How to use CreateActorAndExecuteAsync method of Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorExecutionContext class

Best Coyote code snippet using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorExecutionContext.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync


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...129 /// <inheritdoc/>130 public virtual ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>131 this.CreateActor(id, type, null, initialEvent, null, eventGroup);132 /// <inheritdoc/>133 public virtual Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>134 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(null, type, null, initialEvent, null, eventGroup);135 /// <inheritdoc/>136 public virtual Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>137 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(null, type, name, initialEvent, null, eventGroup);138 /// <inheritdoc/>139 public virtual Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>140 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(id, type, null, initialEvent, null, eventGroup);141 /// <summary>142 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.143 /// </summary>144 internal virtual ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent, Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)145 {146 Actor actor = this.CreateActor(id, type, name, creator, eventGroup);147 if (actor is StateMachine)148 {149 this.LogWriter.LogCreateStateMachine(actor.Id, creator?.Id.Name, creator?.Id.Type);150 }151 else152 {153 this.LogWriter.LogCreateActor(actor.Id, creator?.Id.Name, creator?.Id.Type);154 }155 this.RunActorEventHandler(actor, initialEvent, true);156 return actor.Id;157 }158 /// <summary>159 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>. The method160 /// returns only when the actor is initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any)161 /// is handled.162 /// </summary>163 internal virtual async Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent,164 Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)165 {166 Actor actor = this.CreateActor(id, type, name, creator, eventGroup);167 if (actor is StateMachine)168 {169 this.LogWriter.LogCreateStateMachine(actor.Id, creator?.Id.Name, creator?.Id.Type);170 }171 else172 {173 this.LogWriter.LogCreateActor(actor.Id, creator?.Id.Name, creator?.Id.Type);174 }175 await this.RunActorEventHandlerAsync(actor, initialEvent, true);176 return actor.Id;177 }178 /// <summary>179 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.180 /// </summary>181 internal virtual Actor CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)182 {183 if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Actor)))184 {185 this.Assert(false, "Type '{0}' is not an actor.", type.FullName);186 }187 if (id is null)188 {189 id = this.CreateActorId(type, name);190 }191 else if (id.Runtime != null && id.Runtime != this)192 {193 this.Assert(false, "Unbound actor id '{0}' was created by another runtime.", id.Value);194 }195 else if (id.Type != type.FullName)196 {197 this.Assert(false, "Cannot bind actor id '{0}' of type '{1}' to an actor of type '{2}'.",198 id.Value, id.Type, type.FullName);199 }200 else201 {202 id.Bind(this);203 }204 // If no event group is provided then inherit the current group from the creator.205 if (eventGroup is null && creator != null)206 {207 eventGroup = creator.EventGroup;208 }209 Actor actor = ActorFactory.Create(type);210 IEventQueue eventQueue = new EventQueue(actor);211 actor.Configure(this, id, null, eventQueue, eventGroup);212 actor.SetupEventHandlers();213 if (!this.ActorMap.TryAdd(id, actor))214 {215 this.Assert(false, $"An actor with id '{id.Value}' was already created by another runtime instance.");216 }217 return actor;218 }219 /// <inheritdoc/>220 public virtual void SendEvent(ActorId targetId, Event initialEvent, EventGroup eventGroup = default, SendOptions options = null) =>221 this.SendEvent(targetId, initialEvent, null, eventGroup, options);222 /// <inheritdoc/>223 public virtual Task<bool> SendEventAndExecuteAsync(ActorId targetId, Event initialEvent,224 EventGroup eventGroup = null, SendOptions options = null) =>225 this.SendEventAndExecuteAsync(targetId, initialEvent, null, eventGroup, options);226 /// <summary>227 /// Sends an asynchronous <see cref="Event"/> to an actor.228 /// </summary>229 internal virtual void SendEvent(ActorId targetId, Event e, Actor sender, EventGroup eventGroup, SendOptions options)230 {231 EnqueueStatus enqueueStatus = this.EnqueueEvent(targetId, e, sender, eventGroup, out Actor target);232 if (enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.EventHandlerNotRunning)233 {234 this.RunActorEventHandler(target, null, false);235 }236 }237 /// <summary>238 /// Sends an asynchronous <see cref="Event"/> to an actor. Returns immediately if the target was239 /// already running. Otherwise blocks until the target handles the event and reaches quiescense.240 /// </summary>241 internal virtual async Task<bool> SendEventAndExecuteAsync(ActorId targetId, Event e, Actor sender,242 EventGroup eventGroup, SendOptions options)243 {244 EnqueueStatus enqueueStatus = this.EnqueueEvent(targetId, e, sender, eventGroup, out Actor target);245 if (enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.EventHandlerNotRunning)246 {247 await this.RunActorEventHandlerAsync(target, null, false);248 return true;249 }250 return enqueueStatus is EnqueueStatus.Dropped;251 }252 /// <summary>253 /// Enqueues an event to the actor with the specified id.254 /// </summary>255 private EnqueueStatus EnqueueEvent(ActorId targetId, Event e, Actor sender, EventGroup eventGroup, out Actor target)256 {257 if (e is null)258 {259 string message = sender != null ?260 string.Format("{0} is sending a null event.", sender.Id.ToString()) :261 "Cannot send a null event.";262 this.Assert(false, message);263 }264 if (targetId is null)265 {266 string message = (sender != null) ?267 string.Format("{0} is sending event {1} to a null actor.", sender.Id.ToString(), e.ToString())268 : string.Format("Cannot send event {0} to a null actor.", e.ToString());269 this.Assert(false, message);270 }271 target = this.GetActorWithId<Actor>(targetId);272 // If no group is provided we default to passing along the group from the sender.273 if (eventGroup is null && sender != null)274 {275 eventGroup = sender.EventGroup;276 }277 Guid opId = eventGroup is null ? Guid.Empty : eventGroup.Id;278 if (target is null || target.IsHalted)279 {280 this.LogWriter.LogSendEvent(targetId, sender?.Id.Name, sender?.Id.Type,281 (sender as StateMachine)?.CurrentStateName ?? default, e, opId, isTargetHalted: true);282 this.HandleDroppedEvent(e, targetId);283 return EnqueueStatus.Dropped;284 }285 this.LogWriter.LogSendEvent(targetId, sender?.Id.Name, sender?.Id.Type,286 (sender as StateMachine)?.CurrentStateName ?? default, e, opId, isTargetHalted: false);287 EnqueueStatus enqueueStatus = target.Enqueue(e, eventGroup, null);288 if (enqueueStatus == EnqueueStatus.Dropped)289 {290 this.HandleDroppedEvent(e, targetId);291 }292 return enqueueStatus;293 }294 /// <summary>295 /// Runs a new asynchronous actor event handler.296 /// This is a fire and forget invocation.297 /// </summary>298 private void RunActorEventHandler(Actor actor, Event initialEvent, bool isFresh)299 {300 Task.Run(async () =>301 {302 try303 {304 if (isFresh)305 {306 await actor.InitializeAsync(initialEvent);307 }308 await actor.RunEventHandlerAsync();309 }310 catch (Exception ex)311 {312 this.Scheduler.IsProgramExecuting = false;313 this.RaiseOnFailureEvent(ex);314 }315 finally316 {317 if (actor.IsHalted)318 {319 this.ActorMap.TryRemove(actor.Id, out Actor _);320 }321 }322 });323 }324 /// <summary>325 /// Runs a new asynchronous actor event handler.326 /// </summary>327 private async Task RunActorEventHandlerAsync(Actor actor, Event initialEvent, bool isFresh)328 {329 try330 {331 if (isFresh)332 {333 await actor.InitializeAsync(initialEvent);334 }335 await actor.RunEventHandlerAsync();336 }337 catch (Exception ex)338 {339 this.Scheduler.IsProgramExecuting = false;340 this.RaiseOnFailureEvent(ex);341 return;342 }343 }344 /// <summary>345 /// Creates a new timer that sends a <see cref="TimerElapsedEvent"/> to its owner actor.346 /// </summary>347 internal virtual IActorTimer CreateActorTimer(TimerInfo info, Actor owner) => new ActorTimer(info, owner);348 /// <inheritdoc/>349 public virtual EventGroup GetCurrentEventGroup(ActorId currentActorId)350 {351 Actor actor = this.GetActorWithId<Actor>(currentActorId);352 return actor?.CurrentEventGroup;353 }354 /// <summary>355 /// Gets the actor of type <typeparamref name="TActor"/> with the specified id,356 /// or null if no such actor exists.357 /// </summary>358 internal TActor GetActorWithId<TActor>(ActorId id)359 where TActor : Actor =>360 id != null && this.ActorMap.TryGetValue(id, out Actor value) &&361 value is TActor actor ? actor : null;362 /// <summary>363 /// Returns the next available unique operation id.364 /// </summary>365 /// <returns>Value representing the next available unique operation id.</returns>366 internal ulong GetNextOperationId() => this.Runtime.GetNextOperationId();367 /// <inheritdoc/>368 public bool RandomBoolean() => this.