How to use Store method of ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController class

Best Coyote code snippet using ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController.Store


Source:MockImageGalleryClient.cs Github


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...7using ImageGallery.Client;8using ImageGallery.Controllers;9using ImageGallery.Logging;10using ImageGallery.Models;11using ImageGallery.Store.AzureStorage;12using ImageGallery.Store.Cosmos;13using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;14using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;15namespace ImageGallery.Tests.Mocks.Clients16{17 internal class MockImageGalleryClient : ImageGalleryClient18 {19 internal readonly IBlobContainerProvider AzureStorageProvider;20 internal readonly IClientProvider CosmosClientProvider;21 private IDatabaseProvider CosmosDbProvider;22 private readonly MockLogger Logger;23 public MockImageGalleryClient(Cosmos.MockCosmosState cosmosState, MockLogger logger) :24 base(null)25 {26 this.AzureStorageProvider = new AzureStorage.MockBlobContainerProvider(logger);27 this.CosmosClientProvider = new Cosmos.MockClientProvider(cosmosState, logger);28 this.Logger = logger;29 }30 internal async Task<IDatabaseProvider> InitializeCosmosDbAsync()31 {32 this.CosmosDbProvider = await this.CosmosClientProvider.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(Constants.DatabaseName);33 await this.CosmosDbProvider.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(Constants.AccountCollectionName, "/id");34 return this.CosmosDbProvider;35 }36 public override Task<bool> CreateAccountAsync(Account account)37 {38 var accountCopy = Clone(account);39 return Task.Run(async () =>40 {41 var controller = new AccountController(this.CosmosDbProvider, this.AzureStorageProvider, this.Logger);42 var actionResult = await InvokeControllerAction(async () => await controller.Create(accountCopy));43 var res = ExtractServiceResponse<Account>(actionResult.Result);44 if (!(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound))45 {46 throw new Exception($"Found unexpected error code: {res.StatusCode}");47 }48 return true;49 });50 }51 public override Task<bool> UpdateAccountAsync(Account updatedAccount)52 {53 var accountCopy = Clone(updatedAccount);54 return Task.Run(async () =>55 {56 var controller = new AccountController(this.CosmosDbProvider, this.AzureStorageProvider, this.Logger);57 var actionResult = await InvokeControllerAction(async () => await controller.Update(accountCopy));58 var res = ExtractServiceResponse<Account>(actionResult.Result);59 if (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)60 {61 return true;62 }63 else if (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)64 {65 return false;66 }67 if (!(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound))68 {69 throw new Exception($"Found unexpected error code: {res.StatusCode}");70 }71 return true;72 });73 }74 public override Task<Account> GetAccountAsync(string id)75 {76 return Task.Run(async () =>77 {78 var controller = new AccountController(this.CosmosDbProvider, this.AzureStorageProvider, this.Logger);79 var actionResult = await InvokeControllerAction(async () => await controller.Get(id));80 var res = ExtractServiceResponse<Account>(actionResult.Result);81 if (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)82 {83 return null;84 }85 if (!(res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound))86 {87 throw new Exception($"Found unexpected error code: {res.StatusCode}");88 }89 return Clone(res.Resource);90 });91 }92 public override Task<bool> DeleteAccountAsync(string id)93 {94 return Task.Run(async () =>95 {96 var controller = new AccountController(this.CosmosDbProvider, this.AzureStorageProvider, this.Logger);97 var actionResult = await InvokeControllerAction(async () => await controller.Delete(id));98 var statusCode = ExtractHttpStatusCode(actionResult);99 if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)100 {101 return true;102 }103 else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)104 {105 return false;106 }107 if (!(statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound))108 {109 throw new Exception($"Found unexpected error code: {statusCode}");110 }111 return true;112 });113 }114 public override Task<bool> CreateOrUpdateImageAsync(Image image)115 {116 var imageCopy = Clone(image);117 return Task.Run(async () =>118 {119 var controller = new GalleryController(this.CosmosDbProvider, this.AzureStorageProvider, this.Logger);120 var actionResult = await InvokeControllerAction(async () => await controller.Store(imageCopy));121 var statusCode = ExtractHttpStatusCode(actionResult);122 if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)123 {124 return true;125 }126 else if (statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)127 {128 return false;129 }130 if (!(statusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || statusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound))131 {132 throw new Exception($"Found unexpected error code: {statusCode}");133 }134 return true;...

