How to use GetImage method of ImageGallery.Controllers.HomeController class

Best Coyote code snippet using ImageGallery.Controllers.HomeController.GetImage


Source:HomeController.cs Github


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...16 {17 public static string ImageGalleryServiceUrl;18 public HomeController(IServiceProvider provider)19 {20 ImageGalleryServiceUrl = Startup.GetImageGalleryServiceUrl(provider);21 }22 [Authorize]23 public async Task<IActionResult> Index([FromForm] GalleryViewModel model)24 {25 var user = GetUser();26 if (model == null) 27 {28 model = new GalleryViewModel() { User = user, RequestId = Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier };29 }30 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user))31 {32 var client = new ImageGalleryClient(new HttpClient(), ImageGalleryServiceUrl);33 var list = await client.GetNextImageListAsync(user, model.Continuation);34 if (list != null)35 {36 model.Images = list.Names;37 model.Continuation = list.ContinuationId;38 }39 }40 var result = View(model);41 result.ViewData["User"] = user;42 return result;43 }44 private string GetUser()45 {46 return User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "user").FirstOrDefault().Value;47 }48 [HttpPost]49 [Route("Upload")]50 public async Task<ActionResult> Upload()51 {52 try53 {54 var files = Request.Form.Files;55 int fileCount = files.Count;56 if (fileCount > 0)57 {58 for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)59 {60 var file = files[i];61 MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream();62 file.CopyTo(buffer);63 Image img = new Image()64 {65 Name = file.FileName,66 AccountId = GetUser(),67 Contents = buffer.ToArray()68 };69 var client = new ImageGalleryClient(new HttpClient(), ImageGalleryServiceUrl);70 await client.CreateOrUpdateImageAsync(img);71 }72 }73 return RedirectToAction("Index");74 }75 catch (Exception ex)76 {77 return View("Error", new ErrorViewModel() { RequestId = this.HttpContext.TraceIdentifier, Message = ex.Message, Trace = ex.StackTrace });78 }79 }80 [Authorize]81 public IActionResult MyClaims()82 {83 return View();84 }85 [Authorize]86 public async Task<IActionResult> GetImage(string id)87 {88 var user = GetUser();89 var client = new ImageGalleryClient(new HttpClient(), ImageGalleryServiceUrl);90 var image = await client.GetImageAsync(user, id);91 if (image == null)92 {93 return this.NotFound();94 }95 string ext = Path.GetExtension(image.Name).Trim('.');96 if (ext == null) ext = "png";97 // System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes($"c:\\temp\\test.{ext}", image.Contents);98 return this.File(image.Contents, $"image/{ext}");99 }100 [Authorize]101 public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteImage(string id)102 {103 var user = GetUser();104 var client = new ImageGalleryClient(new HttpClient(), ImageGalleryServiceUrl);...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Controllers;7{8 {9 public ActionResult Index()10 {11 return View();12 }13 public ActionResult GetImage(int id)14 {15 HomeController hc = new HomeController();16 var img = hc.GetImage(id);17 return File(img, "image/jpeg");18 }19 }20}21@{22 ViewBag.Title = "Index";23}24@{25 int i = 1;26 foreach (var item in Model)27 {

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Models;7using ImageGallery.Controllers;8using System.Drawing;9using System.Drawing.Imaging;10using System.IO;11using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;12{13 {14 public ActionResult Index()15 {16 return View();17 }18 public ActionResult About()19 {20 return View();21 }22 public ActionResult Contact()23 {24 return View();25 }26 public ActionResult GetImage(int id)27 {28 ImageGalleryEntities db = new ImageGalleryEntities();29 var image = db.Images.Find(id);30 if (image == null)31 {32 return HttpNotFound();33 }34 return File(image.ImageData, image.ImageMimeType);35 }36 }37}38using System;39using System.Collections.Generic;40using System.Linq;41using System.Web;42using System.Web.Mvc;43using ImageGallery.Models;44using ImageGallery.Controllers;45using System.Drawing;46using System.Drawing.Imaging;47using System.IO;48using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;49{50 {51 public ActionResult Index()52 {53 return View();54 }55 public ActionResult About()56 {57 return View();58 }59 public ActionResult Contact()60 {61 return View();62 }63 public ActionResult GetImage(int id)64 {65 ImageGalleryEntities db = new ImageGalleryEntities();66 var image = db.Images.Find(id);67 if (image == null)68 {69 return HttpNotFound();70 }71 return File(image.ImageData, image.ImageMimeType);72 }73 }74}75using System;76using System.Collections.Generic;77using System.Linq;78using System.Web;79using System.Web.Mvc;80using ImageGallery.Models;81using ImageGallery.Controllers;82using System.Drawing;83using System.Drawing.Imaging;84using System.IO;85using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;86{87 {88 public ActionResult Index()89 {90 return View();91 }92 public ActionResult About()93 {94 return View();95 }96 public ActionResult Contact()97 {98 return View();

