Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Payload
Source: PuppeteerBrowser.cs
...136 await MetaMaskPage.BringToFrontAsync();137 await MetaMaskPage.GoToAsync(_UrlMetaMashPopup);138 await Task.Delay(2000);139 }140 public async Task<IList<PayloadDragonPage>> GetPageInfosAsync(MyPageDragonDTO myPageDragonDTO)141 {142 var lstData = new List<PayloadDragonPage>();143 for (int i = 1; i <= myPageDragonDTO.Payload.TotalPage; i++)144 {145 var client = new RestClient($"{i}&rowPerPage=12&type=DRAGON");146 var request = new RestRequest();147 request.Method = Method.Get;148 request.AddHeader("wallet", _Option.Wallet);149 var response = await client.ExecuteAsync<MyPageDragonDTO>(request);150 lstData.Add(response.Data.Payload);151 }152 return lstData;153 }154 public async Task<IList<CardInfo>> GetCardItemsAsync(int page)155 {156 await Task.Delay(2000);157 await GotoNavigatePageAsync(page);158 var lstData = new List<CardInfo>();159 var lstTemp = await RootPage.QuerySelectorAllAsync(".grid > div.relative");160 var regexSpan = new Regex(@"^\s*#\d+\s*$");161 var regexbtn = new Regex(@"^\s*Adventure\s*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);162 foreach (var item in lstTemp)163 {164 var spans = await item.QuerySelectorAllAsync("span");165 var card = new CardInfo();166 foreach (var span in spans)167 {168 var content = await span.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("e => e.textContent", item);169 if (regexSpan.IsMatch(content))170 {171 card.Id = content;172 break;173 }174 }175 //var buttons = await item.QuerySelectorAllAsync("button");176 //foreach (var button in buttons)177 //{178 // var content = await button.EvaluateFunctionAsync<string>("e => e.textContent", item);179 // if (regexbtn.IsMatch(content))180 // {181 // await item.ClickAsync();182 // card.AdventureButton = item;183 // break;184 // }185 //}186 lstData.Add(card);187 }188 return lstData;189 }190 public IList<HashSet<string>> GetAdventureForPage(AppInfo appInfo)191 {192 return appInfo.PayloadDragonPages.Select(x =>193 {194 var temp = (from d in x.Data195 join a in appInfo.AdventureInfo.Payload196 on d.Id equals a197 select $"#{a}");198 return temp.ToHashSet();199 }).ToList();200 }201 public async Task AdventureClickAsync(int index)202 {203 await RootPage.BringToFrontAsync();204 await RootPage.ClickAsync($".grid > div.relative:nth-child({index + 1}) button:nth-child(2)");205 }206 public async Task RunAdventureClick(AppInfo appInfo)207 {208 await Task.Delay(2000);209 //var lstPage = GetAdventureForPage(appInfo);210 var lstAdventure = appInfo.AdventureInfo.Payload.Select(x => $"#{x}").ToHashSet();211 var AmountPages = appInfo.DragonPageInfo.Payload.TotalPage;212 for (int page = 0; page < AmountPages; page++)213 {214 //foreach (var item in lstPage)215 //{216 var lstTemp = await GetCardItemsAsync(page + 1);217 if (lstTemp.Count < 1) break;218 for (int i = 0; i < lstTemp.Count; i++)219 {220 var card = lstTemp[i];221 try222 {223 if (card != null && lstAdventure.Contains(card.Id.Trim()))224 {225 await Task.Delay(2000);...