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Source:GalleryController.cs Github


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1// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.2// Licensed under the MIT License.3using System.Threading.Tasks;4using ImageGallery.Models;5using ImageGallery.Store.AzureStorage;6using ImageGallery.Store.Cosmos;7using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;8using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;9using ImageGallery.Logging;10namespace ImageGallery.Controllers11{12 [ApiController]13 public class GalleryController : ControllerBase14 {15 private readonly IDatabaseProvider DatabaseProvider;16 private IContainerProvider AccountContainer;17 private readonly IBlobContainerProvider StorageProvider;18 private readonly ILogger Logger;19 public GalleryController(IDatabaseProvider databaseProvider, IBlobContainerProvider storageProvider, ILogger<ApplicationLogs> logger)20 {21 this.DatabaseProvider = databaseProvider;22 this.StorageProvider = storageProvider;23 this.Logger = logger;24 }25 private async Task<IContainerProvider> GetOrCreateContainer()26 {27 if (this.AccountContainer == null)28 {29 this.AccountContainer = await this.DatabaseProvider.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(Constants.AccountCollectionName, "/id");30 }31 return this.AccountContainer;32 }33 [HttpPut]34 [Produces(typeof(ActionResult))]35 [Route("api/gallery/store")]36 public async Task<ActionResult> Store(Image image)37 {38 this.Logger.LogInformation("Storing image with name '{0}' and acccount id '{1}'.",39 image.Name, image.AccountId);40 // First, check if the account exists in Cosmos DB.41 var container = await GetOrCreateContainer();42 var exists = await container.ExistsItemAsync<AccountEntity>(image.AccountId, image.AccountId);43 if (!exists)44 {45 return this.NotFound();46 }47 // BUG: calling the following APIs after checking if the account exists is racy and can48 // fail due to another concurrent request.49 // The account exists exists, so we can store the image to the blob storage.50 var containerName = Constants.GetContainerName(image.AccountId);...

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Models;7using ImageGallery.Controllers;8{9 {10 public ActionResult Index()11 {12 return View();13 }14 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)15 {16 if (file != null)17 {18 GalleryController gallery = new GalleryController();19 gallery.Store(file);20 }21 return View();22 }23 }24}25using System;26using System.Collections.Generic;27using System.Linq;28using System.Web;29using System.Web.Mvc;30using ImageGallery.Models;31using ImageGallery.Controllers;32{33 {34 public ActionResult Index()35 {36 return View();37 }38 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)39 {40 if (file != null)41 {42 GalleryController gallery = new GalleryController();43 gallery.Store(file);44 }45 return View();46 }47 }48}49using System;50using System.Collections.Generic;51using System.Linq;52using System.Web;53using System.Web.Mvc;54using ImageGallery.Models;55using ImageGallery.Controllers;56{57 {58 public ActionResult Index()59 {60 return View();61 }62 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)63 {64 if (file != null)65 {66 GalleryController gallery = new GalleryController();67 gallery.Store(file);68 }69 return View();70 }71 }72}73using System;74using System.Collections.Generic;75using System.Linq;76using System.Web;77using System.Web.Mvc;78using ImageGallery.Models;79using ImageGallery.Controllers;80{81 {82 public ActionResult Index()83 {84 return View();85 }86 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)87 {88 if (file != null)89 {90 GalleryController gallery = new GalleryController();91 gallery.Store(file);92 }93 return View();