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(2, null, null);369 /// <inheritdoc/>370 public bool RandomBoolean(int maxValue) => this.GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(maxValue, null, null);371 /// <summary>372 /// Returns a controlled nondeterministic boolean choice.373 /// </summary>374 internal virtual bool GetNondeterministicBooleanChoice(int maxValue, string callerName, string callerType)375 {376 bool result = false;377 if (this.ValueGenerator.Next(maxValue) is 0)378 {379 result = true;380 }381 this.LogWriter.LogRandom(result, callerName, callerType);382 return result;383 }384 /// <inheritdoc/>385 public int RandomInteger(int maxValue) => this.GetNondeterministicIntegerChoice(maxValue, null, null);386 /// <summary>387 /// Returns a controlled nondeterministic integer choice.388 /// </summary>389 internal virtual int GetNondeterministicIntegerChoice(int maxValue, string callerName, string callerType)390 {391 var result = this.ValueGenerator.Next(maxValue);392 this.LogWriter.LogRandom(result, callerName, callerType);393 return result;394 }395 /// <summary>396 /// Logs that the specified actor invoked an action.397 /// </summary>398 internal virtual void LogInvokedAction(Actor actor, MethodInfo action, string handlingStateName, string currentStateName)399 {400 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)401 {402 this.LogWriter.LogExecuteAction(actor.Id, handlingStateName, currentStateName, action.Name);403 }404 }405 /// <summary>406 /// Logs that the specified actor enqueued an <see cref="Event"/>.407 /// </summary>408 internal virtual void LogEnqueuedEvent(Actor actor, Event e, EventGroup eventGroup, EventInfo eventInfo)409 {410 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)411 {412 this.LogWriter.LogEnqueueEvent(actor.Id, e);413 }414 }415 /// <summary>416 /// Logs that the specified actor dequeued an <see cref="Event"/>.417 /// </summary>418 internal virtual void LogDequeuedEvent(Actor actor, Event e, EventInfo eventInfo, bool isFreshDequeue)419 {420 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)421 {422 string stateName = actor is StateMachine stateMachine ? stateMachine.CurrentStateName : default;423 this.LogWriter.LogDequeueEvent(actor.Id, stateName, e);424 }425 }426 /// <summary>427 /// Logs that the specified actor dequeued the default <see cref="Event"/>.428 /// </summary>429 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]430 internal virtual void LogDefaultEventDequeued(Actor actor)431 {432 }433 /// <summary>434 /// Notifies that the inbox of the specified actor is about to be435 /// checked to see if the default event handler should fire.436 /// </summary>437 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]438 internal virtual void LogDefaultEventHandlerCheck(Actor actor)439 {440 }441 /// <summary>442 /// Logs that the specified actor raised an <see cref="Event"/>.443 /// </summary>444 internal virtual void LogRaisedEvent(Actor actor, Event e, EventGroup eventGroup, EventInfo eventInfo)445 {446 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)447 {448 string stateName = actor is StateMachine stateMachine ? stateMachine.CurrentStateName : default;449 this.LogWriter.LogRaiseEvent(actor.Id, stateName, e);450 }451 }452 /// <summary>453 /// Logs that the specified actor is handling a raised <see cref="Event"/>.454 /// </summary>455 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]456 internal virtual void LogHandleRaisedEvent(Actor actor, Event e)457 {458 }459 /// <summary>460 /// Logs that the specified actor called <see cref="Actor.ReceiveEventAsync(Type[])"/>461 /// or one of its overloaded methods.462 /// </summary>463 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]464 internal virtual void LogReceiveCalled(Actor actor)465 {466 }467 /// <summary>468 /// Logs that the specified actor enqueued an event that it was waiting to receive.469 /// </summary>470 internal virtual void LogReceivedEvent(Actor actor, Event e, EventInfo eventInfo)471 {472 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)473 {474 string stateName = actor is StateMachine stateMachine ? stateMachine.CurrentStateName : default;475 this.LogWriter.LogReceiveEvent(actor.Id, stateName, e, wasBlocked: true);476 }477 }478 /// <summary>479 /// Logs that the specified actor received an event without waiting because the event480 /// was already in the inbox when the actor invoked the receive statement.481 /// </summary>482 internal virtual void LogReceivedEventWithoutWaiting(Actor actor, Event e, EventInfo eventInfo)483 {484 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)485 {486 string stateName = actor is StateMachine