Source: Program.cs
...39 catch (Exception ex)40 {41 Console.WriteLine($"FAILED: error parsing response - {ex.Message}");42 }43 var devicePayloads = json.Extensions44 .Where(extension => extension.Type == "emulated-device")45 .Select(extension => extension.Device)46 .ToArray();47 var devices = new List<OutputDevice>();48 foreach (var payload in devicePayloads)49 {50 string[] names;51 if (payload.Title == "iPhone 6/7/8")52 {53 names = new[] { "iPhone 6", "iPhone 7", "iPhone 8" };54 }55 else if (payload.Title == "iPhone 6/7/8 Plus")56 {57 names = new[] { "iPhone 6 Plus", "iPhone 7 Plus", "iPhone 8 Plus" };58 }59 else if (payload.Title == "iPhone 5/SE")60 {61 names = new[] { "iPhone 5", "iPhone SE" };62 }63 else64 {65 names = new[] { payload.Title };66 }67 foreach (var name in names)68 {69 var device = CreateDevice(chromeVersion, name, payload, false);70 var landscape = CreateDevice(chromeVersion, name, payload, true);71 devices.Add(device);72 if (landscape.Viewport.Width != device.Viewport.Width || landscape.Viewport.Height != device.Viewport.Height)73 {74 devices.Add(landscape);75 }76 }77 }78 devices.RemoveAll(device => !device.Viewport.IsMobile);79 devices.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name));80 WriteDeviceDescriptors(devices);81 WriteDeviceDescriptorName(devices);82 }83 static void WriteDeviceDescriptors(IEnumerable<OutputDevice> devices)84 {85 var builder = new StringBuilder();86 var begin = @"using System.Collections.Generic;87namespace PuppeteerSharp.Mobile88{89 /// <summary>90 /// Device descriptors.91 /// </summary>92 public class DeviceDescriptors93 {94 private static readonly Dictionary<DeviceDescriptorName, DeviceDescriptor> Devices = new Dictionary<DeviceDescriptorName, DeviceDescriptor>95 {96";97 var end = @"98 };99 100 /// <summary>101 /// Get the specified device description.102 /// </summary>103 /// <returns>The device descriptor.</returns>104 /// <param name=""name"">Device Name.</param>105 public static DeviceDescriptor Get(DeviceDescriptorName name) => Devices[name];106 }107}";108 builder.Append(begin);109 builder.AppendJoin(",\n", devices.Select(GenerateCsharpFromDevice));110 builder.Append(end);111 File.WriteAllText(deviceDescriptorsOutput, builder.ToString());112 }113 static void WriteDeviceDescriptorName(IEnumerable<OutputDevice> devices)114 {115 var builder = new StringBuilder();116 var begin = @"namespace PuppeteerSharp.Mobile117{118 /// <summary>119 /// Device descriptor name.120 /// </summary>121 public enum DeviceDescriptorName122 {";123 var end = @"124 }125}";126 builder.Append(begin);127 builder.AppendJoin(",", devices.Select(device =>128 {129 return $@"130 /// <summary>131 /// {device.Name}132 /// </summary>133 {DeviceNameToEnumValue(device)}";134 }));135 builder.Append(end);136 File.WriteAllText(deviceDescriptorNameOutput, builder.ToString());137 }138 static string GenerateCsharpFromDevice(OutputDevice device)139 {140 var w = string.Empty;141 return $@" [DeviceDescriptorName.{DeviceNameToEnumValue(device)}] = new DeviceDescriptor142 {{143 Name = ""{device.Name}"",144 UserAgent = ""{device.UserAgent}"",145 ViewPort = new ViewPortOptions146 {{147 Width = {device.Viewport.Width},148 Height = {device.Viewport.Height},149 DeviceScaleFactor = {device.Viewport.DeviceScaleFactor},150 IsMobile = {device.Viewport.IsMobile.ToString().ToLower()},151 HasTouch = {device.Viewport.HasTouch.ToString().ToLower()},152 IsLandscape = {device.Viewport.IsLandscape.ToString().ToLower()}153 }}154 }}";155 }156 static string DeviceNameToEnumValue(OutputDevice device)157 {158 var output = new StringBuilder();159 output.Append(char.ToUpper(device.Name[0]));160 for (var i = 1; i < device.Name.Length; i++)161 {162 if (char.IsWhiteSpace(device.Name[i]))163 {164 output.Append(char.ToUpper(device.Name[i + 1]));165 i++;166 }167 else168 {169 output.Append(device.Name[i]);170 }171 }172 return output.ToString();173 }174 static OutputDevice CreateDevice(string chromeVersion, string deviceName, RootObject.Device descriptor, bool landscape)175 {176 var devicePayload = LoadFromJSONV1(descriptor);177 var viewportPayload = landscape ? devicePayload.Horizontal : devicePayload.Vertical;178 return new OutputDevice179 {180 Name = deviceName + (landscape ? " landscape" : string.Empty),181 UserAgent = devicePayload.UserAgent.Replace("%s", chromeVersion),182 Viewport = new OutputDevice.OutputDeviceViewport183 {184 Width = viewportPayload.Width,185 Height = viewportPayload.Height,186 DeviceScaleFactor = devicePayload.DeviceScaleFactor,187 IsMobile = devicePayload.Capabilities.Contains("mobile"),188 HasTouch = devicePayload.Capabilities.Contains("touch"),189 IsLandscape = landscape190 }191 };192 }193 static DevicePayload LoadFromJSONV1(RootObject.Device json) => new DevicePayload194 {195 Type = json.Type,196 UserAgent = json.UserAgent,197 Capabilities = json.Capabilities.ToHashSet(),198 DeviceScaleFactor = json.Screen.DevicePixelRatio,199 Horizontal = new ViewportPayload200 {201 Height = json.Screen.Horizontal.Height,202 Width = json.Screen.Horizontal.Width203 },204 Vertical = new ViewportPayload205 {206 Height = json.Screen.Vertical.Height,207 Width = json.Screen.Vertical.Width208 }209 };210 static Task<string> HttpGET(string url) => new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(url);211 }212}...