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Models;7using System.IO;8{9 {10 private GalleryContext db = new GalleryContext();11 public ActionResult Index()12 {13 return View(db.GalleryItems.ToList());14 }15 public ActionResult Store(HttpPostedFileBase file)16 {17 if (file != null)18 {19 string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);20 string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images"), fileName);21 file.SaveAs(path);22 GalleryItem item = new GalleryItem();23 item.ImagePath = fileName;24 db.GalleryItems.Add(item);25 db.SaveChanges();26 }27 return RedirectToAction("Index");28 }29 }30}31using System;32using System.Collections.Generic;33using System.Linq;34using System.Web;35using System.Web.Mvc;36using ImageGallery.Models;37using System.IO;38{39 {40 private GalleryContext db = new GalleryContext();41 public ActionResult Index()42 {43 return View(db.GalleryItems.ToList());44 }45 public ActionResult Store(HttpPostedFileBase file)46 {47 if (file != null)48 {49 string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);50 string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images"), fileName);51 file.SaveAs(path);52 GalleryItem item = new GalleryItem();53 item.ImagePath = fileName;54 db.GalleryItems.Add(item);55 db.SaveChanges();56 }57 return RedirectToAction("Index");58 }59 public ActionResult Delete(int id)60 {61 GalleryItem item = db.GalleryItems.Find(id);62 string fullPath = Request.MapPath("~/Images/" + item.ImagePath);63 db.GalleryItems.Remove(item);64 db.SaveChanges();65 if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))66 {67 System.IO.File.Delete(fullPath);68 }69 return RedirectToAction("Index");70 }71 }72}73using System;74using System.Collections.Generic;75using System.Linq;76using System.Web;77using System.Web.Mvc;78using ImageGallery.Models;

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Models;7using ImageGallery.Controllers;8using System.IO;9{10 {11 public ActionResult Index()12 {13 return View();14 }15 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)16 {17 if (file != null)18 {19 }20 return View();21 }22 }23}24using System;25using System.Collections.Generic;26using System.Linq;27using System.Web;28using System.Web.Mvc;29using ImageGallery.Models;30using ImageGallery.Controllers;31using System.IO;32{33 {34 public ActionResult Index()35 {36 return View();37 }38 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)39 {40 if (file != null)41 {42 var galleryController = new GalleryController();43 galleryController.Store(file);44 ViewBag.Message = "File Uploaded Successfully!!";45 }46 return View();47 }48 }49}50using System;51using System.Collections.Generic;52using System.Linq;53using System.Web;54using System.Web.Mvc;55using ImageGallery.Models;56using ImageGallery.Controllers;57using System.IO;58{59 {60 public ActionResult Index()61 {62 return View();63 }64 public ActionResult Index(HttpPostedFileBase file)65 {66 if (file != null)67 {

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Controllers;7using ImageGallery.Models;8{9 {10 public ActionResult Index()11 {12 GalleryController gc = new GalleryController();13 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 1, Name = "Image1", Path = "1.jpg" });14 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 2, Name = "Image2", Path = "2.jpg" });15 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 3, Name = "Image3", Path = "3.jpg" });16 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 4, Name = "Image4", Path = "4.jpg" });17 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 5, Name = "Image5", Path = "5.jpg" });18 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 6, Name = "Image6", Path = "6.jpg" });19 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 7, Name = "Image7", Path = "7.jpg" });20 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 8, Name = "Image8", Path = "8.jpg" });21 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 9, Name = "Image9", Path = "9.jpg" });22 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 10, Name = "Image10", Path = "10.jpg" });23 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 11, Name = "Image11", Path = "11.jpg" });24 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 12, Name = "Image12", Path = "12.jpg" });25 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 13, Name = "Image13", Path = "13.jpg" });26 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 14, Name = "Image14", Path = "14.jpg" });27 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 15, Name = "Image15", Path = "15.jpg" });28 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 16, Name = "Image16", Path = "16.jpg" });29 gc.Store(new ImageModel { ID = 17, Name = "Image17", Path = "17.jpg" });