stateMachine ? stateMachine.CurrentStateName : default;487 this.LogWriter.LogReceiveEvent(actor.Id, stateName, e, wasBlocked: false);488 }489 }490 /// <summary>491 /// Logs that the specified actor is waiting to receive an event of one of the specified types.492 /// </summary>493 internal virtual void LogWaitEvent(Actor actor, IEnumerable<Type> eventTypes)494 {495 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)496 {497 string stateName = actor is StateMachine stateMachine ? stateMachine.CurrentStateName : default;498 var eventWaitTypesArray = eventTypes.ToArray();499 if (eventWaitTypesArray.Length is 1)500 {501 this.LogWriter.LogWaitEvent(actor.Id, stateName, eventWaitTypesArray[0]);502 }503 else504 {505 this.LogWriter.LogWaitEvent(actor.Id, stateName, eventWaitTypesArray);506 }507 }508 }509 /// <summary>510 /// Logs that the specified state machine entered a state.511 /// </summary>512 internal virtual void LogEnteredState(StateMachine stateMachine)513 {514 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)515 {516 this.LogWriter.LogStateTransition(stateMachine.Id, stateMachine.CurrentStateName, isEntry: true);517 }518 }519 /// <summary>520 /// Logs that the specified state machine exited a state.521 /// </summary>522 internal virtual void LogExitedState(StateMachine stateMachine)523 {524 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)525 {526 this.LogWriter.LogStateTransition(stateMachine.Id, stateMachine.CurrentStateName, isEntry: false);527 }528 }529 /// <summary>530 /// Logs that the specified state machine invoked pop.531 /// </summary>532 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]533 internal virtual void LogPopState(StateMachine stateMachine)534 {535 }536 /// <summary>537 /// Logs that the specified state machine invoked an action.538 /// </summary>539 internal virtual void LogInvokedOnEntryAction(StateMachine stateMachine, MethodInfo action)540 {541 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)542 {543 this.LogWriter.LogExecuteAction(stateMachine.Id, stateMachine.CurrentStateName,544 stateMachine.CurrentStateName, action.Name);545 }546 }547 /// <summary>548 /// Logs that the specified state machine invoked an action.549 /// </summary>550 internal virtual void LogInvokedOnExitAction(StateMachine stateMachine, MethodInfo action)551 {552 if (this.Configuration.IsVerbose)553 {554 this.LogWriter.LogExecuteAction(stateMachine.Id, stateMachine.CurrentStateName,555 stateMachine.CurrentStateName, action.Name);556 }557 }558 /// <summary>559 /// Builds the coverage graph information, if any. This information is only available560 /// when <see cref="Configuration.ReportActivityCoverage"/> is enabled.561 /// </summary>562 internal CoverageInfo BuildCoverageInfo()563 {564 var result = this.CoverageInfo;565 if (result != null)566 {567 var builder = this.LogWriter.GetLogsOfType<ActorRuntimeLogGraphBuilder>().FirstOrDefault();568 if (builder != null)569 {570 result.CoverageGraph = builder.SnapshotGraph(this.Configuration.IsDgmlBugGraph);571 }572 var eventCoverage = this.LogWriter.GetLogsOfType<ActorRuntimeLogEventCoverage>().FirstOrDefault();573 if (eventCoverage != null)574 {575 result.EventInfo = eventCoverage.EventCoverage;576 }577 }578 return result;579 }580 /// <summary>581 /// Returns the current hashed state of the actors.582 /// </summary>583 /// <remarks>584 /// The hash is updated in each execution step.585 /// </remarks>586 internal virtual int GetHashedActorState() => 0;587 /// <summary>588 /// Returns the program counter of the specified actor.589 /// </summary>590 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]591 internal virtual int GetActorProgramCounter(ActorId actorId) => 0;592 /// <inheritdoc/>593 public void RegisterMonitor<T>()594 where T : Monitor =>595 this.TryCreateMonitor(typeof(T));596 /// <inheritdoc/>597 public void Monitor<T>(Event e)598 where T : Monitor599 {600 // If the event is null then report an error and exit.601 this.Assert(e != null, "Cannot monitor a null event.");602 this.InvokeMonitor(typeof(T), e, null, null, null);603 }604 /// <summary>605 /// Tries to create a new <see cref="Specifications.Monitor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.606 /// </summary>607 protected bool TryCreateMonitor(Type type) => this.SpecificationEngine.TryCreateMonitor(608 type, this.CoverageInfo, this.LogWriter);609 /// <summary>610 /// Invokes the specified <see cref="Specifications.Monitor"/> with the specified <see cref="Event"/>.611 /// </summary>612 internal void InvokeMonitor(Type type, Event e, string senderName, string senderType, string senderStateName) =>613 