How to use Stop method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorExecutionContext class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorExecutionContext.Stop


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...665 public void RegisterLog(IActorRuntimeLog log) => this.LogWriter.RegisterLog(log);666 /// <inheritdoc/>667 public void RemoveLog(IActorRuntimeLog log) => this.LogWriter.RemoveLog(log);668 /// <inheritdoc/>669 public void Stop() => this.Scheduler.ForceStop();670 /// <summary>671 /// Disposes runtime resources.672 /// </summary>673 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)674 {675 if (disposing)676 {677 this.ActorMap.Clear();678 }679 }680 /// <inheritdoc/>681 public void Dispose()682 {683 this.Dispose(true);684 GC.SuppressFinalize(this);685 }686 /// <summary>687 /// The mocked execution context of an actor program.688 /// </summary>689 internal sealed class Mock : ActorExecutionContext690 {691 /// <summary>692 /// Map that stores all unique names and their corresponding actor ids.693 /// </summary>694 private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ActorId> NameValueToActorId;695 /// <summary>696 /// Map of program counters used for state-caching to distinguish697 /// scheduling from non-deterministic choices.698 /// </summary>699 private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ActorId, int> ProgramCounterMap;700 /// <summary>701 /// If true, the actor execution is controlled, else false.702 /// </summary>703 internal override bool IsExecutionControlled => true;704 /// <summary>705 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Mock"/> class.706 /// </summary>707 internal Mock(Configuration configuration, CoyoteRuntime runtime, OperationScheduler scheduler,708 SpecificationEngine specificationEngine, IRandomValueGenerator valueGenerator, LogWriter logWriter)709 : base(configuration, runtime, scheduler, specificationEngine, valueGenerator, logWriter)710 {711 this.NameValueToActorId = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ActorId>();712 this.ProgramCounterMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<ActorId, int>();713 }714 /// <inheritdoc/>715 public override ActorId CreateActorIdFromName(Type type, string name)716 {717 // It is important that all actor ids use the monotonically incrementing718 // value as the id during testing, and not the unique name.719 return this.NameValueToActorId.GetOrAdd(name, key => this.CreateActorId(type, key));720 }721 /// <inheritdoc/>722 public override ActorId CreateActor(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>723 this.CreateActor(null, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);724 /// <inheritdoc/>725 public override ActorId CreateActor(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>726 this.CreateActor(null, type, name, initialEvent, eventGroup);727 /// <inheritdoc/>728 public override ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)729 {730 this.Assert(id != null, "Cannot create an actor using a null actor id.");731 return this.CreateActor(id, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);732 }733 /// <inheritdoc/>734 public override Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>735 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(null, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);736 /// <inheritdoc/>737 public override Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>738 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(null, type, name, initialEvent, eventGroup);739 /// <inheritdoc/>740 public override Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)741 {742 this.Assert(id != null, "Cannot create an actor using a null actor id.");743 return this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(id, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);744 }745 /// <summary>746 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and name, using the specified747 /// unbound actor id, and passes the specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event748 /// can only be used to access its payload, and cannot be handled.749 /// </summary>750 internal ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)751 {752 var creatorOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<ActorOperation>();753 return this.CreateActor(id, type, name, initialEvent, creatorOp?.Actor, eventGroup);754 }755 /// <summary>756 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.757 /// </summary>758 internal override ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent, Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)759 {760 this.AssertExpectedCallerActor(creator, "CreateActor");761 Actor actor = this.CreateActor(id, type, name, creator, eventGroup);762 this.RunActorEventHandler(actor, initialEvent, true, null);763 return actor.Id;764 }765 /// <summary>766 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and name, using the specified767 /// unbound actor id, and passes the specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event768 /// can only be used to access its payload, and cannot be handled. The method returns only769 /// when the actor is initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any) is handled.770 /// </summary>771 internal Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null,772 EventGroup eventGroup = null)773 {774 var creatorOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<ActorOperation>();775 return