using System.Diagnostics;8using System.IO;9{10 {11 static void Main(string[] args)12 {13 string dgmlFilePath = "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\Coyote\\Coyote\\Coyote\\CoyoteTests\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp3.1\\SimpleActor.dgml";14 string outputFilePath = "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\Coyote\\Coyote\\Coyote\\CoyoteTests\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp3.1\\SimpleActorWithProperties.dgml";15 GraphObject graph = new GraphObject();16 graph.AddDgmlProperties(dgmlFilePath, outputFilePath);17 }18 }19}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;3using System.Collections.Generic;4{5 {6 public static void Main()7 {8 var graph = new GraphObject();9 var dgmlProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();10 dgmlProperties.Add("TestProperty", "TestValue");11 graph.AddDgmlProperties(dgmlProperties);12 }13 }14}15using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;16using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;17using System.Collections.Generic;18{19 {20 public static void Main()21 {22 var graph = new GraphObject();23 var dgmlProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();24 dgmlProperties.Add("TestProperty", "TestValue");25 graph.AddDgmlProperties(dgmlProperties);26 }27 }28}29using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;30using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;31using System.Collections.Generic;32{33 {34 public static void Main()35 {36 var graph = new GraphObject();37 var dgmlProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();38 dgmlProperties.Add("TestProperty", "TestValue");39 graph.AddDgmlProperties(dgmlProperties);40 }41 }42}43using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;44using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;45using System.Collections.Generic;46{47 {48 public static void Main()49 {50 var graph = new GraphObject();51 var dgmlProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>();52 dgmlProperties.Add("TestProperty", "TestValue");53 graph.AddDgmlProperties(dgmlProperties);54 }55 }56}

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