How to use GetLabel method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage.ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder.GetLabel


Source:ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder.cs Github


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...391 var info = inbox[inbox.Count - 1];392 inbox.RemoveAt(inbox.Count - 1);393 // draw the link connecting the current state to this new state!394 var source = this.GetOrCreateChild(monitorType, monitorType, info.State);395 var shortStateName = this.GetLabel(monitorType, monitorType, stateName);396 string suffix = string.Empty;397 if (isInHotState.HasValue)398 {399 suffix = (isInHotState is true) ? "[hot]" : "[cold]";400 shortStateName += suffix;401 }402 string label = shortStateName;403 var target = this.GetOrCreateChild(monitorType, monitorType, shortStateName, label);404 // In case this node was already created, we may need to override the label here now that405 // we know this is a hot state. This is because, unfortunately, other OnMonitor* methods406 // do not provide the isInHotState parameter.407 target.Label = label;408 this.GetOrCreateEventLink(source, target, info);409 }410 }411 }412 }413 /// <inheritdoc/>414 public void OnMonitorError(string monitorType, string stateName, bool? isInHotState)415 {416 var source = this.GetOrCreateChild(monitorType, monitorType, stateName);417 source.Category = "Error";418 }419 /// <inheritdoc/>420 public void OnRandom(object result, string callerName, string callerType)421 {422 }423 /// <inheritdoc/>424 public void OnAssertionFailure(string error)425 {426 }427 /// <inheritdoc/>428 public void OnStrategyDescription(string strategyName, string description)429 {430 }431 /// <inheritdoc/>432 public void OnCompleted()433 {434 }435 /// <summary>436 /// Return current graph and reset for next iteration.437 /// </summary>438 /// <param name="reset">Set to true will reset the graph for the next iteration.</param>439 /// <returns>The graph.</returns>440 public Graph SnapshotGraph(bool reset)441 {442 Graph result = this.CurrentGraph;443 if (reset)444 {445 // start fresh.446 this.CurrentGraph = null;447 }448 return result;449 }450 private string GetResolveActorId(string name, string type)451 {452 if (type is null)453 {454 // The sender id can be null if an event is fired from non-actor code.455 return ExternalCodeName;456 }457 if (this.CollapseMachineInstances)458 {459 return type;460 }461 return name;462 }463 private EventInfo AddEvent(string targetName, string targetType, string senderName, string senderType,464 string senderStateName, string eventName)465 {466 string targetId = this.GetResolveActorId(targetName, targetType);467 EventInfo info = null;468 lock (this.Inbox)469 {470 if (!this.Inbox.TryGetValue(targetId, out List<EventInfo> inbox))471 {472 inbox = new List<EventInfo>();473 this.Inbox[targetId] = inbox;474 }475 info = new EventInfo()476 {477 Name = senderName ?? ExternalCodeName,478 Type = senderType ?? ExternalCodeName,479 State = senderStateName,480 Event = eventName481 };482 inbox.Add(info);483 }484 return info;485 }486 private void LinkTransition(Type transitionType, ActorId id, string handlingStateName,487 string currentStateName, string newStateName)488 {489 string name = id.Name;490 string type = id.Type;491 lock (this.Inbox)492 {493 if (this.Dequeued.TryGetValue(id, out EventInfo info))494 {495 // Event was dequeued, but now we know what state is handling this event, so connect the dots...496 if (info.Type != type || info.Name != name || info.State != currentStateName)497 {498 var source = this.GetOrCreateChild(info.Name, info.Type, info.State);499 var target = this.GetOrCreateChild(name, type, currentStateName);500 info.HandlingState = handlingStateName;501 this.GetOrCreateEventLink(source, target, info);502 }503 }504 if (newStateName != null)505 {506 // Then this is a goto or push and we can draw that link also.507 var source = this.GetOrCreateChild(name, type, currentStateName);508 var target = this.GetOrCreateChild(name, type, newStateName);509 if (info is null)510 {511 info = new EventInfo { Event = transitionType.FullName };512 }513 this.GetOrCreateEventLink(source, target, info);514 }515 this.Dequeued.Remove(id);516 }517 }518 private GraphNode GetOrCreateChild(string name, string type, string stateName, string label = null)519 {520 GraphNode child = null;521 lock (this.Inbox)522 {523 this.AddNamespace(type);524 var initalStateName = stateName;525 // make label relative to fully qualified actor id (it's usually a nested class).526 stateName = this.GetLabel(name, type, stateName);527 string id = this.GetResolveActorId(name, type);528 GraphNode parent = this.Graph.GetOrCreateNode(id);529 