Source: FrameManager.cs
...39 case "Page.frameAttached":40 OnFrameAttached(e.MessageData.frameId.ToString(), e.MessageData.parentFrameId.ToString());41 break;42 case "Page.frameNavigated":43 OnFrameNavigated(((JObject)e.MessageData.frame).ToObject<FramePayload>());44 break;45 case "Page.frameDetached":46 OnFrameDetached(e.MessageData.frameId.ToString());47 break;48 case "Runtime.executionContextCreated":49 OnExecutionContextCreated(new ContextPayload(e.MessageData.context));50 break;51 case "Runtime.executionContextDestroyed":52 OnExecutionContextDestroyed((int)e.MessageData.executionContextId);53 break;54 case "Runtime.executionContextsCleared":55 OnExecutionContextsCleared();56 break;57 case "Page.lifecycleEvent":58 OnLifeCycleEvent(e);59 break;60 default:61 break;62 }63 }64 private void OnLifeCycleEvent(MessageEventArgs e)65 {66 if (Frames.ContainsKey(e.MessageData.frameId.ToString()))67 {68 Frame frame = Frames[e.MessageData.frameId.ToString()];69 frame.OnLifecycleEvent(e.MessageData.loaderId.ToString(),;70 LifecycleEvent?.Invoke(this, new FrameEventArgs(frame));71 }72 }73 private void OnExecutionContextsCleared()74 {75 foreach (var context in _contextIdToContext.Values)76 {77 RemoveContext(context);78 }79 _contextIdToContext.Clear();80 }81 private void OnExecutionContextDestroyed(int executionContextId)82 {83 _contextIdToContext.TryGetValue(executionContextId, out var context);84 if (context != null)85 {86 _contextIdToContext.Remove(executionContextId);87 RemoveContext(context);88 }89 }90 public JSHandle CreateJsHandle(int contextId, dynamic remoteObject)91 {92 _contextIdToContext.TryGetValue(contextId, out var storedContext);93 if (storedContext == null)94 {95 _logger.LogError("INTERNAL ERROR: missing context with id = {ContextId}", contextId);96 }97 if (remoteObject.subtype == "node")98 {99 return new ElementHandle(storedContext, _client, remoteObject, _page);100 }101 return new JSHandle(storedContext, _client, remoteObject);102 }103 private void OnExecutionContextCreated(ContextPayload contextPayload)104 {105 var context = new ExecutionContext(_client, contextPayload,106 remoteObject => CreateJsHandle(contextPayload.Id, remoteObject));107 _contextIdToContext[contextPayload.Id] = context;108 var frame = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.FrameId) ? Frames[context.FrameId] : null;109 if (frame != null && context.IsDefault)110 {111 frame.SetDefaultContext(context);112 }113 }114 private void OnFrameDetached(string frameId)115 {116 if (Frames.ContainsKey(frameId))117 {118 RemoveFramesRecursively(Frames[frameId]);119 }120 }121 private void OnFrameNavigated(FramePayload framePayload)122 {123 var isMainFrame = string.IsNullOrEmpty(framePayload.ParentId);124 var frame = isMainFrame ? MainFrame : Frames[framePayload.Id];125 Contract.Assert(isMainFrame || frame != null, "We either navigate top level or have old version of the navigated frame");126 // Detach all child frames first.127 if (frame != null)128 {129 while (frame.ChildFrames.Count > 0)130 {131 RemoveFramesRecursively(frame.ChildFrames[0]);132 }133 }134 // Update or create main frame.135 if (isMainFrame)136 {137 if (frame != null)138 {139 // Update frame id to retain frame identity on cross-process navigation.140 if (frame.Id != null)141 {142 Frames.Remove(frame.Id);143 }144 frame.Id = framePayload.Id;145 }146 else147 {148 // Initial main frame navigation.149 frame = new Frame(this._client, this._page, null, framePayload.Id);150 }151 Frames[framePayload.Id] = frame;152 MainFrame = frame;153 }154 // Update frame payload.155 frame.Navigated(framePayload);156 FrameNavigated?.Invoke(this, new FrameEventArgs(frame));157 }158 private void RemoveContext(ExecutionContext context)159 {160 var frame = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.FrameId) ? Frames[context.FrameId] : null;161 if (frame != null && context.IsDefault)162 {163 frame.SetDefaultContext(null);164 }165 }166 private void RemoveFramesRecursively(Frame frame)167 {168 while (frame.ChildFrames.Count > 0)169 {...