this.SpecificationEngine.InvokeMonitor(type, e, senderName, senderType, senderStateName);614 /// <inheritdoc/>615 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]616 public void Assert(bool predicate) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate);617 /// <inheritdoc/>618 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]619 public void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, arg0);620 /// <inheritdoc/>621 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]622 public void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0, object arg1) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, arg0, arg1);623 /// <inheritdoc/>624 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]625 public void Assert(bool predicate, string s, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2) =>626 this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, arg0, arg1, arg2);627 /// <inheritdoc/>628 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]629 public void Assert(bool predicate, string s, params object[] args) => this.SpecificationEngine.Assert(predicate, s, args);630 /// <summary>631 /// Asserts that the actor calling an actor method is also the actor that is currently executing.632 /// </summary>633 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]634 internal virtual void AssertExpectedCallerActor(Actor caller, string calledAPI)635 {636 }637 /// <summary>638 /// Raises the <see cref="OnFailure"/> event with the specified <see cref="Exception"/>.639 /// </summary>640 internal void RaiseOnFailureEvent(Exception exception) => this.Runtime.RaiseOnFailureEvent(exception);641 /// <summary>642 /// Handle the specified dropped <see cref="Event"/>.643 /// </summary>644 internal void HandleDroppedEvent(Event e, ActorId id) => this.OnEventDropped?.Invoke(e, id);645 /// <summary>646 /// Throws an <see cref="AssertionFailureException"/> exception containing the specified exception.647 /// </summary>648#if !DEBUG649 [DebuggerHidden]650#endif651 internal void WrapAndThrowException(Exception exception, string s, params object[] args) =>652 this.SpecificationEngine.WrapAndThrowException(exception, s, args);653 /// <inheritdoc/>654 [Obsolete("Please set the Logger property directory instead of calling this method.")]655 public TextWriter SetLogger(TextWriter logger)656 {657 var result = this.LogWriter.SetLogger(new TextWriterLogger(logger));658 if (result != null)659 {660 return result.TextWriter;661 }662 return null;663 }664 /// <inheritdoc/>665 public void RegisterLog(IActorRuntimeLog log) => this.LogWriter.RegisterLog(log);666 /// <inheritdoc/>667 public void RemoveLog(IActorRuntimeLog log) => this.LogWriter.RemoveLog(log);668 /// <inheritdoc/>669 public void Stop() => this.Scheduler.ForceStop();670 /// <summary>671 /// Disposes runtime resources.672 /// </summary>673 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)674 {675 if (disposing)676 {677 this.ActorMap.Clear();678 }679 }680 /// <inheritdoc/>681 public void Dispose()682 {683 this.Dispose(true);684 GC.SuppressFinalize(this);685 }686 /// <summary>687 /// The mocked execution context of an actor program.688 /// </summary>689 internal sealed class Mock : ActorExecutionContext690 {691 /// <summary>692 /// Map that stores all unique names and their corresponding actor ids.693 /// </summary>694 private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ActorId> NameValueToActorId;695 /// <summary>696 /// Map of program counters used for state-caching to distinguish697 /// scheduling from non-deterministic choices.698 /// </summary>699 private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ActorId, int> ProgramCounterMap;700 /// <summary>701 /// If true, the actor execution is controlled, else false.702 /// </summary>703 internal override bool IsExecutionControlled => true;704 /// <summary>705 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Mock"/> class.706 /// </summary>707 internal Mock(Configuration configuration, CoyoteRuntime runtime, OperationScheduler scheduler,708 SpecificationEngine specificationEngine, IRandomValueGenerator valueGenerator, LogWriter logWriter)709 : base(configuration, runtime, scheduler, specificationEngine, valueGenerator, logWriter)710 {711 this.NameValueToActorId = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ActorId>();712 this.ProgramCounterMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<ActorId, int>();713 }714 /// <inheritdoc/>715 public override ActorId CreateActorIdFromName(Type type, string name)716 {717 // It is important that all actor ids use the monotonically incrementing718 // value as the id during testing, and not the unique name.719 