Best Atata code snippet using Atata.UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner.UnwrapScriptArguments
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var page = Go.To<SamplePage>();12 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0])", "Hello World!");13 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", "Hello", "World!");14 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" });15 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" }.UnwrapScriptArguments());16 }17 }18}19using System;20using System.Collections.Generic;21using System.Linq;22using System.Text;23using System.Threading.Tasks;24using Atata;25{26 {27 static void Main(string[] args)28 {29 var page = Go.To<SamplePage>();30 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0])", "Hello World!");31 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", "Hello", "World!");32 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" });33 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" }.UnwrapScriptArguments());34 }35 }36}37using System;38using System.Collections.Generic;39using System.Linq;40using System.Text;41using System.Threading.Tasks;42using Atata;43{44 {45 static void Main(string[] args)46 {47 var page = Go.To<SamplePage>();48 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0])", "Hello World!");49 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' +
Using AI Code Generation
1using System;2using System.Collections.Generic;3using System.Linq;4using System.Text;5using System.Threading.Tasks;6using Atata;7{8 {9 static void Main(string[] args)10 {11 var page = Go.To<SamplePage>();12 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0])", "Hello World!");13 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", "Hello", "World!");14 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" });15 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" }.UnwrapScriptArguments());16 }17 }18}19using System;20using System.Collections.Generic;21using System.Linq;22using System.Text;23using System.Threading.Tasks;24using Atata;25{26 {27 static void Main(string[] args)28 {29 var page = Go.To<SamplePage>();30 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0])", "Hello World!");31 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", "Hello", "World!");32 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" });33 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1])", new object[] { "Hello", "World!" }.UnwrapScriptArguments());34 }35 }36}37using System;38using System.Collections.Generic;39using System.Linq;40using System.Text;41using System.Threading.Tasks;42using Atata;43{44 {45 static void Main(string[] args)46 {47 var page = Go.To<SamplePage>();48 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0])", "Hello World!");49 page.ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript("alert(arguments[0] + ' ' +
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 {3 public static UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> UnwrapScriptArguments<TOwner>(this UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> scriptExecutor, params object[] args)4 {5 var unwrappedArgs = new object[args.Length];6 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)7 {8 unwrappedArgs[i] = args[i] is UIComponent<TOwner> component ? component.Scope : args[i];9 }10 scriptExecutor.Args(unwrappedArgs);11 return scriptExecutor;12 }13 }14}15{16 {17 public static UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> UnwrapScriptArguments<TOwner>(this UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> scriptExecutor, params object[] args)18 {19 var unwrappedArgs = new object[args.Length];20 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)21 {22 unwrappedArgs[i] = args[i] is UIComponent<TOwner> component ? component.Scope : args[i];23 }24 scriptExecutor.Args(unwrappedArgs);25 return scriptExecutor;26 }27 }28}29{30 {31 public static UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> UnwrapScriptArguments<TOwner>(this UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> scriptExecutor, params object[] args)32 {33 var unwrappedArgs = new object[args.Length];34 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)35 {36 unwrappedArgs[i] = args[i] is UIComponent<TOwner> component ? component.Scope : args[i];37 }38 scriptExecutor.Args(unwrappedArgs);39 return scriptExecutor;40 }41 }42}
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void _5()6 {7 Table.Rows[x => x.Index == 3].Name.Should.Equal("Alice");8 }9 }10}11 Table.Rows[x => x.Index == 3].Name.Should.Be("Alice");
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3{4 {5 public void _5()6 {7 Table.Rows[x => x.Index == 3].Name.Should.Equal("Alice");8 }9 }10}11 Table.Rows[x => x.Index == 3].Name.Should.Be("Alice");12 Table.Rows[x => x.Index == 1].Name.Should.Equal("John"). System;13using System.Collections.Generic;14using System.Linq;15using System.Text;16using System.Threading.Tasks;17{18 {19 public UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner(UIComponent component, string script, object[] arguments)20 : base(component, script, arguments)21 {22 }23 public new UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner UnwrapScriptArguments()24 {25 return (UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner)base.UnwrapScriptArguments();26 }t = driver.ExecuteScript<string>("