this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(id, type, name, initialEvent, creatorOp?.Actor, eventGroup);776 }777 /// <summary>778 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>. The method779 /// returns only when the actor is initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any)780 /// is handled.781 /// </summary>782 internal override async Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent,783 Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)784 {785 this.AssertExpectedCallerActor(creator, "CreateActorAndExecuteAsync");786 this.Assert(creator != null, "Only an actor can call 'CreateActorAndExecuteAsync': avoid calling " +787 "it directly from the test method; instead call it through a test driver actor.");788 Actor actor = this.CreateActor(id, type, name, creator, eventGroup);789 this.RunActorEventHandler(actor, initialEvent, true, creator);790 // Wait until the actor reaches quiescence.791 await creator.ReceiveEventAsync(typeof(QuiescentEvent), rev => (rev as QuiescentEvent).ActorId == actor.Id);792 return await Task.FromResult(actor.Id);793 }794 /// <summary>795 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.796 /// </summary>797 internal override Actor CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)798 {799 this.Assert(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Actor)), "Type '{0}' is not an actor.", type.FullName);800 // Using ulong.MaxValue because a Create operation cannot specify801 // the id of its target, because the id does not exist yet.802 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Create);803 this.ResetProgramCounter(creator);804 if (id is null)805 {806 id = this.CreateActorId(type, name);807 }808 else809 {810 this.Assert(id.Runtime is null || id.Runtime == this, "Unbound actor id '{0}' was created by another runtime.", id.Value);811 this.Assert(id.Type == type.FullName, "Cannot bind actor id '{0}' of type '{1}' to an actor of type '{2}'.",812 id.Value, id.Type, type.FullName);813 id.Bind(this);814 }815 // If a group was not provided, inherit the current event group from the creator (if any).816 if (eventGroup is null && creator != null)817 {818 eventGroup = creator.EventGroup;819 }820 Actor actor = ActorFactory.Create(type);821 ActorOperation op = new ActorOperation(id.Value, id.Name, actor, this.Scheduler);822 IEventQueue eventQueue = new MockEventQueue(actor);823 actor.Configure(this, id, op, eventQueue, eventGroup);824 actor.SetupEventHandlers();825 if (this.Configuration.ReportActivityCoverage)826 {827 actor.ReportActivityCoverage(this.CoverageInfo);828 }829 bool result = this.Scheduler.RegisterOperation(op);830 this.Assert(result, "Actor id '{0}' is used by an existing or previously halted actor.", id.Value);831 if (actor is StateMachine)832 {833 this.LogWriter.LogCreateStateMachine(id, creator?.Id.Name, creator?.Id.Type);834 }835 else836 {837 this.LogWriter.LogCreateActor(id, creator?.Id.Name, creator?.Id.Type);838 }839 return actor;840 }841 /// <inheritdoc/>842 public override void SendEvent(ActorId targetId, Event initialEvent, EventGroup eventGroup = default, SendOptions options = null)843 {844 var senderOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<ActorOperation>();845 this.SendEvent(targetId, initialEvent, senderOp?.Actor, eventGroup, options);846 }847 /// <inheritdoc/>848 public override Task<bool> SendEventAndExecuteAsync(ActorId targetId, Event initialEvent,849 EventGroup eventGroup = null, SendOptions options = null)850 {851 var senderOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<ActorOperation>();852 return this.SendEventAndExecuteAsync(targetId, initialEvent, senderOp?.Actor, eventGroup, options);853 }854 /// <summary>855 /// Sends an asynchronous <see cref="Event"/> to an actor.856 /// </summary>857 internal override void SendEvent(ActorId targetId, Event e, Actor sender, EventGroup eventGroup, SendOptions options)858 {859 if (e is null)860 {861 string message = sender != null ?862 string.Format("{0} is sending a null event.", sender.Id.ToString()) :863 "Cannot send a null event.";864 this.Assert(false, message);865 }866 if (sender != null)867 {868 this.Assert(targetId != null, "{0} is sending event {1} to a null actor.", sender.Id, e);869 }870 else871 {872 this.Assert(targetId != null, "Cannot send event {1} to a null actor.", e);873 }874 this.AssertExpectedCallerActor(sender, "SendEvent");875 EnqueueStatus enqueueStatus = this.EnqueueEvent(targetId, e, sender, eventGroup, options, out Actor target);876 if (enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.EventHandlerNotRunning)877 {878 this.RunActorEventHandler(target, null, false, null);879 }880 }881 /// <summary>882 /// Sends an asynchronous <see cref="Event"/> to an actor. Returns immediately if the target was883 /// already running. Otherwise blocks until the target handles the event and reaches quiescense.884 /// </summary>885 internal override async Task<bool> SendEventAndExecuteAsync(ActorId targetId, Event e, Actor sender,886 EventGroup eventGroup, SendOptions options)887 {888 this.Assert(sender is StateMachine, "Only an actor can call 'SendEventAndExecuteAsync': avoid " +889 "calling it directly from the test method; instead call it through a test driver actor.");890 this.Assert(e != null, "{0} is sending a null event.", sender.Id);891 this.Assert(targetId != null, "{0} is sending event {1} to a null actor.", sender.Id, e);892 this.AssertExpectedCallerActor(sender, "SendEventAndExecuteAsync");893 