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using ImageGallery.Models;7using ImageGallery.Controllers;8using System.IO;9using System.Web.Helpers;10{11 {12 public ActionResult Index()13 {14 return View();15 }16 public ActionResult Index(ImageModel model)17 {18 if (model.ImageFile.ContentLength > 0)19 {20 string _FileName = Path.GetFileName(model.ImageFile.FileName);21 string _path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Image"), _FileName);22 model.ImageFile.SaveAs(_path);23 GalleryController gallery = new GalleryController();24 gallery.Store(_path, _FileName);25 }26 return View();27 }28 }29}30using System;31using System.Collections.Generic;32using System.Linq;33using System.Web;34using System.Web.Mvc;35using ImageGallery.Models;36using System.IO;37using System.Web.Helpers;38{39 {40 ImageGalleryEntities db = new ImageGalleryEntities();41 public ActionResult Index()42 {43 return View();44 }45 public ActionResult ViewGallery()46 {47 return View(db.Galleries.ToList());48 }49 public void Store(string path, string name)50 {51 Gallery gallery = new Gallery();52 gallery.ImagePath = path;53 gallery.ImageName = name;54 db.Galleries.Add(gallery);55 db.SaveChanges();56 }57 }58}59using System;60using System.Collections.Generic;61using System.Linq;62using System.Web;63using System.Web.Mvc;64using ImageGallery.Models;65using System.IO;66using System.Web.Helpers;67{

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1using (var client = new HttpClient())2{3 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();4 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("1.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "1.jpg");5 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;6 Console.WriteLine(response);7 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);8}9using (var client = new HttpClient())10{11 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();12 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("2.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "2.jpg");13 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;14 Console.WriteLine(response);15 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);16}17using (var client = new HttpClient())18{19 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();20 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("3.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "3.jpg");21 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;22 Console.WriteLine(response);23 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);24}25using (var client = new HttpClient())26{27 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();28 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("4.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "4.jpg");29 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;30 Console.WriteLine(response);31 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);32}33using (var client = new HttpClient())34{35 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();36 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("5.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "5.jpg");

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using System.IO;7using System.Drawing;8using System.Drawing.Imaging;9using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;10using ImageGallery.Models;11using ImageGallery.Controllers;12using ImageGallery.Controllers;13{14 {15 public ActionResult Index()16 {17 return View();18 }19 public ActionResult Store()20 {21 return View();22 }23 public ActionResult Store(HttpPostedFileBase file)24 {25 if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)26 {27 {28 string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images"),29 Path.GetFileName(file.FileName));30 file.SaveAs(path);31 using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(path))32 {33 int width = 100;34 int height = 100;35 using (Bitmap thumb = new Bitmap(width, height))36 {37 using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumb))38 {39 g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;40 g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);41 thumb.Save(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images"),42 Path.GetFileName("thumb_" + file.FileName)));43 }44 }45 }46 ViewBag.Message = "File uploaded successfully";47 return View();48 }49 catch (Exception ex)50 {51 ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString();52 return View();53 }54 }55 {56 ViewBag.Message = "You have not specified a file.";57 return View();58 }59 }60 }61}

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1public ActionResult Index()2{3 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()4 {5 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()6 };7 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();8 var result = controller.Store(img);9 return result;10}11public ActionResult Index()12{13 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()14 {15 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()16 };17 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();18 var result = controller.Store(img);19 return result;20}21public ActionResult Index()22{23 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()24 {25 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()26 };27 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();28 var result = controller.Store(img);29 return result;30}31public ActionResult Index()32{33 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()34 {35 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()36 };37 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();38 var result = controller.Store(img);39 return result;40}41public ActionResult Index()42{43 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()44 {45 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()46 };47 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();48 var result = controller.Store(img);49 return result;50}51public ActionResult Index()52{53 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()54 {55 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()56 };57 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();