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public void Test()3 {4 Go.To<PageWithScript>();5 var resul AtataContext.Current.Page.ScriptExecutor.UnwrapScriptArguments("return {0} + {1}", 5, 7);6 Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(12));7 }8}9{10 public void Test()11 {12 Go.To<PageWithScript>();13 ar result = AtataContext.Currnt.Page.ScriptExecutor.UnwrapScriptArguments("return {0} + {1}", 5, 7);14 AssetThat(result, Is.qualTo(12));15 }16}17{18 ublic void Tes()19 {20 Go.ToPageWithScript>();21 var result = AtataContext.Current.Page.ScriptExecutor.UnwrapScriptArguments("return {0} + {1}", 5, 7);22 Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(12));23 }24}25{26 public void Test()27 {28 Go.To<PageWithScript();29 var result = AtataContext.Current.Page.ScriptExecutor.UnwrapScriptArguments"return {0} + {1}, 5,30 }31}32using System;33using System.Collections.Generic;34using System.Linq;35using System.Text;36using System.Threading.Tasks;37{38 {39 public UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner(UIComponent component, string script, object[] arguments)40 : base(component, script, arguments)41 {42 }43 public new UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner UnwrapScriptArguments()44 {45 return (UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner)base.UnwrapScriptArguments();46 }47 }48}49using System;50using System.Collections.Generic;51using System.Linq;52using System.Text;53using System.Threading.Tasks;54{55 {56 public UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner(UIComponent component, string script, object[] arguments)57 : base(component, script, arguments)58 {59 }60 public new UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner UnwrapScriptArguments()61 {62 return (UIComponentScriptExecutorTOwner)base.UnwrapScriptArguments();63 }64 }65}
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 {3 public static UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> UnwrapScriptArguments<TOwner>(this UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> scriptExecutor, params object[] args)4 {5 var unwrappedArgs = new object[args.Length];6 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)7 {8 unwrappedArgs[i] = args[i] is UIComponent<TOwner> component ? component.Scope : args[i];9 }10 scriptExecutor.Args(unwrappedArgs);11 return scriptExecutor;12 }13 }14}15{16 {17 public static UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> UnwrapScriptArguments<TOwner>(this UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> scriptExecutor, params object[] args)18 {19 var unwrappedArgs = new object[args.Length];20 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)21 {22 unwrappedArgs[i] = args[i] is UIComponent<TOwner> component ? component.Scope : args[i];23 }24 scriptExecutor.Args(unwrappedArgs);25 return scriptExecutor;26 }27 }28}29{30 {31 public static UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> UnwrapScriptArguments<TOwner>(this UIComponentScriptExecutor<TOwner> scriptExecutor, params object[] args)32 {33 var unwrappedArgs = new object[args.Length];34 for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)35 {36 unwrappedArgs[i] = args[i] is UIComponent<TOwner> component ? component.Scope : args[i];37 }38 scriptExecutor.Args(unwrappedArgs);39 return scriptExecutor;40 }41 }42}
Using AI Code Generation
1using Atata;2using NUnit.Framework;3using OpenQA.Selenium;4using System;5using System.Collections.Generic;6using System.Linq;7using System.Text;8using System.Threading.Tasks;9{10 {11 public void Test()12 {13 using (IWebDriver driver = new OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver())14 {15 IWebElement searchBox = driver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));16 searchBox.SendKeys("Atata");17 searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter);18 driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);19 Assert.AreEqual("Atata - Automated Testing in .NET", firstResult.Text);20 string text = driver.ExecuteScript<string>("return arguments[0].getAttribute('value')", searchBox);21 Assert.AreEqual("Atata", text);22 string text2 = driver.ExecuteScript<string>("return arguments[0].getAttribute('value')", searchBox.UnwrapScriptArguments());23 Assert.AreEqual("Atata", text2);24 }25 }26 }27}28using Atata;29using NUnit.Framework;30using OpenQA.Selenium;31using System;32using System.Collections.Generic;33using System.Linq;34using System.Text;35using System.Threading.Tasks;36{37 {38 public void Test()39 {40 using (IWebDriver driver = new OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver())41 {42 IWebElement searchBox = driver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));43 searchBox.SendKeys("Atata");44 searchBox.SendKeys(Keys.Enter);45 driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);46 Assert.AreEqual("Atata - Automated Testing in .NET", firstResult.Text);47 string text = driver.ExecuteScript<string>("
Using AI Code Generation
1public void _05_ScriptExecutor_UnwrapScriptArguments()2{3 ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript(4 Should.Equal("Atata");5 ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript(6 new { value = "Atata" },7 Should.Equal("{\"value\":\"Atata\"}");8 ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript(9 new { value = "Atata" },10 new { value = "Atata" },11 Should.Equal("{}");12 ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript(13 new { value = "Atata" },14 new { value = "Atata" },15 new { value = "Atata" },16 Should.Equal("Atata");17 ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript(18 new { value = "Atata" },19 new { value = "Atata" },20 new { value = "Atata" },21 new { name = "Atata" },22 new { name = "At
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