return this.NameValueToActorId.GetOrAdd(name, key => this.CreateActorId(type, key));720 }721 /// <inheritdoc/>722 public override ActorId CreateActor(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>723 this.CreateActor(null, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);724 /// <inheritdoc/>725 public override ActorId CreateActor(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>726 this.CreateActor(null, type, name, initialEvent, eventGroup);727 /// <inheritdoc/>728 public override ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)729 {730 this.Assert(id != null, "Cannot create an actor using a null actor id.");731 return this.CreateActor(id, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);732 }733 /// <inheritdoc/>734 public override Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>735 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(null, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);736 /// <inheritdoc/>737 public override Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null) =>738 this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(null, type, name, initialEvent, eventGroup);739 /// <inheritdoc/>740 public override Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)741 {742 this.Assert(id != null, "Cannot create an actor using a null actor id.");743 return this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(id, type, null, initialEvent, eventGroup);744 }745 /// <summary>746 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and name, using the specified747 /// unbound actor id, and passes the specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event748 /// can only be used to access its payload, and cannot be handled.749 /// </summary>750 internal ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null, EventGroup eventGroup = null)751 {752 var creatorOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<ActorOperation>();753 return this.CreateActor(id, type, name, initialEvent, creatorOp?.Actor, eventGroup);754 }755 /// <summary>756 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.757 /// </summary>758 internal override ActorId CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent, Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)759 {760 this.AssertExpectedCallerActor(creator, "CreateActor");761 Actor actor = this.CreateActor(id, type, name, creator, eventGroup);762 this.RunActorEventHandler(actor, initialEvent, true, null);763 return actor.Id;764 }765 /// <summary>766 /// Creates a new actor of the specified <see cref="Type"/> and name, using the specified767 /// unbound actor id, and passes the specified optional <see cref="Event"/>. This event768 /// can only be used to access its payload, and cannot be handled. The method returns only769 /// when the actor is initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any) is handled.770 /// </summary>771 internal Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent = null,772 EventGroup eventGroup = null)773 {774 var creatorOp = this.Scheduler.GetExecutingOperation<ActorOperation>();775 return this.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(id, type, name, initialEvent, creatorOp?.Actor, eventGroup);776 }777 /// <summary>778 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>. The method779 /// returns only when the actor is initialized and the <see cref="Event"/> (if any)780 /// is handled.781 /// </summary>782 internal override async Task<ActorId> CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Event initialEvent,783 Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)784 {785 this.AssertExpectedCallerActor(creator, "CreateActorAndExecuteAsync");786 this.Assert(creator != null, "Only an actor can call 'CreateActorAndExecuteAsync': avoid calling " +787 "it directly from the test method; instead call it through a test driver actor.");788 Actor actor = this.CreateActor(id, type, name, creator, eventGroup);789 this.RunActorEventHandler(actor, initialEvent, true, creator);790 // Wait until the actor reaches quiescence.791 await creator.ReceiveEventAsync(typeof(QuiescentEvent), rev => (rev as QuiescentEvent).ActorId == actor.Id);792 return await Task.FromResult(actor.Id);793 }794 /// <summary>795 /// Creates a new <see cref="Actor"/> of the specified <see cref="Type"/>.796 /// </summary>797 internal override Actor CreateActor(ActorId id, Type type, string name, Actor creator, EventGroup eventGroup)798 {799 this.Assert(type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Actor)), "Type '{0}' is not an actor.", type.FullName);800 // Using ulong.MaxValue because a Create operation cannot specify...