EnqueueStatus enqueueStatus = this.EnqueueEvent(targetId, e, sender, eventGroup, options, out Actor target);894 if (enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.EventHandlerNotRunning)895 {896 this.RunActorEventHandler(target, null, false, sender as StateMachine);897 // Wait until the actor reaches quiescence.898 await (sender as StateMachine).ReceiveEventAsync(typeof(QuiescentEvent), rev => (rev as QuiescentEvent).ActorId == targetId);899 return true;900 }901 // EnqueueStatus.EventHandlerNotRunning is not returned by EnqueueEvent902 // (even when the actor was previously inactive) when the event e requires903 // no action by the actor (i.e., it implicitly handles the event).904 return enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.Dropped || enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.NextEventUnavailable;905 }906 /// <summary>907 /// Enqueues an event to the actor with the specified id.908 /// </summary>909 private EnqueueStatus EnqueueEvent(ActorId targetId, Event e, Actor sender, EventGroup eventGroup,910 SendOptions options, out Actor target)911 {912 target = this.Scheduler.GetOperationWithId<ActorOperation>(targetId.Value)?.Actor;913 this.Assert(target != null,914 "Cannot send event '{0}' to actor id '{1}' that is not bound to an actor instance.",915 e.GetType().FullName, targetId.Value);916 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Send);917 this.ResetProgramCounter(sender as StateMachine);918 // If no group is provided we default to passing along the group from the sender.919 if (eventGroup is null && sender != null)920 {921 eventGroup = sender.EventGroup;922 }923 if (target.IsHalted)924 {925 Guid groupId = eventGroup is null ? Guid.Empty : eventGroup.Id;926 this.LogWriter.LogSendEvent(targetId, sender?.Id.Name, sender?.Id.Type,927 (sender as StateMachine)?.CurrentStateName ?? default, e, groupId, isTargetHalted: true);928 this.Assert(options is null || !options.MustHandle,929 "A must-handle event '{0}' was sent to {1} which has halted.", e.GetType().FullName, targetId);930 this.HandleDroppedEvent(e, targetId);931 return EnqueueStatus.Dropped;932 }933 EnqueueStatus enqueueStatus = this.EnqueueEvent(target, e, sender, eventGroup, options);934 if (enqueueStatus == EnqueueStatus.Dropped)935 {936 this.HandleDroppedEvent(e, targetId);937 }938 return enqueueStatus;939 }940 /// <summary>941 /// Enqueues an event to the actor with the specified id.942 /// </summary>943 private EnqueueStatus EnqueueEvent(Actor actor, Event e, Actor sender, EventGroup eventGroup, SendOptions options)944 {945 EventOriginInfo originInfo;946 string stateName = null;947 if (sender is StateMachine senderStateMachine)948 {949 originInfo = new EventOriginInfo(sender.Id, senderStateMachine.GetType().FullName,950 NameResolver.GetStateNameForLogging(senderStateMachine.CurrentState));951 stateName = senderStateMachine.CurrentStateName;952 }953 else if (sender is Actor senderActor)954 {955 originInfo = new EventOriginInfo(sender.Id, senderActor.GetType().FullName, string.Empty);956 }957 else958 {959 // Message comes from the environment.960 originInfo = new EventOriginInfo(null, "Env", "Env");961 }962 EventInfo eventInfo = new EventInfo(e, originInfo)963 {964 MustHandle = options?.MustHandle ?? false,965 Assert = options?.Assert ?? -1966 };967 Guid opId = eventGroup is null ? Guid.Empty : eventGroup.Id;968 this.LogWriter.LogSendEvent(actor.Id, sender?.Id.Name, sender?.Id.Type, stateName,969 e, opId, isTargetHalted: false);970 return actor.Enqueue(e, eventGroup, eventInfo);971 }972 /// <summary>973 /// Runs a new asynchronous event handler for the specified actor.974 /// This is a fire and forget invocation.975 /// </summary>976 /// <param name="actor">The actor that executes this event handler.</param>977 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event for initializing the actor.</param>978 /// <param name="isFresh">If true, then this is a new actor.</param>979 /// <param name="syncCaller">Caller actor that is blocked for quiscence.</param>980 private void RunActorEventHandler(Actor actor, Event initialEvent, bool isFresh, Actor syncCaller)981 {982 var op = actor.Operation;983 Task task = new Task(async () =>984 {985 try986 {987 // Update the current asynchronous control flow with this runtime instance,988 // allowing future retrieval in the same asynchronous call stack.989 CoyoteRuntime.AssignAsyncControlFlowRuntime(this.Runtime);990 this.Scheduler.StartOperation(op);991 if (isFresh)992 {993 await actor.InitializeAsync(initialEvent);994 }995 await actor.RunEventHandlerAsync();996 if (syncCaller != null)997 {998 this.EnqueueEvent(syncCaller, new QuiescentEvent(actor.Id), actor, actor.CurrentEventGroup, null);999 }1000 if (!actor.IsHalted)1001 {1002 this.ResetProgramCounter(actor);1003 }1004 IODebug.WriteLine("<ScheduleDebug> Completed operation {0} on task '{1}'.", actor.Id, Task.CurrentId);1005 op.OnCompleted();1006 // The actor is inactive or halted, schedule the next enabled operation.1007 this.Scheduler.ScheduleNextOperation(AsyncOperationType.Stop);1008 }1009 catch (Exception ex)1010 {1011 this.ProcessUnhandledExceptionInOperation(op, ex);1012 }1013 });1014 task.Start();1015 this.Scheduler.WaitOperationStart(op);1016 }1017 /// <summary>1018 /// Creates a new timer that sends a <see cref="TimerElapsedEvent"/> to its owner actor.1019 /// </summary>1020 internal override IActorTimer CreateActorTimer(TimerInfo info, Actor owner)1021 {...