Source: CaptureService.cs
...50 await e.Request.ContinueAsync();51 return;52 }53 //54 var payload = new Payload()55 {56 Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>{{"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}},57 Url = url,58 Method = HttpMethod.Post,59 PostData = String.Join("&",60 keyValuePairs.AllKeys.Select(a => a + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(keyValuePairs[a])))61 };62 await e.Request.ContinueAsync(payload);63 await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"REQUEST: {e.Request.Method} {e.Request.Url} {payload.PostData}");64 };65 page.Response += async (sender, e) =>66 {67 await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"RESPONSE: {e.Response.Url} -({e.Response.Request.Method}) {e.Response.Status:d} {e.Response.StatusText}");68 };...
Source: Payload.cs
...7using PuppeteerSharp.Helpers;8namespace PuppeteerSharp9{10 /// <summary>11 /// Payload information.12 /// </summary>13 public class Payload14 {15 internal Payload()16 {17 Headers = new Dictionary<string, object>();18 }1920 /// <summary>21 /// Gets or sets the HTTP method.22 /// </summary>23 /// <value>HTTP method.</value>24 [JsonProperty("method"), JsonConverter(typeof(HttpMethodConverter))]25 public HttpMethod Method { get; internal set; }26 /// <summary>27 /// Gets or sets the post data.28 /// </summary>29 /// <value>The post data.</value>30 [JsonProperty("postData")]31 public object PostData { get; internal set; }32 /// <summary>33 /// Gets or sets the HTTP headers.34 /// </summary>35 /// <value>HTTP headers.</value>36 [JsonProperty("headers")]37 public Dictionary<string, object> Headers { get; internal set; }38 /// <summary>39 /// Gets or sets the URL.40 /// </summary>41 /// <value>The URL.</value>42 [JsonProperty("url")]43 public string Url { get; internal set; }44 [JsonIgnore]45 internal string Hash46 {47 get48 {49 var normalizedUrl = Url;50 try51 {52 // Decoding is necessary to normalize URLs.53 // The method will throw if the URL is malformed. In this case,54 // consider URL to be normalized as-is.55 normalizedUrl = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Url);56 }57 catch58 {59 }60 var hash = new Payload61 {62 Url = Url,63 Method = Method,64 PostData = PostData65 };66 if (!normalizedUrl.StartsWith("data:", StringComparison.Ordinal))67 {68 foreach (var item in Headers.OrderBy(kv => kv.Key))69 {70 if (item.Key.Equals("Accept", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)71 || item.Key.Equals("Referer", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)72 || item.Key.Equals("X-DevTools-Emulate-Network-Conditions-Client-Id", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))73 {74 continue;...
Source: FrameTree.cs
...12 }13 internal FrameTree(JToken frameTree)14 {15 var frame = frameTree[MessageKeys.Frame];16 Frame = new FramePayload17 {18 Id = frame[MessageKeys.Id].AsString(),19 ParentId = frame[MessageKeys.ParentId].AsString(),20 Name = frame[MessageKeys.Name].AsString(),21 Url = frame[MessageKeys.Url].AsString()22 };23 Childs = new List<FrameTree>();24 LoadChilds(this, frameTree);25 }26 #region Properties27 internal FramePayload Frame { get; set; }28 internal List<FrameTree> Childs { get; set; }29 #endregion30 #region Private Functions31 private void LoadChilds(FrameTree frame, JToken frameTree)32 {33 var childFrames = frameTree[MessageKeys.ChildFrames];34 if (childFrames != null)35 {36 foreach (var item in childFrames)37 {38 var childFrame = item[MessageKeys.Frame];39 var newFrame = new FrameTree40 {41 Frame = new FramePayload42 {43 Id = childFrame[MessageKeys.Id].AsString(),44 ParentId = childFrame[MessageKeys.ParentId].AsString(),45 Url = childFrame[MessageKeys.Url].AsString()46 }47 };48 if ((item as JObject)[MessageKeys.ChildFrames] != null)49 {50 LoadChilds(newFrame, item);51 }52 frame.Childs.Add(newFrame);53 }54 }55 }...