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Timers;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;7using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;8using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;9using System.Collections.Generic;10using System.Linq;11{12 {13 public static void Main(string[] args)14 {

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices;8using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Runtime;9using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies;10using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule;11using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default;12using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies;13using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.DPOR;14using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.PCT;15using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Probabilistic;16using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Random;17using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RandomWalk;18using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RR;19using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.RRProbabilistic;20using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.SPOR;21using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic;22using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.DPOR;23using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.PCT;24using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.Probabilistic;25using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.Random;26using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.RandomWalk;27using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.RR;28using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.RRProbabilistic;29using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.SPOR;30using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.Systematic.TFSM;31using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.TFSM;32using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule.Default.Strategies.TFSM.DPOR;

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;5{6 {7 static async Task Main(string[] args)8 {9 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();10 var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));11 await runtime.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(typeof(Actor2), actor);12 Console.ReadLine();13 }14 }15 {16 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)17 {18 Console.WriteLine("Actor1 is created");19 return Task.CompletedTask;20 }21 }22 {23 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)24 {25 Console.WriteLine("Actor2 is created");26 return Task.CompletedTask;27 }28 }29}30using System;31using System.Threading.Tasks;32using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;33using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;34{35 {36 static async Task Main(string[] args)37 {38 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();39 var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(Actor1));40 await runtime.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(typeof(Actor2), actor, new Event1());41 Console.ReadLine();42 }43 }44 {45 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)46 {47 Console.WriteLine("Actor1 is created");48 return Task.CompletedTask;49 }50 }51 {52 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)53 {54 Console.WriteLine("Actor2 is created");55 return Task.CompletedTask;56 }57 }58 {59 }60}61using System;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using Microsoft.Coyote;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using System;4using System.Threading.Tasks;5{6 {7 static void Main(string[] args)8 {9 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();10 var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));11 runtime.ExecuteActorAsync(actor, new MyEvent());12 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");13 Console.ReadKey();14 }15 }16 {17 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)18 {19 Console.WriteLine("MyActor.OnInitializeAsync");20 return Task.CompletedTask;21 }22 protected override Task OnEventAsync(Event e)23 {24 Console.WriteLine("MyActor.OnEventAsync");25 return Task.CompletedTask;26 }27 }28 {29 }30}31using Microsoft.Coyote;32using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;33using System;34using System.Threading.Tasks;35{36 {37 static void Main(string[] args)38 {39 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();40 var actor = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(MyActor));41 runtime.ExecuteActorAsync(actor, new MyEvent());42 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");43 Console.ReadKey();44 }45 }46 {47 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)48 {49 Console.WriteLine("MyActor.OnInitializeAsync");50 return Task.CompletedTask;51 }52 protected override Task OnEventAsync(Event e)53 {54 Console.WriteLine("MyActor.OnEventAsync");55 return Task.CompletedTask;56 }57 }58 {59 }60}

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1{2 using System;3 using System.Threading.Tasks;4 using Microsoft.Coyote;5 using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;6 using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();11 var task = runtime.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(typeof(HelloWorldActor));12 task.Wait();13 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");14 Console.ReadKey();15 }16 }17 {18 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)19 {20 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E());21 return base.OnInitializeAsync(initialEvent);22 }23 protected override Task OnEventAsync(Event e)24 {25 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");26 return Task.CompletedTask;27 }28 }29 {30 }31}32{33 using System;34 using System.Threading.Tasks;35 using Microsoft.Coyote;36 using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;37 using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;38 {39 static void Main(string[] args)40 {41 var runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();42 var task = runtime.CreateActorAndExecuteAsync(typeof(HelloWorldActor));43 task.Wait();44 Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");45 Console.ReadKey();46 }47 }48 {49 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)50 {51 this.SendEvent(this.Id, new E());52 return base.OnInitializeAsync(initialEvent);53 }54 protected override Task OnEventAsync(Event e)55 {56 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");57 return Task.CompletedTask;58 }59 }60 {61 }62}63{64 using System;65 using System.Threading.Tasks;66 using Microsoft.Coyote;67 using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;68 using Microsoft.Coyote.Runtime;69 {70 static void Main(string[] args)71 {