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...233 /// <summary>234 /// Starts a timer that sends a <see cref="TimerElapsedEvent"/> to this actor after the235 /// specified due time. The timer accepts an optional payload to be used during timeout.236 /// The timer is automatically disposed after it timeouts. To manually stop and dispose237 /// the timer, invoke the <see cref="StopTimer"/> method.238 /// </summary>239 /// <remarks>240 /// See <see href="/coyote/advanced-topics/actors/timers">Using timers in actors</see> for more information.241 /// </remarks>242 /// <param name="startDelay">The amount of time to wait before sending the timeout event.</param>243 /// <param name="customEvent">Optional custom event to raise instead of the default TimerElapsedEvent.</param>244 /// <returns>Handle that contains information about the timer.</returns>245 protected TimerInfo StartTimer(TimeSpan startDelay, TimerElapsedEvent customEvent = null)246 {247 // The specified due time and period must be valid.248 this.Assert(startDelay.TotalMilliseconds >= 0, "{0} registered a timer with a negative due time.", this.Id);249 return this.RegisterTimer(startDelay, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan, customEvent);250 }251 /// <summary>252 /// Starts a periodic timer that sends a <see cref="TimerElapsedEvent"/> to this actor after253 /// the specified due time, and then repeats after each specified period. The timer accepts254 /// an optional payload to be used during timeout. The timer can be stopped by invoking the255 /// <see cref="StopTimer"/> method.256 /// </summary>257 /// <remarks>258 /// See <see href="/coyote/advanced-topics/actors/timers">Using timers in actors</see> for more information.259 /// </remarks>260 /// <param name="startDelay">The amount of time to wait before sending the first timeout event.</param>261 /// <param name="period">The time interval between timeout events.</param>262 /// <param name="customEvent">Optional custom event to raise instead of the default TimerElapsedEvent.</param>263 /// <returns>Handle that contains information about the timer.</returns>264 protected TimerInfo StartPeriodicTimer(TimeSpan startDelay, TimeSpan period, TimerElapsedEvent customEvent = null)265 {266 // The specified due time and period must be valid.267 this.Assert(startDelay.TotalMilliseconds >= 0, "{0} registered a periodic timer with a negative due time.", this.Id);268 this.Assert(period.TotalMilliseconds >= 0, "{0} registered a periodic timer with a negative period.", this.Id);269 return this.RegisterTimer(startDelay, period, customEvent);270 }271 /// <summary>272 /// Stops and disposes the specified timer.273 /// </summary>274 /// <remarks>275 /// See <see href="/coyote/advanced-topics/actors/timers">Using timers in actors</see> for more information.276 /// </remarks>277 /// <param name="info">Handle that contains information about the timer.</param>278 protected void StopTimer(TimerInfo info)279 {280 this.Assert(info.OwnerId == this.Id, "{0} is not allowed to dispose timer '{1}', which is owned by {2}.",281 this.Id, info, info.OwnerId);282 this.UnregisterTimer(info);283 }284 /// <summary>285 /// Returns a nondeterministic boolean choice, that can be286 /// controlled during analysis or testing.287 /// </summary>288 /// <returns>The controlled nondeterministic choice.</returns>289 protected bool RandomBoolean() => this.Context.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(2, this.Id.Name, this.Id.Type);290 /// <summary>291 /// Returns a nondeterministic boolean choice, that can be292 /// controlled during analysis or testing. The value is used293 /// to generate a number in the range [0..maxValue), where 0294 /// triggers true.295 /// </summary>296 /// <param name="maxValue">The max value.</param>297 /// <returns>The controlled nondeterministic choice.</returns>298 protected bool RandomBoolean(int maxValue) =>299 this.Context.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(maxValue, this.Id.Name, this.Id.Type);300 /// <summary>301 /// Returns a nondeterministic integer, that can be controlled during302 /// analysis or testing. The value is used to generate an integer in303 /// the range [0..maxValue).304 /// </summary>305 /// <param name="maxValue">The max value.</param>306 /// <returns>The controlled nondeterministic integer.</returns>307 protected int RandomInteger(int maxValue) =>308 this.Context.GetNondeterministicIntegerChoice(maxValue, this.Id.Name, this.Id.Type);309 /// <summary>310 /// Invokes the specified monitor with the specified <see cref="Event"/>.311 /// </summary>312 /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the monitor.</typeparam>313 /// <param name="e">Event to send to the monitor.</param>314 protected void Monitor<T>(Event e) => this.Monitor(typeof(T), e);315 /// <summary>316 /// Invokes the specified monitor with the specified event.317 /// </summary>318 /// <param name="type">Type of the monitor.</param>319 /// <param name="e">The event to send.