Source: BindingCalledResponse.cs
...6 internal class BindingCalledResponse7 {8 private string _payloadJson;9 public int ExecutionContextId { get; set; }10 public BindingCalledResponsePayload BindingPayload { get; set; }11 public string Payload12 {13 get => _payloadJson;14 set15 {16 _payloadJson = value;17 var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(_payloadJson, JsonHelper.DefaultJsonSerializerSettings) as JObject;18 BindingPayload = json.ToObject<BindingCalledResponsePayload>(true);19 BindingPayload.JsonObject = json;20 }21 }22 internal class BindingCalledResponsePayload23 {24 public string Name { get; set; }25 public JToken[] Args { get; set; }26 public int Seq { get; set; }27 public JObject JsonObject { get; set; }28 }29 }30}...
Source: ContextPayload.cs
1namespace PuppeteerSharp2{3 internal class ContextPayload4 {5 internal ContextPayload(dynamic context)6 {7 Id =;8 AuxData = context.auxData.ToObject<ContextPayloadAuxData>();9 }10 internal int Id { get; }11 internal ContextPayloadAuxData AuxData { get; }12 }13}...
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 Stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world"))3};4var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, new JsonSerializerSettings5{6 ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()7});8var json = @"{9}";10var payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Payload>(json);11{12 Stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world"))13};14var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, new JsonSerializerSettings15{16 ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()17});18var payload2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Payload>(json);19var json = @"{20}";21var payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Payload>(json);22var json2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, new JsonSerializerSettings23{24 ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()25});26{27 Stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world"))28};29var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, new JsonSerializerSettings30{31 ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()32});33var payload2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Payload>(json);34var json2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload2, new JsonSerializerSettings35{
Using AI Code Generation
1var payload = new Payload();2payload.Html = "<html><body>test</body></html>";3payload.Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();4payload.Headers.Add("key1", "value1");5payload.Headers.Add("key2", "value2");6payload.Cookies = new List<CookieParam>();7payload.Cookies.Add(new CookieParam() { Name = "name1", Value = "value1", Domain = "" });8payload.Cookies.Add(new CookieParam() { Name = "name2", Value = "value2", Domain = "" });9payload.Options = new Dictionary<string, object>();10payload.Options.Add("waitUntil", new string[] { "networkidle2" });11payload.Options.Add("timeout", 30000);12payload.Options.Add("viewport", new { width = 1920, height = 1080 });13payload.Options.Add("userAgent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36");14payload.Options.Add("deviceScaleFactor", 1);15payload.Options.Add("isMobile", false);16payload.Options.Add("hasTouch", false);17payload.Options.Add("isLandscape", false);18var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload);19var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);20var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);21var result = await PuppeteerSharpHelper.GeneratePdf(base64);22var pdfBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(result);23File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\temp\\test.pdf", pdfBytes);24var payload = new Payload();25payload.Html = "<html><body>test</body></html>";26payload.Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();27payload.Headers.Add("key1", "value1");28payload.Headers.Add("key2", "value2");29payload.Cookies = new List<CookieParam>();30payload.Cookies.Add(new CookieParam() { Name = "name1", Value = "value1", Domain = "" });31payload.Cookies.Add(new CookieParam() { Name = "name2", Value = "value2", Domain = "" });32payload.Options = new Dictionary<string, object>();33payload.Options.Add("
Using AI Code Generation
1var payload = new Payload();2payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");3var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);4var payload = new Payload();5payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");6var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);7var payload = new Payload();8payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");9var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);10var payload = new Payload();11payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");12var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);13var payload = new Payload();14payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");15var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);16var payload = new Payload();17payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");18var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);19var payload = new Payload();20payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");21var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);22var payload = new Payload();23payload.SetProperty("foo", "bar");24var response = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Payload>("(payload) => payload", payload);
Is there a remove page method corresponding to NewPageAsync() in PuppeteerSharp?
how to use puppeteer-sharp touchStart and touchEnd and touch move
How to set download behaviour in PuppeteerSharp?
PuppeteerSharp throws ChromiumProcessException "Failed to create connection" when launching a browser
How to get text out of ElementHandle?
PuppeteerSharp - querySelectorAll + click
How do you set a cookie in Puppetteer-Sharp?
PuppeteerSharp best practices
PuppeteerSharp evaluate expression to complex type?
Puppeteer Sharp strange behaviour
You can close the page using CloseAsync:
var page = browser.NewPageAsync();
await page.CloseAsync();
An using
block will also close the page:
using (var page = await new browser.PageAsync())
Puppeteer-Sharp v2.0.3+ also supports await using
await using (var page = await new browser.PageAsync())
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