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6{7 {8 public ActionResult Index()9 {10 return View();11 }12 public ActionResult GetImage()13 {14 return File("~/Images/1.jpg", "image/jpg");15 }16 }17}18using System;19using System.Collections.Generic;20using System.Linq;21using System.Web;22using System.Web.Mvc;23{24 {25 public ActionResult Index()26 {27 return View();28 }29 public ActionResult GetImage()30 {31 return File("~/Images/1.jpg", "image/jpg");32 }33 }34}35using System;36using System.Collections.Generic;37using System.Linq;38using System.Web;39using System.Web.Mvc;40{41 {42 public ActionResult Index()43 {44 return View();45 }46 public ActionResult GetImage()47 {48 return File("~/Images/1.jpg", "image/jpg");49 }50 }51}52using System;53using System.Collections.Generic;54using System.Linq;55using System.Web;56using System.Web.Mvc;57{58 {59 public ActionResult Index()60 {61 return View();62 }63 public ActionResult GetImage()64 {65 return File("~/Images/1.jpg", "image/jpg");66 }67 }68}69using System;70using System.Collections.Generic;71using System.Linq;72using System.Web;73using System.Web.Mvc;74{75 {76 public ActionResult Index()77 {78 return View();79 }80 public ActionResult GetImage()81 {82 return File("~/Images/1.jpg",

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6{7 {8 public ActionResult Index()9 {10 return View();11 }12 public ActionResult GetImage()13 {14 string imageId = Request.QueryString["imageId"];15 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageId))16 {17 return null;18 }19 string path = Server.MapPath("~/Images/" + imageId);20 return File(path, "image/jpg");21 }22 }23}24 <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>25 <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>26 <ProjectGuid>{B5F5E4F4-4E88-4C8A-A7B3-6C3D6CABF6A3}</ProjectGuid>27 <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">28 <DefineConstants>DEBUG;TRACE</DefineConstants>

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1ImageGallery.Controllers.HomeController controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.HomeController();2System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult result = controller.GetImage(1);3System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult viewResult = result as System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult;4if (viewResult != null)5{6 ImageGallery.Models.Image image = viewResult.Model as ImageGallery.Models.Image;7 if (image != null)8 {9 byte[] imageData = image.ImageData as byte[];10 if (imageData != null)11 {12 if (imageData.Length == 5)13 {14 if (imageData[0] == 1)15 {16 if (imageData[1] == 2)17 {18 if (imageData[2] == 3)19 {20 if (imageData[3] == 4)21 {22 if (imageData[4] == 5)23 {24 if (image.ImageMimeType == "image/png")25 {26 if (image.ImageName == "TestImage.png")27 {28 if (image.ImageId == 1)29 {30 if (image.Description == "TestImage")31 {32 if (image.Title == "TestImage")33 {34 if (image.CreatedDate == new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))35 {

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1ImageGallery.Controllers.HomeController home = new ImageGallery.Controllers.HomeController();2ImageGallery.Models.Image img = home.GetImage(id);3Response.Clear();4Response.ContentType = "image/" + img.Extension;5Response.BinaryWrite(img.Data);6Response.End();7public List<Image> GetImages()8{9 List<Image> images = new List<Image>();10 ImageGallery.Models.ImageGalleryEntities db = new ImageGallery.Models.ImageGalleryEntities();11 foreach (var img in db.Images)12 {13 images.Add(new Image { Data = img.Data, Extension = img.Extension });14 }15 return images;16}17public Image GetImage(int id)18{19 ImageGallery.Models.ImageGalleryEntities db = new ImageGallery.Models.ImageGalleryEntities();20 var img = db.Images.Find(id);21 return new Image { Data = img.Data, Extension = img.Extension };22}23public ViewResult Index()24{25 return View(GetImages());26}

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1var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 });2var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 }, Request.Url.Scheme);3var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 }, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host);4var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 }, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port);5var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 }, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port, true);6var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 }, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url.Port, true, true);7var url = Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = 1 }, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host, Request.Url

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