parent.AddAttribute("Group", "Expanded");530 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label))531 {532 label = stateName ?? ExternalStateName;533 }534 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateName))535 {536 id += "." + stateName;537 }538 child = this.Graph.GetOrCreateNode(id, label);539 this.Graph.GetOrCreateLink(parent, child, null, null, "Contains");540 }541 return child;542 }543 private GraphLink GetOrCreateEventLink(GraphNode source, GraphNode target, EventInfo e)544 {545 GraphLink link = null;546 lock (this.Inbox)547 {548 string label = this.GetEventLabel(e.Event);549 var index = this.GetLinkIndex(source, target, label);550 var category = GetEventCategory(e.Event);551 link = this.Graph.GetOrCreateLink(source, target, index, label, category);552 if (this.MergeEventLinks)553 {554 if (link.AddListAttribute("EventIds", e.Event) > 1)555 {556 link.Label = "*";557 }558 }559 else560 {561 if (e.Event != null)562 {563 link.AddAttribute("EventId", e.Event);564 }565 if (e.HandlingState != null)566 {567 link.AddAttribute("HandledBy", e.HandlingState);568 }569 }570 }571 return link;572 }573 private void AddNamespace(string type)574 {575 if (type != null && !this.Namespaces.Contains(type))576 {577 string typeName = type;578 int index = typeName.Length;579 do580 {581 typeName = typeName.Substring(0, index);582 this.Namespaces.Add(typeName);583 index = typeName.LastIndexOfAny(TypeSeparators);584 }585 while (index > 0);586 }587 }588 private string GetLabel(string name, string type, string fullyQualifiedName)589 {590 if (type is null)591 {592 // external code593 return fullyQualifiedName;594 }595 this.AddNamespace(type);596 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullyQualifiedName))597 {598 // then this is probably an Actor, not a StateMachine. For Actors we can invent a state599 // name equal to the short name of the class, this then looks like a Constructor which is fine.600 fullyQualifiedName = this.CollapseMachineInstances ? type : name;601 }602 var len = fullyQualifiedName.Length;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;8{9 {10 static void Main(string[] args)11 {12 var runtimeLog = @"C:\Users\anuj\source\repos\CoyoteTesting\CoyoteTesting\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\RuntimeLog.json";13 var graphBuilder = new ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder();14 graphBuilder.LoadFromFile(runtimeLog);15 foreach (var actor in graphBuilder.Actors)16 {17 Console.WriteLine("Actor: " + actor.Key);18 foreach (var state in actor.Value.States)19 {20 Console.WriteLine("State: " + state.Key);21 foreach (var label in state.Value.Labels)22 {23 Console.WriteLine("Label: " + label);24 }25 }26 }27 Console.ReadLine();28 }29 }30}31using System;32using System.Collections.Generic;33using System.Linq;34using System.Text;35using System.Threading.Tasks;36using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;37using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;38{39 {40 static void Main(string[] args)41 {42 var runtimeLog = @"C:\Users\anuj\source\repos\CoyoteTesting\CoyoteTesting\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\RuntimeLog.json";43 var graphBuilder = new ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder();44 graphBuilder.LoadFromFile(runtimeLog);45 foreach (var actor in graphBuilder.Actors)46 {47 Console.WriteLine("Actor: " + actor.Key);48 foreach (var state in actor.Value.States)49 {50 Console.WriteLine("State: " + state.Key);51 foreach (var label in state.Value.Labels)52 {53 Console.WriteLine("Label: " + label);54 }55 }56 }57 Console.ReadLine();58 }59 }60}61using System;62using System.Collections.Generic;63using System.Linq;64using System.Text;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;4{5 {6 public static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 var runtime = new ActorRuntime();9 var graphBuilder = new ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder(runtime);10 var label = graphBuilder.GetLabel("Event1");11 Console.WriteLine(label);12 }13 }14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Coverage;8using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;9using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common;10using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Coverage;11using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Runtime;12using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities;13using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Events;14using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Actors;15using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Runtime;

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