</param>320 protected void Monitor(Type type, Event e)321 {322 this.Assert(e != null, "{0} is sending a null event.", this.Id);323 this.Context.InvokeMonitor(type, e, this.Id.Name, this.Id.Type, this.CurrentStateName);324 }325 /// <summary>326 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.327 /// </summary>328 protected void Assert(bool predicate) => this.Context.Assert(predicate);329 /// <summary>330 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.331 /// </summary>332 protected void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0) => this.Context.Assert(predicate, s, arg0);333 /// <summary>334 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.335 /// </summary>336 protected void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0, object arg1) =>337 this.Context.Assert(predicate, s, arg0, arg1);338 /// <summary>339 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.340 /// </summary>341 protected void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2) =>342 this.Context.Assert(predicate, s, arg0, arg1, arg2);343 /// <summary>344 /// Checks if the assertion holds, and if not, throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception.345 /// </summary>346 protected void Assert(bool predicate, string s, params object[] args) =>347 this.Context.Assert(predicate, s, args);348 /// <summary>349 /// Raises a <see cref='HaltEvent'/> to halt the actor at the end of the current action.350 /// </summary>351 protected void RaiseHaltEvent()352 {353 this.Assert(this.CurrentStatus is Status.Active, "{0} invoked Halt while halting.", this.Id);354 this.CurrentStatus = Status.Halting;355 }356 /// <summary>357 /// Asynchronous callback that is invoked when the actor is initialized with an optional event.358 /// </summary>359 /// <param name="initialEvent">Optional event used for initialization.</param>360 /// <returns>Task that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>361 protected virtual Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent) => Task.CompletedTask;362 /// <summary>363 /// Asynchronous callback that is invoked when the actor successfully dequeues an event from its inbox.364 /// This method is not called when the dequeue happens via a receive statement.365 /// </summary>366 /// <param name="e">The event that was dequeued.</param>367 protected virtual Task OnEventDequeuedAsync(Event e) => Task.CompletedTask;368 /// <summary>369 /// Callback that is invoked when the actor ignores an event and removes it from its inbox.370 /// </summary>371 /// <param name="e">The event that was ignored.</param>372 protected virtual void OnEventIgnored(Event e)373 {374 }375 /// <summary>376 /// Callback that is invoked when the actor defers dequeing an event from its inbox.377 /// </summary>378 /// <param name="e">The event that was deferred.</param>379 protected virtual void OnEventDeferred(Event e)380 {381 }382 /// <summary>383 /// Asynchronous callback that is invoked when the actor finishes handling a dequeued event, unless384 /// the handler of the dequeued event caused the actor to halt (either normally or due to an exception).385 /// The actor will either become idle or dequeue the next event from its inbox.386 /// </summary>387 /// <param name="e">The event that was handled.</param>388 protected virtual Task OnEventHandledAsync(Event e) => Task.CompletedTask;389 /// <summary>390 /// Asynchronous callback that is invoked when the actor receives an event that it is not391 /// prepared to handle. The callback is invoked first, after which the actor will necessarily392 /// throw an <see cref="UnhandledEventException"/>.393 /// </summary>394 /// <param name="e">The event that was unhandled.</param>395 /// <param name="state">The state when the event was dequeued.</param>396 protected virtual Task OnEventUnhandledAsync(Event e, string state) => Task.CompletedTask;397 /// <summary>398 /// Asynchronous callback that is invoked when the actor handles an exception.399 /// </summary>400 /// <param name="ex">The exception thrown by the actor.</param>401 /// <param name="e">The event being handled when the exception was thrown.</param>402 /// <returns>The action that the runtime should take.</returns>403 protected virtual Task OnExceptionHandledAsync(Exception ex, Event e) => Task.CompletedTask;404 /// <summary>405 /// Asynchronous callback that is invoked when the actor halts.406 /// </summary>407 /// <param name="e">The event being handled when the actor halted.</param>408 /// <returns>Task that represents the asynchronous operation.</returns>409 protected virtual Task OnHaltAsync(Event e) => Task.CompletedTask;410 /// <summary>411 /// Enqueues the specified event and its metadata.412 /// </summary>413 internal EnqueueStatus Enqueue(Event e, EventGroup eventGroup, EventInfo info)414 {415 if (this.CurrentStatus is Status.Halted)416 {417 return EnqueueStatus.Dropped;418 }419 return this.Inbox.Enqueue(e, eventGroup, info);420 }421 /// <summary>422 /// Runs the event handler. The handler terminates if there is no next423 /// event to process or if the actor has halted.424 /// </summary>425 internal async Task RunEventHandlerAsync()426 {427 bool isFreshDequeue = true;428 Event lastDequeuedEvent = null;429 while (this.CurrentStatus != Status.Halted && this.Context.IsRunning)430 {431 (DequeueStatus status, Event e, EventGroup eventGroup, EventInfo info) = this.Inbox.Dequeue();432 if (eventGroup != null)433 {434 this.EventGroup = eventGroup;435 }436 if (status is DequeueStatus.Success)437 {438 // Notify the runtime for a new event to handle. This is only used439 // during bug-finding and operation bounding, because the runtime440 // has to schedule an actor when a new operation is dequeued.441 this.Context.LogDequeuedEvent(this, e, info, isFreshDequeue);442 await this.InvokeUserCallbackAsync(UserCallbackType.OnEventDequeued, e);443 lastDequeuedEvent = e;444 }445 else if (status is DequeueStatus.Raised)446 {447 // Only supported by types (e.g. StateMachine) that allow448 // the user to explicitly raise events.449 this.Context.LogHandleRaisedEvent(this, e);450 }451 else if (status is DequeueStatus.Default)452 {453 this.Context.LogWriter.LogDefaultEventHandler(this.Id, this.CurrentStateName);454 // If the default event was dequeued, then notify the runtime.455 // This is only used during bug-finding, because the runtime must456 // instrument a scheduling point between default event handlers.457 this.Context.LogDefaultEventDequeued(this);458 }459 else if (status is DequeueStatus.NotAvailable)460 {461 // Terminate the handler as there is no event available.462 break;463 }464 if (e is TimerElapsedEvent timeoutEvent &&465 timeoutEvent.Info.Period.TotalMilliseconds < 0)466 {467 // If the timer is not periodic, then dispose it.468 this.UnregisterTimer(timeoutEvent.Info);469 }470 if (this.CurrentStatus is Status.Active)471 {472 // Handles the next event, if the actor is not halted.473 await this.HandleEventAsync(e);474 }475 if (!this.Inbox.IsEventRaised && lastDequeuedEvent != null && this.CurrentStatus != Status.Halted)476 {477 // Inform the user that the actor handled the dequeued event.478 await this.InvokeUserCallbackAsync(UserCallbackType.OnEventHandled, lastDequeuedEvent);479 lastDequeuedEvent = null;480 }481 if (this.CurrentStatus is Status.Halting)482 {483 // If the current status is halting, then halt the actor.484 await this.HaltAsync(e);485 }486 isFreshDequeue = false;487 }488 }489 /// <summary>490 /// Handles the specified <see cref="Event"/>.491 /// </summary>492 private protected virtual async Task HandleEventAsync(Event e)493 {494 if (this.ActionMap.TryGetValue(e.GetType(), out CachedDelegate cachedAction) ||495 this.ActionMap.TryGetValue(typeof(WildCardEvent), out cachedAction))496 {497 this.Context.LogInvokedAction(this, cachedAction.MethodInfo, null, null);498 await this.InvokeActionAsync(cachedAction, e);499 }500 else if (e is HaltEvent)501 {502 // If it is the halt event, then change the actor status to halting.503 this.CurrentStatus = Status.Halting;504 }505 else506 {507 await this.InvokeUserCallbackAsync(UserCallbackType.OnEventUnhandled, e);508 if (this.CurrentStatus is Status.Active)509 {510 // If the event cannot be handled then report an error, else halt gracefully.511 var ex = new UnhandledEventException(e, default, "Unhandled Event");512 bool isHalting = this.OnUnhandledEventExceptionHandler(ex, e);513 this.Assert(isHalting, "{0} received event '{1}' that cannot be handled.",514 this.Id, e.GetType().FullName);515 }516 }517 }518 /// <summary>519 /// Invokes the specified action delegate.520 /// </summary>521 private protected async Task InvokeActionAsync(CachedDelegate cachedAction, Event e)522 {523 try524 {525 if (cachedAction.IsAsync)526 {527 Task task = null;528 if (cachedAction.Handler is Func<Event, Task> taskFuncWithEvent)529 {530 task = taskFuncWithEvent(e);531 }532 else if (cachedAction.Handler is Func<Task> taskFunc)533 {534 task = taskFunc();535 }536 this.OnWaitTask(task, cachedAction.MethodInfo.Name);537 await task;538 }539 else if (cachedAction.Handler is Action<Event> actionWithEvent)540 {541 actionWithEvent(e);542 }543 else if (cachedAction.Handler is Action action)544 {545 action();546 }547 }548 catch (Exception ex) when (this.OnExceptionHandler(ex, cachedAction.MethodInfo.Name, e))549 {550 // User handled the exception.551 await this.OnExceptionHandledAsync(ex, e);552 }553 catch (Exception ex) when (!cachedAction.IsAsync && this.InvokeOnFailureExceptionFilter(cachedAction, ex))554 {555 // Use an exception filter to call OnFailure before the stack556 // has been unwound. If the exception filter does not fail-fast,557 // it returns false to process the exception normally.558 }559 catch (Exception ex)560 {561 await this.TryHandleActionInvocationExceptionAsync(ex, cachedAction.MethodInfo.Name);562 }563 }564 /// <summary>565 /// Invokes the specified event handler user callback.566 /// </summary>567 private protected async Task InvokeUserCallbackAsync(string callbackType, Event e, string currentState = default)568 {569 try570 {571 Task task = null;572 if (callbackType is UserCallbackType.OnInitialize)573 {574 task = this.OnInitializeAsync(e);575 }576 else if (callbackType is UserCallbackType.OnEventDequeued)577 {578 task = this.OnEventDequeuedAsync(e);579 }580 else if (callbackType is UserCallbackType.OnEventHandled)581 {582 task = this.OnEventHandledAsync(e);583 }584 else if (callbackType is UserCallbackType.OnEventUnhandled)585 {586 task = this.OnEventUnhandledAsync(e, currentState);587 }588 this.OnWaitTask(task, callbackType);589 await task;590 }591 catch (Exception ex) when (this.OnExceptionHandler(ex, callbackType, e))592 {593 // User handled the exception.594 await this.OnExceptionHandledAsync(ex, e);595 }596 catch (Exception ex)597 {598 // Reports the unhandled exception.599 await this.TryHandleActionInvocationExceptionAsync(ex, callbackType);600 }601 }602 /// <summary>603 /// An exception filter that calls <see cref="CoyoteRuntime.OnFailure"/>,604 /// which can choose to fast-fail the app to get a full dump.605 /// </summary>606 /// <param name="action">The action being executed when the failure occurred.