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote;4using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Specifications;6using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;7using Microsoft.Coyote.Testing;8using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices;9using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Runtime;10using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies;11using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies.DPOR;12using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies.ProbabilisticRandomExecution;13using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies.UnfairExponential;14using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies.UnfairProbabilisticRandomExecution;15using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule;16using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common;17using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Actors;18using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Events;19using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.TestingServices;20using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.TestingServices.SchedulingStrategies;21using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities;22using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.Async;23using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.Testing;24using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.Testing.Strategies;25using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.Testing.Tracing.Schedule;26using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.TestingServices;27using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.TestingServices.Strategies;28using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.TestingServices.Tracing.Schedule;29using Microsoft.Coyote.Tests.Common.Utilities.Tracing.Schedule;30using Xunit;31using Xunit.Abstractions;32{33 {34 public CreateActorAndExecuteAsyncTests(ITestOutputHelper output)35 : base(output)36 {37 }38 {39 public ActorId Id;40 public E(ActorId id)41 {42 this.Id = id;43 }44 }45 {46 public ActorId Id;47 public M(ActorId id)48 {49 this.Id = id;50 }51 }52 {53 public ActorId Id;54 public N(ActorId id)55 {56 this.Id = id;57 }58 }

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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.TestingServices;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;6{7 {8 static void Main(string[] args)9 {10 using (var runtime = TestingEngineFactory.Create())11 {12 var taskScheduler = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime);13 var taskFactory = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler);14 var taskContinuationFactory = new CoyoteTaskContinuationFactory(taskScheduler);15 var taskFactory2 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler, taskContinuationFactory);16 var taskScheduler2 = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime, taskFactory2);17 var taskFactory3 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler2, taskContinuationFactory);18 var taskScheduler3 = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime, taskFactory3);19 var taskFactory4 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler3, taskContinuationFactory);20 var taskScheduler4 = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime, taskFactory4);21 var taskFactory5 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler4, taskContinuationFactory);22 var taskScheduler5 = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime, taskFactory5);23 var taskFactory6 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler5, taskContinuationFactory);24 var taskScheduler6 = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime, taskFactory6);25 var taskFactory7 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler6, taskContinuationFactory);26 var taskScheduler7 = new CoyoteTaskScheduler(runtime, taskFactory7);27 var taskFactory8 = new CoyoteTaskFactory(taskScheduler7

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1using Microsoft.Coyote;2using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;3using System;4{5 {6 static void Main(string[] args)7 {8 ActorRuntime runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create();9 ActorId actorId = runtime.CreateActor(typeof(HelloActor));10 runtime.SendEvent(actorId, new HelloEvent());11 runtime.WaitCompletion();12 runtime.Dispose();13 }14 }15 {16 public string Message { get; set; }17 }18 {19 protected override Task OnInitializeAsync(Event initialEvent)20 {21 Console.WriteLine("Hello from a Coyote Actor!");22 return Task.CompletedTask;23 }24 }25}26Coyote Actors API: Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorExecutionContext.SendEvent Method (ActorId, Event, EventInfo)27Coyote Actors API: Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorExecutionContext.SendEvent Method (ActorId, Event, EventInfo, SendOptions)28Coyote Actors API: Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.ActorRuntime.CreateActor Method (Type, ActorId, Event)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using Microsoft.Coyote.Actors;4using Microsoft.Coyote.SystematicTesting;5using Microsoft.Coyote.Tasks;6using Microsoft.Coyote;7{8 {9 public static async Task Main()10 {11 var config = Configuration.Create();12 config.MaxSchedulingSteps = 1000;13 config.MaxFairSchedulingSteps = 1000;14 config.MaxStepsFromEntryToExit = 1000;15 config.EnableCycleDetection = true;16 config.EnableDataRaceDetection = true;17 config.EnableIntegerOverflowDetection = true;18 config.EnableActorGarbageCollection = true;19 config.EnableBuggyActorFilter = true;20 config.EnableStateGraphVisualization = true;21 config.EnableStateGraphScheduling = true;22 config.EnableStateGraphTesting = true;23 config.EnableRandomExecution = true;24 config.EnableRandomTesting = true;25 config.EnableRandomScheduling = true;26 config.EnableFairScheduling = true;27 config.EnableUnfairScheduling = true;28 config.EnablePCTesting = true;29 config.EnableUnfairTesting = true;30 config.EnableFairTesting = true;31 config.EnableFullExploration = true;32 config.EnableActorTesting = true;33 config.EnableActorTestingCoverage = true;34 config.EnableActorTestingProfiling = true;35 config.EnableActorTestingPerformance = true;36 config.EnableActorTestingIteration = true;37 config.EnableActorTestingIterationPerformance = true;38 config.EnableActorTestingIterationProfiling = true;39 config.EnableActorTestingIterationCoverage = true;40 config.EnableActorTestingIterationVerbose = true;41 config.EnableActorTestingIterationDebugging = true;42 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTesting = true;43 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingPerformance = true;44 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingProfiling = true;45 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingCoverage = true;46 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingVerbose = true;47 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingDebugging = true;48 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingRandom = true;49 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingRandomPerformance = true;50 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingRandomProfiling = true;51 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingRandomCoverage = true;52 config.EnableActorTestingIterationTestingRandomVerbose = true;

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