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1var galleryController = new GalleryController();2galleryController.Store(new ImageGallery.Models.Image3{4 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileWrapper(new HttpPostedFile("image1.jpg", "image/jpeg", 100))5});6@{7 ViewBag.Title = "Index";8}9@using (Html.BeginForm("Delete", "Gallery", FormMethod.Post))10{11 @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.IsSelected)12 @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name)13 @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.ImageFile)14@foreach (var item in Model) {15 @Html.EditorFor(modelItem => item.IsSelected)16 @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)17 @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ImageFile)18 @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.Id }) |19 @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id=item.Id }) |20 @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id=item.Id })21 }22}23}24public ActionResult Index()25{26 var images = db.Images.ToList();27 return View(images);28}29 }30 catch (Exception ex)31 {32 ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString();33 return View();34 }35 }36 {37 ViewBag.Message = "You have not specified a file.";38 return View();39 }40 }41 }42}

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1public ActionResult Index()2{3 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()4 {5 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()6 };7 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();8 var result = controller.Store(img);9 return result;10}11public ActionResult Index()12{13 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()14 {15 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()16 };17 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();18 var result = controller.Store(img);19 return result;20}21public ActionResult Index()22{23 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()24 {25 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()26 };27 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();28 var result = controller.Store(img);29 return result;30}31public ActionResult Index()32{33 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()34 {35 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()36 };37 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();38 var result = controller.Store(img);39 return result;40}41public ActionResult Index()42{43 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()44 {45 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()46 };47 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();48 var result = controller.Store(img);49 return result;50}51public ActionResult Index()52{53 var img = new ImageGallery.Models.Image()54 {55 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileBase()56 };57 var controller = new ImageGallery.Controllers.GalleryController();

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1using (var client = new HttpClient())2{3 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();4 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("1.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "1.jpg");5 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;6 Console.WriteLine(response);7 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);8}9using (var client = new HttpClient())10{11 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();12 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("2.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "2.jpg");13 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;14 Console.WriteLine(response);15 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);16}17using (var client = new HttpClient())18{19 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();20 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("3.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "3.jpg");21 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;22 Console.WriteLine(response);23 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);24}25using (var client = new HttpClient())26{27 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();28 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("4.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "4.jpg");29 var response = client.PostAsync("api/gallery/store", content).Result;30 Console.WriteLine(response);31 Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);32}33using (var client = new HttpClient())34{35 var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();36 content.Add(new StreamContent(new FileStream("5.jpg", FileMode.Open)), "file", "5.jpg");

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1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Web;5using System.Web.Mvc;6using System.IO;7using System.Drawing;8using System.Drawing.Imaging;9using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;10using ImageGallery.Models;11using ImageGallery.Controllers;12using ImageGallery.Controllers;13{14 {15 public ActionResult Index()16 {17 return View();18 }19 public ActionResult Store()20 {21 return View();22 }23 public ActionResult Store(HttpPostedFileBase file)24 {25 if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)26 {27 {28 string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images"),29 Path.GetFileName(file.FileName));30 file.SaveAs(path);31 using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(path))32 {33 int width = 100;34 int height = 100;35 using (Bitmap thumb = new Bitmap(width, height))36 {37 using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumb))38 {39 g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;40 g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);41 thumb.Save(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Images"),42 Path.GetFileName("thumb_" + file.FileName)));43 }44 }45 }46 ViewBag.Message = "File uploaded successfully";47 return View();48 }49 catch (Exception ex)50 {51 ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString();52 return View();53 }54 }55 {56 ViewBag.Message = "You have not specified a file.";57 return View();58 }59 }60 }61}

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1var galleryController = new GalleryController();2galleryController.Store(new ImageGallery.Models.Image3{4 ImageFile = new HttpPostedFileWrapper(new HttpPostedFile("image1.jpg", "image/jpeg", 100))5});6@{7 ViewBag.Title = "Index";8}9@using (Html.BeginForm("Delete", "Gallery", FormMethod.Post))10{11 @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.IsSelected)12 @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name)13 @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.ImageFile)14@foreach (var item in Model) {15 @Html.EditorFor(modelItem => item.IsSelected)16 @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)17 @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.ImageFile)18 @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.Id }) |19 @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id=item.Id }) |20 @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id=item.Id })21 }22}23}24public ActionResult Index()25{26 var images = db.Images.ToList();27 return View(images);28}

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