How to use RequestServedFromCacheResponse class of PuppeteerSharp.Messaging package

Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging.RequestServedFromCacheResponse


Source:NetworkManager.cs Github


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...92 case "Network.requestIntercepted":93 await OnRequestInterceptedAsync(e.MessageData.ToObject<RequestInterceptedResponse>()).ConfigureAwait(false);94 break;95 case "Network.requestServedFromCache":96 OnRequestServedFromCache(e.MessageData.ToObject<RequestServedFromCacheResponse>());97 break;98 case "Network.responseReceived":99 OnResponseReceived(e.MessageData.ToObject<ResponseReceivedResponse>());100 break;101 case "Network.loadingFinished":102 OnLoadingFinished(e.MessageData.ToObject<LoadingFinishedResponse>());103 break;104 case "Network.loadingFailed":105 OnLoadingFailed(e.MessageData.ToObject<LoadingFailedResponse>());106 break;107 }108 }109 private void OnLoadingFailed(LoadingFailedResponse e)110 {111 /​/​ For certain requestIds we never receive requestWillBeSent event.112 /​/​ @see https:/​/​​750469113 if (_requestIdToRequest.TryGetValue(e.RequestId, out var request))114 {115 request.Failure = e.ErrorText;116 request.Response?.BodyLoadedTaskWrapper.SetResult(true);117 _requestIdToRequest.Remove(request.RequestId);118 if (request.InterceptionId != null)119 {120 _attemptedAuthentications.Remove(request.InterceptionId);121 }122 RequestFailed(this, new RequestEventArgs123 {124 Request = request125 });126 }127 }128 private void OnLoadingFinished(LoadingFinishedResponse e)129 {130 /​/​ For certain requestIds we never receive requestWillBeSent event.131 /​/​ @see https:/​/​​750469132 if (_requestIdToRequest.TryGetValue(e.RequestId, out var request))133 {134 request.Response?.BodyLoadedTaskWrapper.SetResult(true);135 _requestIdToRequest.Remove(request.RequestId);136 if (request.InterceptionId != null)137 {138 _attemptedAuthentications.Remove(request.InterceptionId);139 }140 RequestFinished?.Invoke(this, new RequestEventArgs141 {142 Request = request143 });144 }145 }146 private void OnResponseReceived(ResponseReceivedResponse e)147 {148 /​/​ FileUpload sends a response without a matching request.149 if (_requestIdToRequest.TryGetValue(e.RequestId, out var request))150 {151 var response = new Response(152 _client,153 request,154 e.Response);155 request.Response = response;156 Response?.Invoke(this, new ResponseCreatedEventArgs157 {158 Response = response159 });160 }161 }162 private async Task OnRequestInterceptedAsync(RequestInterceptedResponse e)163 {164 if (e.AuthChallenge != null)165 {166 var response = "Default";167 if (_attemptedAuthentications.Contains(e.InterceptionId))168 {169 response = "CancelAuth";170 }171 else if (_credentials != null)172 {173 response = "ProvideCredentials";174 _attemptedAuthentications.Add(e.InterceptionId);175 }176 var credentials = _credentials ?? new Credentials();177 try178 {179 await _client.SendAsync("Network.continueInterceptedRequest", new Dictionary<string, object>180 {181 { MessageKeys.InterceptionId, e.InterceptionId },182 { MessageKeys.AuthChallengeResponse, new183 {184 response,185 username = credentials.Username,186 password = credentials.Password187 }188 }189 }).ConfigureAwait(false);190 }191 catch (PuppeteerException ex)192 {193 _logger.LogError(ex.ToString());194 }195 return;196 }197 if (!_userRequestInterceptionEnabled && _protocolRequestInterceptionEnabled)198 {199 try200 {201 await _client.SendAsync("Network.continueInterceptedRequest", new Dictionary<string, object>202 {203 { MessageKeys.InterceptionId, e.InterceptionId }204 }).ConfigureAwait(false);205 }206 catch (PuppeteerException ex)207 {208 _logger.LogError(ex.ToString());209 }210 }211 var requestHash = e.Request.Hash;212 var requestId = _requestHashToRequestIds.FirstValue(requestHash);213 if (requestId != null)214 {215 _requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent.TryGetValue(requestId, out var requestWillBeSentEvent);216 if (requestWillBeSentEvent != null)217 {218 OnRequest(requestWillBeSentEvent, e.InterceptionId);219 _requestHashToRequestIds.Delete(requestHash, requestId);220 _requestIdToRequestWillBeSentEvent.Remove(requestId);221 }222 }223 else224 {225 _requestHashToInterceptionIds.Add(requestHash, e.InterceptionId);226 }227 }228 private void OnRequest(RequestWillBeSentPayload e, string interceptionId)229 {230 Request request;231 var redirectChain = new List<Request>();232 if (e.RedirectResponse != null)233 {234 _requestIdToRequest.TryGetValue(e.RequestId, out request);235 /​/​ If we connect late to the target, we could have missed the requestWillBeSent event.236 if (request != null)237 {238 HandleRequestRedirect(request, e.RedirectResponse);239 redirectChain = request.RedirectChainList;240 }241 }242 Frame frame = null;243 FrameManager?.Frames.TryGetValue(e.FrameId, out frame);244 request = new Request(245 _client,246 frame,247 interceptionId,248 _userRequestInterceptionEnabled,249 e,250 redirectChain);251 _requestIdToRequest.Add(e.RequestId, request);252 Request(this, new RequestEventArgs253 {254 Request = request255 });256 }257 private void OnRequestServedFromCache(RequestServedFromCacheResponse response)258 {259 if (_requestIdToRequest.TryGetValue(response.RequestId, out var request))260 {261 request.FromMemoryCache = true;262 }263 }264 private void HandleRequestRedirect(Request request, ResponsePayload responseMessage)265 {266 var response = new Response(267 _client,268 request,269 responseMessage);270 request.Response = response;271 request.RedirectChainList.Add(request);...