</param>607 /// <param name="ex">The exception being tested.</param>608 private protected bool InvokeOnFailureExceptionFilter(CachedDelegate action, Exception ex)609 {610 // This is called within the exception filter so the stack has not yet been unwound.611 // If the call does not fail-fast, return false to process the exception normally.612 this.Context.RaiseOnFailureEvent(new ActionExceptionFilterException(action.MethodInfo.Name, ex));613 return false;614 }615 /// <summary>616 /// Tries to handle an exception thrown during an action invocation.617 /// </summary>618 private protected Task TryHandleActionInvocationExceptionAsync(Exception ex, string actionName)619 {620 Exception innerException = ex;621 while (innerException is TargetInvocationException)622 {623 innerException = innerException.InnerException;624 }625 if (innerException is AggregateException)626 {627 innerException = innerException.InnerException;628 }629 if (innerException is ExecutionCanceledException || innerException is TaskSchedulerException)630 {631 this.CurrentStatus = Status.Halted;632 Debug.WriteLine($"<Exception> {innerException.GetType().Name} was thrown from {this.Id}.");633 }634 else635 {636 // Reports the unhandled exception.637 this.ReportUnhandledException(innerException, actionName);638 }639 return Task.CompletedTask;640 }641 /// <summary>642 /// Checks if the specified event is ignored.643 /// </summary>644 internal virtual bool IsEventIgnored(Event e) =>645 e is TimerElapsedEvent timeoutEvent && !this.Timers.ContainsKey(timeoutEvent.Info);646 /// <summary>647 /// Checks if the specified event is deferred.648 /// </summary>649 internal virtual bool IsEventDeferred(Event e) => false;650 /// <summary>651 /// Checks if there is a default handler installed.652 /// </summary>653 internal virtual bool IsDefaultHandlerInstalled() => false;654 /// <summary>655 /// Returns the hashed state of this actor.656 /// </summary>657 internal virtual int GetHashedState()658 {659 unchecked660 {661 var hash = 19;662 hash = (hash * 31) + this.GetType().GetHashCode();663 hash = (hash * 31) + this.Id.Value.GetHashCode();664 hash = (hash * 31) + this.IsHalted.GetHashCode();665 hash = (hash * 31) + this.IsEventHandlerRunning.GetHashCode();666 hash = (hash * 31) + this.Context.GetActorProgramCounter(this.Id);667 hash = (hash * 31) + this.Inbox.GetCachedState();668 // Adds the user-defined hashed state.669 hash = (hash * 31) + this.HashedState;670 return hash;671 }672 }673 /// <summary>674 /// Returns the hashed state of this actor.675 /// </summary>676 internal virtual int GetHashedState(string abstractionLevel)677 {678 unchecked679 {680 int hash = 37;681 if (abstractionLevel is "default")682 {683 hash = (hash * 397) + this.GetType().GetHashCode();684 hash = (hash * 397) + this.IsHalted.GetHashCode();685 hash = (hash * 31) + this.Id.Value.GetHashCode();686 hash = (hash * 397) + this.IsEventHandlerRunning.GetHashCode();687 hash = (hash * 397) + this.Context.GetActorProgramCounter(this.Id);688 hash = (hash * 397) + this.Inbox.GetCachedState();689 }690 else if (abstractionLevel is "inboxonly")691 {692 hash = (hash * 397) + this.Inbox.GetCachedState();693 }694 else if (abstractionLevel is "custom")695 {696 hash = (hash * 397) + this.Inbox.GetCachedState();697 if (this.HashedState != 0)698 {699 // Adds the user-defined hashed machine state.700 hash = (hash * 397) + this.HashedState;701 }702 }703 else if (abstractionLevel is "custom-only")704 {705 if (this.HashedState != 0)706 {707 // Adds the user-defined hashed machine state.708 hash = (hash * 397) + this.HashedState;709 }710 }711 return hash;712 }713 }714 /// <summary>715 /// Registers a new timer using the specified configuration.716 /// </summary>717 private protected TimerInfo RegisterTimer(TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period, TimerElapsedEvent customEvent)718 {719 var info = new TimerInfo(this.Id, dueTime, period, customEvent);720 var timer = this.Context.CreateActorTimer(info, this);721 this.Context.LogWriter.LogCreateTimer(info);722 this.Timers.Add(info, timer);723 return info;724 }725 /// <summary>726 /// Unregisters the specified timer.727 /// </summary>728 private protected void UnregisterTimer(TimerInfo info)729 {730 if (!this.Timers.TryGetValue(info, out IActorTimer timer))731 {732 this.Assert(info.OwnerId == this.Id, "Timer '{0}' is already disposed.", info);733 }734 this.Context.LogWriter.LogStopTimer(info);735 this.Timers.Remove(info);736 using (timer)737 {738 // sometimes timer can be null.739 }740 }741 /// <summary>742 /// Extracts user declarations and sets up the event handlers.743 /// </summary>744 internal virtual void SetupEventHandlers()745 {746 if (!ActionCache.ContainsKey(this.GetType()))747 {748 Stack<Type> actorTypes = new Stack<Type>();...