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Source:RequestServedFromCacheResponse.cs Github


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1using Newtonsoft.Json;2namespace PuppeteerSharp.Messaging3{4 internal class RequestServedFromCacheResponse5 {6 [JsonProperty("requestId")]7 internal string RequestId { get; set; }8 }9}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions9 {10 });11 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();12 await page.SetCacheEnabledAsync(true);13 await page.SetRequestInterceptionAsync(true);14 page.Request += async (sender, e) =>15 {16 if (e.Request.Url.Contains("google"))17 {18 await e.Request.RespondAsync(new ResponseData19 {20 });21 }22 {23 await e.Request.ContinueAsync();24 }25 };26 page.Response += async (sender, e) =>27 {28 if (e.Response.FromDiskCache)29 {30 Console.WriteLine("Response from disk cache");31 }32 {33 Console.WriteLine("Response from ne

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1using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;2{3 public string RequestId { get; set; }4 public string FrameId { get; set; }5 public string ResourceType { get; set; }6 public string Request { get; set; }7 public string Timestamp { get; set; }8 public string Initiator { get; set; }9 public string RedirectResponse { get; set; }10 public string Type { get; set; }11 public string Response { get; set; }12}13using PuppeteerSharp;14{15 public string RequestId { get; set; }16 public string FrameId { get; set; }17 public string ResourceType { get; set; }18 public string Request { get; set; }19 public string Timestamp { get; set; }20 public string Initiator { get; set; }21 public string RedirectResponse { get; set; }22 public string Type { get; set; }23 public string Response { get; set; }24}25Hi, I am trying to use the RequestServedFromCacheResponse class in my code but I get the following error: "The type or namespace name 'RequestServedFromCacheResponse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" when I use the class from the PuppeteerSharp package. But when I use the class from the PuppeteerSharp.Messaging package, there is no error. I am using the latest version of both packages (PuppeteerSharp 1.11.2 and PuppeteerSharp.Messaging 0.9.0). I am using the following code to use the class from the PuppeteerSharp package:

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1using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;2using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;3using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;4using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;5using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;6using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;7using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;8using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;2using PuppeteerSharp;3var browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher();4await browserFetcher.DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);5var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions6{7 Args = new[] { "--no-sandbox" }8});9var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();10page.RequestServedFromCache += async (sender, e) =>11{12 Console.WriteLine("Request served from cache: " + e.Request.Url);13};14await browser.CloseAsync();15using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;16using PuppeteerSharp;17var browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher();18await browserFetcher.DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);19var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions20{21 Args = new[] { "--no-sandbox" }22});23var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();24page.RequestServedFromCache += async (sender, e) =>25{26 var response = await e.Request.ResponseAsync();27 Console.WriteLine("Request served from cache: " + e.Request.Url + " with status code: " + response.Status);28};29await browser.CloseAsync();30using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;31using PuppeteerSharp;32var browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher();33await browserFetcher.DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);34var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions35{36 Args = new[] { "--no-sandbox" }37});38var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();39page.RequestServedFromCache += async (sender, e)

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1var requestServedFromCacheResponse = await page.GetRequestServedFromCacheResponseAsync(pageRequest);2if (requestServedFromCacheResponse != null && requestServedFromCacheResponse.FromCache)3{4}5var requestServedFromCacheResponse = await page.GetRequestServedFromCacheResponseAsync(pageRequest);6if (requestServedFromCacheResponse != null && requestServedFromCacheResponse.FromCache)7{8}9{10 Args = new string[] { "--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox" }11};12await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);13var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options);14var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();15await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions { Width = 1920, Height = 1080 });16await page.ScreenshotAsync("test.png");17{18 Args = new string[] { "--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox" }19};20await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);21var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options);22var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();23await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions { Width = 1920, Height = 1080 });24await page.ScreenshotAsync("test.png");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;2using System;3using System.Threading.Tasks;4using PuppeteerSharp;5using System.Net;6using System.IO;7using System.Text;8using System.Linq;9using System.Collections.Generic;10using System.Text.RegularExpressions;11using System.Threading;12using System.Diagnostics;13{14 {15 static async Task Main(string[] args)16 {17 var options = new LaunchOptions { Headless = true };18 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))19 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())20 {21 var requestServedFromCacheResponse = await page.WaitForRequestServedFromCacheAsync(url);22 Console.WriteLine("Request served from cache: " + requestServedFromCacheResponse.Request.Url);23 }24 }25 }26}27using PuppeteerSharp;28using System;29using System.Threading.Tasks;30using PuppeteerSharp;31using System.Net;32using System.IO;33using System.Text;34using System.Linq;35using System.Collections.Generic;36using System.Text.RegularExpressions;37using System.Threading;38using System.Diagnostics;39{40 {41 static async Task Main(string[] args)42 {43 var options = new LaunchOptions { Headless = true };44 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options))45 using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())46 {47 var requestServedFromCacheResponse = await page.WaitForRequestServedFromCacheAsync(url);48 Console.WriteLine("Request served from cache: " + requestServedFromCacheResponse.Request.Url);49 }50 }51 }52}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var req = new RequestServedFromCacheResponse();2req.RequestId = "1234";3req.FromDiskCache = true;4req.FromServiceWorker = false;5req.FromPrefetchCache = false;6await browser.SendAsync(req);7var req = new RequestServedFromCacheResponse();8req.RequestId = "1234";9req.FromDiskCache = true;10req.FromServiceWorker = false;11req.FromPrefetchCache = false;12await browser.SendAsync(req);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using PuppeteerSharp;2using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;3{4 {5 public string RequestId { get; set; }6 public bool FromDiskCache { get; set; }7 public bool FromServiceWorker { get; set; }8 }9}10using PuppeteerSharp;11using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;12{13 {14 public string RequestId { get; set; }15 public bool FromDiskCache { get; set; }16 public bool FromServiceWorker { get; set; }17 }18}19using PuppeteerSharp;20using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;21{22 {23 public string RequestId { get; set; }24 public bool FromDiskCache { get; set; }25 public bool FromServiceWorker { get; set; }26 }27}28using PuppeteerSharp;29using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;30{31 {32 public string RequestId { get; set; }33 public bool FromDiskCache { get; set; }34 public bool FromServiceWorker { get; set; }35 }36}37using PuppeteerSharp;38using PuppeteerSharp.Messaging;39{40 {41 public string RequestId { get; set; }42 public bool FromDiskCache { get; set; }43 public bool FromServiceWorker { get; set; }44 }45}

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