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;3using System;4using System.Threading.Tasks;5{6 {7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 var configuration = Configuration.Create().WithTestingIterations(10000);10 var test = new SystematicTestingEngine(configuration);11 test.RegisterEventHandler(typeof(StartEvent), typeof(StartEventHandler));12 test.RegisterEventHandler(typeof(StopEvent), typeof(StopEventHandler));13 test.RegisterActor(typeof(Actor1));14 test.Run();15 }16 }17 {18 public TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs;19 public StartEvent(TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs)20 {21 this.tcs = tcs;22 }23 }24 class StopEvent : Event { }25 {26 protected override Task HandleEventAsync(Event e)27 {28 var startEvent = e as StartEvent;29 var executionContext = this.Runtime.GetActorExecutionContext(this.Actor.Id);30 executionContext.Stop();31 startEvent.tcs.SetResult(true);32 return Task.CompletedTask;33 }34 }35 {36 protected override Task HandleEventAsync(Event e)37 {38 var stopEvent = e as StopEvent;39 var executionContext = this.Runtime.GetActorExecutionContext(this.Actor.Id);40 executionContext.Stop();41 return Task.CompletedTask;42 }43 }44 {45 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)46 {47 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new StartEvent(new TaskCompletionSource<bool>()));48 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new StopEvent());49 return Task.CompletedTask;50 }51 }52}53using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;54using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;55using System;56using System.Threading.Tasks;57{58 {59 static void Main(string[] args)60 {61 var configuration = Configuration.Create().WithTestingIterations(10000);62 var test = new SystematicTestingEngine(configuration);63 test.RegisterEventHandler(typeof(StartEvent), typeof(StartEventHandler));64 test.RegisterEventHandler(typeof(StopEvent), typeof(StopEventHandler));65 test.RegisterActor(typeof(Actor1));66 test.Run();67 }

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;3using System;4using System.Collections.Generic;5using System.Linq;6using System.Text;7using System.Threading.Tasks;8{9 {10 public static void Main()11 {12 ActorExecutionContext.Stop();13 }14 }15}16using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;17using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;18using System;19using System.Collections.Generic;20using System.Linq;21using System.Text;22using System.Threading.Tasks;23{24 {25 public static void Main()26 {27 ActorRuntime.Stop();28 }29 }30}31using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;32using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;33using System;34using System.Collections.Generic;35using System.Linq;36using System.Text;37using System.Threading.Tasks;38{39 {40 public static void Main()41 {42 Actor.Stop();43 }44 }45}46using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;47using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;48using System;49using System.Collections.Generic;50using System.Linq;51using System.Text;52using System.Threading.Tasks;53{54 {55 public static void Main()56 {57 Actor.Stop();58 }59 }60}61using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;62using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;63using System;64using System.Collections.Generic;65using System.Linq;66using System.Text;67using System.Threading.Tasks;68{69 {70 public static void Main()71 {72 Actor.Stop();73 }74 }75}76using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;77using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;78using System;79using System.Collections.Generic;80using System.Linq;81using System.Text;

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;5{6 {7 static async Task Main(string[] args)8 {9 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();10 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));11 await Task.Delay(1000);12 runtime.Stop();13 }14 }15 {16 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)17 {18 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");19 return Task.CompletedTask;20 }21 }22}23using System;24using System.Threading.Tasks;25using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;26using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;27{28 {29 static async Task Main(string[] args)30 {31 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();32 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));33 await Task.Delay(1000);34 runtime.Stop();35 }36 }37 {38 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)39 {40 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");41 return Task.CompletedTask;42 }43 }44}45using System;46using System.Threading.Tasks;47using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;48using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;49{50 {51 static async Task Main(string[] args)52 {53 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();54 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));55 await Task.Delay(1000);56 runtime.Stop();57 }58 }59 {60 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)61 {62 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");63 return Task.CompletedTask;64 }65 }66}67using System;68using System.Threading.Tasks;69using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;70using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;71{72 {73 static async Task Main(string[] args)74 {75 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();76 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));77 await Task.Delay(1000);

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 using (var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create())12 {13 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));14 runtime.SendEvent(new Event1());15 Task.Delay(5000).Wait();16 runtime.Stop();17 }18 }19 }20 {21 }22 {23 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event1), nameof(HandleEvent1))]24 {25 }26 void HandleEvent1()27 {28 Task.Delay(5000).Wait();29 }30 }31}32using System;33using System.Threading.Tasks;34using Microsoft.Coyote;35using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;36using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;37using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;38{39 {40 static void Main(string[] args)41 {42 using (var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create())43 {44 runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));45 runtime.SendEvent(new Event1());46 Task.Delay(5000).Wait();47 runtime.Stop();48 }49 }50 }51 {52 }53 {54 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event1), nameof(HandleEvent1))]55 {56 }57 void HandleEvent1()58 {59 Task.Delay(5000

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1using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;4using System;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6{7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 Task task = Task.Run(async () =>11 {12 await Run();13 });14 task.Wait();15 }16 static async Task Run()17 {18 var config = Configuration.Create();19 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create(config);20 var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));21 runtime.SendEvent(actor, new Event1());22 runtime.SendEvent(actor, new Event2());23 runtime.SendEvent(actor, new Event3());24 runtime.SendEvent(actor, new Event4());25 await Task.Delay(1000);26 runtime.Stop();27 }28 }29 {30 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event1), nameof(DoAction1))]31 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event2), nameof(DoAction2))]32 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event3), nameof(DoAction3))]33 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event4), nameof(DoAction4))]34 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event5), nameof(DoAction5))]35 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event6), nameof(DoAction6))]36 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event7), nameof(DoAction7))]37 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event8), nameof(DoAction8))]38 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event9), nameof(DoAction9))]39 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event10), nameof(DoAction10))]40 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event11), nameof(DoAction11))]41 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event12), nameof(DoAction12))]42 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event13), nameof(DoAction13))]43 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event14), nameof(DoAction14))]44 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event15), nameof(DoAction15))]45 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event16), nameof(DoAction16))]46 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event17), nameof(DoAction17))]47 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event18), nameof(DoAction18))]48 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event19), nameof(DoAction19))]49 [OnEventDoAction(typeof(Event20), nameof(Do

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